class TestCatchInvalidScenarioError(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.pyccuracy = PyccuracyCore()
    def test_catch_invalid_scenario_error(self):
        self.pyccuracy.run_tests(file_pattern="test_catch_invalid_scenario_error_en-us.acc", pages_dir=os.path.split(__file__)[0], should_throw = False)
        self.pyccuracy.run_tests(file_pattern="test_catch_invalid_scenario_error_pt-br.acc", default_culture="pt-br", pages_dir=os.path.split(__file__)[0], should_throw = False)
def main():
    """ Main function - parses args and runs action """
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog or type %prog -h (--help) for help", description=__doc__, version="%prog" + __revision__)
    parser.add_option("-p", "--pattern", dest="pattern", default="*.acc", help="File pattern. Defines which files will get executed [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--language", dest="language", default="en-us", help="Language. Defines which language the dictionary will be loaded with  [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-L", "--languagesdir", dest="languages_dir", default=None, help="Languages Directory. Defines where Pyccuracy will search for language dictionaries  [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="dir", default=os.curdir, help="Tests directory. Defines where the tests to be executed are [default: %default]. Note: this is recursive, so all the tests under the current directory get executed.")
    parser.add_option("-a", "--actionsdir", dest="actions_dir", default=None, help="Actions directory. Defines where the Pyccuracy actions are. Chances are you don't need to change this parameter [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-A", "--customactionsdir", dest="custom_actions_dir", default=None, help="Custom Actions directory. Defines where the Pyccuracy custom actions are. If you don't change this parameter Pyccuracy will use the tests directory [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-P", "--pagesdir", dest="pages_dir", default=None, help="Pages directory. Defines where the Pyccuracy custom pages are. If you don't change this parameter Pyccuracy will use the tests directory [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--url", dest="url", default=None, help="Base URL. Defines a base url against which the tests will get executed. For more details check the documentation [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-b", "--browser", dest="browser_to_run", default="firefox", help="Browser to run. Browser driver will use it to run tests [default: %default].")
    #browser driver
    parser.add_option("-e", "--browserdriver", dest="browser_driver", default="selenium", help="Browser Driver to be used on tests. [default: %default].")

    parser.add_option("-T", "--throws", dest="should_throw", default=False, help="Should Throw. Defines whether Pyccuracy console should throw an exception when tests fail. This is useful to set to True if you are running Pyccuracy inside unit tests [default: %default].")

    parser.add_option("-R", "--report", dest="write_report", default="true", help="Should write report. Defines if Pyccuracy should write an html report after each run [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-D", "--reportdir", dest="report_dir", default=os.curdir, help="Report directory. Defines the directory to write the report in [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-F", "--reportfile", dest="report_file_name", default="report.html", help="Report file. Defines the file name to write the report with [default: %default].")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    pyc = PyccuracyCore()

    result = pyc.run_tests(
                           write_report=options.write_report.lower() == "true",

    if result.status != "SUCCESSFUL":
Example #3
def main():
    """ Main function - parses args and runs action """
    extra_browser_driver_arguments = "\n\nThe following extra browser driver arguments " \
                                     " are supported in the key=value format:\n\nSelenium Browser Driver:\n" \
                                     "-selenium.server=ip or name of selenium server or grid\n" \
                                     "-selenium.port=port of the given selenium server or grid\n"
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog or type %prog -h (--help) for help" + extra_browser_driver_arguments, description=__doc__, version=__version_string__)
    parser.add_option("-p", "--pattern", dest="pattern", default="*.acc", help="File pattern. Defines which files will get executed [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-s", "--scenarios", dest="scenarios_to_run", default=None, help="Run only the given scenarios, comma separated. I.e: --scenarios=1,4,9")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--language", dest="language", default="en-us", help="Language. Defines which language the dictionary will be loaded with  [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-L", "--languagesdir", dest="languages_dir", default=None, help="Languages Directory. Defines where Pyccuracy will search for language dictionaries  [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="dir", default=os.curdir, help="Tests directory. Defines where the tests to be executed are [default: %default]. Note: this is recursive, so all the tests under the current directory get executed.")
    parser.add_option("-a", "--actionsdir", dest="actions_dir", default=None, help="Actions directory. Defines where the Pyccuracy actions are. Chances are you don't need to change this parameter [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-A", "--customactionsdir", dest="custom_actions_dir", default=None, help="Custom Actions directory. Defines where the Pyccuracy custom actions are. If you don't change this parameter Pyccuracy will use the tests directory [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-P", "--pagesdir", dest="pages_dir", default=None, help="Pages directory. Defines where the Pyccuracy custom pages are. If you don't change this parameter Pyccuracy will use the tests directory [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--url", dest="url", default=None, help="Base URL. Defines a base url against which the tests will get executed. For more details check the documentation [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-b", "--browser", dest="browser_to_run", default="firefox", help="Browser to run. Browser driver will use it to run tests [default: %default].")

    #browser driver
    parser.add_option("-e", "--browserdriver", dest="browser_driver", default="selenium", help="Browser Driver to be used on tests. [default: %default].")

    parser.add_option("-T", "--throws", dest="should_throw", default=False, help="Should Throw. Defines whether Pyccuracy console should throw an exception when tests fail. This is useful to set to True if you are running Pyccuracy inside unit tests [default: %default].")

    parser.add_option("-R", "--report", dest="write_report", default="true", help="Should write report. Defines if Pyccuracy should write an html report after each run [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-D", "--reportdir", dest="report_dir", default=os.curdir, help="Report directory. Defines the directory to write the report in [default: %default].")
    parser.add_option("-F", "--reportfile", dest="report_file_name", default="report.html", help="Report file. Defines the file name to write the report with [default: %default].")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    pyc = PyccuracyCore()

    extra_args = {}
    if args:
        for arg in args:
            if not "=" in arg:
                raise ValueError("The specified extra argument should be in the form of key=value and not %s" % arg)
            key, value = arg.split('=')
            extra_args[key] = value

    result = pyc.run_tests(actions_dir=options.actions_dir,
                           write_report=options.write_report.lower() == "true",

    if result.status != "SUCCESSFUL":