Example #1
    def test3(self):
        """Testing eval symmetry of each function"""
        funcs = (f for f in dir(leval) if f.startswith("eval"))
        funcs = (getattr(leval, f) for f in funcs)
        funcs = (f for f in funcs
                 if callable(f) and f != leval.evaluateComplete
                 and f != leval.evalMaterial and f != leval.evalPawnStructure
                 and f != leval.evalTrappedBishops)

        sw, phasew = leval.evalMaterial(self.board, WHITE)
        sb, phaseb = leval.evalMaterial(self.board, BLACK)

        self.assertEqual(phasew, phaseb)

        pawnScore, passed, weaked = leval.cacheablePawnInfo(self.board, phasew)
        sw = leval.evalPawnStructure(self.board, WHITE, phasew, passed, weaked)

        pawnScore, passed, weaked = leval.cacheablePawnInfo(self.board, phaseb)
        sb = leval.evalPawnStructure(self.board, BLACK, phaseb, passed, weaked)

        self.assertEqual(sw, sb)

        sw = leval.evalTrappedBishops(self.board, WHITE)
        sb = leval.evalTrappedBishops(self.board, BLACK)

        self.assertEqual(sw, sb)

        for func in funcs:
            sw = func(self.board, WHITE, phasew)
            sb = func(self.board, BLACK, phaseb)
            # print func, sw, sb
            self.assertEqual(sw, sb)
Example #2
    def test3(self):
        """Testing eval symmetry of each function"""
        funcs = (f for f in dir(leval) if f.startswith("eval"))
        funcs = (getattr(leval,f) for f in funcs)
        funcs = (f for f in funcs if callable(f) \
                                    and f != leval.evaluateComplete\
                                    and f != leval.evalMaterial\
                                    and f != leval.evalPawnStructure\
                                    and f != leval.evalTrappedBishops)
        sw, phasew = leval.evalMaterial (self.board, WHITE)
        sb, phaseb = leval.evalMaterial (self.board, BLACK)

        self.assertEqual(phasew, phaseb)
        pawnScore, passed, weaked = leval.cacheablePawnInfo (self.board, phasew)
        sw = leval.evalPawnStructure (self.board, WHITE, phasew, passed, weaked)

        pawnScore, passed, weaked = leval.cacheablePawnInfo (self.board, phaseb)
        sb = leval.evalPawnStructure (self.board, BLACK, phaseb, passed, weaked)

        self.assertEqual(sw, sb)

        sw = leval.evalTrappedBishops (self.board, WHITE)
        sb = leval.evalTrappedBishops (self.board, BLACK)

        self.assertEqual(sw, sb)

        for func in funcs:
            sw = func(self.board, WHITE, phasew)
            sb = func(self.board, BLACK, phaseb)
            #print func, sw, sb
            self.assertEqual(sw, sb)
Example #3
    def test4(self):
        """Testing eval symmetry of each function"""
        funcs = (f for f in dir(leval) if f.startswith("eval"))
        funcs = (getattr(leval, f) for f in funcs)
        funcs = (f for f in funcs if callable(f) and f != leval.evalMaterial)

        sw, phasew = leval.evalMaterial(self.board, WHITE)
        sb, phaseb = leval.evalMaterial(self.board, BLACK)
        self.assertEqual(phasew, phaseb)

        for func in funcs:
            sw = func(self.board, WHITE, phasew)
            sb = func(self.board, BLACK, phaseb)
            #print func, sw, sb
            self.assertEqual(sw, sb)
Example #4
 def test4(self):
     """Testing eval symmetry of each function"""
     funcs = (f for f in dir(leval) if f.startswith("eval"))
     funcs = (getattr(leval,f) for f in funcs)
     funcs = (f for f in funcs if callable(f) and f != leval.evalMaterial)
     sw, phasew = leval.evalMaterial (self.board, WHITE)
     sb, phaseb = leval.evalMaterial (self.board, BLACK)
     self.assertEqual(phasew, phaseb)
     for func in funcs:
         sw = func(self.board, WHITE, phasew)
         sb = func(self.board, BLACK, phaseb)
         #print func, sw, sb
         self.assertEqual(sw, sb)
Example #5
    def game_changed(self, model, ply):
        if len(self.plot) + model.lowply > ply:

        for i in range(len(self.plot) + model.lowply, ply):
            if i in model.scores:
                points = model.scores[i][1]
                points = leval.evaluateComplete(
                    model.getBoardAtPly(i).board, WHITE)

        if model.status == DRAW:
            points = 0
        elif model.status == WHITEWON:
            points = sys.maxsize
        elif model.status == BLACKWON:
            points = -sys.maxsize
            if ply in model.scores:
                points = model.scores[ply][1]
                points = leval.evaluateComplete(
                    model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board, WHITE)

        # As shownChanged will normally be emitted just after game_changed -
        # if we are viewing the latest position - we can do the selection change
        # now, and thereby avoid redraw being called twice
        if self.plot.selected == ply - model.lowply - 1:
            self.plot.select(ply - model.lowply)

        # Uncomment this to debug eval function

        board = model.boards[-1].board
        opboard = model.boards[-1].clone().board
        opboard.setColor(1 - opboard.color)
        material, phase = leval.evalMaterial(board)
        if board.color == WHITE:
            print("material", -material)
            e1 = leval.evalKingTropism(board)
            e2 = leval.evalKingTropism(opboard)
            print("evaluation: %d + %d = %d " % (e1, e2, e1 + e2))
            p1 = leval.evalPawnStructure(board, phase)
            p2 = leval.evalPawnStructure(opboard, phase)
            print("pawns: %d + %d = %d " % (p1, p2, p1 + p2))
            print("knights:", -leval.evalKnights(board))
            print("king:", -leval.evalKing(board, phase))
            print("material", material)
            print("evaluation:", leval.evalKingTropism(board))
            print("pawns:", leval.evalPawnStructure(board, phase))
            print("pawns2:", leval.evalPawnStructure(opboard, phase))
            print("pawns3:", leval.evalPawnStructure(board, phase) +
                  leval.evalPawnStructure(opboard, phase))
            print("knights:", leval.evalKnights(board))
            print("king:", leval.evalKing(board, phase))
Example #6
    def game_changed(self, model, ply):
        if len(self.plot) + model.lowply > ply:

        for i in range(len(self.plot) + model.lowply, ply):
            if i in model.scores:
                points = model.scores[i][1]
                points = leval.evaluateComplete(
                    model.getBoardAtPly(i).board, WHITE)

        if model.status == DRAW:
            points = 0
        elif model.status == WHITEWON:
            points = sys.maxsize
        elif model.status == BLACKWON:
            points = -sys.maxsize
            if ply in model.scores:
                points = model.scores[ply][1]
                points = leval.evaluateComplete(
                    model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board, WHITE)

        # As shownChanged will normally be emitted just after game_changed -
        # if we are viewing the latest position - we can do the selection change
        # now, and thereby avoid redraw being called twice
        if self.plot.selected == ply - model.lowply - 1:
            self.plot.select(ply - model.lowply)

        # Uncomment this to debug eval function

        board = model.boards[-1].board
        opboard = model.boards[-1].clone().board
        opboard.setColor(1 - opboard.color)
        material, phase = leval.evalMaterial(board)
        if board.color == WHITE:
            print("material", -material)
            e1 = leval.evalKingTropism(board)
            e2 = leval.evalKingTropism(opboard)
            print("evaluation: %d + %d = %d " % (e1, e2, e1 + e2))
            p1 = leval.evalPawnStructure(board, phase)
            p2 = leval.evalPawnStructure(opboard, phase)
            print("pawns: %d + %d = %d " % (p1, p2, p1 + p2))
            print("knights:", -leval.evalKnights(board))
            print("king:", -leval.evalKing(board, phase))
            print("material", material)
            print("evaluation:", leval.evalKingTropism(board))
            print("pawns:", leval.evalPawnStructure(board, phase))
            print("pawns2:", leval.evalPawnStructure(opboard, phase))
            print("pawns3:", leval.evalPawnStructure(board, phase) +
                  leval.evalPawnStructure(opboard, phase))
            print("knights:", leval.evalKnights(board))
            print("king:", leval.evalKing(board, phase))
Example #7
    def __chooseComment(self, model, ply):

        if ply == model.lowply:
            return _("Initial position")

        # Set up variables

        color = model.getBoardAtPly(ply - 1).board.color
        s, phase = evalMaterial(
            model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board, model.getBoardAtPly(ply - 1).color)

        #   * Final: Will be shown alone: "mates", "draws"
        #   * Prefix: Will always be shown: "castles", "promotes"
        #   * Attack: Will always be shown: "threaten", "preassures", "defendes"
        #   * Moves (s): Will always be shown: "put into *"
        #   * State: (s) Will always be shown: "new *"
        #   * Simple: (s) Max one will be shown: "develops", "activity"
        #   * Tip: (s) Will sometimes be shown: "pawn storm", "cramped position"

        # Call strategic evaluation functions

        def getMessages(prefix):
            messages = []
            for functionName in dir(strateval):
                if not functionName.startswith(prefix + "_"):
                function = getattr(strateval, functionName)
                messages.extend(function(model, ply, phase))
            return messages

        # move = model.moves[-1].move
        # print "----- %d - %s -----" % (model.ply/2, toSAN(oldboard, move))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Final
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        messages = getMessages("final")
        if messages:
            return "%s %s" % (reprColor[color], messages[0])

        # ---

        strings = []

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Attacks
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        messages = getMessages("attack")
        for message in messages:
            strings.append("%s %s" % (reprColor[color], message))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Check for prefixes
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        messages = getMessages("prefix")
        if messages:
            prefix = messages[0]
            prefix = ""

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Check for special move stuff. All of which accept prefixes
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        for message in getMessages("offencive_moves") + getMessages("defencive_moves"):
            if prefix:
                    "%s %s %s %s" %
                    (reprColor[color], prefix, _("and") + "\n", message))
                prefix = ""
                strings.append("%s %s" % (reprColor[color], message))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Simple
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        # We only add simples if there hasn't been too much stuff to say
        if not strings:
            messages = getMessages("simple")
            if messages:
                score, message = messages[0]
                if prefix:
                        "%s %s %s %s" %
                        (reprColor[color], prefix, _("and") + "\n", message))
                    prefix = ""

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Prefix fallback
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        # There was nothing to apply the prefix to, so we just post it here
        # before the states and tips
        if prefix:
            strings.append("%s %s" % (reprColor[color], prefix))
            prefix = ""

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # State
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        messages = getMessages("state")
        for score, message in messages:

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Tips
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        tips = getMessages("tip")

        for (score, tip) in tips:
            if tip in self.givenTips:
                oldscore, oldply = self.givenTips[tip]
                if score < oldscore * 1.3 or model.ply < oldply + 10:

            self.givenTips[tip] = (score, model.ply)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Last solution
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        if not strings:
            tcord = TCORD(model.getMoveAtPly(ply - 1).move)
            piece = model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board.arBoard[tcord]
            strings.append(_("%(color)s moves a %(piece)s to %(cord)s") % {
                'color': reprColor[color],
                'piece': reprPiece[piece],
                'cord': reprCord[tcord]

        return ";\n".join(strings)
Example #8
    def __chooseComment(self, model, ply):
        if ply == model.lowply:
            return _("Initial position")
        # Set up variables
        color = model.getBoardAtPly(ply-1).board.color
        s, phase = evalMaterial (model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board,
        #   * Final: Will be shown alone: "mates", "draws"
        #   * Prefix: Will always be shown: "castles", "promotes"
        #   * Attack: Will always be shown: "threaten", "preassures", "defendes"
        #   * Moves (s): Will always be shown: "put into *"
        #   * State: (s) Will always be shown: "new *"
        #   * Simple: (s) Max one will be shown: "develops", "activity"
        #   * Tip: (s) Will sometimes be shown: "pawn storm", "cramped position"

        # Call strategic evaluation functions

        def getMessages (prefix):
            messages = []
            for functionName in dir(strateval):
                if not functionName.startswith(prefix+"_"): continue
                function = getattr(strateval, functionName)
                messages.extend(function (model, ply, phase))
            return messages

        #move = model.moves[-1].move
        #print "----- %d - %s -----" % (model.ply/2, toSAN(oldboard, move))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Final
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        messages = getMessages ("final")
        if messages:
            return "%s %s" % (reprColor[color], messages[0])

        # ---

        strings = []

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Attacks
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        messages = getMessages ("attack")
        for message in messages:
            strings.append("%s %s" % (reprColor[color], message))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Check for prefixes
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        messages = getMessages ("prefix")
        if messages:
            prefix = messages[0]
        else: prefix = ""

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Check for special move stuff. All of which accept prefixes
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        for message in getMessages("offencive_moves") \
                       + getMessages("defencive_moves"):
            if prefix:
                strings.append("%s %s %s %s" %
                              (reprColor[color], prefix, _("and"), message))
                prefix = ""
                strings.append("%s %s" % (reprColor[color], message))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Simple
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        # We only add simples if there hasn't been too much stuff to say
        if not strings:
            messages = getMessages ("simple")
            if messages:
                score, message = messages[0]
                if prefix:
                    strings.append("%s %s %s %s" %
                                  (reprColor[color], prefix, _("and"), message))
                    prefix = ""

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Prefix fallback
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        # There was nothing to apply the prefix to, so we just post it here
        # before the states and tips
        if prefix:
            strings.append("%s %s" % (reprColor[color], prefix))
            prefix = ""

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # State
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        messages = getMessages("state")
        for score, message in messages:

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Tips
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        tips = getMessages("tip")

        for (score, tip) in tips:
            if tip in self.givenTips:
                oldscore, oldply = self.givenTips[tip]
                if score < oldscore*1.3 or model.ply < oldply+10:

            self.givenTips[tip] = (score, model.ply)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Last solution
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        if not strings:
            tcord = TCORD(model.getMoveAtPly(ply-1).move)
            piece = model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board.arBoard[tcord]
            strings.append( _("%(color)s moves a %(piece)s to %(cord)s") % {
                'color': reprColor[color], 'piece': reprPiece[piece], 'cord': reprCord[tcord]})
        return ";\n".join(strings)