class ReadMeterCommand(Command): '''Read a single P1 packet Read a single packet from the smart meter. Packets can either be printed to stdout or stored in a sqlite database. ''' args = [ arg('--serial-port', default=DEFAULT_SERIAL, metavar=DEFAULT_SERIAL, help='serial port to read packets from (defaults to %s)' % DEFAULT_SERIAL), arg('--baudrate', default=115200, help='baudrate for the serial connection'), arg('--tsv', action='store_true', help='display packet in tab seperated value form'), arg('--raw', action='store_true', help='display packet in raw form'), ] def run(self, args, parser): meter = SmartMeter(args.serial_port, baudrate=args.baudrate) try: packet = meter.read_one_packet() except SerialException as e: parser.error(e) finally: meter.disconnect() if args.raw: print(str(packet)) return 0 data = [('Time',, ('Total kWh High consumed', int(packet['kwh']['high']['consumed'] * 1000)), ('Total kWh Low consumed', int(packet['kwh']['low']['consumed'] * 1000)), ('Total gas consumed', int(packet['gas']['total'] * 1000)), ('Current kWh tariff', packet['kwh']['tariff'])] if args.tsv: print('\t'.join(map(str, [d for k, d in data]))) else: print('\n'.join(['%-25s %s' % (k, d) for k, d in data]))
class ViewCertCommand(Command): '''view the subject of a generated certificate''' args = [arg('cert_file', help='the certificate file')] def run(self, args, store, parser): print store.view_info(args.cert_file)
class DomainCommand(Command): '''create a server certificate for a FQDN''' args = [arg('domain', help='domain name to generate the certificate for')] def run(self, args, store, parser): try: store.add_domain(args.domain) except SslStoreNotInitializedError: parser.error( 'No store in %s. Maybe you should bootstrap it first?' % args.base_dir)
class InitCommand(Command): '''bootstrap a new CA SslStore in the given directory.''' args = [ arg('--force', action='store_true', help=\ 'if the current directory already exists and is not ' 'empty: do not ask for confirmation and overwrite ' 'its contents.') ] def run(self, args, store, parser): try: store.initialize(force=args.force) except SslStoreExistsError as e: parser.error('%s\nUse --force to overwrite' % e) else: parser.exit(message='Store initialized\n')
class GenerateCaCommand(Command): '''create the root certificate authority''' args = [ arg('--days', default="3650", help='the amount of days the ca certificate is valid') ] def run(self, args, store, parser): try: store.generate_root_ca_key(args.days) except AuthorityExistsError as e: parser.error(e) except AuthorityCertificateError as e: parser.error(e) except AuthorityKeyError as e: parser.error(e) else: parser.exit(message='CA key generated in %s\n' % store.ca_key)
class ReadMeterCommand(Command): '''read a single P1 packet to stdout Read a single packet from the smart meter. Packets will be printed to stdout. All the options starting with --serial-* are passed directly to the underlying serial object. For more information on the possible values and their behavior please refer to the documentation here ''' show_output_choices = [ 'time', 'kwh_eid', 'gas_eid', 'consumed', 'tariff', 'gas_measured_at', 'produced', 'current' ] args = [ # options controlling input arg('--serial-port', help='device name to read packets from (defaults to %s)' % __default_serial__, metavar=__default_serial__, default=__default_serial__), arg('--baudrate', help= 'baud rate such as 9600 or 115200 etc. This option is deprecated in favor of --serial-baudrate and will be removed in future versions.', type=int, dest='serial_baudrate', default=9600, metavar=9600), arg('--serial-baudrate', help='baud rate such as 9600 or 115200 etc (defaults to 9600).', type=int, default=9600, metavar=9600), arg('--serial-xonxoff', help= 'enable software flow control. By default software flow control is disabled.', action='store_true'), arg('--serial-bytesize', help='number of data bits (defaults to 7).', default=serial.SEVENBITS, type=int, choices=[5, 6, 7, 8]), arg('--serial-parity', help='enable parity checking (defaults to E)', default=serial.PARITY_EVEN, choices=['N', 'E', 'O', 'M', 'S']), arg('--serial-stopbits', help='number of stop bits (defaults to 1).', default=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, type=float, choices=[1, 1.5, 2]), arg('--serial-timeout', help='set a read timeout value in seconds (defaults to 10).', default=10, type=int, metavar=10), # options controlling output arg('--elec-unit', help='electricity unit to use (defaults to Wh).', default='Wh', type=str, choices=['Wh', 'kWh', 'J', 'MJ']), arg('--gas-unit', help= 'gas unit to use (defaults to m^3). Caloric units (J, MJ) based on Dutch gas @ 43.94 MJ/m^3.', default='m3', type=str, choices=['m3', 'l', 'J', 'MJ']), arg('--show-output', help='choose output to display. (one of: ' + ", ".join(show_output_choices) + ')', default=('time', 'consumed', 'tariff', 'gas_measured_at'), type=str, nargs='+', metavar='param', choices=show_output_choices), arg('--tsv', help='display packet in tab separated value form', action='store_true'), arg('--raw', help='display packet in raw form', action='store_true'), ] def run(self, args, parser): meter = SmartMeter( args.serial_port, baudrate=args.serial_baudrate, bytesize=args.serial_bytesize, parity=args.serial_parity, stopbits=args.serial_stopbits, xonxoff=args.serial_xonxoff, timeout=args.serial_timeout, ) try: packet = meter.read_one_packet() except SerialException as e: parser.error(e) finally: meter.disconnect() if args.raw: print(str(packet)) return 0 # Set multiplication factor based on requested unit elec_unit_factor = { 'Wh': 1000, 'kWh': 1, 'J': 1000 * 3600, 'MJ': 1000 * 3600 / 1000 / 1000 } gas_unit_factor = { 'm3': 1000, 'l': 1, 'J': 43.935, 'MJ': 1000 * 43.935 # 43.46 - 44.41 MJ/m^3(n) legal Wobbe-index ('Bovenwaarde') for Dutch Groningen gas, also widely used in north-west Europe: } # Construct output depending on user request data = [] if ('time' in args.show_output): data.append(('Time', if ('kwh_eid' in args.show_output): data.append(('Electricity serial', packet['kwh']['eid'])) if ('gas_eid' in args.show_output): data.append(('Gas serial', packet['gas']['eid'])) if ('consumed' in args.show_output): data.extend([ ('Total electricity consumed (high, ' + args.elec_unit + ')', int(packet['kwh']['high']['consumed'] * elec_unit_factor[args.elec_unit])), ('Total electricity consumed (low, ' + args.elec_unit + ')', int(packet['kwh']['low']['consumed'] * elec_unit_factor[args.elec_unit])), ('Total gas consumed (' + args.gas_unit + ')', int(packet['gas']['total'] * gas_unit_factor[args.gas_unit])) ]) if ('produced' in args.show_output): data.extend([ ('Total electricity produced (high, ' + args.elec_unit + ')', int(packet['kwh']['high']['produced'] * elec_unit_factor[args.elec_unit])), ('Total electricity produced (low, ' + args.elec_unit + ')', int(packet['kwh']['low']['produced'] * elec_unit_factor[args.elec_unit])) ]) if ('current' in args.show_output): data.extend([('Current electricity consumption (W)', int(packet['kwh']['current_consumed'] * 1000)), ('Current electricity production (W)', int(packet['kwh']['current_produced'] * 1000))]) if ('tariff' in args.show_output): data.append( ('Current electricity tariff', packet['kwh']['tariff'])) if ('gas_measured_at' in args.show_output): data.append(('Gas measured at', packet['gas']['measured_at'])) if args.tsv: print('\t'.join(map(str, [d for k, d in data]))) else: print('\n'.join(['%-40s %s' % (k, d) for k, d in data])) return 0
class ReadMeterCommand(Command): '''read a single P1 packet to stdout Read a single packet from the smart meter. Packets will be printed to stdout. All the options starting with --serial-* are passed directly to the underlying serial object. For more information on the possible values and their behavior please refer to the documentation here ''' args = [ # options controlling input arg('--serial-port', help='device name to read packets from (defaults to %s)' % __default_serial__, metavar=__default_serial__, default=__default_serial__), arg('--baudrate', help= 'baud rate such as 9600 or 115200 etc. This option is deprecated in favor of --serial-baudrate and will be removed in future versions.', type=int, dest='serial_baudrate', default=9600, metavar=9600), arg('--serial-baudrate', help='baud rate such as 9600 or 115200 etc (defaults to 9600).', type=int, default=9600, metavar=9600), arg('--serial-xonxoff', help= 'enable software flow control. By default software flow control is disabled.', action='store_true'), arg('--serial-bytesize', help='number of data bits (defaults to 7).', default=serial.SEVENBITS, type=int, choices=[5, 6, 7, 8]), arg('--serial-parity', help='enable parity checking (defaults to E)', default=serial.PARITY_EVEN, choices=['N', 'E', 'O', 'M', 'S']), arg('--serial-stopbits', help='number of stop bits (defaults to 1).', default=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, type=float, choices=[1, 1.5, 2]), arg('--serial-timeout', help='set a read timeout value in seconds (defaults to 10).', default=10, type=int, metavar=10), # options controlling output arg('--tsv', help='display packet in tab separated value form', action='store_true'), arg('--raw', help='display packet in raw form', action='store_true'), ] def run(self, args, parser): meter = SmartMeter( args.serial_port, baudrate=args.serial_baudrate, bytesize=args.serial_bytesize, parity=args.serial_parity, stopbits=args.serial_stopbits, xonxoff=args.serial_xonxoff, timeout=args.serial_timeout, ) try: packet = meter.read_one_packet() except SerialException as e: parser.error(e) finally: meter.disconnect() if args.raw: print(str(packet)) return 0 data = [('Time',, ('Total kWh High consumed', int(packet['kwh']['high']['consumed'] * 1000)), ('Total kWh Low consumed', int(packet['kwh']['low']['consumed'] * 1000)), ('Total gas consumed', int(packet['gas']['total'] * 1000)), ('Current kWh tariff', packet['kwh']['tariff'])] if args.tsv: print('\t'.join(map(str, [d for k, d in data]))) else: print('\n'.join(['%-25s %s' % (k, d) for k, d in data])) return 0