Example #1
def do_cpu():
	W = C.parameter(cpW)
	W = W*W*W*W*W*W*W
	z = C.squared_distance(W,W)
Example #2
    def _build_word_expression_list(self, sentence, is_train=False):

        sentence_word_vectors = []
        for word in sentence:
            sentence_word_vectors.append(self._get_word_vector(word, use_dropout=is_train))

        lstm_forward = self.word_builders[0].initial_state()
        lstm_backward = self.word_builders[1].initial_state()

        embeddings_forward = []
        embeddings_backward = []
        for word_vector, reverse_word_vector in zip(sentence_word_vectors, reversed(sentence_word_vectors)):
            lstm_forward = lstm_forward.add_input(word_vector)
            lstm_backward = lstm_backward.add_input(reverse_word_vector)


        O = parameter(self.param_out)

        sentence_word_expressions = []
        for word_f_embedding, word_b_embedding in zip(embeddings_forward, reversed(embeddings_backward)):
            word_concat_embedding = concatenate([word_f_embedding, word_b_embedding])

            word_expression = O * word_concat_embedding
        return sentence_word_expressions
def predict_output_sequence(model, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, decoder_rnn, lemma, feats, alphabet_index,
                            inverse_alphabet_index, feat_index, feature_types):

    # read the parameters
    char_lookup = model["char_lookup"]
    feat_lookup = model["feat_lookup"]
    R = pc.parameter(model["R"])
    bias = pc.parameter(model["bias"])
    W_c = pc.parameter(model["W_c"])
    W__a = pc.parameter(model["W__a"])
    U__a = pc.parameter(model["U__a"])
    v__a = pc.parameter(model["v__a"])

    # encode the lemma
    blstm_outputs = encode_chars(alphabet_index, char_lookup, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, lemma)

    # convert features to matching embeddings, if UNK handle properly
    feats_input = encode_feats(feat_index, feat_lookup, feats, feature_types)

    # initialize the decoder rnn
    s_0 = decoder_rnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0

    # set prev_output_vec for first lstm step as BEGIN_WORD
    prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]
    i = 0
    predicted_sequence = []

    # run the decoder through the sequence and predict characters
    while i < MAX_PREDICTION_LEN:

        # get current h of the decoder
        s = s.add_input(pc.concatenate([prev_output_vec, feats_input]))
        decoder_rnn_output = s.output()

        # perform attention step
        attention_output_vector, alphas, W = task1_attention_implementation.attend(blstm_outputs, decoder_rnn_output,
                                                                                   W_c, v__a, W__a, U__a)

        # compute output probabilities
        # print 'computing readout layer...'
        readout = R * attention_output_vector + bias

        # find best candidate output
        probs = pc.softmax(readout)
        next_char_index = common.argmax(probs.vec_value())

        # check if reached end of word
        if predicted_sequence[-1] == END_WORD:

        # prepare for the next iteration - "feedback"
        prev_output_vec = char_lookup[next_char_index]
        i += 1

    # remove the end word symbol
    return predicted_sequence[0:-1]
def compute_loss(model, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, decoder_rnn, lemma, feats, word, alphabet_index, feat_index,

    # read the parameters
    char_lookup = model["char_lookup"]
    feat_lookup = model["feat_lookup"]
    R = pc.parameter(model["R"])
    bias = pc.parameter(model["bias"])
    W_c = pc.parameter(model["W_c"])
    W__a = pc.parameter(model["W__a"])
    U__a = pc.parameter(model["U__a"])
    v__a = pc.parameter(model["v__a"])

    blstm_outputs = encode_chars(alphabet_index, char_lookup, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, lemma)

    # initialize the decoder rnn
    s_0 = decoder_rnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0

    # convert features to matching embeddings, if UNK handle properly
    feats_input = encode_feats(feat_index, feat_lookup, feats, feature_types)

    # set prev_output_vec for first lstm step as BEGIN_WORD
    prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]
    loss = []
    padded_word = word + END_WORD

    # run the decoder through the output sequence and aggregate loss
    for i, output_char in enumerate(padded_word):

        # get current h of the decoder
        s = s.add_input(pc.concatenate([prev_output_vec, feats_input]))
        decoder_rnn_output = s.output()

        attention_output_vector, alphas, W = task1_attention_implementation.attend(blstm_outputs, decoder_rnn_output,
                                                                                   W_c, v__a, W__a, U__a)

        # compute output probabilities
        # print 'computing readout layer...'
        readout = R * attention_output_vector + bias

        current_loss = pc.pickneglogsoftmax(readout, alphabet_index[output_char])
        # print 'computed readout layer'

        # prepare for the next iteration - "feedback"
        prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[output_char]]

    total_sequence_loss = pc.esum(loss)
    # loss = average(loss)

    return total_sequence_loss
Example #5
    def tag_sentence(self, sentence):

        for word in sentence:
            word.vector = self._get_word_vector(word, use_dropout=False)

        sentence_expressions = self._build_sentence_expressions(sentence)
        for word, word_expression in zip(sentence, sentence_expressions):
            out = softmax(word_expression)
            tag_index = np.argmax(out.npvalue())
            word.tag = self.tag_indexer.get_object(tag_index)
Example #6
    def predict(self, word_indices, char_indices, task_id, train=False):
        predict tags for a sentence represented as char+word embeddings
        pycnn.renew_cg() # new graph

        char_emb = []
        rev_char_emb = []
        # get representation for words
        for chars_of_token in char_indices:
            # use last state as word representation
            last_state = self.char_rnn.predict_sequence([self.cembeds[c] for c in chars_of_token])[-1]
            rev_last_state = self.char_rnn.predict_sequence([self.cembeds[c] for c in reversed(chars_of_token)])[-1]
        wfeatures = [self.wembeds[w] for w in word_indices]
        features = [pycnn.concatenate([w,c,rev_c]) for w,c,rev_c in zip(wfeatures,char_emb,reversed(rev_char_emb))]
        if train: # only do at training time
            features = [pycnn.noise(fe,self.noise_sigma) for fe in features]

        output_expected_at_layer = self.predictors["task_expected_at"][task_id]
        output_expected_at_layer -=1

        # go through layers
        # input is now combination of w + char emb
        prev = features
        num_layers = self.h_layers
#        for i in range(0,num_layers-1):
        for i in range(0,num_layers):
            predictor = self.predictors["inner"][i]
            forward_sequence, backward_sequence = predictor.predict_sequence(prev)        
            if i > 0 and self.activation:
                # activation between LSTM layers
                forward_sequence = [self.activation(s) for s in forward_sequence]
                backward_sequence = [self.activation(s) for s in backward_sequence]

            if i == output_expected_at_layer:
                output_predictor = self.predictors["output_layers_dict"][task_id] 
                concat_layer = [pycnn.concatenate([f, b]) for f, b in zip(forward_sequence,reversed(backward_sequence))]

                if train and self.noise_sigma > 0.0:
                    concat_layer = [pycnn.noise(fe,self.noise_sigma) for fe in concat_layer]
                output = output_predictor.predict_sequence(concat_layer)
                return output

            prev = forward_sequence
            prev_rev = backward_sequence # not used

        raise "oops should not be here"
        return None
Example #7
    def calc_sentence_error(self, sentence):

        for word in sentence:
            # word.vector = noise(self._get_word_vector(word), 0.1)
            word.vector = self._get_word_vector(word, use_dropout=True)
        sentence_expressions = self._build_sentence_expressions(sentence)

        sentence_errors = []
        for word, word_expression in zip(sentence, sentence_expressions):
            gold_label_index = self.tag_indexer.get_index(word.gold_label)
            word_error = pickneglogsoftmax(word_expression, gold_label_index)
        return esum(sentence_errors)
Example #8
def build_tagging_graph(word_indices, model, builder):
    build the computational graph
    :param word_indices: list of indices
    :param model: current model to access parameters
    :param builder: builder to create state combinations
    :return: forward and backward sequence
    f_init = builder.initial_state()

    # retrieve embeddings from the model and add noise
    word_embeddings = [pycnn.lookup(model["word_lookup"], w) for w in word_indices]
    word_embeddings = [pycnn.noise(we, args.noise) for we in word_embeddings]

    # compute the expressions for the forward pass
    forward_sequence = [x.output() for x in f_init.add_inputs(word_embeddings)]

    return forward_sequence
Example #9
def build_tagging_graph(words, model, builders):
    build the computational graph
    :param words: list of indices
    :param model: current model to access parameters
    :param builders: builder to create state combinations
    :return: forward and backward sequence
    f_init, b_init = [b.initial_state() for b in builders]

    # retrieve embeddings from the model and add noise
    word_embeddings = [pycnn.lookup(model["lookup"], w) for w in words]
    word_embeddings = [pycnn.noise(we, 0.1) for we in word_embeddings]

    # compute the expressions for the forward and backward pass
    forward_sequence = [x.output() for x in f_init.add_inputs(word_embeddings)]
    backward_sequence = [x.output() for x in b_init.add_inputs(reversed(word_embeddings))]

    return list(zip(forward_sequence, reversed(backward_sequence)))
def predict_output_sequence(model, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, decoder_rnn, lemma, feats, alphabet_index,
                            inverse_alphabet_index, feat_index, feature_types):

    # read the parameters
    char_lookup = model["char_lookup"]
    feat_lookup = model["feat_lookup"]
    R = pc.parameter(model["R"])
    bias = pc.parameter(model["bias"])

    # convert characters to matching embeddings, if UNK handle properly
    padded_lemma = BEGIN_WORD + lemma + END_WORD
    lemma_char_vecs = []
    for char in padded_lemma:
        except KeyError:
            # handle UNK

    # convert features to matching embeddings, if UNK handle properly
    feat_vecs = []
    for feat in sorted(feature_types):
        # TODO: is it OK to use same UNK for all feature types? and for unseen feats as well?
        # if this feature has a value, take it from the lookup. otherwise use UNK
        if feat in feats:
            feat_str = feat + ':' + feats[feat]
            except KeyError:
                # handle UNK or dropout
    feats_input = pc.concatenate(feat_vecs)

    # BiLSTM forward pass
    s_0 = encoder_frnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0
    frnn_outputs = []
    for c in lemma_char_vecs:
        s = s.add_input(c)

    # BiLSTM backward pass
    s_0 = encoder_rrnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0
    rrnn_outputs = []
    for c in reversed(lemma_char_vecs):
        s = s.add_input(c)

    # BiLTSM outputs
    blstm_outputs = []
    lemma_char_vecs_len = len(lemma_char_vecs)
    for i in xrange(lemma_char_vecs_len):
        blstm_outputs.append(pc.concatenate([frnn_outputs[i], rrnn_outputs[lemma_char_vecs_len - i - 1]]))

    # initialize the decoder rnn
    s_0 = decoder_rnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0

    # set prev_output_vec for first lstm step as BEGIN_WORD
    prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]
    prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]

    # i is input index, j is output index
    i = j = 0
    num_outputs = 0
    predicted_output_sequence = []

    # run the decoder through the sequence and predict characters, twice max prediction as step outputs are added
    while num_outputs < MAX_PREDICTION_LEN * 3:

        # prepare input vector and perform LSTM step
        decoder_input = pc.concatenate([prev_output_vec,
                                        # char_lookup[alphabet_index[str(i)]],
                                        # char_lookup[alphabet_index[str(j)]],

        s = s.add_input(decoder_input)

        # compute softmax probs vector and predict with argmax
        decoder_rnn_output = s.output()
        probs = pc.softmax(R * decoder_rnn_output + bias)
        probs = probs.vec_value()
        predicted_output_index = common.argmax(probs)
        predicted_output = inverse_alphabet_index[predicted_output_index]

        # check if step or char output to promote i or j.
        if predicted_output == STEP:
            prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[EPSILON]]
            if i < len(padded_lemma) - 1:
                i += 1
            if predicted_output.isdigit():
                # handle copy
                # try:
                #     prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[padded_lemma[i]]]
                # except KeyError:
                #     prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[UNK]]
                    # this way END_WORD cannot be copied (as it is in the training stage)
                    if i < len(lemma) + 1:
                        prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[padded_lemma[i]]]
                        # if trying to copy from a non-existent index, pad with last lemma character
                        prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[lemma[-1]]]
                except KeyError:
                    prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[UNK]]
                # handle char
                prev_char_vec = char_lookup[predicted_output_index]

            j += 1

        num_outputs += 1
        # check if reached end of word
        if predicted_output_sequence[-1] == END_WORD:

        # prepare for the next iteration - "feedback"
        prev_output_vec = char_lookup[predicted_output_index]

    # remove the end word symbol
    return predicted_output_sequence[0:-1]
def one_word_loss(model, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, decoder_rnn, lemma, feats, word, alphabet_index, aligned_pair,
                  feat_index, feature_types):

    # read the parameters
    char_lookup = model["char_lookup"]
    feat_lookup = model["feat_lookup"]
    R = pc.parameter(model["R"])
    bias = pc.parameter(model["bias"])

    padded_lemma = BEGIN_WORD + lemma + END_WORD

    # convert characters to matching embeddings
    lemma_char_vecs = []
    for char in padded_lemma:
        except KeyError:
            # handle UNK

    # convert features to matching embeddings, if UNK handle properly
    feat_vecs = []
    for feat in sorted(feature_types):
        # TODO: is it OK to use same UNK for all feature types? and for unseen feats as well?
        # if this feature has a value, take it from the lookup. otherwise use UNK
        if feat in feats:
            feat_str = feat + ':' + feats[feat]
            except KeyError:
                # handle UNK or dropout
    feats_input = pc.concatenate(feat_vecs)

    # BiLSTM forward pass
    s_0 = encoder_frnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0
    frnn_outputs = []
    for c in lemma_char_vecs:
        s = s.add_input(c)

    # BiLSTM backward pass
    s_0 = encoder_rrnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0
    rrnn_outputs = []
    for c in reversed(lemma_char_vecs):
        s = s.add_input(c)

    # BiLTSM outputs
    blstm_outputs = []
    lemma_char_vecs_len = len(lemma_char_vecs)
    for i in xrange(lemma_char_vecs_len):
        blstm_outputs.append(pc.concatenate([frnn_outputs[i], rrnn_outputs[lemma_char_vecs_len - i - 1]]))

    # initialize the decoder rnn
    s_0 = decoder_rnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0

    # set prev_output_vec for first lstm step as BEGIN_WORD
    prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]
    prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]
    loss = []

    # i is input index, j is output index
    i = 0
    j = 0

    # go through alignments, progress j when new output is introduced, progress i when new char is seen on lemma (no ~)
    # TODO: try sutskever flip trick?
    # TODO: attention on the lemma chars/feats could help here?
    aligned_lemma, aligned_word = aligned_pair
    aligned_lemma += END_WORD
    aligned_word += END_WORD

    # run through the alignments
    for index, (input_char, output_char) in enumerate(zip(aligned_lemma, aligned_word)):
        possible_outputs = []

        # feedback, i, j, blstm[i], feats
        decoder_input = pc.concatenate([prev_output_vec,
                                        # char_lookup[alphabet_index[str(i)]],
                                        # char_lookup[alphabet_index[str(j)]],

        # if reached the end word symbol
        if output_char == END_WORD:
            s = s.add_input(decoder_input)
            decoder_rnn_output = s.output()
            probs = pc.softmax(R * decoder_rnn_output + bias)

            # compute local loss
            loss.append(-pc.log(pc.pick(probs, alphabet_index[END_WORD])))

        # if there is no prefix, step
        if padded_lemma[i] == BEGIN_WORD and aligned_lemma[index] != ALIGN_SYMBOL:
            # perform rnn step
            # feedback, i, j, blstm[i], feats
            s = s.add_input(decoder_input)
            decoder_rnn_output = s.output()
            probs = pc.softmax(R * decoder_rnn_output + bias)

            # compute local loss
            loss.append(-pc.log(pc.pick(probs, alphabet_index[STEP])))

            # prepare for the next iteration - "feedback"
            prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[STEP]]
            prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[EPSILON]]
            i += 1

        # if there is new output
        if aligned_word[index] != ALIGN_SYMBOL:
            decoder_input = pc.concatenate([prev_output_vec,
                                            # char_lookup[alphabet_index[str(i)]],
                                            # char_lookup[alphabet_index[str(j)]],

            # copy i action - maybe model as a single action?
            if padded_lemma[i] == aligned_word[j]:

            # perform rnn step
            s = s.add_input(decoder_input)
            decoder_rnn_output = s.output()
            probs = pc.softmax(R * decoder_rnn_output + bias)

            local_loss = pc.scalarInput(0)
            max_output_loss = -pc.log(pc.pick(probs, alphabet_index[possible_outputs[0]]))
            max_likelihood_output = possible_outputs[0]

            # sum over all correct output possibilities and pick feedback output to be the one with the highest
            # probability
            for output in possible_outputs:
                neg_log_likelihood = -pc.log(pc.pick(probs, alphabet_index[output]))
                if neg_log_likelihood < max_output_loss:
                    max_likelihood_output = output
                    max_output_loss = neg_log_likelihood

                local_loss += neg_log_likelihood

            # prepare for the next iteration - "feedback"
            prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[max_likelihood_output]]
            prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[aligned_word[index]]]
            j += 1

        # now check if it's time to progress on input
        if i < len(padded_lemma) - 1 and aligned_lemma[index + 1] != ALIGN_SYMBOL:
            # perform rnn step
            # feedback, i, j, blstm[i], feats
            decoder_input = pc.concatenate([prev_output_vec,
                                            # char_lookup[alphabet_index[str(i)]],
                                            # char_lookup[alphabet_index[str(j)]],

            s = s.add_input(decoder_input)
            decoder_rnn_output = s.output()
            probs = pc.softmax(R * decoder_rnn_output + bias)

            # compute local loss
            loss.append(-pc.log(pc.pick(probs, alphabet_index[STEP])))

            # prepare for the next iteration - "feedback"
            prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[STEP]]
            prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[EPSILON]]
            i += 1

    # TODO: maybe here a "special" loss function is appropriate?
    # loss = esum(loss)
    loss = pc.average(loss)

    return loss
Example #12
if args.target in ['joint']:
    pOutAge = model.add_parameters("OUT_AGE", (num_labels, MLP_HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE))
    biasOutAge = model.add_parameters("BIAS_OUT_AGE", (num_labels))
elif args.target in ['age', 'both']:
    pOutAge = model.add_parameters("OUT_AGE", (len(age_labels), MLP_HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE))
    biasOutAge = model.add_parameters("BIAS_OUT_AGE", (len(age_labels)))

if args.target in ['gender', 'both']:
    pOutGender = model.add_parameters("OUT2", (len(gender_labels), MLP_HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE))
    biasOutGender = model.add_parameters("BIAS_OUT2", (len(gender_labels)))

print("declared variables", file=sys.stderr)

new_word_embeddings = [pycnn.lookup(model["word_lookup"], w) for w in train[0][0][0]]

pycnn.conv1d_narrow(new_word_embeddings, pycnn.cg())


def build_tagging_graph(word_indices, model, builder):
    build the computational graph
    :param word_indices: list of indices
    :param model: current model to access parameters
    :param builder: builder to create state combinations
    :return: forward and backward sequence
Example #13
def get_loss(model, input_sentence, output_sentence, enc_fwd_lstm, enc_bwd_lstm, dec_lstm):
    embedded = embedd_sentence(model, input_sentence)
    encoded = encode_sentence(model, enc_fwd_lstm, enc_bwd_lstm, embedded)
    return decode(model, dec_lstm, encoded, output_sentence)
def compute_loss(model, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, decoder_rnn, lemma, feats, word, alphabet_index, feat_index,
                 feature_types, alignment):

    # read the parameters
    char_lookup = model["char_lookup"]
    feat_lookup = model["feat_lookup"]
    R = pc.parameter(model["R"])
    bias = pc.parameter(model["bias"])
    W_c = pc.parameter(model["W_c"])
    W__a = pc.parameter(model["W__a"])
    U__a = pc.parameter(model["U__a"])
    v__a = pc.parameter(model["v__a"])

    template = task1_ms2s.generate_template_from_alignment(alignment)

    blstm_outputs = task1_attention_implementation.encode_feats_and_chars(alphabet_index, char_lookup, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, feat_index,
                                           feat_lookup, feats, feature_types, lemma)

    # initialize the decoder rnn
    s_0 = decoder_rnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0

    # set prev_output_vec for first lstm step as BEGIN_WORD
    prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]
    prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]

    loss = []
    padded_word = word + END_WORD
    padded_template = template + [END_WORD]

    # run the decoder through the output sequence and aggregate loss
    for i, output_char in enumerate(padded_word):

        # find all possible actions - copy from index, output specific character etc.
        possible_outputs = list(set([padded_template[i]]))# + [output_char]))

        # get current h of the decoder
        s = s.add_input(pc.concatenate([prev_output_vec, prev_char_vec]))
        decoder_rnn_output = s.output()

        attention_output_vector, alphas, W = task1_attention_implementation.attend(blstm_outputs, decoder_rnn_output,
                                                                                   W_c, v__a, W__a, U__a)

        # compute output probabilities
        # print 'computing readout layer...'
        readout = R * attention_output_vector + bias

        # choose which feedback based on minimum neg. log likelihood: initialize with the character loss
        min_neg_log_loss = pc.pickneglogsoftmax(readout, alphabet_index[output_char])
        prev_output_char = output_char
        prev_output_action = output_char
        for output in possible_outputs:
            current_loss = pc.pickneglogsoftmax(readout, alphabet_index[output])

            # append the loss of all options
            if current_loss < min_neg_log_loss:
                min_neg_log_loss = current_loss
                prev_output_action = output

        # prepare for the next iteration - "feedback"
        prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[prev_output_action]]
        prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[prev_output_char]]

    total_sequence_loss = pc.esum(loss)
    # loss = average(loss)

    return total_sequence_loss
def compute_loss(model, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, decoder_rnn, lemma, feats,
                 word, alphabet_index, feat_index, feature_types, alignment):

    # read the parameters
    char_lookup = model["char_lookup"]
    feat_lookup = model["feat_lookup"]
    R = pc.parameter(model["R"])
    bias = pc.parameter(model["bias"])
    W_c = pc.parameter(model["W_c"])
    W__a = pc.parameter(model["W__a"])
    U__a = pc.parameter(model["U__a"])
    v__a = pc.parameter(model["v__a"])

    template = task1_ms2s.generate_template_from_alignment(alignment)

    blstm_outputs = task1_attention_implementation.encode_feats_and_chars(
        alphabet_index, char_lookup, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, feat_index,
        feat_lookup, feats, feature_types, lemma)

    # initialize the decoder rnn
    s_0 = decoder_rnn.initial_state()
    s = s_0

    # set prev_output_vec for first lstm step as BEGIN_WORD
    prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]
    prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[BEGIN_WORD]]

    loss = []
    padded_word = word + END_WORD
    padded_template = template + [END_WORD]

    # run the decoder through the output sequence and aggregate loss
    for i, output_char in enumerate(padded_word):

        # find all possible actions - copy from index, output specific character etc.
        possible_outputs = list(set([padded_template[i]]))  # + [output_char]))

        # get current h of the decoder
        s = s.add_input(pc.concatenate([prev_output_vec, prev_char_vec]))
        decoder_rnn_output = s.output()

        attention_output_vector, alphas, W = task1_attention_implementation.attend(
            blstm_outputs, decoder_rnn_output, W_c, v__a, W__a, U__a)

        # compute output probabilities
        # print 'computing readout layer...'
        readout = R * attention_output_vector + bias

        # choose which feedback based on minimum neg. log likelihood: initialize with the character loss
        min_neg_log_loss = pc.pickneglogsoftmax(readout,
        prev_output_char = output_char
        prev_output_action = output_char
        for output in possible_outputs:
            current_loss = pc.pickneglogsoftmax(readout,

            # append the loss of all options
            if current_loss < min_neg_log_loss:
                min_neg_log_loss = current_loss
                prev_output_action = output

        # prepare for the next iteration - "feedback"
        prev_output_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[prev_output_action]]
        prev_char_vec = char_lookup[alphabet_index[prev_output_char]]

    total_sequence_loss = pc.esum(loss)
    # loss = average(loss)

    return total_sequence_loss