def append(self, menu): '''Add a menu to this app's menu bar. @param menu: The menu to add (L{Menu}). @note: The first menu item of the bar menu is provided by default. ''' isinstanceOf(menu, Menu, name='menu') if self._menubar is None: # create the menu bar, once b = MenuBar(app=self) m = Menu(title=self.title) m.append( # note key modifier cmd=True is the default Item('Full ' + 'Screen', key='f', ctrl=True), # Ctrl-Cmd-F, Esc to exit ItemSeparator(), Item('Hide ' + self.title, self.menuHide_, key='h'), # Cmd-H Item('Hide Others', self.menuOther_, key='h', alt=True), # Alt-Cmd-H ItemSeparator(), Item('Quit ' + self.title, self.menuTerminate_, key='q'), # Cmd-Q ) b.append(m) b.main(app=self) self._menubar = b self._menubar.append(menu)
def app(self, app): '''Set the app. ''' if app not in (None, ): from pycocoa.apps import App isinstanceOf(app, App, name='app') self._app = app
def get_selectornameof(sel): '''Get the name of an ObjC selector. @param sel: The selector (L{SEL_t}). @return: The selector name (C{str}) if found, C{""} otherwise. ''' isinstanceOf(sel, SEL_t, name='sel') return bytes2str(libobjc.sel_getName(sel)) or _NN_
def __eq__(self, other): isinstanceOf(other, _Types.List, Tuple, list, tuple, name='other') if len(self) == len(other): for s, o in zip(self, other): if o != s: break else: return True return False
def NS(self, ns): '''Set the ObjC instance (C{NS...}). ''' if not isNone(ns): # see also .nstypes.nsOf isinstanceOf(ns, ObjCInstance, c_struct_t, ObjC_t, name='ns') elif isinstanceOf(self.NS, ObjCInstance): # self.NS.release() pass self._NS = ns
def init(self, window): '''Initialize the allocated C{NSWindowDelegate}. @note: I{MUST} be called as C{.alloc().init(...)}. ''' isinstanceOf(window, Window, name='window') # self = ObjCInstance(send_message('NSObject', 'alloc')) self = ObjCInstance(send_super_init(self)) self.window = window return self
def init(self, app): '''Initialize the allocated C{NSApplicationDelegate}. @note: I{MUST} be called as C{.alloc().init(...)}. ''' isinstanceOf(app, App, name='app') # self = ObjCInstance(send_message('NSObject', 'alloc')) self = ObjCInstance(send_super_init(self)) = app return self
def init(self, cols, rows, id2i): '''Initialize the allocated C{NSTableViewDelegate}. @note: I{MUST} be called as C{.alloc().init(...)}. ''' isinstanceOf(cols, list, tuple, name='cols') isinstanceOf(rows, list, tuple, name='rows') # self = ObjCInstance(send_message('NSObject', 'alloc')) self = ObjCInstance(send_super_init(self)) self.cols = cols # column headers/titles self.rows = rows self.id2i = id2i # map col.identifier to col number # self.id_s = NSStr(str(id(self))) return self
def get_superclass(clas): '''Get the ObjC super-class of an ObjC class. @param clas: The class (L{Class_t}). @return: The super-class (L{Class_t}), None otherwise. ''' isinstanceOf(clas, Class_t, name='clas') try: supr = _super_cache[clas.value] except KeyError: supr = libobjc.class_getSuperclass(clas) or None _super_cache[clas.value] = supr return supr
def __init__(self, screen_frame=None, fraction=None, cascade=10): '''New, partial screen L{Frame}. @keyword screen: The screen to place the window on (C{int}) or C{None} for the current one. Use C{screen=0} for the BuiltIn screen or C{screen=1} for the first External monitor, etc. @keyword fraction: Size of the screen (C{float}). @keyword cascade: Shift from lower left corner (C{float} or C{int}). @raise TypeError: Invalid I{screen_frame}. @raise ValueError: Invalid I{fraction} value. ''' if screen_frame is None: f = Screens.Main.frame elif isinstance(screen_frame, _Ints): f = Screens(screen_frame).frame elif isinstance(screen_frame, Screen): f = screen_frame.frame elif isinstanceOf(screen_frame, NSRect_t, Rect, name='screen_frame'): f = screen_frame if isinstance(fraction, (float, int)): if 0.1 < fraction < 1.0: z = f.size # use the lower left side of the screen w = int(z.width * fraction + 0.5) h = int(z.height * w / z.width) # avoid cascading window off-screen c = min(max(0, cascade), min(z.width, z.height)) f = f.origin.x + c, f.origin.y + c, w, h elif fraction < 0 or fraction > 1: raise ValueError('invalid %s: %.2f' % ('fraction', fraction)) self.rect = f
def __init__(self, name_ns_pm=None): '''New L{Printer} from a printer name (C{str}), C{NSPrinter} or C{PMPrinter}. @raise TypeError: Invalid I{name_ns_pm}. @raise PrintError: No printer with name I{name_ns_pm}. ''' if not name_ns_pm: # generic printer _PM_Type0.__init__(self, PMPrinter_t()) self._libPCcall(libPC.PMCreateGenericPrinter) pm = self.PM ns = _nsPrinter('Generic', pm) elif isinstance(name_ns_pm, _Strs): for p in get_printers(): if == name_ns_pm: pm = p.PM ns = _nsPrinter(, pm) break else: raise PrintError('no such %s: %r' % (Printer.__name__, name_ns_pm)) elif isinstanceOf(name_ns_pm, PMPrinter_t): pm = name_ns_pm ns = _nsPrinter(cfString2str(libPC.PMPrinterGetName(pm)), pm) elif isObjCInstanceOf(name_ns_pm, NSPrinter, name='name_ns_pm'): ns = name_ns_pm # special method name due to leading underscore pm = send_message(ns, '_printer', restype=PMPrinter_t) _PM_Type0.__init__(self, pm) self._NS = ns # _RO
def nsLog(ns_fmt, *ns_args): '''Formatted ObjC write to the console. @param ns_fmt: A printf-like format string (L{NSStr}). @param ns_args: Optional arguments to format (C{all positional}). @note: The I{ns_fmt} and all I{ns_args} must be C{NS...} ObjC instances. ''' if isinstanceOf(ns_fmt, NSStr, name='ns_fmt'): for n, ns in enumerate(ns_args): if not isinstance(ns, (ObjCInstance, c_void_p)): n = 'ns_arg[%s]' % (n,) # raise error if not isinstanceOf(ns, ObjCInstance, name=n): break else: # XXX all ns_fmt %-types should be %@? libFoundation.NSLog(ns_fmt, *ns_args) # variadic, printf-like
def point(self, point): if isinstance(point, (tuple, list)): if len(point) != 2: raise ValueError('invalid %s: %r' % ('point', point)) self.NS = NSPoint_t(*point) elif isinstance(point, Point): self.NS = point.NS elif isinstanceOf(point, NSPoint_t, name='point'): self.NS = point
def localname(self, printer=None): '''Get the paper's localized name for a printer (C{str}). @raise TypeError: Invalid I{printer}. ''' if not printer: pm = get_printer().PM elif isinstanceOf(printer, Printer, name='printer'): pm = printer.PM return self._2str(libPC.PMPaperCreateLocalizedName, pm)
def update(self, *other, **kwds): '''Update, like C{dict.update}, except I{other} must be a C{dict}, L{Dict} or L{FrozenDict}. @raise TypeError: Invalid type of I{other}. @see: <> ''' other, kwds = _dict_kwds(other, kwds, 'other') if other: if isinstanceOf(other, Dict, FrozenDict): self.NS.addEntriesFromDictionary_(other.NS) elif isObjCInstanceOf(other, NSMutableDictionary, NSDictionary): self.NS.addEntriesFromDictionary_(other) elif isinstanceOf(other, dict, name='other'): for k, v in other.items(): self[k] = v # self.__setitem__ for k, v in kwds.items(): self[k] = v # self.__setitem__
def nsLogf(fmt, *args): '''Formatted write to the console. @param fmt: A printf-like format string (C{str}). @param args: Optional arguments to format (C{all positional}). ''' if isinstanceOf(fmt, _ByteStrs, name='fmt'): if args: fmt %= args libFoundation.NSLog(NSStr(fmt)) # variadic, printf-like
def _printers(printers): '''(INTERNAL) Printer generator. ''' if not printers: printers = (get_printer(), ) elif not libPC: get_libPC() for p in printers: if isinstanceOf(p, Printer, name='printers'): yield p
def size(self, size): '''Set the size (L{Size}, C{list}, C{tuple} or C{NSSize_t}). ''' if isinstance(size, (tuple, list)): if len(size) != 2: raise ValueError('invalid %s: %r' % ('size', size)) self.NS = NSSize_t(*size) elif isinstance(size, Size): self.NS = size.NS elif isinstanceOf(size, NSSize_t, name='size'): self.NS = size
def generator2NS(py): '''Create an C{NSArray} instance from a Python C{generator}. @param py: The value (C{generator}). @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSArray}). @raise RuntimeError: If C{len} vs C{count} assertion failed. ''' if isinstanceOf(py, _Generator, name='py'): return tuple2NS(tuple(py))
def set2NS(py): '''Create an C{NSMutableSet} instance from a Python C{set}. @param py: The value (C{set}). @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSMutableSet}). @raise RuntimeError: If C{len} vs C{count} assertion failed. ''' if isinstanceOf(py, set, name='py'): return _set2NS(py)
def float2NS(py): '''Create an C{NSNumber} instance from a Python C{float} or C{int}. @param py: The value (C{float} or C{int}). @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSDouble}). @raise TypeError: If C{py} not a C{float} or C{int}. ''' if isinstanceOf(py, float, *_Ints, name='py'): return NSDouble(float(py))
def frozenset2NS(py): '''Create an (immutable) C{NSSet} instance from a Python C{frozenset}. @param py: The value (C{frozenset}). @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSSet}). @raise RuntimeError: If C{len} vs C{count} assertion failed. ''' if isinstanceOf(py, frozenset, set, name='py'): return _len2NS(py, NSSet.alloc().initWithSet_(_set2NS(py)), libCF.CFSetGetCount)
def tuple2NS(py): '''Create an immutable C{NSArray} instance from a Python C{tuple}. @param py: The value (C{tuple}). @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSArray}). @raise RuntimeError: If C{len} vs C{count} assertion failed. ''' if isinstanceOf(py, tuple, list, name='py'): return _len2NS(py, NSArray.alloc().initWithArray_(_list2NS(py)), libCF.CFArrayGetCount)
def __init__(self, title='', table=None, frame=None): '''New L{TableWindow}. @keyword title: Window name or title (C{str}). @keyword table: Table data (L{Table}). @keyword frame: Optional window frame (L{Rect}). ''' isinstanceOf(table, Table, name='table') self._table = table tbl = getattr(table, 'NS', None) isObjCInstanceOf(tbl, NSTableView, name='table') # <> n = tbl.dataSource().numberOfRowsInTableView_(tbl) # approximate height of the table content, also to # .setContentMaxSize_ of the window in self.limit h = tbl.rowHeight() * max(1, n * 1.1) # adjust frame to include all (or most) table rows f = tbl.frame() if frame is None else frame.NS if f.size.height < h: h = min(Screen().height, h) f.size = NSSize_t(f.size.width, h) tbl.setFrameSize_(f.size) super(TableWindow, self).__init__(title=title, frame=f, excl=WindowStyle.Miniaturizable, auto=True) # XXX False? self.NSview = sv = NSScrollView.alloc().initWithFrame_(f) self.PMview = tbl # printable view, scrollview isn't sv.setDocumentView_(tbl) sv.setHasVerticalScroller_(YES) self.cascade() self.limit(height=h) self.front(False) _Globals.Tables.append(self)
def rect(self, rect): '''Set the rect (L{Rect}, C{list}, C{tuple} or C{NSRect[4]_t}). ''' if isinstance(rect, (tuple, list)): if len(rect) == 2: # assume (w, h) rect = (self._x, self._y) + tuple(rect) elif len(rect) != 4: raise ValueError('invalid %s: %r' % ('rect', rect)) self.NS = NSRect4_t(*rect) elif isinstance(rect, Rect): self.NS = rect.NS elif isinstanceOf(rect, NSRect_t, name='rect'): self.NS = rect
def nsString2str(ns, dflt=None): # XXX an NS*String method '''Create a Python C{str} or C{unicode} from an C{NS[Mutable]Str[ing]}. @param ns: The C{NS[Mutable]Str[ing]} (L{ObjCInstance}). @return: The string (C{str} or C{unicode}) or I{dflt}. ''' # XXX need c_void_p for nested strings in lists, sets, etc.? if not isinstanceOf(ns, NSStr, c_void_p): isObjCInstanceOf(ns, NSConstantString, NSMutableString, NSString, c_void_p, name='ns') return cfString2str(ns, dflt=dflt)
def __new__(cls, ns_str=_NN_): '''New L{Str} from C{str}, L{Str} or C{NSStr[ing]}. ''' if isinstance(ns_str, Str): return ns_str elif isinstance(ns_str, _Strs): ns, py = str2NS(ns_str), ns_str elif isinstanceOf(ns_str, NSStr, name='ns_str'): ns, py = ns_str, nsString2str(ns_str) self = super(Str, cls).__new__(cls, py) self._NS = ns # _RO return self
def size(self, size): '''Set the size (L{Size}, C{list}, C{tuple} or C{NSSize_t}). ''' if isinstance(size, (tuple, list)): if len(size) != 2: raise ValueError('invalid %s: %r' % ('size', size)) self.NS = NSSize_t(*size) elif isinstance(size, Size): self.NS = size.NS elif isinstanceOf(size, NSSize_t): self.NS = size else: # NSConcreteValue, like screen.resolutions self.NS = nsValue2py(size) # NSSize_t
def get_classname(clas, dflt=missing): '''Get the name of an ObjC class. @param clas: The class (L{Class_t}). @return: The class name (C{str}). @raise ValueError: Invalid I{clas}, iff no I{dflt} provided. ''' if clas and isinstanceOf(clas, Class_t, name='clas'): return bytes2str(libobjc.class_getName(clas)) if dflt is missing: raise ValueError('no such %s: %r' % ('Class', clas)) return dflt
def size2(self, bstr): '''Get the size of a string. @param bstr: The string (C{str}, C{bytes} or L{Str}). @return: 2-Tuple (width, height) in (C{float} or C{int}). ''' if isinstance(bstr, Str): ns = bstr.NS elif isinstance(bstr, _ByteStrs): ns = release(NSStr(bstr)) elif isinstanceOf(bstr, NSStr, name='bstr'): ns = bstr return flint(self.NS.widthOfString_(ns)), self.height