Example #1
def evaluate(iou_type_evaluator: COCOeval) -> Tuple:
Run per image evaluation on given images and store results (a list of dict) in self.evalImgs
:return: None
    p = iou_type_evaluator.params
    # add backward compatibility if useSegm is specified in params
    if p.useSegm is not None:
        p.iouType = "segm" if p.useSegm == 1 else "bbox"
            f"useSegm (deprecated) is not None. Running {p.iouType} evaluation"
    # print('Evaluate annotation type *{}*'.format(p.iouType))
    p.imgIds = list(numpy.unique(p.imgIds))
    if p.useCats:
        p.catIds = list(numpy.unique(p.catIds))
    p.maxDets = sorted(p.maxDets)
    iou_type_evaluator.params = p

    # loop through images, area range, max detection number
    cat_ids = p.catIds if p.useCats else [-1]

    compute_iou = None
    if p.iouType == "segm" or p.iouType == "bbox":
        compute_iou = iou_type_evaluator.computeIoU
    elif p.iouType == "keypoints":
        compute_iou = iou_type_evaluator.computeOks

    iou_type_evaluator.ious = {(imgId, catId): compute_iou(imgId, catId)
                               for imgId in p.imgIds for catId in cat_ids}

    evaluate_img = iou_type_evaluator.evaluateImg
    max_det = p.maxDets[-1]
    eval_imgs = [
        evaluate_img(img_id, cat_id, area_rng, max_det) for cat_id in cat_ids
        for area_rng in p.areaRng for img_id in p.imgIds

    eval_imgs = numpy.asarray(
    ).reshape(  # this is NOT in the pycocotools code, but could be done outside
        len(cat_ids), len(p.areaRng), len(p.imgIds))
    iou_type_evaluator._paramsEval = copy.deepcopy(iou_type_evaluator.params)

    return p.imgIds, eval_imgs