def doit(given_addr, path=None, addr_fmt=None, script=None): if not script: try: # prefer using xpub if we can mk = BIP32Node.from_wallet_key(master_xpub) sk = mk.subkey_for_path(path[2:]) except PublicPrivateMismatchError: mk = BIP32Node.from_wallet_key(simulator_fixed_xprv) sk = mk.subkey_for_path(path[2:]) if addr_fmt == AF_CLASSIC: # easy assert sk.address() == given_addr elif addr_fmt & AFC_PUBKEY: pkh = sk.hash160(use_uncompressed=False) if addr_fmt == AF_P2WPKH: hrp, data = bech32_decode(given_addr) decoded = convertbits(data[1:], 5, 8, False) assert hrp in {'tb', 'bc' } assert bytes(decoded[-20:]) == pkh else: assert addr_fmt == AF_P2WPKH_P2SH assert given_addr[0] in '23' expect = a2b_hashed_base58(given_addr)[1:] assert len(expect) == 20 assert hash160(b'\x00\x14' + pkh) == expect elif addr_fmt & AFC_SCRIPT: assert script, 'need a redeem/witness script' if addr_fmt == AF_P2SH: assert given_addr[0] in '23' expect = a2b_hashed_base58(given_addr)[1:] assert hash160(script) == expect elif addr_fmt == AF_P2WSH: hrp, data = bech32_decode(given_addr) assert hrp in {'tb', 'bc' } decoded = convertbits(data[1:], 5, 8, False) assert bytes(decoded[-32:]) == sha256(script).digest() elif addr_fmt == AF_P2WSH_P2SH: assert given_addr[0] in '23' expect = a2b_hashed_base58(given_addr)[1:] assert hash160(b'\x00\x20' + sha256(script).digest()) == expect else: raise'not ready for {addr_fmt:x} yet') else: raise ValueError(addr_fmt) return sk if not script else None
def doit(given_addr, path, addr_fmt): mk = BIP32Node.from_wallet_key(master_xpub) sk = mk.subkey_for_path(path[2:]) if addr_fmt == AF_CLASSIC: # easy assert sk.address() == given_addr elif addr_fmt & AFC_PUBKEY: pkh = sk.hash160(use_uncompressed=False) if addr_fmt == AF_P2WPKH: hrp, data = bech32_decode(given_addr) decoded = convertbits(data[1:], 5, 8, False) assert hrp in {'tb', 'bc'} assert bytes(decoded[-20:]) == pkh else: assert addr_fmt == AF_P2WPKH_P2SH assert given_addr[0] in '23' expect = a2b_hashed_base58(given_addr)[1:] assert len(expect) == 20 assert hash160(b'\x00\x14' + pkh) == expect elif addr_fmt & AFC_SCRIPT: raise'multisig/p2sh addr not handled') else: raise ValueError(addr_fmt)
def _setup_node(self, node_key): self._btctxstore = btctxstore.BtcTxStore() node_key = node_key or self._btctxstore.create_key() is_hwif = self._btctxstore.validate_wallet(node_key) self._key = self._btctxstore.get_key(node_key) if is_hwif else node_key address = self._btctxstore.get_address(self._key) self._nodeid = a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:]
def from_text(class_, text, is_compressed=True): """ This function will accept a BIP0032 wallet string, a WIF, or a bitcoin address. The "is_compressed" parameter is ignored unless a public address is passed in. """ data = a2b_hashed_base58(text) netcode, key_type, length = netcode_and_type_for_data(data) data = data[1:] if key_type in ("pub32", "prv32"): # TODO: fix this... it doesn't belong here from pycoin.key.BIP32Node import BIP32Node return BIP32Node.from_wallet_key(text) if key_type == 'wif': is_compressed = (len(data) > 32) if is_compressed: data = data[:-1] return Key( secret_exponent=from_bytes_32(data), prefer_uncompressed=not is_compressed, netcode=netcode) if key_type == 'address': return Key(hash160=data, is_compressed=is_compressed, netcode=netcode) raise EncodingError("unknown text: %s" % text)
def from_text(class_, text, is_compressed=True): """ This function will accept a BIP0032 wallet string, a WIF, or a bitcoin address. The "is_compressed" parameter is ignored unless a public address is passed in. """ data = a2b_hashed_base58(text) netcode, key_type = netcode_and_type_for_data(data) data = data[1:] if key_type in ("pub32", "prv32"): # TODO: fix this... it doesn't belong here from pycoin.key.BIP32Node import BIP32Node return BIP32Node.from_wallet_key(text) if key_type == 'wif': is_compressed = (len(data) > 32) if is_compressed: data = data[:-1] return Key( secret_exponent=from_bytes_32(data), prefer_uncompressed=not is_compressed, netcode=netcode) if key_type == 'address': return Key(hash160=data, is_compressed=is_compressed, netcode=netcode) raise EncodingError("unknown text: %s" % text)
def addr_to_script(addr): if addr[:2] == 't3': scr = 'a914' + a2b_hashed_base58(addr)[2:].encode('hex') + '87' return scr.decode('hex') assert addr[:2] == 't1' k = Key.from_text(addr) enc = '76a914' + k.hash160()[1:].encode('hex') + '88ac' return enc.decode('hex')
def test_public(sim_execfile): "verify contents of public 'dump' file" from pycoin.key.BIP32Node import BIP32Node from pycoin.contrib.segwit_addr import encode as sw_encode from pycoin.contrib.segwit_addr import decode as sw_decode from pycoin.encoding import a2b_hashed_base58, hash160 pub = sim_execfile('devtest/') assert 'Error' not in pub #print(pub) pub, dev = pub.split('#DEBUG#', 1) assert 'pub' in pub assert 'prv' not in pub assert 'prv' in dev lines = [i.strip() for i in pub.split('\n')] for ln in lines: if ln[1:4] == 'pub': node_pub = BIP32Node.from_wallet_key(ln) break node_prv = BIP32Node.from_wallet_key(dev.strip()) # pub and private are linked assert node_prv.hwif(as_private=False) == node_pub.hwif() # check every path we derived count = 0 for ln in lines: if ln[0:1] == 'm' and '=>' in ln: subpath, result = ln.split(' => ', 1) sk = node_prv.subkey_for_path(subpath[2:]) if result[0:2] in {'tp', 'xp'}: expect = BIP32Node.from_wallet_key(result) assert sk.hwif(as_private=False) == result elif result[0] in '1mn': assert result == sk.address(False) elif result[0:3] in {'bc1', 'tb1'}: h20 = sk.hash160() assert result == sw_encode(result[0:2], 0, h20) elif result[0] in '23': h20 = hash160(b'\x00\x14' + sk.hash160()) assert h20 == a2b_hashed_base58(result)[1:] else: raise ValueError(result) count += 1 print("OK: %s" % ln) assert count > 12
def doit(addr, sk): if addr[0] in '1mn': assert addr == sk.address(False) elif addr[0:3] in {'bc1', 'tb1'}: h20 = sk.hash160() assert addr == sw_encode(addr[0:2], 0, h20) elif addr[0] in '23': h20 = hash160(b'\x00\x14' + sk.hash160()) assert h20 == a2b_hashed_base58(addr)[1:] else: raise ValueError(addr)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create a LooseAddressRecord for a given wallet <model>, color <color_set> and address <address_data>. Also let the constructor know whether it's on <testnet> (optional). <address_data> is the privKey in base58 format """ super(LooseAddressRecord, self).__init__(**kwargs) bin_privkey = a2b_hashed_base58(kwargs['address_data']) key_type = bin_privkey[0] if key_type != self.prefix: raise InvalidAddressError self.rawPrivKey = from_bytes_32(bin_privkey[1:]) self.publicPoint = BasePoint * self.rawPrivKey self.address = public_pair_to_bitcoin_address( self.publicPoint.pair(), compressed=False, is_test=self.testnet)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create a LooseAddressRecord for a given wallet <model>, color <color_set> and address <address_data>. Also let the constructor know whether it's on <testnet> (optional). <address_data> is the privKey in base58 format """ super(LooseAddressRecord, self).__init__(**kwargs) bin_privkey = a2b_hashed_base58(kwargs['address_data']) key_type = bin_privkey[0] if key_type != self.prefix: raise InvalidAddressError self.rawPrivKey = from_bytes_32(bin_privkey[1:]) self.publicPoint = BasePoint * self.rawPrivKey self.address = public_pair_to_bitcoin_address(self.publicPoint.pair(), compressed=False, is_test=self.testnet)
def slip132undo(orig): # take a SLIP-132 xpub/ypub/z/U/?pub/prv and convert into BIP-32 style # - preserve testnet vs. mainnet # - return addr fmt info from pycoin.encoding import a2b_hashed_base58, b2a_hashed_base58 from ckcc_protocol.constants import AF_P2WPKH_P2SH, AF_P2SH, AF_P2WSH, AF_P2WSH_P2SH from ckcc_protocol.constants import AF_P2WPKH assert orig[0] not in 'xt', "already legit bip32" xpub = a2b_hex('0488B21E') tpub = a2b_hex('043587cf') xprv = a2b_hex('0488ADE4') tprv = a2b_hex('04358394') variants = [ (False, AF_P2WPKH_P2SH, '049d7cb2', '049d7878', 'y'), (False, AF_P2WPKH, '04b24746', '04b2430c', 'z'), (False, AF_P2WSH_P2SH, '0295b43f', '0295b005', 'Y'), (False, AF_P2WSH, '02aa7ed3', '02aa7a99', 'Z'), (True, AF_P2WPKH_P2SH, '044a5262', '044a4e28', 'u'), (True, AF_P2WPKH, '045f1cf6', '045f18bc', 'v'), (True, AF_P2WSH_P2SH, '024289ef', '024285b5', 'U'), (True, AF_P2WSH, '02575483', '02575048', 'V'), ] raw = a2b_hashed_base58(orig) for testnet, addr_fmt, pub, priv, hint in variants: if raw[0:4] == a2b_hex(pub): return b2a_hashed_base58((tpub if testnet else xpub) + raw[4:]), \ testnet, addr_fmt, False if raw[0:4] == a2b_hex(priv): return b2a_hashed_base58((tprv if testnet else xprv) + raw[4:]), \ testnet, addr_fmt, True raise RuntimeError("unknown prefix")
def address_to_node_id(address): """Convert a bitcoin address to a node id.""" return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:]
def validate(address, magic_bytes): try: return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[:1] in bytes( map(int, magic_bytes.split(','))) except EncodingError: return False
def test_raw_to_address(self): privkey = from_bytes_32(a2b_hashed_base58(self.address)[1:]) pubkey = BasePoint * privkey raw = public_pair_to_hash160_sec(pubkey.pair(), False) addr = self.ccc.raw_to_address(raw) self.assertEqual(addr,'1CC3X2gu58d6wXUWMffpuzN9JAfTUWu4Kj')
def address2nodeid(address): """Convert a bitcoin address to a node id.""" return binascii.hexlify(a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:]).decode("utf-8")
def do_test(as_text, as_bin): self.assertEqual(as_text, encoding.b2a_hashed_base58(as_bin)) self.assertEqual(as_bin, encoding.a2b_hashed_base58(as_text)) self.assertTrue(encoding.is_hashed_base58_valid(as_text)) bogus_text = as_text[:-1] + chr(1+ord(as_text[-1])) self.assertFalse(encoding.is_hashed_base58_valid(bogus_text))
if __name__ == '__main__': prev_hash = '3f7352324c97313dfb36c7d2234aef84708ab48739aee4a38b6ffc884dcdeb76' #TX ID print('Prev hash: {}'.format(prev_hash)) prev_hash_le = hexlify(unhexlify(prev_hash)[::-1]) #LE TX ID print('Prev hash LE: {}'.format(prev_hash_le.decode())) print() # ADDRESS TO PUB KEY IN HEX address_send_to = 'mfZ18J7nP5t4L1F79Mu9jhVzMfBxDKifLk' #Send TO ADDRESS print('Send to address: {}'.format(address_send_to)) pub_key_send_to_hex = hexlify(a2b_hashed_base58(address_send_to)[1:]) print('Send to pub key hex: {}'.format(pub_key_send_to_hex)) address_mine = 'mo3kHhHn6ixsXy8LGcdY2zW2QkE8FmhsFH' #MY ADDRESS print('My address: {}'.format(address_mine)) pub_key_mine_hex = hexlify(a2b_hashed_base58(address_mine)[1:]) print('My pub key hex: {}'.format(pub_key_mine_hex)) print() # BUILD TX ver = '01000000' print('Ver: {}'.format(ver))
def btcaddress_to_hexnodeid(address): return binascii.hexlify(a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:])
def do_test(as_text, as_bin): self.assertEqual(as_text, encoding.b2a_hashed_base58(as_bin)) self.assertEqual(as_bin, encoding.a2b_hashed_base58(as_text)) self.assertTrue(encoding.is_hashed_base58_valid(as_text)) bogus_text = as_text[:-1] + chr(1 + ord(as_text[-1])) self.assertFalse(encoding.is_hashed_base58_valid(bogus_text))
def address_to_node_id(address): # e.g. address = api.get_address(wif) return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:]
import settings from pymongo import MongoClient from pycoin.encoding import a2b_hashed_base58 from binascii import hexlify connection = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) collection = connection[settings.DBS_NAME][settings.FARMERS_COLLECTION] for farmer in collection.find().distinct('farmers.btc_addr'): nodeid = hexlify(a2b_hashed_base58(farmer)[1:]).decode("utf-8") print(nodeid) collection.update_many({'farmers.btc_addr': farmer}, {'$set': {'farmers.$.nodeid': nodeid}, '$unset': {'farmers.$.btc_addr': ''}}) connection.close()
def address_to_nodeid(address): """Convert a bitcoin address to a node id.""" return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:]
def get_id(self): address = self._btctxstore.get_address(self.key) return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:] # remove network prefix
def netcode_from_address(address): """ Returns netcode for given bitcoin address. """ data = a2b_hashed_base58(address) netcode, key_type, length = netcode_and_type_for_data(data) return netcode
def b58_to_pcode(b58): return encoding.a2b_hashed_base58( b58 )[1:]
def validate_address(address_bytes): _assert(type(address_bytes) == bytes, 'Address: type must be bytes') _assert(len(address_bytes) == 25, 'Address: len != 25') v_hash160 = a2b_hashed_base58(b2a_base58(address_bytes)) _assert(v_hash160 == address_bytes[0:21], 'Address: version + hash160 does not match')
def validate(address, magic_bytes): try: return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[:1] in bytes(map(int, magic_bytes.split(','))) except EncodingError: return False