Example #1
    def test_segwit_create_tx(self):
        from pycoin_grs.tx.tx_utils import create_tx, sign_tx
        from pycoin_grs.tx.Spendable import Spendable
        from pycoin_grs.tx.pay_to.ScriptPayToAddress import ScriptPayToAddress
        from pycoin_grs.tx.pay_to.ScriptPayToAddressWit import ScriptPayToAddressWit
        from pycoin_grs.ui import address_for_pay_to_script_wit, script_obj_from_address
        key1 = Key(1)
        coin_value = 5000000
        script = ScriptPayToAddressWit(b'\0', key1.hash160()).script()
        tx_hash = b'\ee' * 32
        tx_out_index = 0
        spendable = Spendable(coin_value, script, tx_hash, tx_out_index)
        key2 = Key(2)
        tx = create_tx([spendable], [(key2.address(), coin_value)])
        sign_tx(tx, [key1.wif()])
        self.assertEqual(len(tx.txs_in[0].witness), 2)

        s1 = ScriptPayToAddress(key1.hash160()).script()
        address = address_for_pay_to_script_wit(s1)
        spendable.script = script_obj_from_address(address).script()
        tx = create_tx([spendable], [(key2.address(), coin_value)])
        sign_tx(tx, [key1.wif()], p2sh_lookup=build_p2sh_lookup([s1]))
Example #2
    def create_unsigned_send_tx(self, address, amount):
        total_input_value = 0
        estimated_fee = TX_FEE_PER_THOUSAND_BYTES
        lbi = self.last_block_index()
        with self._lock:
            confirmations = 7
            while confirmations > 0 and self.get_balance(
                    confirmations=confirmations) < amount + estimated_fee:
                confirmations -= 1

            spendables = []
            for spendable in self.persistence.unspent_spendables(
                    lbi, confirmations=1):
                total_input_value += spendable.coin_value
                if total_input_value >= amount + estimated_fee and len(
                        spendables) > 1:
            if total_input_value < amount + estimated_fee:
                raise ValueError("insufficient funds: only %d available" %

            payables = self.create_payables(address, amount)
            tx = create_tx(spendables, payables, fee=estimated_fee)
            # mark the given spendables as "unconfirmed_spent"
            for spendable in spendables:
                spendable.does_seem_spent = True
        return tx
Example #3
 def test_multisig_one_at_a_time(self):
     M = 3
     N = 3
     keys = [Key(secret_exponent=i) for i in range(1, N + 2)]
     tx_in = TxIn.coinbase_tx_in(script=b'')
     script = ScriptMultisig(m=M, sec_keys=[key.sec()
                                            for key in keys[:N]]).script()
     tx_out = TxOut(1000000, script)
     tx1 = Tx(version=1, txs_in=[tx_in], txs_out=[tx_out])
     tx2 = tx_utils.create_tx(tx1.tx_outs_as_spendable(),
     ids = [
     for i in range(1, N + 1):
         self.assertEqual(tx2.bad_signature_count(), 1)
         self.assertEqual(tx2.id(), ids[i - 1])
         hash160_lookup = build_hash160_lookup(key.secret_exponent()
                                               for key in keys[i - 1:i])
         self.assertEqual(tx2.id(), ids[i])
     self.assertEqual(tx2.bad_signature_count(), 0)
 def multisig_M_of_N_individually(self, M, N):
     keys = [Key(secret_exponent=i) for i in range(1, N+2)]
     tx_in = TxIn.coinbase_tx_in(script=b'')
     script = ScriptMultisig(m=M, sec_keys=[key.sec() for key in keys[:N]]).script()
     tx_out = TxOut(1000000, script)
     tx1 = Tx(version=1, txs_in=[tx_in], txs_out=[tx_out])
     for partial_key_list in itertools.permutations(keys[:N], M):
         tx2 = create_tx(tx1.tx_outs_as_spendable(), [keys[-1].address()])
         for key in partial_key_list:
             self.assertEqual(tx2.bad_signature_count(), 1)
             hash160_lookup = build_hash160_lookup([key.secret_exponent()])
         self.assertEqual(tx2.bad_signature_count(), 0)
Example #5
 def multisig_M_of_N(self, M, N, unsigned_id, signed_id):
     keys = [Key(secret_exponent=i) for i in range(1, N+2)]
     tx_in = TxIn.coinbase_tx_in(script=b'')
     script = ScriptMultisig(m=M, sec_keys=[key.sec() for key in keys[:N]]).script()
     tx_out = TxOut(1000000, script)
     tx1 = Tx(version=1, txs_in=[tx_in], txs_out=[tx_out])
     tx2 = tx_utils.create_tx(tx1.tx_outs_as_spendable(), [keys[-1].address()])
     self.assertEqual(tx2.id(), unsigned_id)
     self.assertEqual(tx2.bad_signature_count(), 1)
     hash160_lookup = build_hash160_lookup(key.secret_exponent() for key in keys)
     self.assertEqual(tx2.id(), signed_id)
     self.assertEqual(tx2.bad_signature_count(), 0)
     self.assertEqual(sorted(who_signed.who_signed_tx(tx2, 0)),
                      sorted(((key.address(), SIGHASH_ALL) for key in keys[:M])))
Example #6
 def test_sign_pay_to_script_multisig(self):
     M, N = 3, 3
     keys = [Key(secret_exponent=i) for i in range(1, N+2)]
     tx_in = TxIn.coinbase_tx_in(script=b'')
     underlying_script = ScriptMultisig(m=M, sec_keys=[key.sec() for key in keys[:N]]).script()
     address = address_for_pay_to_script(underlying_script)
     self.assertEqual(address, "39qEwuwyb2cAX38MFtrNzvq3KV9hSNov3q")
     script = standard_tx_out_script(address)
     tx_out = TxOut(1000000, script)
     tx1 = Tx(version=1, txs_in=[tx_in], txs_out=[tx_out])
     tx2 = tx_utils.create_tx(tx1.tx_outs_as_spendable(), [address])
     hash160_lookup = build_hash160_lookup(key.secret_exponent() for key in keys[:N])
     p2sh_lookup = build_p2sh_lookup([underlying_script])
     tx2.sign(hash160_lookup=hash160_lookup, p2sh_lookup=p2sh_lookup)
     self.assertEqual(tx2.bad_signature_count(), 0)
     self.assertRaises(who_signed.NoAddressesForScriptTypeError, who_signed.who_signed_tx, tx2, 0)
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
        print("usage: %s incoming_tx_hex_filename tx_out_index new_address" %

    with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f:
        tx_hex = f.readline().strip()

    # get the spendable from the prior transaction
    tx = Tx.from_hex(tx_hex)
    tx_out_index = int(sys.argv[2])
    spendable = tx.tx_outs_as_spendable()[tx_out_index]

    # make sure the address is valid
    payable = sys.argv[3]
    assert is_address_valid(payable)

    # create the unsigned transaction
    tx = create_tx([spendable], [payable])

    print("here is the transaction: %s" % tx.as_hex(include_unspents=True))