def testCropping(self): """Observations from subgames can be cropped for mutual compatibility.""" # The games will use these worlds. arts = [ ['P..', '...', '...'], [ '...............', '...............', '.......P.......', '...............', '...............' ], ['...', '...', 'P..'], ] # But these croppers will ensure that they all have a reasonable size. croppers = [ None, cropping.FixedCropper(top_left_corner=(1, 6), rows=3, cols=3), cropping.FixedCropper(top_left_corner=(0, 0), rows=3, cols=3), ] # Create and start the story. story = storytelling.Story( chapters=[lambda art=a: self._make_game(art) for a in arts], croppers=croppers) observation, reward, pcontinue = story.its_showtime() del reward, pcontinue # unused # For better narration of these observation comparisons, read through # testSequenceOfGames. self.assertBoard(observation.board, arts[0]) self.assertMachinima(engine=story, frames=[(None, ['...', '.P.', '...']), (None, arts[2]), (None, ['...', '...', '.P.'])])
def testDictOfGames(self): """A `Story` will run as directed through a dict of games.""" # The two games in this dict will use these two worlds. arts = {'one': ['P..', '...', '...'], 'two': ['...', '.P.', '...']} # Create and start the story. Note how we inject a value into the first # game's Plot that _DieRightward uses to tell Story how to advance through # the various subgames. A bit roundabout, but it has the side-effect of also # testing that Plot contents persist between games. story = storytelling.Story( {k: lambda art=v: self._make_game(art) for k, v in arts.items()}, first_chapter='one') story.current_game.the_plot['chapter_names'] = [ 'two', 'one', 'one', None ] observation, reward, pcontinue = story.its_showtime() del reward, pcontinue # unused # For better narration of these observation comparisons, read through # testSequenceOfGames. self.assertBoard(observation.board, arts['one']) # First frame. self.assertMachinima(engine=story, frames=[(None, arts['two']), (None, arts['one']), (None, arts['one']), (None, ['.P.', '...', '...'])])
def make_game(): """Builds and returns an Ordeal game.""" # Factories for building the three subgames of Ordeal. def make_castle(): return ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( GAME_ART_CASTLE, what_lies_beneath=' ', sprites=dict(P=PlayerSprite, D=DragonduckSprite), update_schedule=['P', 'D'], z_order=['D', 'P']) def make_cavern(): return ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( GAME_ART_CAVERN, what_lies_beneath=' ', sprites=dict(P=PlayerSprite), drapes=dict(S=SwordDrape), update_schedule=['P', 'S']) def make_kansas(): return ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( GAME_ART_KANSAS, what_lies_beneath='~', sprites=dict(P=PlayerSprite)) # A cropper for cropping the "Kansas" part of the game to the size of the # other two games. crop_kansas = cropping.ScrollingCropper( rows=8, cols=15, to_track='P', scroll_margins=(2, 3)) return storytelling.Story( chapters=dict(castle=make_castle, cavern=make_cavern, kansas=make_kansas), croppers=dict(castle=None, cavern=None, kansas=crop_kansas), first_chapter='kansas')
def make_episode(self): """Factory method for generating new episodes of the game.""" target_char = self._rng.choice(SYMBOLS_TO_SHUFFLE) return storytelling.Story([ lambda: self._make_explore_phase(target_char), self._make_distractor_phase, lambda: self._make_reward_phase(target_char), ], croppers=common.get_cropper())
def testCompatibilityChecking(self): """The `Story` constructor spots compatibility problems between games.""" # The first Story will fail because these game worlds have different sizes, # and there are no croppers in use. arts = [ ['P..', '...', '...'], [ '...............', '...............', '.......P.......', '...............', '...............' ], ] with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'observations that are the same'): _ = storytelling.Story( [lambda art=a: self._make_game(art) for a in arts]) # This next Story will fail because characters are shared between Sprites, # Drapes, and at least one Backdrop. art = ['1..', '.2.', '..3'] error_regexp = (r'.*same character in two different ways' r'.*both a Sprite and a Drape: \[2\];' r'.*both a Sprite and in a Backdrop: \[1\];' r'.*both a Drape and in a Backdrop: \[3\].*') with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, error_regexp): _ = storytelling.Story([ # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( art, what_lies_beneath='.', sprites={'1': self._DieRightward}, drapes={'2': self._IdleDrape}), lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( art, what_lies_beneath='.', sprites={'2': self._DieRightward}, drapes={'3': self._IdleDrape}), # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda ])
def make_episode(self): """Factory method for generating new episodes of the game.""" if self._crop: croppers = common.get_cropper() else: croppers = None return storytelling.Story([ self._make_explore_phase, self._make_distractor_phase, self._make_reward_phase, ], croppers=croppers)
def testSequenceOfGames(self): """A `Story` will play through a sequence of games automatically.""" # The four games in the sequence use these four worlds. arts = list( zip(['P..', '...', '...', '...'], ['...', '...', 'P..', '...'], ['...', 'P..', '...', '.P.'])) # Create and start the story. story = storytelling.Story( [lambda art=a: self._make_game(art) for a in arts]) observation, reward, pcontinue = story.its_showtime() del reward, pcontinue # unused # The first frame is the first game's first frame. self.assertBoard(observation.board, arts[0]) # This should set us up to get the following sequence of observations. self.assertMachinima( engine=story, frames=[ # The second frame is the second game's first frame. The terminal # frame from the first game is discarded, so we never get to see # the Sprite move rightward. (None was the action just prior to the # second frame. Actions are not used in this test.) (None, arts[1]), # The third frame is the third game's first frame. Same reasoning. (None, arts[2]), # The fourth frame is the fourth game's first frame. (None, arts[3]), # The fifth frame is the fourth game's last frame. In a Story, you # always see the terminal frame of the very last game (and you see # no other game's terminal frame). (None, ['...', '...', '..P']) ], )
def testStandIns(self): """The "abstraction breakers" in `Story` are suitably simulated.""" # The games will use these worlds. arts = list(zip(['P~~', '..S'], ['~~~', '..D'], ['www', '###'])) # Create the story. story = storytelling.Story([ # this is perfectly readable :-P # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game(arts[0], what_lies_beneath='~', sprites= {'P': self._DieRightward}, drapes={'w': self._IdleDrape}), lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game(arts[1], what_lies_beneath='.', sprites= {'S': self._DieRightward}, drapes={'D': self._IdleDrape}) # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda ]) # The "abstraction breaker" methods should fake the same sorts of results # that you would get if the Story were actually implemented by a single # Engine. Sprites and Drapes should contain an entry for any character # associated with a Sprite or a Drape across all the games, and the # contrived Backdrop's palette should have all the backdrop characters # from anywhere in the story. self.assertEqual(sorted(story.backdrop.palette), ['#', '.', '~']) self.assertEqual(sorted(story.things), ['D', 'P', 'S', 'w']) # The only real Sprites and Drapes in story.things are the ones from the # current game; the others are dummies. Here we test the module function # that identifies dummies. self.assertTrue(storytelling.is_fictional(story.things['D'])) self.assertFalse(storytelling.is_fictional(story.things['P'])) self.assertTrue(storytelling.is_fictional(story.things['S'])) self.assertFalse(storytelling.is_fictional(story.things['w']))
def testInterGameRewardAccumulation(self): """Inter-game terminal rewards are carried into the next game.""" class GenerousQuitterDrape(plab_things.Drape): """This Drape gives a reward of 5 and quits immediately.""" def update(self, actions, board, layers, backdrop, things, the_plot): the_plot.add_reward(5.0) the_plot.terminate_episode() # Create a new Story with all subgames using the usual art. art = ['P..', '...', '...'] story = storytelling.Story([ # this is perfectly readable :-P # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda # We should see the initial observation from this first game, but not # the second, terminal observation. The agent receives no reward. lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( art, what_lies_beneath='.', sprites={'P': self._DieRightward}), # We should see no observations from the next three games, since they # all terminate immediately (courtesy of GenerousQuitterDrape). However, # they also each contribute an additional 5.0 to the summed reward the # agent will eventually see... lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( art, what_lies_beneath='.', sprites={'P': self._DieRightward}, drapes={'Q': GenerousQuitterDrape}), lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( art, what_lies_beneath='.', sprites={'P': self._DieRightward}, drapes={'Q': GenerousQuitterDrape}), lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( art, what_lies_beneath='.', sprites={'P': self._DieRightward}, drapes={'Q': GenerousQuitterDrape}), # ...when it sees the first observation of this game here. The second, # terminal observation is dropped, but then... lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( art, what_lies_beneath='.', sprites={'P': self._DieRightward}), # ...we finally see an observation from a game involving a # GenerousQuitterDrape when we see its first and terminal step, as the # terminal step of the story. We also receive another 5.0 reward. lambda: ascii_art.ascii_art_to_game( art, what_lies_beneath='.', sprites={'P': self._DieRightward}, drapes={'Q': GenerousQuitterDrape}), # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda ]) # Now to see if our predictions are true. observation, reward, pcontinue = story.its_showtime() # First step. self.assertBoard(observation.board, art) self.assertIsNone(reward) # Nobody assigned any reward in this step. self.assertEqual(pcontinue, 1.0) observation, reward, pcontinue = # Second step. self.assertBoard(observation.board, art) # First obs. of penultimate game. self.assertEqual(reward, 15.0) # Summed across final steps of games 2-4. self.assertEqual(pcontinue, 1.0) observation, reward, pcontinue = # Third, final step. self.assertBoard(observation.board, art) # Terminal obs. of final game. self.assertEqual(reward, 5.0) # From the GenerousQuitterDrape. self.assertEqual(pcontinue, 0.0)