def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.db = Connection(*args, **kwargs) except: self.db = None
class AccountModel(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.db = Connection(*args, **kwargs) except: self.db = None def __setitem__(self, account, state): acc = self.db.accounts try: acc.insert(account=account, state=state) except IntegrityError: if state == -1: sql = "update accounts set state = %(state)d where account='%(account)s'" % locals() else: sql = "update accounts set state = %(state)d where account='%(account)s' and state < %(state)d and state != -1" % locals() self.db.execute(sql) return True def get_action_num(self, action=None): if action is None: return 0 row = self.db.get("select * from actions where action='%s' limit 1" % action) if row is None: return 0 return row['num'] def update_action_num(self, action, num): if action is None: return try: sql = "insert into actions (action, num) values ('%s', %s)" % (action, num) self.db.execute(sql) except IntegrityError: sql = "update actions set num = %d where action='%s'" % (num, action) self.db.execute(sql) def get_accounts(self, begin=None, state=None, create_time=None, limit = 10000, **kwargs): log.trace('get_accounts %s ', begin) params = [] sql = "select * from accounts where " if begin is not None: sql += 'id > %d' % begin if state is not None: if state < 1: sql += ' and state = %d' % state else: sql += ' and state >= %d' % state else: sql += ' and state != -1' if create_time is not None: sql += ' and create_time <= %s ' params.append(create_time) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is None: continue sql += ' and %s = %%s ' % (k) params.append(v) sql += ' order by id limit %d' % limit log.debug("sql %s params %s", sql, params) return self.db.query(sql, *params) def get_iter(self, action=None, state=None, *args, **kwargs): last_id = self.get_action_num(action) log.trace('get_iter for action %s from %s', action, last_id) while True: had_item = False for row in self.get_accounts(last_id, state, *args, **kwargs): yield row last_id = had_item = True if not had_item: self.update_action_num(action, 0); break def set_can_add(self, limit=0): if limit > 0: sql = "update accounts set can_add=1 where can_add=0 and state>=1 and state<10 order by id limit %d" % limit self.db.execute(sql) sql = "update accounts set can_add=0 where can_add=1 and state>=50" self.db.execute(sql) sql = "select count(id) as num from accounts where can_add=1 and state>=1" can_add = int(self.db.get(sql)['num']) sql = "select count(id) as num from accounts where can_add=0 and state=1" new_active = int(self.db.get(sql)['num']) sql = "select count(id) as num from accounts where state=0" new_acc = int(self.db.get(sql)['num']) sql = "select count(id) as num from accounts where state>=10" can_send = int(self.db.get(sql)['num']) sql = "select count(id) as num from accounts where state=-1" login_fail = int(self.db.get(sql)['num']) return {'can_add' : can_add, 'new_active' : new_active, 'new_acc' : new_acc, 'can_send' : can_send, 'login_fail' : login_fail}