def pycozmo_program(cli: pycozmo.client.Client): global last_im # Raise head. angle = (pycozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE.radians - pycozmo.robot.MIN_HEAD_ANGLE.radians) / 2.0 cli.set_head_angle(angle) # Register to receive new camera images. cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtNewRawCameraImage, on_camera_image) # Enable camera. pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableCamera() cli.conn.send(pkt) while True: if last_im: # Get last image. im = last_im # Resize from 320x240 to 128x32. im = im.resize((128, 32)) # Convert to binary image. im = im.convert('1') # Display the result image. cli.display_image(im) # Run with 25 FPS. time.sleep(1 / 25)
def pycozmo_program(cli: pycozmo.client.Client): # spin up the Frame Analysis stuff frame_analysis = FrameAnalysis() angle = (pycozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE.radians - pycozmo.robot.MIN_HEAD_ANGLE.radians) / 2.0 cli.set_head_angle(angle) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableCamera() cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableColorImages(enable=True) cli.conn.send(pkt) # Wait for image to stabilize. time.sleep(2.0) # handler to get image and feed to frame analysis cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtNewRawCameraImage, frame_analysis.new_image, one_shot=True) # Wait for image to be captured. time.sleep(1) # Ouput frame and edges plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(frame_analysis.image, cmap='gray') plt.title('Original'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(frame_analysis.edges, cmap='gray') plt.title('Edge'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
def pycozmo_program(cli: pycozmo.client.Client): cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.PathFollowingEvent, on_path_following_event) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtRobotPathingChange, on_robot_pathing_change) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.AppendPathSegLine(from_x=0.0, from_y=0.0, to_x=150.0, to_y=0.0, speed_mmps=SPEED_MMPS, accel_mmps2=ACCEL_MMPS2, decel_mmps2=DECEL_MMPS2) cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.AppendPathSegLine(from_x=150.0, from_y=0.0, to_x=150.0, to_y=150.0, speed_mmps=SPEED_MMPS, accel_mmps2=ACCEL_MMPS2, decel_mmps2=DECEL_MMPS2) cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.AppendPathSegLine(from_x=150.0, from_y=150.0, to_x=0.0, to_y=150.0, speed_mmps=SPEED_MMPS, accel_mmps2=ACCEL_MMPS2, decel_mmps2=DECEL_MMPS2) cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.AppendPathSegLine(from_x=0.0, from_y=150.0, to_x=0.0, to_y=0.0, speed_mmps=SPEED_MMPS, accel_mmps2=ACCEL_MMPS2, decel_mmps2=DECEL_MMPS2) cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.AppendPathSegPointTurn( x=0.0, y=0.0, angle_rad=pycozmo.util.Angle(degrees=0.0).radians, angle_tolerance_rad=0.01, speed_mmps=SPEED_MMPS, accel_mmps2=ACCEL_MMPS2, decel_mmps2=DECEL_MMPS2) cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.ExecutePath(event_id=1) cli.conn.send(pkt) e.wait(timeout=30.0)
def pycozmo_program(cli: pycozmo.client.Client): angle = (pycozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE.radians - pycozmo.robot.MIN_HEAD_ANGLE.radians) / 2.0 cli.set_head_angle(angle) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableCamera() cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableColorImages(enable=True) cli.conn.send(pkt) # Wait for image to stabilize. time.sleep(2.0) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtNewRawCameraImage, on_camera_image, one_shot=True) # Wait for image to be captured. time.sleep(1)
def pycozmo_program(cli: pycozmo.client.Client): cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.RobotState, on_robot_state, one_shot=True) cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.RobotPoked, on_robot_poked) cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.FallingStarted, on_robot_falling_started) cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.FallingStopped, on_robot_falling_stopped) cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.ButtonPressed, on_button_pressed) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtRobotPickedUpChange, on_robot_picked_up) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtRobotChargingChange, on_robot_charging) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtCliffDetectedChange, on_cliff_detected) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtRobotWheelsMovingChange, on_robot_wheels_moving) heart ="hjarta.png") heart = heart.convert('1') eyes ="eyes.png") eyes = eyes.convert('1') cli.display_image(eyes) angle = (pycozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE.radians - pycozmo.robot.MIN_HEAD_ANGLE.radians) / 2.0 #cli.set_head_angle(angle) cli.set_head_angle(0) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableCamera(enable=True) cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableColorImages(enable=True) cli.conn.send(pkt) # Wait for image to stabilize. time.sleep(1.0) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtNewRawCameraImage, on_camera_image, one_shot=False) speed = 100 cli.drive_wheels(lwheel_speed=-speed,rwheel_speed=-speed, duration=0.5) cli.drive_wheels(lwheel_speed=speed,rwheel_speed=speed, duration=1.0) cli.drive_wheels(lwheel_speed=speed,rwheel_speed=speed, duration=3.0) time.sleep(1) cli.display_image(heart) time.sleep(1) cli.display_image(eyes) turnduration=1.38 cli.drive_wheels(lwheel_speed=speed,rwheel_speed=-speed, duration=turnduration) cli.drive_wheels(lwheel_speed=speed,rwheel_speed=speed, duration=2.25) time.sleep(1) cli.drive_wheels(lwheel_speed=speed,rwheel_speed=-speed, duration=turnduration) cli.display_image(heart) cli.drive_wheels(lwheel_speed=-speed,rwheel_speed=-speed, duration=1.7) cli.display_image(eyes) time.sleep(1)
def update(cli: pycozmo.client.Client) -> None: """ Perform robot OTA firmware update. """ # Register for FirmwareUpdateResult packets. cli.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.FirmwareUpdateResult, on_firmware_update_result) safe_size = os.path.getsize(safe_file) total_chunks = math.ceil(safe_size / 1024) if verbose: print("Safe size: {} bytes / {} chunks".format(safe_size, total_chunks)) with open(safe_file, "rb") as f: print("Initiating update...") send_chunk(cli, f) wait_for_result(30.0) if last_status != 0: raise UpdateError("Failed to receive initialization confirmation.") print("Transferring firmware...") done = False while not done: if verbose: print("Sending chunk {}/{}...".format(chunk_id+1, total_chunks)) # For some reason the robot sends FirmwareUpdateResult only every 2 chunks. send_chunk(cli, f) done = send_chunk(cli, f) wait_for_result(0.5) # Finalize update print("Finalizing update...") pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.FirmwareUpdate(chunk_id=0xFFFF, data=b"\0" * 1024) cli.conn.send(pkt) wait_for_result(10.0) if last_status != 10: raise UpdateError("Failed to receive update confirmation (status {}).".format(last_status)) time.sleep(15.0) print("Done.")
def pycozmo_program(cli: pycozmo.client.Client): cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.RobotState, on_robot_state, one_shot=True) cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.RobotPoked, on_robot_poked) cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.FallingStarted, on_robot_falling_started) cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.FallingStopped, on_robot_falling_stopped) cli.conn.add_handler(pycozmo.protocol_encoder.ButtonPressed, on_button_pressed) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtRobotPickedUpChange, on_robot_picked_up) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtRobotChargingChange, on_robot_charging) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtCliffDetectedChange, on_cliff_detected) cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtRobotWheelsMovingChange, on_robot_wheels_moving) while True: try: time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: break
def pycozmo_program(cli: pycozmo.client.Client): global last_im, updated # activate the pygame library . # initiate pygame and give permission # to use pygame's functionality. pygame.init() # define the RGB value # for white colour white = (255, 255, 255) # assigning values to X and Y variable X = 320 Y = 720 # create the display surface object # of specific dimension..e(X, Y). display_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((X, Y )) # set the pygame window name pygame.display.set_caption('Image') # Set to look straight ahead cli.set_head_angle(0) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableCamera() cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableColorImages(enable=True) cli.conn.send(pkt) # Wait for image to stabilize. time.sleep(2.0) # Register to receive new camera images. cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtNewRawCameraImage, on_camera_image) # MANUAL DISTANCE CALIBRATIONS calibrated = False # calibration: distance from cozmo to object (inches) KNOWN_DISTANCE = 12.0 # calibration: width of your object of interest (inches) KNOWN_WIDTH = 1.0 fgbg = cv.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2( history=10, varThreshold=2, detectShadows=False) while True: if updated: # Get last image. im = last_im im2 = im.copy() gray = cv.cvtColor(im2, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) updated = False # filtering filtered = cv.bilateralFilter(gray, 7, 50, 50) foreground = fgbg.apply(filtered) kernel = np.ones((50,50),np.uint8) foreground = cv.morphologyEx(foreground, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) # edge detection edges = cv.Canny(filtered,100,200) # Crop off moving area cropped = (foreground //255) * edges # DISTANCE DETECTION # referenced # create a list of contours to work with boxContours = cv.findContours(edges.copy(), cv.RETR_LIST, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) boxContours = imutils.grab_contours(boxContours) # try finding the contour with the largest area try: # using the boxContours list, finds biggest in terms of area, fits rect to that area target = max(boxContours, key = cv.contourArea) targetBox = cv.minAreaRect(target) # get a calibrated focal length for cozmo camera, first pass only if calibrated == False: focalLength = (targetBox[1][0] * KNOWN_DISTANCE) / KNOWN_WIDTH calibrated = True # find distance to object based on: # manually set KNOWN_WIDTH (earlier in code, starting contour width) # focalLength (calculated on the first pass, scale factor) # targetBox[1][0], which is this frame's contour width # scale factor * (starting width / current width) currentDistance = focalLength * (KNOWN_WIDTH / targetBox[1][0]) # draw bounding box box = cv.boxPoints(targetBox) box = np.int0(box) boxImg = cv.drawContours(im2, [box], -1, (255, 255, 150), 2) # add text below the bounding box cv.putText(boxImg, "%.2fin" % (currentDistance), (boxImg.shape[1] - 200, boxImg.shape[0] - 20), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (255, 255, 150), 2) # if no contours are available except ValueError: print("No object detected") # completely fill the surface object # with white colour display_surface.fill(white) # copying the image surface object # to the display surface object at # (0, 0) coordinate. display_surface.blit(cv2ImageToSurface(im), (0, 0)) display_surface.blit(cv2ImageToSurface(cropped), (0,240)) # draw the distance detecting image display_surface.blit(cv2ImageToSurface(boxImg), (0, 480)) # Draws the surface object to the screen. pygame.display.update() # iterate over the list of Event objects # that was returned by pygame.event.get() method. for event in pygame.event.get() : # if event object type is QUIT # then quitting the pygame # and program both. if event.type == pygame.QUIT : # deactivates the pygame library pygame.quit() # quit the program. quit() # Run with 25 FPS. time.sleep(1 / 25)
def pycozmo_program(cli: pycozmo.client.Client): global last_im, updated yolo = YOLO("./yolo-coco/coco.names", "./yolo-coco/yolov3.weights", "./yolo-coco/yolov3.cfg", 0.5, 0.3) # activate the pygame library . # initiate pygame and give permission # to use pygame's functionality. pygame.init() # define the RGB value # for white colour white = (255, 255, 255) # assigning values to X and Y variable X = 320 Y = 480 # create the display surface object # of specific dimension..e(X, Y). display_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((X, Y)) # set the pygame window name pygame.display.set_caption('Image') # Raise head. angle = (pycozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE.radians - pycozmo.robot.MIN_HEAD_ANGLE.radians) / 4.0 cli.set_head_angle(angle) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableCamera() cli.conn.send(pkt) pkt = pycozmo.protocol_encoder.EnableColorImages(enable=True) cli.conn.send(pkt) # Wait for image to stabilize. time.sleep(2.0) # Register to receive new camera images. cli.add_handler(pycozmo.event.EvtNewRawCameraImage, on_camera_image) while True: if updated: # Get last image. #im = last_im.copy() updated = False #cv2.imshow('Frame',im) detect_im = yolo.analyze_image(last_im.copy()) #cv2.imshow('Found',detect_im) im_both = np.vstack((last_im, detect_im)) # completely fill the surface object # with white colour display_surface.fill(white) # copying the image surface object # to the display surface object at # (0, 0) coordinate. display_surface.blit(cv2ImageToSurface(im_both), (0, 0)) #display_surface.blit(cv2ImageToSurface(im), (0,240)) # Draws the surface object to the screen. pygame.display.update() # iterate over the list of Event objects # that was returned by pygame.event.get() method. for event in pygame.event.get(): # if event object type is QUIT # then quitting the pygame # and program both. if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # deactivates the pygame library pygame.quit() # quit the program. quit() # Run with 25 FPS. time.sleep(1 / 25)