def super_plot(zoom_dynspec, pulse=0, zoom=1, info=None): '''Do some awesome ploting. ''' #Create a frequency vector frequencies = zoom_dynspec.par.yvalues #Create a time vector times = zoom_dynspec.par.xvalues pdb.set_trace() cr.plt.clf() cr.plt.ion() zoom = 1 if zoom: cr.plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 20 cr.plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 30 cr.plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) cr.plt.title("Pulse Profile from : " + zoom_dynspec.par.station) cr.plt.xlabel("+/- Time [s]") flat_dyn = bt.flatdyn(zoom_dynspec, axis='x') cr.plt.plot(flat_dyn.par.xvalues, flat_dyn) cr.plt.autoscale(axis='x', tight=True) cr.plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) cr.plt.xlabel("Frequency [MHz]") flat_dyn, flat_dyn2 = bt.flatdyn( zoom_dynspec, axis='y', pulse_range=info.par.pulse_range, background_range=[0, 50 / info.par.tbin]) cr.plt.plot(flat_dyn.par.xvalues, flat_dyn) cr.plt.plot(flat_dyn.par.xvalues, flat_dyn2, 'r') cr.plt.autoscale(axis='x', tight=True) cr.plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) #Time integration. tbin = 1 if tbin > 1: zoom_dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(zoom_dynspec) zoom_dynspec = zoom_dynspec.reshape( (zoom_dynspec.shape[0] / tbin, tbin, zoom_dynspec.shape[1])) zoom_dynspec = np.sum(zoom_dynspec, axis=1) zoom_dynspec = cr.hArray(zoom_dynspec) zoom_dynspec = zoom_dynspec.Transpose() tbin = 4 if tbin > 1: zoom_dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(zoom_dynspec) zoom_dynspec = zoom_dynspec[:-3] zoom_dynspec = zoom_dynspec.reshape( (zoom_dynspec.shape[0] / tbin, tbin, zoom_dynspec.shape[1])) zoom_dynspec = np.sum(zoom_dynspec, axis=1) zoom_dynspec = cr.hArray(zoom_dynspec) zoom_dynspec = zoom_dynspec.Transpose() cr.plt.imshow(np.log10(cr.hArray_toNumpy(zoom_dynspec)), aspect='auto', origin='lower',, extent=(times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1])) cr.plt.xlabel("+/- Time [s]") cr.plt.ylabel("Frequency [MHz]")
def dynplot(dynspec, log=True): '''Plot dynamic spectrum. ''' raise NotImplementedError #Create a frequency vector frequencies = dynspec.par.yvalues #Create a time vector times = dynspec.par.xvalues #Plotings.... cr.plt.ion() cr.plt.clf() if not log: cr.plt.imshow(cr.hArray_toNumpy(dynspec), aspect='auto', origin='lower',, vmin=1e-3, vmax=0.03, extent=(times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1])) else: cr.plt.imshow(np.log10(cr.hArray_toNumpy(dynspec)), aspect='auto', origin='lower', vmin=-3, vmax=-1.5,, extent=(times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1])) cr.plt.xlabel("+/- Time [s]") cr.plt.ylabel("Frequency [MHz]")
cross_correlation = cross_correlation.Transpose() final_cc = cross_correlation[...].sum() print 'Need to check that the code is working, now with either doing the station mean on the complex or on the timeseries.' stop #------------------------ final_cc/=blocklen*nblocks #final_cc.abs() final_cc=cr.hArray(float,len(final_cc),fill=final_cc) cr.plt.ion() time = np.arange(-1*blocklen*5e-9/2,blocklen*5e-9/2,5e-9) cr.plt.plot(time,cr.hArray_toNumpy(final_cc)) cr.plt.xlabel('Time [s] ') final_cc=cr.hArray(float,[1,len(final_cc)],fill=final_cc) #------------------------ #Fitting cc. range_cc = 20 cut_cc = cr.hArray(float,[1,len(final_cc[0,speclen-range_cc:speclen+range_cc].vec())],final_cc[0,speclen-range_cc:speclen+range_cc].vec()) mx=cr.trun("FitMaxima",cut_cc,doplot=True,peak_width=40)#,splineorder=2) print '--------------------'
#------------------------ # Resample resample = 32 delay_step = beams['TBB_SAMPLE_INTERVAL'][0] / resample cc_smooth = cr.hArray(float, [1, blocklen * resample]) cr.hFFTWResample(cc_smooth, cross_correlation) # Ploting resampled cr.plt.ion() cc_smooth = cr.hArray(float, len(cc_smooth), fill=cc_smooth) time = np.arange(-1 * blocklen * 5e-9 / 2, blocklen * 5e-9 / 2, 5e-9 / resample) cr.plt.plot(time, cr.hArray_toNumpy(cc_smooth)) cr.plt.xlabel('Time [s] ') #cc_smooth.abs() cr.plt.plot(time, cr.hArray_toNumpy(cc_smooth)) #------------------------ #Using a Hilbert envelope if envelope: cr.plt.ion() cr.plt.figure() cr.plt.plot(cc_smooth) cc_nparray = cc_smooth.toNumpy() envelope_cc = abs(scipy.signal.hilbert(cc_nparray))
def calcIndividualStationDynspecs(beams, dm=0, save_file=False, fraction=None, tbin=1, clean=False, verbose=1, time_range=None): ''' Calculates the dynamic spectrum of individual beams. ============ ===== =================================================================== *beams* Input array. *dm* 0 Dedispersion Measure *save_file* False Saves a file in hArray format with additional information besides the array values. *fraction* None If not None, then a list of the form [x,y] such that extracting the fraction x/y of the data. with x>-1, and y>=x. *tbin* 1 If >1 integrates over this number of blocks. Or time binning. *clean* False If True it calculates the cleaned spectrum. *verbose* 1 If want to print status and performance. *time_range* None List with the begin and end of time selection. [t1,t2] in s ============ ===== =================================================================== Example:: import Beam_Tools as bt dynspecs = bt.calcIndividualStationDynspecs(beams) or:: import Beam_Tools as bt dynspecs,cleandynspecs = bt.calcIndividualStationDynspecs(beams,tbin=16,clean=True,save_file=True,time_range=[0,.1]) ''' #----------- #Log of things to check: #1)tbin divisiion #----------- t0 = time.clock() # filename_bin = os.path.join(filename,"data.bin") #Maybe needed in the future if using "from_file" option. speclen = beams['BEAM_SPECLEN'] block_duration = beams['BLOCKSIZE'] * beams['SAMPLE_INTERVAL'][0] nblocks = beams['NCHUNKS'] * beams['BEAM_NBLOCKS'] if not beams['DM'] and dm: beams['DM'] = dm if time_range: #Time selection indexing. if type(time_range) != type([]) or len(time_range) != 2 or time_range[ 0] > time_range[1] or time_range[0] < 0 or time_range[1] < 0: raise ValueError( 'Need a list of lenght 2, with first element "<" or "=" second element. Both elements positive.' ) times = beams.getTimes() block_range = cr.hArray(int, 2) cr.hFindSequenceBetweenOrEqual(block_range, times, time_range[0], time_range[1], 0, 0) nblocks = block_range[1] - block_range[0] fraction = False block_range = range(block_range[0], block_range[1]) if not fraction: fraction = [1, 1] if not time_range: block_range = range(0, nblocks) else: if type(fraction) != type([]) or len(fraction) != 2 or fraction[ 0] > fraction[1] or fraction[0] < 0 or fraction[1] < 0: raise ValueError( 'Need a list of lenght 2, with first element "<" or "=" second element. Both elements positive.' ) if fraction[0] == 0: fraction[0] = 1 nblocks = int(nblocks / fraction[1]) block_range = range((fraction[0] - 1) * nblocks, (fraction[0]) * nblocks) beam = beams.empty('FFT_DATA') dynspec = cr.hArray(float, [beam.shape()[0], nblocks, beam.shape()[1]]) #Dynamic spectrum calculation. for i, block in enumerate(block_range): if verbose: print 'Dynamic spectrum calculation at {0:.2%} \r'.format( float(i) / nblocks), sys.stdout.flush() beams.getFFTData(beam, block) for b in range(beam.shape()[0]): dynspec[b, i].spectralpower2(beam[b]) #Time integration. if tbin > 1: dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(dynspec) dynspec = dynspec.reshape((dynspec.shape[0], dynspec.shape[1] / tbin, tbin, dynspec.shape[2])) dynspec = np.sum(dynspec, axis=2) dynspec = cr.hArray(dynspec) #Cleaning dynamic spectrum. if clean: cleandynspec = dynspec * 0 for b in range(beam.shape()[0]): avspec = cr.hArray(float, speclen, fill=0.0) dynspec[b, ...].addto(avspec) cleandynspec[b] = (dynspec[b] * dynspec.shape()[1] / avspec)[0] #Transposing arrays. dynspec_T = dynspec.Transpose() * 0 for b in range(beam.shape()[0]): dynspec_T[b] = dynspec[b].Transpose() dynspec = dynspec_T if clean: cleandynspec_T = cleandynspec.Transpose() * 0 for b in range(beam.shape()[0]): cleandynspec_T[b] = cleandynspec[b].Transpose() cleandynspec = cleandynspec_T #Create a frequency vector frequencies = beams['BEAM_FREQUENCIES'] #Create a time vector start_time = block_range[0] * block_duration end_time = block_range[-1] * block_duration times = cr.hArray( float, int(round((end_time - start_time) / (block_duration * tbin))), name="Time", units=("", "s")) times.fillrange(start_time, block_duration * tbin) #Adding parameters dynspec.par.yvalues = frequencies dynspec.par.xvalues = times dynspec.par.tbin = tbin if clean: cleandynspec.par.yvalues = frequencies cleandynspec.par.xvalues = times cleandynspec.par.tbin = tbin #Saving file(s). if save_file: dynspec.write(os.path.join(filename, "dynspec"), nblocks=1, block=0, clearfile=True) print 'Saving binary in %s' % os.path.join(filename, "dynspec.pcr") if clean: cleandynspec.write(os.path.join(filename, "clean_dynspec"), nblocks=1, block=0, clearfile=True) print 'Saving binary in %s' % os.path.join(filename, "clean_dynspec.pcr") if verbose: print "Finished - dyncalc time used:", time.clock() - t0, "s." if clean: return dynspec, cleandynspec else: return dynspec
def rawdyncalc(TAB, fraction=None, tbin=1, clean=False, axis_val=False, verbose=1): ''' Calculates the dynamic spectrum of a raw beam (no TBB info). =============== ===== =================================================================== *TAB* Input complex array. *fraction* None If not None, then a list of the form [x,y] such that extracting the fraction x/y of the data. with x>-1, and y>=x. *tbin* 1 If >1 integrates over this number of blocks. Or time binning. *clean* False If True it calculates the cleaned spectrum. *verbose* 1 If want to print status and performance. =============== ===== =================================================================== Example:: import Beam_Tools as bt dynspec = bt.rawdyncalc(filename) or:: import Beam_Tools as bt dynspec,cleandynspec = bt.rawdyncalc(TAB,tbin=16,clean=True) ''' t0 = time.clock() speclen = TAB.shape()[1] block_duration = (TAB.shape()[1] - 1) * 2 * 5e-09 nblocks = TAB.shape()[0] #Create a frequency vector if axis_val: frequencies = TAB.par.yvalues else: frequencies = cr.hArray( float, speclen, list(np.arange(1e+08, 2e+08 + 12207.03125, 12207.03125))) if not fraction: fraction = [1, 1] else: if type(fraction) != type([]) or len(fraction) != 2 or fraction[ 0] > fraction[1] or fraction[0] < 0 or fraction[1] < 0: raise ValueError( 'Need a list of lenght 2, with first element "<" or "=" second element. Both elements positive.' ) if fraction[0] == 0: fraction[0] = 1 nblocks = int(nblocks / fraction[1]) start_time = (fraction[0] - 1) * (block_duration * nblocks) / fraction[1] end_time = fraction[0] * (block_duration * nblocks) / fraction[1] dynspec = cr.hArray(float, [nblocks, speclen]) block_range = range((fraction[0] - 1) * nblocks, (fraction[0]) * nblocks) beam = cr.hArray(complex, speclen) #Reading TAB. for block in block_range: if verbose: print 'Dynspec calculation at {0:.2%} \r'.format( float(block) / nblocks), sys.stdout.flush() beam = TAB[block] dynspec[block].spectralpower2(beam) #Time integration. if tbin > 1: dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(dynspec) dynspec = dynspec.reshape( (dynspec.shape[0] / tbin, tbin, dynspec.shape[1])) dynspec = np.sum(dynspec, axis=1) dynspec = cr.hArray(dynspec) #Cleaning dynamic spectrum. if clean: avspec = cr.hArray(float, speclen, fill=0.0) dynspec[...].addto(avspec) cleandynspec = dynspec / avspec #Transposing arrays. dynspec = dynspec.Transpose() if clean: cleandynspec = cleandynspec.Transpose() #Create a time vector if axis_val: times = TAB.par.xvalues else: times = cr.hArray( float, int(round((end_time - start_time) / (block_duration * tbin))), name="Time", units=("", "s")) times.fillrange(start_time, block_duration * tbin) #Adding parameters dynspec.par.yvalues = frequencies dynspec.par.xvalues = times dynspec.par.tbin = tbin if clean: cleandynspec.par.yvalues = frequencies cleandynspec.par.xvalues = times cleandynspec.par.tbin = tbin if verbose: print "Finished - dyncalc time used:", time.clock() - t0, "s." if clean: return dynspec, cleandynspec else: return dynspec
def addBeams(beams, dyncalc=False, save_file=False, fraction=False, clean=False, tbin=1, dm=0, verbose=1, incoherent=False): '''Add complex beams toguether. If requested: - Calculates a dynamic spectrum. - Dedisperses the beam. - Bins the dynspec in integer time blocks (not for the TAB, which stays in complex). =============== ===== =================================================================== *beams* Input beams, opened by the interphase. *dyncalc* True If True it calculates the dynamic spectrum *dm* 0 Dedispersion Measure *save_file* False Saves a file in hArray format with additional information besides the array values. *fraction* None If not None, then a list of the form [x,y] such that extracting the fraction x/y of the data. with x>-1, and y>=x. This also makes tbin=1 *tbin* 1 If >1 integrates over this number of blocks. Or time binning. *clean* False If True it calculates the cleaned spectrum. *verbose* 1 If want to print status and performance. *incoherent* False Adding beams coherently (default) or not. =============== ===== =================================================================== Example:: import Beam_Tools as bt TAB,dynspec,cleandynspec = bt.addBeams(beams,dyncalc=True,tbin=16,dm=26.76,clean=True) ''' if incoherent: print 'Incoherent addition of the following beams: ' else: print 'Coherent addition of the following beams: ' for file in beams['FILENAMES']: print file print '------_-------' if save_file: raise KeyError("Keyword is invalid for now: " + key) if fraction: if tbin > 1: print 'WARNING: tbin has been reset to 1, since using fraction.' tbin = 1 t0 = time.clock() speclen = beams['BLOCKSIZE'] / 2 + 1 block_duration = beams['BLOCKSIZE'] * beams['SAMPLE_INTERVAL'][0] nblocks = beams['NCHUNKS'] * beams['BEAM_NBLOCKS'] beam = beams.empty('FFT_DATA') total_beam = cr.hArray(complex, (nblocks, beam.shape()[1])) fft_matrix = cr.hArray(complex, beam.shape()[1]) if not beams['DM'] and dm: beams['DM'] = dm if not fraction: fraction = [1, 1] else: if type(fraction) != type([]) or len(fraction) != 2 or fraction[ 0] > fraction[1] or fraction[0] < 0 or fraction[1] < 0: raise ValueError( 'Need a list of lenght 2, with first element "<" or "=" second element. Both elements positive.' ) if fraction[0] == 0: fraction[0] = 1 nblocks = int(nblocks / fraction[1]) if dyncalc: dynspec = cr.hArray(float, (nblocks, beam.shape()[1])) if incoherent: for block in range(nblocks): bm = cr.hArray(complex, beam.shape()[1]) if verbose: print 'Addition beams at {0:.2%} \r'.format( float(block) / nblocks), sys.stdout.flush() beams.getFFTData(beam, block) dynspec[block].spectralpower2(beam[...]) total_beam = dynspec else: for block in range(nblocks): bm = cr.hArray(complex, beam.shape()[1]) if verbose: print 'Addition beams at {0:.2%} \r'.format( float(block) / nblocks), sys.stdout.flush() beams.getFFTData(beam, block) for b in range(beam.shape()[0]): fft_matrix[:] = beam[b].vec() / float(b + 1.) if b > 0: bm *= (b) / (b + 1.) bm += fft_matrix #Around here I could possibly change the code to be saving each station at the time... just like beamformer does.. to help not eating too much memory. total_beam[block] = bm if dyncalc: dynspec[block].spectralpower2(bm) if verbose: print "Finished - addBeams in %f sec" % (time.clock() - t0) if dyncalc: start_time = (fraction[0] - 1) * (block_duration * nblocks) end_time = fraction[0] * (block_duration * nblocks) #Create a frequency vector frequencies = beams['BEAM_FREQUENCIES'] #Create a time vector times = cr.hArray( float, int(round((end_time - start_time) / (block_duration * tbin))), name="Time", units=("", "s")) times.fillrange(start_time, block_duration * tbin) #Time integration. if tbin > 1: dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(dynspec) dynspec = dynspec.reshape( (dynspec.shape[0] / tbin, tbin, dynspec.shape[1])) dynspec = np.sum(dynspec, axis=1) dynspec = cr.hArray(dynspec) #Cleaning dynamic spectrum. if clean: avspec = cr.hArray(float, speclen, fill=0.0) dynspec[...].addto(avspec) cleandynspec = dynspec / avspec #Transposing arrays. dynspec = dynspec.Transpose() if clean: cleandynspec = cleandynspec.Transpose() #Adding parameters dynspec.par.yvalues = frequencies dynspec.par.xvalues = times dynspec.par.tbin = tbin if clean: cleandynspec.par.yvalues = frequencies cleandynspec.par.xvalues = times cleandynspec.par.tbin = tbin if clean: return total_beam, dynspec, cleandynspec else: return total_beam, dynspec else: return total_beam
def dyncalc_multibeam(filename=None, beams=None, nbeam=0, save_file=False, from_file=False, fraction=None, tbin=1, clean=False): ''' Calculates the dynamic spectrum. =============== ===== =================================================================== *beams* None Input array. *nbeam* 0 Beam to work with, if ()beams has stored multiple ones. *save_file* False Saves a file in hArray format with additional information besides the array values. *from_file* False Read cleandynspec from file. *fraction* None If not None, then a list of the form [x,y] such that extracting the fraction x/y of the data. with x>-1, and y>=x. *tbin* 1 If >1 integrates over this number of blocks. Or time binning. *clean* False If True it calculates the cleaned spectrum. =============== ===== =================================================================== Example:: import Beam_Tools as bt dynspec = bt.dyncalc(filename) or:: import Beam_Tools as bt dynspec,cleandynspec = bt.dyncalc(beams,tbin=16,clean=True,save_file=True) The regular and clean dynamic spectra (all blocks) are returned and stored in ``Task.dynspec`` and ``Task.cleandynspec`` respectively. ''' raise NotImplementedError if beams == None and filename == None: raise ValueError( 'Need to provide either the filename or the opened .beam file') if nbeam != 0 or from_file or save_file: raise KeyError("Keyword is invalid for now: " + key) t0 = time.clock() if beams == None: beams = elif filename == None: filename = beams['FILENAMES'][0] # filename_bin = os.path.join(filename,"data.bin") #Maybe needed in the future if using "from_file" option. speclen = beams['BLOCKSIZE'] / 2 + 1 block_duration = beams['BLOCKSIZE'] * beams['SAMPLE_INTERVAL'][0] nblocks = beams['NCHUNKS'] * beams['BEAM_NBLOCKS'] if not fraction: fraction = [1, 1] else: if type(fraction) != type([]) or len(fraction) != 2 or fraction[ 0] > fraction[1] or fraction[0] < 0 or fraction[1] < 0: raise ValueError( 'Need a list of lenght 2, with first element "<" or "=" second element. Both elements positive.' ) if fraction[0] == 0: fraction[0] = 1 nblocks = int(nblocks / fraction[1]) start_time = (fraction[0] - 1) * (block_duration * nblocks) / fraction[1] end_time = fraction[0] * (block_duration * nblocks) / fraction[1] beam = beams.empty('FFT_DATA') tm = cr.hArray(float, beam) dynspec = cr.hArray(float, [nblocks, beam.shape()[0], speclen]) block_range = range((fraction[0] - 1) * nblocks, (fraction[0]) * nblocks) pdb.set_trace() #Reading beams. for block in block_range: print ' Calculation at {0:.2%} \r'.format( float(block) / len(block_range)), sys.stdout.flush() beams.getFFTData(beam, block) tm[...].spectralpower2(beam[...]) dynspec[block] = tm #Time integration. if tbin > 1: dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(dynspec) dynspec = dynspec.reshape((dynspec.shape[0] / tbin, tbin, dynspec.shape[1], dynspec.shape[2])) dynspec = np.sum(dynspec, axis=1) dynspec = cr.hArray(dynspec) #Rearranging dimensions. dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(dynspec) # dynspec = np.rollaxis(dynspec,0,3) dynspec = np.swapaxes(dynspec, 0, 1) dynspec = np.swapaxes(dynspec, 1, 2) dynspec = cr.hArray( dynspec.copy()) #The .copy() is quick&dirty way to avoid a bug. #Cleaning dynamic spectrum. if clean: avspec = cr.hArray(float, speclen, fill=0.0) cleandynspec = cr.hArray(float, dynspec, fill=0.0) for dim in range(dynspec.shape()[0]): single_dynspec = cr.hArray(float, dynspec.shape()[1:], dynspec[dim]) single_dynspec[...].addto(avspec) cleandynspec[dim] = single_dynspec / avspec #Create a frequency vector frequencies = beams['BEAM_FREQUENCIES'] #Create a time vector times = cr.hArray( float, int(round((end_time - start_time) / (block_duration * tbin))), name="Time", units=("", "s")) times.fillrange(start_time, block_duration * tbin) #Adding parameters dynspec.par.yvalues = frequencies dynspec.par.xvalues = times dynspec.par.tbin = tbin if clean: cleandynspec.par.yvalues = frequencies cleandynspec.par.xvalues = times cleandynspec.par.tbin = tbin #Saving file(s). if save_file: dynspec.write(os.path.join(filename, "dynspec"), nblocks=1, block=0, clearfile=True) print 'Saving binary in %s' % os.path.join(filename, "dynspec.pcr") if clean: cleandynspec.write(os.path.join(filename, "clean_dynspec"), nblocks=1, block=0, clearfile=True) print 'Saving binary in %s' % os.path.join(filename, "clean_dynspec.pcr") print "Finished - total time used:", time.clock() - t0, "s." if clean: return dynspec, cleandynspec else: return dynspec
#Calculate dynamic spectrum. dynspec, cleandynspec = bt.rawdyncalc(TAB, clean=True, tbin=tbin) pulse_cut = 1 title = 'Superterp Stations (Coherent)-pol0' if not pulse_cut: #Plot. # frequencies = beams['BEAM_FREQUENCIES']/10**6 # times = cr.hArray(float,nblocks,list(np.arange(0,nblocks*block_tstep,block_tstep))) frequencies = cleandynspec.par.yvalues times = cleandynspec.par.xvalues cr.plt.clf() cr.plt.ion() cr.plt.imshow(np.log10(cr.hArray_toNumpy(cleandynspec)), aspect='auto', origin='lower',, extent=(times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1])) cr.plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 20 cr.plt.ylabel("Frequency [MHz]") cr.plt.xlabel("Time [s]") # cr.plt.title(beams_suffix) cr.plt.title(title) else: pulse = 1 # Get pulse information
def super_plot(zoom_dynspec,pulse=0,zoom=1): '''Do some awesome ploting. ''' #Create a frequency vector frequencies = zoom_dynspec.par.yvalues #Create a time vector times = zoom_dynspec.par.xvalues # cr.plt.subplot(1,len(filenames),i) cr.plt.clf() zoom=0 if zoom: cr.plt.rcParams['font.size']=20 cr.plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize']=30 flat_dyn=bt.flatdyn(zoom_dynspec,pulse=pulse) cr.plt.subplot(2,2,1) cr.plt.title("Pulse Profile from : " + zoom_dynspec.par.station) cr.plt.plot(flat_dyn.par.xvalues,flat_dyn) cr.plt.xlabel("+/- Time [s]") cr.plt.autoscale(axis='x',tight=True) pdb.set_trace() if pulse!=3: # Need to fix flatdyn for any kind of pulse ... or need to actually remove all the hardcoded stuff. flat_dyn,flat_dyn2=bt.flatdyn(zoom_dynspec,axis='y',pulse=pulse) cr.plt.subplot(2,2,4) cr.plt.plot(flat_dyn.par.xvalues,flat_dyn) cr.plt.plot(flat_dyn.par.xvalues,flat_dyn2,'r') cr.plt.autoscale(axis='x',tight=True) cr.plt.xlabel("Frequency [MHz]") cr.plt.subplot(2,2,3) #Time integration. # tbin=9 if pulse: tbin=4 else: tbin=6 if not zoom: tbin=1 if tbin>1: zoom_dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(zoom_dynspec) zoom_dynspec = zoom_dynspec.reshape((zoom_dynspec.shape[0]/tbin,tbin,zoom_dynspec.shape[1])) zoom_dynspec = np.sum(zoom_dynspec,axis=1) zoom_dynspec = cr.hArray(zoom_dynspec) # tbin=8 tbin=1 zoom_dynspec = zoom_dynspec.Transpose() if tbin>1: zoom_dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(zoom_dynspec) zoom_dynspec = zoom_dynspec.reshape((zoom_dynspec.shape[0]/tbin,tbin,zoom_dynspec.shape[1])) zoom_dynspec = np.sum(zoom_dynspec,axis=1) zoom_dynspec = cr.hArray(zoom_dynspec) zoom_dynspec = zoom_dynspec.Transpose() cr.plt.imshow(np.log10(cr.hArray_toNumpy(zoom_dynspec)),aspect='auto',origin='lower',,extent=(times[0],times[-1],frequencies[0],frequencies[-1])) # pdb.set_trace() # cr.plt.imshow(np.log10(cr.hArray_toNumpy(zoom_dynspec)),aspect='auto',origin='lower',,vmin=-4,vmax=-3,extent=(times[0],times[-1],frequencies[0],frequencies[-1])) cr.plt.xlabel("+/- Time [s]") cr.plt.ylabel("Frequency [MHz]")
if zoom: zoom_dynspec=bt.cutdynspec(full_dynspec,pulse=pulse) zoom_dynspec.par.station = beams['STATION_NAME'][0] incoherent_dynspec+=zoom_dynspec/6. # zoom_beam=bt.cutbeam(beam) # zoom_dynspec=bt.rawdyncalc(zoom_beam,axis_val=True) if verbose: super_plot(zoom_dynspec,pulse=pulse,zoom=zoom) pdb.set_trace() # Used for now to pause and manually save the images. else: full_dynspec = full_dynspec.Transpose() dynspec=cr.hArray(float,[nblocks, 8193],full_dynspec[0:nblocks].vec()) if tbin>1: dynspec = cr.hArray_toNumpy(dynspec) dynspec = dynspec.reshape((dynspec.shape[0]/tbin,tbin,dynspec.shape[1])) dynspec = np.sum(dynspec,axis=1) dynspec = cr.hArray(dynspec) dynspec = dynspec.Transpose() dynspec.par.station = beams['STATION_NAME'][0] dynspec.par.yvalues = beams['BEAM_FREQUENCIES']/10**6 dynspec.par.xvalues = cr.hArray(float,nblocks,list(np.arange(0,nblocks*8192*2*5e-9,8192*2*5e-9))) if verbose: super_plot(dynspec,pulse=pulse,zoom=zoom) pdb.set_trace() # Used for now to pause and manually save the images. incoherent_dynspec+=dynspec
file['SELECTED_DIPOLES_INDEX'][i] for i in range(len(file['SELECTED_DIPOLES'])) ], rotation='vertical') p2 = outdir + '/RFI/FindRFI.' + str( Obs_ID2) + '.st_' + file['STATION_NAME'][0] + '.pol_' + str( polarization) + '.antennas_cleaned_power.png' cr.plt.savefig(p2) #Ploting a waterfall with freq vs antenna for both RFI regions. if 'msec' in obs_mode: cr.plt.figure() else: cr.plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12)) cr.plt.subplot(211) cr.plt.imshow(cr.hArray_toNumpy(average_spectrum - median_average_spectrum), aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',, vmin=-1, vmax=1, extent=(freqs[0], freqs[-1], 0, rfi.nantennas)) cb = cr.plt.colorbar(pad=0.0, fraction=.1) cb.set_label('log( Power spectrum per antenna / median)') cr.plt.xlabel('Frequency [MHz]') cr.plt.yticks(range(len(file['SELECTED_DIPOLES'])), [ file['SELECTED_DIPOLES_INDEX'][i] for i in range(len(file['SELECTED_DIPOLES'])) ], fontsize=8)