method(a) if argumentCount == 2: method(a,2) #stop timer end.record() end.synchronize() #calculate used time secs = start.time_till(end) return secs #iterate over all methods and time the execution time with different array sizes print "compile kernels" kernel._compile_kernels(kernel) #generate our output table, one for gpu, one for cpu tblCPU = Table() tblGPU = Table() tblSPD = Table() #contains all the method names methods = ["size"] for name in dir(cuma): if (name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__")) == False: method = getattr(cuma, name) if type(method) == types.FunctionType: methods.append(name)
def compile_kernels(cls): # useful for benchmarking kernel._compile_kernels(cls)