Example #1
    def get(self, *args):
        url = self.request.uri
        qs = urllib.urlsplit(url)
        parsed = urllib.parse_qs(qs.query)

        """Placeholder for supporting inheritance.
        Inheritance is currently not implemented."""
        query = """
            SELECT w_id, w_name, p_id, p_category, p_name, p_value FROM {%1}.widget_property wp
            JOIN {%1}.widget w ON (wp.wp_widget_id = w.w_id)
            JOIN {%1}.property p ON (wp.wp_property_id = p.p_id);
        query = query.replace('{%1}', self.schema)
        cur = self.db.cursor()

        """Check if the query parameters are valid."""
        data = c.parsedata(cur)
        categories = py_.pluck(data, 'p_category')
        valid_params = py_.intersection(parsed.keys(), categories)

        """Create a hash with widget id as key."""
        data_by_id = py_.group_by(data, 'w_id')

        """For each widget, create a new widget object to return."""
        widgets = []
        for wid in data_by_id.keys():
            this = data_by_id[wid]
            by_cat = py_.group_by(this, 'p_category')
            uniq_cat = py_.uniq(py_.pluck(this, 'p_category'))

            widget = {
                'w_id': wid,
                'w_name': py_.uniq(py_.pluck(this, 'w_name'))[0],
                'match': True

            """Create a new key, val pair for each property
            for the widget."""
            for cat in uniq_cat:
                widget[cat] = py_.pluck(by_cat[cat], 'p_name')

            """Check if each property associated with the
            widget matches the query parameters."""
            for key in valid_params:
                if key in by_cat.keys():
                    widget['match'] = widget['match'] and len(py_.intersection(widget[key], parsed[key])) > 0


        """If query parameters are not provided or invalid,
        return all widgets without filtering."""
        if len(valid_params) == 0:
            ret = widgets
            ret = py_.filter(widgets, {'match': True})

        self.write(json.dumps(ret, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
    def aggregate_entities(
        entity_type_value_group: Dict[Tuple[str, Any], List[BaseEntity]],
        input_size: int,
    ) -> List[BaseEntity]:
        Reduce entities sharing same type and value.

        Entities with same type and value are considered identical even if other metadata is same.

        :param entity_type_val_group: A data-structure that groups entities by type and value.
        :type entity_type_val_group: Dict[Tuple[str, Any], List[BaseEntity]]
        :return: A list of de-duplicated entities.
        :rtype: List[BaseEntity]
        aggregated_entities = []
        for entities in entity_type_value_group.values():
            indices = [
                entity.alternative_index for entity in entities
                if isinstance(entity.alternative_index, int)
            min_alternative_index = py_.min_(indices) if indices else None
            representative = entities[0]
            representative.alternative_index = min_alternative_index
            representative.alternative_indices = indices
            representative.score = entity_scoring(len(py_.uniq(indices)),
        return aggregated_entities
Example #3
def get_bolded_names(soup):
    # other names for the food are bolded in the first paragraph
    paragraphs = soup.select('.mw-parser-output p:not(.mw-empty-elt)')
    firstParagraph = paragraphs[0]
    aliasIndicators = ['known as', 'common name']
    if py_.some(aliasIndicators, lambda l: l in firstParagraph.text.lower()):
        return filter(
            py_.uniq(py_.map(firstParagraph.select('b'), lambda b: b.text)))
Example #4
def get_ftu_fault_record(xls_path, sheet_name, start_date, end_date):
    ret = []
    if isinstance(start_date, str) or isinstance(start_date, unicode):
        if len(start_date) > 10:
            start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    if isinstance(end_date, str) or isinstance(end_date, unicode):
        if len(end_date) > 10:
            end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')

    if isinstance(start_date, datetime.datetime) and isinstance(end_date, datetime.datetime):
        book = xlrd.open_workbook(xls_path)
        startrowidx = 1
        colstartrowidx = 0
        for sheet in book.sheets():
            if sheet.name.lower() == sheet_name.lower():
                timestamp_idx = -1
                sim_idx = -1
                for i in range(100):
                    if sheet.cell_value(colstartrowidx, i).lower() == 'timestamp':
                        timestamp_idx = i
                    if sheet.cell_value(colstartrowidx, i).lower() == 'sim':
                        sim_idx = i
                    if timestamp_idx > -1 and sim_idx > -1:
                for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
                    timestamp = None
                    if len(sheet.cell_value(row, timestamp_idx)):
                        timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(sheet.cell_value(row, timestamp_idx), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                        if timestamp >= start_date and timestamp <= end_date:
                            sim = ''
                                sim = str(int(sheet.cell_value(row, sim_idx)))
                                sim = ''
                            # ret.append({
                            #     'sim': sim
                            # })
    # print(len(ret))
    # def uniq(value, index, array):
    ret = _.uniq(ret, 'sim')
    # print(len(ret))
    return ret
Example #5
    def resources(self) -> List[Resource]:
        Parse list of resources using excel data.

        assignments = [[
            name.strip() for name in it.split(",")
        ] for it in self.xlsx_data["Assigned to"].dropna().tolist()]

        resources = [
            Resource(name=name) for name in py_.uniq(py_.flatten(assignments))

        # We also add a ghost for unassigned items
        return resources
Example #6
def test6():
    def get_line_id(alist, code):
        return _.find(alist, lambda x: x['properties'].has_key('func_pos_code') and x['properties']['func_pos_code'] == code)
        # return _.matches_property('properties.func_pos_code', code)(alist)
    def get_point_id(alist, code):
        return _.find(alist, lambda x: x['properties'].has_key('function_pos_code') and x['properties'][
                                                                                            'func_pos_code'] == code)
    ret = []
    linesmap = {}
    with codecs.open(ur'd:\linesmap.json', 'r', 'utf-8-sig') as f:
        linesmap = json.loads(f.read())
    polyline_dn = mongo_find('kmgd', 'network', {'properties.webgis_type':'polyline_dn'})
    # towers = mongo_find('kmgd', 'features', {'properties.webgis_type':'point_tower'})
    idx = 0
    for k in linesmap.keys():
        codes = _.uniq(_.flatten(linesmap[k]))
        o = get_line_id(polyline_dn, k)
        if o:
            # l = mongo_find('kmgd', 'features', {'properties.line_func_code':k})
            # ids = _.pluck(l, '_id')
            ll = mongo_find('kmgd', 'features', {'properties.function_pos_code':{'$in':codes}})
            if len(ll):
                lll = _.pluck(ll, '_id')
                o['properties']['nodes'] = lll
                # o = add_mongo_id(o)
                idx += 1
                # if idx > 10:
                #     break
    mongo_action('kmgd', 'network', 'save', ret)