Example #1
def main():
  # generate some data
  nb_obs = 100000
  nb_seats = 20000
  R, S, A = simulate_exogenous_vars(nb_obs, R_pct=0.75, S_pct=0.6) # simulate exogeous variables
  G, L, F = simulate_endogenous_vars(A, R, S) # simulate endogenous variables

  # set up naive policy
  simplePolicy = SimplePolicy()

  # set up naive policy
  naivePolicy = NaivePolicy()
  naivePolicy.train(R, S, G, L, F)

  # set up and train unaware policy
  unawarePolicy = UnawarePolicy()
  unawarePolicy.train(G, L, F)

  # set up and train fair policy
  fairPolicy = FairPolicy()
  fairPolicy.train(R, S, G, L)

  R, S, A = simulate_exogenous_vars(nb_obs, R_pct=0.75, S_pct=0.6) # simulate exogeous variables
  G, L, F = simulate_endogenous_vars(A, R, S) # simulate endogenous variables

  # form policy dictionary
  P = {'simple': simplePolicy.evaluate(G, L, nb_seats),
       'naive': naivePolicy.evaluate(R, S, G, L, nb_seats),
       'unaware': unawarePolicy.evaluate(G, L, nb_seats),
       'fair': fairPolicy.evaluate(R, S, G, L, nb_seats)}

  hist_ability_by_policy(P['simple'], A, R, S, G, L, F)
  hist_ability_by_policy(P['naive'], A, R, S, G, L, F)
  hist_ability_by_policy(P['unaware'], A, R, S, G, L, F)
  hist_ability_by_policy(P['fair'], A, R, S, G, L, F)

  kde_ability_by_protected(P['simple'], A, R, S, G, L, F)
  kde_ability_by_protected(P['naive'], A, R, S, G, L, F)
  kde_ability_by_protected(P['unaware'], A, R, S, G, L, F)
  kde_ability_by_protected(P['fair'], A, R, S, G, L, F)

  unfair_ranking = np.argsort(-F.squeeze())
  print('Utility comparison on ranking from unfair policy:')
  for policy_name in ['simple', 'naive', 'unaware', 'fair']:
    print(_.upper_first(policy_name), 'policy:',  calc_utility(P[policy_name], unfair_ranking, nb_seats))

  fair_ranking = np.argsort(-A.squeeze())
  print('Utility comparison on ranking from fair policy (based only on true ability):')
  for policy_name in ['simple', 'naive', 'unaware', 'fair']:
    print(_.upper_first(policy_name), 'policy:',  calc_utility(P[policy_name], fair_ranking, nb_seats))
Example #2
def _apply_match_heuristic(page, link_contexts, to_match, entity):
    '''helper for defining heuristics for finding mentions of an entity'''
    matches = u.match_all(to_match, page['plaintext'])
    mentions = sum(link_contexts.values(), [])
    link_context = {
        entity: [{
            'text': to_match,
            'offset': match_index,
            'page_title': page['title'],
            'preredirect': _.upper_first(entity)
        } for match_index in matches]
    filtered_link_context = {
        entity: [
            mention for mention in link_context[entity]
            if not _mention_overlaps(mentions, mention)
    concat = lambda dest, src: _.uniq_by(dest + src, 'offset') if dest else src
    if not _.is_empty(filtered_link_context[entity]):
        return _.merge_with(link_contexts,
        return link_contexts
Example #3
def _sentence_to_link_contexts(redirects_lookup, page, sentence):
    page_title = page['title']
    contexts = {}
    if 'links' in sentence:
        for link in sentence['links']:
            if is_valid_link(link):
                link_text = link.get('text') or link['page']
                    mention_offset = get_mention_offset(
                        page['plaintext'], sentence['text'], link_text)
                    entity = _get_entity(redirects_lookup, link)
                    context = {
                        'text': link_text,
                        'sentence': sentence['text'],
                        'offset': mention_offset,
                        'page_title': page_title,
                        'preredirect': _.upper_first(link['page'])
                    if entity in contexts:
                        contexts[entity] = [context]
                except ValueError:
    return contexts
Example #4
def _build_redirects_lookup(redirects_rows):
    lookup = {}
    for row in redirects_rows:
        from_page = row['redirect_from'].replace('_', ' ')
        to_page = row['redirect_to'].replace('_', ' ')
        lookup[_.upper_first(from_page)] = to_page
        lookup[_.lower_first(from_page)] = to_page
    return lookup
def _get_entity(redirects_lookup, link):
  link_destination = link['page']
  followed_redirect = redirects_lookup.get(link_destination)
  return _.upper_first(followed_redirect or link_destination)
Example #6
def test_upper_first(case, expected):
    assert _.upper_first(case) == expected
Example #7
 def get_classname(self, component_name):
     return _.upper_first(_.camel_case(component_name or self.name))