Example #1
    def test_loading_undownloaded(self, tmp_path):
        "Test loading before ``Dataset.download()`` has been called."

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
            load_dataset('wikitext103', version='1.0.1', download=False)
        assert 'Did you forget to download the dataset (by specifying `download=True`)?' in str(e.value)
Example #2
    def test_loading_undownloaded(self, tmp_path):
        "Test loading before ``Dataset.download()`` has been called."

        with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as e:
            load_dataset('wikitext103', version='1.0.1', download=False)
        assert 'Failed to load the dataset because some files are not found.' in str(e.value)
Example #3
    def test_loading_undownloaded(self, tmp_path):
        "Test loading before ``Dataset.download()`` has been called."

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
            load_dataset('wikitext103', version='1.0.1', download=False)
        assert (
            'Did you forget to download the dataset '
            '(by calling this function with `download=True` for at least once)?'
        ) in str(e.value)
Example #4
    def test_subdatasets_param(self, tmp_path):
        "Test to see subdatasets parameter is being handled properly."


        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
            load_dataset('wikitext103', version='1.0.1', download=True, subdatasets=123)
        assert str(e.value) == '\'int\' object is not iterable'

        subdatasets = ['train']
        wikitext103_data = load_dataset('wikitext103', version='1.0.1', download=True, subdatasets=subdatasets)
        assert list(wikitext103_data.keys()) == subdatasets
Example #5
    def test_version_param(self, tmp_path):
        "Test to see the version parameter is being handled properly."


        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
            load_dataset('gmb', version=1.0)
        assert str(e.value) == 'The version parameter must be supplied a str.'

        name, version = 'gmb', ''
        with pytest.raises(KeyError) as e:
            load_dataset('gmb', version=version)
        assert str(e.value) == (
            f'\'"{version}" is not a valid PyDAX version for the dataset "{name}". '
            'You can view all valid datasets and their versions by running the function '

        name, version = 'gmb', 'fake_version'
        with pytest.raises(KeyError) as e:
            load_dataset('gmb', version=version)
        assert str(e.value) == (
            f'\'"{version}" is not a valid PyDAX version for the dataset "{name}". '
            'You can view all valid datasets and their versions by running the function '

        # If no version specified, make sure latest version grabbed
        all_datasets = list_all_datasets()
        latest_version = str(
            sorted(version_parser(v) for v in all_datasets[name])[-1])
        assert load_dataset('gmb') == load_dataset('gmb',
Example #6
    def test_name_param(self, tmp_path):
        "Test to see the name parameter is being handled properly."


        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
        assert str(e.value) == 'The name parameter must be supplied a str.'

        name = 'fake_dataset'
        with pytest.raises(KeyError) as e:
        assert str(e.value) == (f'\'"{name}" is not a valid PyDAX dataset. You can view all valid datasets and their '
                                'versions by running the function pydax.list_all_datasets().\'')
Example #7
    def test_download_true(self, tmp_path, downloaded_gmb_dataset):
        "Test to see the function downloads and loads properly when download=True."

        downloaded_gmb_dataset_data = downloaded_gmb_dataset.load()
        gmb_data = load_dataset('gmb', version='1.0.2', download=True)
        assert downloaded_gmb_dataset_data == gmb_data
Example #8
    def test_download_false(self, tmp_path, gmb_schema):
        "Test to see the function loads properly when download=False and dataset was previously downloaded."

        data_dir = tmp_path / 'gmb' / '1.0.2'
        gmb = Dataset(gmb_schema, data_dir=data_dir, mode=Dataset.InitializationMode.DOWNLOAD_AND_LOAD)
        gmb_data = load_dataset('gmb', version='1.0.2', download=False)
        assert gmb.data == gmb_data
Example #9
    def test_default_dataset_schema_name(self, tmp_path, gmb_schema):
        "Test the default schemata name."

        data_dir = tmp_path / 'default' / 'gmb' / '1.0.2'
        gmb = Dataset(gmb_schema, data_dir=data_dir, mode=Dataset.InitializationMode.DOWNLOAD_AND_LOAD)
        _get_schemata().schemata['datasets']._schema.pop('name')  # Remove the "name" key
        gmb_data = load_dataset('gmb', version='1.0.2', download=False)
        assert gmb.data == gmb_data
Example #10
# This scripts tests all files in CODAIT/dax-schemata. It shouldn't report any error.

import yaml

import pydax


with open('datasets.yaml') as f:
    datasets = yaml.safe_load(f)

# Datasets name are the same from the schema files. This helps ensure that PyDAX doesn't miss any dataset during the
# test.
assert frozenset(datasets['datasets']) == frozenset(pydax.list_all_datasets())
# Sanity check. In case of all tests being skipped because of a minor error such as in formatting.
assert len(pydax.list_all_datasets()) > 0

for name, versions in pydax.list_all_datasets().items():
    # Versions must be the same from the schema files. This helps ensure that PyDAX doesn't miss any dataset during the
    # test.
    assert frozenset(datasets['datasets'][name]) == frozenset(versions)
    # Sanity check. In case of all tests being skipped because of a minor error such as in formatting.
    assert len(versions) > 0
    for version in versions:
        # Print dataset info. This also examines relevant portion in license.yaml
        print(pydax.get_dataset_metadata(name, version, human=True),
        pydax.load_dataset(name=name, version=version, subdatasets=None)