Example #1
def check_semirings(graph):
    weights = [10.0] * len(graph.edges)
    weights2 = [0.5] * len(graph.edges)
    potentials = np.array(weights)
    edge_marg = pydecode.marginals(graph, potentials,

    log_potentials = np.array(weights)
    potentials = np.array(weights)
    chart = pydecode.inside(graph, log_potentials)
    chart2 = pydecode.inside(graph, potentials)

    # Array-form.
    for node in graph.nodes:
        nt.assert_equal(chart[node.id], chart2[node.id])

    # Matrix-form.
        chart, chart2, decimal=4)

    marg = pydecode.marginals(graph, log_potentials)
    marg2 = pydecode.marginals(graph, potentials)

    for edge in graph.edges:
        nt.assert_almost_equal(marg[edge.id], marg2[edge.id])

    potentials = np.array(weights2)
Example #2
    def structure_path(self, graph, parse):
        Helper method for debugging. Checks that a graph contains parse.

        graph : hypergraph

        parse : nltk.Tree

        parts = self.transform_structure(parse)
        #labels = [self.encoder[part]
        #print parts
        label_weights = np.zeros(len(self.encoder)+20, dtype=np.int8)

        for part in parts:
            if not (tuple(part) in self.encoder):  print part
            # print part[-1], [self.grammar.nonterms[nt] for nt in self.grammar.rule_nonterms(part[-1])]
            label_weights[self.encoder[tuple(part)]] = 1

        weights = pydecode.transform(graph, label_weights)

        part_set = set([self.encoder[tuple(part)] for part in parts])
        for edge in graph.edges:
            if edge.label == -1:
                weights[edge.id] = 1
                if edge.label in part_set:
        bad_parts = self.transform_labels([part for part in part_set])
        # print part_set, bad_parts, [self.grammar.rule_nonterms(p[-1]) for p in bad_parts]
        #assert not part_set, [self.transform_labels([part for part in part_set])]

        chart = pydecode.inside(graph, weights, weight_type=pydecode.Boolean)
        for edge in graph.edges:
            if edge.label != -1 and weights[edge.id] == 1 or edge.head.id == graph.root.id:
                # print len(edge.tail), edge.label
                for node in edge.tail:
                    # print node.id
                    if chart[node.id] != 1:
                        # print self.transform_labels([edge.label])
                #         assert(False)
                # assert chart[edge.head.id] == 1

        # print chart
        if not chart[graph.root.id]:
            print "fail"
            print "good"
Example #3
    def structure_path(self, graph, parse):
        Helper method for debugging. Checks that a graph contains parse.

        graph : hypergraph

        parse : nltk.Tree

        parts = self.transform_structure(parse)
        #labels = [self.encoder[part]
        #print parts
        label_weights = np.zeros(len(self.encoder) + 20, dtype=np.int8)

        for part in parts:
            if not (tuple(part) in self.encoder): print part
            # print part[-1], [self.grammar.nonterms[nt] for nt in self.grammar.rule_nonterms(part[-1])]
            label_weights[self.encoder[tuple(part)]] = 1

        weights = pydecode.transform(graph, label_weights)

        part_set = set([self.encoder[tuple(part)] for part in parts])
        for edge in graph.edges:
            if edge.label == -1:
                weights[edge.id] = 1
                if edge.label in part_set:
        bad_parts = self.transform_labels([part for part in part_set])
        # print part_set, bad_parts, [self.grammar.rule_nonterms(p[-1]) for p in bad_parts]
        #assert not part_set, [self.transform_labels([part for part in part_set])]

        chart = pydecode.inside(graph, weights, weight_type=pydecode.Boolean)
        for edge in graph.edges:
            if edge.label != -1 and weights[
                    edge.id] == 1 or edge.head.id == graph.root.id:
                # print len(edge.tail), edge.label
                for node in edge.tail:
                    # print node.id
                    if chart[node.id] != 1:
                        # print self.transform_labels([edge.label])
                #         assert(False)
                # assert chart[edge.head.id] == 1

        # print chart
        if not chart[graph.root.id]:
            print "fail"
            print "good"
Example #4
def check_outside(graph, pot):
    Test outside chart properties.
    print graph
    path = pydecode.best_path(graph, pot)
    chart = pydecode.inside(graph, pot)
    print pot.shape, path.v.shape
    best = pot.T * path.v
    print path.v
    print best
    nt.assert_almost_equal(best, chart[graph.root.id])
    nt.assert_not_equal(best, 0.0)

    out_chart = pydecode.outside(graph, pot, chart)

    # Array-form
    for vertex in graph.vertices:
        other = chart[vertex.id] + out_chart[vertex.id]
        nt.assert_less_equal(other, best + 1e-4,
                             "%f %f %d %f %f"%(other, best, vertex.id,
                                         chart[vertex.id], out_chart[vertex.id]))

    # Matrix-form
    m = chart + out_chart
    assert (m < best + 1e4).all()

    # for node in graph.nodes:
    #     other = chart[node] * out_chart[node]
    #     nt.assert_less_equal(other, best + 1e-4)
    print chart
    print out_chart

    for edge in path.edges:
        for node in edge.tail:
            if node.is_terminal:
                other = out_chart[node.id]
                nt.assert_almost_equal(other, best)
Example #5
    def special_decode(self, method, problem, hypergraph, scores, constraints,
        if method == "CUBE":
            groups = [node.label.i for node in hypergraph.nodes]
            ins = ph.inside(hypergraph, scores)
            out = ph.outside(hypergraph, scores, ins)

            beam_chart = ph.beam_search_BinaryVector(
                hypergraph, scores, constraints.to_binary_potentials(),
                out, -10000, groups, [1000] * len(groups), cube_pruning=True)
            return beam_chart.path(0)

        elif method == "BEAM":
            groups = [node.label.i for node in hypergraph.nodes]
            ins = ph.inside(hypergraph, scores)
            out = ph.outside(hypergraph, scores, ins)

            beam_chart = ph.beam_search_BinaryVector(
                hypergraph, scores, constraints.to_binary_potentials(),
                out, -10000, groups, [1000] * len(groups))
            return beam_chart.path(0)
        elif method == "MULTIDFA":
            old = hypergraph
            old_hmap = None

            for j in range(problem.size):
                states = 2
                symbols = 2
                dfa = ph.DFA(states, symbols, [{0:0, 1:1} , {0:1}], [1])
                vec = [(1 if (edge.head.label.j == j) else 0)
                       for edge in old.edges]
                counts = ph.CountingPotentials(old).from_vector(vec)
                hmap = ph.extend_hypergraph_by_dfa(old, counts, dfa)
                old = hmap.domain_hypergraph
                old.labeling = ph.Labeling(old, [hmap[node].label
                                                 for node in old.nodes],
                #new_scores = old_scores.up_project(old, hmap)
                if old_hmap is not None:
                    old_hmap = old_hmap.compose(hmap)
                    old_hmap = hmap
                # old_scores = new_scores
            new_scores = scores.up_project(old, old_hmap)
            #new_scores = self.potentials(old, scorer)
            return ph.best_path(old, new_scores)

        elif method == "BIGDFA":
            old = hypergraph
            states = 2**problem.size
            symbols = problem.size + 1
            final_state = 0
            for i in range(problem.size):
                final_state |= 2**i

            transitions = \
                [{j : i | 2**j for j in range(symbols) if i & 2**j == 0}
                 for i in range(states)]
            dfa = ph.DFA(states, symbols,
            vec = [edge.head.label.j for edge in old.edges]
            counts = ph.CountingPotentials(old).from_vector(vec)
            hmap = ph.extend_hypergraph_by_dfa(old, counts, dfa)
            old = hmap.domain_hypergraph
            old.labeling = ph.Labeling(old, [hmap[node].label
                                             for node in old.nodes],
            new_scores = scores.up_project(old, hmap)
            return ph.best_path(old, new_scores)
Example #6
    def special_decode(self, method, problem, hypergraph, scores, constraints,
        if method == "CUBE":
            groups = [node.label.i for node in hypergraph.nodes]
            ins = ph.inside(hypergraph, scores)
            out = ph.outside(hypergraph, scores, ins)

            beam_chart = ph.beam_search_BinaryVector(
                groups, [1000] * len(groups),
            return beam_chart.path(0)

        elif method == "BEAM":
            groups = [node.label.i for node in hypergraph.nodes]
            ins = ph.inside(hypergraph, scores)
            out = ph.outside(hypergraph, scores, ins)

            beam_chart = ph.beam_search_BinaryVector(
                hypergraph, scores, constraints.to_binary_potentials(), out,
                -10000, groups, [1000] * len(groups))
            return beam_chart.path(0)
        elif method == "MULTIDFA":
            old = hypergraph
            old_hmap = None

            for j in range(problem.size):
                states = 2
                symbols = 2
                dfa = ph.DFA(states, symbols, [{0: 0, 1: 1}, {0: 1}], [1])
                vec = [(1 if (edge.head.label.j == j) else 0)
                       for edge in old.edges]
                counts = ph.CountingPotentials(old).from_vector(vec)
                hmap = ph.extend_hypergraph_by_dfa(old, counts, dfa)
                old = hmap.domain_hypergraph
                old.labeling = ph.Labeling(
                    old, [hmap[node].label for node in old.nodes], None)
                #new_scores = old_scores.up_project(old, hmap)
                if old_hmap is not None:
                    old_hmap = old_hmap.compose(hmap)
                    old_hmap = hmap
                # old_scores = new_scores
            new_scores = scores.up_project(old, old_hmap)
            #new_scores = self.potentials(old, scorer)
            return ph.best_path(old, new_scores)

        elif method == "BIGDFA":
            old = hypergraph
            states = 2**problem.size
            symbols = problem.size + 1
            final_state = 0
            for i in range(problem.size):
                final_state |= 2**i

            transitions = \
                [{j : i | 2**j for j in range(symbols) if i & 2**j == 0}
                 for i in range(states)]
            dfa = ph.DFA(states, symbols, transitions, [final_state])
            vec = [edge.head.label.j for edge in old.edges]
            counts = ph.CountingPotentials(old).from_vector(vec)
            hmap = ph.extend_hypergraph_by_dfa(old, counts, dfa)
            old = hmap.domain_hypergraph
            old.labeling = ph.Labeling(
                old, [hmap[node].label for node in old.nodes], None)
            new_scores = scores.up_project(old, hmap)
            return ph.best_path(old, new_scores)
Example #7
def check_inside(graph, pot):
    Test inside chart gen.
    inside = pydecode.inside(graph, pot)
Example #8
__author__ = 'Superuser'

import pydecode
import numpy as np

n = 10
chart = np.zeros(10)
chart[0] = 0
chart[1] = chart[0] + 1
for item in range(2, n):
    chart[item] = chart[item-1] + chart[item-2]

chart = pydecode.ChartBuilder(np.arange(10))
chart.set(1, [[0]], labels=[0])

for item in range(2, n):
    chart.set(item, [[item-1, item-2]])
graph = chart.finish()

weights = pydecode.transform(graph, np.array([1.0]))
inside = pydecode.inside(graph, weights)

pydecode.draw(graph, np.array(["+"]*10), graph.node_labeling)
Example #9
__author__ = 'Superuser'

import pydecode
import numpy as np

n = 10
chart = np.zeros(10)
chart[0] = 0
chart[1] = chart[0] + 1
for item in range(2, n):
    chart[item] = chart[item - 1] + chart[item - 2]

chart = pydecode.ChartBuilder(np.arange(10))
chart.set(1, [[0]], labels=[0])

for item in range(2, n):
    chart.set(item, [[item - 1, item - 2]])
graph = chart.finish()

weights = pydecode.transform(graph, np.array([1.0]))
inside = pydecode.inside(graph, weights)

pydecode.draw(graph, np.array(["+"] * 10), graph.node_labeling)