Example #1
 def time_rgb_ybr_large(self):
     """Time converting RGB to YBR."""
     for ii in range(1):
    def test_rgb_ybr_rgb_single_frame(self):
        """Test round trip conversion of single framed pixel data."""
        ds = dcmread(RGB_8_3_1F)

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert (255, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[5, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(arr[15, 50, :])
        assert (0, 255, 0) == tuple(arr[25, 50, :])
        assert (128, 255, 128) == tuple(arr[35, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 255) == tuple(arr[45, 50, :])
        assert (128, 128, 255) == tuple(arr[55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 64, 64) == tuple(arr[75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 192, 192) == tuple(arr[85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(arr[95, 50, :])

        ybr = convert_color_space(arr, 'RGB', 'YBR_FULL')
        assert (76, 85, 255) == tuple(ybr[5, 50, :])
        assert (166, 107, 192) == tuple(ybr[15, 50, :])
        assert (150, 44, 21) == tuple(ybr[25, 50, :])
        assert (203, 86, 75) == tuple(ybr[35, 50, :])
        assert (29, 255, 107) == tuple(ybr[45, 50, :])
        assert (142, 192, 118) == tuple(ybr[55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[95, 50, :])

        # Round trip -> rounding errors get compounded
        rgb = convert_color_space(ybr, 'YBR_FULL', 'RGB')
        # All pixels within +/- 1 units
        assert np.allclose(rgb, arr, atol=1)
        assert rgb.shape == arr.shape
Example #3
    def test_dataset_pixel_array_handler_needs_convert(self):
        """Test Dataset.pixel_array when converting to RGB."""
        ds = dcmread(EXPL_8_3_1F)
        # Convert to YBR first
        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert (255, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[5, 50, :])
        arr = convert_color_space(arr, 'RGB', 'YBR_FULL')
        ds.PixelData = arr.tobytes()
        del ds._pixel_array  # Weird PyPy2 issue without this

        # Test normal functioning (False)
        assert (76, 85, 255) == tuple(ds.pixel_array[5, 50, :])

        def needs_convert(ds):
            """Change the default return to True"""
            return True

        # Test modified
        orig_fn = NP_HANDLER.needs_to_convert_to_RGB
        NP_HANDLER.needs_to_convert_to_RGB = needs_convert

        # Ensure the pixel array gets updated
        ds._pixel_id = None
        assert (254, 0, 0) == tuple(ds.pixel_array[5, 50, :])

        # Reset
        NP_HANDLER.needs_to_convert_to_RGB = orig_fn
Example #4
    def test_3s_1f_ybr_444_non(self):
        """Test YBR with 444 subsampling."""
        # +cy is YCbCr
        # +s4 is 444 subsampling w/ YBR_FULL - DICOM non-conformant
        ds = self.ds['SC_rgb_dcmtk_+eb+cy+s4.dcm']['ds']
        assert self.uid == ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID
        assert 3 == ds.SamplesPerPixel
        assert 1 == getattr(ds, 'NumberOfFrames', 1)
        assert 'YBR_FULL' == ds.PhotometricInterpretation
        assert 8 == ds.BitsAllocated == ds.BitsStored
        assert 0 == ds.PixelRepresentation

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'uint8' == arr.dtype
        assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns, 3) == arr.shape

        arr = convert_color_space(arr, 'YBR_FULL', 'RGB')


        assert (254, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[5, 50, :])
        assert (255, 127, 127) == tuple(arr[15, 50, :])
        assert (0, 255, 5) == tuple(arr[25, 50, :])
        assert (129, 255, 129) == tuple(arr[35, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 254) == tuple(arr[45, 50, :])
        assert (128, 127, 255) == tuple(arr[55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 64, 64) == tuple(arr[75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 192, 192) == tuple(arr[85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(arr[95, 50, :])
    def test_dataset_pixel_array_handler_needs_convert(self):
        """Test Dataset.pixel_array when converting to RGB."""
        ds = dcmread(EXPL_8_3_1F)
        # Convert to YBR first
        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert (255, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[5, 50, :])
        arr = convert_color_space(arr, 'RGB', 'YBR_FULL')
        ds.PixelData = arr.tobytes()
        del ds._pixel_array  # Weird PyPy2 issue without this

        # Test normal functioning (False)
        assert (76, 85, 255) == tuple(ds.pixel_array[5, 50, :])

        def needs_convert(ds):
            """Change the default return to True"""
            return True

        # Test modified
        orig_fn = NP_HANDLER.needs_to_convert_to_RGB
        NP_HANDLER.needs_to_convert_to_RGB = needs_convert

        # Ensure the pixel array gets updated
        ds._pixel_id = None
        assert (254, 0, 0) == tuple(ds.pixel_array[5, 50, :])

        # Reset
        NP_HANDLER.needs_to_convert_to_RGB = orig_fn
Example #6
    def test_3s_Nf_ybr_422(self):
        """Test 3 sample/px with N frames."""
        ds = self.ds['color3d_jpeg_baseline.dcm']['ds']
        assert self.uid == ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID
        assert 3 == ds.SamplesPerPixel
        assert 1 != getattr(ds, 'NumberOfFrames', 1)
        assert 8 == ds.BitsAllocated == ds.BitsStored
        assert 'YBR_FULL_422' == ds.PhotometricInterpretation
        assert 0 == ds.PixelRepresentation

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'uint8' == arr.dtype
        assert (ds.NumberOfFrames, ds.Rows, ds.Columns, 3) == arr.shape

        # Gives a MemoryError in GitHub CI build otherwise
        arr = arr[0:10, ...]
        arr = convert_color_space(arr, 'YBR_FULL', 'RGB')

        #self.plot(arr, index=3)

        # GDCM: all match
        assert (41, 41, 41) == tuple(arr[3, 159, 290, :])
        assert (57, 57, 57) == tuple(arr[3, 169, 290, :])
        # Pillow: assert (71, 168, 125) == tuple(arr[3, 41, 380, :])
        assert (72, 167, 125) == tuple(arr[3, 41, 380, :])
    def test_rgb_ybr_rgb_multi_frame(self):
        """Test round trip conversion of multi-framed pixel data."""
        ds = dcmread(RGB_8_3_2F)

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert (255, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[0, 5, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(arr[0, 15, 50, :])
        assert (0, 255, 0) == tuple(arr[0, 25, 50, :])
        assert (128, 255, 128) == tuple(arr[0, 35, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 255) == tuple(arr[0, 45, 50, :])
        assert (128, 128, 255) == tuple(arr[0, 55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[0, 65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 64, 64) == tuple(arr[0, 75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 192, 192) == tuple(arr[0, 85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(arr[0, 95, 50, :])
        # Frame 2 is frame 1 inverted
        assert np.array_equal((2**ds.BitsAllocated - 1) - arr[1], arr[0])

        ybr = convert_color_space(arr, 'RGB', 'YBR_FULL')
        assert (76, 85, 255) == tuple(ybr[0, 5, 50, :])
        assert (166, 107, 192) == tuple(ybr[0, 15, 50, :])
        assert (150, 44, 21) == tuple(ybr[0, 25, 50, :])
        assert (203, 86, 75) == tuple(ybr[0, 35, 50, :])
        assert (29, 255, 107) == tuple(ybr[0, 45, 50, :])
        assert (142, 192, 118) == tuple(ybr[0, 55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[0, 65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[0, 75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[0, 85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[0, 95, 50, :])
        # Frame 2
        assert (179, 171, 1) == tuple(ybr[1, 5, 50, :])
        assert (89, 149, 65) == tuple(ybr[1, 15, 50, :])
        assert (105, 212, 235) == tuple(ybr[1, 25, 50, :])
        assert (52, 170, 181) == tuple(ybr[1, 35, 50, :])
        assert (226, 1, 149) == tuple(ybr[1, 45, 50, :])
        assert (113, 65, 138) == tuple(ybr[1, 55, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[1, 65, 50, :])
        assert (191, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[1, 75, 50, :])
        assert (63, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[1, 85, 50, :])
        assert (0, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[1, 95, 50, :])

        # Round trip -> rounding errors get compounded
        rgb = convert_color_space(ybr, 'YBR_FULL', 'RGB')
        # All pixels within +/- 1 units
        assert np.allclose(rgb, arr, atol=1)
        assert rgb.shape == arr.shape
    def test_array(self, fpath, rpath, fixes):
        """Test pixel_array returns correct values."""
        ds = dcmread(fpath)
        # May need to correct some element values
        for kw, val in fixes.items():
            setattr(ds, kw, val)
        arr = ds.pixel_array
        if 'YBR_FULL' in ds.PhotometricInterpretation:
            arr = convert_color_space(arr, ds.PhotometricInterpretation, 'RGB')

        ref = dcmread(rpath).pixel_array
        assert np.array_equal(arr, ref)
Example #9
    def test_rgb_ybr_rgb_single_frame(self):
        """Test round trip conversion of single framed pixel data."""
        ds = dcmread(RGB_8_3_1F)

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert (255, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[5, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(arr[15, 50, :])
        assert (0, 255, 0) == tuple(arr[25, 50, :])
        assert (128, 255, 128) == tuple(arr[35, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 255) == tuple(arr[45, 50, :])
        assert (128, 128, 255) == tuple(arr[55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 64, 64) == tuple(arr[75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 192, 192) == tuple(arr[85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(arr[95, 50, :])

        ybr = convert_color_space(arr, 'RGB', 'YBR_FULL')
        assert (76, 85, 255) == tuple(ybr[5, 50, :])
        assert (166, 107, 192) == tuple(ybr[15, 50, :])
        assert (150, 44, 21) == tuple(ybr[25, 50, :])
        assert (203, 86, 75) == tuple(ybr[35, 50, :])
        assert (29, 255, 107) == tuple(ybr[45, 50, :])
        assert (142, 192, 118) == tuple(ybr[55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[95, 50, :])

        # Round trip -> rounding errors get compounded
        rgb = convert_color_space(ybr, 'YBR_FULL', 'RGB')
        assert (254, 0, 0) == tuple(rgb[5, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 129) == tuple(rgb[15, 50, :])
        assert (0, 255, 1) == tuple(rgb[25, 50, :])
        assert (129, 255, 129) == tuple(rgb[35, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 254) == tuple(rgb[45, 50, :])
        assert (128, 127, 255) == tuple(rgb[55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(rgb[65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 64, 64) == tuple(rgb[75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 192, 192) == tuple(rgb[85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(rgb[95, 50, :])
Example #10
    def test_rgb_ybr_rgb_single_frame(self):
        """Test round trip conversion of single framed pixel data."""
        ds = dcmread(RGB_8_3_1F)

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert (255, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[5, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(arr[15, 50, :])
        assert (0, 255, 0) == tuple(arr[25, 50, :])
        assert (128, 255, 128) == tuple(arr[35, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 255) == tuple(arr[45, 50, :])
        assert (128, 128, 255) == tuple(arr[55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 64, 64) == tuple(arr[75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 192, 192) == tuple(arr[85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(arr[95, 50, :])

        ybr = convert_color_space(arr, 'RGB', 'YBR_FULL')
        assert (76, 85, 255) == tuple(ybr[5, 50, :])
        assert (166, 107, 192) == tuple(ybr[15, 50, :])
        assert (150, 44, 21) == tuple(ybr[25, 50, :])
        assert (203, 86, 75) == tuple(ybr[35, 50, :])
        assert (29, 255, 107) == tuple(ybr[45, 50, :])
        assert (142, 192, 118) == tuple(ybr[55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[95, 50, :])

        # Round trip -> rounding errors get compounded
        rgb = convert_color_space(ybr, 'YBR_FULL', 'RGB')
        assert (254, 0, 0) == tuple(rgb[5, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 129) == tuple(rgb[15, 50, :])
        assert (0, 255, 1) == tuple(rgb[25, 50, :])
        assert (129, 255, 129) == tuple(rgb[35, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 254) == tuple(rgb[45, 50, :])
        assert (128, 127, 255) == tuple(rgb[55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(rgb[65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 64, 64) == tuple(rgb[75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 192, 192) == tuple(rgb[85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(rgb[95, 50, :])
    def test_color_3d(self):
        """Test decoding JPEG with pillow handler succeeds."""
        ds = dcmread(JPGB_08_08_3_0_120F_YBR_FULL_422)
        assert "YBR_FULL_422" == ds.PhotometricInterpretation
        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert (120, 480, 640, 3) == arr.shape
        arr = convert_color_space(arr, 'YBR_FULL_422', 'RGB')
        # this test points were manually identified in Osirix viewer
        assert (41, 41, 41) == tuple(arr[3, 159, 290, :])
        assert (57, 57, 57) == tuple(arr[3, 169, 290, :])

        assert "YBR_FULL_422" == ds.PhotometricInterpretation
Example #12
def extract_images_from_dicom(dicom_obj):
    pixel_array = dicom_obj.pixel_array
    interpretation_str = str(getattr(dicom_obj, 'PhotometricInterpretation', None))
    if interpretation_str in ('YBR_FULL_422', 'YBR_FULL'):
        pixel_array = convert_color_space(pixel_array, interpretation_str, 'RGB')
    dcm_channels = pixel_array.shape

    images = []
    if (len(dcm_channels) > 3 and dcm_channels[-1] == 3) or (len(dcm_channels) == 3 and dcm_channels[-1] != 3):
        for i in range(dcm_channels[0]):
            images.append(prepare_dicom_image(pixel_array[i], dicom_obj))
        images.append(prepare_dicom_image(pixel_array, dicom_obj))
    return images
Example #13
    def test_generate_frames(self, fpath, rpath, val, tol):
        """Test pixel_array returns correct values."""
        ds = dcmread(fpath)
        frame_generator = generate_frames(ds)
        ref = dcmread(rpath).pixel_array

        nr_frames = getattr(ds, 'NumberOfFrames', 1)
        for ii in range(nr_frames):
            arr = next(frame_generator)
            if 'YBR' in ds.PhotometricInterpretation:
                arr = convert_color_space(arr, ds.PhotometricInterpretation,

            if nr_frames > 1:
                assert np.allclose(arr, ref[ii, ...], atol=tol)
                assert np.allclose(arr, ref, atol=tol)

        with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
Example #14
def get_pixels(dicom_file):
    pixels = dicom_file.pixel_array
    if dicom_file.PhotometricInterpretation == 'PALETTE COLOR':
        pixels = apply_color_lut(pixels, dicom_file)
    elif dicom_file.PhotometricInterpretation == 'YBR_FULL_422' or dicom_file.PhotometricInterpretation == 'YBR_FULL':
        pixels = convert_color_space(pixels, dicom_file.PhotometricInterpretation, 'RGB')
        dicom_file.PhotometricInterpretation = 'RGB'
    elif len(pixels.shape) == 2 and (dicom_file.PhotometricInterpretation == 'MONOCHROME1' 
        or dicom_file.PhotometricInterpretation == 'MONOCHROME2'):
        pixels = np.stack((pixels, pixels, pixels), axis=2)

    # handle different dtypes
    if pixels.dtype == np.uint16:
        pixels = (pixels * (256.0 / pixels.max())).astype(np.uint8)
    elif pixels.dtype == np.int16:
        pix_max = pixels.max()
        pix_min = pixels.min()
        pixels = ((pixels + pix_min) * (256.0 / (pix_max - pix_min))).astype(np.uint8)

    return pixels
    def test_array(self, fpath, rpath, values):
        """Test pixel_array returns correct values."""
        ds = dcmread(fpath)
        arr = ds.pixel_array
        if 'YBR' in ds.PhotometricInterpretation:
            arr = convert_color_space(arr, ds.PhotometricInterpretation, 'RGB')

        ref = dcmread(rpath).pixel_array

        if values:
            assert tuple(arr[5, 50, :]) == values[0]
            assert tuple(arr[15, 50, :]) == values[1]
            assert tuple(arr[25, 50, :]) == values[2]
            assert tuple(arr[35, 50, :]) == values[3]
            assert tuple(arr[45, 50, :]) == values[4]
            assert tuple(arr[55, 50, :]) == values[5]
            assert tuple(arr[65, 50, :]) == values[6]
            assert tuple(arr[75, 50, :]) == values[7]
            assert tuple(arr[85, 50, :]) == values[8]
            assert tuple(arr[95, 50, :]) == values[9]

        assert np.array_equal(arr, ref)
Example #16
    def test_array(self, fpath, rpath, val, tol):
        """Test pixel_array returns correct values."""
        ds = dcmread(fpath)
        arr = ds.pixel_array
        if 'YBR' in ds.PhotometricInterpretation:
            arr = convert_color_space(arr, ds.PhotometricInterpretation, 'RGB')

        ref = dcmread(rpath).pixel_array

        if val:
            assert tuple(arr[5, 50, :]) == val[0]
            assert tuple(arr[15, 50, :]) == val[1]
            assert tuple(arr[25, 50, :]) == val[2]
            assert tuple(arr[35, 50, :]) == val[3]
            assert tuple(arr[45, 50, :]) == val[4]
            assert tuple(arr[55, 50, :]) == val[5]
            assert tuple(arr[65, 50, :]) == val[6]
            assert tuple(arr[75, 50, :]) == val[7]
            assert tuple(arr[85, 50, :]) == val[8]
            assert tuple(arr[95, 50, :]) == val[9]

        # All results within `tol` intensity units of the reference
        assert np.allclose(arr, ref, atol=tol)
Example #17
    def __iter__(self):
        if self._length == 1:
            self._pixel_array = np.expand_dims(self._pixel_array, axis=0)

        for pixel_array in self._pixel_array:
            # Normalization to an output range 0..255, 0..65535
            pixel_array = pixel_array - self._min_value
            pixel_array = pixel_array.astype(int) * (2**self._depth - 1)
            pixel_array = pixel_array // (self._max_value - self._min_value)

            # In some cases we need to convert colors additionally
            if 'YBR' in self._photometric_interpretation:
                pixel_array = convert_color_space(
                    pixel_array, self._photometric_interpretation, 'RGB')

            if self._depth == 8:
                image = Image.fromarray(pixel_array.astype(np.uint8))
            elif self._depth == 16:
                image = Image.fromarray(pixel_array.astype(np.uint16))
                raise Exception('Not supported depth {}'.format(self._depth))

            yield image
Example #18
 def test_convert_color_space_raises(self):
     """Test that convert_color_space raises exception."""
     with pytest.raises(ImportError,
                        match="Numpy is required to convert"):
         convert_color_space(None, None, None)
Example #19
 def test_unknown_current_raises(self):
     """Test an unknown current color space raises exception."""
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError,
                        match="Conversion from TEST to RGB is not suppo"):
         convert_color_space(None, 'TEST', 'RGB')
Example #20
 def test_unknown_desired_raises(self):
     """Test an unknown desdired color space raises exception."""
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError,
                        match="Conversion from RGB to TEST is not suppo"):
         convert_color_space(None, 'RGB', 'TEST')
Example #21
 def test_current_is_desired(self):
     """Test that the array is unchanged when current matches desired."""
     arr = np.ones((2, 3))
     assert np.array_equal(arr, convert_color_space(arr, 'RGB', 'RGB'))
Example #22
 def test_unknown_desired_raises(self):
     """Test an unknown desdired color space raises exception."""
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError,
                        match="Conversion from RGB to TEST is not suppo"):
         convert_color_space(None, 'RGB', 'TEST')
 def time_ybr_rgb(self):
     """Time converting from YBR to RGB color space."""
     for ii in range(self.no_runs):
         convert_color_space(self.ybr_full, 'YBR_FULL', 'RGB')
 def time_rgb_ybr(self):
     """Time converting from RGB to YBR color space."""
     for ii in range(self.no_runs):
         convert_color_space(self.rgb, 'RGB', 'YBR_FULL')
Example #25
 def test_current_is_desired(self):
     """Test that the array is unchanged when current matches desired."""
     arr = np.ones((2, 3))
     assert np.array_equal(arr, convert_color_space(arr, 'RGB', 'RGB'))
Example #26
    def test_rgb_ybr_rgb_multi_frame(self):
        """Test round trip conversion of multi-framed pixel data."""
        ds = dcmread(RGB_8_3_2F)

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert (255, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[0, 5, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(arr[0, 15, 50, :])
        assert (0, 255, 0) == tuple(arr[0, 25, 50, :])
        assert (128, 255, 128) == tuple(arr[0, 35, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 255) == tuple(arr[0, 45, 50, :])
        assert (128, 128, 255) == tuple(arr[0, 55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(arr[0, 65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 64, 64) == tuple(arr[0, 75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 192, 192) == tuple(arr[0, 85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(arr[0, 95, 50, :])
        # Frame 2 is frame 1 inverted
        assert np.array_equal((2**ds.BitsAllocated - 1) - arr[1], arr[0])

        ybr = convert_color_space(arr, 'RGB', 'YBR_FULL')
        assert (76, 85, 255) == tuple(ybr[0, 5, 50, :])
        assert (166, 107, 192) == tuple(ybr[0, 15, 50, :])
        assert (150, 44, 21) == tuple(ybr[0, 25, 50, :])
        assert (203, 86, 75) == tuple(ybr[0, 35, 50, :])
        assert (29, 255, 107) == tuple(ybr[0, 45, 50, :])
        assert (142, 192, 118) == tuple(ybr[0, 55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[0, 65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[0, 75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[0, 85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[0, 95, 50, :])
        # Frame 2
        assert (179, 171, 1) == tuple(ybr[1, 5, 50, :])
        assert (89, 149, 65) == tuple(ybr[1, 15, 50, :])
        assert (105, 212, 235) == tuple(ybr[1, 25, 50, :])
        assert (52, 170, 181) == tuple(ybr[1, 35, 50, :])
        assert (226, 1, 149) == tuple(ybr[1, 45, 50, :])
        assert (113, 65, 138) == tuple(ybr[1, 55, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[1, 65, 50, :])
        assert (191, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[1, 75, 50, :])
        assert (63, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[1, 85, 50, :])
        assert (0, 128, 128) == tuple(ybr[1, 95, 50, :])

        # Round trip -> rounding errors get compounded
        rgb = convert_color_space(ybr, 'YBR_FULL', 'RGB')
        assert (254, 0, 0) == tuple(rgb[0, 5, 50, :])
        assert (255, 128, 129) == tuple(rgb[0, 15, 50, :])
        assert (0, 255, 1) == tuple(rgb[0, 25, 50, :])
        assert (129, 255, 129) == tuple(rgb[0, 35, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 254) == tuple(rgb[0, 45, 50, :])
        assert (128, 127, 255) == tuple(rgb[0, 55, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(rgb[0, 65, 50, :])
        assert (64, 64, 64) == tuple(rgb[0, 75, 50, :])
        assert (192, 192, 192) == tuple(rgb[0, 85, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(rgb[0, 95, 50, :])
        # Frame 2
        assert (1, 255, 255) == tuple(rgb[1, 5, 50, :])
        assert (1, 127, 126) == tuple(rgb[1, 15, 50, :])
        assert (255, 0, 254) == tuple(rgb[1, 25, 50, :])
        assert (126, 0, 126) == tuple(rgb[1, 35, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 1) == tuple(rgb[1, 45, 50, :])
        assert (127, 128, 1) == tuple(rgb[1, 55, 50, :])
        assert (255, 255, 255) == tuple(rgb[1, 65, 50, :])
        assert (191, 191, 191) == tuple(rgb[1, 75, 50, :])
        assert (63, 63, 63) == tuple(rgb[1, 85, 50, :])
        assert (0, 0, 0) == tuple(rgb[1, 95, 50, :])
Example #27
def process(filelist,
    print("isMultiprocessing:", isMultiprocessing)
    for serial_no, filepath in enumerate(filelist):
            ds = dicom.dcmread(filepath)
        except InvalidDicomError as e:
            print("Error:", e)
        # try:
        #     ds[0x00081080].value
        # except KeyError as e:
        #     print("Error:", e)
        #     continue

            pixel_array = ds.pixel_array
        except Exception:
            with open("Error.txt", "a") as f:
        photometricInterpretation = ds[0x00280004].value
        if photometricInterpretation == "YBR_FULL_422":
            pixel_array = convert_color_space(pixel_array,
        elif photometricInterpretation == "YBR_FULL":
            pixel_array = convert_color_space(pixel_array,
        elif photometricInterpretation == "PALETTE COLOR":
            img = []
            for i in range(pixel_array.shape[0]):
                img.append(apply_color_lut(pixel_array[i], ds))
            pixel_array = np.array(img)

        if pixel_array.ndim == 4:  # if the data is video
            # Get some information
            filename = filepath.split("\\")[-1]
            focus_depth = -1
            if 0x00185012 in ds:
                focus_depth = ds[0x00185012].value
            if isOnlyUSImage:
                us_sequence = ds[0x00186011][0]
                x0_region = us_sequence[0x00186018].value
                y0_region = us_sequence[0x0018601a].value
                x1_region = us_sequence[0x0018601c].value
                y1_region = us_sequence[0x0018601e].value

                pixel_array = pixel_array[:, y0_region:y1_region,
                                          x0_region:x1_region, :]
                # x0_offset = 35
                # x1_offset = 795
                # pixel_array = pixel_array[:,  : , x0_offset : x1_offset, :]

                if isMultiprocessing:
                    p_list = []
                    for i in range(p_no):
                                args=(pixel_array[int(i * len(pixel_array) /
                                                          (i + 1) *
                                                          len(pixel_array) /
                                                          p_no)], filename,
                                      int(i * len(pixel_array) / p_no),
                    for i in range(p_no):
                    for i in range(p_no):
                    removeWhiteNoisesAndSave(pixel_array, filename,
                                             focus_depth, 0,
                for i in range(pixel_array.shape[0]):
                    outputpath = os.path.join(
                        filename.split(".")[0] + "_" + str(focus_depth) +
                        "_Frame" + str(i) + ".png")
                        cv2.cvtColor(pixel_array[i], cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))

        elif pixel_array.ndim == 3:  # if the data is picture
            filename = filepath.split("\\")[-1]
            focus_depth = -1
            if 0x00185012 in ds:
                focus_depth = ds[0x00185012].value
            if isOnlyUSImage:
                us_sequence = ds[0x00186011][0]
                x0_region = us_sequence[0x00186018].value
                y0_region = us_sequence[0x0018601a].value
                x1_region = us_sequence[0x0018601c].value
                y1_region = us_sequence[0x0018601e].value

                pixel_array = pixel_array[:, y0_region:y1_region,
                                          x0_region:x1_region, :]
                # x0_offset = 35
                # x1_offset = 795
                # pixel_array = pixel_array[:, x0_offset : x1_offset, :]
                removeWhiteNoisesAndSave(pixel_array, filename, focus_depth, 0,
                outputpath = os.path.join(
                    filename.split(".")[0] + "_" + str(focus_depth) +
                            cv2.cvtColor(pixel_array, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
        elif pixel_array.ndim == 2:  # if the data is picture and in grayscale
            filename = filepath.split("\\")[-1]
            outputpath = os.path.join(outputlist[serial_no],
                                      filename.split(".")[0] + ".png")
            cv2.imwrite(outputpath, pixel_array)

    open("state.txt", "w").write("0")
Example #28
 def test_convert_color_space_raises(self):
     """Test that convert_color_space raises exception."""
     with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="Numpy is required to convert"):
         convert_color_space(None, None, None)
Example #29
import cv2
import os
import pydicom
from pydicom.pixel_data_handlers.util import convert_color_space

inputdir = 'C:/Users/kimdh/PycharmProjects/data/USdicom_ex/'
outdir = 'C:/Users/kimdh/PycharmProjects/data/dicom_convert_to_png/'

test_list = [f for f in os.listdir(inputdir)]

for f in test_list:
    ds = pydicom.dcmread(inputdir + f)  # read dicom image
    temp = ds.pixel_array  # get image array
    img = convert_color_space(temp, 'YBR_FULL', 'RGB')
    cv2.imwrite(outdir + f.replace('.dcm', '.png'), img)  # write png image
Example #30
 def test_unknown_current_raises(self):
     """Test an unknown current color space raises exception."""
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError,
                        match="Conversion from TEST to RGB is not suppo"):
         convert_color_space(None, 'TEST', 'RGB')
Example #31
file = 'large.dcm'

read_dcm_file = pydicom.dcmread(file)

img_arr = read_dcm_file.pixel_array

shape = img_arr.shape
image_2d = img_arr.astype(float)

dimention = 0
if len(shape) == 4:
    dimension = shape[1]
    mid_frame = int(float(img_arr.shape[0]) / 2)
    if img_arr.shape[3] == 3:
        imgexc_render = convert_color_space(img_arr[mid_frame], 'RGB', 'RGB')
    image_2d = imgexc_render.astype(float)
    dimension = shape[0]

if dimension > 512:
    image_2d_scaled = 255 - (np.maximum(image_2d, 0) / image_2d.max() * 255.0)
    level = 600
    window = 1600
    if len(shape) == 4:
        image_2d_scaled = (np.maximum(image_2d, 0) / image_2d.max() * 255.0)
        image_2d_scaled = np.piecewise(image_2d, [
            image_2d <= (level - 0.5 - (window - 1) / 2), image_2d >
            (level - 0.5 + (window - 1) / 2)
Example #32
 def time_rgb_ybr_32_3_2f(self):
     """Time converting RGB to YBR."""
     for ii in range(self.no_runs):
         convert_color_space(self.arr_32_3_2f, "RGB", "YBR_FULL")