Example #1
class Queue:
    def __init__(self, conf):
        self.conf = conf
        self.client = Client([':'.join([self.host, str(self.port)])])

    def host(self):
        return self.conf.get('host') or 'localhost'

    def port(self):
        return self.conf.get('port') or 7711

    def queue(self):
        return self.conf.get('queue') or 'downloader'

    def get(self):
        return self.client.get_job([self.queue])

    def add(self, job):
        return self.client.add_job(self.queue, json.dumps(job), timeout=1000)

    def ack(self, job_id):
        return self.client.ack_job(job_id)
Example #2
class TestDisque(unittest.TestCase):
    """TestCase class for pydisque."""

    testID = None

    def setUp(self):
        """Setup the tests."""
        self.client = Client(['localhost:7711'])
        self.testID = "%d.%d" % (time.time(), random.randint(1000, 1000000))

    def test_publish_and_receive(self):
        """Test the most important functions of pydisque."""
        t1 = str(time.time())
        self.client.add_job("test_q", t1, timeout=100)
        jobs = self.client.get_job(['test_q'])
        assert len(jobs) == 1
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
            assert job == six.b(t1)
        assert len(self.client.get_job(['test_q'], timeout=100)) == 0

    def test_nack(self):
        """Fetch the queue, return a job, check that it's back."""
        t1 = str(time.time())
        queuename = "test_nack." + self.testID
        self.client.add_job(queuename, str(t1), timeout=100)
        jobs = self.client.get_job([queuename])
        # NACK the first read
        assert len(jobs) == 1
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
            assert len(jobs) == 1
            assert job == six.b(t1)
        # this time ACK it
        jobs = self.client.get_job([queuename])
        assert len(jobs) == 1
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
            assert job == six.b(t1)
        assert len(self.client.get_job([queuename], timeout=100)) == 0

    def test_qpeek(self):
        Test qpeek.

        Ran into some problems with an ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE test that
        was using qpeek, checking core functionality of qpeek().
        queuename = "test_qpeek-%s" % self.testID
        job_id = self.client.add_job(queuename, "Peek A Boo")

        peeked = self.client.qpeek(queuename, 1)
        assert peeked[0][1] == job_id

    def test_qscan(self):
        Test the qscan function.

        This test relies on add_job() being functional, and
        the local disque not being a disque proxy to a mesh.

        TODO: unique the queues with self.testID.
        t1 = str(time.time())

        self.client.add_job("q1", t1, timeout=100)
        self.client.add_job("q2", t1, timeout=100)

        qb = self.client.qscan()

        assert qb[0]
        assert qb[1]

        assert six.b("q1") in qb[1]
        assert six.b("q2") in qb[1]

    def test_jscan(self):
        """Simple test of the jscan function."""
        t1 = time.time()
        queuename = "test_jscan-%s" % self.testID
        j1 = self.client.add_job(queuename, str(t1), timeout=100)

        jerbs = self.client.jscan(queue=queuename)
        assert j1 in jerbs[1]

    def test_del_job(self):
        """Simple test of del_job, needs qpeek.

        FIXME: This function has grown ugly.
        t1 = time.time()
        queuename = "test_del_job-%s" % self.testID

        j1 = self.client.add_job(queuename, str(t1))

        jerbs = self.client.qpeek(queuename, 1)
        jlist = []
        for item in jerbs:

        assert j1 in jlist


        jerbs = self.client.qpeek(queuename, 1)
        jlist = []
        for item in jerbs:

        assert j1 not in jerbs

    def test_qlen(self):
        """Simple test of qlen."""
        queuename = "test_qlen-%s" % self.testID

        lengthOfTest = 100
        test_job = "Useless Job."

        for x in range(lengthOfTest):
            self.client.add_job(queuename, test_job)

        assert self.client.qlen(queuename) == lengthOfTest

    def test_qstat(self):
        """Testing QSTAT (default behavior)."""
        queuename = "test_qstat-%s" % self.testID

        testqueue = ["a", "b", "c"]
        for x in testqueue:
            self.client.add_job(queuename, x)

        stat = self.client.qstat(queuename)

        # check the basics
        assert 'jobs-in' in stat
        assert 'jobs-out' in stat

    def test_qstat_dict(self):
        """Testing QSTAT's (new dict behavior)."""
        queuename = "test_qstat_dict-%s" % self.testID

        testqueue = ["a", "b", "c"]
        for x in testqueue:
            self.client.add_job(queuename, x)

        stat = self.client.qstat(queuename, True)

        assert stat.get('jobs-in', None) is not None
        assert stat.get('jobs-out', None) is not None

    def test_shownack(self):
        """Test that NACK and SHOW work appropriately."""
        queuename = "test_show-%s" % self.testID

        test_job = "Show me."

        self.client.add_job(queuename, test_job)

        jobs = self.client.get_job([queuename])
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:

        shown = self.client.show(job_id, True)

        assert shown.get('body') == test_job
        assert shown.get('nacks') == 1

    def test_pause(self):
        """Test that a PAUSE message is acknowledged."""
        queuename = "test_show-%s" % self.testID

        test_job = "Jerbs, they are a thing"

        self.client.pause(queuename, kw_in=True)

            job_id = self.client.add_job(queuename, test_job)
        except ResponseError:

        # can we add a job again?
        self.client.pause(queuename, kw_none=True)

        job_id = self.client.add_job(queuename, test_job)

        jobs = self.client.get_job([queuename])

        # TODO(canardleteer): add a test of PAUSE SHOW

    def test_get_job(self):
        queue_name = "test_get_job." + self.testID

        job = str(time.time())
        job_id = self.client.add_job(queue_name, job)

        expected = [(queue_name, job_id, job)]
        got = self.client.get_job([queue_name], withcounters=False)
        assert expected == got

    def test_get_job_withcounters(self):
        queue_name = "test_get_job." + self.testID

        job = str(time.time())
        job_id = self.client.add_job(queue_name, job)

        nacks = 0
        additional_deliveries = 0
        expected = [(queue_name, job_id, job, nacks, additional_deliveries)]
        got = self.client.get_job([queue_name], withcounters=True)
        assert expected == got
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time

from pydisque.client import Client

client = Client([""])

nb = 0

while True:
    messagedata = time.time()
    client.add_job("Global", messagedata, async=True)
    nb += 1
    if nb % 1000 == 0:

    if nb % 10000 == 0:
Example #4
def add_job(request):
    user = request.user
    ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
    zone = request.POST['zone']
    queue = request.POST['queue_name']
    # timeout_ms = request.POST['timeout_ms']
    # replicate = request.POST['replicate']
    # retry_sec = request.POST['retry_sec']
    # delay_sec = request.POST['delay_sec']
    # ttl_sec = request.POST['ttl_sec']
    jobs = request.POST.getlist('jobs', [])
    # print user, env, queue, timeout_ms, replicate, retry_sec, delay_sec, ttl_sec
    print user, zone, queue
    print jobs

    if not user.groups.filter(name__in=['admin', 'dba', 'disque']).exists():
        logs(user, ip, 'add job: %s - %s' % (zone, queue), 'permission denied')
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'errcode': 403}),

        clusterInfo = ClusterInfo.objects.get(name=zone)
        print clusterInfo.addr
    except ClusterInfo.DoesNotExist:
        logs(user, ip, 'add job: %s - %s' % (zone, queue),
             'unknown disque zone: %s' % zone)
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
            'errcode': 400,
            'msg': 'unknown disque zone:%s' % zone
    except ClusterInfo.MultipleObjectsReturned:
        logs(user, ip, 'add job: %s - %s' % (zone, queue),
             'multi objects returned for zone: %s' % zone)
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
            'multi objects returned for zone:%s' % zone
    except Exception as e:
        print e
        logs(user, ip, 'add job: %s - %s' % (zone, queue), str(e))
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
            'errcode': 400,
            'msg': str(e)

    if (not queue) or len(queue) == 0:
        logs(user, ip, 'add job: %s - %s' % (zone, queue), 'empty queue name')
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
            'errcode': 400,
            'msg': 'empty queue name'
    if len(jobs) == 0:
        logs(user, ip, 'add job: %s - %s' % (zone, queue), 'empty jobs')
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
            'errcode': 400,
            'msg': 'empty jobs'

    jobs = map(lambda x: x.encode('utf-8'), jobs)
    jobIds = []
    errJob = []
    addr = clusterInfo.addr.split(',')
    client = Client(addr)
    for job in jobs:
            print job
            jobId = client.add_job(queue, job)
            # jobId = client.add_job(queue, job, timeout=timeout_ms, replicate=replicate, delay=delay_sec, retry=retry_sec, ttl=ttl_sec)
        except Exception as e:
            print e
    logs(user, ip, 'add job: %s - %s' % (zone, queue), 'success')
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
        'errcode': 200,
        'jobIds': jobIds,
        'failJobs': errJob
Example #5
def main():
    """Primary CLI application logic."""
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:v", ["help",
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:

    modes = ("generate", "listen", "check", "adaptive", "initialize", "subscriber")

    # set defaults
    mode = None
    dservers = "localhost:7712,localhost:7711"
    dqueue = "objbomber"
    secret = "coolsecretbro"
    bserver = "localhost:8673"
    hserver = "localhost:4553"
    rserver = "localhost:6379"
    rchannel = "objbomber"
    bfiltername = "objbomber"
    hllname = "objbomber"
    sleep = None
    userhomedir = os.path.expanduser("~")

    # flippin' switches...
    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ("-h", "--help"):
        elif o in ("--dservers"):
            dservers = a
        elif o in ("--queue"):
            dqueue = [a]
        elif o in ("--secret"):
            secret = a
        elif o in ("--bserver"):
            bserver = a
        elif o in ("--hserver"):
            hserver = a
        elif o in ("--rserver"):
            rserver = a
        elif o in ("--rchannel"):
            rchannel = a
        elif o in ("--bfiltername"):
            bfiltername = a
        elif o in ("--hllname"):
            hllname = a
        elif o in ("--mode"):
            if a in modes:
                mode = a
        elif o in ("--listen"):
            mode_listen = True
        elif o in ("--check"):
            mode_check = True
        elif o in ("--sleep"):
            sleep = int(a)
            assert False, "unhandled option"

    checkdqueue = dqueue + ".check"

    if sleep in (None, 0):
        sleep = 0.0001

    # mode must be set
    if not mode:

    # Handler for the cryptographic signatures
    # TODO: secret should be "secret" + a version number
    s = Serializer(secret)

    # config basics
    datadir = userhomedir + "/.objbomber"

    # prepare servers and queue lists
    dservers = dservers.split(",")
    bserver = [bserver]
    hserver = hserver

    # all modes use Disque
    logging.info("Connecting to Disque...")
    disque_client = Client(dservers)

    if mode in ("check", "listen"):
        logging.info("Creating Bloomd Client...")
        bloomd_client = BloomdClient(bserver)
        bfilter = bloomd_client.create_filter(bfiltername)

        # add pyhlld
        logging.info("Creating HLLD Client... - not yet used")
        hlld_client = HlldClient(hserver)
        hll = hlld_client.create_set(hllname)

    if mode in ("check", "listen", "generate", "subscriber"):
        # add redis hll & pubsub
        logging.info("Creating Redis Client...")
        rhost, rport = rserver.split(":")
        redd = redis.StrictRedis(host=rhost, port=rport, db=0)
        redpubsub = redd.pubsub()

    if mode in ("subscriber"):

    if mode in ("generate"):
        # TODO: check on how well LevelDB handles
        #       multiple clients
        db = leveldb.LevelDB(datadir + '/notary')

    # special mode to handle our first run
    # TODO: push into a function
    # TODO: handle filesystem errors
    # TODO: reconsider using Cement for all of this
    # TODO: generate an instance GUID
    if mode == "initialize":

        UUID = uuid.uuid4()
        logging.info("Our system UUID is now: %s" % UUID)
        # TODO: save and load this uuid

        # check to see if there is a ~/.objbomber directory, quit if there is
        # TODO: this does not handle errors in initalization
        logging.info("Checking for .objbomber in %s..." % userhomedir)
        if os.path.exists(datadir):
            logging.info("Already been initialized!")
            # TODO: print some information about how to handle this

        # TODO: make one
        os.mkdir(datadir, 0700)

        # generate our RSA signing key
        # TODO: make # of bits in key a flag
        logging.info("Begining to create our notary key.")
        logging.info("Reading from RNG.")
        rng = Random.new().read

        logging.info("Generating RSA key...")
        privRSAkey = RSA.generate(4096, rng)
        privPEM = privRSAkey.exportKey()
        pubRSAkey = privRSAkey.publickey()
        pubPEM = pubRSAkey.exportKey()
        logging.info("Key generated.")

        # save privkey to disk
        with open(datadir + "/privkey.pem", "w") as keyfile:
            os.chmod(datadir + "/privkey.pem", 0700)
            logging.info("Unencrypted RSA key written to disk.") 

        # save the pubkey
        with open(datadir + "/pubkey.pem", "w") as keyfile:
            logging.info("Public RSA key written to disk.")

        logging.info("Creating crypto notary storage.")
        leveldb.LevelDB(datadir + '/notary')

        # we absolutely must quit here, or we will get stuck in
        # an infinate loop

    # load our secret key (TODO: this is probably better as try/exc)
    # and build our contexts
    with open(datadir + "/privkey.pem", "r") as keyfile:
        privRSAkey = RSA.importKey(keyfile.read())

    while True:
        # TODO: Adaptive Mode - this mode should peek the queues, and
        # make a decision about where this thread can make the most
        # impact on its own.
        if mode == "adaptive":

            # TODO: Do some queue peeking.

            # TODO: Make some decisions about which mode to adapt to.


        # TODO: All modes should be placed into functions.

        # Listen Mode - Listens to the queue, pulls out jobs,
        #   validates the signature, puts them in bloomd
        if mode == "listen":
            logging.info("Getting Jobs from Disque.")
            jobs = disque_client.get_job([dqueue])

            print("Got %d jobs." % len(jobs))

            for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
                logging.debug("Handling a job: %s" % job)

                    job = s.loads(job)
                    logging.debug("Job Authenticated: %s" % job)
                    logging.warning("Job did not pass authentication.")

                # add to bloom filter
                    logging.warning("Job was not added to bloomd.")

                    hllResponse = hll.add(job)
                    logging.warning("Job was not added to hlld.")

                # TODO: add redis HLL support

                # tell disque that this job has been processed

                # sign the check job
                job = s.dumps(job)

                # throw this message on the check queue
                disque_client.add_job(checkdqueue, job)

        elif mode == "check":
            # TODO
            # Check the secondary disque queue for checks
            # Ask the bloom filter if they have seen this

            logging.info("Getting Jobs from Disque.")
            jobs = disque_client.get_job([checkdqueue])

            for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
                logging.debug("Checking: %s" % job)

                    job = s.loads(job)

                # we don't NACK on failed cache hits

                if job in bfilter:
                    logging.info("Confirming: %s" % job)
                    logging.info("Not found in bloom filter: %s" % job)


        elif mode == "generate":
            # TODO - where will these messages come from?
            # for now they will just be random numbers, but
            # really we should make them objects to really be
            # testing serialization
            msg = [random.randint(1000, 1000000),
                   random.randint(1000, 1000000)]

            # itsdangerous serialization & signing
            msg = s.dumps(msg)

            # Now that this message is serialized, we can sign it again with a
            # public key.
            # TODO: incorporate saving the signature into the notary records
            msghash = SHA.new(msg)
            signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(privRSAkey)
            signature = signer.sign(msghash)
            assert signer.verify(msghash, signature)

            record = {'message': msg, 'signature': signature}
            record = pickle.dumps(record)

            # send the job over to Disque
            # TODO: add more command line flags for queuing
            job_id = disque_client.add_job(dqueue, msg)
            logging.debug("Added a job to Disque: %s" % msg)

            # publish just the signature on redis pubsub
            redd.publish(rchannel, signature)

            # TODO: save the publication in the notary
            # TODO: do more then just save the signatures
            # TODO: add a GUID to the key
            key = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f")
            db.Put(key, record)

            # testing the results of leveldb's store, this is a test, and
            # an expensive test
            sig2 = db.Get(key)
            sig2 = pickle.loads(sig2)['signature']
            assert signer.verify(msghash, sig2)

        elif mode == "subscriber":
            msg = redpubsub.get_message()
            # TODO: do something useful, like log
            if msg:
                print("got a message")

Example #6
class TestDisque(unittest.TestCase):

    """TestCase class for pydisque."""

    testID = None

    def setUp(self):
        """Setup the tests."""
        self.client = Client(['localhost:7711'])
        self.testID = "%d.%d" % (time.time(),
                                 random.randint(1000, 1000000))

    def test_publish_and_receive(self):
        """Test the most important functions of pydisque."""
        t1 = str(time.time())
        self.client.add_job("test_q", t1, timeout=100)
        jobs = self.client.get_job(['test_q'])
        assert len(jobs) == 1
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
            assert job == six.b(t1)
        assert len(self.client.get_job(['test_q'], timeout=100)) == 0

    def test_nack(self):
        """Fetch the queue, return a job, check that it's back."""
        t1 = str(time.time())
        queuename = "test_nack." + self.testID
        self.client.add_job(queuename, str(t1), timeout=100)
        jobs = self.client.get_job([queuename])
        # NACK the first read
        assert len(jobs) == 1
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
            assert len(jobs) == 1
            assert job == six.b(t1)
        # this time ACK it
        jobs = self.client.get_job([queuename])
        assert len(jobs) == 1
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
            assert job == six.b(t1)
        assert len(self.client.get_job([queuename], timeout=100)) == 0

    def test_qpeek(self):
        Test qpeek.

        Ran into some problems with an ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE test that
        was using qpeek, checking core functionality of qpeek().
        queuename = "test_qpeek-%s" % self.testID
        job_id = self.client.add_job(queuename, "Peek A Boo")

        peeked = self.client.qpeek(queuename, 1)
        assert peeked[0][1] == job_id

    def test_qscan(self):
        Test the qscan function.

        This test relies on add_job() being functional, and
        the local disque not being a disque proxy to a mesh.

        TODO: unique the queues with self.testID.
        t1 = str(time.time())

        self.client.add_job("q1", t1, timeout=100)
        self.client.add_job("q2", t1, timeout=100)

        qb = self.client.qscan()
        assert qb[0]
        assert qb[1]

        assert six.b("q1") in qb[1]
        assert six.b("q2") in qb[1]

    def test_jscan(self):
        """Simple test of the jscan function."""
        t1 = time.time()
        queuename = "test_jscan-%s" % self.testID
        j1 = self.client.add_job(queuename, str(t1), timeout=100)

        jerbs = self.client.jscan(queue=queuename)
        assert j1 in jerbs[1]

    def test_del_job(self):
        """Simple test of del_job, needs qpeek.

        FIXME: This function has grown ugly.
        t1 = time.time()
        queuename = "test_del_job-%s" % self.testID

        j1 = self.client.add_job(queuename, str(t1))

        jerbs = self.client.qpeek(queuename, 1)
        jlist = []
        for item in jerbs:

        assert j1 in jlist


        jerbs = self.client.qpeek(queuename, 1)
        jlist = []
        for item in jerbs:

        assert j1 not in jerbs

    def test_qlen(self):
        """Simple test of qlen."""
        queuename = "test_qlen-%s" % self.testID

        lengthOfTest = 100
        test_job = "Useless Job."

        for x in range(lengthOfTest):
            self.client.add_job(queuename, test_job)

        assert self.client.qlen(queuename) == lengthOfTest

    def test_qstat(self):
        """Testing QSTAT (default behavior)."""
        queuename = "test_qstat-%s" % self.testID

        testqueue = ["a", "b", "c"]
        for x in testqueue:
            self.client.add_job(queuename, x)

        stat = self.client.qstat(queuename)
        # check the basics
        assert b'jobs-in' in stat
        assert b'jobs-out' in stat

    def test_qstat_dict(self):
        """Testing QSTAT's (new dict behavior)."""
        queuename = "test_qstat_dict-%s" % self.testID

        testqueue = ["a", "b", "c"]
        for x in testqueue:
            self.client.add_job(queuename, x)

        stat = self.client.qstat(queuename, True)

        assert stat.get(b'jobs-in', None) is not None
        assert stat.get(b'jobs-out', None) is not None

    def test_shownack(self):
        """Test that NACK and SHOW work appropriately."""
        queuename = "test_show-%s" % self.testID

        test_job = "Show me."

        self.client.add_job(queuename, test_job)

        jobs = self.client.get_job([queuename])
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:

        shown = self.client.show(job_id, True)

        assert shown.get(b'body') == b(test_job)
        assert shown.get(b'nacks') == 1

    def _test_pause(self):
        """ TODO: """
        """Test that a PAUSE message is acknowledged."""
        queuename = "test_show-%s" % self.testID

        test_job = "Jerbs, they are a thing"

        self.client.pause(queuename, kw_in=True)

            job_id = self.client.add_job(queuename, test_job)
        except ResponseError:

        # can we add a job again?
        self.client.pause(queuename, kw_none=True)

        job_id = self.client.add_job(queuename, test_job)

        jobs = self.client.get_job([queuename])

        # TODO(canardleteer): add a test of PAUSE SHOW

    def test_get_job(self):
        queue_name = "test_get_job." + self.testID

        job = str(time.time())
        job_id = self.client.add_job(queue_name, job)

        expected = [(b(queue_name), job_id, b(job))]
        got = self.client.get_job([queue_name], withcounters=False)
        assert expected == got

    def test_get_job_withcounters(self):
        queue_name = "test_get_job." + self.testID

        job = str(time.time())
        job_id = self.client.add_job(queue_name, job)

        nacks = 0
        additional_deliveries = 0
        expected = [(b(queue_name), job_id, b(job), nacks, additional_deliveries)]
        got = self.client.get_job([queue_name], withcounters=True)
        assert expected == got
Example #7
class TestDisque(unittest.TestCase):

    """TestCase class for pydisque."""

    def setUp(self):
        """Setup the tests."""
        self.client = Client(['localhost:7711'])

    def test_publish_and_receive(self):
        """Test the most important functions of pydisque."""
        t1 = str(time.time())
        self.client.add_job("test_q", t1, timeout=100)
        jobs = self.client.get_job(['test_q'])
        assert len(jobs) == 1
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
            assert job == six.b(t1)
        assert len(self.client.get_job(['test_q'], timeout=100)) == 0

    def test_nack(self):
        """Fetch the queue, return a job, check that it's back."""
        t1 = str(time.time())
        self.client.add_job("test_nack_q", str(t1), timeout=100)
        jobs = self.client.get_job(['test_nack_q'])
        # NACK the first read
        assert len(jobs) == 1
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
            assert len(jobs) == 1
            assert job == six.b(t1)
        # this time ACK it
        jobs = self.client.get_job(['test_nack_q'])
        assert len(jobs) == 1
        for queue_name, job_id, job in jobs:
            assert job == six.b(t1)
        assert len(self.client.get_job(['test_nack_q'], timeout=100)) == 0

    def test_qscan(self):
        Test the qscan function.

        This test relies on add_job() being functional, and
        the local disque not being a disque proxy to a mesh.
        t1 = str(time.time())
        qa = self.client.qscan()
        # print "Cursor: %s Jobs: %s" % (qa[0], qa[1])
        self.client.add_job("q1", t1, timeout=100)
        self.client.add_job("q2", t1, timeout=100)
        qb = self.client.qscan()
        # print "Cursor: %s Jobs: %s" % (qb[0], qb[1])
        assert qb[0]
        assert qb[1]

        # i am thinking we need some kind of master 'clear queue'
        # command in disque, hopefully not just for the purposes of
        # making this unit test more effective...
        assert six.b("q1") in qb[1]
        assert six.b("q2") in qb[1]

    def test_jscan(self):
        """Simple test of the jscan function."""
        t1 = time.time()
        queuename = "test_jscan-%d" % random.randint(1000, 1000000)
        j1 = self.client.add_job(queuename, str(t1), timeout=100)

        jerbs = self.client.jscan(queue=queuename)
        assert j1 in jerbs[1]

    def test_del_job(self):
        """Simple test of del_job, needs jscan."""
        t1 = time.time()
        queuename = "test_del_job-%d" % random.randint(1000, 1000000)

        j1 = self.client.add_job(queuename, str(t1))

        jerbs = self.client.jscan(queue=queuename)
        assert j1 in jerbs[1]


        jerbs = self.client.jscan(queue=queuename)
        assert j1 not in jerbs[1]

    def test_qlen(self):
        """Simple test of qlen."""

        queuename = "test_qlen-%d" % random.randint(1000, 1000000)

        lengthOfTest = 100
        test_job = "Useless Job."

        for x in range(lengthOfTest):
            self.client.add_job(queuename, test_job)

        assert self.client.qlen(queuename) == lengthOfTest
Example #8
import json
import time
import logging

from pydisque.client import Client

c = Client(['localhost:7712', 'localhost:7711'])

while True:
    t = time.time()
    print "sending job", t
    c.add_job("test", json.dumps(["print", "hello", "world", t]), replicate=1, timeout=100)
Example #9
import json
import time
import logging
import pickle

from pydisque.client import Client

c = Client(['localhost:7712', 'localhost:7711'])

while True:
    t = time.time()
    job = [t, "UPDATE", "Testing Pickled Tweets"]
    pjob = pickle.dumps(job)
    print "sending job", t
    c.add_job("twitpush", pjob, replicate=1)