def test_search_gziptext_cache(self, gziptext_cache): """Test the search method with strange character in the output. Test whether the output has the correct encoding, both with and without using the cache. Parameters ---------- gziptext_cache : pytest.fixture providing pydov.util.caching.GzipTextFileCache GzipTextFileCache using a temporary directory and a maximum age of 1 second. """ boringsearch = BoringSearch() query = PropertyIsEqualTo( propertyname='pkey_boring', literal=build_dov_url('data/boring/1928-031159')) df =, return_fields=('pkey_boring', 'uitvoerder', 'mv_mtaw')) assert df.uitvoerder[0] == u'Societé Belge des Bétons' assert os.path.exists(os.path.join( gziptext_cache.cachedir, 'boring', '1928-031159.xml.gz')) df =, return_fields=('pkey_boring', 'uitvoerder', 'mv_mtaw')) assert df.uitvoerder[0] == u'Societé Belge des Bétons'
def test_wfs_only(self, force_rebuild_wfs, test_hook_count): """Test the search method providing both a location and a query. Test whether a dataframe is returned. Parameters ---------- force_rebuild_wfs : pytest.fixture Fixture removing cached WFS capabilities document. test_hook_count : pytest.fixture Fixture removing default hooks and installing HookCounter. """ query = PropertyIsEqualTo(propertyname='boornummer', literal='GEO-04/169-BNo-B1') boringsearch = BoringSearch(), return_fields=('pkey_boring', 'x', 'y')) assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_init == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_result == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_result_received == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_inject_wfs_getfeature_response == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_received == 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_inject_xml_response == 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_cache_hit == 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_downloaded == 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_meta_received > 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_inject_meta_response > 0
def test_wfs_only(self, temp_hooks): """Test the search method providing both a location and a query. Test whether a dataframe is returned. Parameters ---------- mp_remote_describefeaturetype : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to a remote DescribeFeatureType of the dov-pub:Boringen layer. mp_remote_wfs_feature : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get WFS features. temp_hooks : pytest.fixture Fixture removing default hooks and installing HookCounter. """ query = PropertyIsEqualTo(propertyname='boornummer', literal='GEO-04/169-BNo-B1') boringsearch = BoringSearch() df =, return_fields=('pkey_boring', 'x', 'y')) assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_init == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_result == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_requested == 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_cache_hit == 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_downloaded == 0
def test_hooks(self, test_hook_types): """Test the argument types of the hook events. Parameters ---------- test_hook_types : pytest.fixture Fixture removing default hooks and installing HookTester. """ query = PropertyIsEqualTo(propertyname='boornummer', literal='GEO-04/169-BNo-B1') boringsearch = BoringSearch()
def test_search(self, nocache): """Test the search method with strange character in the output. Test whether the output has the correct encoding. """ boringsearch = BoringSearch() query = PropertyIsEqualTo( propertyname='pkey_boring', literal='') df =, return_fields=('pkey_boring', 'uitvoerder')) assert df.uitvoerder[0] == u'Societé Belge des Bétons'
def test_hooks(self, force_rebuild_wfs, test_hook_types): """Test the argument types of the hook events. Parameters ---------- force_rebuild_wfs : pytest.fixture Fixture removing cached WFS capabilities document. test_hook_types : pytest.fixture Fixture removing default hooks and installing HookTester. """ query = PropertyIsEqualTo(propertyname='boornummer', literal='GEO-04/169-BNo-B1') boringsearch = BoringSearch() df =
def test_default_hooks(self, nocache): """Test the default hooks by performing a simple search. Test whether no exceptions are raised. Parameters ---------- nocache : pytest.fixture Fixture temporarily disabling caching. """ pydov.hooks = Hooks((SimpleStatusHook(), )) query = PropertyIsEqualTo(propertyname='boornummer', literal='GEO-04/169-BNo-B1') boringsearch = BoringSearch()
def get_search_object(self): """Get an instance of the search object for this type. Returns ------- Instance of BoringSearch used for searching. """ return BoringSearch()
def test_search(self, nocache): """Test the search method with strange character in the output. Test whether the output has the correct encoding. Parameters ---------- nocache : pytest.fixture Fixture to disable caching. """ boringsearch = BoringSearch() query = PropertyIsEqualTo( propertyname='pkey_boring', literal=build_dov_url('data/boring/1928-031159')) df =, return_fields=('pkey_boring', 'uitvoerder')) assert df.uitvoerder[0] == u'Societé Belge des Bétons'
def test_hooks_inject(self, test_hook_inject): """Test the of the hook inject events. Test whether the requests are intercepted correctly. Parameters ---------- test_hook_types : pytest.fixture Fixture removing default hooks and installing HookTester. """ query = PropertyIsEqualTo(propertyname='boornummer', literal='GEO-04/169-BNo-B1') boringsearch = BoringSearch() df = assert df.iloc[0].gemeente == 'Bevergem' assert df.iloc[0].boormethode == 'De Pypere 106 T'
def test_wfs_and_xml_cache(self, test_hook_count, plaintext_cache): """Test the search method providing both a location and a query. Test whether a dataframe is returned. Parameters ---------- test_hook_count : pytest.fixture Fixture removing default hooks and installing HookCounter. plaintext_cache : pytest.fixture Fixture temporarily setting up a testcache with max_age of 1 second. """ query = PropertyIsEqualTo(propertyname='boornummer', literal='GEO-04/169-BNo-B1') boringsearch = BoringSearch(), return_fields=('pkey_boring', 'mv_mtaw')) assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_init == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_result == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_result_received == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_inject_wfs_getfeature_response == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_received == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_inject_xml_response == 2 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_cache_hit == 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_downloaded == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_meta_received > 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_inject_meta_response > 0, return_fields=('pkey_boring', 'mv_mtaw')) assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_init == 2 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_result == 2 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_wfs_search_result_received == 2 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_inject_wfs_getfeature_response == 2 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_received == 2 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_inject_xml_response == 3 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_cache_hit == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_xml_downloaded == 1 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_meta_received > 0 assert pydov.hooks[0].count_inject_meta_response > 0
from import BoringSearch from import GrondmonsterSearch from import GrondwaterFilterSearch from import GrondwaterMonsterSearch from import ( FormeleStratigrafieSearch, GecodeerdeLithologieSearch, GeotechnischeCoderingSearch, HydrogeologischeStratigrafieSearch, InformeleHydrogeologischeStratigrafieSearch, InformeleStratigrafieSearch, LithologischeBeschrijvingenSearch, QuartairStratigrafieSearch) from import SonderingSearch from pydov.util.errors import InvalidSearchParameterError from pydov.util.location import Point, WithinDistance from tests.abstract import service_ok search_objects = [ BoringSearch(), SonderingSearch(), GrondwaterFilterSearch(), GrondwaterMonsterSearch(), FormeleStratigrafieSearch(), InformeleHydrogeologischeStratigrafieSearch(), GeotechnischeCoderingSearch(), QuartairStratigrafieSearch(), InformeleStratigrafieSearch(), HydrogeologischeStratigrafieSearch(), GecodeerdeLithologieSearch(), LithologischeBeschrijvingenSearch(), GrondmonsterSearch() ]
from import LithologischeBeschrijvingenSearch from import SonderingSearch from import GrondmonsterSearch from pydov.util.dovutil import build_dov_url from pydov.util.errors import ( InvalidSearchParameterError, ) from pydov.util.location import ( WithinDistance, Point, ) from tests.abstract import service_ok search_objects = [BoringSearch(), SonderingSearch(), GrondwaterFilterSearch(), GrondwaterMonsterSearch(), FormeleStratigrafieSearch(), InformeleHydrogeologischeStratigrafieSearch(), GeotechnischeCoderingSearch(), QuartairStratigrafieSearch(), InformeleStratigrafieSearch(), HydrogeologischeStratigrafieSearch(), GecodeerdeLithologieSearch(), LithologischeBeschrijvingenSearch(), GrondmonsterSearch()] @pytest.fixture(scope='module')
class TestBoringSearch(AbstractTestSearch): search_instance = BoringSearch() datatype_class = Boring valid_query_single = PropertyIsEqualTo(propertyname='boornummer', literal='GEO-04/169-BNo-B1') inexistent_field = 'onbestaand' wfs_field = 'boornummer' xml_field = 'boormethode' valid_returnfields = ('pkey_boring', 'boornummer', 'diepte_boring_tot', 'datum_aanvang') valid_returnfields_subtype = ('pkey_boring', 'boornummer', 'diepte_methode_van', 'diepte_methode_tot') valid_returnfields_extra = ('pkey_boring', 'doel') df_default_columns = ['pkey_boring', 'boornummer', 'x', 'y', 'mv_mtaw', 'start_boring_mtaw', 'gemeente', 'diepte_boring_van', 'diepte_boring_tot', 'datum_aanvang', 'uitvoerder', 'boorgatmeting', 'diepte_methode_van', 'diepte_methode_tot', 'boormethode'] def test_search_date(self, mp_wfs, mp_get_schema, mp_remote_describefeaturetype, mp_remote_md, mp_remote_fc, mp_remote_wfs_feature, mp_dov_xml): """Test the search method with only the query parameter. Test whether the result is correct. Parameters ---------- mp_wfs : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to the remote GetCapabilities request. mp_get_schema : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to a remote OWSLib schema. mp_remote_describefeaturetype : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to a remote DescribeFeatureType. mp_remote_md : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get the remote metadata. mp_remote_fc : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get the remote feature catalogue. mp_remote_wfs_feature : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get WFS features. mp_dov_xml : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get the remote XML data. """ df = query=self.valid_query_single) # specific test for the Zulu time wfs 1.1.0 issue assert df.datum_aanvang.unique()[0] ==, 12, 20) def test_search_nan(self, mp_wfs, mp_get_schema, mp_remote_describefeaturetype, mp_remote_md, mp_remote_fc, mp_remote_wfs_feature, mp_dov_xml): """Test the search method with only the query parameter. Test whether the result is correct. Parameters ---------- mp_wfs : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to the remote GetCapabilities request. mp_get_schema : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to a remote OWSLib schema. mp_remote_describefeaturetype : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to a remote DescribeFeatureType. mp_remote_md : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get the remote metadata. mp_remote_fc : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get the remote feature catalogue. mp_remote_wfs_feature : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get WFS features. mp_dov_xml : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get the remote XML data. """ df = query=self.valid_query_single) assert df.mv_mtaw.hasnans def test_search_xmlresolving(self, mp_get_schema, mp_remote_describefeaturetype, mp_remote_wfs_feature, mp_dov_xml): """Test the search method with return fields from XML but not from a subtype. Test whether the output dataframe contains the resolved XML data. Parameters ---------- mp_get_schema : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to a remote OWSLib schema. mp_remote_describefeaturetype : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to a remote DescribeFeatureType. mp_remote_wfs_feature : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get WFS features. mp_dov_xml : pytest.fixture Monkeypatch the call to get the remote XML data. """ df = query=self.valid_query_single, return_fields=('pkey_boring', 'boornummer', 'boorgatmeting')) assert not df.boorgatmeting[0]