Example #1
    def testWorldGazeTargetConstraint(self):
        model = self.r
        body = 2
        axis = np.ones([3, 1])
        target = np.ones([3, 1])
        gaze_origin = np.zeros([3, 1])
        cone_threshold = 1e-3
        tspan = np.array([0., 1.])

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with the default timespan.
        ik.WorldGazeTargetConstraint(model, body, axis, target, gaze_origin,

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with a given timespan.
        ik.WorldGazeTargetConstraint(model, body, axis, target, gaze_origin,
                                     cone_threshold, tspan)
Example #2
    def handleWorldGazeTargetConstraint(self, c, fields):

        bodyId = self.bodyNameToId[c.linkName]
        tspan = np.asarray(c.tspan, dtype=float)
        bodyAxis = np.asarray(c.axis, dtype=float)
        gazeOrigin = np.asarray(c.bodyPoint, dtype=float)
        targetPosition = np.asarray(c.worldPoint, dtype=float)
        coneThreshold = c.coneThreshold

        wc = pydrakeik.WorldGazeTargetConstraint(self.rigidBodyTree, bodyId,
                                                 bodyAxis, targetPosition,
                                                 gazeOrigin, coneThreshold,
        return wc
    def solveIK(self, target):
        constraints = list()

                self.bodies[self.config["optical_frame"]],  # Body to constrain
                np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.1]).reshape(3, 1),  # Gaze axis
                target.reshape(3, 1),  # Gaze target (world frame)
                np.zeros([3, 1]),  # Gaze origin (body frame)
                self.config["cone_threshold"]  # Cone threshold

        q_seed = self.robot.getZeroConfiguration()
        options = ik.IKoptions(self.robot)
        result = ik.InverseKin(self.robot, q_seed, q_seed, constraints,

        if result.info[0] != 1:
            print "Outside joint limits! (Result = {})".format(result.info[0])

        # If we're out of bounds, result is the best-effort solution
        return result.q_sol[0][:2]  # Only return head pose
    def solveIK(self, pose, target):
        pose: np.array([latitude, longitude, depth])
        target: np.array([x, y, z, quat[4]]) of view target in "world" frame

        # Duration of motion for solver
        dur = self.config["trajectory_duration"]

        constraints = list()

        # Constrain the gaze
                self.bodies[self.config["optical_frame"]],  # Body to constrain
                np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]).reshape(3, 1),  # Gaze axis
                target[0:3, None],  # Gaze target (world frame)
                np.zeros([3, 1]),  # Gaze origin (body frame)
                self.config["cone_threshold"]  # Cone threshold
                # np.array([dur, dur]).reshape([2,1])       # Valid times

        # Constrain the position
        # NOTE: Due to weirdness with the Aruco tag, Y is up and -Z is front
        # So, longitude rotates around Y
        #     latitude rotates around -X
        #     depth is in positive Z
        # ... This is easier just doing trig by hand
        camera_pose = np.array([
            pose[2] * math.cos(pose[0]) * math.sin(pose[1]),  # X
            pose[2] * math.sin(pose[0]),  # Y
            pose[2] * math.cos(pose[0]) * math.cos(pose[1])  # Z

        print "Pose:       ", pose
        print "Camera:     ", camera_pose

                np.zeros([3, 1]),  # Point relative to Body A (optical frame)
                camera_pose - self.
                config['pose_tol'],  # Lower bound relative to Body B (target)
                camera_pose + self.
                config['pose_tol'],  # Upper bound relative to Body B (target)
                self.bodies[self.config['optical_frame']],  # Body A
                self.bodies["world"],  # Body B
                target.reshape(7, 1)  # Transform from B to reference point

        # Avoid collisions
        # NOTE: How do we avoid colliding with the table?
        #       * Table needs to be in the RBT
        # constraints.append( ik.MinDistanceConstraint ( self.robot,
        #     self.config['collision_min_distance'],   # Minimum distance between bodies
        #     list(),                                  # Active bodies (empty set means all bodies)
        #     set()                                    # Active collision groups (not filter groups! Empty set means all)
        # ))

        # Seed with current configuration (eventually!)
        q_seed = self.robot.getZeroConfiguration()

        options = ik.IKoptions(self.robot)
        result = ik.InverseKin(self.robot, q_seed, q_seed, constraints,

        if result.info[0] != 1:
            print "IK Failed! Result:", result.info
            return None

        return result.q_sol[0]