Example #1
def getonefeatures(data):

    listdata = list(data)
    # Std
    fstd = np.array(list(map(lambda x: np.std(x), listdata)))

    # Approximate-Entropy(ApEN)
    m = 3
    r = 0.2 * fstd
    fae = np.array(
        list(map(lambda x, y: pyeeg.ap_entropy(x, m, y), listdata, list(r))))

    # Power
    # fpower,fre = pyeeg.bin_power(data, [1,30], fs)
    # print(fpower)
    # print("特征--{std:%.4f,AE:%.4f,Power:%.4f}"%(fstd,fae,fpower))

    # First-order Diff ???
    # firstoderlist = pyeeg.first_order_diff(data)

    # Hjorth
    fhjormod_com = np.array(list(map(lambda x: pyeeg.hjorth(x), listdata)))
    fhjor_act = np.array(list(map(lambda x: np.var(x), listdata)))

    # Spectrum Entropy
    # fse = pyeeg.spectral_entropy(data, [0,fs/2], fs)
    # print(fse)

    # Power Spectral Density
    fpsd = np.array(list(map(lambda x: np.max(plt.psd(x, fs)[0]), listdata)))

    # Features Stack
    featurestmp = np.stack(
        (fstd, fae, fhjormod_com[:, 0], fhjormod_com[:, 1], fhjor_act, fpsd),
    temprow, tmpcol = featurestmp.shape
    features = np.reshape(featurestmp, (temprow * tmpcol, ))
    return features
Example #2
 def extract_features(couple_data):
     pca1 =  pca_project_data(couple_data, 1) #take 1st pca dimension
     pca1_mean =  np.mean(pca1, axis=0) #
     pca1_std   = np.std(pca1, axis=0)  # 
     pca1_med = np.median(pca1,  axis=0) #
     features = []
     def sinuosity_deviation_features(seq, mean, std):
         sinuosity_dict = {"A":0, "B":0, "C":0}
         deviation_dict = {"I":0, "II":0, "III":0}
         sinuosity_deviation_dict = {"A-I":0,"A-II":0,"A-III":0,"B-I":0,"B-II":0,"B-III":0,"C-I":0,"C-II":0,"C-III":0}
         n = len(seq)
         for i in range(1,n-1):
             current_af = seq[i]
             prev_af = seq[i-1]
             next_af = seq[i+1]
             sinu = abs((next_af - current_af) + (current_af - prev_af))
             if sinu == 0:      label1 = "A"
             elif 0< sinu <= 1: label1 = "B"
             else:              label1 = 'C'
             sinuosity_dict[label1] += 1
             devi = abs(current_af - mean)
             close =  std / 2
             if devi <= close: label2 = "I"
             elif devi <= std: label2 = "II" 
             elif devi > std:  label2 = "III" 
             deviation_dict[label2] += 1
             sinuosity_deviation_dict["%s-%s"%(label1,label2)] += 1
         return sinuosity_deviation_dict.values()    
     n = len(pca1)
     pca1_sinuosity_deviation = sinuosity_deviation_features( pca1, pca1_mean,  pca1_std )
     features += list(np.array(pca1_sinuosity_deviation)/float(n-2))
     seq =  pca1
     dfa = eg.dfa(seq); pfd = eg.pfd(seq)
     apen = eg.ap_entropy(seq,1,np.std(seq)*.2)
     svden = eg.svd_entropy(seq, 2, 2)
     features += [pca1_mean, pca1_med, pca1_std, dfa, pfd, apen, svden]
     return features
Example #3
MAX_EPOCH_N = 256 * 30
EPOCH_STEP = 256 * 5

SPECT_ENT_BANDS = 2 ** np.arange(0,8)/2

fun_to_test = [
                  {"times":100,"name":"hfd", "is_original":True,"fun": lambda x: pyeeg.hfd(x,2**3)},
                  {"times":100,"name":"hfd", "is_original":False,"fun": lambda x: univ.hfd(x,2**3)},
                  {"times":100,"name":"hjorth", "is_original":True,"fun": lambda x: pyeeg.hjorth(x)},
                  {"times":100,"name":"hjorth", "is_original":False,"fun": lambda x: univ.hjorth(x)},
                  {"times":100,"name":"pfd", "is_original":True, "fun":lambda x: pyeeg.pfd(x)},
                  {"times":100,"name":"pfd", "is_original":False, "fun":lambda x: pyeeg.pfd(x)},
                  {"times":2,"name":"samp_ent", "is_original":True, "fun":lambda x: pyeeg.samp_entropy(x,2,1.5)},
                  {"times":10,"name":"samp_ent", "is_original":False, "fun":lambda x: univ.samp_entropy(x,2,1.5,relative_r=False)},
                  {"times":2,"name":"ap_ent", "is_original":True, "fun":lambda x: pyeeg.ap_entropy(x,2,1.5)},
                  {"times":10,"name":"ap_ent", "is_original":False, "fun":lambda x: univ.ap_entropy(x,2,1.5)},
                  {"times":10,"name":"svd_ent", "is_original":True, "fun":lambda x: pyeeg.svd_entropy(x,2,3)},
                  {"times":100,"name":"svd_ent", "is_original":False, "fun":lambda x: univ.svd_entropy(x,2,3)},
                  {"times":10,"name":"fisher_info", "is_original":True, "fun":lambda x: pyeeg.fisher_info(x,2,3)},
                  {"times":100, "name":"fisher_info", "is_original":False, "fun":lambda x: univ.fisher_info(x,2,3)},
                  {"times":100,"name":"spectral_entropy", "is_original":True, "fun":lambda x: pyeeg.spectral_entropy(x,SPECT_ENT_BANDS,256)},
                  {"times":100, "name":"spectral_entropy", "is_original":False, "fun":lambda x: univ.spectral_entropy(x,256, SPECT_ENT_BANDS)},


def make_one_rep():
    ldfs = []
    for n in range(MIN_EPOCH_N, MAX_EPOCH_N + 1, EPOCH_STEP):
        a = numpy.random.normal(size=n)
Example #4
def CreateFeatureVector(collection, dbName, takeFirstMinutes):
    limitSamples = SamplingRates[dbName] * 60 * takeFirstMinutes
    lastBeat = -1
    lastQ = -1
    amplitudeSum = {
        Constants.LabelQ: 0,
        Constants.LabelR: 0,
        Constants.LabelS: 0
    labelsCounters = {
        Constants.LabelQ: 0,
        Constants.LabelR: 0,
        Constants.LabelS: 0
    amplitudesLists = {
        Constants.LabelQ: list(),
        Constants.LabelR: list(),
        Constants.LabelS: list()
    heartbeats = list()
    valuesHistogram = dict()
    sumQS = 0
    countQS = 0

    for entry in collection.find().sort(Constants.Time,
        label = entry[Constants.Label]
        time = entry[Constants.Time]
        value = entry[Constants.Value]

        if label == Constants.LabelNone:

        amplitudeSum[label] += value
        labelsCounters[label] += 1

        if value in valuesHistogram:
            valuesHistogram[value] += 1
            valuesHistogram[value] = 1

        if label == Constants.LabelR:
            if lastBeat > 0:
                heartbeats.append(time - lastBeat)
            lastBeat = time

        elif label == Constants.LabelQ:
            lastQ = time

        elif label == Constants.LabelS:
            if lastQ > 0:
                sumQS += time - lastQ
                countQS += 1
                lastQ = -1

    averageQAmplitude = amplitudeSum[Constants.LabelQ] / float(
    averageRAmplitude = amplitudeSum[Constants.LabelR] / float(
    averageSAmplitude = amplitudeSum[Constants.LabelS] / float(
    # Calculate the baseline by the most common value
    baseline = max(valuesHistogram.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

    # Convert heartbeats length from a number of samples to actual time
    normalizedHeartbeats = [
        float(i) / SamplingRates[dbName] for i in heartbeats
    heartbeatSTD = std(normalizedHeartbeats)

    beatChanges = [
        abs(float(x) - normalizedHeartbeats[i - 1]) /
        normalizedHeartbeats[i - 1] for i, x in enumerate(normalizedHeartbeats)
    beatChangesCount = len(
        [change for change in beatChanges if float(change) >= 0.1])
    totalBeatsCount = len(beatChanges)

    result = FeatureVector(
        AverageHeartbeat=60 / mean(normalizedHeartbeats),
        IrregularBeatsPercent=float(beatChangesCount) / totalBeatsCount,
        Irregularity=ap_entropy(normalizedHeartbeats, 2, heartbeatSTD * 0.2),
        QS=(sumQS / float(countQS)) * 1000 / SamplingRates[dbName],
        QtoR=abs(averageQAmplitude - baseline) /
        abs(averageRAmplitude - baseline),
        StoR=abs(averageSAmplitude - baseline) /
        abs(averageRAmplitude - baseline),
    return result
Example #5
#print (get_all_wavelet[0][0])
temp_extrasi1 = []
temp_wavelet1 = []  # for getting temporary array for fiture extraction
hasil_extrasi_fitur = []  #getting all result in feature extraction
for x in range(len(get_all_wavelet)):
    for y in range(len(get_all_wavelet[x])):
                   [y]))  # stdmu salah cak ji. aku langsung ambil ae iki.
                       len(get_all_wavelet[x][y]) / 5, temp_extrasi1[1] *
                       float(0.2)))  # diisi dengan aproximate entropy
        #param 1 itu datanya param ke dua itu panjangnya data yang ingin d potong , param ke tiga itu similarity. param ke dua dan ketiga diisi dengan mencoba coba
        temp_extrasi1 = []
    temp_wavelet1 = []

# hasil seluruh extrasi fitur ada di hasil_extrasi_fitur dengan data berukuran 3D

print len(hasil_extrasi_fitur)
if len(hasil_extrasi_fitur) > int(0):
    print len(hasil_extrasi_fitur[0])
    print hasil_extrasi_fitur[0][0][0]
    print hasil_extrasi_fitur[0][0][1]
    print hasil_extrasi_fitur[0][0][2]
         'tol': table[idx, 2],
         'score': table[idx, 0]
     print('    Channel %i: optimal pair is' % (i), table[idx, 1], 'min_l',
           table[idx, 2], 'tol --', 'auc roc is', table[idx, 0])
 print('Tuning aproximate entropy ...')
 subwindow_sizes = np.arange(1, train_banded.shape[1])
 opt_sw_tol_apent = []
 for i in range(train_banded.shape[2]):
     table = []
     for subwindow in subwindow_sizes:
         for tol in tolerance_values:
             entropy_list = []
             for j in range(train_banded.shape[0]):
                     pyeeg.ap_entropy(train_banded[j, :, i], subwindow,
             entropy_list = np.array(entropy_list)
             score = np.max([
                 roc_auc_score(y_true=train_y, y_score=entropy_list),
                 roc_auc_score(y_true=1 - train_y, y_score=entropy_list)
             table.append([score, subwindow, tol])
     table = np.array(table)
     idx = np.argmax(table[:, 0])
         'channel': i,
         'subwindow': table[idx, 1],
         'tol': table[idx, 2],
         'score': table[idx, 0]
     print('    Channel %i: optimal pair is' % (i), table[idx, 1],
Example #7
def CreateFeatureVector(collection, dbName, takeFirstMinutes):
    limitSamples = SamplingRates[dbName] * 60 * takeFirstMinutes
    lastBeat = -1
    lastQ = -1
    amplitudeSum = {Constants.LabelQ: 0, Constants.LabelR: 0, Constants.LabelS: 0}
    labelsCounters = {Constants.LabelQ: 0, Constants.LabelR: 0, Constants.LabelS: 0}
    amplitudesLists = {Constants.LabelQ: list(), Constants.LabelR: list(), Constants.LabelS: list()}
    heartbeats = list()
    valuesHistogram = dict()
    sumQS = 0
    countQS = 0

    for entry in collection.find().sort(Constants.Time, ASCENDING).limit(limitSamples):
        label = entry[Constants.Label]
        time = entry[Constants.Time]
        value = entry[Constants.Value]

        if label == Constants.LabelNone:

        amplitudeSum[label] += value
        labelsCounters[label] += 1

        if value in valuesHistogram:
            valuesHistogram[value] += 1
            valuesHistogram[value] = 1

        if label == Constants.LabelR:
            if lastBeat > 0:
                heartbeats.append(time - lastBeat)
            lastBeat = time

        elif label == Constants.LabelQ:
            lastQ = time

        elif label == Constants.LabelS:
            if lastQ > 0:
                sumQS += time - lastQ
                countQS += 1
                lastQ = -1

    averageQAmplitude = amplitudeSum[Constants.LabelQ] / float(labelsCounters[Constants.LabelQ])
    averageRAmplitude = amplitudeSum[Constants.LabelR] / float(labelsCounters[Constants.LabelR])
    averageSAmplitude = amplitudeSum[Constants.LabelS] / float(labelsCounters[Constants.LabelS])
    # Calculate the baseline by the most common value
    baseline = max(valuesHistogram.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

    # Convert heartbeats length from a number of samples to actual time
    normalizedHeartbeats = [ float(i) / SamplingRates[dbName] for i in heartbeats ]
    heartbeatSTD = std(normalizedHeartbeats)

    beatChanges = [abs(float(x) - normalizedHeartbeats[i-1])/normalizedHeartbeats[i-1] for i, x in enumerate(normalizedHeartbeats)][1:]
    beatChangesCount = len([change for change in beatChanges if float(change) >= 0.1])
    totalBeatsCount = len(beatChanges)

    result = FeatureVector(
        Database = dbName,
        RecordNumber = collection.name,
        AverageHeartbeat = 60 / mean(normalizedHeartbeats),
        IrregularBeatsPercent = float(beatChangesCount) / totalBeatsCount,
        AverageBeatChange = mean(beatChanges),
        Irregularity = ap_entropy(normalizedHeartbeats, 2, heartbeatSTD*0.2),
        QS = (sumQS / float(countQS)) * 1000 / SamplingRates[dbName],
        QtoR = abs(averageQAmplitude - baseline) / abs(averageRAmplitude - baseline),
        StoR = abs(averageSAmplitude - baseline) / abs(averageRAmplitude - baseline),
        QSTD = std(amplitudesLists[Constants.LabelQ]),
        RSTD = std(amplitudesLists[Constants.LabelR]),
        SSTD = std(amplitudesLists[Constants.LabelS])
    return result
Example #8
     "times": 2,
     "name": "samp_ent",
     "is_original": True,
     "fun": lambda x: pyeeg.samp_entropy(x, 2, 1.5)
     "times": 10,
     "name": "samp_ent",
     "is_original": False,
     "fun": lambda x: univ.samp_entropy(x, 2, 1.5, relative_r=False)
     "times": 2,
     "name": "ap_ent",
     "is_original": True,
     "fun": lambda x: pyeeg.ap_entropy(x, 2, 1.5)
     "times": 10,
     "name": "ap_ent",
     "is_original": False,
     "fun": lambda x: univ.ap_entropy(x, 2, 1.5)
     "times": 10,
     "name": "svd_ent",
     "is_original": True,
     "fun": lambda x: pyeeg.svd_entropy(x, 2, 3)
     "times": 100,