Example #1
def test_transcript_start_codon():
    test_transcript_start_codon : Check that fields Transcript
    (for transcript named CTNNBIP1-004) matches known values.
    CTNNBIP1_004_transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(
    assert Locus.__eq__(CTNNBIP1_004_locus, CTNNBIP1_004_transcript), \
        "Expected locus %s but got %s" % (
            CTNNBIP1_004_locus, Locus.__str__(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript))

    start_offsets = CTNNBIP1_004_transcript.start_codon_spliced_offsets
    assert len(start_offsets) == 3, \
        "Wrong length for start codon: %d (%s)" % (
            len(start_offsets), start_offsets)

    assert all(isinstance(i, int) for i in start_offsets), \
        "Wrong type %s for beginning start codon offset" % (
            [type(i) for i in start_offsets],)

    expected_start_codon_offset = len(CTNNBIP1_004_UTR5)
    start_codon_offset = min(start_offsets)
    assert start_codon_offset == expected_start_codon_offset, \
        "Incorrect start codon offset, expected %d but got %d" % (
            expected_start_codon_offset, start_codon_offset)
Example #2
def test_transcript_exons():
    test_transcript_exons : Ensure that properties of CTTNBIP1-004's
    Exon objects match known values.
    transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript_id)
    exons = transcript.exons
    assert isinstance(exons, list), \
        "Expected list of Exon objects, got %s : %s" % (exons, type(exons))

    # CTTNBIP1-004 has 5 exons
    assert len(exons) == len(CTTNNIP1_004_exon_lengths), \
        "Expected %d exons but got %d" % (
            len(CTTNNIP1_004_exon_lengths), len(exons))

    for i, exon in enumerate(exons):
        expected_id = CTTNNIP1_004_exon_ids[i]
        assert exon.id == expected_id, \
            "Expected exon #%d of %s to have ID %s but got %s" % (
                i + 1, transcript, expected_id, exon.id)

        expected_length = CTTNNIP1_004_exon_lengths[i]
        assert len(exon) == expected_length, \
            "Expected exon #%d of %s (%s) to have length %d but got %d" % (
                i + 1, transcript, exon, expected_length, len(exon))
def test_transcript_exons():
    test_transcript_exons : Ensure that properties of CTTNBIP1-004's
    Exon objects match known values.
    transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript_id)
    exons = transcript.exons
    assert isinstance(exons, list), \
        "Expected list of Exon objects, got %s : %s" % (exons, type(exons))

    # CTTNBIP1-004 has 5 exons
    assert len(exons) == len(CTTNNIP1_004_exon_lengths), \
        "Expected %d exons but got %d" % (
            len(CTTNNIP1_004_exon_lengths), len(exons))

    for i, exon in enumerate(exons):
        expected_id = CTTNNIP1_004_exon_ids[i]
        assert exon.id == expected_id, \
            "Expected exon #%d of %s to have ID %s but got %s" % (
                i + 1, transcript, expected_id, exon.id)

        expected_length = CTTNNIP1_004_exon_lengths[i]
        assert len(exon) == expected_length, \
            "Expected exon #%d of %s (%s) to have length %d but got %d" % (
                i + 1, transcript, exon, expected_length, len(exon))
Example #4
def test_transcript_cds_CTNNIP1_004():
    transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript_id)
    cds = transcript.coding_sequence
    expected_cds_length = len(CTNNBIP1_004_CDS)
    eq_(len(cds), expected_cds_length,
        "Expected CDS length %d, got %d" % (expected_cds_length, len(cds)))
    eq_(cds, CTNNBIP1_004_CDS)
def test_transcript_start_codon():
    test_transcript_start_codon : Check that fields Transcript
    (for transcript named CTNNBIP1-004) matches known values.
    CTNNBIP1_004_transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(
    assert Locus.__eq__(CTNNBIP1_004_locus, CTNNBIP1_004_transcript), \
        "Expected locus %s but got %s" % (
            CTNNBIP1_004_locus, Locus.__str__(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript))

    start_offsets = CTNNBIP1_004_transcript.start_codon_spliced_offsets
    assert len(start_offsets) == 3, \
        "Wrong length for start codon: %d (%s)" % (
            len(start_offsets), start_offsets)

    assert all(isinstance(i, int) for i in start_offsets), \
        "Wrong type %s for beginning start codon offset" % (
            [type(i) for i in start_offsets],)

    expected_start_codon_offset = len(CTNNBIP1_004_UTR5)
    start_codon_offset = min(start_offsets)
    assert start_codon_offset == expected_start_codon_offset, \
        "Incorrect start codon offset, expected %d but got %d" % (
            expected_start_codon_offset, start_codon_offset)
def test_transcript_sequence_ensembl_grch38():
    # extremely short TRD gene
    seq = ensembl_grch38.transcript_sequence("ENST00000448914")
    expected = "ACTGGGGGATACG"
    eq_(seq, expected)
    # now try via a Transcript object
    eq_(ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id("ENST00000448914").sequence, expected)
Example #7
def test_transcript_utr3_sequence_CTNNIP1_004():
    transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript_id)
    utr3 = transcript.three_prime_utr_sequence
    expected_utr3_length = len(CTNNBIP1_004_UTR3)
        len(utr3), expected_utr3_length, "Expected 3' UTR length %d, got %d" %
        (expected_utr3_length, len(utr3)))
    eq_(utr3, CTNNBIP1_004_UTR3)
Example #8
def test_transcript_utr5_sequence_CTNNIP1_004():
    transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript_id)
    utr5 = transcript.five_prime_utr_sequence
    expected_utr5_length = len(CTNNBIP1_004_UTR5)
        len(utr5), expected_utr5_length, "Expected 5' UTR length %d, got %d" %
        (expected_utr5_length, len(utr5)))
    eq_(utr5, CTNNBIP1_004_UTR5)
def test_transcript_cds_CTNNIP1_004():
    transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript_id)
    cds = transcript.coding_sequence
    expected_cds_length = len(CTNNBIP1_004_CDS)
        "Expected CDS length %d, got %d" % (expected_cds_length, len(cds)))
    eq_(cds, CTNNBIP1_004_CDS)
def test_transcript_utr3_sequence_CTNNIP1_004():
    transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript_id)
    utr3 = transcript.three_prime_utr_sequence
    expected_utr3_length = len(CTNNBIP1_004_UTR3)
        "Expected 3' UTR length %d, got %d" % (
            expected_utr3_length, len(utr3)))
    eq_(utr3, CTNNBIP1_004_UTR3)
def test_transcript_utr5_sequence_CTNNIP1_004():
    transcript = ensembl_grch38.transcript_by_id(CTNNBIP1_004_transcript_id)
    utr5 = transcript.five_prime_utr_sequence
    expected_utr5_length = len(CTNNBIP1_004_UTR5)
        "Expected 5' UTR length %d, got %d" % (
            expected_utr5_length, len(utr5)))
    eq_(utr5, CTNNBIP1_004_UTR5)