for c, t in zip(this_cond_mat, ttls):
            assert np.array_equal(decimals_to_binary(c, n_digits), t)
        # this maps the sequence of 4 (single-digit) ints into a single int.
        # the sequence of experiment variables corresponding to each order of
        # magnitude is taken from params['cond_readme']; in this case it is
        # 1000s: attn, 100s: spatial, 10s: idents, 1s: gap
        event[:, 1] = [ttl_to_id(c) for c in this_cond_mat]
        for e in event[:, 1]:
            assert e in rev_dict

    print('\n  Epoching...')
    epochs = Epochs(raws, events, event_dict, t_min, t_max)
    if downsample:
        print('  Downsampling...')
        epochs.resample(fs_out, n_jobs=n_jobs)
    # compute gaze angles (in degrees)
    angles = get_gaze_angle(epochs, screenprops)
    # zscore pupil sizes
    zscore = epochs.pupil_zscores()
    # init some containers
    kernel_fits = list()
    kernel_zscores = list()

    print('  Deconvolving...')
    deconv_kwargs = dict(kernel=kernel, n_jobs=n_jobs, acc=1e-3)
    if deconv_time_pts is not None:
    fit, time_pts = epochs.deconvolve(**deconv_kwargs)
    if deconv_time_pts is None:
        deconv_time_pts = time_pts