Example #1
    def post(self, pathmap_id):
        A ``POST`` to this endpoint will update an existing path map with new

        Only the values included in the request will be updated. The rest will be
        left unchanged.
        The id column cannot be changed.  Including it in the request will lead
        to an error.

        .. http:post:: /api/v1/pathmaps/<int:pathmap_id> HTTP/1.1


            .. sourcecode:: http

                POST /api/v1/pathmaps/1 HTTP/1.1
                Accept: application/json

                    "path_linux": "/mnt/smb"


            .. sourcecode:: http

                HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                Content-Type: application/json

                    "id": 1,
                    "path_linux": "/mnt/smb",
                    "path_windows": "\\domain\cifs_server",
                    "path_osx": "/mnt/nfs",
                    "tag": "production"

        :statuscode 200: the specified pathmap was updated
        :statuscode 404: the specified pathmap does not exist
        :statuscode 400: there was something wrong with the request (such as
                            invalid columns being included)
        pathmap = PathMap.query.filter_by(id=pathmap_id).first()
        if not pathmap:
            return jsonify(error="No pathmap with that id"), NOT_FOUND

        if "id" in g.json:
            return (jsonify(error="ID column cannot be included in the request"), BAD_REQUEST)

        tagname = g.json.pop("tag", None)
        if tagname:
            tag = Tag.query.filter_by(tag=tagname).first()
            if not tag:
                tag = Tag(tag=tagname)
            pathmap.tag = tag

        for name in PathMap.types().columns:
            if name in g.json:
                expected_type = PathMap.types().mappings[name]
                value = g.json.pop(name)
                if not isinstance(value, expected_type):
                    return (
                            error="Column `%s` is of type %r, but we "
                            "expected %r" % (name, type(value), expected_type)
                setattr(pathmap, name, value)

        if g.json:
            return jsonify(error="Unknown columns: %r" % g.json), BAD_REQUEST


        out = pathmap.to_dict(unpack_relationships=False)
        if pathmap.tag:
            out["tag"] = pathmap.tag.tag
        del out["tag_id"]

        logger.info("Pathmap with id %s was updated, new data: %r", pathmap_id, out)

        return jsonify(out), OK