Example #1
    def runIt(self):

        solver = Solver(self.props, self.globdat)
        output = OutputManager(self.props, self.globdat)

        while self.globdat.active:
            solver.run(self.props, self.globdat)
            output.run(self.props, self.globdat)

        print("Simulation finished.")
Example #2
def run(fileName):

    props, globdat = InputRead(fileName)

    solver = Solver(props, globdat)
    output = OutputManager(props, globdat)

    while globdat.active:
        solver.run(props, globdat)
        output.run(props, globdat)

    print("PyFem analysis terminated successfully.")
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env  python
from pyfem.io.InputReader import InputReader
from pyfem.io.OutputManager import OutputManager
from pyfem.solvers.Solver import Solver
import sys
import os

pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
filename = os.path.basename(__file__)
param1 = pathname + '/' + filename
param2 = pathname + '/examples/basictest/Timoshenkobeam.pro'
sys.argv = [param1, param2]
properties, global_data = InputReader(sys.argv)

solver = Solver(properties, global_data)
output = OutputManager(properties, global_data)
while global_data.active:
  solver.run(properties, global_data)
  output.run(properties, global_data)
print "PyFem analysis terminated successfully."
Example #4
#  can be found here:                                                      #
#     https://github.com/jjcremmers/PyFEM                                  #
#                                                                          #
#  The code is open source and intended for educational and scientific     #
#  purposes only. If you use PyFEM in your research, the developers would  #
#  be grateful if you could cite the book.                                 #
#                                                                          #
#  Disclaimer:                                                             #
#  The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is    #
#  free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any   #
#  event caused by the use of the program.                                 #

import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())

from pyfem.io.InputReader import InputReader
from pyfem.io.OutputManager import OutputManager
from pyfem.solvers.Solver import Solver

props, globdat = InputReader(sys.argv)

solver = Solver(props, globdat)
output = OutputManager(props, globdat)

while globdat.active:
    solver.run(props, globdat)
    output.run(props, globdat)

print("PyFem analysis terminated successfully.")
Example #5
#  purposes only. If you use PyFEM in your research, the developers would  #
#  be grateful if you could cite the book.                                 #  
#                                                                          #
#  Disclaimer:                                                             #
#  The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is    #
#  free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any   #
#  event caused by the use of the program.                                 #

from pyfem.io.InputReader   import InputReader
from pyfem.io.OutputManager import OutputManager

from pyfem.solvers.Solver   import Solver

import sys

props,globdat = InputReader( sys.argv )

solver = Solver        ( props , globdat )
output = OutputManager ( props , globdat )

while globdat.active:
  solver.run( props , globdat )
  output.run( props , globdat )

print "PyFem analysis terminated successfully."