Example #1
File: dump.py Project: qbx2/pyffi
 def branchentry(self, branch):
     # check if this branch must be checked, if not, recurse further
     if not NifSpell._branchinspect(self, branch):
         return True
     blocktype = branch.__class__.__name__
     reports = self.toaster.reports_per_blocktype.get(blocktype)
     if not reports:
         # start a new report for this block type
         row = "<tr>"
         row += "<th>%s</th>" % "file" 
         row +=  "<th>%s</th>" % "id" 
         for attr in branch._get_filtered_attribute_list(data=self.data):
             row += ("<th>%s</th>"
                     % escape(attr.displayname, self.ENTITIES))
         row += "</tr>"
         reports = [row]
         self.toaster.reports_per_blocktype[blocktype] = reports
     row = "<tr>"
     row += "<td>%s</td>" % escape(self.stream.name)
     row += "<td>%s</td>" % escape("0x%08X" % id(branch), self.ENTITIES)
     for attr in branch._get_filtered_attribute_list(data=self.data):
         row += ("<td>%s</td>"
                 % escape(dumpAttr(getattr(branch, "_%s_value_"
                                           % attr.name)),
     row += "</tr>"
     # keep looking for blocks of interest
     return True