def __init__(self, file_path, *, num_conv_points=138, dt=0.1, center=0, initial_state=0, total_num_time_points=2000): self.slicing_time = 0 self.interpolation_time = 0 self.expectation_time = 0 self.next_order_expectation_time = 0 self.convolution_time = 0 self.extend_time = 0 self.mask_time = 0 self.dipole_time = 0 self.base_path = file_path self.undersample_factor = 1 self.set_homogeneous_linewidth(0.05) self.set_inhomogeneous_linewidth(0) self.load_eigenvalues() self.load_mu() self.efield_t = np.arange(-(num_conv_points // 2), num_conv_points // 2 + num_conv_points % 2) * dt self.efield_w = 2 * np.pi * fftshift(fftfreq(self.efield_t.size, d=dt)) # Code will not actually function until the following three empty lists are set by the user self.efields = [] #initialize empty list of electric field shapes self.polarization_sequence = [ ] #initialize empty polarization sequence self.pulse_times = [] #initialize empty list of pulse arrival times HeavisideConvolve.__init__(self, num_conv_points) # Initialize time array to be used for all desired delay times self.t = np.arange( -(total_num_time_points // 2), total_num_time_points // 2 + total_num_time_points % 2) * dt # The first pulse is assumed to arrive at t = 0, therefore shift array so that # it includes only points where the signal will be nonzero (number of negative time points # is essentially based upon width of the electric field, via the proxy of the size parameter self.t += self.t[-(self.size // 2 + 1)] self.dt = dt # f = fftshift(fftfreq(self.t.size-self.t.size%2,d=self.dt)) f = fftshift(fftfreq(self.t.size, d=self.dt)) self.w = 2 * np.pi * f self.initial_ground_state_index = initial_state # Define the unitary operator for each manifold in the RWA given the rotating frequency center self.recenter(new_center=center) self.gamma_res = 6.91
def fillWithGaussianRandomField(self, ell, Cell, bufferFactor=1, threads=1): """ Generate a Gaussian random field from an input power spectrum specified as ell, Cell. Notes ----- BufferFactor = 1 means the map will have periodic boundary function, while BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on a patch bufferFactor times larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have non-periodic boundary conditions. Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization. """ ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads) Ny = self.Ny * bufferFactor Nx = self.Nx * bufferFactor bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor) realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) imgPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) ly = fftfreq(Ny, d=self.pixScaleY) * (2 * numpy.pi) lx = fftfreq(Nx, d=self.pixScaleX) * (2 * numpy.pi) # print ly modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny, 0:Nx] modLMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy] ** 2 + lx[ix] ** 2) s = splrep(ell, Cell, k=3) ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap) kk = splev(ll, s) id = numpy.where(ll > ell.max()) kk[id] = 0.0 # add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max())) # lEnd = ll[id2] # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2) # pylab.loglog(ll,kk) area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY p = numpy.reshape(kk, [Ny, Nx]) / area * (Nx * Ny) ** 2 realPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx) imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx) kMap = realPart + 1j * imgPart if have_pyFFTW: data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap, threads=threads)) else: data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap)) b = bufferFactor = data[(b - 1) / 2 * self.Ny : (b + 1) / 2 * self.Ny, (b - 1) / 2 * self.Nx : (b + 1) / 2 * self.Nx]
def __init__(self, file_path, *, num_conv_points=138, dt=0.1, center=0, initial_state=0, total_num_time_points=2000): self.size = num_conv_points # Initialize time array to be used for all desired delay times self.t = np.arange( -(total_num_time_points // 2), total_num_time_points // 2 + total_num_time_points % 2) * dt self.t += self.t[-(self.size // 2 + 1)] self.dt = dt parameter_file = os.path.join(file_path, 'params.yaml') super().__init__(parameter_file, mask_by_occupation_num=True) self.base_path = file_path self.load_params() self.set_diagrams_and_manifolds() self.set_molecular_dipoles() self.set_bottom_eigensystem() self.set_H() self.zero_hamiltonians() self.rtol = 1E-6 self.atol = 1E-6 self.time_to_extend = 0 self.time_for_next_order = 0 ############### Optical part self.set_homogeneous_linewidth(0.05) self.efield_t = np.arange(-(num_conv_points // 2), num_conv_points // 2 + num_conv_points % 2) * dt self.efield_w = 2 * np.pi * fftshift(fftfreq(self.efield_t.size, d=dt)) # Code will not actually function until the following three empty lists are set by the user self.efields = [] #initialize empty list of electric field shapes self.polarization_sequence = [ ] #initialize empty polarization sequence self.pulse_times = [] #initialize empty list of pulse arrival times f = fftshift(fftfreq(self.t.size - self.t.size % 2, d=self.dt)) self.w = 2 * np.pi * f # Define the unitary operator for each manifold in the RWA given the rotating frequency center self.recenter(new_center=center)
def generate_signals( shape: tuple, specs: list[CompanionSpec], template: np.ndarray, derotation_angles: np.ndarray = None, template_scale_factors: Union[np.ndarray, float, None] = None, ): '''Inject signals for companions specified using optional derotation angles to *counter*rotate the coordinates before injection, such that rotation CCW (e.g. by `derotate_cube`) aligns 0 deg PA with +Y Parameters ---------- shape : tuple[int,int,int] specs : list[CompanionSpec] template : np.ndarray derotation_angles : Optional[np.ndarray] template_scale_factors : Union[np.ndarray,float,None] Scale factor relative to 1.0 being the average brightness of the primary over the observation, used to scale the template image to reflect particularly sharp or poor AO correction Returns ------- outcube : np.ndarray ''' outcube = np.zeros(shape, dtype=template.dtype) n_obs = shape[0] template = improc.shift2(template, 0, 0, output_shape=shape[1:]) ft_template = fft.fft2(template) xfreqs = fft.fftfreq(shape[2]) yfreqs = fft.fftfreq(shape[1]) if template_scale_factors is None: template_scale_factors = np.ones(n_obs) if np.isscalar(template_scale_factors): template_scale_factors = np.repeat(np.array([template_scale_factors]), n_obs) if derotation_angles is None: derotation_angles = np.zeros(n_obs) for spec in specs: theta = np.deg2rad(90 + spec.pa_deg - derotation_angles) for i in range(n_obs): dx = spec.r_px * np.cos(theta[i]) dy = spec.r_px * np.sin(theta[i]) shifter = np.exp(2j * np.pi * ((-dx * xfreqs[np.newaxis, :]) + (-dy * yfreqs[:, np.newaxis]))) cube_contribution = fft.ifft2(ft_template * shifter).real cube_contribution *= template_scale_factors[i] * spec.scale outcube[i] += cube_contribution return outcube
def ft1D(x,y,*,axis=0,zero_DC=False): """Takes in x and y = y(x), and returns k and the Fourier transform of y(x) -> f(k) along a single (1D) axis Handles all of the annoyances of fftshift and ifftshift, and gets the normalization right Args: x (np.ndarray) : independent variable, must be 1D y (np.ndarray) : dependent variable, can be nD Kwargs: axis (int) : which axis to perform FFT zero_DC (bool) : if true, sets f(0) = 0 """ dx = x[1]-x[0] k = fftshift(fftfreq(x.size,d=dx))*2*np.pi fft_norm = dx shifted_x = ifftshift(x) if np.isclose(shifted_x[0],0): f = fft(ifftshift(y,axes=(axis)),axis=axis)*fft_norm else: f = fft(y,axis=axis)*fft_norm if zero_DC: nd_slice = [slice(None) for i in range(len(f.shape))] nd_slice[axis] = slice(0,1,1) nd_slice = tuple(nd_slice) f[nd_slice] = 0 f = fftshift(f,axes=(axis)) return k, f
def ift1D(k,f,*,axis=0,zero_DC=False): """Takes in k and f = f(k), and returns x and the discrete Fourier transform of f(k) -> y(x). Handles all of the annoyances of fftshift and ifftshift, and gets the normalization right Args: x (np.ndarray): independent variable y (np.ndarray): dependent variable Kwargs: axis (int) : which axis to perform FFT """ dk = k[1]-k[0] x = fftshift(fftfreq(k.size,d=dk))*2*np.pi ifft_norm = dk*k.size/(2*np.pi) shifted_k = ifftshift(k) if np.isclose(shifted_k[0],0): y = ifft(ifftshift(f,axes=(axis)),axis=axis)*ifft_norm else: y = ifft(f,axis=axis)*ifft_norm if zero_DC: nd_slice = [slice(None) for i in range(len(y.shape))] nd_slice[axis] = slice(0,1,1) nd_slice = tuple(nd_slice) y[nd_slice] = 0 y = fftshift(y,axes=(axis)) return x, y
def set_efields(self,times_list,efields_list,centers_list,phase_discrimination,*,reset_rhos = True, plot_fields = False): self.efield_times = times_list self.efields = efields_list self.centers = centers_list self.set_phase_discrimination(phase_discrimination) self.dts = [] self.efield_frequencies = [] if reset_rhos: self.rhos = dict() for t in times_list: if t.size == 1: dt = 1 w = np.array([0]) else: dt = t[1] - t[0] w = fftshift(fftfreq(t.size,d=dt))*2*np.pi self.dts.append(dt) self.efield_frequencies.append(w) self.dt = self.dts[0] if self.detection_type == 'polarization': try: self.local_oscillator = self.efields[-1].copy() except: self.local_oscillator = copy.deepcopy(self.efields[-1]) for field in self.efields: if len(field) == 1: # M = 1 is the impulsive limit pass else: self.check_efield_resolution(field,plot_fields = plot_fields)
def logscale_normalization(spectra, srate=1., factor=20.): t_bins, f_bins = spectra.shape scale = np.linspace(0, 1, f_bins)**factor scale *= (f_bins - 1) / scale.max() scale = np.asarray(np.unique(np.round(scale)), dtype=np.int64) # create spectrogram with new freq bins spectra_ = np.zeros((t_bins, scale.size), dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(0, scale.size): if i < scale.size - 1: spectra_[:, i] = np.sum(spectra[:, scale[i]:scale[i + 1]], axis=1) else: spectra_[:, i] = np.sum(spectra[:, scale[i]:], axis=1) # list center freq of bins allfreqs = np.abs(fft.fftfreq(f_bins * 2, 1. / srate)[:f_bins + 1]) freqs = [] for i in range(0, len(scale)): if i == len(scale) - 1: freqs += [np.mean(allfreqs[scale[i]:])] else: freqs += [np.mean(allfreqs[scale[i]:scale[i + 1]])] return spectra_, np.asarray(freqs)
def create_filter(order, cutoff, nyquist, N, ftype='fir', output='freq', shift=True): """ Create a prototype filter. """ h = firwin(order, cutoff, nyq=nyquist) if output == 'freq': w = fft.fftfreq(N) w *= (nyquist * 2) H = fft.fft(h, n=N, axis=-1, planner_effort='FFTW_ESTIMATE') if shift: return fft.fftshift(w), fft.fftshift(H) else: return w, H else: return h
def ft_shift2(image: np.ndarray, dy: float, dx: float, flux_tol: Union[None, float] = 1e-15, output_shape=None): """ Fast Fourier subpixel shifting Parameters ---------- dy : float Translation in +Y direction (i.e. a feature at (x, y) moves to (x, y + dy)) dx : float Translation in +X direction (i.e. a feature at (x, y) moves to (x + dx, y)) flux_tol : float Fractional flux change permissible ``(sum(output) - sum(image)) / sum(image) < flux_tol`` (default: 1e-15) output_shape : tuple shape of output array (default: same as input) """ if output_shape is None: output_shape = image.shape xfreqs = fft.fftfreq(output_shape[1]) yfreqs = fft.fftfreq(output_shape[0]) xform = fft.fft2(image, s=output_shape) if output_shape is not None: # compute center-to-center displacement such that # supplying dx == dy == 0.0 will be a no-op (aside # from changing shape) orig_ctr_x, orig_ctr_y = (image.shape[1] - 1) / 2, (image.shape[0] - 1) / 2 new_ctr_x, new_ctr_y = (output_shape[1] - 1) / 2, (output_shape[0] - 1) / 2 base_dx, base_dy = new_ctr_x - orig_ctr_x, new_ctr_y - orig_ctr_y else: base_dx = base_dy = 0 modified_xform = xform * np.exp(2j * np.pi * ( (-(dx + base_dx) * xfreqs)[np.newaxis, :] + (-(dy + base_dy) * yfreqs)[:, np.newaxis])) new_image = fft.ifft2(modified_xform).real frac_diff_flux = (np.sum(image) - np.sum(new_image)) / np.sum(image) if flux_tol is not None and frac_diff_flux > flux_tol: raise RuntimeError( f"Flux conservation violated by {frac_diff_flux} fractional difference (more than {flux_tol})" ) return new_image
def plot2d_fft(self, *, delay_time_start=1, create_figure=True, color_range='auto', subtract_DC=True, draw_colorbar=True, frequency_range=[-1000, 1000], normalize=False, phase=False, save_fig=True, wT_frequency_range='auto'): w_ind = np.where((self.w > frequency_range[0]) & (self.w < frequency_range[1]))[0] w = self.w[w_ind] sig = self.signal_vs_delay_times[w_ind, :] delay_time_indices = np.where(self.delay_times > delay_time_start)[0] delay_times = self.delay_times[delay_time_indices] sig = sig[:, delay_time_indices] if normalize: sig /=, self.dipoles)**2 wT = fftshift( fftfreq(delay_times.size, d=(delay_times[1] - delay_times[0]))) * 2 * np.pi sig_fft = fft(sig, axis=1) if subtract_DC: sig_fft[:, 0] = 0 sig_fft = fftshift(sig_fft, axes=(1)) ww, wTwT = np.meshgrid(wT, w) if create_figure: plt.figure() if phase: plt.title('Phase') plot_sig = np.arctan2(np.imag(sig_fft), np.real(sig_fft)) else: plt.title('Magnitude') plot_sig = np.abs(sig_fft) if color_range == 'auto': plt.pcolormesh(ww, wTwT, plot_sig) else: plt.pcolormesh(ww, wTwT, plot_sig, vmin=color_range[0], vmax=color_range[1]) if draw_colorbar: plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel('$\omega_T$ ($\omega_0$)', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('Detection Frequency ($\omega_0$)', fontsize=16) if wT_frequency_range == 'auto': plt.xlim([0, np.max(wT)]) else: plt.xlim(wT_frequency_range) if save_fig: plt.savefig(self.base_path + 'TA_spectra_fft')
def integrated_ft(self,delay_time_start = 1,delay_time_stop = 300): delay_time_indices = np.where((self.delay_times > delay_time_start) & (self.delay_times < delay_time_stop))[0] delay_times = self.delay_times[delay_time_indices] sig = self.signal_vs_delay_times[:,delay_time_indices] integrated = np.trapz(sig,x=self.TA.w,axis=0) w_T = fftshift(fftfreq(delay_times.size,d=(delay_times[1] - delay_times[0])))*2*np.pi integrated_fft = fft(integrated) integrated_fft[0] = 0 integrated_fft = fftshift(integrated_fft) return w_T, integrated_ft
def _gen_kr(self): """Internal utiltiy to generate coordinate system and other internal parameters""" k = fftfreq(self.size, self.res) kxx, kyy = np.meshgrid(k, k) self._kr, self._phi = cart2pol(kyy, kxx) # kmag is the radius of the spherical shell of the OTF self._kmag = / self.wl # because the OTF only exists on a spherical shell we can calculate # a kz value for any pair of kx and ky values self._kz = psqrt(self._kmag**2 - self._kr**2)
def set_t(self,optical_dephasing_rate,*,dt='auto'): """Sets the time grid upon which all frequency-detected signals will be calculated on """ max_pos_t = int(self.gamma_res/optical_dephasing_rate) if dt == 'auto': dt = self.dts[-1] # signal detection bandwidth determined by local oscillator self.t = np.arange(-max_pos_t,max_pos_t+dt/2,dt) # if self.t.size % 2: # self.t = self.t[:-1] self.w = fftshift(fftfreq(self.t.size,d=dt)*2*np.pi)
def _update_fft_axes(axes, idx, shape, omitlast, ffunc): for i in idx[:-1]: __update_axes_label(axes, i) axes[i].attrs['shift'] = axes[i].min # save lower bound. value of axes axes[i].ax = fftmod.fftshift(fftmod.fftfreq(shape[i], d=axes[i].increment)) * 2 * np.pi # the last dimension needs special care for rfft i = idx[-1] __update_axes_label(axes, i) axes[i].attrs['shift'] = axes[i].min # save lower bound. value of axes if omitlast: axes[i].ax = ffunc(shape[i], d=axes[i].increment) * 2 * np.pi else: axes[i].ax = fftmod.fftshift(ffunc(shape[i], d=axes[i].increment)) * 2 * np.pi
def set_t(self, optical_dephasing_rate, *, dt='auto'): """Sets the time grid upon which all frequency-detected signals will be calculated on """ max_pos_t = int(self.gamma_res / optical_dephasing_rate) max_efield_t = max([np.max(u) for u in self.efield_times]) * 1.05 max_pos_t = max(max_pos_t, max_efield_t) if dt == 'auto': dt = self.dts[ -1] # signal detection bandwidth determined by local oscillator n = int(max_pos_t / dt) self.t = np.arange(-n, n + 1, 1) * dt self.w = fftshift(fftfreq(self.t.size, d=dt) * 2 * np.pi)
def _gen_kr(self): """Internal utility function to generate internal state""" # generate internal kspace coordinates k = fftfreq(self.size, self.res) kz = fftfreq(self.zsize, self.zres) k_tot = np.meshgrid(kz, k, indexing="ij") # calculate r kr = norm(k_tot, axis=0) # calculate the radius of the spherical shell in k-space self.kmag = kmag = / self.wl # determine k-space pixel size dk, dkz = k[1] - k[0], kz[1] - kz[0] # save output for user, self.dkz = dk, dkz # determine the min value for kz given the NA and wavelength kz_min = np.sqrt(kmag**2 - ( / self.wl)**2) # make sure we're not crazy assert kz_min >= 0, "Something went horribly wrong" # if the user gave us different z and x/y res we need to calculate # the positional "error" in k-space to draw the spherical shell if dk != dkz: with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): dd = np.array((dkz, dk)).reshape(2, 1, 1) dkr = norm(np.array(k_tot) * dd, axis=0) / kr # we know the origin is zero so replace it dkr[0, 0] = 0.0 else: dkr = dk if self.dual: # if we want dual objectives we need two spherical shells kzz = abs(k_tot[0]) else: kzz = k_tot[0] # calculate the points on the spherical shell, save them and the # corresponding kz, ky and kx coordinates self.valid_points = np.logical_and( abs(kr - kmag) < dkr, kzz > kz_min + dkr) self.kzz, self.krr = [k[self.valid_points] for k in k_tot]
def generate_white_noise(self): """Generate a white noise with the relevant power spectrum. Returns ------- white_noise : np.ndarray """ # Compute the k grid d = self.Lbox / self.dimensions / (2 * np.pi) all_k = [fft.fftfreq(self.dimensions, d=d)] * (self.Ndim - 1) + [ fft.rfftfreq(self.dimensions, d=d) ] self.kgrid = kgrid = np.array(np.meshgrid(*all_k, indexing="ij")) self.knorm = knorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(kgrid**2, axis=0)) # Compute Pk Pk = np.zeros_like(knorm) mask = knorm > 0 Pk[mask] = self.Pk(knorm[mask] * 2) # Compute white noise (in Fourier space) mu = np.random.standard_normal([self.dimensions] * self.Ndim) muk = fft.rfftn(mu) deltak = muk * np.sqrt(Pk) # Compute field in real space white_noise = fft.irfftn(deltak) # Normalize variance deltak_smoothed = deltak * self.filter.W(knorm) field = fft.irfftn(deltak_smoothed) std = field.std() self.white_noise_fft = deltak * self.sigma8 / std self.white_noise = white_noise * self.sigma8 / std return self.white_noise
def _precompute(self): # Computations that need only be done once per dataset. self._nevts = self._v0.shape[0] # Number of events # *NORMALIZE v0* # Reshape to facilitate max_vz normalization using numpy broadcast rules. v0 = np.moveaxis(self._v0, 0, -1) # Normalize each event signal by the maximum z-component amplitude. # We perform this succinctly using numpy multidimensional broadcasting rules. self._max_vz = np.abs(v0[1, :, :]).max(axis=0) self._max_vz.flags.writeable = False v0 = v0 / self._max_vz # Reshape back to original shape. self._v0 = np.moveaxis(v0, -1, 0) self._v0.flags.writeable = False # Transform v0 to the spectral domain using real FFT self._fv0 = fft(self._v0, axis=-1) self._fv0.flags.writeable = False # Compute discrete frequencies self._w = 2 * np.pi * fftfreq(self._npts, self._dt) self._w.flags.writeable = False
def set_efields(self, times_list, efields_list, centers_list, phase_discrimination, *, reset_psis=True, plot_fields=False): self.efield_times = times_list self.efields = efields_list self.centers = centers_list self.set_phase_discrimination(phase_discrimination) self.dts = [] self.efield_frequencies = [] if reset_psis: self.psis = dict() for t in times_list: if t.size == 1: dt = 1 w = np.array([0]) else: dt = t[1] - t[0] w = fftshift(fftfreq(t.size, d=dt)) * 2 * np.pi self.dts.append(dt) self.efield_frequencies.append(w) self.heaviside_convolve_list.append(HeavisideConvolve(t.size)) self.dt = self.dts[0] # Initialize unperturbed wavefunction self.set_psi0(self.initial_state) if self.detection_type == 'polarization' or 'integrated_polarization': try: self.local_oscillator = self.efields[-1].copy() except: self.local_oscillator = copy.deepcopy(self.efields[-1])
def fftFromLiteMap(liteMap, applySlepianTaper=False, nresForSlepian=3.0, threads=1): """ Create an fft2D object from a liteMap. Parameters ---------- liteMap : liteMap.liteMap The map object whose fft is being taken. applySlepianTaper : bool, optional If ``True``, apply the lowest order taper (to minimize edge-leakage). Default is ``False``. nresForSlepian : float, optional If ``applySlepianTaper`` = ``True``, this specifies the resolution of the taper to use. Default is 3.0. threads : int, optional Number of threads to use in pyFFTW calculations. Default is 1. Returns ------- ft : fftTools.fft2D The fft2D object corresponding the input liteMap. """ ft = fft2D() ft.Nx = liteMap.Nx ft.Ny = liteMap.Ny trace.issue("flipper.fftTools", 1, "Taking FFT of map with (Ny, Nx)= (%f, %f)" %(ft.Ny,ft.Nx)) ft.pixScaleX = liteMap.pixScaleX ft.pixScaleY = liteMap.pixScaleY lx = 2*numpy.pi*fftfreq(ft.Nx, d=ft.pixScaleX) ly = 2*numpy.pi*fftfreq(ft.Ny, d=ft.pixScaleY) ix = numpy.mod(numpy.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny), ft.Nx) iy = numpy.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny)/ft.Nx modLMap = numpy.zeros([ft.Ny, ft.Nx]) modLMap[iy,ix] = numpy.sqrt(lx[ix]**2 + ly[iy]**2) ft.modLMap = modLMap ft.lx = lx = ly ft.ix = ix ft.iy = iy ft.thetaMap = numpy.zeros([ft.Ny, ft.Nx]) ft.thetaMap[iy[:], ix[:]] = numpy.arctan2(ly[iy[:]], lx[ix[:]]) ft.thetaMap *= 180./numpy.pi mp = taper = mp.copy()*0. + 1.0 if (applySlepianTaper): try: f = open(taperDir + os.path.sep + 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f' %(ft.Ny, ft.Nx, nresForSlepian)) taper = pickle.load(f) f.close() except: taper = slepianTaper00(ft.Nx, ft.Ny,nresForSlepian) f = open(taperDir + os.path.sep + 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f'%(ft.Ny, ft.Nx, nresForSlepian), mode="w") pickle.dump(taper,f) f.close() if have_pyFFTW: ft.kMap = fft2(mp*taper, threads=threads) else: ft.kMap = fft2(mp*taper) del mp, modLMap, lx, ly return ft
def create_filter(order, cutoff, nyquist, N, ftype='fir', output='freq', shift=True): """ Create a lowpass FIR filter. This function is meant to create only the prototype filter, where highpass, bandpass, or bandstop can all be transformed from the lowpass filter. Parameters: ----------- order: int The filter order. The number of taps for an FIR filter. cutoff: float The cutoff frequency of the filter. nyquist: int or float This parameter is half the sampling rate. ftype: str Declare the filter to be an FIR ('fir') or an IIR ('iir'). output: str Declare the return of the function to be in 'time' domain or 'freq' domain. shift: bool Declare if fftshift is applied to the FFT filter coeffiecients or not. Returns: -------- If output is 'freq' w: ndarray Frequencies corresponding to frequency components. The units is the same as the ones chosen for the Nyquist rate. H: ndarray, complex The values of the FFT of the filter coefficients. if output is 'time' h: ndarray The values of the filter coefficients """ if order > N: raise ValueError( "The order of the filter should not be longer than the length for FFT (binsize)." ) if cutoff >= nyquist: raise ValueError( "The cutoff frequency must be at least 2 times smaller than the Nyquist rate." ) if output not in ['time', 'freq']: raise ValueError("'output' must be either 'time' or 'freq'!") h = firwin(order, cutoff, nyq=nyquist) if output == 'freq': w = fft.fftfreq(N) w *= (nyquist * 2) H = fft.fft(h, n=N, axis=-1, planner_effort='FFTW_ESTIMATE') if shift: return fft.fftshift(w), fft.fftshift(H) else: return w, H elif output == 'time': return 1, h
def fold(fh, comm, samplerate, fedge, fedge_at_top, nchan, nt, ntint, ngate, ntbin, ntw, dm, fref, phasepol, dedisperse='incoherent', do_waterfall=True, do_foldspec=True, verbose=True, progress_interval=100, rfi_filter_raw=None, rfi_filter_power=None, return_fits=False): """ FFT data, fold by phase/time and make a waterfall series Folding is done from the position the file is currently in Parameters ---------- fh : file handle handle to file holding voltage timeseries comm: MPI communicator or None will use size, rank attributes samplerate : Quantity rate at which samples were originally taken and thus double the band width (frequency units) fedge : float edge of the frequency band (frequency units) fedge_at_top: bool whether edge is at top (True) or bottom (False) nchan : int number of frequency channels for FFT nt, ntint : int total number nt of sets, each containing ntint samples in each file hence, total # of samples is nt*ntint, with each sample containing a single polarisation ngate, ntbin : int number of phase and time bins to use for folded spectrum ntbin should be an integer fraction of nt ntw : int number of time samples to combine for waterfall (does not have to be integer fraction of nt) dm : float dispersion measure of pulsar, used to correct for ism delay (column number density) fref: float reference frequency for dispersion measure phasepol : callable function that returns the pulsar phase for time in seconds relative to start of the file that is read. dedisperse : None or string (default: incoherent). None, 'incoherent', 'coherent', 'by-channel'. Note: None really does nothing do_waterfall, do_foldspec : bool whether to construct waterfall, folded spectrum (default: True) verbose : bool or int whether to give some progress information (default: True) progress_interval : int Ping every progress_interval sets return_fits : bool (default: False) return a subint fits table for rank == 0 (None otherwise) """ assert dedisperse in (None, 'incoherent', 'by-channel', 'coherent') need_fine_channels = dedisperse in ['by-channel', 'coherent'] assert nchan % fh.nchan == 0 if dedisperse in ['incoherent', 'by-channel'] and fh.nchan > 1: oversample = nchan // fh.nchan assert ntint % oversample == 0 else: oversample = 1 if dedisperse == 'coherent' and fh.nchan > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot coherently dedisperse channelized data.") if comm is None: mpi_rank = 0 mpi_size = 1 else: mpi_rank = comm.rank mpi_size = comm.size npol = getattr(fh, 'npol', 1) assert npol == 1 or npol == 2 if verbose > 1 and mpi_rank == 0: print("Number of polarisations={}".format(npol)) # initialize folded spectrum and waterfall # TODO: use estimated number of points to set dtype if do_foldspec: foldspec = np.zeros((ntbin, nchan, ngate, npol**2), dtype=np.float32) icount = np.zeros((ntbin, nchan, ngate), dtype=np.int32) else: foldspec = None icount = None if do_waterfall: nwsize = nt*ntint//ntw//oversample waterfall = np.zeros((nwsize, nchan, npol**2), dtype=np.float64) else: waterfall = None if verbose and mpi_rank == 0: print('Reading from {}'.format(fh)) nskip = fh.tell()/fh.blocksize if nskip > 0: if verbose and mpi_rank == 0: print('Starting {0} blocks = {1} bytes out from start.' .format(nskip, nskip*fh.blocksize)) dt1 = (1./samplerate).to(u.s) # need 2*nchan real-valued samples for each FFT if fh.telescope == 'lofar': dtsample = fh.dtsample else: dtsample = nchan // oversample * 2 * dt1 tstart = dtsample * ntint * nskip # pre-calculate time delay due to dispersion in coarse channels # for channelized data, frequencies are known tb = -1. if fedge_at_top else +1. if fh.nchan == 1: if getattr(fh, 'data_is_complex', False): # for complex data, really each complex sample consists of # 2 real ones, so multiply dt1 by 2. freq = fedge + tb * fftfreq(nchan, 2.*dt1) if dedisperse == 'coherent': fcoh = fedge + tb * fftfreq(nchan*ntint, 2.*dt1) fcoh.shape = (-1, 1) elif dedisperse == 'by-channel': fcoh = freq + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] else: # real data freq = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(nchan*2, dt1) if dedisperse == 'coherent': fcoh = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(ntint*nchan*2, dt1) fcoh.shape = (-1, 1) elif dedisperse == 'by-channel': fcoh = freq + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] freq_in = freq else: # Input frequencies may not be the ones going out. freq_in = fh.frequencies if oversample == 1: freq = freq_in else: freq = freq_in[:, np.newaxis] + tb * fftfreq(oversample, dtsample) fcoh = freq_in + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] # print('fedge_at_top={0}, tb={1}'.format(fedge_at_top, tb)) # By taking only up to nchan, we remove the top channel at the Nyquist # frequency for real, unchannelized data. ifreq = freq[:nchan].ravel().argsort() # pre-calculate time offsets in (input) channelized streams dt = dispersion_delay_constant * dm * (1./freq_in**2 - 1./fref**2) if need_fine_channels: # pre-calculate required turns due to dispersion. # # set frequency relative to which dispersion is coherently corrected if dedisperse == 'coherent': _fref = fref else: _fref = freq_in[np.newaxis, :] # (check via eq. 5.21 and following in # Lorimer & Kramer, Handbook of Pulsar Astronomy dang = (dispersion_delay_constant * dm * fcoh * (1./_fref-1./fcoh)**2) * u.cycle with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()): dd_coh = np.exp(dang * 1j).conj().astype(np.complex64) # add dimension for polarisation dd_coh = dd_coh[..., np.newaxis] # Calculate the part of the whole file this node should handle. size_per_node = (nt-1)//mpi_size + 1 start_block = mpi_rank*size_per_node end_block = min((mpi_rank+1)*size_per_node, nt) for j in range(start_block, end_block): if verbose and j % progress_interval == 0: print('#{:4d}/{:4d} is doing {:6d}/{:6d} [={:6d}/{:6d}]; ' 'time={:18.12f}' .format(mpi_rank, mpi_size, j+1, nt, j-start_block+1, end_block-start_block, (tstart+dtsample*j*ntint).value)) # time since start # Just in case numbers were set wrong -- break if file ends; # better keep at least the work done. try: raw = fh.seek_record_read(int((nskip+j)*fh.blocksize), fh.blocksize) except(EOFError, IOError) as exc: print("Hit {0!r}; writing data collected.".format(exc)) break if verbose >= 2: print("#{:4d}/{:4d} read {} items" .format(mpi_rank, mpi_size, raw.size), end="") if npol == 2 and raw.dtype.fields is not None: raw = raw.view(raw.dtype.fields.values()[0][0]) if fh.nchan == 1: # raw.shape=(ntint*npol) raw = raw.reshape(-1, npol) else: # raw.shape=(ntint, nchan*npol) raw = raw.reshape(-1, fh.nchan, npol) if dedisperse == 'incoherent' and oversample > 1: raw = ifft(raw, axis=1, **_fftargs).reshape(-1, nchan, npol) raw = fft(raw, axis=1, **_fftargs) if rfi_filter_raw is not None: raw, ok = rfi_filter_raw(raw) if verbose >= 2: print("... raw RFI (zap {0}/{1})" .format(np.count_nonzero(~ok), ok.size), end="") if np.can_cast(raw.dtype, np.float32): vals = raw.astype(np.float32) else: assert raw.dtype.kind == 'c' vals = raw # For pre-channelized data, data are always complex, # and should have shape (ntint, nchan, npol). # For baseband data, we wish to get to the same shape for # incoherent or by_channel, or just to fully channelized for coherent. if fh.nchan == 1: # If we need coherent dedispersion, do FT of whole thing, # otherwise to output channels, mimicking pre-channelized data. if raw.dtype.kind == 'c': # complex data nsamp = len(vals) if dedisperse == 'coherent' else nchan vals = fft(vals.reshape(-1, nsamp, npol), axis=1, **_fftargs) else: # real data nsamp = len(vals) if dedisperse == 'coherent' else nchan * 2 vals = rfft(vals.reshape(-1, nsamp, npol), axis=1, **_rfftargs) # Sadly, the way data are stored depends on what FFT routine # one is using. We cannot deal with scipy's. if vals.dtype.kind == 'f': raise TypeError("Can no longer deal with scipy's format " "for storing FTs of real data.") if fedge_at_top: # take complex conjugate to ensure by-channel de-dispersion is # applied correctly. # This needs to be done for ARO data, since we are in 2nd Nyquist # zone; not clear it is needed for other telescopes. np.conj(vals, out=vals) # Now we coherently dedisperse, either all of it or by channel. if need_fine_channels: # for by_channel, we have vals.shape=(ntint, nchan, npol), # and want to FT over ntint to get fine channels; if vals.shape[0] > 1: fine = fft(vals, axis=0, **_fftargs) else: # for coherent, we just reshape: # (1, ntint*nchan, npol) -> (ntint*nchan, 1, npol) fine = vals.reshape(-1, 1, npol) # Dedisperse. fine *= dd_coh # Still have fine.shape=(ntint, nchan, npol), # w/ nchan=1 for coherent. if fine.shape[1] > 1 or raw.dtype.kind == 'c': vals = ifft(fine, axis=0, **_fftargs) else: vals = irfft(fine, axis=0, **_rfftargs) if fine.shape[1] == 1 and nchan > 1: # final FT to get requested channels if vals.dtype.kind == 'f': vals = vals.reshape(-1, nchan*2, npol) vals = rfft(vals, axis=1, **_rfftargs) else: vals = vals.reshape(-1, nchan, npol) vals = fft(vals, axis=1, **_fftargs) elif dedisperse == 'by-channel' and oversample > 1: vals = vals.reshape(-1, oversample, fh.nchan, npol) vals = fft(vals, axis=1, **_fftargs) vals = vals.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(-1, nchan, npol) # vals[time, chan, pol] if verbose >= 2: print("... dedispersed", end="") if npol == 1: power = vals.real**2 + vals.imag**2 else: p0 = vals[..., 0] p1 = vals[..., 1] power = np.empty(vals.shape[:-1] + (4,), np.float32) power[..., 0] = p0.real**2 + p0.imag**2 power[..., 1] = p0.real*p1.real + p0.imag*p1.imag power[..., 2] = p0.imag*p1.real - p0.real*p1.imag power[..., 3] = p1.real**2 + p1.imag**2 if verbose >= 2: print("... power", end="") # current sample positions and corresponding time in stream isr = j*(ntint // oversample) + np.arange(ntint // oversample) tsr = (isr*dtsample*oversample)[:, np.newaxis] if rfi_filter_power is not None: power = rfi_filter_power(power, tsr.squeeze()) print("... power RFI", end="") # correct for delay if needed if dedisperse in ['incoherent', 'by-channel']: # tsample.shape=(ntint/oversample, nchan_in) tsr = tsr - dt if do_waterfall: # # loop over corresponding positions in waterfall # for iw in xrange(isr[0]//ntw, isr[-1]//ntw + 1): # if iw < nwsize: # add sum of corresponding samples # waterfall[iw, :] += np.sum(power[isr//ntw == iw], # axis=0)[ifreq] iw = np.round((tsr / dtsample / oversample).to(1) .value / ntw).astype(int) for k, kfreq in enumerate(ifreq): # sort in frequency while at it iwk = iw[:, (0 if iw.shape[1] == 1 else kfreq // oversample)] iwk = np.clip(iwk, 0, nwsize-1, out=iwk) iwkmin = iwk.min() iwkmax = iwk.max()+1 for ipow in range(npol**2): waterfall[iwkmin:iwkmax, k, ipow] += np.bincount( iwk-iwkmin, power[:, kfreq, ipow], iwkmax-iwkmin) if verbose >= 2: print("... waterfall", end="") if do_foldspec: ibin = (j*ntbin) // nt # bin in the time series: 0..ntbin-1 # times and cycles since start time of observation. tsample = tstart + tsr phase = (phasepol( .reshape(tsample.shape)) # corresponding PSR phases iphase = np.remainder(phase*ngate, ngate).astype( for k, kfreq in enumerate(ifreq): # sort in frequency while at it iph = iphase[:, (0 if iphase.shape[1] == 1 else kfreq // oversample)] # sum and count samples by phase bin for ipow in range(npol**2): foldspec[ibin, k, :, ipow] += np.bincount( iph, power[:, kfreq, ipow], ngate) icount[ibin, k, :] += np.bincount( iph, power[:, kfreq, 0] != 0., ngate).astype(np.int32) if verbose >= 2: print("... folded", end="") if verbose >= 2: print("... done") #Commented out as workaround, this was causing "Referenced before assignment" errors with JB data #if verbose >= 2 or verbose and mpi_rank == 0: # print('#{:4d}/{:4d} read {:6d} out of {:6d}' # .format(mpi_rank, mpi_size, j+1, nt)) if npol == 1: if do_foldspec: foldspec = foldspec.reshape(foldspec.shape[:-1]) if do_waterfall: waterfall = waterfall.reshape(waterfall.shape[:-1]) return foldspec, icount, waterfall
freq = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(nchan*2, dt1) if dedisperse == 'coherent': fcoh = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(ntint*nchan*2, dt1) fcoh.shape = (-1, 1) elif dedisperse == 'by-channel': fcoh = freq + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] freq_in = freq else: # Input frequencies may not be the ones going out. freq_in = fh.frequencies if oversample == 1: freq = freq_in else: <<<<<<< HEAD freq = freq_in[:, np.newaxis] + tb * fftfreq(oversample, dtsample) fcoh = freq_in + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] # print('fedge_at_top={0}, tb={1}'.format(fedge_at_top, tb)) # By taking only up to nchan, we remove the top channel at the Nyquist # frequency for real, unchannelized data. ifreq = freq[:nchan].ravel().argsort() ======= freq = (freq_in[:, np.newaxis] + tb * u.Hz * rfftfreq(oversample*2, dtsample.value/2.)[::2]) # same as fine = rfftfreq(2*ntint, dtsample.value/2.)[::2] #fcoh = freq_in[np.newaxis, :] + tb * u.Hz * rfftfreq( # ntint*2, dtsample.value/2.)[::2, np.newaxis] #Old, incorrect by-channel fcoh = freq_in - u.Hz * np.fft.fftfreq(ntint, dtsample.value)[:,np.newaxis]
def fold(fh, comm, samplerate, fedge, fedge_at_top, nchan, nt, ntint, ngate, ntbin, ntw, dm, fref, phasepol, dedisperse='incoherent', do_waterfall=True, do_foldspec=True, verbose=True, progress_interval=100, rfi_filter_raw=None, rfi_filter_power=None, return_fits=False): """ FFT data, fold by phase/time and make a waterfall series Folding is done from the position the file is currently in Parameters ---------- fh : file handle handle to file holding voltage timeseries comm: MPI communicator or None will use size, rank attributes samplerate : Quantity rate at which samples were originally taken and thus double the band width (frequency units) fedge : float edge of the frequency band (frequency units) fedge_at_top: bool whether edge is at top (True) or bottom (False) nchan : int number of frequency channels for FFT nt, ntint : int total number nt of sets, each containing ntint samples in each file hence, total # of samples is nt*ntint, with each sample containing a single polarisation ngate, ntbin : int number of phase and time bins to use for folded spectrum ntbin should be an integer fraction of nt ntw : int number of time samples to combine for waterfall (does not have to be integer fraction of nt) dm : float dispersion measure of pulsar, used to correct for ism delay (column number density) fref: float reference frequency for dispersion measure phasepol : callable function that returns the pulsar phase for time in seconds relative to start of the file that is read. dedisperse : None or string (default: incoherent). None, 'incoherent', 'coherent', 'by-channel'. Note: None really does nothing do_waterfall, do_foldspec : bool whether to construct waterfall, folded spectrum (default: True) verbose : bool or int whether to give some progress information (default: True) progress_interval : int Ping every progress_interval sets return_fits : bool (default: False) return a subint fits table for rank == 0 (None otherwise) """ assert dedisperse in (None, 'incoherent', 'by-channel', 'coherent') need_fine_channels = dedisperse in ['by-channel', 'coherent'] assert nchan % fh.nchan == 0 if dedisperse == 'by-channel' and fh.nchan > 1: oversample = nchan // fh.nchan assert ntint % oversample == 0 else: oversample = 1 if dedisperse == 'coherent' and fh.nchan > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot coherently dedisperse channelized data.") if comm is None: mpi_rank = 0 mpi_size = 1 else: mpi_rank = comm.rank mpi_size = comm.size npol = getattr(fh, 'npol', 1) assert npol == 1 or npol == 2 if verbose > 1 and mpi_rank == 0: print("Number of polarisations={}".format(npol)) # initialize folded spectrum and waterfall # TODO: use estimated number of points to set dtype if do_foldspec: foldspec = np.zeros((ntbin, nchan, ngate, npol**2), dtype=np.float32) icount = np.zeros((ntbin, nchan, ngate), dtype=np.int32) else: foldspec = None icount = None if do_waterfall: nwsize = nt*ntint//ntw//oversample waterfall = np.zeros((nwsize, nchan, npol**2), dtype=np.float64) else: waterfall = None if verbose and mpi_rank == 0: print('Reading from {}'.format(fh)) nskip = fh.tell()/fh.blocksize if nskip > 0: if verbose and mpi_rank == 0: print('Starting {0} blocks = {1} bytes out from start.' .format(nskip, nskip*fh.blocksize)) dt1 = (1./samplerate).to(u.s) # need 2*nchan real-valued samples for each FFT if fh.telescope == 'lofar': dtsample = fh.dtsample else: dtsample = nchan // oversample * 2 * dt1 tstart = dtsample * ntint * nskip # pre-calculate time delay due to dispersion in coarse channels # for channelized data, frequencies are known tb = -1. if fedge_at_top else +1. if fh.nchan == 1: if getattr(fh, 'data_is_complex', False): # for complex data, really each complex sample consists of # 2 real ones, so multiply dt1 by 2. freq = fedge + tb * fftfreq(nchan, 2.*dt1) if dedisperse == 'coherent': fcoh = fedge + tb * fftfreq(nchan*ntint, 2.*dt1) fcoh.shape = (-1, 1) elif dedisperse == 'by-channel': fcoh = freq + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] else: # real data freq = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(nchan*2, dt1) if dedisperse == 'coherent': fcoh = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(ntint*nchan*2, dt1) fcoh.shape = (-1, 1) elif dedisperse == 'by-channel': fcoh = freq + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] freq_in = freq else: # Input frequencies may not be the ones going out. freq_in = fh.frequencies if oversample == 1: freq = freq_in else:
def fillWithGaussianRandomField(self, ell, Cell, bufferFactor=1, threads=1): """ Generate a Gaussian random field from an input power spectrum specified as ell, Cell. Notes ----- BufferFactor = 1 means the map will have periodic boundary function, while BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on a patch bufferFactor times larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have non-periodic boundary conditions. Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization. """ ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads) Ny = self.Ny * bufferFactor Nx = self.Nx * bufferFactor bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor) realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) imgPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) ly = fftfreq(Ny, d=self.pixScaleY) * (2 * numpy.pi) lx = fftfreq(Nx, d=self.pixScaleX) * (2 * numpy.pi) #print ly modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny, 0:Nx] modLMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy]**2 + lx[ix]**2) s = splrep(ell, Cell, k=3) ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap) kk = splev(ll, s) id = numpy.where(ll > ell.max()) kk[id] = 0. #add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max())) # lEnd = ll[id2] # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2) #pylab.loglog(ll,kk) area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY p = numpy.reshape(kk, [Ny, Nx]) / area * (Nx * Ny)**2 realPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx) imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx) kMap = realPart + 1j * imgPart if have_pyFFTW: data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap, threads=threads)) else: data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap)) b = bufferFactor = data[(b - 1) / 2 * self.Ny:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Ny, (b - 1) / 2 * self.Nx:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Nx]
def fold(fh, comm, samplerate, fedge, fedge_at_top, nchan, nt, ntint, ngate, ntbin, ntw, dm, fref, phasepol, dedisperse='incoherent', do_waterfall=True, do_foldspec=True, verbose=True, progress_interval=100, rfi_filter_raw=None, rfi_filter_power=None, return_fits=False): """ FFT data, fold by phase/time and make a waterfall series Folding is done from the position the file is currently in Parameters ---------- fh : file handle handle to file holding voltage timeseries comm: MPI communicator or None will use size, rank attributes samplerate : Quantity rate at which samples were originally taken and thus double the band width (frequency units) fedge : float edge of the frequency band (frequency units) fedge_at_top: bool whether edge is at top (True) or bottom (False) nchan : int number of frequency channels for FFT nt, ntint : int total number nt of sets, each containing ntint samples in each file hence, total # of samples is nt*ntint, with each sample containing a single polarisation ngate, ntbin : int number of phase and time bins to use for folded spectrum ntbin should be an integer fraction of nt ntw : int number of time samples to combine for waterfall (does not have to be integer fraction of nt) dm : float dispersion measure of pulsar, used to correct for ism delay (column number density) fref: float reference frequency for dispersion measure phasepol : callable function that returns the pulsar phase for time in seconds relative to start of the file that is read. dedisperse : None or string (default: incoherent). None, 'incoherent', 'coherent', 'by-channel'. Note: None really does nothing do_waterfall, do_foldspec : bool whether to construct waterfall, folded spectrum (default: True) verbose : bool or int whether to give some progress information (default: True) progress_interval : int Ping every progress_interval sets return_fits : bool (default: False) return a subint fits table for rank == 0 (None otherwise) """ assert dedisperse in (None, 'incoherent', 'by-channel', 'coherent') need_fine_channels = dedisperse in ['by-channel', 'coherent'] assert nchan % fh.nchan == 0 if dedisperse in ['incoherent', 'by-channel'] and fh.nchan > 1: oversample = nchan // fh.nchan assert ntint % oversample == 0 else: oversample = 1 if dedisperse == 'coherent' and fh.nchan > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot coherently dedisperse channelized data.") if comm is None: mpi_rank = 0 mpi_size = 1 else: mpi_rank = comm.rank mpi_size = comm.size npol = getattr(fh, 'npol', 1) assert npol == 1 or npol == 2 if verbose > 1 and mpi_rank == 0: print("Number of polarisations={}".format(npol)) # initialize folded spectrum and waterfall # TODO: use estimated number of points to set dtype if do_foldspec: foldspec = np.zeros((ntbin, nchan, ngate, npol**2), dtype=np.float32) icount = np.zeros((ntbin, nchan, ngate), dtype=np.int32) else: foldspec = None icount = None if do_waterfall: nwsize = nt * ntint // ntw // oversample waterfall = np.zeros((nwsize, nchan, npol**2), dtype=np.float64) else: waterfall = None if verbose and mpi_rank == 0: print('Reading from {}'.format(fh)) nskip = fh.tell() / fh.blocksize if nskip > 0: if verbose and mpi_rank == 0: print('Starting {0} blocks = {1} bytes out from start.'.format( nskip, nskip * fh.blocksize)) dt1 = (1. / samplerate).to(u.s) # need 2*nchan real-valued samples for each FFT if fh.telescope == 'lofar': dtsample = fh.dtsample else: dtsample = nchan // oversample * 2 * dt1 tstart = dtsample * ntint * nskip # pre-calculate time delay due to dispersion in coarse channels # for channelized data, frequencies are known tb = -1. if fedge_at_top else +1. if fh.nchan == 1: if getattr(fh, 'data_is_complex', False): # for complex data, really each complex sample consists of # 2 real ones, so multiply dt1 by 2. freq = fedge + tb * fftfreq(nchan, 2. * dt1) if dedisperse == 'coherent': fcoh = fedge + tb * fftfreq(nchan * ntint, 2. * dt1) fcoh.shape = (-1, 1) elif dedisperse == 'by-channel': fcoh = freq + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] else: # real data freq = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(nchan * 2, dt1) if dedisperse == 'coherent': fcoh = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(ntint * nchan * 2, dt1) fcoh.shape = (-1, 1) elif dedisperse == 'by-channel': fcoh = freq + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] freq_in = freq else: # Input frequencies may not be the ones going out. freq_in = fh.frequencies if oversample == 1: freq = freq_in else: freq = freq_in[:, np.newaxis] + tb * fftfreq(oversample, dtsample) fcoh = freq_in + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis] # print('fedge_at_top={0}, tb={1}'.format(fedge_at_top, tb)) # By taking only up to nchan, we remove the top channel at the Nyquist # frequency for real, unchannelized data. ifreq = freq[:nchan].ravel().argsort() # pre-calculate time offsets in (input) channelized streams dt = dispersion_delay_constant * dm * (1. / freq_in**2 - 1. / fref**2) if need_fine_channels: # pre-calculate required turns due to dispersion. # # set frequency relative to which dispersion is coherently corrected if dedisperse == 'coherent': _fref = fref else: _fref = freq_in[np.newaxis, :] # (check via eq. 5.21 and following in # Lorimer & Kramer, Handbook of Pulsar Astronomy dang = (dispersion_delay_constant * dm * fcoh * (1. / _fref - 1. / fcoh)**2) * u.cycle with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()): dd_coh = np.exp(dang * 1j).conj().astype(np.complex64) # add dimension for polarisation dd_coh = dd_coh[..., np.newaxis] # Calculate the part of the whole file this node should handle. size_per_node = (nt - 1) // mpi_size + 1 start_block = mpi_rank * size_per_node end_block = min((mpi_rank + 1) * size_per_node, nt) for j in range(start_block, end_block): if verbose and j % progress_interval == 0: print('#{:4d}/{:4d} is doing {:6d}/{:6d} [={:6d}/{:6d}]; ' 'time={:18.12f}'.format( mpi_rank, mpi_size, j + 1, nt, j - start_block + 1, end_block - start_block, (tstart + dtsample * j * ntint).value)) # time since start # Just in case numbers were set wrong -- break if file ends; # better keep at least the work done. try: raw = fh.seek_record_read(int((nskip + j) * fh.blocksize), fh.blocksize) except (EOFError, IOError) as exc: print("Hit {0!r}; writing data collected.".format(exc)) break if verbose >= 2: print("#{:4d}/{:4d} read {} items".format(mpi_rank, mpi_size, raw.size), end="") if npol == 2 and raw.dtype.fields is not None: raw = raw.view(raw.dtype.fields.values()[0][0]) if fh.nchan == 1: # raw.shape=(ntint*npol) raw = raw.reshape(-1, npol) else: # raw.shape=(ntint, nchan*npol) raw = raw.reshape(-1, fh.nchan, npol) if dedisperse == 'incoherent' and oversample > 1: raw = ifft(raw, axis=1, **_fftargs).reshape(-1, nchan, npol) raw = fft(raw, axis=1, **_fftargs) if rfi_filter_raw is not None: raw, ok = rfi_filter_raw(raw) if verbose >= 2: print("... raw RFI (zap {0}/{1})".format( np.count_nonzero(~ok), ok.size), end="") if np.can_cast(raw.dtype, np.float32): vals = raw.astype(np.float32) else: assert raw.dtype.kind == 'c' vals = raw # For pre-channelized data, data are always complex, # and should have shape (ntint, nchan, npol). # For baseband data, we wish to get to the same shape for # incoherent or by_channel, or just to fully channelized for coherent. if fh.nchan == 1: # If we need coherent dedispersion, do FT of whole thing, # otherwise to output channels, mimicking pre-channelized data. if raw.dtype.kind == 'c': # complex data nsamp = len(vals) if dedisperse == 'coherent' else nchan vals = fft(vals.reshape(-1, nsamp, npol), axis=1, **_fftargs) else: # real data nsamp = len(vals) if dedisperse == 'coherent' else nchan * 2 vals = rfft(vals.reshape(-1, nsamp, npol), axis=1, **_rfftargs) # Sadly, the way data are stored depends on what FFT routine # one is using. We cannot deal with scipy's. if vals.dtype.kind == 'f': raise TypeError("Can no longer deal with scipy's format " "for storing FTs of real data.") if fedge_at_top: # take complex conjugate to ensure by-channel de-dispersion is # applied correctly. # This needs to be done for ARO data, since we are in 2nd Nyquist # zone; not clear it is needed for other telescopes. np.conj(vals, out=vals) # Now we coherently dedisperse, either all of it or by channel. if need_fine_channels: # for by_channel, we have vals.shape=(ntint, nchan, npol), # and want to FT over ntint to get fine channels; if vals.shape[0] > 1: fine = fft(vals, axis=0, **_fftargs) else: # for coherent, we just reshape: # (1, ntint*nchan, npol) -> (ntint*nchan, 1, npol) fine = vals.reshape(-1, 1, npol) # Dedisperse. fine *= dd_coh # Still have fine.shape=(ntint, nchan, npol), # w/ nchan=1 for coherent. if fine.shape[1] > 1 or raw.dtype.kind == 'c': vals = ifft(fine, axis=0, **_fftargs) else: vals = irfft(fine, axis=0, **_rfftargs) if fine.shape[1] == 1 and nchan > 1: # final FT to get requested channels if vals.dtype.kind == 'f': vals = vals.reshape(-1, nchan * 2, npol) vals = rfft(vals, axis=1, **_rfftargs) else: vals = vals.reshape(-1, nchan, npol) vals = fft(vals, axis=1, **_fftargs) elif dedisperse == 'by-channel' and oversample > 1: vals = vals.reshape(-1, oversample, fh.nchan, npol) vals = fft(vals, axis=1, **_fftargs) vals = vals.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(-1, nchan, npol) # vals[time, chan, pol] if verbose >= 2: print("... dedispersed", end="") if npol == 1: power = vals.real**2 + vals.imag**2 else: p0 = vals[..., 0] p1 = vals[..., 1] power = np.empty(vals.shape[:-1] + (4, ), np.float32) power[..., 0] = p0.real**2 + p0.imag**2 power[..., 1] = p0.real * p1.real + p0.imag * p1.imag power[..., 2] = p0.imag * p1.real - p0.real * p1.imag power[..., 3] = p1.real**2 + p1.imag**2 if verbose >= 2: print("... power", end="") # current sample positions and corresponding time in stream isr = j * (ntint // oversample) + np.arange(ntint // oversample) tsr = (isr * dtsample * oversample)[:, np.newaxis] if rfi_filter_power is not None: power = rfi_filter_power(power, tsr.squeeze()) print("... power RFI", end="") # correct for delay if needed if dedisperse in ['incoherent', 'by-channel']: # tsample.shape=(ntint/oversample, nchan_in) tsr = tsr - dt if do_waterfall: # # loop over corresponding positions in waterfall # for iw in range(isr[0]//ntw, isr[-1]//ntw + 1): # if iw < nwsize: # add sum of corresponding samples # waterfall[iw, :] += np.sum(power[isr//ntw == iw], # axis=0)[ifreq] iw = np.round( (tsr / dtsample / oversample).to(1).value / ntw).astype(int) for k, kfreq in enumerate(ifreq): # sort in frequency while at it iwk = iw[:, (0 if iw.shape[1] == 1 else kfreq // oversample)] iwk = np.clip(iwk, 0, nwsize - 1, out=iwk) iwkmin = iwk.min() iwkmax = iwk.max() + 1 for ipow in range(npol**2): waterfall[iwkmin:iwkmax, k, ipow] += np.bincount(iwk - iwkmin, power[:, kfreq, ipow], iwkmax - iwkmin) if verbose >= 2: print("... waterfall", end="") if do_foldspec: ibin = (j * ntbin) // nt # bin in the time series: 0..ntbin-1 # times and cycles since start time of observation. tsample = tstart + tsr phase = (phasepol( tsample.shape)) # corresponding PSR phases iphase = np.remainder(phase * ngate, ngate).astype( for k, kfreq in enumerate(ifreq): # sort in frequency while at it iph = iphase[:, (0 if iphase.shape[1] == 1 else kfreq // oversample)] # sum and count samples by phase bin for ipow in range(npol**2): foldspec[ibin, k, :, ipow] += np.bincount(iph, power[:, kfreq, ipow], ngate) icount[ibin, k, :] += np.bincount(iph, power[:, kfreq, 0] != 0., ngate).astype(np.int32) if verbose >= 2: print("... folded", end="") if verbose >= 2: print("... done") #Commented out as workaround, this was causing "Referenced before assignment" errors with JB data #if verbose >= 2 or verbose and mpi_rank == 0: # print('#{:4d}/{:4d} read {:6d} out of {:6d}' # .format(mpi_rank, mpi_size, j+1, nt)) if npol == 1: if do_foldspec: foldspec = foldspec.reshape(foldspec.shape[:-1]) if do_waterfall: waterfall = waterfall.reshape(waterfall.shape[:-1]) return foldspec, icount, waterfall
def fillWithGRFFromTemplate(self, twodPower, bufferFactor=1, threads=1): """ Generate a Gaussian random field from an input power spectrum specified as a 2d powerMap Notes ----- BufferFactor = 1 means the map will have periodic boundary function, while BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on a patch bufferFactor times larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have non-periodic boundary conditions. Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization. """ ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads) Ny = self.Ny * bufferFactor Nx = self.Nx * bufferFactor bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor) assert (bufferFactor >= 1) realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) imgPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) ly = fftfreq(Ny, d=self.pixScaleY) * (2 * numpy.pi) lx = fftfreq(Nx, d=self.pixScaleX) * (2 * numpy.pi) #print ly modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny, 0:Nx] modLMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy]**2 + lx[ix]**2) # divide out area factor area = twodPower.Nx * twodPower.Ny * twodPower.pixScaleX * twodPower.pixScaleY twodPower.powerMap *= (twodPower.Nx * twodPower.Ny)**2 / area if bufferFactor > 1 or twodPower.Nx != Nx or twodPower.Ny != Ny: lx_shifted = fftshift(twodPower.lx) ly_shifted = fftshift( twodPower_shifted = fftshift(twodPower.powerMap) f_interp = interp2d(lx_shifted, ly_shifted, twodPower_shifted) # ell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.modLMap) # Cell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.powerMap) # print ell # print Cell # s = splrep(ell,Cell,k=3) # # # ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap) # kk = splev(ll,s) kk = f_interp(fftshift(lx), fftshift(ly)) kk = ifftshift(kk) # id = numpy.where(modLMap > ell.max()) # kk[id] = 0. # add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max())) # lEnd = ll[id2] # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2) # pylab.loglog(ll,kk) area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY #p = numpy.reshape(kk,[Ny,Nx]) /area * (Nx*Ny)**2 p = kk #/ area * (Nx*Ny)**2 else: area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY p = twodPower.powerMap #/area*(Nx*Ny)**2 realPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx) imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx) kMap = realPart + 1j * imgPart if have_pyFFTW: data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap, threads=threads)) else: data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap)) b = bufferFactor = data[(b - 1) / 2 * self.Ny:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Ny, (b - 1) / 2 * self.Nx:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Nx]
def fillWithGRFFromTemplate(self, twodPower, bufferFactor=1, threads=1): """ Generate a Gaussian random field from an input power spectrum specified as a 2d powerMap Notes ----- BufferFactor = 1 means the map will have periodic boundary function, while BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on a patch bufferFactor times larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have non-periodic boundary conditions. Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization. """ ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads) Ny = self.Ny * bufferFactor Nx = self.Nx * bufferFactor bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor) assert bufferFactor >= 1 realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) imgPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) ly = fftfreq(Ny, d=self.pixScaleY) * (2 * numpy.pi) lx = fftfreq(Nx, d=self.pixScaleX) * (2 * numpy.pi) # print ly modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx]) iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny, 0:Nx] modLMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy] ** 2 + lx[ix] ** 2) # divide out area factor area = twodPower.Nx * twodPower.Ny * twodPower.pixScaleX * twodPower.pixScaleY twodPower.powerMap *= (twodPower.Nx * twodPower.Ny) ** 2 / area if bufferFactor > 1 or twodPower.Nx != Nx or twodPower.Ny != Ny: lx_shifted = fftshift(twodPower.lx) ly_shifted = fftshift( twodPower_shifted = fftshift(twodPower.powerMap) f_interp = interp2d(lx_shifted, ly_shifted, twodPower_shifted) # ell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.modLMap) # Cell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.powerMap) # print ell # print Cell # s = splrep(ell,Cell,k=3) # # # ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap) # kk = splev(ll,s) kk = f_interp(fftshift(lx), fftshift(ly)) kk = ifftshift(kk) # id = numpy.where(modLMap > ell.max()) # kk[id] = 0. # add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max())) # lEnd = ll[id2] # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2) # pylab.loglog(ll,kk) area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY # p = numpy.reshape(kk,[Ny,Nx]) /area * (Nx*Ny)**2 p = kk # / area * (Nx*Ny)**2 else: area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY p = twodPower.powerMap # /area*(Nx*Ny)**2 realPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx) imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx) kMap = realPart + 1j * imgPart if have_pyFFTW: data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap, threads=threads)) else: data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap)) b = bufferFactor = data[(b - 1) / 2 * self.Ny : (b + 1) / 2 * self.Ny, (b - 1) / 2 * self.Nx : (b + 1) / 2 * self.Nx]
def initialize_nonparam_2d_nested_filter(X, gridres=1.0, **kwargs): """Function to compute the local Fourier filters using a nested approach. Parameters ---------- X : array-like Two-dimensional array containing the input field. All values are required to be finite and the domain must be square. gridres : float Grid resolution in km. Other Parameters ---------------- max_level : int Localization parameter. 0: global noise, >0: increasing degree of localization. Default : 3 win_type : string ['hanning', 'flat-hanning'] Type of window used for localization. Default : flat-hanning war_thr : float [0;1] Threshold for the minimum fraction of rain needed for computing the FFT. Default : 0.1 Returns ------- F : array-like Four-dimensional array containing the 2d fourier filters distributed over a 2d spatial grid. """ if len(X.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("X must be a two-dimensional array") if X.shape[0] != X.shape[1]: raise ValueError("a square array expected, but the shape of X is (%d,%d)" % \ (X.shape[0], X.shape[1])) if np.any(np.isnan(X)): raise ValueError("X must not contain NaNs") # defaults max_level = kwargs.get('max_level', 3) win_type = kwargs.get('win_type', 'flat-hanning') war_thr = kwargs.get('war_thr', 0.1) # make sure non-rainy pixels are set to zero min_value = np.min(X) X = X.copy() X -= min_value # dim = X.shape dim_x = dim[1] dim_y = dim[0] # Nested algorithm # prepare indices Idxi = np.array([[0, dim_y]]) Idxj = np.array([[0, dim_x]]) Idxipsd = np.array([[0, 2**max_level]]) Idxjpsd = np.array([[0, 2**max_level]]) # generate the FFT sample frequencies freq = fft.fftfreq(dim_y, gridres) fx, fy = np.meshgrid(freq, freq) freq_grid = np.sqrt(fx**2 + fy**2) # domain fourier filter F0 = initialize_nonparam_2d_fft_filter(X, win_type=win_type, donorm=True) # and allocate it to the final grid F = np.zeros((2**max_level, 2**max_level, F0.shape[0], F0.shape[1])) F += F0[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :] # now loop levels and build composite spectra level = 0 while level < max_level: for m in range(len(Idxi)): # the indices of rainfall field Idxinext, Idxjnext = _split_field(Idxi[m, :], Idxj[m, :], 2) # the indices of the field of fourier filters Idxipsdnext, Idxjpsdnext = _split_field(Idxipsd[m, :], Idxjpsd[m, :], 2) for n in range(len(Idxinext)): mask = _get_mask(dim, Idxinext[n, :], Idxjnext[n, :], win_type) war = np.sum((X * mask) > 0.01) / float( (Idxinext[n, 1] - Idxinext[n, 0])**2) if war > war_thr: # the new filter newfilter = initialize_nonparam_2d_fft_filter( X * mask, win_type=None, donorm=True) # compute logistic function to define weights as function of frequency # k controls the shape of the weighting function # TODO: optimize parameters k = 0.05 x0 = (Idxinext[n, 1] - Idxinext[n, 0]) / 2. merge_weights = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-k * (1 / freq_grid - x0))) newfilter *= (1 - merge_weights) # perform the weighted average of previous and new fourier filters F[Idxipsdnext[n, 0]:Idxipsdnext[n, 1], Idxjpsdnext[n, 0]:Idxjpsdnext[ n, 1], :, :] *= merge_weights[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :] F[Idxipsdnext[n, 0]:Idxipsdnext[n, 1], Idxjpsdnext[n, 0]:Idxjpsdnext[n, 1], :, :] += newfilter[ np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :] # update indices level += 1 Idxi, Idxj = _split_field((0, dim[0]), (0, dim[1]), 2**level) Idxipsd, Idxjpsd = _split_field((0, 2**max_level), (0, 2**max_level), 2**level) return F
def plot_fixed_t32(self, t32_time, *, part='real', signal='rephasing', ft=True, savefig=True, omega_0=1): """""" self.load_eigen_params() t32_index, t32_time = self.get_closest_index_and_value( t32_time, self.t32_array) dt21 = self.t21_array[1] - self.t21_array[0] dt43 = self.t43_array[1] - self.t43_array[0] if signal == 'rephasing': sig = self.rephasing_signal[:, t32_index, :] elif signal == 'nonrephasing': sig = self.nonrephasing_signal[:, t32_index, :] if ft: w21 = fftshift(fftfreq(self.t21_array.size, d=dt21)) * 2 * np.pi w21 += self.ground_to_excited_transition + w21 *= omega_0 w43 = fftshift(fftfreq(self.t43_array.size, d=dt43)) * 2 * np.pi w43 += self.ground_to_excited_transition + w43 *= omega_0 X, Y = np.meshgrid(w21, w43, indexing='ij') if signal == 'nonrephasing': ifft_t21_norm = self.t21_array.size * dt21 ifft_t43_norm = self.t43_array.size * dt43 sig = fftshift(ifftn(sig, axes=(0, 1)), axes=(0, 1)) * ifft_t21_norm * ifft_t43_norm elif signal == 'rephasing': fft_t21_norm = dt21 ifft_t43_norm = self.t43_array.size * dt43 sig = fftshift(ifft(sig, axis=1), axes=(1)) * ifft_t43_norm sig = fftshift(fft(sig, axis=0), axes=(0)) * fft_t21_norm if omega_0 == 1: xlab = '$\omega_{21}$ ($\omega_0$)' ylab = '$\omega_{43}$ ($\omega_0$)' else: xlab = '$\omega_{21}$ (cm$^{-1}$)' ylab = '$\omega_{43}$ (cm$^{-1}$)' else: X = self.T21[:, 0, :] Y = self.T43[:, 0, :] xlab = r'$t_{21}$ ($\omega_0^{-1}$)' ylab = r'$t_{43}$ ($\omega_0^{-1}$)' if part == 'real': sig = sig.real if part == 'imag': sig = sig.imag plt.figure() plt.contour(X, Y, sig, 12, colors='k') plt.contourf(X, Y, sig, 12) plt.title(part + ' ' + signal + r' at $t_{32}$' + ' = {}'.format(t32_time)) plt.xlabel(xlab) plt.ylabel(ylab) plt.xlim([17000, 21000]) plt.ylim([17000, 21000]) plt.colorbar() if savefig: fig_name = os.path.join( self.base_path, part + '_' + signal + '_t_32_{}.png'.format(t32_time)) plt.savefig(fig_name)
def accelsearch(times, signal, delta_z=1, fmin=1, fmax=1e32, gti=None, zmax=100, candidate_file=None, ref_time=0, debug=False, interbin=False, nproc=4, det_p_value=0.15, fft_rescale=None): """Find pulsars with accelerated search. The theory behind these methods is described in Ransom+02, AJ 124, 1788. Parameters ---------- times : array of floats An evenly spaced list of times signal : array of floats The light curve, in counts; same length as ``times`` Other parameters ---------------- delta_z : float The spacing in ``z`` space (delta_z = 1 -> delta_fdot = 1/T**2) fmin : float, default 1. Minimum frequency to search fmax : float, default 1e32 Maximum frequency to search gti : ``[[gti00, gti01], [gti10, gti11], ...]``, default None Good Time Intervals. If None, it assumes the full range ``[[time[0] - dt / 2 -- time[-1] + dt / 2]]`` zmax : int, default 100 Maximum frequency derivative to search (pos and neg), in bins. It corresponds to ``fdot_max = zmax / T**2``, where ``T`` is the length of the observation. candidate_file : str, default None Save the final candidate table to this file. If None, the table is just returned and not saved. ref_time : float, default 0 Reference time for the times det_p_value : float, default 0.015 Detection p-value (tail probability of noise powers, corrected for the number of trials) fft_rescale : function Any function to apply to the initial FFT, normalized by the number of photons as FT * np.sqrt(2/nph) so that || FT ||^2 are Leahy powers. For example, a filter to flatten the spectrum in the presence of strong red noise. Returns ------- candidate_table: :class:`Table` Table containing the candidate frequencies and frequency derivatives, the spectral power in Leahy normalization, the detection probability, the time and the observation length. """ if not isinstance(times, np.ndarray): times = np.asarray(times) if not isinstance(signal, np.ndarray): signal = np.asarray(signal) dt = times[1] - times[0] if gti is not None: gti = np.asarray(gti) # Fill in the data with a constant outside GTIs gti_mask = create_gti_mask(times, gti) expo_fraction = np.count_nonzero(gti_mask) / len(gti_mask) bti_mask = ~gti_mask mean_ops = np.mean if np.mean(signal) > 10: mean_ops = np.median signal[bti_mask] = mean_ops(signal[gti_mask]) else: expo_fraction = 1 gti = np.array([[times[0] - dt / 2, times[-1] + dt / 2]]) n_photons = np.sum(signal) spectr = fft(signal) * np.sqrt(2 / n_photons) freq = fftfreq(len(spectr), dt) if debug: _good_f = freq > 0 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plt.plot(freq[_good_f], (spectr * spectr.conj()).real[_good_f], label='initial PDS') plt.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") plt.ylabel("Power (Leahy)") plt.loglog() if fft_rescale is not None:"Applying initial filters...") spectr = fft_rescale(spectr) if debug: plt.plot(freq[_good_f], (spectr * spectr.conj()).real[_good_f], label='PDS after filtering (if any)') fname = candidate_file + '_initial_spec.png' \ if candidate_file else 'initial_spec.png' plt.legend(loc=2) del _good_f plt.savefig(fname) plt.close(fig) T = times[-1] - times[0] + dt freq_intv_to_search = (freq >= fmin) & (freq < fmax)"Starting search over full plane...") start_z = -zmax end_z = zmax range_z = np.arange(start_z, end_z, delta_z)"min and max possible r_dot: {}--{}".format( delta_z / T**2, np.max(range_z) / T**2)) freqs_to_search = freq[freq_intv_to_search] candidate_table = Table(names=[ 'time', 'length', 'frac_exposure', 'power', 'prob', 'frequency', 'fdot', 'fddot', 'ntrial' ], dtype=[float] * 8 + [int]) detlev = pds_detection_level(ntrial=freqs_to_search.size, epsilon=det_p_value) responses = _create_responses(range_z) candidate_rs, candidate_js, candidate_powers = \ _calculate_all_convolutions(spectr, responses, freq_intv_to_search, detlev, debug=debug, interbin=interbin, nproc=nproc) for r, j, cand_power in zip(candidate_rs, candidate_js, candidate_powers): z = range_z[j] cand_freq = r / T fdot = z / T**2 prob = pds_probability(cand_power, freqs_to_search.size) candidate_table.add_row([ ref_time + gti[0, 0], T, expo_fraction, cand_power, prob, cand_freq, fdot, 0, freqs_to_search.size ]) if candidate_file is not None: candidate_table.write(candidate_file + '.csv', overwrite=True) return candidate_table