Example #1
def SweepSpectraCython(h, N, M, xdtype=np.complex_):
    # implements Doppler filter:
    # y[n, p] = SUM_k exp(2*pi*j*n*(k - (L-1))/N) * (h[k] * x[p - k])
    #         = SUM_k exp(-2*pi*j*n*k/N) * (s*[k] * x[p - (L-1) + k])
    L = len(h)
    outlen = M + L - 1
    # when N < L, still need to take FFT with nfft >= L so we don't lose data
    # then subsample to get our N points that we desire
    step = L // N + 1
    nfft = N*step

    # ensure that h is C-contiguous as required by the Cython function
    h = np.asarray(h, order='C')

    # make sure xdtype is a dtype object
    xdtype = np.dtype(xdtype)

    demodpad = np.zeros((outlen, nfft), np.result_type(xdtype, h.dtype, np.complex64))
    demodpad = pyfftw.n_byte_align(demodpad, 16)
    y = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros_like(demodpad), 16)
    fft = pyfftw.FFTW(demodpad, y, threads=_THREADS)

    sweepspectra_cython = libdopplerbanks.SweepSpectraCython(h, demodpad, y, fft,
                                                             step, N, M, xdtype)
    sweepspectra_cython = dopplerbank_dec(h, N, M)(sweepspectra_cython)

    return sweepspectra_cython
Example #2
    def SweepSpectraNumba(h, N, M, xdtype=np.complex_):
        # implements Doppler filter:
        # y[n, p] = SUM_k exp(2*pi*j*n*(k - (L-1))/N) * (h[k] * x[p - k])
        #         = SUM_k exp(-2*pi*j*n*k/N) * (s*[k] * x[p - (L-1) + k])
        L = len(h)
        outlen = M + L - 1
        # when N < L, still need to take FFT with nfft >= L so we don't lose data
        # then subsample to get our N points that we desire
        step = L // N + 1
        nfft = N*step

        hrev = h[::-1]
        xpad = np.zeros(M + 2*(L - 1), xdtype) # x[0] at xpad[L - 1]

        demodpad = np.zeros((outlen, nfft), np.result_type(xdtype, h.dtype, np.complex64))
        demodpad = pyfftw.n_byte_align(demodpad, 16)
        y = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros_like(demodpad), 16)
        fft = pyfftw.FFTW(demodpad, y, threads=_THREADS)

        xtype = numba.__getattribute__(str(np.dtype(xdtype)))

        def sweepspectra_numba(x):
            xpad[(L - 1):outlen] = x
            for p in range(outlen):
                demodpad[p, :L] = hrev*xpad[p:(p + L)]
            fft.execute() # input is demodpad, output is y
            yc = np.array(y[:, ::step].T) # we need a copy, which np.array provides
            return yc

        sweepspectra_numba = dopplerbank_dec(h, N, M)(sweepspectra_numba)

        return sweepspectra_numba
Example #3
    def ShiftConvNumbaFFT(h, N, M, xdtype=np.complex_, powerof2=True):
        # implements Doppler filter:
        # y[n, p] = SUM_k (exp(2*pi*j*n*(k - (L-1))/N) * h[k]) * x[p - k]
        #         = SUM_k (exp(-2*pi*j*n*k/N) * s*[k]) * x[p - (L-1) + k]
        L = len(h)
        outlen = M + L - 1
        nfft = outlen
        if powerof2:
            nfft = pow2(nfft)

        dopplermat = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j*np.arange(N)[:, np.newaxis]*(np.arange(L) - (L - 1))/N)
        dopplermat.astype(np.result_type(h.dtype, np.complex64)) # cast to complex type with precision of h
        hbank = h*dopplermat
        # speed not critical here, just use numpy fft
        hbankpad = zero_pad(hbank, nfft)
        H = np.fft.fft(hbankpad) / nfft # divide by nfft b/c FFTW's ifft does not do this

        xcdtype = np.result_type(xdtype, np.complex64) # cast to complex type with precision of x
        xpad = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros(nfft, xcdtype), 16)
        X = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros(nfft, xcdtype), 16)
        xfft = pyfftw.FFTW(xpad, X, threads=_THREADS)

        ydtype = np.result_type(H.dtype, xcdtype)
        Y = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(H.shape, 16, ydtype)
        y = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(H.shape, 16, ydtype)
        ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(Y, y, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD', threads=_THREADS)

        xtype = numba.__getattribute__(str(np.dtype(xdtype)))

        #htype = numba.__getattribute__(str(H.dtype))
        #xctype = numba.__getattribute__(str(X.dtype))
        #ytype = numba.__getattribute__(str(Y.dtype))
        #@jit(argtypes=[htype[:, ::1], xctype[::1], ytype[:, ::1], xtype[::1]])
        #def fun(H, X, Y, x):
            #xpad[:M] = x
            #xfft.execute() # input is xpad, output is X
            #Y[:, :] = H*X # need expression optimized by numba but that writes into Y
            #ifft.execute() # input is Y, output is y

            #yc = np.array(y)[:, :outlen] # need a copy, which np.array provides
            #return yc

        #@dopplerbank_dec(h, N, M, nfft=nfft, H=H)
        #def shiftconv_numba_fft(x):
            #return fun(H, X, Y, x)

        def shiftconv_numba_fft(x):
            xpad[:M] = x
            xfft.execute() # input is xpad, output is X
            Y[:, :] = X*H # need expression optimized by numba but that writes into Y
            ifft.execute() # input is Y, output is y

            yc = np.array(y[:, :outlen]) # need a copy, which np.array provides
            return yc

        shiftconv_numba_fft = dopplerbank_dec(h, N, M, nfft=nfft, H=H)(shiftconv_numba_fft)

        return shiftconv_numba_fft
Example #4
def SweepSpectraStridedTapsMod(h, N, M, xdtype=np.complex_):
    """Doppler bank where the signal is downshift modulated before filtering."""
    # implements Doppler filter:
    # y[n, p] = SUM_k (h[p - k] * x[k]) * exp(-2*pi*j*n*k/N)
    #         = SUM_k (s*[k + (L-1) - p] * x[k]) * exp(-2*pi*j*n*k/N)
    L = len(h)
    # when N < M, still need to take FFT with nfft >= M so we don't lose data
    # then subsample to get our N points that we desire
    step = M // N + 1
    nfft = N*step

    hpad = np.hstack((np.zeros(M - 1, h.dtype), h, np.zeros(M - 1, h.dtype)))
    hmat = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(hpad[(M - 1):], (M + L - 1, M),
                                           (hpad.itemsize, -hpad.itemsize))

    demodpad = np.zeros((M + L - 1, nfft), np.result_type(xdtype, h.dtype, np.complex64))
    demodpad = pyfftw.n_byte_align(demodpad, 16)
    y = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros_like(demodpad), 16)
    fft = pyfftw.FFTW(demodpad, y, threads=_THREADS)

    @dopplerbank_dec(h, N, M, hmat=hmat)
    def sweepspectra_strided_taps_mod(x):
        np.multiply(hmat, x, demodpad[:, :M])
        fft.execute() # input is demodpad, output is y
        yc = np.array(y[:, ::step].T) # need a copy, which np.array provides
        return yc

    return sweepspectra_strided_taps_mod
    def acquire(self, n):
        # Leave all array allocation beyond storage to subclasses

        # Set up counters
        self.n = n
        self.i = -1     # First thing it does is get incremented
        self.start_countup = 0

        # Set up storage
        self.storage = np.zeros((self.n, self.x), dtype=np.int32)

        # Set up fft arrays
        self.ft_in = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.ft_out = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.ift_in = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.ift_out = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.high_pass = np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128)
        self.high_pass[0,:] = 1
        self.fft = fftw.FFTW(self.ft_in, self.ft_out, axes=(0,), direction='FFTW_FORWARD',
                            flags=('FFTW_MEASURE',), threads=1, planning_timelimit=None)
        self.ifft = fftw.FFTW(self.ift_in, self.ift_out, axes=(0,), direction='FFTW_BACKWARD',
                            flags=('FFTW_MEASURE',), threads=1, planning_timelimit=None)
        # self.fft = fftw.FFTW(self.ft_in, self.ft_out, axes=(0), direction='FFTW_FORWARD')
        # self.ifft = fftw.FFTW(self.ift_in, self.ift_out, axes=(0), direction='FFTW_BACKWARD')

        # Get ready to calculate fps
        self.plot_times = []

        # Go
        self.running = True
Example #6
def createFFTArrays(ftbuf, axis_len, buf_len):
    # Set up fft arrays
    ftbuf.ft_in = fftw.n_byte_align(
        np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
    ftbuf.ft_out = fftw.n_byte_align(
        np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
    ftbuf.ift_in = fftw.n_byte_align(
        np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
    ftbuf.ift_out = fftw.n_byte_align(
        np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)

    ftbuf.fft = fftw.FFTW(ftbuf.ft_in,
                          axes=(1, ),
                          flags=('FFTW_MEASURE', ),
    ftbuf.ifft = fftw.FFTW(ftbuf.ift_in,
                           axes=(1, ),
                           flags=('FFTW_MEASURE', ),

    return ftbuf
Example #7
def SweepSpectraStridedInput(h, N, M, xdtype=np.complex_):
    # implements Doppler filter:
    # y[n, p] = SUM_k exp(2*pi*j*n*(k - (L-1))/N) * (h[k] * x[p - k])
    #         = SUM_k exp(-2*pi*j*n*k/N) * (s*[k] * x[p - (L-1) + k])
    L = len(h)
    outlen = M + L - 1
    # when N < L, still need to take FFT with nfft >= L so we don't lose data
    # then subsample to get our N points that we desire
    step = L // N + 1
    nfft = N*step

    hrev = h[::-1]
    xpad = np.zeros(M + 2*(L - 1), xdtype) # x[0] at xpad[L - 1]
    xshifted = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(xpad,
                                               (outlen, L),
                                               (xpad.itemsize, xpad.itemsize))

    demodpad = np.zeros((outlen, nfft), np.result_type(xdtype, h.dtype, np.complex64))
    demodpad = pyfftw.n_byte_align(demodpad, 16)
    y = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros_like(demodpad), 16)
    fft = pyfftw.FFTW(demodpad, y, threads=_THREADS)

    @dopplerbank_dec(h, N, M)
    def sweepspectra_strided_input(x):
        xpad[(L - 1):outlen] = x
        np.multiply(xshifted, hrev, demodpad[:, :L])
        fft.execute() # input is demodpad, output is y
        yc = np.array(y[:, ::step].T) # we need a copy, which np.array provides
        return yc

    return sweepspectra_strided_input
Example #8
def phrt(im, plan, method=4, nr_threads=2):
	"""Process a tomographic projection image with the selected phase retrieval algorithm.

	im : array_like
		Flat corrected image data as numpy array.

	plan : structure
		Structure with pre-computed data (see prepare_plan function)

	method : int 
		Phase retrieval filter {1 = TIE (default), 2 = CTF, 3 = CTF first-half sine, 4 = Quasiparticle, 
		5 = Quasiparticle first half sine}.

	nr_threads : int 
		Number of threads to be used in the computation of FFT by PyFFTW

	Julian Moosmann, KIT (Germany) is acknowledged for this code
	# Extract plan values:
	dim0_o = plan['dim0']
	dim1_o = plan['dim1']
	n_pad0 = plan['npad0']
	n_pad1 = plan['npad1']
	marg0  = (n_pad0 - dim0_o) / 2
	marg1  = (n_pad1 - dim1_o) / 2
	filter = plan['filter']	
	# Pad image (if required):	
	im  = padImage(im, n_pad0, n_pad1) 

	# (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW:
	n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment) 
	im = fft2(im - 1, threads=nr_threads)			

	# (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy:	
	#im = fft2(im - 1)			

	# Apply phase retrieval filter:
	im = filter * im   

	# (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW:
	n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment)
	im = real(ifft2(im, threads=nr_threads))	

	# (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy:	
	#im = real(ifft2(im))	

	# Return the negative:
	im = - im

	# Return cropped output:
	return im[marg0:dim0_o + marg0, marg1:dim1_o + marg1]   
Example #9
def phrt(im, plan, method=4, nr_threads=2):
    """Process a tomographic projection image with the selected phase retrieval algorithm.

	im : array_like
		Flat corrected image data as numpy array.

	plan : structure
		Structure with pre-computed data (see prepare_plan function)

	method : int 
		Phase retrieval filter {1 = TIE (default), 2 = CTF, 3 = CTF first-half sine, 4 = Quasiparticle, 
		5 = Quasiparticle first half sine}.

	nr_threads : int 
		Number of threads to be used in the computation of FFT by PyFFTW

	Julian Moosmann, KIT (Germany) is acknowledged for this code
    # Extract plan values:
    dim0_o = plan['dim0']
    dim1_o = plan['dim1']
    n_pad0 = plan['npad0']
    n_pad1 = plan['npad1']
    marg0 = (n_pad0 - dim0_o) / 2
    marg1 = (n_pad1 - dim1_o) / 2
    filter = plan['filter']

    # Pad image (if required):
    im = padImage(im, n_pad0, n_pad1)

    # (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW:
    n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment)
    im = fft2(im - 1, threads=nr_threads)

    # (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy:
    #im = fft2(im - 1)

    # Apply phase retrieval filter:
    im = filter * im

    # (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW:
    n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment)
    im = real(ifft2(im, threads=nr_threads))

    # (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy:
    #im = real(ifft2(im))

    # Return the negative:
    im = -im

    # Return cropped output:
    return im[marg0:dim0_o + marg0, marg1:dim1_o + marg1]
Example #10
    def NumbaFFTW(h, M, xdtype=np.complex_, powerof2=True):
        L = len(h)
        outlen = M + L - 1
        nfft = outlen
        if powerof2:
            nfft = pow2(nfft)

        outdtype = np.result_type(h.dtype, xdtype)
        fftdtype = np.result_type(outdtype, np.complex64) # output is always complex, promote using smallest

        # speed not critical here, just use numpy fft
        # cast to outdtype so we use same type of fft as when transforming x
        hpad = zero_pad(h, nfft).astype(outdtype)
        if np.iscomplexobj(hpad):
            H = np.fft.fft(hpad)
            H = np.fft.rfft(hpad)
        H = (H / nfft).astype(fftdtype) # divide by nfft b/c FFTW's ifft does not do this

        xpad = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros(nfft, outdtype), 16) # outdtype so same type fft as h->H
        X = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros(len(H), fftdtype), 16) # len(H) b/c rfft may be used
        xfft = pyfftw.FFTW(xpad, X, threads=_THREADS)

        y = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(nfft, 16, outdtype)
        ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(X, y, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD', threads=_THREADS)

        xtype = numba.__getattribute__(str(np.dtype(xdtype)))
        outtype = numba.__getattribute__(str(outdtype))
        ffttype = numba.__getattribute__(str(fftdtype))

            #argtypes=[outtype[::1], ffttype[::1], ffttype[::1], outtype[::1], xtype[::1]])
        #def filt(xpad, X, H, y, x):
            #xpad[:M] = x
            #xfft.execute() # input in xpad, result in X
            #X[:] = H*X
            #ifft.execute() # input in X, result in y
            #yc = y[:outlen].copy()
            #return yc

        #@filter_dec(h, M, nfft=nfft, H=H)
        #def numba_fftw(x):
            #return filt(xpad, X, H, y, x)

        def numba_fftw(x):
            xpad[:M] = x
            xfft.execute() # input in xpad, result in X
            X[:] = H*X # want expression that is optimized by numba but writes into X
            ifft.execute() # input in X, result in y
            yc = y[:outlen].copy()
            return yc

        numba_fftw = filter_dec(h, M, nfft=nfft, H=H)(numba_fftw)

        return numba_fftw
Example #11
    def test_call_with_unaligned(self):
        '''Make sure the right thing happens with unaligned data.
        input_array = (numpy.random.randn(*self.input_array.shape) 
                + 1j*numpy.random.randn(*self.input_array.shape))

        output_array = self.fft(
                input_array=n_byte_align(input_array.copy(), 16)).copy()

        input_array = n_byte_align(input_array, 16)
        output_array = n_byte_align(output_array, 16)

        # Offset by one from 16 byte aligned to guarantee it's not
        # 16 byte aligned
        a = n_byte_align(input_array.copy(), 16)
        a__ = n_byte_align_empty(
                numpy.prod(a.shape)*a.itemsize+1, 16, dtype='int8')
        a_ = a__[1:].view(dtype=a.dtype).reshape(*a.shape)
        a_[:] = a

        # Create a different second array the same way
        b = n_byte_align(output_array.copy(), 16)
        b__ = n_byte_align_empty(
                numpy.prod(b.shape)*a.itemsize+1, 16, dtype='int8')
        b_ = b__[1:].view(dtype=b.dtype).reshape(*b.shape)
        b_[:] = a

        # Set up for the first array
        fft = FFTW(input_array, output_array)
        a_[:] = a
        output_array = fft().copy()

        # Check a_ is not aligned...
        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid input alignment', 
                self.fft.update_arrays, *(a_, output_array))

        # and b_ too
        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid output alignment', 
                self.fft.update_arrays, *(input_array, b_))
        # But it should still work with the a_

        # However, trying to update the output will raise an error
        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid output alignment', 
                self.fft.update_arrays, *(input_array, b_))

        # Same with SIMD off
        fft = FFTW(input_array, output_array, flags=('FFTW_UNALIGNED',))
        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid output alignment', 
                self.fft.update_arrays, *(input_array, b_))
Example #12
    def _create_ifft_plan(self):
        x = pyfftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((self.P, self.N), self.xydtype),
        ifft_out = pyfftw.n_byte_align(
        ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(x, ifft_out, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD')

        return ifft
Example #13
    def _create_fft_plan(self):
        delaymult_out = pyfftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((self.P, self.N), self.xydtype),
        fft_out = pyfftw.n_byte_align(
        fft = pyfftw.FFTW(delaymult_out, fft_out)

        return fft
Example #14
    def test_update_data_with_alignment_error(self):
        in_shape = self.input_shapes['2d']
        out_shape = self.output_shapes['2d']

        byte_error = 1
        a, b = self.create_test_arrays(in_shape, out_shape)

        a = n_byte_align(a, 16)
        b = n_byte_align(b, 16)

        fft, ifft = self.run_validate_fft(a, b, axes)
        a, b = self.create_test_arrays(in_shape, out_shape)

        # Offset from 16 byte aligned to guarantee it's not
        # 16 byte aligned
        a__ = n_byte_align_empty(
                16, dtype='int8')
        a_ = (a__[byte_error:]
        a_[:] = a 
        b__ = n_byte_align_empty(
                16, dtype='int8')
        b_ = (b__[byte_error:]
        b_[:] = b
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid output alignment'):
            self.run_validate_fft(a, b_, axes, fft=fft, ifft=ifft, 

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid input alignment'):
            self.run_validate_fft(a_, b, axes, fft=fft, ifft=ifft, 

        # Should also be true for the unaligned case
        fft, ifft = self.run_validate_fft(a, b, axes, 

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid output alignment'):
            self.run_validate_fft(a, b_, axes, fft=fft, ifft=ifft, 

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid input alignment'):
            self.run_validate_fft(a_, b, axes, fft=fft, ifft=ifft, 
Example #15
def get_fftw3_speed(arr, iters=10, direction=None, dtype=np.float32, **kwargs):
    """ measure the fftw3 speed for various data sizes by using
    plan with estimate, and running one instance.  If arr is int,
    then the elements are different array sizes, otherwise use the
    direction default - just fwd - use 'both' for both
    To "train": - the print allows you to ^c out.
    from pyfusion.utils.primefactors import get_fftw3_speed
    from pyfusion.utils.fftw3_bdb_utils import save_wisdom, load_wisdom
    from pyfusion.data.filters import next_nice_number
    from pyfusion.utils.primefactors import get_fftw3_speed
    for n in next_nice_number(None):
        get_fftw3_speed(n, flags=['FFTW_MEASURE'],direction='both',dtype=np.float32)

    Accepts all pyfftw.FFTW args e.g. planning_timelimit
    import pyfftw
    from time import time as seconds
    if np.isscalar(arr): arr = np.array([arr])
    if np.issubdtype(arr.dtype, int):
        atimes = []
        for n in arr:
                get_fftw3_speed(np.ones(n, dtype=dtype),
        return (np.array(atimes))
    else:  # do one example
        build_kwargs = dict(flags=['FFTW_ESTIMATE'])
        simd_align = pyfftw.simd_alignment  # 16 at the moment.
        arr = pyfftw.n_byte_align(arr, simd_align)
        out = pyfftw.n_byte_align(
            np.ones(len(arr) / 2 + 1, dtype=np.complex64), simd_align)
        fwd = pyfftw.FFTW(arr, out, **build_kwargs)
        if direction == 'both':
            rev = pyfftw.FFTW(out,
        st = seconds()
        for i in range(iters):
            if direction == 'both':
        return ((seconds() - st) / iters)
Example #16
def tiehom2020(im, plan, nr_threads=2):
	"""Process a tomographic projection image with the Generalized TIE-HOM (Paganin et al 2020) 
    phase retrieval algorithm.

	im : array_like
		Flat corrected image data as numpy array.

	plan : structure
		Structure with pre-computed data (see tiehom_plan function).

	nr_threads : int 
		Number of threads to be used in the computation of FFT by PyFFTW (default = 2).
	# Extract plan values:
	dim0_o = plan['dim0']
	dim1_o = plan['dim1']
	n_pad0 = plan['npad0']
	n_pad1 = plan['npad1']
	marg0 = (n_pad0 - dim0_o) / 2
	marg1 = (n_pad1 - dim1_o) / 2
	den = plan['den']
	mu = plan['mu']

	# Pad image (if required):	
	im = padImage(im, n_pad0, n_pad1) 

	# (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW:
	n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment) 
	im = rfft2(im, threads=nr_threads)			

	# (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy:
	#im = rfft2(im)

	# Apply Paganin's (pre-computed) formula:
	im = im / den
	# (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW:
	n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment)
	im = irfft2(im, threads=nr_threads)
	# (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy:
	#im = irfft2(im)
	im = im.astype(float32)		
	im = -1 / mu * nplog(im)    		

	# Return cropped output:
	return im[marg0:dim0_o + marg0, marg1:dim1_o + marg1] 
Example #17
def tiehom(im, plan, nr_threads=2):
	"""Process a tomographic projection image with the TIE-HOM (Paganin's) phase retrieval algorithm.

	im : array_like
		Flat corrected image data as numpy array.

	plan : structure
		Structure with pre-computed data (see tiehom_plan function).

	nr_threads : int 
		Number of threads to be used in the computation of FFT by PyFFTW (default = 2).
	# Extract plan values:
	dim0_o = plan['dim0']
	dim1_o = plan['dim1']
	n_pad0 = plan['npad0']
	n_pad1 = plan['npad1']
	marg0 = (n_pad0 - dim0_o) / 2
	marg1 = (n_pad1 - dim1_o) / 2
	den = plan['den']
	mu = plan['mu']

	# Pad image (if required):	
	im = padImage(im, n_pad0, n_pad1) 

	# (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW:
	n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment) 
	im = rfft2(im, threads=nr_threads)			

	# (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy:
	#im = rfft2(im)

	# Apply Paganin's (pre-computed) formula:
	im = im / den
	# (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW:
	n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment)
	im = irfft2(im, threads=nr_threads)
	# (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy:
	#im = irfft2(im)
	im = im.astype(float32)		
	im = -1 / mu * nplog(im)    		

	# Return cropped output:
	return im[marg0:dim0_o + marg0, marg1:dim1_o + marg1] 
Example #18
    def test_call_with_keyword_input_update(self):
        '''Test the class call with a keyword input update.
        input_array = n_byte_align(
                    + 1j*numpy.random.randn(*self.input_array.shape), 16)

        output_array = self.fft(
            input_array=n_byte_align(input_array.copy(), 16)).copy()

        self.update_arrays(input_array, self.output_array)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.alltrue(output_array == self.output_array))
Example #19
    def test_call_with_keyword_output_update(self):
        """Test the class call with a keyword output update.
        output_array = n_byte_align(
            (numpy.random.randn(*self.output_array.shape) + 1j * numpy.random.randn(*self.output_array.shape)),

        returned_output_array = self.fft(output_array=n_byte_align(output_array.copy(), simd_alignment)).copy()

        self.update_arrays(self.input_array, output_array)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.alltrue(returned_output_array == output_array))
Example #20
def createFFTArrays(ftbuf, axis_len, buf_len):
    # Set up fft arrays
    ftbuf.ft_in      = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
    ftbuf.ft_out     = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
    ftbuf.ift_in     = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
    ftbuf.ift_out    = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
    ftbuf.fft  = fftw.FFTW(ftbuf.ft_in, ftbuf.ft_out, 
                          axes=(1,), direction='FFTW_FORWARD',
                          flags=('FFTW_MEASURE',), threads=1, planning_timelimit=None)
    ftbuf.ifft = fftw.FFTW(ftbuf.ift_in, ftbuf.ift_out, 
                          axes=(1,), direction='FFTW_BACKWARD',
                          flags=('FFTW_MEASURE',), threads=1, planning_timelimit=None)
    return ftbuf 
Example #21
    def test_call_with_positional_input_update(self):
        """Test the class call with a positional input update.

        input_array = n_byte_align(
            (numpy.random.randn(*self.input_array.shape) + 1j * numpy.random.randn(*self.input_array.shape)),

        output_array = self.fft(n_byte_align(input_array.copy(), simd_alignment)).copy()

        self.update_arrays(input_array, self.output_array)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.alltrue(output_array == self.output_array))
Example #22
 def test_n_byte_align_integer_shape(self):
     shape = 100
     a = numpy.random.randn(shape)
     # Test a few alignments
     for n in [3, 7, 9, 16, 24, 23, 63, 64]:
         b = n_byte_align(a, n)
         self.assertTrue(b.ctypes.data % n == 0)
Example #23
def fftImage(image, use_pyfftw=True):
    if use_pyfftw:
        im = pyfftw.n_byte_align(image, 16)
        return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fftshift(
    return np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(image))
Example #24
    def test_avoid_copy(self):
        '''Test the avoid_copy flag
        dtype_tuple = io_dtypes[functions[self.func]]
        for dtype in dtype_tuple[0]:
            for test_shape, s, kwargs in self.test_data:
                _kwargs = kwargs.copy()

                _kwargs['avoid_copy'] = True

                s2 = copy.copy(s)
                    for each_axis, length in enumerate(s):
                        s2[each_axis] += 2
                except TypeError:
                    s2 += 2

                input_array = dtype_tuple[1](test_shape, dtype)

                        'Cannot avoid copy.*transform shape.*',
                        getattr(builders, self.func),
                        input_array, s2, **_kwargs)

                non_contiguous_shape = [
                        each_dim * 2 for each_dim in test_shape]
                non_contiguous_slices = (
                        [slice(None, None, 2)] * len(test_shape))

                misaligned_input_array = dtype_tuple[1](
                        non_contiguous_shape, dtype)[non_contiguous_slices]

                        'Cannot avoid copy.*not contiguous.*',
                        getattr(builders, self.func),
                        misaligned_input_array, s, **_kwargs)

                # Offset by one from 16 byte aligned to guarantee it's not
                # 16 byte aligned
                _input_array = n_byte_align_empty(
                        16, dtype='int8')
                misaligned_input_array = _input_array[1:].view(

                        'Cannot avoid copy.*not aligned.*',
                        getattr(builders, self.func),
                        misaligned_input_array, s, **_kwargs)

                _input_array = n_byte_align(input_array.copy(), 16)
                FFTW_object = getattr(builders, self.func)(
                        _input_array, s, **_kwargs)

                # A catch all to make sure the internal array
                # is not a copy
                self.assertTrue(FFTW_object.get_input_array() is
Example #25
    def test_call_with_different_input_dtype(self):
        '''Test the class call with an array with a different input dtype
        input_array = n_byte_align(numpy.complex64(
                + 1j*numpy.random.randn(*self.input_array.shape)), 16)

        output_array = self.fft(n_byte_align(input_array.copy(), 16)).copy()

        _input_array = numpy.asarray(input_array,

        self.update_arrays(_input_array, self.output_array)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.alltrue(output_array == self.output_array))
Example #26
    def test_n_byte_align_consistent_data(self):
        shape = (10, 10)
        a = numpy.int16(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 16000)
        b = numpy.float64(numpy.random.randn(*shape))
        c = numpy.int8(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 255)

        # Test a few alignments
        for n in [3, 7, 9, 16, 24, 23, 63, 64]:
            d = n_byte_align(a, n)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(a, d))

            d = n_byte_align(b, n)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(b, d))

            d = n_byte_align(c, n)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(c, d))
Example #27
    def test_call_with_different_striding(self):
        """Test the input update with different strides to internal array.
        input_array_shape = self.input_array.shape + (2,)
        internal_array_shape = self.internal_array.shape

        internal_array = n_byte_align(
            numpy.random.randn(*internal_array_shape) + 1j * numpy.random.randn(*internal_array_shape), simd_alignment

        fft = utils._FFTWWrapper(

        test_output_array = fft().copy()

        new_input_array = n_byte_align_empty(input_array_shape, simd_alignment, dtype=internal_array.dtype)
        new_input_array[:] = 0

        new_input_array[:, :, 0][self.input_array_slicer] = internal_array[self.FFTW_array_slicer]

        new_output = fft(new_input_array[:, :, 0]).copy()

        # Test the test!
        self.assertTrue(new_input_array[:, :, 0].strides != internal_array.strides)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.alltrue(test_output_array == new_output))
Example #28
    def test_n_byte_align_consistent_data(self):
        shape = (10, 10)
        a = numpy.int16(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 16000)
        b = numpy.float64(numpy.random.randn(*shape))
        c = numpy.int8(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 255)

        # Test a few alignments
        for n in [3, 7, 9, 16, 24, 23, 63, 64]:
            d = n_byte_align(a, n)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(a, d))

            d = n_byte_align(b, n)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(b, d))

            d = n_byte_align(c, n)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(c, d))
Example #29
 def test_n_byte_align_integer_shape(self):
     shape = 100
     a = numpy.random.randn(shape)
     # Test a few alignments
     for n in [3, 7, 9, 16, 24, 23, 63, 64]:
         b = n_byte_align(a, n)
         self.assertTrue(b.ctypes.data % n == 0)
    def main_loop(self):
        if stream.is_active() and data_queue != None:
                in_data = data_queue.pop()
            except IndexError:
            # calculate fourier transform
            input = struct.unpack(str(2 * chunk_size) + "B", in_data)
            input = (numpy.array(input, dtype='b')[::2] + 128)
            input = pyfftw.n_byte_align(input, n=16, dtype='float64')
            # # reduce volume/amplitude
            # volmax = input.max()
            # for i in range(len(input)):
            #     # if i > 5 and i < len(input) - 5:
            #     input[i] /= 10
            # input[0] = volmax
            print("max=" + str(input.max()))
            print("min=" + str(input.min()))
            # print("med=" + str(numpy.median(input)))
            fourier = numpy.absolute(fftw_obj(input), dtype='float64')
            fourier = fourier[0 : len(fourier) // 2]
            # zero out fourier edges
            for i in range(5):
                fourier[i] = 0
                fourier = fourier[:len(fourier) - i - 1]
            # scale values to log scale
            scaled_fourier = fourier # todo
            # scaled_fourier = input # test wave visualizer
            # calculate percentages
            max = scaled_fourier.max()
            if max == 0:
                max = 1
            percentages = numpy.empty(len(scaled_fourier), dtype='float64')
            for i in range(len(percentages)):
                percentages[i] = scaled_fourier[i] / max
            # modify depth of percentage transform to custom rectangle depth by averaging segments
            depth = len(percentages)
            step = math.ceil(float(depth) / float(numrects))
            moddepth = numrects * step
            if (moddepth > depth):
                percentages = numpy.append(percentages, numpy.zeros(moddepth - depth, dtype='float64'))
            i = 0
            r = 0
            while i < moddepth:
                avg = 0.0
                for j in range(step):
                    avg += percentages[i + j]
                avg /= step
                rheights[r] = avg
                i += step
                r += 1
            # for r in range(numrects):
            #     rheights[r] = percentages[r]

            # when taking averages, average one more value each time (increment step each time)

Example #31
    def acquire(self, n):
        # Leave all array allocation beyond storage to subclasses

        # Set up counters
        self.n = n
        self.i = -1  # First thing it does is get incremented
        self.start_countup = 0

        # Set up storage
        self.storage = np.zeros((self.n, self.x), dtype=np.int32)

        # Set up fft arrays
        self.ft_in = fftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.ft_out = fftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.ift_in = fftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.ift_out = fftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.high_pass = np.zeros((n, self.x), dtype=np.complex128)
        self.high_pass[0, :] = 1
        self.fft = fftw.FFTW(self.ft_in,
                             axes=(0, ),
                             flags=('FFTW_MEASURE', ),
        self.ifft = fftw.FFTW(self.ift_in,
                              axes=(0, ),
                              flags=('FFTW_MEASURE', ),
        # self.fft = fftw.FFTW(self.ft_in, self.ft_out, axes=(0), direction='FFTW_FORWARD')
        # self.ifft = fftw.FFTW(self.ift_in, self.ift_out, axes=(0), direction='FFTW_BACKWARD')

        # Get ready to calculate fps
        self.plot_times = []

        # Go
        self.running = True
Example #32
 def _maybe_align(a):
     global planned
     if not planned:
         print_update("Note: FFTW is configuring itself. This will take " +
                      "several seconds, but subsequent calls will run " +
                      "*much* faster.")
         planned = True
     result = pyfftw.n_byte_align(a, a.dtype.alignment)
     return result
Example #33
 def _maybe_align(a):
     global planned
     if not planned:
         warnings.warn("FFTW is configuring itself. This will take " +
                       "several sections, but subsequent calls will run " +
                       "*much* faster.", UserWarning)
         sys.stderr.flush()  # Show that warning immediately.
         planned = True 
     return pyfftw.n_byte_align(a, a.dtype.alignment)
Example #34
 def _maybe_align(a):
     global planned
     if not planned:
         print_update("Note: FFTW is configuring itself. This will take " +
                      "several seconds, but subsequent calls will run " +
                      "*much* faster.")
         planned = True 
     result = pyfftw.n_byte_align(a, a.dtype.alignment)
     return result
Example #35
    def test_n_byte_align_set_dtype(self):
        shape = (10, 10)
        a = numpy.int16(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 16000)
        b = numpy.float64(numpy.random.randn(*shape))
        c = numpy.int8(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 255)
        # Test a few alignments
        for n in [3, 7, 9, 16, 24, 23, 63, 64]:
            d = n_byte_align(a, n, dtype='float32')
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.dtype == 'float32')

            d = n_byte_align(b, n, dtype='float32')
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.dtype == 'float32')

            d = n_byte_align(c, n, dtype='float64')
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.dtype == 'float64')
Example #36
 def __init__(self, axis_len, buf_len):
     self.ft_in      = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
     self.ft_out     = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
     self.ift_in     = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
     self.ift_out    = fftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
     self.fft        = fftw.FFTW(self.ft_in, self.ft_out, 
     self.ifft       = fftw.FFTW(self.ift_in, self.ift_out, 
Example #37
    def test_n_byte_align_different_dtypes(self):
        shape = (10, 10)
        a = numpy.int16(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 16000)
        b = numpy.float64(numpy.random.randn(*shape))
        c = numpy.int8(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 255)
        # Test a few alignments
        for n in [3, 7, 9, 16, 24, 23, 63, 64]:
            d = n_byte_align(a, n)
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.__class__ == a.__class__)

            d = n_byte_align(b, n)
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.__class__ == b.__class__)

            d = n_byte_align(c, n)
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.__class__ == c.__class__)
Example #38
    def test_call_with_copy_with_missized_array_error(self):
        """Force an input copy with a missized array.
        shape = list(self.input_array.shape + (2,))
        shape[0] += 1

        input_array = n_byte_align(numpy.random.randn(*shape) + 1j * numpy.random.randn(*shape), simd_alignment)

        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Invalid input shape", self.fft, **{"input_array": input_array[:, :, 0]})
Example #39
    def test_n_byte_align_set_dtype(self):
        shape = (10, 10)
        a = numpy.int16(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 16000)
        b = numpy.float64(numpy.random.randn(*shape))
        c = numpy.int8(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 255)
        # Test a few alignments
        for n in [3, 7, 9, 16, 24, 23, 63, 64]:
            d = n_byte_align(a, n, dtype="float32")
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.dtype == "float32")

            d = n_byte_align(b, n, dtype="float32")
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.dtype == "float32")

            d = n_byte_align(c, n, dtype="float64")
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.dtype == "float64")
Example #40
 def fftn(a):
     global planned
     if not planned:
         logger.info("Note: FFTW is configuring itself. This will take " +
                     "several seconds, but subsequent calls will run " +
                     "*much* faster.")
         planned = True
     a = pyfftw.n_byte_align(a, a.dtype.alignment)
     return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fftn(a).astype(np.complex128)
Example #41
    def test_call_with_positional_updates(self):
        '''Test the class call with a positional array updates.
        input_array = n_byte_align((numpy.random.randn(*self.input_array.shape) 
            + 1j*numpy.random.randn(*self.input_array.shape)), 16)

        output_array = n_byte_align((numpy.random.randn(*self.output_array.shape) 
            + 1j*numpy.random.randn(*self.output_array.shape)), 16)

        returned_output_array = self.fft(
            n_byte_align(input_array.copy(), 16),
            n_byte_align(output_array.copy(), 16)).copy()

        self.update_arrays(input_array, output_array)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.alltrue(returned_output_array == output_array))
Example #42
    def test_n_byte_align_different_dtypes(self):
        shape = (10, 10)
        a = numpy.int16(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 16000)
        b = numpy.float64(numpy.random.randn(*shape))
        c = numpy.int8(numpy.random.randn(*shape) * 255)
        # Test a few alignments
        for n in [3, 7, 9, 16, 24, 23, 63, 64]:
            d = n_byte_align(a, n)
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.__class__ == a.__class__)

            d = n_byte_align(b, n)
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.__class__ == b.__class__)

            d = n_byte_align(c, n)
            self.assertTrue(d.ctypes.data % n == 0)
            self.assertTrue(d.__class__ == c.__class__)
Example #43
 def fftn(a):
     global planned
     if not planned:
         print_update("Note: FFTW is configuring itself. This will take " +
                      "several seconds, but subsequent calls will run " +
                      "*much* faster.")
         planned = True
     a = pyfftw.n_byte_align(a, a.dtype.alignment)
     return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fftn(a).astype(np.complex128)
Example #44
    def pf2psf(self, PF, zs, intensity=True, verbose=False, use_pyfftw=False):
        Computes the point spread function for a given pupil function.

        PF: array
            The complex pupil function.
        zs: number or iteratable
            The axial position or a list of axial positions which should be computed. Focus is at z=0.
        intensity: bool
            Specifies if the intensity or the complex field should be returned.

        PSF: array or memmap
            The complex PSF. If the memory is to small, a memmap will be
            returned instead of an array.
        ny, nx = self.ny, self.nx
        if np.isscalar(zs):
            zs = [zs]
        print("The z positions:", zs)
        nz = len(zs)
        kz = self.kz

        # The normalization for ifft2:
        N = np.sqrt(self.nx * self.ny)

        # Preallocating memory for PSF:
        if intensity:
            PSF = np.zeros((nz, nx, nx))
            PSF = np.zeros((nz, nx, nx)) + 1j * np.zeros((nz, nx, nx))
        for i in range(nz):
            if verbose:
                print('Calculating PSF slice for z={0}um.'.format(zs[i]))
            U = np.zeros((nx, nx)) + 1j * np.zeros((nx, nx))
            for j in range(0, self.kzs.shape[0]):
                if use_pyfftw:
                    aligned = pyfftw.n_byte_align(
                            np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * self.kzs[j] * zs[i]) * PF,
                    U = U + N * pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.ifft2(aligned)
                    U = U + N * _fftpack.ifft2(
                        np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * self.kzs[j] * zs[i]) * PF)
            U = U / self.numWavelengths
            _slice_ = _fftpack.ifftshift(U)  # move the x0 to the center
            if intensity:
                _slice_ = np.abs(_slice_)**2
            PSF[i] = _slice_
        if nz == 1:
            PSF = PSF[0]
        return PSF
Example #45
 def _maybe_align(a):
     global planned
     if not planned:
             "FFTW is configuring itself. This will take " +
             "several sections, but subsequent calls will run " +
             "*much* faster.", UserWarning)
         sys.stderr.flush()  # Show that warning immediately.
         planned = True
     return pyfftw.n_byte_align(a, a.dtype.alignment)
Example #46
 def main_loop():
     if stream.is_active() and data_queue != None:
         # try:
         #     in_data = data_queue.pop()
         # except IndexError:
         #     return
         if (current_in_data == None):
         # calculate fourier transform
         input = numpy.fromstring(current_in_data, dtype='int16')
         amplitude = pyfftw.n_byte_align(numpy.asarray(input,
         fourier = numpy.absolute(fftw_obj(amplitude), dtype='float64')
         # zero out fourier edges
         # for i in range(10):
         #     fourier[i] = 0
         #     fourier[len(fourier) - (i + 1)] = 0
         fourier = fourier[5:len(fourier) - 5]
         if split_fourier == "left":
             fourier = fourier[:len(fourier) // 2]
         elif split_fourier == "right":
             fourier = fourier[len(fourier) // 2:]
         # calculate percentages
         max = 1.0
         for x in fourier:
             if x > max:
                 max = x
         percentages = numpy.empty(len(fourier), dtype='float64')
         for i in range(len(percentages)):
             percentages[i] = fourier[i] / max
         # # zero out percentage edges
         # for i in range(10):
         #     percentages[i] = 0
         #     percentages[len(percentages) - (i + 1)] = 0
         # modify depth of percentage transform to custom rectangle depth by averaging segments
         depth = len(percentages)
         step = math.ceil(float(depth) / float(numrects))
         moddepth = numrects * step
         if (moddepth > depth):
             percentages = numpy.append(
                 percentages, numpy.zeros(moddepth - depth,
         i = 0
         r = 0
         while i < moddepth:
             avg = 0.0
             for j in range(step):
                 avg += percentages[i + j]
             avg /= step
             rheights[r] = avg * h_mult
             i += step
             r += 1
Example #47
def test_1d():
    for use_pyfftw in (False, True):
        buf = allocate(10, dtype=np.float32, use_pyfftw=use_pyfftw)
        assert buf.shape == (10,)
        assert buf.dtype == np.float32
        if use_pyfftw:
                import pyfftw
                assert pyfftw.n_byte_align(buf, 16) is buf
            except ImportError:
Example #48
def test_3d():
    for use_pyfftw in (False, True):
        buf = allocate((4, 6, 8), dtype=np.complex64, use_pyfftw=use_pyfftw)
        assert buf.shape == (4, 6, 8)
        assert buf.dtype == np.complex64
        if use_pyfftw:
                import pyfftw
                assert pyfftw.n_byte_align(buf, 16) is buf
            except ImportError:
Example #49
    def __init__(self, A):
        """Set up arrays and FFTs for convolution.

        A : ndarray (3-d)
            PSF, assumed to be centered in the array at the
            "reference wavelength."

        self.nw, self.ny, self.nx = A.shape

        # The attribute `fftconv` stores the Fourier-space array
        # necessary to convolve another array by the PSF. This is done
        # by mulitiplying the input array by `fftconv` in fourier
        # space.
        # We shift the PSF so that instead of being exactly centered
        # in the array, it is exactly centered on the lower left
        # pixel.  (For convolution in Fourier space, the (0, 0)
        # element of the kernel is effectively the "center.")
        # Note that this shifting is different than simply
        # creating the PSF centered at the lower left pixel to begin
        # with, due to wrap-around.
        #`ifft2(fftconv).real` would be the PSF in
        # real space, shifted to be centered on the lower-left pixel.
        shift = -(self.ny - 1) / 2., -(self.nx - 1) / 2.
        fshift = fft_shift_phasor_2d((self.ny, self.nx), shift)
        fftconv = fft2(A) * fshift

        # align on SIMD boundary.
        self.fftconv = pyfftw.n_byte_align(fftconv,

        # set up input and output arrays for FFTs.
        self.fftin = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(A.shape,
        self.fftout = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(A.shape,

        # Set up forward and backward FFTs.
        self.fft = pyfftw.FFTW(self.fftin, self.fftout, axes=(1, 2), threads=1)
        self.ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(self.fftout,
                                axes=(1, 2),

        self.fftnorm = 1. / (self.ny * self.nx)
def align_array(arr):
    """Return memory aligned copy of arr. This may be speed up pyfftw calls.

    arr : array

    arr_aligned : array

    return pyfftw.n_byte_align(arr, pyfftw_simd_alignment)
Example #51
def filtering(proj,geo,angles,parker):

	if parker:
		proj = parkerweight(proj.transpose(0,2,1),geo,angles,parker).transpose(0,2,1)
		# proj=parkerweight(proj,geo,angles,parker)

	filt_len = max(64,2 ** nextpow2(2 * geo.nDetector[0]))
	ramp_kernel = ramp_flat(filt_len)

	d = 1
	filt = filter(geo.filter,ramp_kernel[0],filt_len,d)

	filt = np.kron(np.ones((geo.nDetector[1],1)),filt).transpose()    

	for i in range(len(angles)):

        # Zero-padding:
		fproj = np.zeros((filt_len,geo.nDetector[1]),dtype=np.float32)
		fproj[int(filt_len / 2 - geo.nDetector[0] / 2):int(filt_len / 2 + geo.nDetector[0] / 2),:] = proj[:,:,i]   

		# Fourier-transform:
		n_byte_align(fproj, simd_alignment) 
		fproj = rfft(fproj, axis=0, threads=2)

		# Filter:
		fproj = fproj * filt[0:fproj.shape[0],:]

        # Inverse-Fourier:
		n_byte_align(fproj, simd_alignment) 
		fproj = np.real(irfft(fproj, axis=0, threads=2))
		end = len(fproj)

		# Crop:
		fproj = fproj[int(end / 2 - geo.nDetector[0] / 2):int(end / 2 + geo.nDetector[0] / 2),:] / 2 / geo.dDetector[0] * \
				 (2 * np.pi / len(angles)) / 2 * (geo.DSD / geo.DSO)
		proj[:,:,i] = fproj.astype(np.float32)

	return proj
Example #52
    def __init__(self, axis_len, buf_len):
        self.ft_in = fftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.ft_out = fftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.ift_in = fftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)
        self.ift_out = fftw.n_byte_align(
            np.zeros((axis_len, buf_len), dtype=np.complex128), 16)

        self.fft = fftw.FFTW(self.ft_in,
                             axes=(1, ),
                             flags=('FFTW_MEASURE', ),
        self.ifft = fftw.FFTW(self.ift_in,
                              axes=(1, ),
                              flags=('FFTW_MEASURE', ),
Example #53
 def main_loop(self):
     if stream.is_active() and data_queue != None:
             in_data = data_queue.pop()
         except IndexError:
         # calculate fourier transform
         input = struct.unpack(str(2 * chunk_size) + "B", in_data)
         input = numpy.array(input, dtype='b')[::2] + 128
         input = pyfftw.n_byte_align(input, n=16, dtype='float64')
         # fourier = numpy.absolute(fftw_obj(input), dtype='float64')
         fourier = input # no transform actually occurs
         # zero out fourier edges
         # for i in range(10):
         #     fourier[i] = 0
         #     fourier[len(fourier) - (i + 1)] = 0
         # fourier = fourier[5:len(fourier) - 5]
         # calculate percentages
         max = 1.0
         for x in fourier:
             if x > max:
                 max = x
         percentages = numpy.empty(len(fourier), dtype='float64')
         for i in range(len(percentages)):
             percentages[i] = fourier[i] / max
         # modify depth of percentage transform to custom rectangle depth by averaging segments
         depth = len(percentages)
         step = math.ceil(float(depth) / float(numrects))
         moddepth = numrects * step
         if (moddepth > depth):
             percentages = numpy.append(percentages, numpy.zeros(moddepth - depth, dtype='float64'))
         i = 0
         r = 0
         while i < moddepth:
             avg = 0.0
             for j in range(step):
                 avg += percentages[i + j]
             avg /= step
             rheights[r] = avg
             i += step
             r += 1
Example #54
def MASS(y, n, cum_sumx, cum_sumx2, sumx2, sumx, meanx, sigmax2, sigmax, X,
    Implementation of the MASS algorithm
    input: a time_series x, and query y
    #normlaize line below
    y = (y - np.mean(y)) / np.std(y)

    m = len(y)
    y = y[::-1]
    sumy = np.sum(y)
    sumy2 = np.sum(np.power(y, 2))
    y = np.append(y, ((n) - (m)) * [0])
    Y = fft(y)
    Z = X * Y
    Z = pyfftw.n_byte_align(Z, None)
    z = pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fftpack.ifft(Z)
    dist = value - 2 * (z[m:n] - sumy * meanx) / sigmax + sumy2
    return np.abs(np.lib.scimath.sqrt(dist))
Example #55
    def psf2pf(self,
        Retrieves the complex pupil function from an intensity-only
        PSF stack by relative entropy minimization. The algorithm is
        based on Kner et al., 2010, doi:10.1117/12.840943, which in turn
        is based on Deming, 2007, J Opt Soc Am A, Vol 24, No 11, p.3666.

        PSF: 3D numpy.array
            An intensity PSF stack. PSF.shape has to be
            (nz, Simulation.nx, Simulation.nx), where nz is the arbitrary
            number of z slices.
        dz: float
            The distance between two PSF slices.
        mu: float
            The noise level of the PSF.
        A: 2D numpy.array
            The initial guess for the complex pupil function with shape
            (Simulation.nx, Simulation.nx).

        # z spacing:
        dz = float(dz)
        # Number of z slices:
        nz = PSF.shape[0]
        # Noise level:
        mu = float(mu)

        kz = self.kz
        k = self.k
        k_max = self.k_max

        # Z position of slices:
        upper = 0.5 * (nz - 1) * dz
        zs = _np.linspace(-upper, upper, nz) - z_offset

        # Normalization for fft2:
        N = _np.sqrt(self.nx * self.ny)

        if use_pyfftw:

        Ue = _np.ones_like(PSF).astype(_np.complex128)
        U = _np.ones_like(PSF).astype(_np.complex128)
        Uconj = _np.ones_like(PSF).astype(_np.complex128)
        Ic = _np.ones_like(PSF).astype(_np.complex128)

        expr1 = "Ue = (PSF/Ic)*U"
        expr2 = "Ic = mu + (U * Uconj)"

        for ii in range(nIterations):

            print('Iteration', ii + 1)
            # Calculate PSF field from given PF:
            U = self.pf2psf(A, zs, intensity=False)
            # Calculated PSF intensity with noise:
            Uconj = _np.conj(U)
            Ic = mu + (U * Uconj)

            minFunc = _np.mean(PSF * _np.log(PSF / Ic))
            print('Relative entropy per pixel:', minFunc)
            redChiSq = mean((PSF - Ic)**2)
            print('Reduced Chi square:', redChiSq)

            # Comparing measured with calculated PSF by entropy minimization:
            Ue = (PSF / Ic) * U
            # New PF guess:
            A = _np.zeros_like(Ue) + 1j * _np.zeros_like(Ue)
            for i in range(len(zs)):
                #Ue[i] = _fftpack.fftshift(Ue[i])
                if use_pyfftw:
                    Ue_aligned = pyfftw.n_byte_align(_fftpack.fftshift(Ue[i]),
                    fted_ue = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fft2(Ue_aligned)
                    A[i] = fted_ue / _np.exp(2 * _np.pi * 1j * kz * zs[i]) / N
                    fted_ue = _fftpack.fft2(_fftpack.fftshift(Ue[i]))
                    A[i] = fted_ue / _np.exp(2 * _np.pi * 1j * kz * zs[i]) / N
                for j in range(0, self.kzs.shape[0]):
                    A[i] = A[i] + fted_ue / _np.exp(
                        2 * _np.pi * 1j * self.kzs[j] * zs[i]) / N
                A[i] = A[i] / (1 + self.kzs.shape[0])
            A = _np.mean(A, axis=0)


            # NA restriction:
            A[k > k_max] = 0
            if resetAmp:
                amp = ndimage.gaussian_filter(np.abs(A), 15)
                A = amp * np.nan_to_num(A / np.abs(A))

            if symmeterize:
                if ii > (nIterations / 2):
                    A = 0.5 * (A + _np.flipud(A))

                #counts = sum(abs(A))/self.pupil_npxl
                #A = counts*_np.exp(1j*angle(A))
                #A[k>k_max] = 0

        return A
Example #56
 def ifftn(a):
     a = pyfftw.n_byte_align(a, a.dtype.alignment)
     return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.ifftn(a)
Example #57
                i += step
                r += 1

    # set up and open stream
    stream = p.open(format=p.get_format_from_width(2),
                            0, input_device_id).get('maxInputChannels')),
                            0, input_device_id).get('defaultSampleRate')),

    # fftw setup
    amplitude = pyfftw.n_byte_align(numpy.zeros(2048, dtype='float64'),
    fftw_obj = pyfftw.builders.fft(amplitude)

    # run main loop
    refresh_rate = 0.1
    while True:
Example #58
                r += 1
            # for r in range(numrects):
            #     rheights[r] = percentages[r]

            # when taking averages, average one more value each time (increment step each time)


    # set up and open stream
    stream_channels = int(pa.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index(0, input_device_id).get('maxInputChannels'))
    stream_rate = int(pa.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index(0, input_device_id).get('defaultSampleRate'))
    stream = pa.open(format=pa.get_format_from_width(2),
                    frames_per_buffer=int(chunk_size / stream_channels))

    # fftw setup
    amplitude = pyfftw.n_byte_align(numpy.zeros(chunk_size, dtype='float64'), n=16, dtype='float64')
    fftw_obj = pyfftw.builders.fft(amplitude)

    # display window
    Window.size = (w, h)
    gui = AV_GUI()
Example #59
def filter_fourier_bandpass(input_data,
    Note: Is MUCH (2.2x faster) more efficient to use real ffts, (implemented April)
    Use a Fourier space taper/tophat or pseudo gaussian filter to perform 
    narrowband filtering (much narrower than butterworth).  
    Problem is that bursts may generate ringing. 
    This should be better with taper=2, but it is not clear
      debug = None (follow pyfusion debug), 2 plot responses
    See the __main__ code below for nice test facilities
    twid is the width of the transition from stop to pass (not impl.?)
    >>> tb = timebase(np.linspace(0,20,512))
    >>> w = 2*np.pi* 1  # 1 Hertz
    >>> dat = dummysig(tb,np.sin(w*tb)*(tb<np.max(tb)/3))
    >>> fop = filter_fourier_bandpass(dat,[0.9,1.1],[0.8,1.2],debug=1).signal[0]

    Testing can be done on the dummy data set generated after running 
    e.g. (with pyfusion,DEBUG=2
    make_mask(512, [0.8,.93], [0.9,.98],dat,2)
    # medium sharp shoulder
    fopmed = filter_fourier_bandpass(dat,[9.5,10.5],[9,11],debug=1).signal[0]
    # very sharp shoulders
    fopsharp = filter_fourier_bandpass(dat,[9.1,10.9],[9,11],debug=1)
    if debug is None: debug = pyfusion.DBG()
    # normalising makes it easier to think about - also for But'w'h
    if (passband[0] < stopband[0]) or (passband[1] > stopband[1]):
        raise ValueError('passband {pb} outside stopband {sb}'.format(
            pb=passband, sb=stopband))
    norm_passband = input_data.timebase.normalise_freq(np.array(passband))
    norm_stopband = input_data.timebase.normalise_freq(np.array(stopband))
    NS = len(input_data.timebase)
    NA = next_nice_number(NS)
    input_data.history += str(" {fftt} : nice number: {NA} cf {NS}\n".format(
        fftt=pyfusion.fft_type, NA=NA, NS=NS))
    # take a little more to speed up FFT

    mask = make_mask(NA, norm_passband, norm_stopband, input_data, taper)
    output_data = deepcopy(input_data)  # was output_data = input_data

    if (pyfusion.fft_type == 'fftw3'):
        # should migrate elsewhere, but the import is only 6us
        # the setup time seems about 150-250us even if size is in wisdom
        # for 384, numpy is 20us, fftw3 is 4us, so fftw3 slower for less than
        # 10 channels (unless we cache the plan)
        #time# st=seconds()
        import pyfftw
        #time# im=seconds()
        tdtype = np.float32
        fdtype = np.complex64
        # this could be useful to cache.
        simd_align = pyfftw.simd_alignment  # 16 at the moment.
        tdom = pyfftw.n_byte_align(np.zeros(NA, dtype=tdtype), simd_align)
        FT = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(NA / 2 + 1, simd_align, fdtype)
        ids = [[id(tdom), id(FT)]]  # check to see if it moves out of alignment
        #time# alloc_t = seconds()
        fwd = pyfftw.FFTW(tdom,
        rev = pyfftw.FFTW(FT,
        #time# pl=seconds()
        #time# print("import {im:.2g}, alloc {al:.2g}, planboth {pl:.2g}"
        #time#      .format(im=im-st, al=alloc_t-im, pl=pl-alloc_t))
        tdtype = np.float32
        tdom = np.zeros(NA, dtype=tdtype)

        # example of tuning
        #pyfusion.fftw3_args= {'planning_timelimit': 50.0, 'threads':1, 'flags':['FFTW_MEASURE']}

    singl = not isinstance(output_data.channels, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
    if singl:
        ## this is a fudge - need to set the value part to a list.
        output_data.signal = [
        ]  # not right - need to use same fudge as acq/bas
        # output_data.signal.n_channels = fudgey_n_channels  #bdb fudge for single channel diag - doesn't work, because we fudged output_data.signal to be a list (or because n_channels is a func)
    for i, s in enumerate(output_data.signal):
        #if len(output_data.signal) == 1: print('bug for a single signal')

        #time run -i  pyfusion/examples/plot_svd.py "dev_name='LHD'" start_time=.497 "normalise='r'" shot_number=90091 numpts=512 diag_name=MP2010HMPno612 "filter=dict(centre=8e3,bw=5e3,taper=2)" plot_mag=1 plot_phase=1 separate=1 closed=0 time_range=[0.0000,4.]
        # 4.5 cf 15.8diag_name=MP2010HMPno612, time_range=[0.0000,2.80000]
        # 0, 4.194304 2**21 samples, 21.8 cf 6.8 1thr
        # (0,2)secs 90091 =2000000 samples 17 np, 5.73 2thread, nosimd, 6.1 1thread (mem bw?) 3.2 sec no filt
        # note - the above are on an intermeittently loaded E4300 2 processor, below on 4 core 5/760
        # 0, 4.194304 2**21 samples, 10.9 cf 3.16 thr2 3.47 1thr and 2.0 secs no filter
        # for 17 fft/ifft takes about 1.16 sec 2 threads - should be (27.5ms+28.6)*17 = 952ms (14.2 2thr) OK
        # duplicate the fft execute lines  4.3(3.47)  2thr 3.7(3.16) extra 810ms (expect 14.2ms * 2 * 17) =482
        # the difference between 2 and 1thr should be 14*2*17 ms 500ms.
        # orignall - 90ms/channel extra in reverse trasnform - maybe the 50 sec limit stopped optimization
        # next _nice: 5.74 for 10 sec lenny
        #  E4300: 1thr  9.3 (39np) for 10 sec 90091;    5.5 for 4 sec (19.6 np)
        if (pyfusion.fft_type == 'fftw3'
            ):  # fftw3 nosim, no thread 2.8s cf 10s
            #time# sst = seconds()
                NS] = s  # indexed to make sure tdom is in the right part of memory
            if NS != NA: tdom[NS:] = 0.
            FT[:] = FT * mask[0:NA / 2 + 1]  # 12ms
            output_data.signal[i] = tdom[0:NS] / NA  # doco says NA
            ids.append([id(tdom), id(FT)])
            #time# print("{dt:.1f}us".format(dt=(seconds()-sst)/1e-6)),
        else:  # default to numpy
            tdom[0:NS] = s
            FT = np.fft.fft(tdom)
            IFT = np.fft.ifft(mask * FT)
            if np.max(np.abs(IFT.imag)) > 1e-6 * np.max(np.abs(IFT.real)):
                pyfusion.logger.warning("inverse fft imag part > 1e-6")

            output_data.signal[i] = IFT.real[0:NS]

    if debug > 2: print('ids of fftw3 input and output: {t}'.format(t=ids))
    if debug > 1:
        fig = plt.figure()
        #fplot = host_subplot(111)
        fplot = fig.add_subplot(111)
        tplot = fplot.twinx()
        tplot.plot(input_data.signal[0], 'c', label='input')
        # for a while I needed a factor of 3 here too for fftw - why ????
        tplot.plot(output_data.signal[0], 'm', label='output')
        tplot.set_ylim(-2.4, 1.1)
        fplot.plot(mask, 'r.-', label='mask')
        fplot.plot(np.abs(FT) / len(mask), label='FT')
        #fplot.set_yscale('log', subsy=[2,5])
        fplot.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-6)
        fplot.set_ylim(0, 1e8)
        fig.suptitle('Passband {pbl}...{pbh}'.format(pbl=passband[0],
        fplot.legend(loc=4)  # bottom right
    debug_(debug, 3, key='filter_fourier')
    if np.max(mask) == 0: raise ValueError('Filter blocks all signals')
    from pyfusion.data.timeseries import Signal
    if singl:
        output_data.signal = Signal(output_data.signal[0])
        # output_data.signal.n_channels = fudgey_n_channels  would work if signal was propoer not just an array of data
    return output_data
Example #60
def homomorphic(im, args):
    """Process the input image with an homomorphic filtering.

	im : array_like
		Image data as numpy array.	

	d0 : float
		Cutoff in the range [0.01, 0.99] of the high pass Gaussian filter. 
        Higher values means more high pass effect. [Suggested for default: 0.80].

    alpha : float
		Offset to preserve the zero frequency where. Higher values means less 
        high pass effect. [Suggested for default: 0.2]

	(Parameters d0 and alpha have to passed as a string separated by ;)
	Example (using tiffile.py)
	>>> im = imread('im_orig.tif')
	>>> im = homomorphic(im, '0.5;0.2')    
	>>> imsave('im_flt.tif', im) 


    # Get args:
    param1, param2 = args.split(";")
    d0 = (1.0 - float(param1))  # Simpler for user
    alpha = float(param2)

    # Internal parameters for Gaussian low-pass filtering:
    d0 = d0 * (im.shape[1] / 2.0)

    # Take the log:
    im = nplog(1 + im)

    # Compute FFT:
    n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment)
    im = rfft2(im, threads=2)

    # Prepare the frequency coordinates:
    u = arange(0, im.shape[0], dtype=float32)
    v = arange(0, im.shape[1], dtype=float32)

    # Compute the indices for meshgrid:
    u[(u > im.shape[0] / 2.0)] = u[(u > im.shape[0] / 2.0)] - im.shape[0]
    v[(v > im.shape[1] / 2.0)] = v[(v > im.shape[1] / 2.0)] - im.shape[1]

    # Compute the meshgrid arrays:
    V, U = meshgrid(v, u)

    # Compute the distances D(U, V):
    D = sqrt(U**2 + V**2)

    # Prepare Guassian filter:
    H = npexp(-(D**2) / (2 * (d0**2)))
    H = (1 - H) + alpha

    # Do the filtering:
    im = H * im

    # Compute inverse FFT of the filtered data:
    n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment)
    #im = real(irfft2(im, threads=2))
    im = irfft2(im, threads=2)

    # Take the exp:
    im = npexp(im) - 1

    # Return image according to input type:
    return im.astype(float32)