""" from StringIO import StringIO import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import h5py from scipy import misc import numpy as np import json from pyfpm import web from pyfpm.fpmmath import iter_positions, recontruct from pyfpm.data import save_metadata # Connect to a web client running serve_microscope.py client = web.Client('') color = "green" out_hf = 'P1.h5' # Obs: pup_rad = nx*NA/n where n is the refraction index of the medium ns = 0.3 # Complement of the overlap between sampling pupils pupil_radius = 80 phi_max = 90 image_size = (480, 640) iterator_list = list(iter_positions(phi_max=phi_max, mode="leds")) task = "inspect" if task is "acquire": with h5py.File(out_hf, 'w') as hf: print("I will take %s images" % len(iterator_list)) save_metadata(hf, image_size, iterator_list, pupil_radius, ns, phi_max)
############################################################################### # File simulate_and_sample.py # With an already hosted server aqcuires the microscope image from the remote # client and simulates the same image from the local computer. # ############################################################################### from pyfpm import web client = web.Client(url) for theta, phi, power in iter_positions(40, .5): img = client.acquire(theta, phi, power) # procesas
matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm from scipy import misc # import h5py import pyfpm.fpmmath as fpm from pyfpm import web import pyfpm.coordtrans as ct import pyfpm.data as dt # Simulation parameters cfg = dt.load_config() out_file = dt.generate_out_file(cfg.output_sample) # Connect to a web client running serve_microscope.py client = web.Client(cfg.server_ip) # xoff=1250, yoff=950 def acquire_image_pattern(ss, pattern, Nmean=1): image_mean = np.zeros(cfg.patch_size) for i in range(Nmean): image_response = client.acquire_ledmatrix_pattern(pattern=pattern, power=255, color='R', shutter_speed=ss, iso=400, xoff=0, yoff=0) image_i = np.array(image_response).reshape(cfg.patch_size) image_mean += image_i return image_mean/(Nmean) def mencoded(angle): matrix = fpm.create_source_pattern(shape='semicircle', angle=angle, int_radius=2, radius=5,) pattern = fpm.hex_encode(matrix) return pattern
# Obs: pup_rad = nx*NA/n where n is the refraction index of the medium # ns = 0.3 # Complement of the overlap between sampling pupils # Simulation parameters image_size = cfg.video_size wavelength = cfg.wavelength pixelsize = cfg.pixel_size # See jupyter notebook phi_min, phi_max, phi_step = cfg.phi theta_min, theta_max, theta_step = cfg.theta pupil_radius = cfg.pupil_size / 2 mode = cfg.task itertype = cfg.sweep server_ip = cfg.server_ip # Connect to a web client running serve_microscope.py client = web.Client(server_ip) pc = PlatformCoordinates(theta=0, phi=0, height=cfg.sample_height, cfg=cfg) pc.generate_model(cfg.plat_model) # Obs: pup_rad = nx*NA/n where n is the refraction index of the medium # Opens input image as if it was sampled at pupil_pos = (0,0) with high # resolution details iterator = set_iterator(cfg) task = 'reconstruct' if task is 'acquire': image_dict = dict() save_yaml_metadata(out_file, cfg) for index, theta, phi, power in iterator: pc.set_coordinates(theta, phi, units='degrees') [theta_plat, phi_plat, shift, power] = pc.parameters_to_platform() print("parameters to platform", theta_plat, phi_plat, shift, power)