Example #1
    def _errest(self, x, y, z):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        errest = self._get_errest_kerns()

        # Obtain an estimate for the squared error
        self._prepare_reg_banks(x, y, z)
        self._queue % errest(self._atol, self._rtol)

        # L2 norm
        if self._norm == 'l2':
            # Reduce locally (element types + field variables)
            err = np.array([sum(v for e in errest.retval for v in e)])

            # Reduce globally (MPI ranks)
            comm.Allreduce(get_mpi('in_place'), err, op=get_mpi('sum'))

            # Normalise
            err = math.sqrt(float(err) / self._gndofs)
        # L^∞ norm
            # Reduce locally (element types + field variables)
            err = np.array([max(v for e in errest.retval for v in e)])

            # Reduce globally (MPI ranks)
            comm.Allreduce(get_mpi('in_place'), err, op=get_mpi('max'))

            # Normalise
            err = math.sqrt(float(err))

        return err if not math.isnan(err) else 100
Example #2
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            # Determine the file path
            fname = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'file')

            # Append the '.csv' extension
            if not fname.endswith('.csv'):
                fname += '.csv'

            # Open for appending
            self.outf = open(fname, 'a')

            # Output a header if required
            if (os.path.getsize(fname) == 0
                    and self.cfg.getbool(cfgsect, 'header', True)):
                # Conservative variable list
                convars = intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims]

                print(','.join(['t'] + convars), file=self.outf)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, "nsteps")

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            # Determine the file path
            fname = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, "file")

            # Append the '.csv' extension
            if not fname.endswith(".csv"):
                fname += ".csv"

            # Open for appending
            self.outf = open(fname, "a")

            # Output a header if required
            if os.path.getsize(fname) == 0 and self.cfg.getbool(cfgsect, "header", True):
                # Conservative variable list
                convars = intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims]

                print(",".join(["t"] + convars), file=self.outf)
Example #4
File: native.py Project: pv101/PyFR
    def _write_parallel(self, path, data, metadata):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        with h5py.File(path, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm) as h5file:
            dmap = {}
            for name, shape in self._global_shape_list:
                dmap[name] = h5file.create_dataset(
                    name, shape, dtype=self.fpdtype

            # Write out our data sets using 2 GiB chunks
            for name, dat in zip(self._loc_names, data):
                nrows = len(dat)
                rowsz = dat.nbytes // nrows
                rstep = 2*1024**3 // rowsz

                if rstep == 0:
                    raise RuntimeError('Array is too large for parallel I/O')

                for ix in range(0, nrows, rstep):
                    dmap[name][ix:ix + rstep] = dat[ix:ix + rstep]

            # Metadata information has to be transferred to all the ranks
            if rank == root:
                mmap = [(k, len(v.encode()))
                        for k, v in metadata.items()]
                mmap = None

            for name, size in comm.bcast(mmap, root=root):
                d = h5file.create_dataset(name, (), dtype='S{}'.format(size))

                if rank == root:
                    d.write_direct(np.array(metadata[name], dtype='S'))
Example #5
    def _errest(self, x, y, z):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        errest = self._get_errest_kerns()

        # Obtain an estimate for the squared error
        self._prepare_reg_banks(x, y, z)
        self._queue % errest(self._atol, self._rtol)

        # L2 norm
        if self._norm == 'l2':
            # Reduce locally (element types) and globally (MPI ranks)
            rl = sum(errest.retval)
            rg = comm.allreduce(rl, op=get_mpi('sum'))

            # Normalise
            err = math.sqrt(rg / self._gndofs)
        # Uniform norm
            # Reduce locally (element types) and globally (MPI ranks)
            rl = max(errest.retval)
            rg = comm.allreduce(rl, op=get_mpi('max'))

            # Normalise
            err = math.sqrt(rg)

        return err if not math.isnan(err) else 100
Example #6
    def _resid(self, dtau, x):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Get an errest kern to compute the square of the maximum residual
        errest = self._get_errest_kerns()

        # Prepare and run the kernel
        self._prepare_reg_banks(x, x, x)
        self._queue % errest(dtau, 0.0)

        # L2 norm
        if self._pseudo_norm == 'l2':
            # Reduce locally (element types) and globally (MPI ranks)
            res = np.array([sum(ev) for ev in zip(*errest.retval)])
            comm.Allreduce(get_mpi('in_place'), res, op=get_mpi('sum'))

            # Normalise and return
            return np.sqrt(res / self._gndofs)
        # L^∞ norm
            # Reduce locally (element types) and globally (MPI ranks)
            res = np.array([max(ev) for ev in zip(*errest.retval)])
            comm.Allreduce(get_mpi('in_place'), res, op=get_mpi('max'))

            # Normalise and return
            return np.sqrt(res)
Example #7
    def _write_parallel(self, path, solnmap, metadata):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        with h5py.File(path, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm) as h5file:
            smap = {}
            for name, shape in self.sollist:
                smap[name] = h5file.create_dataset(
                    name, shape, dtype=self.backend.fpdtype

            for e, sol in solnmap.items():
                s = self._get_name_for_soln(e, self.rallocs.prank)
                smap[s][:] = sol

            # Metadata information has to be transferred to all the ranks
            if rank == root:
                mmap = [(k, len(v.encode()))
                        for k, v in metadata.items()]
                mmap = None

            for name, size in comm.bcast(mmap, root=root):
                d = h5file.create_dataset(name, (), dtype='S{}'.format(size))

                if rank == root:
                    d.write_direct(np.array(metadata[name], dtype='S'))
Example #8
    def __init__(self, mesh, cfg):
        self.cfg = cfg

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Have the root rank determine the connectivity of the mesh
        if rank == root:
            prankconn = self._get_mesh_connectivity(mesh)
            nparts = len(prankconn)

            if nparts != comm.size:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Mesh has {0} partitions but running with " "{1} MPI ranks".format(nparts, comm.size)
            prankconn = None

        # Get subclass dependant info about each rank (e.g., hostname)
        rinfo = comm.gather(self._get_rank_info(), root=root)

        # If we are the root rank then perform the rank allocation
        if rank == root:
            mprankmap = self._get_mprankmap(prankconn, rinfo)
            mprankmap = None

        # Broadcast the connectivity and rank mappings to all other ranks
        self.prankconn = prankconn = comm.bcast(prankconn, root=root)
        self.mprankmap = mprankmap = comm.bcast(mprankmap, root=root)

        # Invert the mapping to obtain the physical-to-MPI rank mapping
        self.pmrankmap = sorted(range(comm.size), key=mprankmap.__getitem__)

        # Compute our physical rank
        self.prank = mprankmap[rank]
Example #9
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(FileWriter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Get the type and shape of each element in the partition
        etypes, shapes = self._system.ele_types, self._system.ele_shapes

        # Gather this information onto the root rank
        eleinfo = comm.gather(zip(etypes, shapes), root=root)

        if rank == root:
            self._mpi_rbufs = mpi_rbufs = []
            self._mpi_rreqs = mpi_rreqs = []
            self._mpi_names = mpi_names = []
            self._loc_names = loc_names = []

            for mrank, meleinfo in enumerate(eleinfo):
                prank = self._rallocs.mprankmap[mrank]
                for tag, (etype, dims) in enumerate(meleinfo):
                    name = self._get_name_for_soln(etype, prank)

                    if mrank == root:
                        rbuf = np.empty(dims, dtype=self._backend.fpdtype)
                        rreq = comm.Recv_init(rbuf, mrank, tag)

Example #10
    def _write_parallel(self, path, data, metadata):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        with h5py.File(path, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm) as h5file:
            dmap = {}
            for name, shape in self._global_shape_list:
                dmap[name] = h5file.create_dataset(
                    name, shape, dtype=self.fpdtype

            for s, dat in zip(self._loc_names, data):
                dmap[s][:] = dat

            # Metadata information has to be transferred to all the ranks
            if rank == root:
                mmap = [(k, len(v.encode()))
                        for k, v in metadata.items()]
                mmap = None

            for name, size in comm.bcast(mmap, root=root):
                d = h5file.create_dataset(name, (), dtype='S{}'.format(size))

                if rank == root:
                    d.write_direct(np.array(metadata[name], dtype='S'))
Example #11
    def _write_parallel(self, path, data, metadata):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        with h5py.File(path, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm) as f:
            dmap = {}
            for name, shape, dtype in self._global_shape_list:
                dmap[name] = f.create_dataset(name, shape, dtype=dtype)

            # Write out our data sets using 2 GiB chunks
            for name, dat in zip(self._loc_names, data):
                nrows = len(dat)
                rowsz = dat.nbytes // nrows
                rstep = 2 * 1024**3 // rowsz

                if rstep == 0:
                    raise RuntimeError('Array is too large for parallel I/O')

                for ix in range(0, nrows, rstep):
                    dmap[name][ix:ix + rstep] = dat[ix:ix + rstep]

            # Metadata information has to be transferred to all the ranks
            if rank == root:
                mmap = [(k, len(v.encode())) for k, v in metadata.items()]
                mmap = None

            for name, size in comm.bcast(mmap, root=root):
                d = f.create_dataset(name, (), dtype='S{}'.format(size))

                if rank == root:
                    d.write_direct(np.array(metadata[name], dtype='S'))

        # Wait for everyone to finish writing
Example #12
    def _write_serial(self, path, data, metadata):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        if rank != root:
            for tag, buf in enumerate(data):
                comm.Send(buf.copy(), root)
            with h5py.File(path, 'w') as f:
                # Write the metadata
                for k, v in metadata.items():
                    f[k] = np.array(v, dtype='S')

                # Write our local data
                for k, v in zip(self._loc_info, data):
                    f[k] = v

                # Receive and write the remote data
                for k, mrank, shape, dtype in self._mpi_info:
                    v = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
                    comm.Recv(v, mrank)

                    f[k] = v

        # Wait for the root rank to finish writing
Example #13
    def __init__(self, mesh, cfg):
        self.cfg = cfg

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        if rank == root:
            # Determine the (physical) connectivity of the mesh
            prankconn = self._get_mesh_connectivity(mesh)
            nparts = len(prankconn) or 1

            if nparts != comm.size:
                raise RuntimeError('Mesh has %d partitions but running with '
                                   '%d MPI ranks' % (nparts, comm.size))
            prankconn = None

        # Get subclass dependant info about each rank (e.g, hostname)
        rinfo = comm.gather(self._get_rank_info(), root=root)

        if rank == root:
            # Use this info to construct a mapping from MPI ranks to
            # physical mesh ranks
            mprankmap = self._get_mprankmap(prankconn, rinfo)
            mprankmap = None

        # Broadcast the connectivity and physical to each MPI rank
        self.prankconn = comm.bcast(prankconn, root=root)
        self.mprankmap = comm.bcast(mprankmap, root=root)

        # Invert this mapping
        self.pmrankmap = {v: k for k, v in self.mprankmap.items()}

        # Compute the physical rank of ourself
        self.prank = self.mprankmap[rank]
Example #14
    def __call__(self, intg):
        # Return if no output is due
        if intg.nacptsteps % self.nsteps:

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Get the solution matrices
        solns = intg.soln

        # Perform the sampling and interpolation
        samples = [op @ solns[et][:, :, ei] for et, ei, _, op in self._ourpts]
        samples = self._process_samples(samples)

        # Gather to the root rank
        comm.Gatherv(samples, self._ptsrecv, root=root)

        # If we're the root rank then output
        if rank == root:
            for off, ploc in self._ptsinfo:

            # Flush to disk
Example #15
    def _resid(self, rcurr, rold, dt_fac):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Get a reduction kern to compute the square of the maximum residual
        resid = self._get_reduction_kerns(rcurr,

        # Run the kernel
        self._queue.enqueue_and_run(resid, dt_fac)

        # L2 norm
        if self._pseudo_norm == 'l2':
            # Reduce locally (element types) and globally (MPI ranks)
            res = np.array([sum(ev) for ev in zip(*[r.retval for r in resid])])
            comm.Allreduce(get_mpi('in_place'), res, op=get_mpi('sum'))

            # Normalise and return
            return tuple(np.sqrt(res / self._gndofs))
        # L^∞ norm
            # Reduce locally (element types) and globally (MPI ranks)
            res = np.array([max(ev) for ev in zip(*[r.retval for r in resid])])
            comm.Allreduce(get_mpi('in_place'), res, op=get_mpi('max'))

            # Normalise and return
            return tuple(np.sqrt(res))
Example #16
    def _write_serial(self, path, data, metadata):
        from mpi4py import MPI

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        if rank != root:
            for tag, buf in enumerate(data):
                comm.Send(buf.copy(), root, tag)
            # Recv all of the non-local data

            # Combine local and MPI data
            names = it.chain(self._loc_names, self._mpi_names)
            dats = it.chain(data, self._mpi_rbufs)

            # Convert any metadata to ASCII
            metadata = {k: np.array(v, dtype='S')
                        for k, v in metadata.items()}

            # Create the output dictionary
            outdict = dict(zip(names, dats), **metadata)

            with h5py.File(path, 'w') as h5file:
                for k, v in outdict.items():
                    h5file[k] = v
Example #17
    def _write_serial(self, path, data, metadata):
        from mpi4py import MPI

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        if rank != root:
            for tag, buf in enumerate(data):
                comm.Send(buf.copy(), root, tag)
            # Recv all of the non-local data

            # Combine local and MPI data
            names = it.chain(self._loc_names, self._mpi_names)
            dats = it.chain(data, self._mpi_rbufs)

            # Convert any metadata to ASCII
            metadata = {k: np.array(v, dtype='S') for k, v in metadata.items()}

            # Create the output dictionary
            outdict = dict(zip(names, dats), **metadata)

            with h5py.File(path, 'w') as h5file:
                for k, v in outdict.items():
                    h5file[k] = v
Example #18
    def __init__(self, mesh, cfg):
        self.cfg = cfg

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Have the root rank determine the connectivity of the mesh
        if rank == root:
            prankconn = self._get_mesh_connectivity(mesh)
            nparts = len(prankconn)

            if nparts != comm.size:
                raise RuntimeError('Mesh has {0} partitions but running with '
                                   '{1} MPI ranks'.format(nparts, comm.size))
            prankconn = None

        # Get subclass dependant info about each rank (e.g., hostname)
        rinfo = comm.gather(self._get_rank_info(), root=root)

        # If we are the root rank then perform the rank allocation
        if rank == root:
            mprankmap = self._get_mprankmap(prankconn, rinfo)
            mprankmap = None

        # Broadcast the connectivity and rank mappings to all other ranks
        self.prankconn = prankconn = comm.bcast(prankconn, root=root)
        self.mprankmap = mprankmap = comm.bcast(mprankmap, root=root)

        # Invert the mapping to obtain the physical-to-MPI rank mapping
        self.pmrankmap = sorted(range(comm.size), key=mprankmap.__getitem__)

        # Compute our physical rank
        self.prank = mprankmap[rank]
Example #19
    def _errest(self, rcurr, rprev, rerr):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        errest = self._get_reduction_kerns(rcurr, rprev, rerr, method='errest',

        # Obtain an estimate for the squared error
        self._queue.enqueue_and_run(errest, self._atol, self._rtol)

        # L2 norm
        if self._norm == 'l2':
            # Reduce locally (element types + field variables)
            err = np.array([sum(v for e in errest for v in e.retval)])

            # Reduce globally (MPI ranks)
            comm.Allreduce(get_mpi('in_place'), err, op=get_mpi('sum'))

            # Normalise
            err = math.sqrt(float(err) / self._gndofs)
        # L^∞ norm
            # Reduce locally (element types + field variables)
            err = np.array([max(v for e in errest for v in e.retval)])

            # Reduce globally (MPI ranks)
            comm.Allreduce(get_mpi('in_place'), err, op=get_mpi('max'))

            # Normalise
            err = math.sqrt(float(err))

        return err if not math.isnan(err) else 100
Example #20
    def __init__(self, intg, basedir, basename, prefix, *, extn='.pyfrs'):
        # Base output directory and file name
        self.basedir = basedir
        self.basename = basename

        # Data prefix
        self.prefix = prefix

        # Our physical rank
        self.prank = intg.rallocs.prank

        # Append the relevant extension
        if not self.basename.endswith(extn):
            self.basename += extn

        # Output counter (incremented each time write() is called)
        self.nout = self._restore_nout() if intg.isrestart else 0

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Parallel I/O
        if (h5py.get_config().mpi
                and 'PYFR_FORCE_SERIAL_HDF5' not in os.environ):
            self._write = self._write_parallel
        # Serial I/O
            self._write = self._write_serial
Example #21
    def _write_parallel(self, path, data, metadata):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        with h5py.File(path, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm) as h5file:
            dmap = {}
            for name, shape in self._global_shape_list:
                dmap[name] = h5file.create_dataset(
                    name, shape, dtype=self.fpdtype

            for s, dat in zip(self._loc_names, data):
                dmap[s][:] = dat

            # Metadata information has to be transferred to all the ranks
            if rank == root:
                mmap = [(k, len(v.encode()))
                        for k, v in metadata.items()]
                mmap = None

            for name, size in comm.bcast(mmap, root=root):
                d = h5file.create_dataset(name, (), dtype='S{}'.format(size))

                if rank == root:
                    d.write_direct(np.array(metadata[name], dtype='S'))
Example #22
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Constant variables
        self._constants = self.cfg.items_as('constants', float)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        inletname = self.cfg.getliteral(cfgsect, 'inletname')
        self.area = self.cfg.getfloat(cfgsect, 'area')
        self.mdotstar = self.cfg.getfloat(
            cfgsect, 'mdotstar')  # Desired mass flow rate per area at inlet
        self.mdot = 0.0

        self.hasinlet = False

        # Initialize rhou forcing
        intg.system.rhouforce = 0.0
        intg.system.mdot = 0.0
        intg.system.mdotold = self.mdotstar

        # Boundary to integrate over
        bc = 'pcon_{0}_p{1}'.format(inletname, intg.rallocs.prank)

        # Get the mesh and elements
        mesh, elemap = intg.system.mesh, intg.system.ele_map

        # Interpolation matrices and quadrature weights
        self._m0 = m0 = {}
        self._qwts = qwts = defaultdict(list)

        # If we have the boundary then process the interface
        if bc in mesh:
            self.hasinlet = True
            # Element indices and associated face normals
            eidxs = defaultdict(list)
            norms = defaultdict(list)

            for etype, eidx, fidx, flags in mesh[bc].astype('U4,i4,i1,i1'):
                eles = elemap[etype]

                if (etype, fidx) not in m0:
                    facefpts = eles.basis.facefpts[fidx]

                    m0[etype, fidx] = eles.basis.m0[facefpts]
                    qwts[etype, fidx] = eles.basis.fpts_wts[facefpts]

                # Unit physical normals and their magnitudes (including |J|)
                npn = eles.get_norm_pnorms(eidx, fidx)
                mpn = eles.get_mag_pnorms(eidx, fidx)

                eidxs[etype, fidx].append(eidx)
                norms[etype, fidx].append(mpn[:, None] * npn)

            self._eidxs = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in eidxs.items()}
            self._norms = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in norms.items()}
Example #23
File: base.py Project: pv101/PyFR
    def _get_gndofs(self):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Get the number of degrees of freedom in this partition
        ndofs = sum(self.system.ele_ndofs)

        # Sum to get the global number over all partitions
        return comm.allreduce(ndofs, op=get_mpi('sum'))
Example #24
File: base.py Project: ilhamv/PyFR
    def _get_gndofs(self):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Get the number of degrees of freedom in this partition
        ndofs = sum(self.system.ele_ndofs)

        # Sum to get the global number over all partitions
        return comm.allreduce(ndofs, op=get_mpi('sum'))
Example #25
def main():
    ap = ArgumentParser(prog='pyfr-sim', description='Runs a PyFR simulation')
    ap.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count')
    ap.add_argument('--backend', '-b', default='cuda', help='Backend to use')
    ap.add_argument('--progress', '-p', action='store_true',
                    help='show a progress bar')
    ap.add_argument('--nansweep', '-n', metavar='N', type=int,
                    help='check for NaNs every N steps')

    sp = ap.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help')

    ap_run = sp.add_parser('run', help='run --help')
    ap_run.add_argument('mesh', help='mesh file')
    ap_run.add_argument('cfg', type=FileType('r'), help='config file')

    ap_restart = sp.add_parser('restart', help='restart --help')
    ap_restart.add_argument('mesh', help='mesh file')
    ap_restart.add_argument('soln', help='solution file')
    ap_restart.add_argument('cfg', nargs='?', type=FileType('r'),
                            help='new config file')

    # Parse the arguments
    args = ap.parse_args()
    mesh, soln, cfg = args.process(args)

    # Create a backend
    backend = get_backend(args.backend, cfg)

    # Bring up MPI (this must be done after we have created a backend)

    # Get the mapping from physical ranks to MPI ranks
    rallocs = get_rank_allocation(mesh, cfg)

    # Construct the solver
    solver = get_solver(backend, rallocs, mesh, soln, cfg)

    # If we are running interactively then create a progress bar
    if args.progress and mpiutil.get_comm_rank_root()[1] == 0:
        pb = ProgressBar(solver.tstart, solver.tcurr, solver.tend)

        # Register a callback to update the bar after each step
        callb = lambda intg: pb.advance_to(intg.tcurr)

    # NaN sweeping
    if args.nansweep:
        def nansweep(intg):
            if intg.nsteps % args.nansweep == 0:
                if any(np.isnan(np.sum(s)) for s in intg.soln):
                    raise RuntimeError('NaNs detected at t = {}'

    # Execute!
Example #26
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix=None):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Underlying system
        system = intg.system

        # Underlying system elements class
        self.elementscls = system.elementscls

        # Expressions to integrate
        c = self.cfg.items_as('constants', float)
        self.exprs = [
            self.cfg.getexpr(cfgsect, k, subs=c)
            for k in self.cfg.items(cfgsect) if k.startswith('int-')

        # Integration region pre-processing
        rinfo = self._prepare_region_info(intg)

        # Gradient pre-processing
        self._init_gradients(intg, rinfo)

        # Save a reference to the physical solution point locations
        self.plocs = system.ele_ploc_upts

        # Integration parameters
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            header = ['t'] + [
                k for k in self.cfg.items(cfgsect) if k.startswith('int-')

            # Open
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, ','.join(header))

        # Prepare the per element-type info list
        self.eleinfo = []
        for (ename, eles), (eset, emask) in zip(system.ele_map.items(), rinfo):
            # Locations of each solution point
            ploc = eles.ploc_at_np('upts')[..., eset]
            ploc = ploc.swapaxes(0, 1)

            # Jacobian determinants
            rcpdjacs = eles.rcpdjac_at_np('upts')[:, eset]

            # Quadature weights
            rname = self.cfg.get(f'solver-elements-{ename}', 'soln-pts')
            wts = get_quadrule(ename, rname, eles.nupts).wts

            # Save
            self.eleinfo.append((ploc, wts[:, None] / rcpdjacs, eset, emask))
Example #27
    def __init__(self, intg, mdata, basedir, basename, *, extn='.pyfrs'):
        # Base output directory and file name
        self.basedir = basedir
        self.basename = basename

        # Append the relevant extension
        if not self.basename.endswith(extn):
            self.basename += extn

        # Output counter (incremented each time write() is called)
        self.nout = self._restore_nout() if intg.isrestart else 0

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Gather the output metadata across all ranks
        mdata = comm.allgather(mdata)

        # Parallel I/O
        if (h5py.get_config().mpi
                and 'PYFR_FORCE_SERIAL_HDF5' not in os.environ):
            self._write = self._write_parallel
            self._loc_names = loc_names = []
            self._global_shape_list = []

            for mrank, mfields in enumerate(mdata):
                prank = intg.rallocs.mprankmap[mrank]

                # Loop over all element types across all ranks
                for fname, fshape, fdtype in mfields:
                    name = f'{fname}_p{prank}'
                    self._global_shape_list.append((name, fshape, fdtype))

                    if rank == mrank:
        # Serial I/O
            self._write = self._write_serial

            if rank == root:
                self._loc_info = loc_info = []
                self._mpi_info = mpi_info = []

                for mrank, mfields in enumerate(mdata):
                    prank = intg.rallocs.mprankmap[mrank]
                    for fname, fshape, fdtype in mfields:
                        name = f'{fname}_p{prank}'

                        if mrank == root:
                            mpi_info.append((name, mrank, fshape, fdtype))
Example #28
    def __call__(self, intg):
        # Return if no output is due
        if intg.nsteps % self.nsteps:

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Solution matrices indexed by element type
        solns = dict(zip(intg.system.ele_types, intg.soln))

        # Force vector
        f = np.zeros(self.ndims)

        for etype, fidx in self._m0:
            # Get the interpolation operator
            m0 = self._m0[etype, fidx]
            nfpts, nupts = m0.shape

            # Extract the relevant elements from the solution
            uupts = solns[etype][..., self._eidxs[etype, fidx]]

            # Interpolate to the face
            ufpts = np.dot(m0, uupts.reshape(nupts, -1))
            ufpts = ufpts.reshape(nfpts, self.nvars, -1)
            ufpts = ufpts.swapaxes(0, 1)

            # Compute the pressure
            p = self.elementscls.conv_to_pri(ufpts, self.cfg)[-1]

            # Get the quadrature weights and normal vectors
            qwts = self._qwts[etype, fidx]
            norms = self._norms[etype, fidx]

            # Do the quadrature
            f += np.einsum('i...,ij,jik', qwts, p, norms)

        # Reduce and output if we're the root rank
        if rank != root:
            comm.Reduce(f, None, op=get_mpi('sum'), root=root)
            comm.Reduce(get_mpi('in_place'), f, op=get_mpi('sum'), root=root)

            # Build the row
            row = [intg.tcurr] + f.tolist()

            # Write
            print(','.join(str(r) for r in row), file=self.outf)

            # Flush to disk
Example #29
    def get_state(self):
        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Solution matrices indexed by element type
        solns = dict(zip(self.solver.system.ele_types, self.solver.soln))

        # Points we're responsible for sampling
        ourpts = self._ptsinfo[comm.rank]

        # Sample the solution matrices at these points
        samples = [solns[et][ui, :, ei] for _, et, (ui, ei) in ourpts]
        samples = self._process_samples(samples)

        # Gather to the root rank to give a list of points per rank
        samples = comm.gather(samples, root=root)

        # If we're the root rank process the data
        if rank == root:
            data = []

            # Collate
            iters = [zip(pi, sp) for pi, sp in zip(self._ptsinfo, samples)]

            for mrank in self._ptsrank:
                # Unpack
                (ploc, etype, idx), samp = next(iters[mrank])

                # Determine the physical mesh rank
                prank = self.solver.rallocs.mprankmap[mrank]

                # Prepare the output row [[x, y], [rho, rhou, rhouv, E]]
                row = [ploc, samp]

                # Append

            # Define freestream values for to be used for cylinder
            rho = 1.0
            P = 1.0
            u = 0.236
            v = 0.0
            e = P / rho / 0.4 + 0.5 * (u**2 + v**2)
            freestream = np.array([rho, rho * u, rho * v, e])
            sol_data = np.zeros((128, 256, 4))
            sol_data[:, :] = freestream
            for i in range(len(self.loc_to_idx)):
                idx1, idx2 = self.loc_to_idx[i]
                sol_data[idx1, idx2] = data[i][1]

        return sol_data
Example #30
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            header = ['t'] + intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims]

            # Open
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, ','.join(header))
Example #31
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # List of points to be sampled and format
        self.pts = ast.literal_eval(self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'samp-pts'))
        self.fmt = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'format', 'primitive')

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # MPI rank responsible for each point and rank-indexed info
        self._ptsrank = ptsrank = []
        self._ptsinfo = ptsinfo = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]

        # Physical location of the solution points
        plocs = [p.swapaxes(1, 2) for p in intg.system.ele_ploc_upts]

        for p in self.pts:
            # Find the nearest point in our partition
            cp = _closest_upt(intg.system.ele_types, plocs, p)

            # Reduce over all partitions
            mcp, mrank = comm.allreduce(cp, op=get_mpi('minloc'))

            # Store the rank responsible along with the info

        # If we're the root rank then open the output file
        if rank == root:
            # Determine the file path
            fname = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'file')

            # Append the '.csv' extension
            if not fname.endswith('.csv'):
                fname += '.csv'

            # Open for appending
            self.outf = open(fname, 'a')

            # Output a header if required
            if (os.path.getsize(fname) == 0 and
                self.cfg.getbool(cfgsect, 'header', True)):
                print(self._header, file=self.outf)
Example #32
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            header = ['t'] + intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims]

            # Open
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, ','.join(header))
Example #33
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # List of points to be sampled and format
        self.pts = ast.literal_eval(self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'samp-pts'))
        self.fmt = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'format', 'primitive')

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # MPI rank responsible for each point and rank-indexed info
        self._ptsrank = ptsrank = []
        self._ptsinfo = ptsinfo = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]

        # Physical location of the solution points
        plocs = [p.swapaxes(1, 2) for p in intg.system.ele_ploc_upts]

        for p in self.pts:
            # Find the nearest point in our partition
            cp = _closest_upt(intg.system.ele_types, plocs, p)

            # Reduce over all partitions
            mcp, mrank = comm.allreduce(cp, op=get_mpi('minloc'))

            # Store the rank responsible along with the info

        # If we're the root rank then open the output file
        if rank == root:
            # Determine the file path
            fname = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'file')

            # Append the '.csv' extension
            if not fname.endswith('.csv'):
                fname += '.csv'

            # Open for appending
            self.outf = open(fname, 'a')

            # Output a header if required
            if (os.path.getsize(fname) == 0 and
                self.cfg.getbool(cfgsect, 'header', True)):
                print(self._header, file=self.outf)
Example #34
    def __init__(self, backend, systemcls, rallocs, mesh, initsoln, cfg):
        self.backend = backend
        self.rallocs = rallocs
        self.cfg = cfg

        # Sanity checks
        if self._controller_needs_errest and not self._stepper_has_errest:
            raise TypeError('Incompatible stepper/controller combination')

        # Start time
        self.tstart = cfg.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 't0', 0.0)

        # Output times
        self.tout = sorted(range_eval(cfg.get('soln-output', 'times')))
        self.tend = self.tout[-1]

        # Current time; defaults to tstart unless resuming a simulation
        if initsoln is None or 'stats' not in initsoln:
            self.tcurr = self.tstart
            stats = Inifile(initsoln['stats'])
            self.tcurr = stats.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'tcurr')

            # Cull already written output times
            self.tout = [t for t in self.tout if t > self.tcurr]

        # Ensure no time steps are in the past
        if self.tout[0] < self.tcurr:
            raise ValueError('Output times must be in the future')

        # Determine the amount of temp storage required by thus method
        nreg = self._stepper_nregs

        # Construct the relevant mesh partition
        self.system = systemcls(backend, rallocs, mesh, initsoln, nreg, cfg)

        # Extract the UUID of the mesh (to be saved with solutions)
        self._mesh_uuid = mesh['mesh_uuid']

        # Get a queue for subclasses to use
        self._queue = backend.queue()

        # Get the number of degrees of freedom in this partition
        ndofs = sum(self.system.ele_ndofs)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Sum to get the global number over all partitions
        self._gndofs = comm.allreduce(ndofs, op=get_mpi('sum'))
Example #35
    def setup_dataframe(self):
        self.elementscls = self.solver.system.elementscls

        # List of points to be sampled and format
        file = open(self.base_dir + '/samp_pts.txt', 'r')
        self.pts = eval(file.read())
        self.fmt = 'not primitive'  # all the configs had this as primitive but i dont think it was used

        # Define directory where solution snapshots should be saved
        self.save_dir = 'sol_data'

        if self.baseline_file is not None:
            f = h5py.File(self.baseline_file, 'r')
            self.goal_state = np.array(f['sol_data'])
            self.goal_state = None

        # Initial omega
        self.solver.system.omega = 0

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # MPI rank responsible for each point and rank-indexed info
        self._ptsrank = ptsrank = []
        self._ptsinfo = ptsinfo = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]

        # Physical location of the solution points
        plocs = [p.swapaxes(1, 2) for p in self.solver.system.ele_ploc_upts]

        # Load map from point to index
        with open(self.base_dir + '/loc_to_idx.json') as loc_to_idx:
            loc_to_idx_str = json.load(loc_to_idx, )
            self.loc_to_idx = dict()
            for key in loc_to_idx_str:
                self.loc_to_idx[int(key)] = loc_to_idx_str[key]

        # Locate the closest solution points in our partition
        closest = _closest_upts(self.solver.system.ele_types, plocs, self.pts)

        # Process these points
        for cp in closest:
            # Reduce over the distance
            _, mrank = comm.allreduce((cp[0], rank), op=get_mpi('minloc'))

            # Store the rank responsible along with its info
                comm.bcast(cp[1:] if rank == mrank else None, root=mrank))
Example #36
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, prefix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, prefix)

        self.flushsteps = self.cfg.getint(self.cfgsect, 'flushsteps', 500)

        self.count = 0
        self.stats = []
        self.tprev = intg.tcurr

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, 'n,t,dt,action,error')
Example #37
    def _resid(self, x, y):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Get an errest kern to compute the square of the maximum residual
        errest = self._get_errest_kerns()

        # Prepare and run the kernel
        self._prepare_reg_banks(x, y, y)
        self._queue % errest(self._pseudo_aresid, self._pseudo_rresid)

        # Reduce locally (element types) and globally (MPI ranks)
        rl = max(errest.retval)
        rg = comm.allreduce(rl, op=get_mpi('max'))

        # Normalise
        return math.sqrt(rg)
Example #38
    def _resid(self, x, y):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Get an errest kern to compute the square of the maximum residual
        errest = self._get_errest_kerns()

        # Prepare and run the kernel
        self._prepare_reg_banks(x, y, y)
        self._queue % errest(self._pseudo_aresid, self._pseudo_rresid)

        # Reduce locally (element types) and globally (MPI ranks)
        rl = max(errest.retval)
        rg = comm.allreduce(rl, op=get_mpi('max'))

        # Normalise
        return math.sqrt(rg)
Example #39
    def _write_parallel(self, path, data, metadata):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        info = self._prepare_data_info(data)

        # If we are the root rank then process any metadata
        if rank == root:
            data = dict(data)

            for k, v in metadata.items():
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    data[k] = np.array(v.encode(), dtype='S')
                    info[k] = ((), data[k].dtype.str)
                    data[k] = v
                    info[k] = (v.shape, v.dtype.str)
        elif metadata:
            raise ValueError('Metadata must be written by the root rank')

        # Distribute the data info to all of the ranks
        ginfo = comm.allgather(info)

        with h5py.File(path, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm) as f:
            # Parallel HDF5 requires that data sets be created collectively
            for minfo in ginfo:
                for name, (shape, dtype) in minfo.items():
                    f.create_dataset(name, shape, dtype=dtype)

            # Write out our local data
            for name, dat in zip(info, data.values()):
                fdata = f[name]

                if dat.shape:
                    nrows = len(dat)
                    rowsz = dat.nbytes // nrows
                    rstep = 2 * 1024**3 // rowsz

                    if rstep == 0:
                        raise IOError('Array is too large for parallel I/O')

                    for ix in range(0, nrows, rstep):
                        fdata[ix:ix + rstep] = dat[ix:ix + rstep]

        # Wait for everyone to finish writing
Example #40
    def _invoke_postaction(self, **kwargs):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # If we have a post-action and are the root rank then fire it
        if rank == root and self.postact:
            # If a post-action is currently running then wait for it
            if self.postactaid is not None:

            # Prepare the command line
            cmdline = shlex.split(self.postact.format(**kwargs))

            # Invoke
            if self.postactmode == 'blocking':
                self.postactaid = prefork.call_async(cmdline)
Example #41
    def __call__(self, intg):
        if intg.tcurr - self.tout_last < self.dt_out - self.tol:

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # If we are the root rank then prepare the metadata
        if rank == root:
            stats = Inifile()
            stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(self.fields))
            stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'soln')

            metadata = dict(intg.cfgmeta,
            metadata = None

        # Fetch data from other plugins and add it to metadata with ad-hoc keys
        for csh in intg.completed_step_handlers:
                prefix = intg.get_plugin_data_prefix(csh.name, csh.suffix)
                pdata = csh.serialise(intg)
            except AttributeError:
                pdata = {}

            if rank == root:
                metadata |= {f'{prefix}/{k}': v for k, v in pdata.items()}

        # Fetch and (if necessary) subset the solution
        data = dict(self._ele_region_data)
        for idx, etype, rgn in self._ele_regions:
            data[etype] = intg.soln[idx][..., rgn].astype(self.fpdtype)

        # Write out the file
        solnfname = self._writer.write(data, intg.tcurr, metadata)

        # If a post-action has been registered then invoke it

        # Update the last output time
        self.tout_last = intg.tcurr
Example #42
    def _invoke_postaction(self, **kwargs):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # If we have a post-action and are the root rank then fire it
        if rank == root and self.postact:
            # If a post-action is currently running then wait for it
            if self.postactaid is not None:

            # Prepare the command line
            cmdline = shlex.split(self.postact.format(**kwargs))

            # Invoke
            if self.postactmode == "blocking":
                self.postactaid = prefork.call_async(cmdline)
Example #43
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, prefix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, prefix)

        self.flushsteps = self.cfg.getint(self.cfgsect, 'flushsteps', 500)

        self.count = 0
        self.stats = []
        self.tprev = intg.tcurr

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, 'n,t,dt,action,error')
            self.outf = None
Example #44
    def __call__(self, intg):
        # Return if no output is due
        if intg.nacptsteps % self.nsteps:

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Solution matrices indexed by element type
        solns = dict(zip(intg.system.ele_types, intg.soln))

        # Points we're responsible for sampling
        ourpts = self._ptsinfo[comm.rank]

        # Sample the solution matrices at these points
        samples = [solns[et][ui, :, ei] for _, et, (ui, ei) in ourpts]
        samples = self._process_samples(samples)

        # Gather to the root rank to give a list of points per rank
        samples = comm.gather(samples, root=root)

        # If we're the root rank then output
        if rank == root:
            # Collate
            iters = [zip(pi, sp) for pi, sp in zip(self._ptsinfo, samples)]

            for mrank in self._ptsrank:
                # Unpack
                (ploc, etype, idx), samp = next(iters[mrank])

                # Determine the physical mesh rank
                prank = intg.rallocs.mprankmap[mrank]

                # Write the output row

            # Flush to disk
Example #45
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, prefix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, prefix)

        self.flushsteps = self.cfg.getint(self.cfgsect, 'flushsteps', 500)

        self.count = 0
        self.stats = []
        self.tprev = intg.tcurr

        fvars = ','.join(intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims])

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, 'n,t,i,' + fvars)
            self.outf = None
Example #46
    def output(self, solnmap, stats):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Convert the config and stats objects to strings
        if rank == root:
            metadata = dict(config=self._cfg.tostr(),
            metadata = None

        # Determine the output path
        path = self._get_output_path()

        # Delegate to _write to do the actual outputting
        self._write(path, solnmap, metadata)

        # Increment the output number
        self.nout += 1
Example #47
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, prefix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, prefix)

        self.flushsteps = self.cfg.getint(self.cfgsect, 'flushsteps', 500)

        self.count = 0
        self.stats = []
        self.tprev = intg.tcurr

        fvars = ','.join(intg.system.elementscls.convarmap[self.ndims])

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # The root rank needs to open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, 'n,t,i,' + fvars)
            self.outf = None
Example #48
    def __init__(self, backend, systemcls, rallocs, mesh, initsoln, cfg):
        self.backend = backend
        self.rallocs = rallocs
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.isrestart = initsoln is not None

        # Sanity checks
        if self._controller_needs_errest and not self._stepper_has_errest:
            raise TypeError('Incompatible stepper/controller combination')

        # Start time
        self.tstart = cfg.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'tstart', 0.0)
        self.tend = cfg.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'tend')

        # Current time; defaults to tstart unless restarting
        if self.isrestart:
            stats = Inifile(initsoln['stats'])
            self.tcurr = stats.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'tcurr')
            self.tcurr = self.tstart

        self.tlist = deque([self.tend])

        # Determine the amount of temp storage required by thus method
        nreg = self._stepper_nregs

        # Construct the relevant mesh partition
        self.system = systemcls(backend, rallocs, mesh, initsoln, nreg, cfg)

        # Extract the UUID of the mesh (to be saved with solutions)
        self.mesh_uuid = mesh['mesh_uuid']

        # Get a queue for subclasses to use
        self._queue = backend.queue()

        # Get the number of degrees of freedom in this partition
        ndofs = sum(self.system.ele_ndofs)

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Sum to get the global number over all partitions
        self._gndofs = comm.allreduce(ndofs, op=get_mpi('sum'))
Example #49
    def __call__(self, intg):
        # Return if no output is due
        if intg.nacptsteps % self.nsteps:

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Solution matrices indexed by element type
        solns = dict(zip(intg.system.ele_types, intg.soln))

        # Points we're responsible for sampling
        ourpts = self._ptsinfo[comm.rank]

        # Sample the solution matrices at these points
        samples = [solns[et][ui, :, ei] for _, et, (ui, ei) in ourpts]
        samples = self._process_samples(samples)

        # Gather to the root rank to give a list of points per rank
        samples = comm.gather(samples, root=root)

        # If we're the root rank then output
        if rank == root:
            # Collate
            iters = [zip(pi, sp) for pi, sp in zip(self._ptsinfo, samples)]

            for mrank in self._ptsrank:
                # Unpack
                (ploc, etype, idx), samp = next(iters[mrank])

                # Determine the physical mesh rank
                prank = intg.rallocs.mprankmap[mrank]

                # Prepare the output row
                row = [[intg.tcurr], ploc, [prank, etype], idx, samp]
                row = ','.join(str(r) for rp in row for r in rp)

                # Write
                print(row, file=self.outf)

            # Flush to disk
Example #50
    def _write(self, path, solnmap, metadata):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        if rank != root:
            for tag, buf in enumerate(solnmap.values()):
                comm.Send(buf.copy(), root, tag)
            # Recv all of the non-local solution mats

            # Combine local and MPI data
            names = it.chain(self._loc_names, self._mpi_names)
            solns = it.chain(solnmap.values(), self._mpi_rbufs)

            # Create the output dictionary
            outdict = dict(zip(names, solns), **metadata)

            with open(path, 'wb') as f:
                np.savez(f, **outdict)
Example #51
    def _write(self, path, solnmap, metadata):
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Create the output directory and save the config/status files
        if rank == root:
            if os.path.exists(path):


            # Write out our metadata
            for name, data in metadata.items():
                np.save(os.path.join(path, name), data)

        # Wait for this to complete

        # Save the solutions
        for etype, buf in solnmap.items():
            solnpath = os.path.join(path, self._get_name_for_soln(etype))
            np.save(solnpath, buf)
Example #52
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # List of points to be sampled and format
        self.pts = self.cfg.getliteral(cfgsect, 'samp-pts')
        self.fmt = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'format', 'primitive')

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # MPI rank responsible for each point and rank-indexed info
        self._ptsrank = ptsrank = []
        self._ptsinfo = ptsinfo = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]

        # Physical location of the solution points
        plocs = [p.swapaxes(1, 2) for p in intg.system.ele_ploc_upts]

        # Locate the closest solution points in our partition
        closest = _closest_upts(intg.system.ele_types, plocs, self.pts)

        # Process these points
        for cp in closest:
            # Reduce over the distance
            _, mrank = comm.allreduce((cp[0], rank), op=get_mpi('minloc'))

            # Store the rank responsible along with its info
                comm.bcast(cp[1:] if rank == mrank else None, root=mrank)

        # If we're the root rank then open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, self._header)
Example #53
    def __call__(self, intg):
        # If an output is due this step
        if intg.nacptsteps % self.nsteps == 0 and intg.nacptsteps:
            # MPI info
            comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

            # Previous and current solution
            prev = self._prev
            curr = intg.soln

            # Square of the residual vector for each variable
            resid = sum(np.linalg.norm(p - c, axis=(0, 2))**2
                        for p, c in zip(prev, curr))

            # Reduce and, if we are the root rank, output
            if rank != root:
                comm.Reduce(resid, None, op=get_mpi('sum'), root=root)
                comm.Reduce(get_mpi('in_place'), resid, op=get_mpi('sum'),

                # Normalise
                resid = np.sqrt(resid) / (intg.tcurr - self._tprev)

                # Build the row
                row = [intg.tcurr] + resid.tolist()

                # Write
                print(','.join(str(r) for r in row), file=self.outf)

                # Flush to disk

            del self._prev, self._tprev

        # If an output is due next step
        if (intg.nacptsteps + 1) % self.nsteps == 0:
            self._prev = [s.copy() for s in intg.soln]
            self._tprev = intg.tcurr
Example #54
    def __call__(self, intg):
        # Process the sequence of rejected/accepted steps
        for i, (dt, act, err) in enumerate(intg.stepinfo, start=self.count):
            self.stats.append((i, self.tprev, dt, act, err))

        # Update the total step count and save the current time
        self.count += len(intg.stepinfo)
        self.tprev = intg.tcurr

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # If we're the root rank then output
        if rank == root:
            for s in self.stats:
                print(','.join(str(c) for c in s), file=self.outf)

            # Periodically flush to disk
            if intg.nacptsteps % self.flushsteps == 0:

        # Reset the stats
        self.stats = []
Example #55
    def __init__(self, intg, cfgsect, suffix):
        super().__init__(intg, cfgsect, suffix)

        # Underlying elements class
        self.elementscls = intg.system.elementscls

        # Output frequency
        self.nsteps = self.cfg.getint(cfgsect, 'nsteps')

        # List of points to be sampled and format
        self.pts = ast.literal_eval(self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'samp-pts'))
        self.fmt = self.cfg.get(cfgsect, 'format', 'primitive')

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # MPI rank responsible for each point and rank-indexed info
        self._ptsrank = ptsrank = []
        self._ptsinfo = ptsinfo = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]

        # Physical location of the solution points
        plocs = [p.swapaxes(1, 2) for p in intg.system.ele_ploc_upts]

        for p in self.pts:
            # Find the nearest point in our partition
            cp = _closest_upt(intg.system.ele_types, plocs, p)

            # Reduce over all partitions
            mcp, mrank = comm.allreduce(cp, op=get_mpi('minloc'))

            # Store the rank responsible along with the info

        # If we're the root rank then open the output file
        if rank == root:
            self.outf = init_csv(self.cfg, cfgsect, self._header)
Example #56
    def __init__(self, intg, nvars, basedir, basename, *, prefix,
        # Base output directory and file name
        self.basedir = basedir
        self.basename = basename

        # Append the relevant extension
        if not self.basename.endswith(extn):
            self.basename += extn

        # Prefix given to each data array in the output file
        self.prefix = prefix

        # Output counter (incremented each time write() is called)
        self.nout = self._restore_nout() if intg.isrestart else 0

        # Copy the float type
        self.fpdtype = intg.backend.fpdtype

        # MPI info
        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # Get the type and shape of each element in the partition
        etypes = intg.system.ele_types
        shapes = [(nupts, nvars, neles)
                  for nupts, _, neles in intg.system.ele_shapes]

        # Gather
        eleinfo = comm.allgather(zip(etypes, shapes))

        # Parallel I/O
        if (h5py.get_config().mpi and
            'PYFR_FORCE_SERIAL_HDF5' not in os.environ):
            self._write = self._write_parallel
            self._loc_names = loc_names = []
            self._global_shape_list = []

            for mrank, meleinfo in enumerate(eleinfo):
                prank = intg.rallocs.mprankmap[mrank]

                # Loop over all element types across all ranks
                for etype, shape in meleinfo:
                    name = self._get_name_for_data(etype, prank)
                    self._global_shape_list.append((name, shape))

                    if rank == mrank:
        # Serial I/O
            self._write = self._write_serial

            if rank == root:
                self._mpi_rbufs = mpi_rbufs = []
                self._mpi_rreqs = mpi_rreqs = []
                self._mpi_names = mpi_names = []
                self._loc_names = loc_names = []

                for mrank, meleinfo in enumerate(eleinfo):
                    prank = intg.rallocs.mprankmap[mrank]
                    for tag, (etype, shape) in enumerate(meleinfo):
                        name = self._get_name_for_data(etype, prank)

                        if mrank == root:
                            rbuf = np.empty(shape, dtype=self.fpdtype)
                            rreq = comm.Recv_init(rbuf, mrank, tag)
