Example #1
for gdp_dict in gdp_data:
    if gdp_dict['Year'] == 2016:
        country_name = gdp_dict['Country Name']
        value = int(gdp_dict['Value'])
        code = get_country_code(country_name)
        if code:
            values[code] = value

# Value levels.
cc_value_1, cc_value_2, cc_value_3 = {}, {}, {}
for c, v in values.items():
    if v < 100000000000:
        cc_value_1[c] = v
    elif v < 1000000000000:
        cc_value_2[c] = v
        cc_value_3[c] = v

# Prints numerical value of the three categories of GDP.
print(len(cc_value_1), len(cc_value_2), len(cc_value_3))

wm = World()
wm.title = "World Gross Domestic Product in 2016, by country"
# Keeps value from being scientific notation.
wm.value_formatter = lambda x: "{:,}".format(x)
wm.add('< 100B', cc_value_1)
wm.add('100B - 1T', cc_value_2)
wm.add('> 1T', cc_value_3)

Example #2
import json
from country_codes import get_country_code
from pygal.maps.world import World
from pygal.style import RotateStyle

# Wczytanie danych i umieszczenie ich na liście.
filename = 'gdp_json.json'
with open(filename) as f:
    pop_data = json.load(f)

# Utworzenie słownika danych dotyczących populacji.
cc_populations = {}
for pop_dict in pop_data:
    if str(pop_dict['Year']) == '2010':
        country_name = pop_dict['Country Name']
        population = pop_dict['Value']
        code = get_country_code(country_name)
        if code:
            cc_populations[code] = float(population)

wm_style = RotateStyle('#336699')
wm = World(style=wm_style)
wm.force_uri_protocol = 'http'
wm.value_formatter = lambda x: "%.2f" % x
wm.add('GDP', cc_populations)