def generate(self): plane = Vector2(*self.icon_pos) angle = self.tag.angle r = self.tag.rect if 0 <= angle < 90: corner = Vector2(*r.bottomleft) elif 90<= angle < 180: corner = Vector2(*r.bottomright) elif 180 <= angle < 270: corner = Vector2(*r.topright) elif 270 <= angle < 360: corner = Vector2(*r.topleft) else: msg = 'Something very fishy with then angles is going on...' raise BaseException(msg) placement = Vector2(min(plane.x, corner.x), min(plane.y, corner.y)) flip_x = True if corner.x > plane.x else False flip_y = True if corner.y > plane.y else False diff = plane-corner image = pygame.surface.Surface((abs(diff.x) or 3, abs(diff.y)) or 3, SRCALPHA) self.rect = image.get_rect() color = self.tag.color pygame.draw.aaline(image, color, (1,1), (self.rect.width-1, self.rect.height-1)) if flip_x != flip_y: #both flips == no flip image = pygame.transform.flip(image, flip_x, flip_y) self.image = image self.rect.move_ip(placement)
def rotoscale(cls, image, angle=0, factor=1, px_limit=1): ''' Return an image that has been rotated CCW of 'angle' degrees, scaled of a 'factor' factor. If 'factor' would imply having the y axis of the original non-rotated image < to 'px_limit', factor is re-calculated to match the limit. ''' #TODO: calculating the ratio should go in the initialisation code x, y = image.get_rect().width, image.get_rect().height factor = max(factor, 1.0*px_limit/y) if angle: image = pygame.transform.rotate(image, angle) # The rotation can potentially enlarge the bounding rectangle of # the sprite, filling the extra other space with alpha=0 image = cls.crop(image, image.get_bounding_rect()) # Calculate the actual ratio that allows not to exceed px_limit x, y = [int(round(v*factor)) for v in (x,y)] # Finally, scaling down as last operation guarantees anti-aliasing return pygame.transform.smoothscale(image, (x,y))
def load(path, name): p = os.path.join(path, name)"Loading %s" % p) if not os.path.exists(p): raise error.NoImageFound(p) image = pygame.image.load(p).convert() return image, image.get_rect()
def load_img(name): """Load an image as surface and convert it. Return an image and rect object""" path = os.path.join(IMG_DIR, name) image = pygame.image.load(path) if image.get_alpha is None: image = image.convert() else: image = image.convert_alpha() image_rect = image.get_rect() return image, image_rect
def __init__(self, m_f, m_f_d, image): """ Custom init /!\ TODO : Some check """ image = pygame.image.load(image).convert_alpha() super(BaseAnimation,self).__init__(image.get_size(),pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) self.convert_alpha() self.blit( image, image.get_rect() ) self.max_frame = m_f self.max_frame_delay = m_f_d self.frame = 0 self.frame_delay = 0
# following function and class are used for the displaying of the pointer #functions to create our resources def load_image(name, colorkey=None): #fullname = os.path.join('c:\\program files\\pygame-docs\\examples\\data', name) fullname=name try: image = pygame.image.load(fullname).convert() except pygame.error, message: print 'Cannot load image:', name raise SystemExit, message if colorkey is not None: if colorkey is -1: colorkey = image.get_at((0,0)) image.set_colorkey(colorkey, RLEACCEL) return image, image.get_rect() def main(): """this function is called when the program starts. it initializes everything it needs, then runs in a loop until the function returns.""" #Initialize Everything #this calls the 'main' function when this script is executed s = Animation() s.initio() #s.imagedir = IMAGEDIR #s.imagedir = r'C:\_research_cleath\Documents-By-Date-and-Study\2002-09-30-Animation-project\images\bmpSmall' #s.imagedir = r'X:\test_label_bug\bmpLarge' s.imagedir = r'X:\test_label_bug\bmpSmall' s._initimagelist() #s.convertImages()
def __init__(self, image): """Initialize object image and calculate rectangle""" self.image = image self.rectangle = image.get_rect()
def __init__( self, image ): """Initialize object image and calculate rectangle""" self.image = image self.rectangle = image.get_rect()
WINSCORE = 4 def load_png(name): """ Load image and return image object""" fullname = os.path.join('images', name) try: image = pygame.image.load(fullname) if image.get_alpha() is None: image = image.convert() else: image = image.convert_alpha() except pygame.error, message: print 'Cannot load image:', fullname raise SystemExit, message return image, image.get_rect() def load_snd(name): """ Load sound and return sound object""" fullname = os.path.join('sounds', name) try: sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(fullname) except pygame.error, message: print 'Cannot load sound:', fullname raise SystemExit, message return sound class Court(pygame.Surface): def __init__(self, (width, height)): pygame.Surface.__init__(self, (width, height))