Example #1
    def backup_attack_loop(self):
        g = self.g
        self.image = self.orginalImage.subsurface((160, 0, 32, 32))

        speed = self.walktimer
        self.walktimer += 1
        if self.walktimer > 6:
            self.walktimer = 6

        self.timer += 1
        timergate = self.timer % 100
        if timergate >= 80:
            if timergate == 80:
            if timergate == 85:
                Shot(g, self.direction, (self.rect.x + 16, self.rect.y + 8), 'shot8', 'enemy')
            self.walking = 0
            self.walking = 1
        if timergate % 100 == 0:

        dx = self.rect.x - g.player.rect.x
        if dx <40 and dx > -40:
            if self.dy == 10.0:
                self.dy = -10.0

        if self.walking:
            self.rect.x += (1 - (self.direction * 2)) * speed
            framen = self.timer / 2  % 3
            self.image = self.orginalImage.subsurface((32 + framen * 32, 0, 32, 32))
            self.walktimer = 0

        self.dy += .5
        if self.dy > 10.0:
            self.dy = 10.0
        self.rect.y += self.dy

        if self.rect.x < 416:
            self.direction = 0

        self.image = pygame.transform.flip(self.image, self.direction, 0)
        # hitting the bullets and player
        s = Rect(self.rect)
        if s.colliderect (g.player.rect):
        for b in g.bullets:
            if b.owner == 'player':
                drect = (b.rect.x + 30, b.rect.y )
                if s.collidepoint(drect):
                    self.health -= b.get_damage()
                    e = Effect(self.g, 'health', (self.rect.x, self.rect.y))
                    e.healthchange = -b.get_damage()
                    self.image = g.make_image_white(self.image)
    def Boom(self, bulletList):

        tempList = bulletList
        PlaneBodyRect = Rect(self.x + 36, self.y, 100 - 36, 40)
        PlaneHeadRect = Rect(self.x, self.y, 100, 124 - 40)
        for bullet in tempList:
            bulletRect = Rect(bullet.x, bullet.y, 9, 21)
            print("子弹坐标" + str(bulletRect), "机头坐标" + str(PlaneHeadRect),
                  "机身坐标" + str(PlaneBodyRect))
            if bulletRect.colliderect(PlaneBodyRect) or bulletRect.colliderect(
                self.isBomb = True
Example #3
 def isCollided(self, rect):
     buffer = 7
     # check if collided with bars
     for bar in self.barsCoordinates:
         barUpRect = Rect(bar[0], bar[1] - self.barVerticalGap - buffer,
                          self.barWidth, self.barHeight)
         barDownRect = Rect(bar[0], bar[1] + buffer, self.barWidth,
         if barDownRect.colliderect(rect) or barUpRect.colliderect(rect):
             return True
     # check if collided with ground
     if rect.bottom >= self.size[1] - self.groundHeight:
         return True
     return False
Example #4
    def handle_object_ball_collision(self, rect: Rect, ball: Ball, x_bound,
        if not rect.colliderect(ball.rect):
        top_collision = abs(rect.top - ball.rect.bottom)
        bottom_collision = abs(rect.bottom - ball.rect.top)
        right_collision = abs(rect.right - ball.rect.left)
        left_collision = abs(rect.left - ball.rect.right)
        actual_side_collision = min(
            [top_collision, bottom_collision, right_collision, left_collision])

        if actual_side_collision == right_collision:
            if ball.direction.x < 0:
                ball.direction.x = -ball.direction.x
            ball.move(rect.right + x_bound - ball.rect.x, 0)
        elif actual_side_collision == bottom_collision:
            if ball.direction.y < 0:
                ball.direction.y = -ball.direction.y
            ball.move(0, rect.bottom + y_bound - ball.rect.y)
        elif actual_side_collision == left_collision:
            if ball.direction.x > 0:
                ball.direction.x = -ball.direction.x
            ball.move(rect.left - ball.rect.width - ball.rect.x, 0)
        elif actual_side_collision == top_collision:
            if ball.direction.y > 0:
                ball.direction.y = -ball.direction.y
            ball.move(0, rect.top + y_bound - ball.rect.y)

        print("i am colliding: {} with {}, direction: {}".format(
            rect, self.ball.rect, self.ball.direction))
 def Boom(self, bulletList):
     tempList = bulletList
     PlaneBodyRect = Rect(self.x, self.y, 69, 89)
     for bullet in tempList:
         bulletRect = Rect(bullet.x, bullet.y, 22, 22)
         if bulletRect.colliderect(PlaneBodyRect):
             self.isBomb = True
Example #6
class SimpleSprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    _posx: Decimal = None
    _posy: Decimal = None
    width: int = None
    height: int = None
    image: pygame.Surface = None
    rect: Rect = None

    def __init__(self, posx: Union[Decimal, float, int],
                 posy: Union[Decimal, float, int], path: str, *groups) -> None:
        self.image = pygame.image.load(
            os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'example/assets', path))
        self._posx = Decimal(posx)
        self._posy = Decimal(posy)
        self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (32, 32))
        self.width = self.image.get_width()
        self.height = self.image.get_height()

    def get_position(
            as_int=False) -> Union[Tuple[Decimal, Decimal], Tuple[int, int]]:
        return ((int(self._posx), int(self._posy)) if as_int else
                (self._posx, self._posy))

    def move_position(self, posx: Decimal, posy: Decimal) -> None:
        self._posx += posx
        self._posy += posy

    def set_position(self, posx: Decimal, posy: Decimal) -> None:
        self._posx = posx
        self._posy = posy

    def update(self) -> None:
        self.rect = Rect(
            int(self._posx) * self.width,
            int(self._posy) * self.height, self.width, self.height)

    def is_collided_with(self, sprite: 'SimpleSprite') -> bool:
        return self.rect.colliderect(sprite.rect)
Example #7
class Tile(GameSprite):
    def __init__(self, x, y, sheet, kind, mgr):
        super(Tile, self).__init__(x, y, kind)
        self.mgr = mgr
        self.resourcemgr = mgr.resourcemgr
        self.sheet = sheet
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, self.tile_width, self.tile_height)
        self.area = self.mgr.areas[self.kind]
        self.flags = FLAGS.TILE

    def set_tile(self, kind):
        self.kind = kind
        self.area = self.mgr.areas[kind]

    def render(self, camera=None):
        if not camera:
            self.resourcemgr.screen.blit(self.mgr.image, self.rect, self.area)
        elif self.rect.colliderect(camera):
            pos = Rect(self.rect.x - camera.rect.x,
                self.rect.y - camera.rect.y, self.rect.w, self.rect.h)
            self.resourcemgr.screen.blit(self.mgr.image, pos, self.area)
Example #8
    def loop_hit_death(self, g, r, canbehit, canhitplayer):
        self.timer += 1
        self.image = pygame.transform.flip(self.image, self.direction, 0)

        s = Rect(self.rect)
        if self.mode != 'death':
            if s.colliderect (g.player.rect):
                if canhitplayer:

        if canbehit:
            for b in g.bullets:
                if b.owner == 'player':
                    drect = (b.rect.x, b.rect.y)
                    if s.collidepoint(drect):
                        self.health -= b.get_damage()
                        e = Effect(self.g, 'health', (self.rect.x, self.rect.y))
                        e.healthchange = -b.get_damage()
                        if self.mode != 'ouch':
                        self.mode = 'ouch'
                        self.btimer = 0
            #k = Rect(b.rect)
            #k.x -= g.view.x
            #k.y -= g.view.y
            #pygame.draw.rect(g.screen, (0,255,255), k)
        #s.x -= g.view.x
        #s.y -= g.view.y
        #pygame.draw.rect(g.screen, (255,0,255), s)

        # dead
        if self.health <= 0:
            if self.mode != 'death':
                self.mode = 'death'
                self.btimer = 0
Example #9
class CollisionObject(object):
    def __init__(self,
                 pos: Vector2D = Vector2D(0, 0),
                 scale: Vector2D = Vector2D(0, 0),
                 center: Vector2D = Vector2D(0, 0),
                 colour: Colour = (0, 0, 0)):
        self.label = label
        self.pos: Vector2D = pos
        self.scale: Vector2D = scale
        self.center: Vector2D = center
        self.colour: Colour = colour
        self.visible = False
        global_pos: Vector2D = self.pos + self.center
        self.rect = Rect(global_pos.x, global_pos.y, self.scale.x,

    def update(self):
        global_pos: Vector2D = self.pos + self.center
        self.rect = Rect(global_pos.x, global_pos.y, self.scale.x,

    def draw(self, screen):
        if self.visible:
            pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.colour, self.rect, 5)

    def is_colliding(self, other):
        return self.rect.colliderect(other.rect)

    def is_colliding_any(self, others: list):
        others = [o.rect for o in others]
        return self.rect.collidelist(others)

    def is_colliding_all(self, others: list):
        others = [o.rect for o in others]
        return self.rect.collidelistall(others)
Example #10
class AreaCamera(object):
    Base class for displaying maps.  Not really featured, here, you should
    subclass it.

    def __init__(self, area, extent=None, tmxdata=None):
        self.area = area
        self.zoom = 1.0
        self.avatars = []

        # create a renderer for the map
        self.maprender = BufferedTilemapRenderer(tmxdata, self.extent.size)

        self.map_width = tmxdata.tilewidth * tmxdata.width
        self.map_height = tmxdata.tileheight*tmxdata.height
        self.blank = True

        # load the children
        for child in self.area.getChildren():

        # add the avatars
        for child in self.area.getChildren():
            if isinstance(child, AvatarObject):
                child.avatar.update(0)              # hack to re-init avatar

    def set_extent(self, extent):
        the camera caches some values related to the extent, so it becomes
        nessessary to call this instead of setting the extent directly.
        self.extent = Rect(extent)
        self.half_width = self.extent.width / 2
        self.half_height = self.extent.height / 2
        self.width  = self.extent.width
        self.height = self.extent.height

    def update(self, time):
        [ a.update(time) for a in self.avatars ]

    def center(self, pos):
        center the camera on a pixel location.

        x, y = self.toSurface(pos)

        if self.map_width > self.width:
            if x < self.half_width:
                x = self.half_width

            elif x > self.map_width - self.half_width - 1:
                x = self.map_width - self.half_width - 1

            x = self.map_width / 2

        if self.map_height > self.height:
            if y < self.half_height:
                y = self.half_height

            elif y > self.map_height - self.half_height:
                y = self.map_height - self.half_height
            y = self.map_height / 2

        self.extent.center = (x, y)
        self.maprender.center((x, y))

    def clear(self, surface):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def draw(self, surface, origin=(0,0)):
        avatars = []
        for a in self.avatars:
            aWidth, aHeight = a.get_size()
            d, w, h = a.getSize()
            x, y = self.toSurface(a.getPosition())

            rect = Rect((x-(aWidth-w)/2, y-aHeight+d, aWidth, aHeight))
            if self.extent.colliderect(rect):
                x, y = self.toScreen(a.getPosition())
                x += origin[0]
                y += origin[1]
                rect = Rect((x-(aWidth-w)/2, y-aHeight+d, aWidth, aHeight))
                avatars.append((a, rect))

        onScreen = [ (a.image, r, 2) for a, r in avatars ]

        self.maprender.draw(surface, onScreen, origin)

    def toScreen(self, pos):
        Transform the world to coordinates on the screen

        x = pos[1] * self.zoom - self.extent.left
        y = pos[0] * self.zoom - self.extent.top

        # if there is a z value, just subtract it from y
            y -= pos[2]

        return x, y

    def toSurface(self, pos):
        """ Translate world coordinates to coordinates on the surface """
        return pos[1], pos[0]
Example #11
class Unit(GameSprite):
    def __init__(self, x, y, kind, resourcemgr, team, mgr):
        super(Unit, self).__init__(x, y, kind, resourcemgr)
        self.team = team
        self.mgr = mgr
        self.rect = Rect(int(x), int(y), self.w, self.h)
        self.area = self.areas[SELECT.NORM]
        self.health = self.max_health
        self.attack_time = 0
        self.shoot_time = 0
        self.x_speed = 0.0
        self.y_speed = 0.0
        self.x_target = None
        self.y_target = None
        self.target = None
        self.selected = False
        self.moving = False
        self.lazy_attacking = False
        self.mouse_over = False
        self.active_sounds = []
        self.camera_sounds = []

    def set_areas(self):
        self.areas = {}
        self.areas[SELECT.NORM] = Rect(0, 0, self.w, self.h)
        self.areas[SELECT.MOVING] = Rect(self.w, 0, self.w, self.h)
        self.areas[SELECT.FIRING] = Rect(0, self.h, self.w, self.h)
        self.areas[SELECT.DUNNO] = Rect(self.w, self.h, self.w, self.h)

    def set_speed(self, x, y):
        self.x_target = x - (self.w / 2.0)
        self.y_target = y - (self.h / 2.0)
        self.moving = True

        if self.x_target > self.x:
            self.x_speed = self.speed
        if self.x_target < self.x:
            self.x_speed = -self.speed
        if self.y_target > self.y:
            self.y_speed = self.speed
        if self.y_target < self.y:
            self.y_speed = -self.speed

    def reset_speed(self):
        self.moving = False
        self.x_target = None
        self.y_target = None
        self.x_speed = 0.0
        self.y_speed = 0.0

    def hurt(self, atk):
        self.health -= atk

    def is_dead(self):
        return self.health <= 0

    def play_sounds(self, camera):
        if self is self.mgr.active:
            for s in self.active_sounds:
        v = calculate_volume(self.rect, camera)
        if v > 0:
            for s in self.camera_sounds:
        self.active_sounds = []
        self.camera_sounds = []

    def find_area(self):
        if self.moving:
            self.area = self.areas[SELECT.MOVING]
        elif self.shoot_time:
            if time.get_ticks() - self.shoot_time >= self.shoot_delay:
                self.shoot_time = 0
                self.area = self.areas[SELECT.FIRING]
            self.area = self.areas[SELECT.NORM]

    def draw_select_box(self, camera):
        if self.selected:
            dx = self.w / 10
            dy = self.h / 10
            draw.lines(self.resourcemgr.screen, BLUE, False, (
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x + 3,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y + 3 + dy),
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x + 3,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y + 3),
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x + 3 + dx,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y + 3),
            ), 2)
            draw.lines(self.resourcemgr.screen, BLUE, False, (
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x - 3 + self.w - dx,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y + 3),
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x - 3 + self.w,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y + 3),
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x - 3 + self.w,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y + 3 + dy),
            ), 2)
            draw.lines(self.resourcemgr.screen, BLUE, False, (
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x - 3 + self.w,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y - 3 + self.h - dy),
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x - 3 + self.w,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y - 3 + self.h),
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x - 3 + self.w - dx,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y - 3 + self.h),
            ), 2)
            draw.lines(self.resourcemgr.screen, BLUE, False, (
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x + 3 + dx,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y - 3 + self.h),
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x + 3,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y - 3 + self.h),
                (self.rect.x - camera.rect.x + 3,
                    self.rect.y - camera.rect.y - 3 + self.h - dy),
            ), 2)

    def draw_health_bar(self, camera):
        if self.selected or self.mouse_over:
            black_rect = Rect(self.rect.x - camera.rect.x,
                self.rect.y - camera.rect.y, self.w, 6)
            red_rect = Rect(self.rect.x - camera.rect.x + 1,
                self.rect.y - camera.rect.y + 1, self.w - 2, 4)
            green_rect = Rect(self.rect.x - camera.rect.x + 1,
                self.rect.y - camera.rect.y + 1,
                (self.w - 2) * (self.health / float(self.max_health)), 4)
            draw.rect(self.resourcemgr.screen, BLACK, black_rect, 0)
            draw.rect(self.resourcemgr.screen, RED, red_rect, 0)
            draw.rect(self.resourcemgr.screen, GREEN, green_rect, 0)

    def die(self, camera):
        if self.is_dead():
            v = calculate_volume(self.rect, camera)
            if v > 0:

    def input(self, event, camera, mouse_rect, tilemgr):
        x, y = mouse.get_pos()
        x += camera.rect.x
        y += camera.rect.y
        self.mouse_over = self.rect.collidepoint(x, y)

        if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
            if event.button == MOUSE.LEFT:
                include = True
                if self.rect.colliderect(mouse_rect):
                    if self.team != self.mgr.team and \
                        len(self.mgr.selected) > 0:
                        include = False
                    elif self.team == self.mgr.team:
                        rem = []
                        for u in self.mgr.selected:
                            if u.team != self.mgr.team:
                                u.selected = False

                        if self.has_flag(FLAGS.STRUCT):
                            for u in self.mgr.selected:
                                if u.has_flag(FLAGS.DUDE):
                                    include = False
                        elif self.has_flag(FLAGS.DUDE):
                            rem = []
                            for u in self.mgr.selected:
                                if u.has_flag(FLAGS.STRUCT):
                                    u.selected = False
                    include = False

                if include:
                    self.selected = True
                    self.selected = False
            elif self.team == self.mgr.team and event.button == MOUSE.RIGHT \
                and self.selected:
                self.lazy_attacking = False
                found = False
                if self.has_flag(FLAGS.CAN_FIRE):
                    for t in self.mgr.teams:
                        if t == self.team:
                        for u in self.mgr.units[t]:
                            if u.rect.collidepoint(x, y):
                                self.target = u
                                found = True
                        if found:

                if self.has_flag(FLAGS.CAN_MOVE) and not found:
                    self.set_speed(x, y)
                    self.target = None

                if self.has_flag(FLAGS.CAN_BUILD) and not found:
                    unit = Unit(x - 25, y - 25, self.buildables[0],
                        self.resourcemgr, self.team, self.mgr)
                    if not unit.get_collisions(tilemgr.walls,

    def logic(self, ticks, tilemgr):
        if self.has_flag(FLAGS.CAN_FIRE):
            if self.target is not None:
                if self.target.is_dead() or (self.lazy_attacking and distance(
                    self.x, self.y, self.target.x,
                    self.target.y) > self.range * 2.5):
                    self.lazy_attacking = False
                    self.target = None
                elif distance(self.x, self.y, self.target.x,
                    self.target.y) <= self.range:
                    if self.moving:
                    if time.get_ticks() - self.attack_time >= \
                        self.shoot_time = time.get_ticks()
                        self.attack_time = time.get_ticks()
                    self.set_speed(self.target.x, self.target.y)
            elif not self.moving:
                found = False
                for t in self.mgr.teams:
                    if t == self.team:
                    for u in self.mgr.units[t]:
                        if distance(self.x, self.y, u.x, u.y) <= \
                            self.range * 2:
                            self.target = u
                            self.lazy_attacking = True
                            found = True
                    if found:

        if self.has_flag(FLAGS.CAN_MOVE) and self.moving:
            x_part = self.x_speed * (ticks / 1000.0)
            y_part = self.y_speed * (ticks / 1000.0)
            x_old = self.x
            y_old = self.y
            rx_old = self.rect.x
            ry_old = self.rect.y
            x_delta = 0.0
            y_delta = 0.0

            if self.x_target:
                if abs(self.x_target - self.x) <= abs(x_part):
                    x_delta = self.x_target - self.x
                elif abs(self.y_target - self.y) > abs(y_part):
                    x_delta = x_part / sqrt(2.0)
                    x_delta = x_part
            self.x += x_delta
            self.rect.x = int(self.x)
            if self.get_collisions(tilemgr.walls, *self.mgr.units.values()):
                self.x = x_old
                self.rect.x = rx_old

            if self.y_target:
                if abs(self.y_target - self.y) <= abs(y_part):
                    y_delta = self.y_target - self.y
                elif abs(self.x_target - self.x) > abs(x_part):
                    y_delta = y_part / sqrt(2.0)
                    y_delta = y_part
            self.y += y_delta
            self.rect.y = int(self.y)
            if self.get_collisions(tilemgr.walls, *self.mgr.units.values()):
                self.y = y_old
                self.rect.y = ry_old

            if self.x_target == self.x and self.y_target == self.y:

    def render(self, camera=None):
        if not camera:
            self.resourcemgr.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect, self.area)
        elif self.rect.colliderect(camera):
            pos = Rect(self.rect.x - camera.rect.x,
                self.rect.y - camera.rect.y, self.rect.w, self.rect.h)
            self.resourcemgr.screen.blit(self.image, pos, self.area)
Example #12
    def Notify(self, event):
        if isinstance(event, TickEvent):
            ### GAME IS PREPARING
            if self.state == Game.STATE_PREPARING:
            ### GAME IS RUNNING
            elif self.state == Game.STATE_RUNNING:
                # handle existing charactors
                for c in self.charactors:
                    if c.radius == 0:
                    if ((event.tick % c.speed) == 0):
                        c.radius -= 1
                # check if is time to add new charactor to game board
                if (event.tick % self.interval == 0) and self.bubbles > 0:
                    self.bubbles -= 1
                elif (self.bubbles == 0):
                elif (self.player.score > self.highscore):
                    self.highscore = self.player.score
                    if (self.gotHighscore == False):
                        self.gotHighscore = True

        elif isinstance(event, NextLevelRequest):
            self.level += 1
            self.bubbles = self.initialbubbles + (3 * self.level)
            if (self.interval >= 200):
                self.interval -= 20
            elif (self.interval < 200 and self.interval >= 100):
                self.interval -= 10
            elif (self.interval < 100 and self.interval >= 10):
                self.interval -= 5
            if (self.level % 3 == 0):
                self.lives += 1

        elif isinstance(event, CharactorImplodeEvent):
            # here we count the amount of implodes (this is a BAD thing. we
            # want the bubbles to be blasted!)
            self.lives -= 1
            if self.lives == 0:
        elif isinstance(event, PauseEvent):
            if self.state == Game.STATE_RUNNING:
                self.state = Game.STATE_PAUSED
                self.state = Game.STATE_RUNNING
        elif isinstance(event, MouseClickRequest):
            if self.state == Game.STATE_RUNNING:
                pos = event.event.pos
                ptrRect = Rect(pos, (5,5))
                for c in self.charactors:
                    if ptrRect.colliderect(c.sprite.rect): # bubble burst
                        self.player.score += (10+(self.level-1)*5)
        elif isinstance(event, GameResetEvent):
def advance_frame(input_get=pygame.event.get):
    global  X, Y, x_vel, y_vel, DOOR, HAT, STATE, CROUCH, mov, hub, DIR
    global counter, dframe, IGT, endcard
    plats = []
    allplats = []
    for pos, dim, idx in PLATFORMS:
        allplats.append(Rect(pos, (dim[0]*32, dim[1]*32)))
        if isnear(pos, dim): plats.append(Rect(pos, (dim[0]*32, dim[1]*32)))
    # update counters/clock
    counter += 1
    dframe = (dframe + 1) % 12
    IGT += CLOCK.tick(30)
    # draw update screen
    SCREEN.blit(get_screen(), (0, 0))
    SCREEN.blit(get_HUD(), (0, 0))

    # evaluate input
    jmp = 0
    door = 0
    for e in input_get():
        if e.type == QUIT or e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE: quit()
        if e.type == KEYDOWN:
            if e.key == K_LEFT: mov = max(mov - 1, -1)
            if e.key == K_RIGHT: mov = min(mov + 1, 1)
            if e.key == K_DOWN: CROUCH = min(CROUCH+1, 1)
            if e.key == K_SPACE: jmp += 1
            if e.key == K_UP: door = True
        if e.type == KEYUP:
            if e.key == K_LEFT: mov = min(mov+1, 1)
            if e.key == K_RIGHT: mov = max(mov-1, -1)
            if e.key == K_DOWN: CROUCH = max(CROUCH-1, 0)

    # change state, update movement
    JUMP = _JUMP * 2 if HAT == "baseball" else _JUMP
    if STATE == "dmg":
        if counter == 1:

        if counter < 10: return
        STATE = "stand"
        X, Y = SPAWN
        x_vel, y_vel = 0, 0
        HAT = None
        ENEMIES = deepcopy(_ENEMIES)
    elif jmp and (STATE in ["stand", "run0", "run1", "slide", "wall"] or HAT == "propeller"):
        if HAT == "propeller": y_vel = JUMP
        if STATE == "wall":
            y_vel = JUMP
            DIR *= -1
            x_vel = max(SPEED * DIR, x_vel) if DIR > 0 else min(SPEED * DIR, x_vel)
            STATE = "squat"
            counter = 0
    elif STATE == "squat":
        if counter >= 3: y_vel = JUMP
    elif CROUCH: STATE = "crouch"
    elif mov and STATE not in ['crouch']:
        if DIR == mov: x_vel = max(SPEED * DIR, x_vel) if DIR > 0 else min(SPEED * DIR, x_vel)
        elif not x_vel or abs(x_vel) <= 3: DIR = mov
        if (x_vel > 0 and mov < 0) or (x_vel < 0 and mov > 0): STATE == "slide" 
    elif x_vel == 0: STATE = "stand"
    else: STATE = "slide"
    if mov and not STATE in ["run0", "run1", "crouch", "squat"]:
        if ((x_vel > 0 and mov < 0) or (x_vel < 0 and mov > 0)): STATE = "slide"
            STATE = "run0"
            counter = 0

    if STATE.startswith("run") and counter >= 5:
        STATE = "run" + str((int(STATE[-1]) + 1) % 2)
        counter = 0

    if y_vel < 0: STATE = "jump0"
    if y_vel > 0: STATE = "jump1"

    # friction and gravity
    if x_vel and not STATE.startswith("jump"): x_vel += friction if x_vel < 0 else -1
    y_vel += grav

    if STATE in ["jump1", "run0", "run1", "stand", "slide"] and HAT == "sombraro" and not CROUCH: y_vel = 0

    # animate relevent actors
    for spring in SPRINGS:
        if spring[3]: spring[3] -= 1

    # enemy logic
    remove = []
    for i in range(len(ENEMIES)):
        pos, name, d, f , c = ENEMIES[i]
        if not isnear(pos): continue
        c += 1
        if name == "bone":
            if c % 2:
                f = (f + 1) % 2
                pos = (pos[0] + BONESPEED, pos[1]) if d == 0 else (pos[0] - BONESPEED, pos[1])
            if c > 50: remove.append(i)
        if name == "skeleton":
            if abs(pos[0] - X) < 410:
                if f == 0: d = 0 if X > pos[0] else 1
                if c >= 8 and f == 0: f = 1
                elif c >= 30 and f == 1:
                    f = 2
                    ENEMIES.append( [pos, 'bone', d, 0, 0] )
                elif c > 40: f, c = 0, 0
            else: f, c = 0, 0

        if name == "zombie":
            if c % 4 == 0 and abs(pos[0] - X) < 512:
                hitbox = Rect((pos[0]+8, pos[1]), (32, 64))
                if d == 0: footbox = Rect((pos[0] + 32 + ZOMBIESPEED, pos[1] + 64), (10, 10)) 
                else: footbox = Rect((pos[0] - ZOMBIESPEED, pos[1]+64), (10, 10))
                if hitbox.collidelist(allplats) == -1:
                    d = 0 if X > pos[0] else 1
                f = (f + 1) % 2
                pos = (pos[0] + ZOMBIESPEED, pos[1]) if d == 0 else (pos[0] - ZOMBIESPEED, pos[1])
                if hitbox.collidelist(allplats) != -1 or footbox.collidelist(allplats) == -1:
                    pos = (pos[0] - ZOMBIESPEED*2, pos[1]) if d == 0 else (pos[0] + ZOMBIESPEED*2, pos[1])

        if name == "snake":
            hitbox = Rect(pos, (64, 16))
            if c % 4 == 0:
                f = (f + 1) % 2
                pos = (pos[0] + SNAKESPEED, pos[1]) if d == 0 else (pos[0] - SNAKESPEED, pos[1])
                if hitbox.collidelist(allplats) != -1:
                    d = (d + 1) % 2
                    pos = (pos[0] + SNAKESPEED*2, pos[1]) if d == 0 else (pos[0] - SNAKESPEED*2, pos[1])

        if name == "ghost":
            d = 0 if X > pos[0] else 1
            if (d == 1 and DIR == 1) or (d == 0 and DIR == -1): f = 1
            else: f = 0
            if abs(pos[0] - X) + abs(pos[1] - Y) < 800 and f == 0:
                if abs(pos[0] - X) > 30:
                    x = -1 if X < pos[0] else 1
                else: x = 0
                if abs(pos[1] - Y) > 30:
                    y = -1 if Y < pos[1] else 1
                else: y = 0
                pos = (pos[0]+x, pos[1]+y)
        ENEMIES[i] = [pos, name, d, f, c]

    for i in remove[::-1]: ENEMIES.pop(i) 
    # hit detection - platforms
    hitbox = Rect((X, Y), (32, 64)) if STATE != "crouch" else Rect((X, Y+32), (32, 32))
    checklist = plats
    if hitbox.collidelist(checklist) != -1:
        STATE = "dmg"
    if x_vel:
        while hitbox.move(x_vel, 0).collidelist(checklist) != -1:
            if STATE.startswith("jump"): STATE = "wall"
            x_vel += 1 if x_vel < 0 else -1
    if y_vel:
        while hitbox.move(0, y_vel).collidelist(checklist) != -1: y_vel += 1 if y_vel < 0 else -1
    if x_vel and y_vel:
        while hitbox.move(x_vel, y_vel).collidelist(checklist) != -1:
            y_vel += 1 if y_vel < 0 else -1
            x_vel += 1 if x_vel < 0 else -1
    #                 hats
    checklist = [Rect(pos, (46, 46)) for pos, hat in HATS]
    i = hitbox.collidelist(checklist)
    if i != -1: HAT = HATS[i][1]
    #                 flags
    checklist = [Rect(pos, (46, 64)) for pos in FLAGS]
    i = hitbox.collidelist(checklist)
    if i != -1: SPAWN = FLAGS[i]
    #                 spikes and enemies
    checklist = []
    for pos, d in SPIKES:
        if not isnear(pos): continue
        if d == 0: checklist += [Rect((pos[0]+8, pos[1]), (16, 16)), Rect((pos[0], pos[1]+16), (32, 16))]
        elif d == 1: checklist += [Rect((pos[0], pos[1]+8), (16, 16)), Rect((pos[0]+16, pos[1]), (16, 32))]
        elif d == 2: checklist += [Rect((pos[0], pos[1]), (32, 16)), Rect((pos[0]+8, pos[1]+16), (16, 16))]
        elif d == 3: checklist += [Rect((pos[0], pos[1]), (16, 32)), Rect((pos[0]+16, pos[1]+8), (32, 16))]

    for pos, name, d, f, c in ENEMIES:
        if not isnear(pos): continue
        if name in ["bone", "ghost"]: checklist.append(Rect(pos, (32, 32)))
        elif name == "snake": checklist.append(Rect(pos, (64, 16)))
        else: checklist.append(Rect(pos, (32, 64)))
    i = hitbox.collidelist(checklist)
    if i != -1:
        STATE = "dmg"
        counter = 0
    #                 springs
    checklist = [Rect(pos, (48, 48)) for pos, d, s, f in SPRINGS]
    i = hitbox.collidelist(checklist)
    if i != -1:
        if SPRINGS[i][3] != 10:

        SPRINGS[i][3] = 10
        if SPRINGS[i][1] == 0: y_vel = 0 - SPRINGS[i][2]
        elif SPRINGS[i][1] == 2: y_vel = SPRINGS[i][2]
        elif SPRINGS[i][1] == 3:
            DIR = 1
            x_vel = SPRINGS[i][2]
        elif SPRINGS[i][1] == 1:
            DIR = -1
            x_vel = -1 * SPRINGS[i][2]
    #                 cheese
    checklist = []
    for pos, idx in CHEESE:
        if idx == 3: checklist.append(Rect(pos, (64, 64)))
        else: checklist.append(Rect(pos, (32, 32)))
    i = hitbox.collidelist(checklist)
    if i != -1:

        if not CHEESE[i][1] == 3: INV.append(CHEESE.pop(i))
            n = H
            end = True
            while end:
                if n >= 0: n -= 10
                SCREEN.blit(get_screen(), (0, 0))
                SCREEN.blit(endcard, (0, n))
                pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (200, 200, 200), Rect((380, n + 530), (256, 104)))
                SCREEN.blit(HEL64.render(str(IGT // 60000) +":"+ ("0" + str(IGT // 1000 % 60))[-2:], 0, (0, 0, 0)), (400, n + 550))
                for e in pygame.event.get():
                    if e.type == QUIT or e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE: quit()
                    if e.type == KEYDOWN:
                        if e.key == K_LEFT: mov += -1
                        if e.key == K_RIGHT: mov += 1
                        if e.key == K_DOWN: CROUCH += 1
                        if e.key == K_SPACE and n <= 0:
                            end = False
                    if e.type == KEYUP:
                        if e.key == K_LEFT: mov -= -1
                        if e.key == K_RIGHT: mov -= 1
                        if e.key == K_DOWN: CROUCH -= 1
    #                 door
    if hub:
        doorlist = [Rect((256+(i*256), 64), (64, 64)) for i in range(len(LEVELS))]
        di = hitbox.collidelist(doorlist)
    # enter door
    if door and (hitbox.colliderect(Rect(DOOR, (64, 64))) or (hub and di != -1 and len(INV)>=needs[di] )):

        n = 2
        if not hub: X, Y = DOOR[0] + 16, DOOR[1]
        STATE = "jump1"
        while n < 980:
            surf = rotate(get_screen(), n)
            SCREEN.blit(surf, ((W-surf.get_width())//2, (H - surf.get_height())//2))
            n += n // 2
            for e in pygame.event.get():
                if e.type == QUIT or e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE: quit()
                if e.type == KEYDOWN:
                    if e.key == K_LEFT: mov += -1
                    if e.key == K_RIGHT: mov += 1
                    if e.key == K_DOWN: CROUCH += 1
                if e.type == KEYUP:
                    if e.key == K_LEFT: mov -= -1
                    if e.key == K_RIGHT: mov -= 1
                    if e.key == K_DOWN: CROUCH -= 1
        if hub and di != -1:
            hub = False
            hub = True
    # apply final calculated movement
    X += x_vel
    Y += y_vel
Example #14
class AreaCamera(object):
    Base class for displaying maps.  Not really featured, here, you should
    subclass it.
    def __init__(self, area, rect, tmxdata=None):
        rect = Rect(rect)
        self.rect = rect
        self.area = area
        self.avatars = []

        # create a renderer for the map
        self.maprender = BufferedTilemapRenderer(tmxdata, rect)

        self.map_width = tmxdata.tilewidth * tmxdata.width
        self.map_height = tmxdata.tileheight * tmxdata.height
        self.blank = True

        # load the children
        for child in self.area.getChildren():

        # add the avatars
        for child in self.area.getChildren():
            if isinstance(child, AvatarObject):
                child.avatar.update(0)  # hack to re-init avatar

    def set_extent(self, extent):
        the camera caches some values related to the extent, so it becomes
        nessessary to call this instead of setting the extent directly.
        self.extent = Rect(extent)
        self.half_width = self.extent.width / 2
        self.half_height = self.extent.height / 2
        self.width = self.extent.width
        self.height = self.extent.height
        self.zoom = 1.0

    def update(self, time):
        [a.update(time) for a in self.avatars]

    def center(self, pos):
        center the camera on a pixel location.

        x, y = self.toSurface(pos)

        if self.map_width > self.width:
            if x < self.half_width:
                x = self.half_width

            elif x > self.map_width - self.half_width - 1:
                x = self.map_width - self.half_width - 1

            x = self.map_width / 2

        if self.map_height > self.height:
            if y < self.half_height:
                y = self.half_height

            elif y > self.map_height - self.half_height:
                y = self.map_height - self.half_height
            y = self.map_height / 2

        self.extent.center = (x, y)
        self.maprender.center((x, y))

    def clear(self, surface):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def draw(self, surface):
        avatars = []
        for a in self.avatars:
            aWidth, aHeight = a.get_size()
            d, w, h = a.getSize()
            x, y = self.toSurface(a.getPosition())

            rect = Rect(
                (x - (aWidth - w) / 2, y - aHeight + d, aWidth, aHeight))
            if self.extent.colliderect(rect):
                x, y = self.toScreen(a.getPosition())
                x += self.rect.left
                y += self.rect.top
                rect = Rect((x - (aWidth - w) / 2, y - aHeight + d * 2, aWidth,
                avatars.append((a, rect))

        onScreen = [(a.image, r, 2) for a, r in avatars]

        return self.maprender.draw(surface, onScreen)

    def toScreen(self, pos):
        Transform the world to coordinates on the screen

        x = pos[1] * self.zoom - self.extent.left
        y = pos[0] * self.zoom - self.extent.top

        # if there is a z value, just subtract it from y
            y -= pos[2]

        return x, y

    def toSurface(self, pos):
        """ Translate world coordinates to coordinates on the surface """
        return pos[1], pos[0]
Example #15
def rects_intersect(r1: Rect, r2: Rect):
    return r1.colliderect(r2)
Example #16
class RectPlatform:
    # If tag is a powerup, this indicates which one it should drop,
    # Also indicates whether a ball should bounce of the surface or not
    tag = ""

    droppedAlready = False  # if the platform has pwoerup this indicates if its already dropped

    # The original image before scaling to fit
    originalImage = None
    # The color to display if an image is not provided
    color = None

    # Image to blit on the gamesurface
    img = None

    # position of the platform
    xPos = 0
    yPos = 0

    # size dimensions of the platform
    width = 1
    height = 1

    # surface that the plaform should be displayed on
    mainSurface = None

    # colliders used for objects to detect collisions with the platform
    collideTopRect = None
    collideBottomRect = None
    collideLeftRect = None
    collideRightRect = None
    fullRect = None  # used main more bullets to check if they should be destroy

    debug = False  # Game displays the colliders above if this is true

    # initialize the platform
    def __init__(self,
                 surface: pygame.Surface,
                 tag: str = "platform",
                 image: pygame.image = None,
                 color: tuple = (255, 0, 0)):
        # set some variables that were inputted
        self.tag = tag
        self.xPos = x
        self.yPos = y
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.mainSurface = surface
        self.color = color
        self.originalImage = image

        )  # change the image size to match the size of the platform

        )  # set the colliders of the platforms based on the fed positional/dimensional arguments

    # Used to set the colliders of the platform
    def setRects(self):
        # for top and bottom collisions
        self.collideTopRect = Rect(self.xPos + 5, self.yPos, self.width - 10,
        self.collideBottomRect = Rect(self.xPos + 5,
                                      self.yPos + self.height - 20,
                                      self.width - 10, 20)

        # for side collisions
        self.collideLeftRect = Rect(self.xPos, self.yPos + 10, 30,
                                    self.height - 10)
        self.collideRightRect = Rect(self.xPos + self.width - 30,
                                     self.yPos + 10, 30, self.height - 10)

        # used mainly for bullet collisions
        self.fullRect = Rect(self.xPos, self.yPos, self.width, self.height)

    # display the platform on the surface it was initialized with or a second provided surface
    def display(
    ):  # if you don't want to display on the gameSurface, use the surface arguement
        if surface == None:
            blitSurface = self.mainSurface  # set gameSurface as the blitsurface if not new surface provided
            blitSurface = surface  # If new surface is provided change the blitSurface to the new surface
        if self.img != None:
                (self.xPos, self.yPos))  # if an image was provided, display it
        if self.debug:  # display the colliders if the debug variable is set true
            pygame.draw.rect(blitSurface, (0, 255, 0), self.collideTopRect, 1)
            pygame.draw.rect(blitSurface, (0, 255, 0), self.collideBottomRect,
            pygame.draw.rect(blitSurface, (0, 255, 0), self.collideLeftRect, 1)
            pygame.draw.rect(blitSurface, (0, 255, 0), self.collideRightRect,

    # used to change position of the surface
    def setPos(self, x, y):
        # set position
        self.xPos = x
        self.yPos = y
        # reset colliders

    # used to change the size of the surface
    def setSize(self, width, height):
        # change the dimensions
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        # rescale the image to fit the new dimensions
        # reset the colliders

    # used to scale the image to fit the platform
    def changeImageSize(self):
        # if an orignal image exists, scale the image to display using it
        if self.originalImage is not None:
            self.img = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.originalImage,
                                                    (self.width, self.height))

    # Used to check top collision
    def checkTopCollide(self, rect: Rect):
        if self.collideTopRect.colliderect(
                rect):  # check collision with inputted rect using top collider
            return True
        return False

    # Used to check left collision
    def checkLeftCollide(self, rect: Rect):
        if self.collideLeftRect.colliderect(
        ):  # check collision with inputted rect using left collider
            return True
        return False

    # Used to check right collision
    def checkRightCollide(self, rect: Rect):
        if self.collideRightRect.colliderect(
        ):  # check collision with inputted rect using right collider
            return True
        return False

        # Used to check bottom collision

    def checkBottomCollide(self, rect: Rect):
        if self.collideBottomRect.colliderect(
        ):  # check collision with inputted rect using bottom collider
            return True
        return False
Example #17
class Cell():
    def __init__(self, parent):
        self.parent = parent
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.rect_rel = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.move_offset_x = 0
        self.move_offset_y = 0
        self.input_xy = OrderedDict()
        self.output_xy = OrderedDict()
        self.inputs = OrderedDict()
        self.outputs = []
        self.output_cache = {}
        self.input_cache = {}
        self.res = {}
        self.name = "cell"    
        self.fcs = "cell"    
        self.drawable = False
        self.border = Rect(0,0,0,0)
        self.need_redraw = False
        self.need_body_update = False
        self.zoom = False

    def click(self): pass          
    def add_input(self, name):
        self.inputs[name] = False
    def add_output(self, name):
        self.res[name] = 0
    def update_rect(self): 
        self.rect.w = self.parent.canvas.style["d_width"]
        h = max((len(self.inputs), len(self.outputs)))
        self.rect.h = self.parent.canvas.style["d_line"] * h
        if len(self.inputs) > 1:
            self.rect.w += self.parent.canvas.style["d_input"]

        if len(self.outputs) > 1:
            self.rect.w += self.parent.canvas.style["d_output"]

        self.rect_rel = Rect(self.rect)
        self.rect_rel.x = 0
        self.rect_rel.y = 0

    def update_io_xy(self):
        for pin in self.inputs:
            i = self.inputs.keys().index(pin)
            x = self.rect.x
            y = int(self.rect.y + self.parent.canvas.style["d_line"] * (i + 0.5))
            self.input_xy[pin] = [x, y]      
        for pin in self.outputs:
            i = self.outputs.index(pin)
            x = self.rect.x + self.rect.w
            y = int(self.rect.y + self.parent.canvas.style["d_line"] * (i + 0.5))    
            self.output_xy[pin] = [x, y]

    def get_input_rect(self, pin):
        i = self.inputs.keys().index(pin)
        x = 0
        y = self.parent.canvas.style["d_line"] * i
        w = self.parent.canvas.style["d_input"]
        h = self.parent.canvas.style["d_line"]
        return pygame.Rect((x, y, w, h))
    def get_output_rect(self, pin):
        i = self.outputs.index(pin)
        x = self.rect.w - self.parent.canvas.style["d_output"]
        y = self.parent.canvas.style["d_line"] * i
        w = self.parent.canvas.style["d_output"]
        h = self.parent.canvas.style["d_line"]
        return pygame.Rect((x, y, w, h))    

    def middle_offset(self):
        self.move_offset_x = self.rect.w / 2
        self.move_offset_y = self.rect.h / 2
    def set_offset(self, x, y):
        self.move_offset_x = x
        self.move_offset_y = y

    def clear_offset(self):
        self.move_offset_x = 0
        self.move_offset_y = 0

    def set_pos(self, x, y):
        self.rect.x = x - self.move_offset_x
        self.rect.y = y - self.move_offset_y
    def clear_input(self, name):
        self.inputs[name] = False
    def assign_input(self, name, in_cell, in_pin):
        if name in self.inputs:
            self.inputs[name] = [in_cell, in_pin]

    def assign_free_input(self, in_cell, in_pin):
        for pin in self.inputs:
            if self.inputs[pin] == False:
                self.assign_input(pin, in_cell, in_pin)
    def parse_cfg(self, arr):
        for i in range(len(arr) - 3):
            name = arr[3 + i]
            conn = self.parent.find_cell_pin(name)    
    def get_params(self):
        p = [] 
        p.append("%dx%d" % (self.rect.x, self.rect.y))

        for k in self.inputs:
            if self.inputs[k] is not False:
                o, o_pin = self.inputs[k]
                p.append("%s.%s" % (o.name, o_pin))
        return p 
    def parse(self, arr):
        self.name = arr[0]
        self.fcs = arr[1]
            x,y = map(int, arr[2].split("x"))
            self.set_pos(x, y)
            self.set_pos(0, 0)
    def reset(self):
        self.res = {}
        for pin in self.outputs:
            self.res[pin] = 0
    def clear_io_cache(self):
        self.input_cache = {}
        self.output_cache = {}
    def calc(self, pin):
        return 0
    def tick(self):
        for i in self.outputs:
            self.res[i] = self.calc(i) 
    def output(self, pin):
        return self.res[pin]
    def input(self, pin):
        if self.inputs[pin] is False:
            return 0
        in_obj, in_pin = self.inputs[pin]
        return in_obj.output(in_pin)
    def update(self):

    def request_update_body(self):
        self.need_body_update = True

    def update_body(self, state = None):
        rect = Rect(0, 0, self.rect.w, self.rect.h)
        self.surface = self.parent.mk_surface(self.rect)
        if state is None:
            color = "c_fill"
            if state:
                color = "c_high"
                color = "c_low"
        self.parent.draw_rect(self.surface, self.parent.canvas.style[color], rect)
        self.parent.draw_rect(self.surface, self.parent.canvas.style["c_border"], rect, 2)
        if len(self.inputs) > 1:
            in_rect = Rect(0, 0, self.parent.canvas.style["d_input"], self.rect.h) 
            self.parent.draw_rect(self.surface, self.parent.canvas.style["c_border"], in_rect, 1)
        if len(self.outputs) > 1:
            a = self.parent.canvas.style["d_output"]
            out_rect = Rect(self.rect.w - a, 0, a, self.rect.h) 
            self.parent.draw_rect(self.surface, self.parent.canvas.style["c_border"], out_rect, 1)
        if len(self.inputs) > 1:
            for c in self.inputs:
                rect = self.get_input_rect(c)
                self.parent.draw_text(self.surface, c, rect)

        if len(self.outputs) > 1:
            for c in self.outputs:
                rect = self.get_output_rect(c)
                self.parent.draw_text(self.surface, c, rect)
    def request_redraw(self):
        self.need_redraw = True
    def draw(self):
        if self.need_redraw:
            if self.need_body_update:
                self.need_body_update = False
            self.parent.blit(self.surface, self.rect)
            self.need_redraw = False
    def draw_io(self):   
        for c in self.inputs:
            state = self.input(c)
            if c in self.input_cache:
                if self.input_cache[c] == state:
            self.input_cache[c] = state
            pos_xy = self.input_xy[c]
            self.parent.draw_circle(pos_xy, state)
            if self.inputs[c] is not False:
                in_obj, in_pin = self.inputs[c]
                if not isinstance(in_obj, Invisible):
                    start = pos_xy
                    end = in_obj.output_xy[in_pin]
                    self.parent.draw_line(start, end, state) 
        for c in self.outputs:
            state = self.output(c)
            if c in self.output_cache:
                if self.output_cache[c] == state:
            self.output_cache[c] = state       
            pos_xy = self.output_xy[c]
            self.parent.draw_circle(pos_xy, state)
    def check_output_collision(self, pos):
        for pin in self.outputs:
            if pin in self.output_xy:
                out_pos = self.output_xy[pin]
                p = self.parent.canvas.style["d_point"]
                rect = pygame.Rect(out_pos[0] - p, out_pos[1] - p, p * 2, p * 2)
                if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                    return pin
        return False
    def check_input_collision(self, pos):
        for pin in self.inputs:
            if pin in self.input_xy:
                out_pos = self.input_xy[pin]
                p = self.parent.canvas.style["d_point"]
                rect = pygame.Rect(out_pos[0] - p, out_pos[1] - p, p * 2, p * 2)
                if (rect.collidepoint(pos)):
                    return pin
        return False    
    def check_input_line_collision(self, pos):
        for p in self.inputs:
            if self.inputs[p]:
                obj, pin = self.inputs[p]
                if isinstance(obj, Invisible):

                start = self.input_xy[p]
                end = obj.output_xy[pin]
                #basic rect TODO
                offset = self.parent.canvas.style["d_line_col"]
                x = min((start[0], end[0])) - offset
                y = min((start[1], end[1])) - offset
                w = abs(start[0] - end[0]) + offset * 2
                h = abs(start[1] - end[1]) + offset * 2
                basic = Rect(x, y, w, h)
                if basic.collidepoint(pos):
                    dx = end[0] - start[0]
                    dy = end[1] - start[1]
                    if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
                        return False
                    if abs(dx) < abs(dy):
                        k = float(dx) / float(dy)
                        x = start[0] + k * (pos[1] - start[1])
                        if abs(x - pos[0]) < offset:
                            return self, p, obj, pin                      
                        k = float(dy) / float(dx)
                        y = start[1] + k * (pos[0] - start[0])
                        if abs(y - pos[1]) < offset:
                            return self, p, obj, pin
        return False 
    def disconnect(self):
        for wire_output in self.outputs:
            while True:
                target = self.parent.find_output(self, wire_output)
                if target:
                    obj, pin = target
    def calc_border(self):
        self.border = Rect(self.rect)
        for c in self.inputs:
            if self.inputs[c] is not False:
                in_obj, in_pin = self.inputs[c]
                if not isinstance(in_obj, Invisible):
                    x, y = in_obj.output_xy[in_pin]
                    self.border = self.border.union(Rect(x, y, 0, 0))        
    def solve_drawable(self, window, drawable_list):
        self.drawable = self.border.colliderect(window)

        if self.drawable:
Example #18
class Collectable(object):
	""" The collectable class.

	An instance of this class represents a collectable, like a coin.

		_pos: The position of the collectable.
		_value: The value of this collectable.
		_pic: The picture to display this collectable.
		_collision_rect: The rectangle used for checking for collision.

	def __init__(self, pos=None, size=None, value=5, pic=None):
		""" Generates a new instance of this class.

		Generates a new instance of this class and sets the fields.
		If no picture is given a the rectangle determined by position and size will be filled.

			pos: The position of the collectable.
			size: The size of the collectable.
			value: The value of the collectable.
			pic: The picture to display the collectable.
		if pos is None:
			pos = [0, 0]
		if size is None:
			size = [0, 0]
		self._pos = pos
		self._value = value
		if pic is None:
			self._pic = Surface(size)
			pygame.draw.rect(self._pic, (0, 255, 0), Rect((0, 0), size))
			self._collision_rect = Rect(pos, size())
			self._pic = pic
			self._collision_rect = Rect(pos, pic.get_size())

	def draw(self, surface, tick, camera, size):
		""" Draws the collectable.

		Draws this collectable on the given surface if it is in the horizontal range to be visible.

			surface: The surface to draw on.
			tick: The current tick of the game. This argument is not used at the moment.
			camera: The position of the camera.
			size: The size of the window.
		if self._collision_rect.midright > camera[0] or self._pos[0] < camera[0] + size[0]:
			surface.blit(self._pic, (self._pos[0] - camera[0], self._pos[1] - camera[1]))

	def collides(self, rect):
		""" Checks if the collectable collides.

		This method checks if the collectable collides with the given rectangle.

			rect: The rectangle to check with.

			True if the collectable collides with the given rectangle. False otherwise.
		return self._collision_rect.colliderect(rect)

	def get_value(self):
		""" Returns the value.

		This method returns the value of this collectable.

			The value of this collectable.
		return self._value
Example #19
class Enemy(Sprite):
    image = image.load('resources/enemy.png')

    def __init__(self, location, *groups):

        self.rect = Rect(location, self.image.get_size())
        self.vertical_velocity = self.default_vertical_velocity = 200
        self.rightward_velocity = 100
        self.vertical_velocity_decay = 40
        self.jump_velocity = -300

    def update(self, dt, tilemap, keys_pressed, player):
        new_rect = self._get_new_position_without_boundaries(dt, self.rect,
                                                             self.vertical_velocity, self.rightward_velocity)

        in_boundaries = [InBoundary(boundary_object) for boundary_object in
                      tilemap.layers['triggers'].collide(new_rect, 'blockers')
                      if boundary_object['blockers'] == 'in']
        out_boundaries = [OutBoundary(boundary_object) for boundary_object in
                      tilemap.layers['triggers'].collide(new_rect, 'blockers')
                      if boundary_object['blockers'] == 'out']

        on_top = False
        on_boundary = False
        for boundary in in_boundaries:
            new_rect, on_boundary = boundary.stick_and_get_new_position(self.rect, new_rect, on_boundary)
        for boundary in out_boundaries:
            new_rect, on_boundary, on_top = boundary.stick_and_get_new_position(self.rect, new_rect,
                                                                                on_boundary, on_top)

        if on_boundary:
            self.vertical_velocity_decay = randint(5, 30)
            self.jump_velocity = randint(-500, -300)
            if new_rect.right <= self.rect.right and self.rightward_velocity > 0: # bounce off right bounding wall and go left
                self.rightward_velocity = randint(-200, -30)
            elif new_rect.right >= self.rect.right and self.rightward_velocity < 0: # bounce off left bounding wall and go right
                self.rightward_velocity = randint(30, 200)

        self.vertical_velocity = self._maintain_jump(
            on_boundary, self.vertical_velocity, self.default_vertical_velocity,
            self.vertical_velocity_decay, self.jump_velocity,
            can_go_higher=self.rect.top - new_rect.top > 0,
            can_go_lower=self.rect.top - new_rect.top < 0)

        self.rect = new_rect

        if self.rect.colliderect(player.rect):
            player.is_dead = True

    def _get_new_position_without_boundaries(dt, new_rect, vertical_velocity, rightward_velocity):
        new_rect = new_rect.copy()

        new_rect.y += vertical_velocity * dt
        new_rect.x += rightward_velocity * dt

        return new_rect

    def _maintain_jump(on_boundary, vertical_velocity, default_vertical_velocity,
                       vertical_velocity_decay, jump_velocity, can_go_higher, can_go_lower):
        if on_boundary and not can_go_lower and vertical_velocity == default_vertical_velocity:  # don't jump from mid-air, you must be standing on top of something
            return jump_velocity

        # stop velocity degrading short when you bump your head
        if on_boundary and vertical_velocity != default_vertical_velocity and not can_go_higher:
            return default_vertical_velocity

        # turn jump into gravity over time by degrading the vertical velocity
        return min(vertical_velocity + vertical_velocity_decay, default_vertical_velocity)
Example #20
class Player(Sprite):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.xvel = 0
        self.yvel = 0
        self.on_ground = False
        self.start_pos = x, y
        self.image = Surface((40, 40))
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 40, 40)
        self.jump_sound = Sound('sounds/jump.ogg')
        self.punch_sound = Sound('sounds/punch.ogg')
        self.anim_stay = PygAnimation(ANIM_STAY)
        self.anim_right = PygAnimation(ANIM_RIGHT)
        self.anim_left = PygAnimation(ANIM_LEFT)
        self.anim_jump = PygAnimation(ANIM_JUMP)
        self.anim_stay.blit(self.image, (0, 0))
        self.win = False
        self.lose_reload = 0

    def update(self, left, right, up, platforms):
        if right:
            self.xvel = MOVE_SPEED
            self.anim_right.blit(self.image, (0, 0))
        elif left:
            self.xvel = -MOVE_SPEED
            self.anim_left.blit(self.image, (0, 0))
            self.xvel = 0
            if not up:
                self.anim_stay.blit(self.image, (0, 0))

        if up:
            self.anim_jump.blit(self.image, (0, 0))

        if up and self.on_ground:
            self.yvel = -JUMP_POWER

        if not self.on_ground:
            self.yvel += GRAVITY if self.yvel + GRAVITY < MAX_GRAVITY else 0

        self.on_ground = False

        self.rect.y += self.yvel
        self.collide(0, self.yvel, platforms)

        self.rect.x += self.xvel  # переносим свои положение на xvel
        self.collide(self.xvel, 0, platforms)

    def draw(self, surface):
        surface.blit(self.image, self.rect.topleft)

    def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms):
        for platform in platforms:
            if self.rect.colliderect(platform.rect):

                if platform.state == 'upper':
                    self.yvel = -JUMP_POWER * 5

                if xvel > 0:
                    self.rect.right = platform.rect.left

                if xvel < 0:
                    self.rect.left = platform.rect.right

                if yvel > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = platform.rect.top
                    self.on_ground = True
                    self.yvel = 0

                if yvel < 0:
                    self.rect.top = platform.rect.bottom
                    self.yvel = 0

                if platform.state == 'trap':
                if platform.state == 'enemy':
                    self.rect.x, self.rect.y = self.start_pos
                    self.lose_reload = 60
                if platform.state == 'target':
                    self.win = True
def rectangle_rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2):
    "Test for intersection of rectangles 1 and 2, centres x,y, dimensions w,h"
    a = Rect((x1-w1/2, y1-h1/2, w1, h1))
    b = Rect((x2-w2/2, y2-h2/2, w2, h2))
    return bool(a.colliderect(b))
Example #22
class Player:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 50
        self.y = 200

        self.width = 60
        self.height = 100

        self.speedX = 0
        self.speedY = 0

        self.jumping = True
        self.jump_effect = pygame.mixer.Sound('assets\\sound\\jump.wav')

        self.rect = Rect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.run_images = []
        self.jump_images = []
        self.dead_images = []

        for i in range(9):
            picture = load_image('assets\\player\\_Jump (' + str(i + 1) +
            # picture = pygame.transform.scale(load_image('assets\\player\\_Jump (' + str(i + 1) + ').png'), (80, 105))
            # pygame.image.save(picture, 'assets\\player\\_Dead (' + str(i + 1) + ').png')
            picture = load_image('assets\\player\\_Walk (' + str(i + 1) +

            picture = load_image('assets\\player\\_Dead (' + str(i + 1) +
        self.index = 0

        self.time_for_animation_frame = 60
        self.tps_delta = 0

    def draw(self, surface):
        self.rect.x = self.x
        self.rect.y = self.y
        if self.jumping is True:
            surface.blit(self.jump_images[self.index], self.rect)
            surface.blit(self.run_images[self.index], self.rect)

        pygame.draw.rect(surface, Colors.GREEN.value, self.rect, 2)

    def move_actions(self):
        self.tps_delta += self.clock.tick()  # zwraca czas miedzy klatkami
        if self.tps_delta > self.time_for_animation_frame:
            self.tps_delta = 0
            self.index += 1
            if self.index >= len(self.run_images):
                self.index = 0

        pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if pressed[pygame.K_SPACE] and self.jumping is False:
            self.speedY = -8
            self.jumping = True

        if self.y > Dimensions.GROUND_LVL:
            self.jumping = False
            self.speedY = 0
            self.y = Dimensions.GROUND_LVL - 2

        if self.jumping is True:
            self.speedY = self.speedY + 0.2

        if pressed[pygame.K_LEFT]:
            self.speedX = -5
        elif pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
            self.speedX = 5

        self.speedX = self.speedX * 0.8

    def move(self):
        if self.x + self.speedX >= 0 and self.x + self.speedX + self.width <= Sizes.MAP_WIDTH_PIXELS.value:
            self.x += self.speedX
        self.y += self.speedY

    def check_collisions_with_obstacles(self, board):
        for o in board.obstacles:
            if self.rect.colliderect(o.rect):
                return True
        return False

    def reset(self):
        self.x = 50
        self.y = 200
        self.speedX = 0
        self.speedY = 0
        self.jumping = True
                     if e.key == K_RIGHT: mov += 1
                     if e.key == K_DOWN: CROUCH += 1
                     if e.key == K_SPACE and n <= 0:
                         end = False
                 if e.type == KEYUP:
                     if e.key == K_LEFT: mov -= -1
                     if e.key == K_RIGHT: mov -= 1
                     if e.key == K_DOWN: CROUCH -= 1
 #                 door
 if hub:
     doorlist = [Rect((256+(i*256), 64), (64, 64)) for i in range(len(LEVELS))]
     di = hitbox.collidelist(doorlist)
 # enter door
 if door and (hitbox.colliderect(Rect(DOOR, (64, 64))) or (hub and di != -1 and len(INV)>=needs[di] )):
     n = 2
     if not hub: X, Y = DOOR[0] + 16, DOOR[1]
     STATE = "jump1"
     while n < 980:
         surf = rotate(get_screen(), n)
         SCREEN.blit(surf, ((W-surf.get_width())//2, (H - surf.get_height())//2))
         n += n // 2
         for e in pygame.event.get():
             if e.type == QUIT or e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE: quit()
             if e.type == KEYDOWN:
                 if e.key == K_LEFT: mov += -1
                 if e.key == K_RIGHT: mov += 1