def hsva_rev(iterations, final_val, max_iters): if iterations == max_iters: return (0,0,0) rslt = Color(0) rslt.hsva = (int(360-360*iterations/max_iters), 100, 100, 1) return rslt
def __init__(self): ''' Initialize Akintu graphics engine with default settings ''' self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(( PANE_X * TILE_SIZE + 256, max(PANE_Y * TILE_SIZE, 20 * TILE_SIZE))) pygame.display.set_caption('Akintu r01') self.background = pygame.Surface((PANE_X * TILE_SIZE, PANE_Y * TILE_SIZE)) self.images = dict() self.persons = OrderedDict() self.personsgroup = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.playerframes = OrderedDict() self.monsterframes = OrderedDict() self.scrollcount = 0 self.textsize = 12 self.sidetext = [] self.dialog = None self.overlays = {} overlay_colors = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'cyan', 'orange', 'black'] for c in overlay_colors: color = Color(c) color.a = 50 self.overlays[c] = generate_overlay(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, color) pygame.display.flip() self.turntime = 0 self.tile_updated = False # Draw the sidebar text area and make sure it has at least one item # in it (even though it's a blank item) self.show_text('')
def render(self): self.check() if self.disabled: return pos = t = self.mod["eyeType"] color0 = (255,255,255) color1 = (0,0,0) radius = (self.mod["eyeSkill"] + 2) * 3 color = skinColor(self.mod) # we have to determine how big the eye will be before drawing size = (radius * 2, radius * 2) rect = Rect((0,0), size) image = Surface(size) image.fill(self.colorkey) image.set_colorkey(self.colorkey) # locking the surface makes multiple drawing operations quicker image.lock() # draw the border of the eye if radius < 10: steps = 16 else: steps = 8 for t in range(0,360,steps): t = radians(t) new_color = Color(color.r, color.g, color.b) h, s, v, a = new_color.hsva v = int(sin(t) * 50) + 50 if v < 0: v = 0 - v new_color.hsva = (h, s, v, a) x = int(rect.centerx + cos(t) * (radius - 4)) y = int(rect.centery + sin(t) * (radius - 4)), new_color, (x, y), 3) # draw the white and pupil, color0,, radius - 3), color1,, (radius - 3) / 3) image.unlock() = pos self.rect = rect self.image = image
def get_aa_ellipsis(size, color): surface = Surface(size, flags=SRCALPHA).convert_alpha() rect = Rect((0, 0), size) color = Color(*color) alpha = color.a color.a = 0 #here 5 is an arbitrary multiplier, we will just rescale later circle = Surface([size[0] * 5, size[1] * 5], SRCALPHA) draw.ellipse(circle, (0,0,0), circle.get_rect(), 0) circle = transform.smoothscale(circle, size) #fill with color using blend_rgba_max circle.fill(color, special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MAX) #fill with alpha-withe using blend_rgba_min in order to make transparent circle.fill((255, 255, 255, alpha), special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MIN) return circle
def f(surface, rectangle): x0, y0, W, H = rectangle try: l = len(data) except: pdb.set_trace() w = W / l try: for i in range(0, l): h = data[i] c = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) c.hsva = (0, 100, 100, 0) x = x0 + i * w y = y0 + H * (1 - h) rect(surface, c, \ (x, y, 0.9 * w, h * H)) except: pdb.set_trace()
def hsv(color, hsva): """ return a new Color object with the HSV values adjusted pygame also includes an alpha channel (a) since i want to make simple gradations of value when rendering the physical bodies, we need a simple way to adjust the HSV values of a color. the pygame Color objects have some functionality, but are missing features like this one that we are producing here. """ new = Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) h, s, v, a = new.hsva h += hsva[0] s += hsva[1] v += hsva[2] a += hsva[3] new.hsva = (h,s,v,a)
def circleRays(surface, center, data, transform=lambda y: scipy.log(y + 1)): x0, y0 = center total = math.radians(360) l = len(data) m = transform(max(data)) part = total/l for i in range(0, l): if m > 0: p = transform(data[i]) h = p * 5 hue = p / m c = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) c.hsva = ((1-hue) * 360, 100, 100, 0) x = x0 + (m*2+h)*math.cos(part * i) y = y0 + (m*2+h)*math.sin(part*i) line(surface, c, (x0,y0),(x,y),1) circle(surface,c, center,int(m*2),0)
def actual_color(c): if type(c) is tuple: if len(c) == 3: r, g, b = c c = Color(r, g, b) else: r, g, b, a = c c = Color(r, g, b, a) elif type(c) is Color: c = Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) else: c = Color(c) if invert_colors: h, s, v, a = c.hsva #h = (h + 180.0) % 360.0 #s = (s + 50.0) % 100.0 v = (v + 99.9) % 100.0 c.hsva = (h, s, v, a) return c return Color(255 - c.r, 255 - c.g, 255 - c.b, c.a) else: return c
def draw(self): surface = Surface(self.size, flags=SRCALPHA).convert_alpha() rect = Rect((0, 0), self.size) color = Color(*self.color) alpha = color.a color.a = 0 rectangle = Surface(rect.size, SRCALPHA) #ex: [h*3, h*3] circle = Surface([min(rect.size) * 5] * 2, SRCALPHA) draw.ellipse(circle, (0, 0, 0), circle.get_rect(), 0) #ex: [h*0.5, h*.05] circle = transform.smoothscale(circle, [int(self.radius_value)] * 2) #now circle is just a small circle of radius self.radius*h (for example) #blit topleft circle: radius = rectangle.blit(circle, (0, 0)) #now radius = Rect((0, 0), circle.size), rect=Rect((0, 0), self.size) #blit bottomright circle: radius.bottomright = rect.bottomright #radius is growing rectangle.blit(circle, radius) #blit topright circle: radius.topright = rect.topright rectangle.blit(circle, radius) #blit bottomleft circle: radius.bottomleft = rect.bottomleft rectangle.blit(circle, radius) #black-fill of the internal rect rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), rect.inflate(-radius.w, 0)) rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), rect.inflate(0, -radius.h)) #fill with color using blend_rgba_max rectangle.fill(color, special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MAX) #fill with alpha-withe using blend_rgba_min in order to make transparent #the rectangle.fill((255, 255, 255, alpha), special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MIN) surface.blit(rectangle, rect.topleft) return surface
def draw(): screen.fill(Color('white')[:3]) p.draw(screen)
def __init__(self, display): super().__init__(display) gray_color = random.randint(200, 255) self.color = Color(gray_color, gray_color, gray_color, 10)
def _render_pitch(self): surface = self.surface field = self.field white = Color('white') surface.fill(Color('darkgreen')) fieldmidleft = field.midleft fieldmidright = field.midright #goals self.home_goal.draw(surface) self.away_goal.draw(surface) #penalty_box - left goal = self.home_goal.rect pb = pg.Rect(0, 0, goal.width * 3.0, field.height * 0.5) pb.midleft = fieldmidleft pg.draw.rect(surface, white, pb, 1) #penalty_box_arc - left pbarc = pg.Rect(0, 0, pb.width * 0.35, pb.height * 0.5) = pb.midright pg.draw.arc(surface, white, pbarc, -math.pi * 0.5, math.pi * 0.5) #penalty_spot - left pb_spot = Vector2(pbarc.midleft) pb_spot.x *= 0.8, white, (int(pb_spot.x),int(pb_spot.y)), 3) # penalty-box - right pb.midright = fieldmidright pg.draw.rect(surface, white, pb, 1) #penalty_box_arc - right = pb.midleft pg.draw.arc(surface, white, pbarc, math.pi * 0.5, math.pi * 1.5) #penalty_spot -right pb_spot = Vector2(pbarc.midright) pb_spot.x += (0.2 * (field.width - pbarc.midright[0])), white, (int(pb_spot.x),int(pb_spot.y)), 3) # midfield x1,y1 = field.midtop x1 -= 0 pg.draw.line(surface, white, (x1,y1),(x1,field.height), 1) # field pg.draw.rect(surface, white, field, 2) #render the ball ## self.ball.draw(surface) ## self.ball.draw() # walls for w in self.walls: w.draw(surface,True) # center circle, white,, int(field.width * 0.15), 1), white,, 3)
# Cell size CELL_WIDTH = 50 CELL_HEIGHT = 50 CELL_PAD = 7 CELL_BORDER_SIZE = 2 # Default Number of rows and cols DEF_ROWS = 9 DEF_COLS = 9 # Number of Walls per player NUM_WALLS = 10 ### COLORS ### # Font Color & SIZE FONT_COLOR = Color(0, 10, 50) FONT_BG_COLOR = Color(255, 255, 255) FONT_SIZE = 16 # Board Background and Border color and look BOARD_BG_COLOR = Color(240, 255, 255) BOARD_BRD_COLOR = Color(0, 0, 40) BOARD_BRD_SIZE = 1 # Cell colors CELL_BORDER_COLOR = Color(40, 40, 40) CELL_COLOR = Color(120, 90, 60) CELL_VALID_COLOR = Color(40, 120, 120) # Cyan # Wall Color WALL_COLOR = Color(10, 10, 10)
class Colors(): ORANGE = Color(255, 140, 0) RED = Color(255, 0, 0) GREEN = Color(0, 255, 0) BLACK = Color(0, 0, 0) WHITE = Color(255, 255, 255)
self.angle = random.randint(70, 100) for i in range(20, 300): self.move(i) self.left(self.angle) self.pen = False self.goto_random() self.pen = True self.num -= 1 ##################################################################### width = 1000 # Width of the window height = 800 # Height of the window game = game(width, height) game.bg_color = Color("white") # Background color ##################################################################### # Add sprites here # ##################################################################### stage(game) bob = turtle(game) bob.costume = "turtle.png" bob.size = 50 #####################################################################
def true_color(temperature): t = decimal_round('kelvin').m) kelvin = [ 2660, 3120, 3230, 3360, 3500, 3680, 3920, 4410, 4780, 5240, 5490, 5610, 5780, 5920, 6200, 6540, 6930, 7240, 8190, 8620, 9730, 10800, 12400, 13400, 14500, 15400, 16400, 18800, 22100, 24200, 27000, 30000, 31900, 35000, 38000 ] hexs = [ '#ffad51', '#ffbd71', '#ffc177', '#ffc57f', '#ffc987', '#ffcd91', '#ffd39d', '#ffddb4', '#ffe4c4', '#ffead5', '#ffeedd', '#ffefe1', '#fff1e7', '#fff3eb', '#fff6f3', '#fff9fc', '#f9f6ff', '#f2f2ff', '#e3e8ff', '#dde4ff', '#d2dcff', '#cad6ff', '#c1d0ff', '#bccdff', '#b9caff', '#b6c8ff', '#b4c6ff', '#afc2ff', '#abbfff', '#a9bdff', '#a7bcff', '#a5baff', '#a4baff', '#a3b8ff', '#a2b8ff' ] if t in kelvin: return Color(hexs[kelvin.index(t)]) elif t < kelvin[0]: # "extrapolación" lineal positiva despues = 1 antes = 0 elif t > kelvin[-1]: # "extrapolación" lineal nagativa despues = -1 antes = -2 else: # interpolación lineal despues = bisect_right(kelvin, t) antes = despues - 1 x1 = kelvin[antes] x2 = kelvin[despues] y1 = Color((hexs[antes])) y2 = Color((hexs[despues])) diff_x = x2 - x1 ar = (y2.r - y1.r) / diff_x ag = (y2.g - y1.g) / diff_x ab = (y2.b - y1.b) / diff_x br = y1.r - ar * x1 bg = y1.g - ag * x1 bb = y1.b - ab * x1 x = t - x1 if t > x1 else x1 - t def cap(number): if number >= 255: return 255 elif number <= 0: v = abs(number) return cap(v) else: return number r = cap(decimal_round(ar * x + br)) g = cap(decimal_round(ag * x + bg)) b = cap(decimal_round(ab * x + bb)) color = Color(r, g, b) return color
from math import * # 从数学模块导入函数 from pygame import Color # 从pygame导入Color类 def coloradd(color, dh): """ 颜色增加函数,本函数把颜色的色相进行增加,其它指标不变。 color:Color实例化后的颜色 dh:一个int,色相增加的值 """ h, s, v, a = color.hsva h = h + dh # 色相增加 h = h % 360 # 不能超过360 color.hsva = h, s, v, a # 设定颜色的hsva值 return Color(*color) # 返回颜色实例 width, height = 480, 360 screen = turtle.getscreen() screen.setup(width, height) screen.title("turtle和pygame结合的彩色螺旋图") screen.colormode(255) screen.delay(0) turtle.width(30) yanse = Color('red') for i in range(2200): turtle.color(yanse[:-1]) turtle.fd(i) turtle.rt(35) yanse = coloradd(yanse, 1) screen.mainloop()
# Pipe Mania from math import floor from pygame import image, Color, Surface from random import randint w, h = 10, 7 matrix = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)] tileSize = 68 panelPosition = (96, 96) numberNextTiles = 5 nextTiles = [randint(2, 8) for y in range(numberNextTiles)] nextTilesPosition = (16, 28) tileMouse = (-1, -1) waterWays = Surface((w * tileSize, h * tileSize)) waterWays.fill(Color('black')) tiles = [ 'empty', 'start', 'hori', 'vert', 'cross', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright', 'topleft', 'topright' ] ways = [image.load('images/' + tiles[i] + '_way.png') for i in range(1, 9)] matrix[3][2] = 1 # start tile waterWays.blit(ways[0], (2 * tileSize, 3 * tileSize)) currentPoint = (2 * tileSize + 43, 3 * tileSize + 34) waterFlow = [] start = 60 * 30 # 30 seconds playState = 1
def setColor(self, colorString): self.color = Color(colorString) self.colorString = colorString
for btn in self.buttons: if btn.is_active(mouse_pos): btn.pressed() def add_btn(self, btn): if type(btn) is Button_menu: self.buttons.append(btn) if __name__ == '__main__': pygame.init() width, height = 1280, 720 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) menu = Menu(screen, width, height, image="resource/menu/background.jpg") while True: screen.fill(Color("white")) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() exit(0) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: menu.get_pressed(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) menu.draw() pygame.display.flip()
def draw(self): surface = self._11l111_opy_.get_surface() color = Color(self._1111ll_opy_) l1llllll_opy_(surface, color, self._1l1l1_opy_, self._1llll1l_opy_)
def draw_dot(game, dot): surface = game.window.get_surface() color = Color(dot.color) draw_circle(surface, color,, dot.radius)
from pygame import Color BLACK = Color(0, 0, 0) WHITE = Color(255, 255, 255) GREEN = Color(0, 255, 0) RED = Color(255, 0, 0) BLUE = Color(0, 0, 255) YELLOW = Color(255, 200, 0) GREY = Color(160, 160, 160) ICE = Color(92, 247, 251) GREEN_A50 = Color(0, 255, 0, 50) RED_A50 = Color(255, 0, 0, 50) BLUE_A50 = Color(0, 0, 255, 50) YELLOW_A50 = Color(255, 200, 0, 50) GREY_A50 = Color(160, 160, 160, 50) GREY_A200 = Color(100, 100, 100, 200) SELECTED = Color(255, 200, 0, 100) MOVE = Color(0, 0, 255, 75) ATTACK = Color(255, 0, 0, 75) PLAYED = Color(75, 75, 75, 150) MENU_SEL = Color(96, 144, 145) MENU_BG = Color(51, 51, 51) TRANSPARENT = Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
class Life: name = "Null Life Form" x = int(width / 2) y = int(height / 2) color = Color(255, 0, 0, 0) radius = 15 sexy = 1 Food = 1 ini_speed = 1 speed = 1 intelligence = 2 Violence = 0 Altruism = 0 offsprings = 0 #loffsprings = [] life = 144 HoursSinceReproduction = 0 def Think(self): if self.Violence < 1: if self.Food < 6 or self.HoursSinceReproduction < 6: if len(self.getFoodForms()) > 0: if self.intelligence >= 3: x, y = self.locateSmartClosestFood() else: x, y = self.locateClosestFood() self.Move(x, y) else: clLife = self.closestLife() if (clLife.Food > 6 and clLife.HoursSinceReproduction < 2 ) or self.intelligence < 2 or ( clLife.Food > 6 and ( + / 2 > clLife.HoursSinceReproduction / 4): # Look for sex x, y = self.locateClosestLife() self.Move(x, y) else: if len(self.getFoodForms()) > 0: if self.intelligence >= 3: x, y = self.locateSmartClosestFood() else: x, y = self.locateClosestFood() self.Move(x, y) elif self.Violence >= 1: if self.Food < 6: if len(self.getFoodForms()) > 0: if self.intelligence >= 3: x, y = self.locateSmartClosestFood() else: x, y = self.locateClosestFood() d = 0 if len(LifeForms) > 1: clLife = self.closestLife() x1, y1 = clLife.x, clLife.y d = self.distanceTo(x1, y1) if d < self.distanceTo(x, y) and len( LifeForms) > 1 and clLife.Violence == 0: if d < self.radius + clLife.radius: self.Murder(clLife) else: self.Move(x1, y1) else: self.Move(x, y) else: clLife = self.closestLife() if (clLife.Food > 6 and clLife.HoursSinceReproduction < 2 ) or self.intelligence < 2 or ( clLife.Food > 6 and ( + / 2 > clLife.HoursSinceReproduction / 4): # Look for sex x, y = self.locateClosestLife() self.Move(x, y) else: if len(self.getFoodForms()) > 0: if self.intelligence >= 3: x, y = self.locateSmartClosestFood() else: x, y = self.locateClosestFood() self.Move(x, y) def Birth(self, surface, name, x, y, color, ini_speed, sexy, intelligence, Altruism=0, Violence=0): = name self.x = x self.y = y self.color = color self.surface = surface = sexy self.ini_speed = ini_speed self.speed = math.ceil(ini_speed) self.intelligence = intelligence self.Violence = Violence self.Altruism = Altruism def Kill(self): #self.x=0 #self.y=0 #self.color = "Brown" = "Deceased (" + +")" RemoveLife(self) = 144 self.offsprings = 0 def Move(self, toX, toY): #print("Am at:",self.x,self.y,"Going to:",toX,toY) if abs(toX - self.x) > abs(toY - self.y): if abs(toX - self.x) > self.speed: if toX - self.x < 0: self.x -= self.speed else: self.x += self.speed else: self.x = toX else: if abs(toY - self.y) > self.speed: if toY - self.y < 0: self.y -= self.speed else: self.y += self.speed else: self.y = toY def detectColissions(self): for foodForm in self.getFoodForms(): #print("Distance",self.distanceTo(foodForm.x,foodForm.y)) if self.distanceTo(foodForm.x, foodForm.y) < foodForm.radius + self.radius: foodForm.Remove() for lifeForm in self.getLifeFormsNotMe(): if self.distanceTo(lifeForm.x, lifeForm.y) < lifeForm.radius + self.radius: self.TryToReproduce(lifeForm) lastLifeFormColission = None colissionTimes = 0 def PunishForClotting(self): colided = None for lifeForm in self.getLifeFormsNotMe(): if self.distanceTo(lifeForm.x, lifeForm.y) < lifeForm.radius + self.radius: colided = lifeForm if self.lastLifeFormColission == lifeForm: self.Food -= self.colissionTimes self.colissionTimes += 1 self.x += pm(self.radius) self.y += pm(self.radius) else: self.lastLifeFormColission = lifeForm self.colissionTimes = 0 if colided == None: self.lastLifeFormColission = None self.colissionTimes = 0 def Murder(self, lifeForm): self.Food += lifeForm.Food #self.ini_speed =(lifeForm.speed / 10) + self.ini_speed self.intelligence = (lifeForm.intelligence / 10) + self.intelligence -= 0.1 * lifeForm.Kill() #print(,"Murdering: " + def TryToReproduce(self, partner): #print("Trying to f**k", "Will it work? ", randomChance(5 / (( + and self.Food > 5 and partner.Food > 5) if ( self.Food > 5 and partner.Food > 5 or (self.Food + partner.Food > 10 and self.Altruism > 0) ) and self.HoursSinceReproduction < 1 and partner.HoursSinceReproduction < 1: if randomChance(5 / (( + / 2)): newLife = Life() x, y = int((self.x + partner.x) / 2), int( (self.y + partner.y) / 2) n = randomName(True) newLife.Birth( surface, n, x, y, self.averageColor(partner), mut((self.ini_speed + partner.ini_speed) / 2), mut(( + / 2), mut((self.intelligence + partner.intelligence) / 2), Violence=mut((self.Violence + partner.Violence) / 2), Altruism=mut((self.Altruism + partner.Altruism) / 2)) LifeForms.append(newLife) #self.loffsprings.append(newLife) #partner.loffsprings.append(newLife) #print(n,"was born!") if partner.Food <= 5 and self.Altruism > 0: self.Food -= 11 - partner.Food partner.Food = 0 else: self.Food -= 5 partner.Food -= 5 self.offsprings += 1 partner.offsprings += 1 self.HoursSinceReproduction = 6 partner.HoursSinceReproduction = 6 if self.Altruism >= 1: newLife.Food += int(self.Food / 2) self.Food -= int(self.Food / 2) if partner.Altruism >= 1: newLife.Food += int(partner.Food / 2) partner.Food -= int(partner.Food / 2) elif self.Violence >= 2 and partner.Violence <= 1: #self.Food-=5 #partner.Food-=5 #clLife = self.closestLife() x1, y1 = partner.x, partner.y d = self.distanceTo(x1, y1) if d < self.radius + partner.radius: self.Murder(partner) else: self.Move(x1, y1) def averageColor(self, partner): r, g, b = int(mut((self.color.r + partner.color.r) / 2)), int( mut((self.color.g + partner.color.g) / 2)), int( mut((self.color.b + partner.color.b) / 2)) if r > 255: r = 255 if g > 255: g = 255 if b > 255: b = 255 return pygame.Color(r, g, b, 0) def distanceTo(self, x, y): return ((x - self.x)**2 + (y - self.y)**2)**0.5 def locateClosestFood(self): FoodForms = self.getFoodForms() closest = FoodForms[0] closestVal = self.distanceTo(closest.x, closest.y) for foodForm in FoodForms: if self.distanceTo(foodForm.x, foodForm.y) < closestVal: closest = foodForm closestVal = self.distanceTo(foodForm.x, foodForm.y) return closest.x, closest.y def locateSmartClosestFood(self): FoodForms = self.getFoodForms() closest = FoodForms[0] closestVal = self.distanceTo(closest.x, closest.y) for foodForm in FoodForms: if (self.distanceTo(foodForm.x, foodForm.y) / Food.feed < closestVal): closest = foodForm closestVal = self.distanceTo(foodForm.x, foodForm.y) / Food.feed return closest.x, closest.y def eat(self, food): self.Food += food self.radius = int(15 * (1 + ((abs(self.Food)**0.5) / 4))) #if self.Food > 10: # self.speed = math.ceil(self.ini_speed) * speed #math.ceil(self.ini_speed / ((self.Food / 10)**0.5)) #else: # self.speed = math.ceil(self.ini_speed) * speed def locateClosestLife(self): aLifeForms = self.getLifeFormsNotMe() if not len(aLifeForms) == 0: closest = NullForm closestVal = self.distanceTo(closest.x, closest.y) for lifeForm in aLifeForms: if self.distanceTo( lifeForm.x, lifeForm.y) < closestVal and lifeForm.Food > 5: closest = lifeForm closestVal = self.distanceTo(lifeForm.x, lifeForm.y) return closest.x + closest.radius, closest.y + closest.radius else: EndSimulation() return self def closestLife(self): aLifeForms = self.getLifeFormsNotMe() if not len(aLifeForms) == 0: closest = NullForm closestVal = self.distanceTo(closest.x, closest.y) for lifeForm in aLifeForms: if self.distanceTo( lifeForm.x, lifeForm.y) < closestVal and lifeForm.Food > 5: closest = lifeForm closestVal = self.distanceTo(lifeForm.x, lifeForm.y) return closest else: EndSimulation() return self def getLifeForms(self): return LifeForms def getFoodForms(self): return FoodForms def getLifeFormsNotMe(self): tmpLifeForms = LifeForms.copy() try: tmpLifeForms.remove(self) except: return tmpLifeForms return tmpLifeForms
def draw(self): # draw the dot on the screen surface = self._window.get_surface() color = Color(self._color) draw_circle(surface, color, self._center, self._radius)
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) self.tile_img = pygame.image.load(self.BG_TILE_IMG).convert_alpha() self.tile_img_rect = self.tile_img.get_rect() self.field_border_width = 4 field_outer_width = self.FIELD_SIZE[0] + 2 * self.field_border_width field_outer_height = self.FIELD_SIZE[1] + 2 * self.field_border_width self.field_rect_outer = Rect(20, 60, field_outer_width, field_outer_height) self.field_bgcolor = Color(109, 41, 1, 100) self.field_border_color = Color(0, 0, 0) self.field_box = Box(self.screen, rect=self.field_rect_outer, bgcolor=self.field_bgcolor, border_width=self.field_border_width, border_color=self.field_border_color) self.tboard_text = ['The amazing Creeps!'] self.tboard_rect = Rect(20, 20, field_outer_width, 30) self.tboard_bgcolor = Color(50, 20, 0) self.tboard = MessageBoard(self.screen, rect=self.tboard_rect, bgcolor=self.tboard_bgcolor, border_width=4, border_color=Color('black'), text=self.tboard_text, font=('tahoma', 18), font_color=Color('yellow')) self.mboard_text = [] self.mboard_rect = Rect(440, 60, 120, 60) self.mboard_bgcolor = Color(50, 20, 0) self.mboard = MessageBoard(self.screen, rect=self.mboard_rect, bgcolor=self.mboard_bgcolor, border_width=4, border_color=Color('black'), text=self.mboard_text, font=('verdana', 16), font_color=Color('white')) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.paused = False self.creep_images = [(pygame.image.load(f1).convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load(f2).convert_alpha()) for (f1, f2) in self.CREEP_FILENAMES] explosion_img = pygame.image.load( 'images/explosion1.png').convert_alpha() self.explosion_images = [ explosion_img, pygame.transform.rotate(explosion_img, 90) ] self.field_rect = self.get_field_rect() self.entrance_rect = Rect(self.field_rect.left,, self.GRID_SIZE * 2, self.GRID_SIZE * 2) self.exit_rect = Rect(self.field_rect.right - self.GRID_SIZE * 2, self.field_rect.bottom - self.GRID_SIZE * 2, self.GRID_SIZE * 2, self.GRID_SIZE * 2) # Create the creeps group and the first creep self.creeps = pygame.sprite.Group() self.spawn_new_creep() self.creep_spawn_timer = Timer(500, self.spawn_new_creep) self.create_walls() # Create the grid-path representation of the field # self.grid_nrows = self.FIELD_SIZE[1] / self.GRID_SIZE self.grid_ncols = self.FIELD_SIZE[0] / self.GRID_SIZE self.goal_coord = (self.grid_nrows - 1, self.grid_ncols - 1) self.gridpath = GridPath(nrows=int(self.grid_nrows), ncols=int(self.grid_ncols), goal=self.goal_coord) for wall in self.walls: self.gridpath.set_blocked(wall) self.options = dict(draw_grid=False)
self.surface.blit(line_sf, (x_pos, y_pos)) y_pos += line_sf.get_height() ################################################################## ################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": pygame.init() SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 350, 550 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) clock = pygame.time.Clock() box = Box(screen, Rect(20, 20, 40, 40), Color('brown4'), 0, Color('red')) mb = MessageBoard(screen, Rect(80, 100, 200, 55), ["Bozo", "Jorna da asasdasdfdgdfgd"], border_width=2, border_color=Color('yellow'), font=('verdana', 16)) while True: time_passed = clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() box.draw()
from pygame import Color BLACK = Color(0, 0, 0, 255) WHITE = Color(255, 255, 255, 255) RED = Color(255, 0, 0, 255) LIME = Color(0, 255, 0, 255) BLUE = Color(0, 0, 255, 255) YELLOW = Color(255, 255, 0, 255) CYAN = Color(0, 255, 255, 255) AQUA = CYAN # because they're the same MAGENTA = Color(255, 0, 255, 255) FUCHSIA = MAGENTA # because they're the same SILVER = Color(192, 192, 192, 255) GRAY = Color(128, 128, 128, 255) GREY = GRAY MAROON = Color(128, 0, 0, 255) OLIVE = Color(128, 128, 0, 255) GREEN = Color(0, 128, 0, 255) PURPLE = Color(128, 0, 128, 255) TEAL = Color(0, 128, 128, 255) NAVY = Color(0, 0, 128, 255) DARK_RED = Color(139, 0, 0, 255) BROWN = Color(165, 42, 42, 255) FIREBRICK = Color(178, 34, 34, 255) CRIMSON = Color(220, 20, 60, 255) TOMATO = Color(255, 99, 71, 255) CORAL = Color(255, 127, 80, 255) INDIAN_RED = Color(205, 92, 92, 255) LIGHT_CORAL = Color(240, 128, 128, 255) DARK_SALMON = Color(233, 150, 122, 255) SALMON = Color(250, 128, 114, 255)
def hsva_coloring_continuous(iterations, final_val, max_iters): if iterations == max_iters: return (0, 0, 0) rslt = Color(0) rslt.hsva = (int(360*iterations/max_iters), 100, 100, 1) return rslt
def visible_color(frequency): color = None if 43.4941208 < frequency < 1664.635167: if 43.4941208 <= frequency <= 400: color = Color(0, 0, 0) elif 400 <= frequency <= 410: color = Color(37, 12, 83) elif 410 <= frequency <= 420: color = Color(66, 28, 163) elif 420 <= frequency <= 430: color = Color(96, 37, 247) elif 430 <= frequency <= 440: color = Color(78, 55, 232) elif 440 <= frequency <= 450: color = Color(63, 73, 217) elif 450 <= frequency <= 460: color = Color(58, 92, 203) elif 460 <= frequency <= 470: color = Color(63, 111, 188) elif 470 <= frequency <= 480: color = Color(68, 120, 173) elif 480 <= frequency <= 490: color = Color(73, 129, 157) elif 490 <= frequency <= 500: color = Color(78, 138, 143) elif 500 <= frequency <= 510: color = Color(83, 147, 128) elif 510 <= frequency <= 520: color = Color(88, 156, 114) elif 520 <= frequency <= 530: color = Color(93, 165, 100) elif 530 <= frequency <= 540: color = Color(99, 175, 87) elif 540 <= frequency <= 550: color = Color(115, 190, 76) elif 550 <= frequency <= 560: color = Color(141, 206, 68) elif 560 <= frequency <= 570: color = Color(175, 222, 62) elif 570 <= frequency <= 580: color = Color(214, 238, 59) elif 580 <= frequency <= 590: color = Color(255, 255, 60) elif 590 <= frequency <= 600: color = Color(234, 169, 40) elif 600 <= frequency <= 610: color = Color(223, 86, 15) elif 610 <= frequency <= 620: color = Color(219, 0, 0) elif 620 <= frequency <= 630: color = Color(197, 0, 0) elif 630 <= frequency <= 640: color = Color(174, 0, 0) elif 640 <= frequency <= 650: color = Color(152, 0, 0) elif 650 <= frequency <= 660: color = Color(130, 0, 0) elif 660 <= frequency <= 670: color = Color(109, 0, 0) elif 670 <= frequency <= 680: color = Color(87, 0, 0) elif 680 <= frequency <= 690: color = Color(67, 0, 0) elif 690 <= frequency <= 700: color = Color(47, 0, 0) elif 700 <= frequency <= 710: color = Color(27, 0, 0) elif 710 <= frequency <= 1664.635167: color = Color(0, 0, 0) return color
from src.models import Hole as BaseHole from src.sprites import * from src.utils import colors, Point Hole = BaseHole( 'Hole #4', par=4, origin=Point(50, 100, 0), ball=Point(312, 580, 0), noncollidibles=LayeredDirty( Text(Point(900, 268), 'Par 4', font.Font(None, 30), colors.WHITE), ), collidibles=LayeredDirty( Green([Point(250, 600, 0), Point(250, 150, 0), Point(370, 150, 0), Point(370, 250, 0), Point(770, 250, 0), Point(770, 150, 0), Point(870, 150, 0), Point(870, 400, 0), Point(770, 400, 0), Point(770, 300, 0), Point(370, 300, 0), Point(370, 600, 0)]), Slope([Point(250, 150, 0), Point(250, 90, 0), Point(370, 90, 0), Point(370, 150, 0)], Color(100, 0, 0, 255), Vector2(0.0, -0.7)), Sand([Point(250, 90, 0), Point(250, 50, 0), Point(370, 50, 0), Point(370, 90, 0)]), Slope([Point(410, 250, 0), Point(410, 200, 0), Point(770, 200, 0), Point(770, 250, 0)], Color(100, 0, 0, 255), Vector2(-0.33, -0.6)), Slope([Point(410, 300, 0), Point(410, 360, 0), Point(770, 360, 0), Point(770, 300, 0)], Color(100, 0, 0, 255), Vector2(-0.33, 0.6)), Rough([Point(410, 200, 0), Point(410, 150, 0), Point(770, 150, 0), Point(770, 200, 0)]), Rough([Point(770, 400, 0), Point(410, 400, 0), Point(410, 360, 0), Point(770, 360, 0)]), Pin(Point(840, 275, 0)), Money(Point(305, 200)), Wall(Point(250, 50, 0), Point(370, 50, 0), 5), Wall(Point(370, 50, 0), Point(370, 250, 0), 5), Wall(Point(370, 250, 0), Point(410, 250, 0), 5), Wall(Point(410, 250, 0), Point(410, 150, 0), 5), Wall(Point(410, 150, 0), Point(870, 150, 0), 5), Wall(Point(870, 150, 0), Point(870, 400, 0), 5), Wall(Point(870, 400, 0), Point(410, 400, 0), 5), Wall(Point(410, 400, 0), Point(410, 300, 0), 5),
def l1ll11l1_opy_(dot): surface = dot.window.get_surface() color = Color(dot.color) l1llllll_opy_(surface, color,, dot.l1l1ll1_opy_)
def __init__(self): center_pixel = Pixel_xy( (uniform(0, SCREEN_PIXEL_WIDTH()), uniform(0, SCREEN_PIXEL_HEIGHT()))) color = utils.color_random_variation(Color('yellow')) super().__init__(center_pixel=center_pixel, color=color, scale=1)
def _set_bg_color(self): """ Set the standard background color by pygame name. """ c = (self._create_color(self._bg_color) or Color(0, 0, 0, 255).normalize()) self.screen.set(bgcolor=c)
DIR_BASE = os.path.dirname(__file__) DIR_ASSETS = os.path.join(DIR_BASE,"data") DIR_FONDOS = os.path.join(DIR_ASSETS,"bck") DIR_ELEMENTOS = os.path.join(DIR_FONDOS,"elements") DIR_UI = os.path.join(DIR_ASSETS,"ui") DIR_FONTS = os.path.join(DIR_ASSETS,"fonts") ########## Colores ########## NEGRO = (0,0,0) BLANCO = (255,255,255) VERDE = (0,255,0) BLUEBERRY = (26,115,232) # Paleta de colores del Simulador BEIGE_0 = Color("#f4e3d7") BEIGE_1 = Color("#e9c6af") BEIGE_2 = Color("#deaa87") BEIGE_3 = Color("#d38d5f") BEIGE_4 = Color("#c87137") BEIGE_5 = Color("#a05a2c") BEIGE_6 = Color("#784421") BEIGE_7 = Color("#502d16") BEIGE_8 = Color("#28170b") ########## Tipografía ########## VIDALOKA = os.path.join(DIR_FONTS,"Vidaloka-Regular.ttf") ########### Constantes ########### # Mouse MOUSE_IZQUIERDO = 1
def treat_colors(self): for k, v in self.colors.items(): if isinstance(v, str): self.colors[k] = Color(v) elif isinstance(v, list): self.colors[k] = [Color(i) for i in v]
CAMERA_HEIGHT = 1300 CAMERA_DEPTH = 1 / math.tan((FIELD_OF_VIEW / 2) * math.pi / 180) BOTTOM_OFFSET = 5 SPEED_BOOST_DECREASE = 0.004 SPEED_BOOST_LENGTH = 50 HARD_TOP_SPEED = [(SEGMENT_HEIGHT / (1.0 / FPS)) * 1.5, (SEGMENT_HEIGHT / (1.0 / FPS)) * 2.4] HARD_HANDLING = [0.1, 0.45] HARD_ACCELERATION = [2.0, 7.0] PLAYER_Z = (CAMERA_HEIGHT * CAMERA_DEPTH) FONTS = { "retro_computer": os.path.join("lib", "PressStart2P.ttf"), "fipps": os.path.join("lib", "Fipps-Regular.otf") } COLOURS = { "white": Color(255, 255, 255), "opaque_white": Color(255, 255, 255, 80), "text": Color(172, 199, 252), "dark_text": Color(57, 84, 137), "selection": [Color(172, 199, 252), Color(100, 149, 252)], "sky": Color(10, 10, 10), "gutter": Color(100, 100, 100), "red": Color(204, 0, 0), "bonus_a": Color(255, 78, 0), "bonus_b": Color(255, 178, 0), "green": Color(0, 204, 0), "black": Color(0, 0, 0), "tunnel": Color(38, 15, 8) } LEVELS = [{
# pygame must be initialized before we can create a Font. pygame.init() try: # "" is a skellington-ism. The included custom version supports # subdirectories by type. import data except: print 'warning: no in module path: proceeding without it' finally: try: font = pygame.font.Font(data.filepath('font', 'Vera.ttf'), 14) except: print 'warning: cannot load font Vera.ttf: using system default' font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 20) bg_color = Color('grey') hi_color = Color(155, 155, 155) text_color = Color('black') glint_color = Color(220, 220, 220) shadow_color = Color(105, 105, 105) margin = 2 class PopupMenu(object): """popup_menu.PopupMenu PopupMenu(data, block=True) : return menu data -> list; the list of strings and nested lists. pos -> tuple; the xy screen coordinate for the topleft of the main menu; if None, the mouse position is used.
def _set_font_color(self): """ Set the standard font color by pygame name. """ self._font_color = (self._create_color(self._font_color_name) or Color(1, 1, 1, 255).normalize())
def random_color(count): color = Color("white") color.hsva = (count%360, 90, 80, 60) return color
def random_color(self): color = Color("white") color.hsva = (random.randint(0,350), 90, 80, 60) return color
def __init__(self, pos, *groups): super().__init__(*groups) self.image = Surface((TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)) self.image.fill(Color("#DDDDDD")) self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos)
def get_aa_round_rect(size, radius, color): surface = Surface(size, flags=SRCALPHA).convert_alpha() rect = Rect((0, 0), size) color = Color(*color) alpha = color.a color.a = 0 rectangle = Surface(size, SRCALPHA) #here 5 is an arbitrary multiplier, we will just rescale later circle = Surface([min(size) * 5, min(size) * 5], SRCALPHA) draw.ellipse(circle, (0,0,0), circle.get_rect(), 0) circle = transform.smoothscale(circle, (2*radius, 2*radius)) #now circle is just a small circle of radius #blit topleft circle: radius_rect = rectangle.blit(circle, (0, 0)) #now radius_rect = Rect((0, 0), circle.size), rect=Rect((0, 0), size) #blit bottomright circle: radius_rect.bottomright = rect.bottomright #radius_rect is growing rectangle.blit(circle, radius_rect) #blit topright circle: radius_rect.topright = rect.topright rectangle.blit(circle, radius_rect) #blit bottomleft circle: radius_rect.bottomleft = rect.bottomleft rectangle.blit(circle, radius_rect) #black-fill of the internal rect rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), rect.inflate(-radius_rect.w, 0)) rectangle.fill((0, 0, 0), rect.inflate(0, -radius_rect.h)) #fill with color using blend_rgba_max rectangle.fill(color, special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MAX) #fill with alpha-withe using blend_rgba_min in order to make transparent #the rectangle.fill((255, 255, 255, alpha), special_flags=BLEND_RGBA_MIN) surface.blit(rectangle, rect.topleft) return surface