Example #1
 def damage(self, top):
     if not self.dmg:
         arr = PixelArray(self.image)
         self.set_damage(arr, top)
         self.dmg = True
Example #2
    def generate(self, width, height):
        Generate a pyame Surface with pixels following a circular striped pattern from the center of the parent entity
        :param width: the width of the generated surface
        :param height: the height of the generated surface
        :return: the pygame Surface

        surface = Surface((width, height), SRCALPHA)
        pxarray = PixelArray(surface)

        x = width / 2
        y = height / 2

        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                if i != x:
                    a = np.arctan((j - y) / (i - x))
                    a = np.sign(j - y) * np.pi / 2
                r = a % (2 * np.pi / self.iterations)
                for mode, d, in enumerate(np.cumsum(self.ratios)):
                    if r < 2 * np.pi * d / self.iterations:
                        pxarray[i, j] = self.colors[mode]

        return surface
Example #3
    def generate(self, width, height):
        Generate a pygame Surface with pixels following a normal density of diagonal covariance matrix.
        :param width: the width of the generated Surface
        :param height: the height of the generated Surface
        :return: the pygame Surface

        surface = Surface((width, height), SRCALPHA)
        pxarray = PixelArray(surface)

        m = np.array(self.m)
        d = np.array(self.d)

        t = np.zeros((width, height, 3))

        for c in range(3):
            a, b = (0 - m[c]) / d[c], (255 - m[c]) / d[c]
            tc = truncnorm.rvs(a, b, size=width * height)
            t[:, :, c] = tc.reshape(width, height)

        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                pxarray[i, j] = tuple((d * t[i, j] + m).astype(int))

        return surface
Example #4
def generateCar(color):
	c = mainCar.copy()
	pixels = PixelArray(c)
	pixels.replace(Color(0,255,0, 255), color,0)
	surf = pixels.make_surface()
	del pixels
	surf = pygame.transform.smoothscale(surf,(30,30))
	return surf
    def test_rectangular_snipper_blocks(self):
        for x in range(20):
            w, h = self.surf.get_width(), self.surf.get_height()  #pixel
            parser = PixelParser.green
            bw, bh = randint(1, w), randint(1, h)  #block dimmensions
            rs = RectangularSnipper(self.surf, bw, bh, parser)

            parr = PixelArray(self.surf)
            pixarr = [[parser(parr[x, y]) for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]

            self.assertEqual(len(pixarr), h)
            self.assertEqual(sum(len(x) for x in pixarr), h * w)
            self.assertEqual(len(rs), (h // bh) * (w // bw))
                                     (len(pixarr[0]) // bw, len(pixarr) // bh))
            self.assertSequenceEqual(rs.pxarray, pixarr)

            lw, lh = w // bw, h // bh  #shape of the surface in blocks (maximum
            #width, maximum height)
            last_index = len(rs) - 1  #last block

            self.assertEqual(last_index, lw * lh - 1)
                rs[last_index],  #last block
                reduce(add, [
                    pixarr[y][(lw - 1) * bw:lw * bw]
                    for y in range((lh - 1) * bh, lh * bh)
                rs[last_index],  #last block
                rs.get_item((lw - 1), (lh - 1)))  #last block

            self.assertRaises(ValueError, rs.get_item, lw,
                              lh - 1)  #out of range
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, rs.get_item, lw - 1,
                              lh)  #out of range
            self.assertRaises(IndexError, rs.__getitem__, len(rs))

            rnd_index = randint(0, last_index)
            x_index, y_index = rnd_index % lw, rnd_index // lw

                reduce(add, (pixarr[y][bw * x_index:bw * x_index + bw]
                             for y in range(bh * y_index, bh * y_index + bh)),

            rnd_slice = slice(randint(0, last_index), randint(0, last_index))
            w, h = rs.shape
            result = [
                reduce(add, (pixarr[y][bw * w:bw * (w + 1)]
                             for y in range(bh * h, bh * (h + 1))), [])
                for (w, h) in map(lambda x: (x % lw, x // lw),

            self.assertSequenceEqual(rs[rnd_slice], result)  #select all
Example #6
 def damage(self, top):
     if not self.tookDamage:
         pix = PixelArray(self.image)
         if top:
             for i in range(self.height * 3):
                 pix[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(0, self.height // 2)] = (0, 0, 0, 0)  # get rid of pixel by making it invisiable
             for i in range(self.height * 3):
                 pix[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(self.height // 2, self.height - 1)] = (0, 0, 0, 0)   # get rid of pixel by making it invisible
         self.tookDamage = True
Example #7
    def __init__(self, level_file, color_mapping):
        self.color_mapping = color_mapping

        # Load image from file and store dimensions
        pixmap = image.load(level_file)
        self.width, self.height = pixmap.get_size()

        # Convert pixels to colors
        def index_to_color(i):
            color = pixmap.unmap_rgb(i)
            return (color.r, color.g, color.b)
        self.color_array = list(map(
                               lambda index: list(map(
                                   index_to_color, index)), PixelArray(pixmap)))
Example #8
 def damage(self, top):
     """handle when bunk get hit by beam"""
     if not self.hit:
         px_array = PixelArray(self.image)
         if top:
             for i in range(int(self.height * 3)):
                 px_array[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(0, self.height // 2)] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
             for i in range(self.height * 3):
                 px_array[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(self.height // 2, self.height - 1)] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
         self.hit = True
Example #9
 def bunker_hit(self, top):
     if not self.hit:
         px_array = PixelArray(self.image)
         if top:
             for i in range(self.height * 3):
                 px_array[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(0, self.height // 2)] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
             for i in range(self.height * 3):
                 px_array[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(self.height // 2, self.height -
                                    1)] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
         self.hit = True
Example #10
 def damage(self, top):
     if not self.dmg:
         px_array = PixelArray(self.image)
         if top:
             for i in range(self.height * 3):
                 px_array[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(0, self.height // 2)] = (
                              0, 0, 0, 0)  # transparent pixel
             for i in range(self.height * 3):
                 px_array[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(self.height // 2, self.height - 1)] = (
                              0, 0, 0, 0)  # transparent pixel
         self.dmg = True
Example #11
def atmo(vol, rect):
    y = interpolacion_lineal(vol)
    pxarray = PixelArray(graph)
    p, d = 0, 0
    for j in range(0, rect.bottom - 80):
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        rgba = graph.unmap_rgb(pxarray[y, j])
        if rgba == (0, 217, 184, 255):
            if p == 0:
                p = j
                d = j
                p += 1
        elif p != 0:

    del pxarray
    return d, p
Example #12
 def update(self):
     self.pixels = PixelArray(self.image)
     if self.hitCount == 1:
         for i in range(25):
             for j in range(34):
                 self.pixels[i, j] = (0, 0, 0)
     elif self.hitCount == 2:
         for i in range(50, 100):
             for j in range(30, 70):
                 self.pixels[i, j] = (0, 0, 0)
     elif self.hitCount == 3:
         for i in range(50, 100):
             for j in range(70):
                 self.pixels[i, j] = (0, 0, 0)
     elif self.hitCount == 4:
         for i in range(25, 50):
             for j in range(70):
                 self.pixels[i, j] = (0, 0, 0)
Example #13
    def generate(self, width, height):
        Generate a pygame Surface with pixels following a uniform density
        :param width: the width of the generated Surface
        :param height: the height of the generated Surface
        :return: the pygame Surface

        surface = Surface((width, height))
        pxarray = PixelArray(surface)

        a = np.array(self.a)
        b = np.array(self.b)
        t = rand.rand(width, height, 3)
        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                pxarray[i, j] = tuple((a + t[i, j] * (b - a)).astype(int))

        return surface
Example #14
 def damage(self, top):
     """If the block is not already damaged,
     make random pixels (limited to direction the damage is coming from) transparent to show damage.
     If the block is already damaged, kill it so that projectiles can pass through later."""
     if not self.dmg:
         px_array = PixelArray(self.image)
         if top:
             for i in range(self.height * 3):
                 px_array[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(0, self.height // 2)] = (
                              0, 0, 0, 0)  # transparent pixel
             for i in range(self.height * 3):
                 px_array[randrange(0, self.width - 1),
                          randrange(self.height // 2, self.height - 1)] = (
                              0, 0, 0, 0)  # transparent pixel
         self.dmg = True
Example #15
 def __init__(self, surface, bwidth, bheight, pix_parser=lambda x: x):
     I.__init__(surface, width, height) -> ImageSniper
     if not isinstance(surface, Surface):
         raise TypeError("The specified surface source does not "
                         "implement pygame.Surface")
     bwidth, bheight = int(bwidth), int(bheight)
     if bwidth < 1 or bheight < 1:
         raise ValueError("The size of the block must be more "
                          "than one pixel, ({}, {}) specified.".format(
                              bwidth, bheight))
     if surface.get_width() < bwidth or surface.get_height() < bheight:
         raise ValueError("Snippet dimmensions are out of range. "
                          "Image size:{} < Block size:{}".format(
                              surface.get_size(), (bwidth, bheight)))
     self.__bwidth, self.__bheight = bwidth, bheight
     pxarr = PixelArray(surface)
     shape = pxarr.shape
     self.__pxarray = [[pix_parser(pxarr[x, y]) for x in range(shape[0])]
                       for y in range(shape[1])]
Example #16
def colourise(surface: Surface, rgb: tuple) -> Surface:
    Returns the same surface with an rgb value added to all the pixels
    on it.
    validate(colourise, locals())

    r, g, b = rgb
    pixels = PixelArray(surface)

    for x in range(surface.get_width()):
        for y in range(surface.get_height()):

            px_colour = surface.unmap_rgb(pixels[x][y])
            new_r = clamp(px_colour.r + r, 0, 255)
            new_g = clamp(px_colour.g + g, 0, 255)
            new_b = clamp(px_colour.b + b, 0, 255)

            pixels[x][y] = (new_r, new_g, new_b)

    return pixels.surface
Example #17
    def generate(self, width, height):
        Generate a pygame Surface with pixels following a striped pattern.
        :param width: the width of the generated surface
        :param height: the height of the generated surface
        :return: the pygame Surface

        surface = Surface((width, height), SRCALPHA)
        pxarray = PixelArray(surface)

        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                l = np.sqrt(i**2 + j**2) * np.cos(
                    np.arctan((j + 1) / (i + 1)) - self.angle)
                r = l % sum(self.lengths)
                for mode, d in enumerate(np.cumsum(self.lengths)):
                    if r < d:
                        pxarray[i, j] = self.colors[mode]

        return surface
Example #18
def main():
    rect = Rect((0, 0), SCREEN_SIZE)
    surface = Surface(SCREEN_SIZE)
    pxarray = PixelArray(surface)
    P = [(0, 100), (100, 0), (200, 0), (300, 100), (400, 200), (500, 200),
         (600, 100), (400, 400), (700, 50), (800, 200)]
    n = len(P) - 1  # n = len(P) - 1; (P[0], ... P[n])
    k = 3  # degree of curve
    m = n + k + 1  # property of b-splines: m = n + k + 1
    _t = 1 / (m - k * 2)  # t between clamped ends will be evenly spaced
    # clamp ends and get the t between them
    t = k * [0] + [t_ * _t for t_ in xrange(m - (k * 2) + 1)] + [1] * k

    S = Bspline(P, t, k)
    # insert a knot (just to demonstrate the algorithm is working)

    step_size = 1 / STEP_N
    for i in xrange(STEP_N):
        t_ = i * step_size
            x, y = S(t_)
            # if curve not defined here (t_ is out of domain): skip
        except AssertionError:
        x, y = int(x), int(y)
        pxarray[x][y] = (255, 0, 0)
    del pxarray

    for p in zip(S.X, S.Y):
        draw.circle(surface, (0, 255, 0), p, 3, 0)
    SCREEN.blit(surface, (0, 0))

    while 1:
        for ev in event.get():
            if ev.type == KEYDOWN:
                if ev.key == K_q: exit()
Example #19
 def as_pixel_array(self):
     return PixelArray(self._image)
Example #20
 def replaceColor(self, color, dist=0, replace=(0, 0, 0, 0)):
     "Change a color to transparent or an alternative color"
     img = self.convert(True) if self.bits < 32 else self.clone()
     PixelArray(img.surface).replace(color, replace, dist)
     return img
Example #21
for char in range(len(
        char_list)):  # convert all chars into 3-piece strings to be injected
    while len(char_list[char]) != largest_char:
        char_list[char] = '0' + char_list[char]

char_list.insert(0, str(len(char_list)))
    0, str(len(str(len(char_list))))
)  # adds the number of digits, so the revealer can know how much we're looking at
char_list.insert(0, str(largest_char))

print('Digits:', len(str(len(char_list))))

char_list = [c for char in char_list for c in char]

arr = PixelArray(
    image.load(img))  # load the specified image as an integer array

width = len(arr)
height = len(arr[0])

if width * height < len(char_list):
    print('The image is not large enough')

x = 0
y = 0
for char in char_list:
    str_pix = str(arr[x][y])
    str_pix = str_pix[:-1] + char

    if int(str_pix) > 16777215:
Example #22
    def animate(self,

        if not self.finished and not finished:
            if special_render_item and 'sound' in special_render_item:
                if self.sound_playing != sound_cache[
                    self.sound_play_start = 9999999999
                self.sound_playing = sound_cache[special_render_item['sound']]
                if self.sound_playing != self.sound:
                    self.sound_play_start = 9999999999
                self.sound_playing = self.sound

        self.cycletime += config.clock

        animation_size = len(self.image_list[direction])
        if animation_size > 0:
            if self.cycletime > self.interval[self.render_idx]:
                self.cycletime = 0

                if self.render_idx + 1 == animation_size:
                    if repeat == -1:
                        self.render_idx = (self.render_idx +
                                           1) % animation_size
                    elif self.repeat + 1 < repeat:
                        self.render_idx = (self.render_idx +
                                           1) % animation_size
                        self.repeat += 1
                    elif self.repeat + 1 == repeat:
                        self.repeat = 0
                    self.render_idx = (self.render_idx + 1) % animation_size
            render_image = None
            if render_single_frame is not None:
                self.render_idx = render_single_frame
            if self.image_list[direction][self.render_idx] is not None:
                render_image = self.image_list[direction][
                if finished:
                    tmp = image.load("image/mask/finished.bmp").convert()
                    render_image.blit(tmp, (0, 0), None, BLEND_RGBA_MULT)
                if special_render_item and 'mask' in special_render_item:
                    pixel_array = PixelArray(
                    render_image_pixel_array = PixelArray(render_image)

                    for i in range(len(render_image_pixel_array)):
                        for j in range(len(render_image_pixel_array[0])):
                            if pixel_array[i][j] != map_image_cache[
                                        247, 0, 255):
                                render_image_pixel_array[i][j] = Color(
                                    247, 0, 255, 0)
                    render_image = render_image.convert_alpha()
            render_queue.append((0, render_image, position))
Example #23

import computer

WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 800
GRID_SIZE = 4 # pixel size of one little square in the game grid

# convert pixel coordinates to grid coords
def screen_to_grid(x, y):
    return round(x / GRID_SIZE), round(y / GRID_SIZE)

trails = PixelArray(Surface(screen_to_grid(WIDTH, HEIGHT)))
bike1 = Actor('bike1')
bike2 = Actor('bike2')
bike1.colour = (252, 186, 3) # yellow / orange
bike2.colour = (0, 255, 255) # cyan

bike1.is_computer = False  # <-- human or AI
bike2.is_computer = True   # <-- human or AI

# maps a direction to (angle, velocity, reverse) tuple
directions = {
    'right': (0,   (GRID_SIZE, 0),  'left'),
    'up':    (90,  (0, -GRID_SIZE), 'down'),
    'left':  (180, (-GRID_SIZE, 0), 'right'),
    'down':  (270, (0, GRID_SIZE),  'up'),
Example #24
from pygame import image, PixelArray
import sys

img = sys.argv[1]

arr = PixelArray(image.load(img))
max_size = int(str(arr[0][0])[-1])
digits = int(str(arr[0][1])[-1])


length = ''
for i in range(2, digits + 2):
    length += str(arr[0][i])[-1:]

length = int(length)
print('Length:', length)

height = len(arr[0])

word = ''
x = 0
y = digits + 2
char_buffer = ''
for i in range(length * max_size + 1):
    if len(char_buffer) == max_size:
        print('Decoding character:', char_buffer)
        word += chr(int(char_buffer))
        char_buffer = ''

    char_buffer += str(arr[x][y])[-1:]