Example #1
def draw_round_border(surface, width=4, color=None, bounds=None):
    """draw_round_border(Surface, line_width, Color, Rect) => None
       only Surface is required"""
    h = surface.get_height()
    w = surface.get_width()
    img = dialog.circle_border_image
    if color == None: color = pygame.color.Color("white")
    if bounds == None: bounds = surface.get_rect()

    r = Rect(0,0,8,8)
    border = bounds.inflate(-8,-8)
    border.topleft = bounds.topleft

    surface.blit(img, border.topleft, r)
    r.top = 8
    surface.blit(img, border.bottomleft, r)
    r.left = 8
    surface.blit(img, border.bottomright, r)
    r.top = 0
    surface.blit(img, border.topright, r)
    i = bounds.inflate(-17,-17)
    o = bounds.inflate(-3,-3)
    o.topleft = bounds.topleft
    draw.line(surface, color, (i.left,o.top),(i.right,o.top),       4 )
    draw.line(surface, color, (o.left,i.top),(o.left,i.bottom),     4 )
    draw.line(surface, color, (i.left,o.bottom),(i.right,o.bottom), 4 )
    draw.line(surface, color, (o.right,i.top),(o.right,i.bottom),   4 )
Example #2
	def create_platforms_rect(self, tiles, layer):
		""" Create a collision rect for each non-empty tile segment, that is, one or more tiles together """
		if len(tiles) < 1:
			return False

		x, y = tiles.pop(0)
		width = self.map.content['tilewidth']
		height = self.map.content['tileheight']
		rect = Rect((0, 0, 0, 0))
		rect.left = x * width
		rect.top = y * height
		rect.width = width
		rect.height = height
		# self.platforms.append(Platform(rect, layer))
		n_tiles_x, n_tiles_y = 0, 0

		# exclude the tiles we're about to create a platform for
		excluded_tiles = []
		for (n_x, n_y) in tiles:
			if abs(n_x - x) == n_tiles_x and n_y == y:
				rect.width += width
				n_tiles_x += 1
				excluded_tiles.append((n_x, n_y))
			if abs(n_y - y) == n_tiles_y and n_x == x:
				rect.height += height
				n_tiles_y += 1
				excluded_tiles.append((n_x, n_y))

		self.platforms.append(Platform(rect, layer))
		self.create_platforms_rect([t for t in tiles if not t in excluded_tiles], layer)
Example #3
def bounce_in_box(bounce_obj_rect: Rect, bounce_object_speed, \
 box_rect: Rect) -> bool:
	Bounce the object if it hits the border of the box.
	The speed and the position of the `bounce_obj` will be updated.

	@param bounce_obj_rect The Rect of the bouncing object
	@param bounce_obj_speed The 2D speed vector of the bouncing object.
	@return Whether the `bounce_obj` hits the box or not.
    hit = False

    if bounce_obj_rect.left <= box_rect.left:
        bounce_obj_rect.left = box_rect.left
        bounce_object_speed[0] *= -1
        hit = True
    elif bounce_obj_rect.right >= box_rect.right:
        bounce_obj_rect.right = box_rect.right
        bounce_object_speed[0] *= -1
        hit = True

    if bounce_obj_rect.top <= box_rect.top:
        bounce_obj_rect.top = box_rect.top
        bounce_object_speed[1] *= -1
        hit = True
    elif bounce_obj_rect.bottom >= box_rect.bottom:
        bounce_obj_rect.bottom = box_rect.bottom
        bounce_object_speed[1] *= -1
        hit = True

    return hit
Example #4
		def drawDebugRects(sgroup, color_cb):
			for s in (sgroup):
				color = color_cb(s)
				srect = Rect(s.rect)
				srect.left += self.scenebuf_delta_x
				srect.top = self.GAME_HEIGHT - 50
				self.backbuf.fill(color, srect)
Example #5
 def scroll_up_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.top = m
     r.right = self.width - m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
Example #6
 def scroll_up_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.top = m
     r.right = self.width - m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
def get_bullet_image(index, w=16, h=16):
    global bullet_image
    if not bullet_image:
        bullet_image = image.load(resource_path(config.nbtTreeSettings.bulletFileName.get()))
    r =  Rect(0, 0, w, h)
    line_length = int(bullet_image.get_width() / w)
    line = int(index / line_length)
    r.top = line * h
    r.left = (index - (line * line_length)) * w
    return bullet_image.subsurface(r)
Example #8
 def test_top( self ):
     """Changing the top attribute moves the rect and does not change
        the rect's width
     r = Rect( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
     new_top = 10
     r.top = new_top
     self.assertEqual( Rect(1,new_top,3,4), r )
     self.assertEqual( new_top, r.top )
Example #9
def get_bullet_image(index, w=16, h=16):
    global bullet_image
    if not bullet_image:
        bullet_image = image.load(resource_path(config.nbtTreeSettings.bulletFileName.get()))
    r =  Rect(0, 0, w, h)
    line_length = int(bullet_image.get_width() / w)
    line = int(index / line_length)
    r.top = line * h
    r.left = (index - (line * line_length)) * w
    return bullet_image.subsurface(r)
Example #10
    def test_top(self):
        """Changing the top attribute moves the rect and does not change
           the rect's width
        r = Rect(1, 2, 3, 4)
        new_top = 10

        r.top = new_top
        self.assertEqual(Rect(1, new_top, 3, 4), r)
        self.assertEqual(new_top, r.top)
Example #11
    def draw(self):
        #First draw container rect,then draw text rect inside it
        self.text_surface= self.font.render(self.text, True,self.font_color,self.bgcolor)
        container_rect=Rect(self.x_y[0]-self.border_width,self.x_y[1] - self.border_width,self.text_size[0] + self.border_width,self.text_size[1]+self.border_width)

Example #12
    def get_paddle_rect(self, controller):
        if controller == self.cl:
            return self.pl.rect

        # Mirror paddle rect
        topleft = (PADDLE_MARGIN_X, PADDLE_MARGIN_Y)
        rect = Rect(topleft, size)
        rect.top = self.pr.rect.top

        return rect
Example #13
    def add_button(self, rect: pygame.Rect, title: str):
        if len(self.buttons) > 0:
            i = len(self.buttons) - 1
            rect.top += self.buttons[i].size[1] + self.buttons[i].top + 50
        elif len(self.subtitles) > 0:
            i = len(self.subtitles) - 1
            rect.top = self.subtitles[i][0].get_size(
            )[0] + self.subtitles[i][1][1] + 50
            rect.top += self.menu_title.get_size(
            )[1] + self.menu_title_dest[1] + 50

        self.buttons.append(Button(rect, title))
Example #14
    def __contains__(self, event: Event):

        r = Rect(self._rect)
        r.left = 0
        r.top = 0

        answer: bool = False
            p = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
            pList = list(p)
            answer = r.collidepoint(pList[0], pList[1])
        except AttributeError as ae:

        return answer
Example #15
def push_ip(larger_rect: Rect, smaller_rect: Rect):
    '''Larger rect pushes out smaller rect via the smallest possible vector.'''
    clip = larger_rect.clip(smaller_rect)
    if not clip:
    if clip.height <= clip.width:
        if smaller_rect.centery <= clip.centery:
            smaller_rect.bottom = larger_rect.top
            smaller_rect.top = larger_rect.bottom
        if smaller_rect.centerx <= clip.centerx:
            smaller_rect.right = larger_rect.left
            smaller_rect.left = larger_rect.right
Example #16
    def setSlider(self, ratio):
        ''' Create a Rectangle corresponding to the slider position
            position will be relative to the surface so modify the top acc. to ratio
        rect = Rect(
            (0, 0), self.rect.size
        )  # set position to origin as fill rect is relative to surface
        rect.top = rect.height - int(rect.height * ratio)  # change position
        rect.height = int(rect.height * ratio)  # change size

        self.surf.fill(TEAL, rect=rect)

        # now fill in what's remaining with background
        brect = Rect((0, 0), self.rect.size)
        brect.height = rect.top

        self.surf.fill(BLACK, rect=brect)
Example #17
def render_discard_pile(board_render, player_id, seat):
    group = Group()
    match = board_render.match
    player = match.players[player_id]

    if player.discard_pile is None:
        return group

    rect = Rect(board_render.surface.get_rect())
    rect.center = (0, 0)

    side_calculation = (SMALL_TILE_SIZE[1] + 10) * 3
    if seat == 0:
        rect.bottom = side_calculation + TILE_SIZE[1] + 20
    if seat == 2:
        rect.top = -side_calculation

    tile_offset = 10
    tiles_per_row = 12
    i = 0
    row = 0
    row_offset = SMALL_TILE_SIZE[1] + tile_offset
    full_width = tiles_per_row * (SMALL_TILE_SIZE[0] +
                                  tile_offset) - tile_offset
    beginning_of_across_line = (rect.width - full_width) / 2
    beginning_of_across_line += full_width if seat == 2 else 0
    across = beginning_of_across_line
    for tile in player.discard_pile:
        tile_pos = (across, -rect.y + (row * row_offset))
        tile_sprite = TileRender(
        across += (SMALL_TILE_SIZE[0] + tile_offset
                   if seat == 0 else -(SMALL_TILE_SIZE[0] + tile_offset))
        i += 1
        if i >= tiles_per_row:
            i = 0
            row += 1 if seat == 0 else -1
            across = beginning_of_across_line
    return group
def split_surface(sprite_sheet, subsurface_tuple):
    Return a list of Surface objects pulled from the sprite sheet.

    The list is in order from top to bottom, left to right.
    The subsurface_tuple is expected to be (width, height).
    subsurfaces = []
    surface_rect = sprite_sheet.get_rect()
    subsurface_size = (surface_rect.width // subsurface_tuple[0],
                       surface_rect.height // subsurface_tuple[1])

    rect = Rect((0, 0), subsurface_size)
    for i in range(subsurface_tuple[0]):
        rect.left = i * rect.width
        for j in range(subsurface_tuple[1]):
            rect.top = j * rect.width

    return subsurfaces
Example #19
def draw_text(text='sample text', color=(255, 255, 255), pos=(0, 0), surface=None, align_x='left', align_y='top'):
	if (surface == None):
		surface = api.screen
	text_rect = Rect(0, 0, *font.size(text))

	if (align_x == 'left'):
		text_rect.left = pos[0]
	elif (align_x == 'center'):
		text_rect.centerx = pos[0]
	elif (align_x == 'right'):
		text_rect.right = pos[0]

	if (align_y == 'top'):
		text_rect.top = pos[1]
	elif (align_y == 'center'):
		text_rect.centery = pos[1]
	elif (align_y == 'bottom'):
		text_rect.bottom = pos[1]

	surface.blit(font.render(text, 1, color), text_rect)
Example #20
def bounce_in_box_ip(bounce_obj_rect: Rect, bounce_obj_speed, box_rect: Rect):
    Bounce the object if it hits the border of the box.
    The speed and the position of the `bounce_obj` will be updated.

    @param bounce_obj_rect The Rect of the bouncing object
    @param bounce_obj_speed The 2D speed vector of the bouncing object.
    if bounce_obj_rect.left <= box_rect.left:
        bounce_obj_rect.left = box_rect.left
        bounce_obj_speed[0] *= -1
    elif bounce_obj_rect.right >= box_rect.right:
        bounce_obj_rect.right = box_rect.right
        bounce_obj_speed[0] *= -1

    if bounce_obj_rect.top <= box_rect.top:
        bounce_obj_rect.top = box_rect.top
        bounce_obj_speed[1] *= -1
    elif bounce_obj_rect.bottom >= box_rect.bottom:
        bounce_obj_rect.bottom = box_rect.bottom
        bounce_obj_speed[1] *= -1
Example #21
def align_rect(outer: pygame.Rect,
               inner: pygame.Rect,
               halign: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
               valign: Literal["top", "center", "bottom"] = "top",
               outer_halign: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
               outer_valign: Literal["top", "center", "bottom"] = "top"):
    """Calculate coordinates for an inner rectangle aligned to an outer rectangle"""
    x, y = coords

    if outer_halign == "left":
    elif outer_halign == "center":
        x = outer.centerx + x
    elif outer_halign == "right":
        x = outer.right + x

    if outer_valign == "top":
    elif outer_valign == "center":
        y = outer.centery + y
    elif outer_valign == "bottom":
        y = outer.bottom + y

    if halign == "left":
        inner.left = x
    elif halign == "center":
        inner.centerx = x
    elif halign == "right":
        inner.right = x

    if valign == "top":
        inner.top = y
    elif valign == "center":
        inner.centery = y
    elif valign == "bottom":
        inner.bottom = y

    return inner.topleft
Example #22
def bounce_off_ip(bounce_obj_rect: Rect, bounce_obj_speed, \
 hit_obj_rect: Rect, hit_obj_speed):
	Update the speed and position of the `bounce_obj` after it bounces off the `hit_obj`.

	This function is called only when two objects are colliding.

	@param bounce_obj_rect The Rect of the bouncing object
	@param bounce_obj_speed The 2D speed vector of the bouncing object.
	@param hit_obj_rect The Rect of the hit object
	@param hit_obj_speed The 2D speed vector of the hit object
    # Treat the hit object as an unmoveable object
    speed_diff_x = bounce_obj_speed[0] - hit_obj_speed[0]
    speed_diff_y = bounce_obj_speed[1] - hit_obj_speed[1]

    # The relative position between top and bottom, and left and right
    # of two objects at the last frame
    rect_diff_T_B = bounce_obj_rect.top - hit_obj_rect.bottom - speed_diff_y
    rect_diff_B_T = bounce_obj_rect.bottom - hit_obj_rect.top - speed_diff_y
    rect_diff_L_R = bounce_obj_rect.left - hit_obj_rect.right - speed_diff_x
    rect_diff_R_L = bounce_obj_rect.right - hit_obj_rect.left - speed_diff_x

    # Set the position and speed of the bouncing object
    # acccroding to the relative position of two objects
    if rect_diff_T_B > 0 and rect_diff_B_T > 0:
        bounce_obj_rect.top = hit_obj_rect.bottom
        bounce_obj_speed[1] *= -1
    elif rect_diff_T_B < 0 and rect_diff_B_T < 0:
        bounce_obj_rect.bottom = hit_obj_rect.top
        bounce_obj_speed[1] *= -1

    if rect_diff_L_R > 0 and rect_diff_R_L > 0:
        bounce_obj_rect.left = hit_obj_rect.right
        bounce_obj_speed[0] *= -1
    elif rect_diff_L_R < 0 and rect_diff_R_L < 0:
        bounce_obj_rect.right = hit_obj_rect.left
        bounce_obj_speed[0] *= -1
Example #23
    def __draw_hitpoints(self, camera):
        """ Draw the entity's hitpoints, or a marker showing where it
        is if it's off screen. """
        entities = self.__entity_manager.query(Body, Hitpoints)
        for entity in entities:
            body = entity.get_component(Body)
            hitpoints = entity.get_component(Hitpoints)

            # Draw health bar if it's on screen. Otherwise draw marker.
            rect = Rect(0, 0, body.size * 2, 6)
            rect.center = rect.center = camera.world_to_screen(body.position)
            rect.top = rect.top - (body.size * 1.2)
            self.__draw_bar(camera, rect,
                            hitpoints.hp / float(hitpoints.max_hp),
                            (255, 255, 255), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0))

            # Sneakily draw a power bar as well if the entity has it.
            power = entity.get_component(Power)
            if power is not None:
                rect.top += rect.height + 4
                self.__draw_bar(camera, rect,
                                power.power / float(power.capacity),
                                (255, 255, 255), (100, 50, 0), (255, 255, 0))
Example #24
 def limit_paddles(self, paddle: pygame.Rect):
     if paddle.top < 0:
         paddle.top = 0
     elif paddle.bottom > GAME_HEIGHT:
         paddle.bottom = GAME_HEIGHT
     return paddle
Example #25
def reverse_clamp_ip(larger_rect: Rect, smaller_rect: Rect):
    if not larger_rect.contains(smaller_rect):
        larger_rect.left = min(larger_rect.left, smaller_rect.left)
        larger_rect.right = max(larger_rect.right, smaller_rect.right)
        larger_rect.top = min(larger_rect.top, smaller_rect.top)
        larger_rect.bottom = max(larger_rect.bottom, smaller_rect.bottom)
def main():



    p1 = Personaje()
    p1._x = 430
    p1._y = 180
    p1.x_antes = 50
    p1.y_antes = 50
    p1.tam_rectangulos((70, 70))

    p2 = Personaje()
    p2._x = 100
    p2._y = 200
    p2.tam_rectangulos((100, 100))

    plataforma2 = Plataforma()
    plataforma2.setXY(250, 200)
    plataforma2.setTamRect(300, 100)

    p1_antes = Rect(p1.x_antes, p1.y_antes, 70, 70)

    motor = MotorVideojuego()
    motor.conjuntoPersonajes = [p1, p2]
    start = pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000


    l = reposicion(p1, plataforma2)
    while salir == False:

        lista=pygame.event.get()#((pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.KEYUP, pygame.QUIT, pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN))
        for event in lista:
            #----------Escuchando Eventos del Usuario-#
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                salir = True
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if event.button == 1:
                    print "SAlta"
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                p1.x_antes = xy[0]
                p1.y_antes = xy[1]
                p1_antes.left = xy[0]
                p1_antes.top = xy[1]
                l = reposicion(p1, plataforma2)

        if pygame.time.get_ticks()>limit:
            #print iter

        pygame.draw.rect(pantalla, green, plataforma2.rectangulo)
        pygame.draw.rect(pantalla, red, p1.rectangulo)
        pygame.draw.rect(pantalla, red, p1_antes)

        for rec in l:
            pygame.draw.rect(pantalla, darkBlue, rec)

    motor.salirJuego = True
Example #27
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG:", e
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: bullets image file:", resource_path(
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: current directory:", os.getcwd()
            from pygame import Surface, draw, SRCALPHA
            bullet_image = Surface((64, 64), SRCALPHA)
            bullet_image.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
            for i in range(4):
                for j in range(4):
                        (255 / (i or 1), 255 / (j or 1), 255, 255),
                        [16 * i, 16 * j, 16 * i + 16, 16 * j + 16])
    r = Rect(0, 0, w, h)
    line_length = int(bullet_image.get_width() / w)
    line = int(index / line_length)
    r.top = line * h
    r.left = (index - (line * line_length)) * w
    return bullet_image.subsurface(r)

default_bullet_styles = {
    TAG_Byte: ((20, 20, 200), None, 'circle', 'b'),
    TAG_Double: ((20, 200, 20), None, 'circle', 'd'),
    TAG_Float: ((200, 20, 20), None, 'circle', 'f'),
    TAG_Int: ((16, 160, 160), None, 'circle', 'i'),
    TAG_Long: ((200, 20, 200), None, 'circle', 'l'),
    TAG_Short: ((200, 200, 20), (0, 0, 0), 'circle', 's'),
    TAG_String: ((60, 60, 60), None, 'circle', 's'),
    TAG_Compound: (bullet_color_active, None, '', ''),
    TAG_Byte_Array: ((20, 20, 200), None, 'square', 'B'),
    TAG_Int_Array: ((16, 160, 160), None, 'square', 'I'),
            bullet_image = image.load(resource_path(config.nbtTreeSettings.bulletFileName.get()))
        except Exception, e:
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: bullets image could not be loaded."
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG:", e
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: bullets image file:", resource_path(config.nbtTreeSettings.bulletFileName.get())
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: current directory:", os.getcwd()
            from pygame import Surface, draw, SRCALPHA
            bullet_image = Surface((64, 64), SRCALPHA)
            bullet_image.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
            for i in range(4):
                for j in range(4):
                    bullet_image.fill((255/(i or 1), 255/(j or 1), 255, 255), [16*i, 16*j, 16*i+16, 16*j+16])
    r = Rect(0, 0, w, h)
    line_length = int(bullet_image.get_width() / w)
    line = int(index / line_length)
    r.top = line * h
    r.left = (index - (line * line_length)) * w
    return bullet_image.subsurface(r)

default_bullet_styles = {TAG_Byte: ((20, 20, 200), None, 'circle', 'b'),
                         TAG_Double: ((20, 200, 20), None, 'circle', 'd'),
                         TAG_Float: ((200, 20, 20), None, 'circle', 'f'),
                         TAG_Int: ((16, 160, 160), None, 'circle', 'i'),
                         TAG_Long: ((200, 20, 200), None, 'circle', 'l'),
                         TAG_Short: ((200, 200, 20), (0, 0, 0), 'circle', 's'),
                         TAG_String: ((60, 60, 60), None, 'circle', 's'),
                         TAG_Compound: (bullet_color_active, None, '', ''),
                         TAG_Byte_Array: ((20, 20, 200), None, 'square', 'B'),
                         TAG_Int_Array: ((16, 160, 160), None, 'square', 'I'),
                         TAG_List: ((200, 200, 200), (0, 0, 0), 'square', 'L'),
Example #29
 def __contains__(self, event):
     r = Rect(self._rect)
     r.left = 0
     r.top = 0
     p = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
     return r.collidepoint(p)
        ang, distance = self.angle, self.speed
        return sin(ang) * distance, cos(ang) * distance
    def collide(self):
        angle = self.angle
        x, y = self.center
        radius = self.get_radius()
        rect = Rect(x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2)
        bandit = self.parent.bandit.rect
        if rect.colliderect(bandit):
            if bandit.left - rect.right > rect.top - bandit.bottom:
                angle = -angle
                rect.right = bandit.left
                angle = pi - angle
                rect.top = bandit.bottom
        field = self.parent.rect
        if rect.right > field.w or rect.left < 0:
            angle = -angle
            if rect.right > field.w:
                rect.right = field.w
                rect.left = 0
        if rect.top < 0 or rect.bottom > field.h:
            angle = pi - angle
            if rect.top < 0:
                rect.top = 0
                rect.bottom = field.h
        self.angle = angle
        self.center = rect.center
Example #31
 def __contains__(self, event):
     r = Rect(self._rect)
     r.left = 0
     r.top = 0
     p = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
     return r.collidepoint(p)