class Cthulhu: move = .1 hp = 100 def __init__(self, x, y): # --Настройки-- self.Max_Speed = 1 self.hp = Cthulhu.hp # ------------- self.x, self.y = x, y self.dx = self.dy = 0 # Creating animation resource = pygame.image.load( r'data\textures\cthulhu.png').convert_alpha() frames = [[ resource.subsurface(resource.get_width() // 8 * x, resource.get_height() // 3 * y, resource.get_width() // 8, resource.get_height() // 3), 100 ] for y in range(0, 3) for x in range(0, 8)] self.anim_walk = PygAnimation(frames[:8]) self.anim_rotate = PygAnimation(frames[16:18] + frames[20:21] + frames[18:20]) self.anim_attack = PygAnimation(frames[8:16]) self.anim_l = False self.rotating = False self.rect = self.anim_walk.getRect() self.attack = False self.Visible = False self.throw_worms = False self.cooldown = self.cooldown0 = 250 self.distance = 0 self.aim = [0, 0] self.zombie_count = 10 self.distance_min = 250 def render(self, game): # Движение к цели self.aim = if self.rect.centery < self.aim[1] - Cthulhu.move: self.dy += Cthulhu.move elif self.rect.centery > self.aim[1] + Cthulhu.move: self.dy -= Cthulhu.move if self.rect.centerx < self.aim[0]: if self.anim_l: self.rotating = True self.anim_l = False self.dx += Cthulhu.move elif self.rect.centerx > self.aim[0]: if not self.anim_l: self.rotating = True self.anim_l = True self.dx -= Cthulhu.move # Соблюдение дистанции self.distance = sqrt( pow(self.aim[0] - self.x, 2) + pow(self.aim[1] - self.y, 2)) if self.distance <= self.distance_min: if self.anim_l: self.dx += Cthulhu.move * 10 else: self.dx -= Cthulhu.move * 10 # Контроль скорости if self.dx > self.Max_Speed: self.dx = self.Max_Speed elif self.dx < -self.Max_Speed: self.dx = -self.Max_Speed if self.dy > self.Max_Speed: self.dy = self.Max_Speed elif self.dy < -self.Max_Speed: self.dy = -self.Max_Speed # Атака if self.attack: self.distance_min = 60 else: self.distance_min = 250 if self.hp > 50: if 1 == randint(1, 200): game.enemy.append( Worm(game.hero.rect.centerx, game.hero.rect.centery + SIZE[1])) if self.attack: self.Max_Speed = 5 else: self.Max_Speed = 3 else: if not self.throw_worms: i = 0 for x in range(round(self.x), round(self.x + 500), 60): game.enemy.append( Worm(x, game.hero.rect.centery + SIZE[1] + i * 100)) i += 1 i = 0 for x in range(round(self.x), round(self.x - 500), -60): game.enemy.append( Worm(x, game.hero.rect.centery + SIZE[1] + i * 100)) i += 1 game.time = 180 self.throw_worms = True if 1 == randint(1, 50): game.enemy.append( Worm(game.hero.rect.centerx, game.hero.rect.centery + SIZE[1])) if self.zombie_count > 0: if 1 == randint(1, 40): self.zombie_count -= 1 game.add_zombie() if self.attack: self.Max_Speed = 7 else: self.Max_Speed = 5 if self.attack: if self.rect.colliderect(game.hero.rect): if self.hp > 50: game.hero.hp -= 2 game.hero.dx += self.dx * 5 game.hero.dy -= self.dy * 5 else: game.hero.hp -= 4 game.hero.dx += self.dx * 7 game.hero.dy -= self.dy * 7 self.attack = False if self.cooldown0 <= self.cooldown: self.cooldown0 -= 1 if self.cooldown0 <= 0: self.attack = True if self.hp > 30: self.cooldown = randint(100, 250) else: self.cooldown = randint(30, 100) self.cooldown0 = self.cooldown # Жизни юнита if self.hp <= 0: for n in range(0, 12): game.pickup.append( PickUp( randint( round(self.rect.centerx) - 50, round(self.rect.centerx) + 50), randint( round(self.rect.centery) - 50, round(self.rect.centery) + 50), 'diamond')) game.enemy.remove(self) if ( - 70 < self.rect.x < + SIZE[0] + 10) and \ ( - 100 < self.rect.y < + SIZE[1] + 20): self.Visible = True self.draw(game) else: self.Visible = False # Движение self.x += self.dx self.y += self.dy = self.x, self.y def draw(self, game): if self.rotating: if self.anim_l: game.screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip( self.anim_rotate.getCurrentFrame(), True, False), - self.rect.w / 2, self.y - self.rect.h / 2)) else: self.anim_rotate.blit( game.screen, - self.rect.w / 2, self.y - self.rect.h / 2)) else: if self.anim_l: if self.attack: game.screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip( self.anim_attack.getCurrentFrame(), True, False), - self.rect.w / 2, self.y - self.rect.h / 2)) else: game.screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip( self.anim_walk.getCurrentFrame(), True, False), - self.rect.w / 2, self.y - self.rect.h / 2)) else: if self.attack: self.anim_attack.blit( game.screen, - self.rect.w / 2, self.y - self.rect.h / 2)) else: self.anim_walk.blit( game.screen, - self.rect.w / 2, self.y - self.rect.h / 2)) if self.anim_rotate.currentFrameNum == self.anim_rotate.numFrames - 1: self.rotating = False
class Ship(Entity): def __init__(self, x, y): super().__init__(x, y) self.image = pygame.image.load('data/img/lander0.png').convert_alpha() self.second_stage = False img = pygame.image.load('data/img/fire.png').convert_alpha() = PygAnimation([[ img.subsurface(img.get_width() // 10 * x, img.get_height() // 6 * y, img.get_width() // 10, img.get_height() // 6), 10 ] for y in range(0, 6) for x in range(0, 10)]) self.rcs = PygAnimation([[ pygame.transform.scale( img.subsurface(img.get_width() // 10 * x, img.get_height() // 6 * y, img.get_width() // 10, img.get_height() // 6), (10, 10)), 10 ] for y in range(0, 6) for x in range(0, 10)]) self.rcsMode = 0 def draw(self, window): if self.up and (self.fuel > 0): img = pygame.transform.rotate(, 270 - self.angle) window.blit( img, Camera.get_pos( self.x - img.get_width() / 2 - 25 * cos(radians(self.angle)), self.y - img.get_height() / 2 - 25 * sin(radians(self.angle)))) if self.left or self.right: if self.left: img = pygame.transform.rotate(self.rcs.getCurrentFrame(), -self.angle) x = self.x - img.get_width() / 2 + 12 * cos( radians(self.angle + 90)) y = self.y - img.get_height() / 2 + 12 * sin( radians(self.angle + 90)) x += 2.5 * cos(radians(self.angle)) y += 2.5 * sin(radians(self.angle)) elif self.right: img = pygame.transform.rotate(self.rcs.getCurrentFrame(), 180 - self.angle) x = self.x - img.get_width() / 2 + 12 * cos( radians(self.angle - 90)) y = self.y - img.get_height() / 2 + 12 * sin( radians(self.angle - 90)) x += 5 * cos(radians(self.angle)) y += 5 * sin(radians(self.angle)) window.blit(img, Camera.get_pos(x, y)) img = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, 270 - self.angle) pygame.draw.line( window, (255, 0, 255), Camera.get_pos(self.x, self.y), Camera.get_pos(self.x + self.dx * 5, self.y + self.dy * 5)) window.blit( img, Camera.get_pos(self.x - img.get_width() / 2, self.y - img.get_height() / 2)) def render(self): def distance(angle): v1 = self.dx, self.dy v2 = cos(angle), sin(angle) a = atan2(v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0], v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1]) return a # RCS Mode if self.rcsMode == 1: # Stabilization self.left = self.right = False if self.da > .1: self.left = True elif self.da < -.1: self.right = True else: if abs(self.da) < .8: self.da = 0 elif self.rcsMode == 2 or self.rcsMode == 3: if self.rcsMode == 2: # Prograde diff = distance(radians(self.angle)) elif self.rcsMode == 3: # Retrograde diff = distance(radians(self.angle) + pi) self.left = self.right = False if diff > .1: if self.da > -1: self.left = True elif diff < -.1: if self.da < 1: self.right = True else: if abs(self.da) < 1: self.da = 0 super().render()