Example #1

scr.draw_text("The mouse should now jump to random positions.")
key = None
while not key == 'space':
	# get new key
	key, presstime = kb.get_key(timeout=1)
	# new position
	x = random.randint(1,DISPSIZE[0]-1)
	y = random.randint(1,DISPSIZE[1]-1)
	# set mouse position

scr.draw_text("The dot should follow your mouse movements")
key = None
while not key == 'space':
	# get new key
	key, presstime = kb.get_key(timeout=1)
	# new states
	mpos = mouse.get_pos()
	# draw to screen
Example #2
class Dummy(DumbDummy):
    """A dummy class to run experiments in dummy mode, where eye movements are simulated by the mouse"""
    def __init__(self, display):
        """Initiates an eyetracker dummy object, that simulates gaze position using the mouse
        display        --    a pygaze display.Display instance
        keyword arguments

        # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do
        # not need it for actual functioning of the code)
            copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, Dummy)
            # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied
            # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs
            # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost

        self.recording = False
        self.blinking = False
        self.bbpos = (settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2)
        self.resolution = settings.DISPSIZE[:]
        self.simulator = Mouse(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE,
        self.kb = Keyboard(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE,
        self.angrybeep = Sound(osc='saw',
        self.display = display
        self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False)

    def calibrate(self):
        """Dummy calibration"""

        print("Calibration would now take place")

    def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False):
        """Dummy drift correction"""

        print("Drift correction would now take place")

        if fix_triggered:
            return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos)

        if pos == None:
            pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2

        # show mouse

        # show fixation dot
        self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1])

        # perform drift check
        errdist = 60  # pixels (on a 1024x768px and 39.9x29.9cm monitor at 67 cm, this is about 2 degrees of visual angle)
        pressed = None
        while True:
            # check for keyboard input
            pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key(
                keylist=['q', 'escape', 'space'], timeout=1)

            # quit key
            if pressed in ['q', 'escape']:
                # hide mouse
                return False

            # space bar
            elif pressed == 'space':
                # get sample
                gazepos = self.sample()
                # sample is close enough to fixation dot
                if ((gazepos[0] - pos[0])**2 +
                    (gazepos[1] - pos[1])**2)**0.5 < errdist:
                    # hide mouse
                    return True
                # sample is NOT close enough to fixation dot
                    # show discontent

    def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self,
        """Dummy drift correction (fixation triggered)"""

        print("Drift correction (fixation triggered) would now take place")

        if pos == None:
            pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2

        # show mouse

        # show fixation dot
        self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1])

        while True:
            # loop until we have sufficient samples
            lx = []
            ly = []
            while len(lx) < min_samples:

                # pressing escape enters the calibration screen
                if self.kb.get_key(keylist=["escape", "q"],
                                   timeout=0)[0] != None:
                    self.recording = False
                        "libeyetracker.libeyetracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): 'q' pressed"
                    return False

                # collect a sample
                x, y = self.sample()

                if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]:

                    # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting
                    if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold
                                        or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold):
                        lx = []
                        ly = []

                    # collect samples

                # check if samples are within max. deviation
                if len(lx) == min_samples:

                    avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx)
                    avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly)
                    d = ((avg_x - pos[0])**2 + (avg_y - pos[1])**2)**0.5

                    if d < max_dev:
                        return True
                        lx = []
                        ly = []

    def start_recording(self):
        """Dummy for starting recording, prints what would have been the recording start"""

        dumrectime = clock.get_time()

        self.recording = True

        print("Recording would have started at: " + str(dumrectime))

    def stop_recording(self):
        """Dummy for stopping recording, prints what would have been the recording end"""

        dumrectime = clock.get_time()

        self.recording = False

        print("Recording would have stopped at: " + str(dumrectime))

    def close(self):
        """Dummy for closing connection with eyetracker, prints what would have been connection closing time"""

        if self.recording:

        closetime = clock.get_time()

        print("eyetracker connection would have closed at: " + str(closetime))

    def pupil_size(self):
        """Returns dummy pupil size"""

        return 19

    def sample(self):
        """Returns simulated gaze position (=mouse position)"""

        if self.blinking:
            if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]:  # buttondown
                    self.resolution[1]))  # set position to blinking position
            elif not self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]:  # buttonup
                    pos=self.bbpos)  # set position to position before blinking
                self.blinking = False  # 'blink' stopped

        elif not self.blinking:
            if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]:  # buttondown
                self.blinking = True  # 'blink' started
                self.bbpos = self.simulator.get_pos(
                )  # position before blinking
                    self.resolution[1]))  # set position to blinking position

        return self.simulator.get_pos()

    def wait_for_saccade_start(self):
        """Returns starting time and starting position when a simulated saccade is started"""

        # function assumes that a 'saccade' has been started when a deviation of more than
        # maxerr from the initial 'gaze' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse)

        spos = self.sample()  # starting position
        maxerr = 3  # pixels
        while True:
            npos = self.sample()  # get newest sample
            if ((spos[0] - npos[0])**2 +
                (spos[1] - npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr:  # Pythagoras

        return clock.get_time(), spos

    def wait_for_saccade_end(self):
        """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a simulated saccade is ended"""

        # function assumes that a 'saccade' has ended when 'gaze' position remains reasonably
        # (i.e.: within maxerr) stable for five samples
        # for saccade start algorithm, see wait_for_fixation_start

        stime, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start()
        maxerr = 3  # pixels

        # wait for reasonably stable position
        xl = []  # list for last five samples (x coordinate)
        yl = []  # list for last five samples (y coordinate)
        moving = True
        while moving:
            # check positions
            npos = self.sample()
            xl.append(npos[0])  # add newest sample
            yl.append(npos[1])  # add newest sample
            if len(xl) == 5:
                # check if deviation is small enough
                if max(xl) - min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl) - min(yl) < maxerr:
                    moving = False
                # remove oldest sample
            # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves)

        return clock.get_time(), spos, (xl[len(xl) - 1], yl[len(yl) - 1])

    def wait_for_fixation_start(self):
        """Returns starting time and position when a simulated fixation is started"""

        # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when 'gaze' position remains reasonably
        # stable for five samples in a row (same as saccade end)

        maxerr = 3  # pixels

        # wait for reasonably stable position
        xl = []  # list for last five samples (x coordinate)
        yl = []  # list for last five samples (y coordinate)
        moving = True
        while moving:
            npos = self.sample()
            xl.append(npos[0])  # add newest sample
            yl.append(npos[1])  # add newest sample
            if len(xl) == 5:
                # check if deviation is small enough
                if max(xl) - min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl) - min(yl) < maxerr:
                    moving = False
                # remove oldest sample
            # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves)

        return clock.get_time(), (xl[len(xl) - 1], yl[len(yl) - 1])

    def wait_for_fixation_end(self):
        """Returns time and gaze position when a simulated fixation is ended"""

        # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than maxerr
        # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse)

        stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start()
        maxerr = 3  # pixels

        while True:
            npos = self.sample()  # get newest sample
            if ((spos[0] - npos[0])**2 +
                (spos[1] - npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr:  # Pythagoras

        return clock.get_time(), spos

    def wait_for_blink_start(self):
        """Returns starting time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttondown)"""

        # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing
        # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening.

        while not self.blinking:
            pos = self.sample()

        return clock.get_time(), pos

    def wait_for_blink_end(self):
        """Returns ending time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttonup)"""

        # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing
        # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening.

        # wait for blink start
        while not self.blinking:
            spos = self.sample()
        # wait for blink end
        while self.blinking:
            epos = self.sample()

        return clock.get_time(), epos

    def set_draw_drift_correction_target_func(self, func):
        """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker"""

        self.draw_drift_correction_target = func

    # ***
    # Internal functions below
    # ***

    def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y):
        Draws the drift-correction target.
        x        --    The X coordinate
        y        --    The Y coordinate

        self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=settings.FGC, \
            pos=(x,y), pw=0, diameter=12)
Example #3
class Dummy(DumbDummy):

	"""A dummy class to run experiments in dummy mode, where eye movements are simulated by the mouse"""

	def __init__(self, display):

		"""Initiates an eyetracker dummy object, that simulates gaze position using the mouse
		display		--	a pygaze display.Display instance
		keyword arguments

		# try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do
		# not need it for actual functioning of the code)
			copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, Dummy)
			# we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied
			# docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs
			# in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost

		self.recording = False
		self.blinking = False
		self.bbpos = (settings.DISPSIZE[0]/2, settings.DISPSIZE[1]/2)
		self.resolution = settings.DISPSIZE[:]
		self.simulator = Mouse(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousebuttonlist=None,
			timeout=2, visible=False)
		self.kb = Keyboard(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, keylist=None,
		self.angrybeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100, attack=0,
			decay=0, soundfile=None)
		self.display = display
		self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False)

	def calibrate(self):

		"""Dummy calibration"""

		print("Calibration would now take place")

	def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False):

		"""Dummy drift correction"""

		print("Drift correction would now take place")
		if fix_triggered:
			return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos)
		if pos == None:
			pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2

		# show mouse
		# show fixation dot
		self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1])

		# perform drift check
		errdist = 60 # pixels (on a 1024x768px and 39.9x29.9cm monitor at 67 cm, this is about 2 degrees of visual angle)
		pressed = None
		while True:
			# check for keyboard input
			pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q','escape','space'], timeout=1)
			# quit key
			if pressed in ['q','escape']:
				# hide mouse
				return False
			# space bar
			elif pressed == 'space':
				# get sample
				gazepos = self.sample()
				# sample is close enough to fixation dot
				if ((gazepos[0]-pos[0])**2  + (gazepos[1]-pos[1])**2)**0.5 < errdist:
					# hide mouse
					return True
				# sample is NOT close enough to fixation dot
					# show discontent

	def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=30, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=10):

		"""Dummy drift correction (fixation triggered)"""

		print("Drift correction (fixation triggered) would now take place")

		if pos == None:
			pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2

		# show mouse

		# show fixation dot
		self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1])

		while True:
			# loop until we have sufficient samples
			lx = []
			ly = []
			while len(lx) < min_samples:
				# pressing escape enters the calibration screen
				if self.kb.get_key(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=0)[0] != None:
					self.recording = False
					print("libeyetracker.libeyetracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): 'q' pressed")
					return False
				# collect a sample
				x, y = self.sample()
				if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]:
					# if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting
					if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold):
						lx = []
						ly = []
					# collect samples

				# check if samples are within max. deviation
				if len(lx) == min_samples:
					avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx)
					avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly)
					d = ((avg_x - pos[0]) ** 2 + (avg_y - pos[1]) ** 2)**0.5
					if d < max_dev:
						return True
						lx = []
						ly = []

	def start_recording(self):

		"""Dummy for starting recording, prints what would have been the recording start"""

		dumrectime = clock.get_time()

		self.recording = True
		print("Recording would have started at: " + str(dumrectime))

	def stop_recording(self):

		"""Dummy for stopping recording, prints what would have been the recording end"""

		dumrectime = clock.get_time()

		self.recording = False

		print("Recording would have stopped at: " + str(dumrectime))

	def close(self):

		"""Dummy for closing connection with eyetracker, prints what would have been connection closing time"""

		if self.recording:
		closetime = clock.get_time()

		print("eyetracker connection would have closed at: " + str(closetime))

	def pupil_size(self):
		"""Returns dummy pupil size"""
		return 19

	def sample(self):

		"""Returns simulated gaze position (=mouse position)"""

		if self.blinking:
			if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown
				self.simulator.set_pos(pos=(self.bbpos[0],self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position
			elif not self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttonup
				self.simulator.set_pos(pos=self.bbpos) # set position to position before blinking
				self.blinking = False # 'blink' stopped

		elif not self.blinking:
			if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown
				self.blinking = True # 'blink' started
				self.bbpos =  self.simulator.get_pos() # position before blinking
				self.simulator.set_pos(pos=(self.bbpos[0],self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position

		return self.simulator.get_pos()

	def wait_for_saccade_start(self):

		"""Returns starting time and starting position when a simulated saccade is started"""

		# function assumes that a 'saccade' has been started when a deviation of more than
		# maxerr from the initial 'gaze' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse)

		spos = self.sample() # starting position
		maxerr = 3 # pixels
		while True:
			npos = self.sample() # get newest sample
			if ((spos[0]-npos[0])**2  + (spos[1]-npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras

		return clock.get_time(), spos

	def wait_for_saccade_end(self):

		"""Returns ending time, starting and end position when a simulated saccade is ended"""

		# function assumes that a 'saccade' has ended when 'gaze' position remains reasonably
		# (i.e.: within maxerr) stable for five samples
		# for saccade start algorithm, see wait_for_fixation_start

		stime, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start()
		maxerr = 3 # pixels
		# wait for reasonably stable position
		xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate)
		yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate)
		moving = True
		while moving:
			# check positions
			npos = self.sample()
			xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample
			yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample
			if len(xl) == 5:
				# check if deviation is small enough
				if max(xl)-min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl)-min(yl) < maxerr:
					moving = False
				# remove oldest sample
				xl.pop(0); yl.pop(0)
			# wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves)

		return clock.get_time(), spos, (xl[len(xl)-1],yl[len(yl)-1])

	def wait_for_fixation_start(self):

		"""Returns starting time and position when a simulated fixation is started"""

		# function assumes a 'fixation' has started when 'gaze' position remains reasonably
		# stable for five samples in a row (same as saccade end)

		maxerr = 3 # pixels
		# wait for reasonably stable position
		xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate)
		yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate)
		moving = True
		while moving:
			npos = self.sample()
			xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample
			yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample
			if len(xl) == 5:
				# check if deviation is small enough
				if max(xl)-min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl)-min(yl) < maxerr:
					moving = False
				# remove oldest sample
				xl.pop(0); yl.pop(0)
			# wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves)

		return clock.get_time(), (xl[len(xl)-1],yl[len(yl)-1])

	def wait_for_fixation_end(self):

		"""Returns time and gaze position when a simulated fixation is ended"""

		# function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than maxerr
		# from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse)

		stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start()
		maxerr = 3 # pixels
		while True:
			npos = self.sample() # get newest sample
			if ((spos[0]-npos[0])**2  + (spos[1]-npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras

		return clock.get_time(), spos

	def wait_for_blink_start(self):

		"""Returns starting time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttondown)"""

		# blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing
		# of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening.

		while not self.blinking:
			pos = self.sample()

		return clock.get_time(), pos

	def wait_for_blink_end(self):

		"""Returns ending time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttonup)"""
		# blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing
		# of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening.

		# wait for blink start
		while not self.blinking:
			spos = self.sample()
		# wait for blink end
		while self.blinking:
			epos = self.sample()

		return clock.get_time(), epos
	def set_draw_drift_correction_target_func(self, func):
		"""See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker"""
		self.draw_drift_correction_target = func
	# ***
	# Internal functions below
	# ***

	def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y):
		Draws the drift-correction target.
		x		--	The X coordinate
		y		--	The Y coordinate
		self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=settings.FGC, \
			pos=(x,y), pw=0, diameter=12)