def __init__(self, display): """Initiates an eyetracker dummy object, that simulates gaze position using the mouse arguments display -- a pygaze display.Display instance keyword arguments None """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, Dummy) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass self.recording = False self.blinking = False self.bbpos = (settings.DISPSIZE[0]/2, settings.DISPSIZE[1]/2) self.resolution = settings.DISPSIZE[:] self.simulator = Mouse(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousebuttonlist=None, timeout=2, visible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, keylist=None, timeout=None) self.angrybeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.display = display self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False)
def confirm_abort_experiment(self): """ Asks for confirmation before aborting the experiment. Displays a confirmation screen, collects the response, and acts accordingly. Exceptions: Raises a response_error upon confirmation. Returns: False if no confirmation was given. """ # Display the confirmation screen scr = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE) kb = Keyboard(timeout=5000) yc = DISPSIZE[1] / 2 xc = DISPSIZE[0] / 2 ld = 40 # Line height scr.draw_text(u'Really abort experiment?', pos=(xc, yc - 3 * ld)) scr.draw_text(u'Press \'Y\' to abort', pos=(xc, yc - 0.5 * ld)) scr.draw_text(u'Press any other key or wait 5s to go to setup', \ pos=(xc, yc+0.5*ld)) self.display.fill(scr) # process the response: try: key, time = kb.get_key() except: return False # if confirmation, close experiment if key == u'y': raise Exception(u'The experiment was aborted') self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed = False return False
def __init__(self, display): """Initiates a 'dumb dummy' object, that doesn't do a thing arguments display -- a pygaze display.Display instance keyword arguments None """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docsafe_decode(BaseEyeTracker, DumbDummy) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass self.recording = False self.blinking = False self.bbpos = (settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2) self.display = display self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False)
def confirm_abort_experiment(self): """ Asks for confirmation before aborting the experiment. Displays a confirmation screen, collects the response, and acts accordingly. Exceptions: Raises a response_error upon confirmation. Returns: False if no confirmation was given. """ # Display the confirmation screen scr = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE) kb = Keyboard(timeout=5000) yc = DISPSIZE[1]/2 xc = DISPSIZE[0]/2 ld = 40 # Line height scr.draw_text(u'Really abort experiment?', pos=(xc, yc-3*ld)) scr.draw_text(u'Press \'Y\' to abort', pos=(xc, yc-0.5*ld)) scr.draw_text(u'Press any other key or wait 5s to go to setup', \ pos=(xc, yc+0.5*ld)) self.display.fill(scr) # process the response: try: key, time = kb.get_key() except: return False # if confirmation, close experiment if key == u'y': raise Exception(u'The experiment was aborted') self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed = False return False
def draw_menu_screen(self): """ desc: Draws the menu screen. """ self.menuscreen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Eyelink calibration menu", pos=(self.xc,self.yc-6*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=int(2*self.fontsize), antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="%s (pygaze %s, pylink %s)" \ % (self.libeyelink.eyelink_model, pygaze.version, pylink.__version__), pos=(self.xc,self.yc-5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=int(.8*self.fontsize), antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press C to calibrate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc-3*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press V to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc-2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press A to auto-threshold", pos=(self.xc,self.yc-1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press I to toggle extra info in camera image", pos=(self.xc,self.yc-0*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Enter to show camera image", pos=(self.xc,self.yc+1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="(then change between images using the arrow keys)", pos=(self.xc, self.yc+2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Escape to abort experiment", pos=(self.xc, self.yc+4*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Q to exit menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc+5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True)
class SMItracker(BaseEyeTracker): """A class for SMI eye tracker objects""" def __init__(self, display, ip='', sendport=4444, receiveport=5555, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, **args): """Initializes the SMItracker object arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments ip -- internal ip address for iViewX (default = '') sendport -- port number for iViewX sending (default = 4444) receiveport -- port number for iViewX receiving (default = 5555) logfile -- logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the SMI logfile, NOT the .idf file (default = LOGFILE) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, SMITracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = settings.DISPSIZE # display size in pixels self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw', freq=100, length=100) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile self.description = "experiment" # TODO: EXPERIMENT NAME self.participant = "participant" # TODO: PP NAME # eye tracker properties self.connected = False self.recording = False self.eye_used = 0 # 0=left, 1=right, 2=binocular self.left_eye = 0 self.right_eye = 1 self.binocular = 2 self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1, -1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) # set logger res = iViewXAPI.iV_SetLogger(c_int(1), c_char_p(logfile + '_SMILOG.txt')) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: failed to set logger; %s" % err) # first logger argument is for logging type (I'm guessing these are decimal bit codes) # LOG status bitcode # 1 = LOG_LEVEL_BUG 00001 # 2 = LOG_LEVEL_iV_FCT 00010 # 4 = LOG_LEVEL_ETCOM 00100 # 8 = LOG_LEVEL_ALL 01000 # 16 = LOG_LEVEL_IV_COMMAND 10000 # these can be used together, using a bitwise or, e.g.: 1|2|4 (bitcode 00111) # connect to iViewX res = iViewXAPI.iV_Connect(c_char_p(ip), c_int(sendport), c_char_p(ip), c_int(receiveport)) if res == 1: res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSystemInfo(byref(systemData)) self.samplerate = systemData.samplerate self.sampletime = 1000.0 / self.samplerate if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: failed to get system information; %s" % err) # handle connection errors else: self.connected = False err = errorstring(res) raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: establishing connection failed; %s" % err) # initiation report self.log("pygaze initiation report start") self.log("experiment: %s" % self.description) self.log("participant: %s" % self.participant) self.log("display resolution: %sx%s" % (self.dispsize[0], self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm: %sx%s" % (self.screensize[0], self.screensize[1])) self.log("samplerate: %s Hz" % self.samplerate) self.log("sampletime: %s ms" % self.sampletime) self.log("fixation threshold: %s degrees" % self.fixtresh) self.log("speed threshold: %s degrees/second" % self.spdtresh) self.log("acceleration threshold: %s degrees/second**2" % self.accthresh) self.log("pygaze initiation report end") def calibrate(self, calibrate=True, validate=True): """Calibrates the eye tracking system arguments None keyword arguments calibrate -- Boolean indicating if calibration should be performed (default = True) validate -- Boolean indicating if validation should be performed (default = True) returns success -- returns True if calibration succeeded, or False if not; in addition a calibration log is added to the log file and some properties are updated (i.e. the thresholds for detection algorithms) """ # TODO: # add feedback for calibration (e.g. with iV_GetAccuracyImage (struct ImageStruct * imageData) for accuracy and iV_GetEyeImage for cool eye pictures) # example: res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetEyeImage(byref(imageData)) # ImageStruct has four data fields: # imageHeight -- int vertical size (px) # imageWidth -- int horizontal size (px) # imageSize -- int image data size (byte) # imageBuffer -- pointer to image data (I have NO idea what format this is in) # configure calibration (NOT starting it) calibrationData = CCalibration( 9, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 127, 1, 15, b"" ) # (method (i.e.: number of points), visualization, display, speed, auto, fg, bg, shape, size, filename) # setup calibration res = iViewXAPI.iV_SetupCalibration(byref(calibrationData)) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: failed to setup calibration; %s" % err) # calibrate cres = iViewXAPI.iV_Calibrate() # validate if calibration returns succes if cres == 1: cerr = None vres = iViewXAPI.iV_Validate() # handle validation errors if vres != 1: verr = errorstring(vres) else: verr = None ## # TEST # ## res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetAccuracyImage(byref(imageData)) ## self.log("IMAGEBUFFERSTART") ## self.log(imageData.imageBuffer) ## self.log("IMAGEBUFFERSTOP") ## print("Image height: %s, image width: %s, image size: %s" % (imageData.imageHeight,imageData.imageWidth, imageData.imageSize)) ## print imageData.imageBuffer ## ######## # handle calibration errors else: cerr = errorstring(cres) # return succes if cerr == None: print("libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: calibration was succesful") if verr == None: print("libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: validation was succesful") # present instructions self.disp.fill() # clear display self.screen.draw_text( text= "Noise calibration: please look at the dot\n\n(press space to start)", pos=(self.dispsize[0] / 2, int(self.dispsize[1] * 0.2)), center=True) self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') self.disp.fill(self.screen) self.screen.clear() # clear screen again # wait for spacepress self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space'], timeout=None) # show fixation self.disp.fill() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') self.disp.fill(self.screen) self.screen.clear() # wait for a bit, to allow participant to fixate clock.pause(500) # get samples sl = [ self.sample() ] # samplelist, prefilled with 1 sample to prevent sl[-1] from producing an error; first sample will be ignored for RMS calculation t0 = clock.get_time() # starting time while clock.get_time() - t0 < 1000: s = self.sample() # sample if s != sl[-1] and s != (-1, -1) and s != (0, 0): sl.append(s) # calculate RMS noise Xvar = [] Yvar = [] for i in range(2, len(sl)): Xvar.append((sl[i][0] - sl[i - 1][0])**2) Yvar.append((sl[i][1] - sl[i - 1][1])**2) XRMS = (sum(Xvar) / len(Xvar))**0.5 YRMS = (sum(Yvar) / len(Yvar))**0.5 self.pxdsttresh = (XRMS, YRMS) # calculate pixels per cm pixpercm = (self.dispsize[0] / float(self.screensize[0]) + self.dispsize[1] / float(self.screensize[1])) / 2 # get accuracy res = 0 i = 0 while res != 1 and i < self.maxtries: # multiple tries, in case no (valid) sample is available res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetAccuracy( byref(accuracyData), 0) # 0 is for 'no visualization' i += 1 clock.pause(int(self.sampletime)) # wait for sampletime if res == 1: self.accuracy = ( (accuracyData.deviationLX, accuracyData.deviationLY), (accuracyData.deviationLX, accuracyData.deviationLY) ) # dsttresh = (left tuple, right tuple); tuple = (horizontal deviation, vertical deviation) in degrees of visual angle else: err = errorstring(res) print( "WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: failed to obtain accuracy data; %s" % err) self.accuracy = ((2, 2), (2, 2)) print( "libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: As an estimate, the intersample distance threshhold was set to it's default value of 2 degrees" ) # get distance from screen to eyes (information from tracker) res = 0 i = 0 while res != 1 and i < self.maxtries: # multiple tries, in case no (valid) sample is available res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSample(byref(sampleData)) i += 1 clock.pause(int(self.sampletime)) # wait for sampletime if res == 1: screendist = sampleData.leftEye.eyePositionZ / 10.0 # eyePositionZ is in mm; screendist is in cm else: err = errorstring(res) print( "WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: failed to obtain screen distance; %s" % err) screendist = settings.SCREENDIST print( "libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: As an estimate, the screendistance was set to it's default value of 57 cm" ) # calculate thresholds based on tracker settings self.pxerrdist = deg2pix(screendist, self.errdist, pixpercm) self.pxfixtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.fixtresh, pixpercm) self.pxaccuracy = ((deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[0][0], pixpercm), deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[0][1], pixpercm)), (deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[1][0], pixpercm), deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[1][1], pixpercm))) self.pxspdtresh = deg2pix( screendist, self.spdtresh / 1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond self.pxacctresh = deg2pix( screendist, self.accthresh / 1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond**2 # calibration report self.log("pygaze calibration report start") self.log("accuracy (degrees): LX=%s, LY=%s, RX=%s, RY=%s" % (self.accuracy[0][0], self.accuracy[0][1], self.accuracy[1][0], self.accuracy[1][1])) self.log("accuracy (in pixels): LX=%s, LY=%s, RX=%s, RY=%s" % (self.pxaccuracy[0][0], self.pxaccuracy[0][1], self.pxaccuracy[1][0], self.pxaccuracy[1][1])) self.log("precision (RMS noise in pixels): X=%s, Y=%s" % (self.pxdsttresh[0], self.pxdsttresh[1])) self.log("distance between participant and display: %s cm" % screendist) self.log("fixation threshold: %s pixels" % self.pxfixtresh) self.log("speed threshold: %s pixels/ms" % self.pxspdtresh) self.log("acceleration threshold: %s pixels/ms**2" % self.pxacctresh) self.log("pygaze calibration report end") return True # validation error else: print( "WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: validation was unsuccesful %s" % verr) return False # calibration error else: print( "WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: calibration was unsuccesful; %s" % cerr) return False def close(self): """Neatly close connection to tracker arguments None returns Nothing -- saves data and sets self.connected to False """ # save data res = iViewXAPI.iV_SaveData(str(self.outputfile), str(self.description), str(self.participant), 1) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.close: failed to save data; %s" % err) # close connection iViewXAPI.iV_Disconnect() self.connected = False def connected(self): """Checks if the tracker is connected arguments None returns connected -- True if connection is established, False if not; sets self.connected to the same value """ res = iViewXAPI.iV_IsConnected() if res == 1: self.connected = True else: self.connected = False return self.connected def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Performs a drift check arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) fix_triggered -- Boolean indicating if drift check should be performed based on gaze position (fix_triggered = True) or on spacepress (fix_triggered = False) (default = False) returns checked -- Boolaan indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) if pos == None: pos = self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2 pressed = False while not pressed: pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key() if pressed: if pressed == 'escape' or pressed == 'q': print( "libsmi.SMItracker.drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed" ) return self.calibrate(calibrate=True, validate=True) gazepos = self.sample() if ((gazepos[0] - pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1] - pos[1])**2)**0.5 < self.pxerrdist: return True else: return False def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=10, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=30): """Performs a fixation triggered drift correction by collecting a number of samples and calculating the average distance from the fixation position arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) min_samples -- minimal amount of samples after which an average deviation is calculated (default = 10) max_dev -- maximal deviation from fixation in pixels (default = 60) reset_threshold -- if the horizontal or vertical distance in pixels between two consecutive samples is larger than this threshold, the sample collection is reset (default = 30) returns checked -- Boolaan indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if pos == None: pos = self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2 # loop until we have sufficient samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # pressing escape enters the calibration screen if self.kb.get_key()[0] in ['escape', 'q']: print( "libsmi.SMItracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed" ) return self.calibrate(calibrate=True, validate=True) # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # collect samples else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0])**2 + (avg_y - pos[1])**2)**0.5 if d < max_dev: return True else: lx = [] ly = [] def get_eyetracker_clock_async(self): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def log(self, msg): """Writes a message to the log file arguments ms -- a string to include in the log file returns Nothing -- uses native log function of iViewX to include a line in the log file """ res = iViewXAPI.iV_Log(c_char_p(msg)) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) print( "WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.log: failed to log message '%s'; %s" % (msg, err)) def log_var(self, var, val): """Writes a variable to the log file arguments var -- variable name val -- variable value returns Nothing -- uses native log function of iViewX to include a line in the log file in a "var NAME VALUE" layout """ msg = "var %s %s" % (var, val) res = iViewXAPI.iV_Log(c_char_p(msg)) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) print( "WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.log_var: failed to log variable '%s' with value '%s'; %s" % (var, val, err)) def prepare_backdrop(self): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def prepare_drift_correction(self, pos): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def pupil_size(self): """Return pupil size arguments None returns pupil size -- returns pupil diameter for the eye that is currently being tracked (as specified by self.eye_used) or -1 when no data is obtainable """ res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSample(byref(sampleData)) # if a new sample exists if res == 1: # left eye if self.eye_used == self.left_eye: ps = sampleData.leftEye.diam # right eye else: ps = sampleData.rightEye.diam # set prvious pupil size to newest pupil size self.prevps = ps return ps # no new sample available elif res == 2: return self.prevps # invalid data else: # print warning to interpreter err = errorstring(res) print( "WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.pupil_size: failed to obtain sample; %s" % err) return -1 def sample(self): """Returns newest available gaze position arguments None returns sample -- an (x,y) tuple or a (-1,-1) on an error """ res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSample(byref(sampleData)) if self.eye_used == self.right_eye: newsample = sampleData.rightEye.gazeX, sampleData.rightEye.gazeY else: newsample = sampleData.leftEye.gazeX, sampleData.leftEye.gazeY if res == 1: self.prevsample = newsample[:] return newsample elif res == 2: return self.prevsample else: err = errorstring(res) print( "WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.sample: failed to obtain sample; %s" % err) return (-1, -1) def send_command(self, cmd): """Sends a command to the eye tracker arguments cmd -- the command (a string value) to be sent to iViewX returns Nothing """ try: iViewXAPI.iV_SendCommand(c_char_p(cmd)) except: raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.send_command: failed to send remote command to iViewX (iV_SendCommand might be deprecated)" ) def set_backdrop(self): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def set_eye_used(self): """Logs the eye_used variable, based on which eye was specified (if both eyes are being tracked, the left eye is used) arguments None returns Nothing -- logs which eye is used by calling self.log_var, e.g. self.log_var("eye_used", "right") """ if self.eye_used == self.right_eye: self.log_var("eye_used", "right") else: self.log_var("eye_used", "left") def start_recording(self): """Starts recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to True when recording is successfully started """ res = 0 i = 0 while res != 1 and i < self.maxtries: res = iViewXAPI.iV_StartRecording() i += 1 if res == 1: self.recording = True else: self.recording = False err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.start_recording: %s" % err) def status_msg(self, msg): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def stop_recording(self): """Stop recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to False when recording is successfully started """ res = 0 i = 0 while res != 1 and i < self.maxtries: res = iViewXAPI.iV_StopRecording() i += 1 if res == 1: self.recording = False else: self.recording = False err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.stop_recording: %s" % err) def set_detection_type(self, eventdetection): """Set the event detection type to either PyGaze algorithms, or native algorithms as provided by the manufacturer (only if available: detection type will default to PyGaze if no native functions are available) arguments eventdetection -- a string indicating which detection type should be employed: either 'pygaze' for PyGaze event detection algorithms or 'native' for manufacturers algorithms (only if available; will default to 'pygaze' if no native event detection is available) returns -- detection type for saccades, fixations and blinks in a tuple, e.g. ('pygaze','native','native') when 'native' was passed, but native detection was not available for saccade detection """ if eventdetection in ['pygaze', 'native']: self.eventdetection = eventdetection return ('pygaze', 'native', 'pygaze') def wait_for_event(self, event): """Waits for event arguments event -- an integer event code, one of the following: 3 = STARTBLINK 4 = ENDBLINK 5 = STARTSACC 6 = ENDSACC 7 = STARTFIX 8 = ENDFIX returns outcome -- a self.wait_for_* method is called, depending on the specified event; the return values of corresponding method are returned """ if event == 5: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_start() elif event == 6: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_end() elif event == 7: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_start() elif event == 8: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_end() elif event == 3: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_start() elif event == 4: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_end() else: raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.wait_for_event: eventcode %s is not supported" % event) return outcome def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Waits for a blink end and returns the blink ending time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink ending time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = True # loop while there is a blink while blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's valid if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # if it is a valid sample, blinking has stopped blinking = False # return timestamp of blink end return clock.get_time() def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Waits for a blink start and returns the blink starting time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink starting time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = False # loop until there is a blink while not blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's a valid sample if not self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # get timestamp for possible blink start t0 = clock.get_time() # loop until a blink is determined, or a valid sample occurs while not self.is_valid_sample(self.sample()): # check if time has surpassed 150 ms if clock.get_time() - t0 >= 150: # return timestamp of blink start return t0 def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a fixation has ended; function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than self.pxfixtresh from the initial fixation position has been detected (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': moving = True while moving: # get newest event res = 0 while res != 1: res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetEvent(byref(eventData)) stime = clock.get_time() # check if event is a fixation (SMI only supports # fixations at the moment) if eventData.eventType == 'F': # get timestamp and starting position timediff = stime - (int(eventData.startTime) / 1000.0) etime = timediff + (int(eventData.endTime) / 1000.0 ) # time is in microseconds fixpos = (evenData.positionX, evenData.positionY) # return starting time and position return etime, fixpos # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than fixtresh # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected # get starting time and position stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() # loop until fixation has ended while True: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # get newest sample # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if sample deviates to much from starting position if (npos[0] - spos[0])**2 + ( npos[1] - spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # break loop if deviation is too high break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a fixation is started; function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position remains reasonably stable (i.e. when most deviant samples are within self.pxfixtresh) for five samples in a row (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a fixation start # detection built into their API (only ending) print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer fixation START detection (only \ fixation ENDING; PyGaze algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position # remains reasonably stable for self.fixtimetresh # get starting position spos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(spos): spos = self.sample() # get starting time t0 = clock.get_time() # wait for reasonably stable position moving = True while moving: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if new sample is too far from starting position if (npos[0] - spos[0])**2 + ( npos[1] - spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # if not, reset starting position and time spos = copy.copy(npos) t0 = clock.get_time() # if new sample is close to starting sample else: # get timestamp t1 = clock.get_time() # check if fixation time threshold has been surpassed if t1 - t0 >= self.fixtimetresh: # return time and starting position return t1, spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a saccade is ended; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos, endpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos and endpos are (x,y) gaze position tuples """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) t0, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() # get valid sample prevpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(prevpos): prevpos = self.sample() # get starting time, intersample distance, and velocity t1 = clock.get_time() s = ((prevpos[0] - spos[0])**2 + (prevpos[1] - spos[1])** 2)**0.5 # = intersample distance = speed in px/sample v0 = s / (t1 - t0) # run until velocity and acceleration go below threshold saccadic = True while saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # calculate distance s = ((newpos[0] - prevpos[0])**2 + (newpos[1] - prevpos[1])** 2)**0.5 # = speed in pixels/sample # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / ( t1 - t0 ) # acceleration in pixels/sample**2 (actually is v1-v0 / t1-t0; but t1-t0 = 1 sample) # check if velocity and acceleration are below threshold if v1 < self.pxspdtresh and (a > -1 * self.pxacctresh and a < 0): saccadic = False epos = newpos[:] etime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return etime, spos, epos def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a saccade is started; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos is an (x,y) gaze position tuple """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) newpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(newpos): newpos = self.sample() # get starting time, position, intersampledistance, and velocity t0 = clock.get_time() prevpos = newpos[:] s = 0 v0 = 0 # get samples saccadic = False while not saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # check if distance is larger than precision error sx = newpos[0] - prevpos[0] sy = newpos[1] - prevpos[1] if (sx / self.pxdsttresh[0])**2 + ( sy / self.pxdsttresh[1] )**2 > self.weightdist: # weigthed distance: (sx/tx)**2 + (sy/ty)**2 > 1 means movement larger than RMS noise # calculate distance s = ((sx)**2 + (sy)** 2)**0.5 # intersampledistance = speed in pixels/ms # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0) # acceleration in pixels/ms**2 # check if either velocity or acceleration are above threshold values if v1 > self.pxspdtresh or a > self.pxacctresh: saccadic = True spos = prevpos[:] stime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return stime, spos def is_valid_sample(self, gazepos): """Checks if the sample provided is valid, based on SMI specific criteria (for internal use) arguments gazepos -- a (x,y) gaze position tuple, as returned by self.sample() returns valid -- a Boolean: True on a valid sample, False on an invalid sample """ # return False if a sample is invalid if gazepos == (-1, -1): return False # sometimes, on SMI devices, invalid samples can actually contain # numbers; these do elif sum(gazepos) < 10 and 0.0 in gazepos: return False # in any other case, the sample is valid return True
class libeyelink(BaseEyeTracker): MAX_TRY = 100 def __init__(self, display, resolution=DISPSIZE, data_file=LOGFILENAME + ".edf", fg_color=FGC, bg_color=BGC, eventdetection=EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, force_drift_correct=True, pupil_size_mode=EYELINKPUPILSIZEMODE, **args): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # try to import copy docstring (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, libeyelink) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass global _eyelink # Make sure that we have a valid data file. The local_data_file may # contain a folder. The eyelink_data_file is only a basename, i.e. # without folder. The eyelink_data_file must be at most eight characters # and end with a `.edf` extension. self.local_data_file = data_file self.eyelink_data_file = os.path.basename(data_file) stem, ext = os.path.splitext(self.eyelink_data_file) if len(stem) > 8 or ext.lower() != '.edf': raise Exception( "The EyeLink cannot handle filenames longer than eight " "characters (excluding '.edf' extension).") # properties self.display = display self.fontsize = 18 self.scr = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=1) self.resolution = resolution self.recording = False self.saccade_velocity_treshold = saccade_velocity_threshold self.saccade_acceleration_treshold = saccade_acceleration_threshold self.eye_used = None self.left_eye = 0 self.right_eye = 1 self.binocular = 2 self.pupil_size_mode = pupil_size_mode self.prevsample = (-1, -1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond # this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtresh = 1.5 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh # to be marked as a fixation self.fixtimetresh = 100 # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.spdtresh = self.saccade_velocity_treshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.accthresh = self.saccade_acceleration_treshold self.set_detection_type(eventdetection) # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to # measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will # result in only larger saccades to be detected) self.weightdist = 10 # distance between participant and screen in cm self.screendist = SCREENDIST # distance between participant and screen in cm self.screensize = SCREENSIZE self.pixpercm = (self.resolution[0]/float(self.screensize[0]) + \ self.resolution[1]/float(self.screensize[1])) / 2.0 # only initialize eyelink once if _eyelink == None: try: _eyelink = pylink.EyeLink() except: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.__init__(): Failed to " "connect to the tracker!") # determine software version of tracker self.tracker_software_ver = 0 self.eyelink_ver = pylink.getEYELINK().getTrackerVersion() if self.eyelink_ver == 3: tvstr = pylink.getEYELINK().getTrackerVersionString() vindex = tvstr.find("EYELINK CL") self.tracker_software_ver = int(float(tvstr[(vindex + \ len("EYELINK CL")):].strip())) if self.eyelink_ver == 1: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink I' elif self.eyelink_ver == 2: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink II' elif self.eyelink_ver == 3: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink 1000' else: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink (model unknown)' # Open graphics self.eyelink_graphics = EyelinkGraphics(self, _eyelink) pylink.openGraphicsEx(self.eyelink_graphics) # Optionally force drift correction. For some reason this must be done # as (one of) the first things, otherwise a segmentation fault occurs. if force_drift_correct: self.send_command('driftcorrect_cr_disable = OFF') # Set pupil-size mode if self.pupil_size_mode == 'area': pylink.getEYELINK().setPupilSizeDiameter(False) elif self.pupil_size_mode == 'diameter': pylink.getEYELINK().setPupilSizeDiameter(True) else: raise Exception( "pupil_size_mode should be 'area' or 'diameter', not %s" \ % self.pupil_size_mode) pylink.getEYELINK().openDataFile(self.eyelink_data_file) pylink.flushGetkeyQueue() pylink.getEYELINK().setOfflineMode() # notify eyelink of display resolution self.send_command("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d" % \ (self.resolution[0], self.resolution[1])) # get some configuration stuff if self.eyelink_ver >= 2: self.send_command("select_parser_configuration 0") if self.eyelink_ver == 2: # turn off scenelink camera stuff self.send_command("scene_camera_gazemap = NO") # set EDF file contents (this specifies which data is written to the EDF # file) self.send_command( "file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON" ) if self.tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.send_command( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.send_command( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") # set link data (this specifies which data is sent through the link and # thus can be used in gaze contingent displays) self.send_command( "link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") if self.tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.send_command( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.send_command( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") # not quite sure what this means (according to Sebastiaan Mathot, it # might be the button that is used to end drift correction?) self.send_command("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'") if not self.connected(): raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.__init__(): Failed to connect " "to the eyetracker!") def send_command(self, cmd): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" pylink.getEYELINK().sendCommand(cmd) def log(self, msg): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" pylink.getEYELINK().sendMessage(msg) def log_var(self, var, val): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" pylink.getEYELINK().sendMessage("var %s %s" % (var, val)) def status_msg(self, msg): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" print('status message: %s' % msg) pylink.getEYELINK().sendCommand("record_status_message '%s'" % msg) def connected(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" return pylink.getEYELINK().isConnected() def calibrate(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.calibrate(): Trying to " "calibrate after recording has started!") # # # # # # EyeLink calibration and validation # attempt calibrate; confirm abort when esc pressed while True: self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed = False pylink.getEYELINK().doTrackerSetup() if not self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed: break self.confirm_abort_experiment() # If we are using the built-in EyeLink event detection, we don't need # the RMS calibration routine. if self.eventdetection == 'native': return # # # # # # RMS calibration # present instructions self.display.fill() # clear display self.scr.draw_text(text= \ "Noise calibration: please look at the dot\n\n(press space to start)", pos=(self.resolution[0]/2, int(self.resolution[1]*0.2)), center=True, fontsize=self.fontsize) self.scr.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') self.display.fill(self.scr) self.scr.clear() # clear screen again # wait for spacepress self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space'], timeout=None) # start recording self.log("PYGAZE RMS CALIBRATION START") self.start_recording() # show fixation self.display.fill() self.scr.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') self.display.fill(self.scr) self.scr.clear() # wait for a bit, to allow participant to fixate clock.pause(500) # get samples # samplelist, prefilled with 1 sample to prevent sl[-1] from producing # an error; first sample will be ignored for RMS calculation sl = [self.sample()] t0 = clock.get_time() # starting time while clock.get_time() - t0 < 1000: s = self.sample() # sample if s != sl[-1] and s != (-1, -1) and s != (0, 0): sl.append(s) # stop recording self.log("PYGAZE RMS CALIBRATION END") self.stop_recording() # calculate RMS noise Xvar = [] Yvar = [] for i in range(2, len(sl)): Xvar.append((sl[i][0] - sl[i - 1][0])**2) Yvar.append((sl[i][1] - sl[i - 1][1])**2) XRMS = (sum(Xvar) / len(Xvar))**0.5 YRMS = (sum(Yvar) / len(Yvar))**0.5 self.pxdsttresh = (XRMS, YRMS) # recalculate thresholds (degrees to pixels) self.pxfixtresh = deg2pix(self.screendist, self.fixtresh, self.pixpercm) self.pxspdtresh = deg2pix( self.screendist, self.spdtresh, self.pixpercm) / 1000.0 # in pixels per millisecons self.pxacctresh = deg2pix( self.screendist, self.accthresh, self.pixpercm) / 1000.0 # in pixels per millisecond**2 def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.drift_correction(): Trying to " "perform drift correction after recording has started!") if not self.connected(): raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.drift_correction(): The " "eyelink is not connected!") if pos == None: pos = self.resolution[0] / 2, self.resolution[1] / 2 if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) return self.manual_drift_correction(pos) def manual_drift_correction(self, pos): """ Performs a manual, i.e. spacebar-triggered drift correction. Arguments: pos -- The positionf or the drift-correction target. Returns: True if drift correction was successfull, False otherwise. """ self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed = False try: # The 0 parameters indicate that the display should not be cleared # and we should not be allowed to fall back to the set-up screen. error = pylink.getEYELINK().doDriftCorrect(pos[0], pos[1], 0, 0) except: error = -1 # A 0 exit code means successful drift correction if error == 0: return True # If escape was pressed, we present the confirm abort screen if self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed: self.confirm_abort_experiment() # If 'q' was pressed, we drop back to the calibration screen else: self.calibrate() return False def prepare_drift_correction(self, pos): """Puts the tracker in drift correction mode""" # start collecting samples in drift correction mode self.send_command("heuristic_filter = ON") self.send_command("drift_correction_targets = %d %d" % pos) self.send_command("start_drift_correction data = 0 0 1 0") pylink.msecDelay(50) # wait for a bit until samples start coming in (again, not sure if this # is indeed what's going on) if not pylink.getEYELINK().waitForBlockStart(100, 1, 0): print( "WARNING libeyelink.libeyelink.prepare_drift_correction(): " "Failed to perform drift correction (waitForBlockStart error)") def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=30, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=10): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "Trying to perform drift correction after recording has started!" ) self.recording = True if pos == None: pos = self.resolution[0] / 2, self.resolution[1] / 2 self.prepare_drift_correction(pos) self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) # loop until we have enough samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # Check whether the EyeLink is put into set-up mode on the EyeLink # PC and, if so, jump to the calibration menu. if pylink.getEYELINK().getCurrentMode() == pylink.IN_SETUP_MODE: self.recording = False self.calibrate() print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "'q' pressed") return False # pressing escape enters the calibration screen resp = self.kb.get_key(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=1)[0] if resp == 'escape': self.recording = False self.confirm_abort_experiment() print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "'escape' pressed") return False elif resp == 'q': self.recording = False self.calibrate() print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "'q' pressed") return False # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, # start from scratch. if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or \ abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # Collect a sample else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) # If we have enough samples to perform a drift correction ... if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0])**2 + (avg_y - pos[1])**2)**0.5 # emulate spacebar press on succes pylink.getEYELINK().sendKeybutton(32, 0, pylink.KB_PRESS) # getCalibrationResult() returns 0 on success and an exception # or a non-zero value otherwise result = -1 try: result = pylink.getEYELINK().getCalibrationResult() except: lx = [] ly = [] print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "try again") if result != 0: try: result = pylink.getEYELINK().getCalibrationResult() except: lx = [] ly = [] print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "try again") # apply drift correction pylink.getEYELINK().applyDriftCorrect() self.recording = False print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): success") return True def start_recording(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.recording = True i = 0 while True: # params: write samples, write event, send samples, send events print(u'starting recording ...') error = pylink.getEYELINK().startRecording(1, 1, 1, 1) print(u'returned %s' % error) if not error: break if i > self.MAX_TRY: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.start_recording(): Failed " "to start recording!") self.close() clock.expend() i += 1 print( ("WARNING libeyelink.libeyelink.start_recording(): Failed to " "start recording (attempt %d of %d)") % (i, self.MAX_TRY)) pylink.msecDelay(100) # don't know what this is print(u'Start realtime mode ...') pylink.msecDelay(100) pylink.beginRealTimeMode(100) # wait a bit until samples start coming in print(u'Wait for block start ...') pylink.msecDelay(100) if not pylink.getEYELINK().waitForBlockStart(100, 1, 0): raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.start_recording(): Failed to " "start recording (waitForBlockStart error)!") print(u'done ...') def stop_recording(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" print(u'stopping recording ...') self.recording = False pylink.endRealTimeMode() pylink.getEYELINK().setOfflineMode() pylink.msecDelay(500) print(u'done ...') def close(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.eyelink_graphics.close() if self.recording: self.stop_recording() # close data file and transfer it to the experimental PC print("libeyelink.libeyelink.close(): Closing data file") pylink.getEYELINK().closeDataFile() pylink.msecDelay(500) print("libeyelink.libeyelink.close(): Transferring %s to %s" \ % (self.eyelink_data_file, self.local_data_file)) pylink.getEYELINK().receiveDataFile(self.eyelink_data_file, self.local_data_file) pylink.msecDelay(500) print("libeyelink.libeyelink.close(): Closing eyelink") pylink.getEYELINK().close() pylink.msecDelay(500) def set_eye_used(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.eye_used = pylink.getEYELINK().eyeAvailable() if self.eye_used == self.right_eye: self.log_var("eye_used", "right") elif self.eye_used == self.left_eye or self.eye_used == self.binocular: self.log_var("eye_used", "left") self.eye_used = self.left_eye else: print("WARNING libeyelink.libeyelink.set_eye_used(): Failed to " "determine which eye is being recorded") def pupil_size(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if not self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.pupil_size(): Recording was " "not started before collecting eyelink data!") if self.eye_used == None: self.set_eye_used() # get newest sample s = pylink.getEYELINK().getNewestSample() # check if sample is new if s != None: # right eye if self.eye_used == self.right_eye and s.isRightSample(): ps = s.getRightEye().getPupilSize() # left eye elif self.eye_used == self.left_eye and s.isLeftSample(): ps = s.getLeftEye().getPupilSize() # invalid else: ps = -1 # set new pupil size as previous pupil size self.prevps = ps # if no new sample is available, use old data else: ps = self.prevps return ps def sample(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if not self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.sample(): Recording was not " "started before collecting eyelink data!") if self.eye_used == None: self.set_eye_used() s = pylink.getEYELINK().getNewestSample() if s != None: if self.eye_used == self.right_eye and s.isRightSample(): gaze = s.getRightEye().getGaze() elif self.eye_used == self.left_eye and s.isLeftSample(): gaze = s.getLeftEye().getGaze() else: gaze = (-1, -1) self.prevsample = gaze[:] else: gaze = self.prevsample[:] return gaze def set_detection_type(self, eventdetection): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if eventdetection in ['pygaze', 'native']: self.eventdetection = eventdetection return (self.eventdetection, self.eventdetection, self.eventdetection) def _get_eyelink_clock_async(self): """ Retrieve time differenece between tracker timestamps and current clock time upheld in the pygaze environment. Note that this is not guaranteed to be a static time difference, the clocks might run at different speeds. Therefore you should consider running this function every time you utilize on this time difference. Returns: The tracker time minus the clock time """ return pylink.getEYELINK().trackerTime() - clock.time() def wait_for_event(self, event): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if not self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.wait_for_event(): Recording " "was not started before collecting eyelink data!") if self.eye_used == None: self.set_eye_used() if self.eventdetection == 'native': # since the link buffer was not have been polled, old data has # accumulated in the buffer -- so ignore events that are old: t0 = clock.time() # time of call while True: d = pylink.getEYELINK().getNextData() if d == event: float_data = pylink.getEYELINK().getFloatData() # corresponding clock_time tc = float_data.getTime() - self._get_eyelink_clock_async() if tc > t0: return tc, float_data if event == 5: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_start() elif event == 6: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_end() elif event == 7: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_start() elif event == 8: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_end() elif event == 3: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_start() elif event == 4: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_end() else: raise Exception( ("Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.wait_for_event: eventcode %s " "is not supported") % event) return outcome def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.STARTSACC) return t, d.getStartGaze() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # get starting position (no blinks) newpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(newpos): newpos = self.sample() # get starting time, position, intersampledistance, and velocity t0 = clock.get_time() prevpos = newpos[:] s = 0 v0 = 0 # get samples saccadic = False while not saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # check if distance is larger than precision error sx = newpos[0] - prevpos[0] sy = newpos[1] - prevpos[1] # weigthed distance: (sx/tx)**2 + (sy/ty)**2 > 1 means # movement larger than RMS noise if (sx/self.pxdsttresh[0])**2 + (sy/self.pxdsttresh[1])**2 \ > self.weightdist: # calculate distance # intersampledistance = speed in pixels/ms s = ((sx)**2 + (sy)**2)**0.5 # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0 ) # acceleration in pixels/ms**2 # check if either velocity or acceleration are above # threshold values if v1 > self.pxspdtresh or a > self.pxacctresh: saccadic = True spos = prevpos[:] stime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return stime, spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.ENDSACC) return t, d.getStartGaze(), d.getEndGaze() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # get starting position (no blinks) t0, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() # get valid sample prevpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(prevpos): prevpos = self.sample() # get starting time, intersample distance, and velocity t1 = clock.get_time() # = intersample distance = speed in px/sample s = ((prevpos[0] - spos[0])**2 + (prevpos[1] - spos[1])**2)**0.5 v0 = s / (t1 - t0) # run until velocity and acceleration go below threshold saccadic = True while saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # calculate distance # = speed in pixels/sample s = ((newpos[0]-prevpos[0])**2 + \ (newpos[1]-prevpos[1])**2)**0.5 # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration # acceleration in pixels/sample**2 (actually is # v1-v0 / t1-t0; but t1-t0 = 1 sample) a = (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0) # check if velocity and acceleration are below threshold if v1 < self.pxspdtresh and (a > -1*self.pxacctresh and \ a < 0): saccadic = False epos = newpos[:] etime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return etime, spos, epos def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.STARTFIX) return t, d.getTime(), d.getStartGaze() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position # remains reasonably stable for self.fixtimetresh # get starting position spos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(spos): spos = self.sample() # get starting time t0 = clock.get_time() # wait for reasonably stable position moving = True while moving: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if new sample is too far from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > \ self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # if not, reset starting position and time spos = copy.copy(npos) t0 = clock.get_time() # if new sample is close to starting sample else: # get timestamp t1 = clock.get_time() # check if fixation time threshold has been surpassed if t1 - t0 >= self.fixtimetresh: # return time and starting position return t1, spos def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.ENDFIX) return t, d.getTime(), d.getStartGaze() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of # more than fixtresh from the initial 'fixation' position has been # detected # get starting time and position stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() # loop until fixation has ended while True: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # get newest sample # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if sample deviates to much from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > \ self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # break loop if deviation is too high break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_blink_start(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.STARTBLINK) return t, d.getTime() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: blinking = False # loop until there is a blink while not blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's a valid sample if not self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # get timestamp for possible blink start t0 = clock.get_time() # loop until a blink is determined, or a valid sample occurs while not self.is_valid_sample(self.sample()): # check if time has surpassed 150 ms if clock.get_time() - t0 >= 150: # return timestamp of blink start return t0 def wait_for_blink_end(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.ENDBLINK) return t # # # # # # PyGaze method else: blinking = True # loop while there is a blink while blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's valid if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # if it is a valid sample, blinking has stopped blinking = False # return timestamp of blink end return clock.get_time() def set_draw_calibration_target_func(self, func): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.eyelink_graphics.draw_cal_target = func # *** # # Internal functions below # # *** def is_valid_sample(self, gazepos): """ Checks if the sample provided is valid, based on EyeLink specific criteria. arguments gazepos -- a (x,y) gaze position tuple, as returned by self.sample() returns valid -- a Boolean: True on a valid sample, False on an invalid sample """ # return False if a sample is invalid if gazepos == (-1, -1): return False # in any other case, the sample is valid return True def confirm_abort_experiment(self): """ Asks for confirmation before aborting the experiment. Displays a confirmation screen, collects the response, and acts accordingly. Exceptions: Raises a response_error upon confirmation. Returns: False if no confirmation was given. """ # Display the confirmation screen scr = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE) kb = Keyboard(timeout=5000) yc = DISPSIZE[1] / 2 xc = DISPSIZE[0] / 2 ld = 40 # Line height scr.draw_text( u'Really abort experiment?', pos=(xc, yc - 3 * ld), fontsize=self.fontsize) scr.draw_text( u'Press \'Y\' to abort', pos=(xc, yc - 0.5 * ld), fontsize=self.fontsize) scr.draw_text( u'Press any other key or wait 5s to go to setup', pos=(xc, yc + 0.5 * ld), fontsize=self.fontsize) self.display.fill(scr) # process the response: try: key, time = kb.get_key() except: return False # if confirmation, close experiment if key == u'y': raise Exception(u'The experiment was aborted') self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed = False return False def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y): """ Draws the drift-correction target. arguments x -- The X coordinate y -- The Y coordinate """ self.scr.clear() self.scr.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=FGC, pos=(x,y), pw=0, \ diameter=12) self.display.fill(self.scr)
# # # # # # directory stuff DIR = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] soundfile = os.path.join(DIR, 'bark.ogg') imagefile = os.path.join(DIR, 'kitten.png') # # # # # # create instances # initialize the display disp = Display() # initialize a screen scr = Screen() # initialize an EyeTracker tracker = EyeTracker(disp) # initialize a keyboard kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space'], timeout=None) # initialize a sound snd = Sound(soundfile=soundfile) # initialize a Timer timer = Time() # create a new logfile log = Logfile(filename="test")
from pygaze.logfile import Logfile from pygaze.eyetracker import EyeTracker import pygaze.libtime as timer from scansync.mri import MRITriggerBox ############## # INITIALISE # ############## # Initialise a new Display instance. disp = Display() # Present a start-up screen. scr = Screen() scr.draw_text("Loading, please wait...", fontsize=24) disp.fill(scr) # Open a new log file. log = Logfile() # TODO: Write header. log.write(["trialnr", "block", "run","stim", "keypress", "go_nogo", "face_onset", "signal_onset","resp_onset", "RT", "accuracy", "respmap", "block_type"]) # Open a new log file to log events. event_log = Logfile(filename=EVENT_LOG) event_log.write(["time", "event"]) # Initialise the eye tracker. tracker = EyeTracker(disp)
class EyelinkGraphics(custom_display): """ Implements the EyeLink graphics that are shown on the experimental PC, such as the camera image, and the calibration dots. This class only implements the drawing operations, and little to no of the logic behind the set-up, which is implemented in PyLink. """ def __init__(self, display, tracker): """ Constructor. Arguments: display -- A PyGaze Display object. tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay.__init__(self) # objects self.display = display self.screen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=1) if DISPTYPE == 'pygame': self.kb.set_timeout(timeout=0.001) # If we are using a DISPTYPE that cannot be used directly, we have to # save the camera image to a temporary file on each frame. #if DISPTYPE not in ('pygame', 'psychopy'): import tempfile import os self.tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), \ '__eyelink__.jpg') # drawing properties self.xc = self.display.dispsize[0]/2 self.yc = self.display.dispsize[1]/2 self.ld = 40 # line distance # menu self.menuscreen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="== Eyelink calibration menu ==", pos= \ (self.xc,self.yc-5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize= \ 12, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press C to calibrate", pos=(self.xc, \ self.yc-3*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press V to validate", pos=(self.xc, \ self.yc-2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press A to auto-threshold", pos=( \ self.xc,self.yc-1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Enter to show camera image", \ pos=(self.xc,self.yc+1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', \ fontsize=12, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text= \ "(then change between images using the arrow keys)", pos=(self.xc, \ self.yc+2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Q to exit menu", pos=(self.xc, \ self.yc+5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) # beeps self.__target_beep__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=440, length=50, attack= \ 0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=880, length=200, \ attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=220, length=200, \ attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) # further properties self.state = None self.imagebuffer = array.array('l') self.pal = None self.size = (0,0) self.set_tracker(tracker) self.last_mouse_state = -1 def set_tracker(self, tracker): """ Connects the tracker to the graphics environment. Arguments: tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ self.tracker = tracker self.tracker_version = tracker.getTrackerVersion() if self.tracker_version >= 3: self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("track_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_click=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_repeat=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_camera_position_detect=YES") def setup_cal_display(self): """ Sets up the initial calibration display, which contains a menu with instructions. """ # show instructions self.display.fill(self.menuscreen) def exit_cal_display(self): """Exits calibration display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def record_abort_hide(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" pass def clear_cal_display(self): """Clears the calibration display""" self.display.fill() def erase_cal_target(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" self.clear_cal_display() def draw_cal_target(self, x, y): """ Draws calibration target. Arguments: x -- The X coordinate of the target. y -- The Y coordinate of the target. """ self.play_beep(pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP) self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', pos=(x,y)) self.display.fill(screen=self.screen) def play_beep(self, beepid): """ Plays a sound. Arguments: beepid -- A number that identifies the sound. """ if beepid == pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP: # For some reason, playing the beep here doesn't work, so we have # to play it when the calibration target is drawn. if EYELINKCALBEEP: elif beepid == pylink.CAL_ERR_BEEP or beepid == pylink.DC_ERR_BEEP: # show a picture self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text(text= \ "calibration lost, press 'q' to return to menu", pos= \ (self.xc,self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep elif beepid == pylink.CAL_GOOD_BEEP: self.screen.clear() if self.state == "calibration": self.screen.draw_text(text= \ "Calibration succesfull, press 'v' to validate", pos= \ (self.xc,self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) pass elif self.state == "validation": self.screen.draw_text(text= \ "Validation succesfull, press 'q' to return to menu", \ pos=(self.xc,self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize= \ 12, antialias=True) pass else: self.screen.draw_text(text="Press 'q' to return to menu", pos= \ (self.xc,self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) pass # show screen self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep else: # DC_GOOD_BEEP or DC_TARG_BEEP pass def getColorFromIndex(self, i): """ Maps a PyLink color code onto a color-name string. Arguments: i -- A PyLink color code. Returns: A color-name string. """ print 'getColorFromIndex(%s)' % i if i == pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: return 'white' if i == pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: return 'yellow' if i == pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: return 'green' if i == pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: return 'red' if i == pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: return 'blue' return 'black' def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorindex): """Unused""" # Find out how this can be used print 'draw_line() %s %s %s %s' % (x1, y1, x2, y2) def draw_lozenge(self, x, y, width, height, colorindex): """Unused""" # Find out how this can be used print 'draw_lozenge() %s %s %s %s' % (x, y, width, height) def get_mouse_state(self): """Unused""" pass def get_input_key(self): """ Gets an input key. Returns: A list containing a single pylink key identifier. """ try: key, time = self.kb.get_key(keylist=None, timeout='default') except: self.esc_pressed = True key = 'q' if key == None: return None # Escape functions as a 'q' with the additional esc_pressed flag if key == 'escape': key = 'q' self.esc_pressed = True # Process regular keys if key == "return": keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY self.state = None elif key == "space": keycode = ord(" ") elif key == "q": keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY self.state = None elif key == "c": keycode = ord("c") self.state = "calibration" elif key == "v": keycode = ord("v") self.state = "validation" elif key == "a": keycode = ord("a") elif key == "up": keycode = pylink.CURS_UP elif key == "down": keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN elif key == "left": keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT elif key == "right": keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT else: keycode = 0 # Convert key to PyLink keycode and return return [pylink.KeyInput(keycode, 0)] # 0 = pygame.KMOD_NONE def exit_image_display(self): """Exits the image display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def alert_printf(self,msg): """ Prints alert message. Arguments: msg -- The message to be played. """ print "eyelink_graphics.alert_printf(): %s" % msg def setup_image_display(self, width, height): """ Initializes the buffer that will contain the camera image. Arguments: width -- The width of the image. height -- The height of the image. """ self.size = (width,height) self.clear_cal_display() self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.imagebuffer = array.array('l') def image_title(self, text): """ TODO: What does this do? Arguments: text -- Unknown. """ pass def draw_image_line(self, width, line, totlines, buff): """ Draws a single eye video frame, line by line. Arguments: width -- Width of the video. line -- Line nr of current line. totlines -- Total lines in video. buff -- Frame buffer. imagesize -- The size of the image, which is (usually?) 192x160 px. """ # If the buffer hasn't been filled yet, add a line. for i in range(width): try: self.imagebuffer.append(self.pal[buff[i]]) except: pass # If the buffer is full, push it to the display. if line == totlines: # First create a PIL image, then convert it to a PyGame image, and # then save it to a temporary file on disk. This juggling with # formats is necessary to show the image without distortions under # (so far) all conditions. Surprisingly, it doesn't cause any # appreciable delays, relative to directly invoking PyGame or # PsychoPy functions. bufferv = self.imagebuffer.tostring() img ="RGBX", self.size) imgsz = self.xc, self.yc img.fromstring(bufferv) img = img.resize(imgsz) img = pygame.image.fromstring(img.tostring(), imgsz, 'RGBX'), self.tmp_file) # ... and then show the image. self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_image(self.tmp_file) self.display.fill(self.screen) # Clear the buffer for the next round! self.imagebuffer = array.array('l') def set_image_palette(self, r, g, b): """ Sets the image palette. TODO: What this function actually does is highly mysterious. Figure it out! Arguments: r -- The red channel. g -- The green channel. b -- The blue channel. """ self.imagebuffer = array.array('l') self.clear_cal_display() sz = len(r) i = 0 self.pal = [] while i < sz: rf = int(b[i]) gf = int(g[i]) bf = int(r[i]) self.pal.append((rf<<16) | (gf<<8) | (bf)) i += 1
class libeyelink(BaseEyeTracker): MAX_TRY = 100 def __init__(self, display, resolution=settings.DISPSIZE, data_file=settings.LOGFILENAME + ".edf", fg_color=settings.FGC, bg_color=settings.BGC, eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, force_drift_correct=True, pupil_size_mode=settings.EYELINKPUPILSIZEMODE, **args): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # try to import copy docstring (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, libeyelink) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass global _eyelink # Make sure that we have a valid data file. The local_data_file may # contain a folder. The eyelink_data_file is only a basename, i.e. # without folder. The eyelink_data_file must be at most eight characters # and end with a `.edf` extension. self.local_data_file = data_file self.eyelink_data_file = os.path.basename(data_file) stem, ext = os.path.splitext(self.eyelink_data_file) if len(stem) > 8 or ext.lower() != '.edf': raise Exception( "The EyeLink cannot handle filenames longer than eight " "characters (excluding '.edf' extension).") # properties self.display = display self.fontsize = 18 self.scr = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=1) self.resolution = resolution self.recording = False self.saccade_velocity_treshold = saccade_velocity_threshold self.saccade_acceleration_treshold = saccade_acceleration_threshold self.blink_threshold = blink_threshold self.eye_used = None self.left_eye = 0 self.right_eye = 1 self.binocular = 2 self.pupil_size_mode = pupil_size_mode self.prevsample = (-1, -1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond # this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtresh = 1.5 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh # to be marked as a fixation self.fixtimetresh = 100 # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.spdtresh = self.saccade_velocity_treshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.accthresh = self.saccade_acceleration_treshold self.set_detection_type(eventdetection) # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to # measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will # result in only larger saccades to be detected) self.weightdist = 10 # distance between participant and screen in cm self.screendist = settings.SCREENDIST # distance between participant and screen in cm self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE self.pixpercm = (self.resolution[0]/float(self.screensize[0]) + \ self.resolution[1]/float(self.screensize[1])) / 2.0 # only initialize eyelink once if _eyelink == None: try: _eyelink = pylink.EyeLink() except: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.__init__(): Failed to " "connect to the tracker!") # determine software version of tracker self.tracker_software_ver = 0 self.eyelink_ver = pylink.getEYELINK().getTrackerVersion() if self.eyelink_ver == 3: tvstr = pylink.getEYELINK().getTrackerVersionString() vindex = tvstr.find("EYELINK CL") self.tracker_software_ver = int(float(tvstr[(vindex + \ len("EYELINK CL")):].strip())) if self.eyelink_ver == 1: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink I' elif self.eyelink_ver == 2: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink II' elif self.eyelink_ver == 3: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink 1000' else: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink (model unknown)' # Open graphics self.eyelink_graphics = EyelinkGraphics(self, _eyelink) pylink.openGraphicsEx(self.eyelink_graphics) # Optionally force drift correction. For some reason this must be done # as (one of) the first things, otherwise a segmentation fault occurs. if force_drift_correct: try: self.send_command('driftcorrect_cr_disable = OFF') except: print('Failed to force drift correction (EyeLink 1000 only)') # Set pupil-size mode if self.pupil_size_mode == 'area': pylink.getEYELINK().setPupilSizeDiameter(False) elif self.pupil_size_mode == 'diameter': pylink.getEYELINK().setPupilSizeDiameter(True) else: raise Exception( "pupil_size_mode should be 'area' or 'diameter', not %s" \ % self.pupil_size_mode) pylink.getEYELINK().openDataFile(self.eyelink_data_file) pylink.flushGetkeyQueue() pylink.getEYELINK().setOfflineMode() # notify eyelink of display resolution self.send_command("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d" % \ (self.resolution[0], self.resolution[1])) # get some configuration stuff if self.eyelink_ver >= 2: self.send_command("select_parser_configuration 0") if self.eyelink_ver == 2: # turn off scenelink camera stuff self.send_command("scene_camera_gazemap = NO") # set EDF file contents (this specifies which data is written to the EDF # file) self.send_command( "file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON" ) if self.tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.send_command( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.send_command( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") # set link data (this specifies which data is sent through the link and # thus can be used in gaze contingent displays) self.send_command( "link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") if self.tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.send_command( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.send_command( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") # not quite sure what this means (according to Sebastiaan Mathot, it # might be the button that is used to end drift correction?) self.send_command("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'") if not self.connected(): raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.__init__(): Failed to connect " "to the eyetracker!") def send_command(self, cmd): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" pylink.getEYELINK().sendCommand(cmd) def log(self, msg): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" pylink.getEYELINK().sendMessage(msg) def status_msg(self, msg): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" print('status message: %s' % msg) pylink.getEYELINK().sendCommand("record_status_message '%s'" % msg) def connected(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" return pylink.getEYELINK().isConnected() def calibrate(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" while True: if self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.calibrate(): Trying to " "calibrate after recording has started!") # # # # # # EyeLink calibration and validation # attempt calibrate; confirm abort when esc pressed while True: self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed = False pylink.getEYELINK().doTrackerSetup() if not self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed: break self.confirm_abort_experiment() # If we are using the built-in EyeLink event detection, we don't need # the RMS calibration routine. if self.eventdetection == 'native': return # # # # # # RMS calibration while True: # present instructions self.display.fill() # clear display self.scr.draw_text(text= \ "Noise calibration: please look at the dot\n\n(press space to start)", pos=(self.resolution[0]/2, int(self.resolution[1]*0.2)), center=True, fontsize=self.fontsize) self.scr.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') self.display.fill(self.scr) self.scr.clear() # clear screen again # wait for spacepress self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space'], timeout=None) # start recording self.log("PYGAZE RMS CALIBRATION START") self.start_recording() # show fixation self.display.fill() self.scr.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') self.display.fill(self.scr) self.scr.clear() # wait for a bit, to allow participant to fixate clock.pause(500) # get samples # samplelist, prefilled with 1 sample to prevent sl[-1] from producing # an error; first sample will be ignored for RMS calculation sl = [self.sample()] t0 = clock.get_time() # starting time while clock.get_time() - t0 < 1000: s = self.sample() # sample if s != sl[-1] and s != (-1, -1) and s != (0, 0): sl.append(s) # stop recording self.log("PYGAZE RMS CALIBRATION END") self.stop_recording() # calculate RMS noise Xvar = [] Yvar = [] for i in range(2, len(sl)): Xvar.append((sl[i][0] - sl[i - 1][0])**2) Yvar.append((sl[i][1] - sl[i - 1][1])**2) if Xvar and Yvar: # check if properly recorded to avoid risk of division by zero error XRMS = (sum(Xvar) / len(Xvar))**0.5 YRMS = (sum(Yvar) / len(Yvar))**0.5 self.pxdsttresh = (XRMS, YRMS) # recalculate thresholds (degrees to pixels) self.pxfixtresh = deg2pix(self.screendist, self.fixtresh, self.pixpercm) self.pxspdtresh = deg2pix( self.screendist, self.spdtresh, self.pixpercm) / 1000.0 # in pixels per millisecons self.pxacctresh = deg2pix( self.screendist, self.accthresh, self.pixpercm) / 1000.0 # in pixels per millisecond**2 return else: # if nothing recorded, display message saying so self.display.fill() self.scr.draw_text(text = \ "Noise calibration failed.\n\nPress r to retry,\nor press space to return to calibration screen.", \ pos=(self.resolution[0]/2, int(self.resolution[1]*0.2)), \ center=True, fontsize=self.fontsize) self.display.fill(self.scr) self.scr.clear() # wait for space or r press, if r restart noise calibration, if space return to calibration menu keypressed = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space', 'r'], timeout=None) if keypressed[0] == 'space': break def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.drift_correction(): Trying to " "perform drift correction after recording has started!") if not self.connected(): raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.drift_correction(): The " "eyelink is not connected!") if pos == None: pos = self.resolution[0] / 2, self.resolution[1] / 2 if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) return self.manual_drift_correction(pos) def manual_drift_correction(self, pos): """ Performs a manual, i.e. spacebar-triggered drift correction. Arguments: pos -- The positionf or the drift-correction target. Returns: True if drift correction was successfull, False otherwise. """ self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed = False try: # The 0 parameters indicate that the display should not be cleared # and we should not be allowed to fall back to the set-up screen. error = pylink.getEYELINK().doDriftCorrect(pos[0], pos[1], 0, 0) except: error = -1 # A 0 exit code means successful drift correction if error == 0: return True # If escape was pressed, we present the confirm abort screen if self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed: self.confirm_abort_experiment() # If 'q' was pressed, we drop back to the calibration screen else: self.calibrate() return False def prepare_drift_correction(self, pos): """Puts the tracker in drift correction mode""" # start collecting samples in drift correction mode self.send_command("heuristic_filter = ON") self.send_command("drift_correction_targets = %d %d" % pos) self.send_command("start_drift_correction data = 0 0 1 0") pylink.msecDelay(50) # wait for a bit until samples start coming in (again, not sure if this # is indeed what's going on) if not pylink.getEYELINK().waitForBlockStart(100, 1, 0): print( "WARNING libeyelink.libeyelink.prepare_drift_correction(): " "Failed to perform drift correction (waitForBlockStart error)") def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=30, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=10): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "Trying to perform drift correction after recording has started!" ) self.recording = True if pos == None: pos = self.resolution[0] / 2, self.resolution[1] / 2 self.prepare_drift_correction(pos) self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) # loop until we have enough samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # Check whether the EyeLink is put into set-up mode on the EyeLink # PC and, if so, jump to the calibration menu. if pylink.getEYELINK().getCurrentMode() == pylink.IN_SETUP_MODE: self.recording = False self.calibrate() print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "'q' pressed") return False # pressing escape enters the calibration screen resp = self.kb.get_key(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=1)[0] if resp == 'escape': self.recording = False self.confirm_abort_experiment() print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "'escape' pressed") return False elif resp == 'q': self.recording = False self.calibrate() print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "'q' pressed") return False # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, # start from scratch. if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or \ abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # Collect a sample else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) # If we have enough samples to perform a drift correction ... if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0])**2 + (avg_y - pos[1])**2)**0.5 # emulate spacebar press on succes pylink.getEYELINK().sendKeybutton(32, 0, pylink.KB_PRESS) # getCalibrationResult() returns 0 on success and an exception # or a non-zero value otherwise result = -1 try: result = pylink.getEYELINK().getCalibrationResult() except: lx = [] ly = [] print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "try again") if result != 0: try: result = pylink.getEYELINK().getCalibrationResult() except: lx = [] ly = [] print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): " "try again") # apply drift correction pylink.getEYELINK().applyDriftCorrect() self.recording = False print( "libeyelink.libeyelink.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): success") return True def start_recording(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.recording = True i = 0 while True: # params: write samples, write event, send samples, send events print(u'starting recording ...') error = pylink.getEYELINK().startRecording(1, 1, 1, 1) print(u'returned %s' % error) if not error: break if i > self.MAX_TRY: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.start_recording(): Failed " "to start recording!") self.close() clock.expend() i += 1 print( ("WARNING libeyelink.libeyelink.start_recording(): Failed to " "start recording (attempt %d of %d)") % (i, self.MAX_TRY)) pylink.msecDelay(100) # don't know what this is print(u'Start realtime mode ...') pylink.msecDelay(100) pylink.beginRealTimeMode(100) # wait a bit until samples start coming in print(u'Wait for block start ...') pylink.msecDelay(100) if not pylink.getEYELINK().waitForBlockStart(100, 1, 0): raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.start_recording(): Failed to " "start recording (waitForBlockStart error)!") print(u'done ...') def stop_recording(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" print(u'stopping recording ...') self.recording = False pylink.endRealTimeMode() pylink.getEYELINK().setOfflineMode() pylink.msecDelay(500) print(u'done ...') def close(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.eyelink_graphics.close() if self.recording: self.stop_recording() # close data file and transfer it to the experimental PC print("libeyelink.libeyelink.close(): Closing data file") pylink.getEYELINK().closeDataFile() pylink.msecDelay(500) print("libeyelink.libeyelink.close(): Transferring %s to %s" \ % (self.eyelink_data_file, self.local_data_file)) # During data transfer, suppress output _out = sys.stdout with open(os.devnull, 'w') as fd: sys.stdout = fd pylink.getEYELINK().receiveDataFile(self.eyelink_data_file, self.local_data_file) sys.stdout = _out pylink.msecDelay(500) print("libeyelink.libeyelink.close(): Closing eyelink") pylink.getEYELINK().close() pylink.msecDelay(500) def set_eye_used(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.eye_used = pylink.getEYELINK().eyeAvailable() if self.eye_used == self.right_eye: self.log_var("eye_used", "right") elif self.eye_used == self.left_eye or self.eye_used == self.binocular: self.log_var("eye_used", "left") self.eye_used = self.left_eye else: print("WARNING libeyelink.libeyelink.set_eye_used(): Failed to " "determine which eye is being recorded") def pupil_size(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if not self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.pupil_size(): Recording was " "not started before collecting eyelink data!") if self.eye_used == None: self.set_eye_used() # get newest sample s = pylink.getEYELINK().getNewestSample() # check if sample is new if s != None: # right eye if self.eye_used == self.right_eye and s.isRightSample(): ps = s.getRightEye().getPupilSize() # left eye elif self.eye_used == self.left_eye and s.isLeftSample(): ps = s.getLeftEye().getPupilSize() # invalid else: ps = -1 # set new pupil size as previous pupil size self.prevps = ps # if no new sample is available, use old data else: ps = self.prevps return ps def sample(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if not self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.sample(): Recording was not " "started before collecting eyelink data!") if self.eye_used == None: self.set_eye_used() s = pylink.getEYELINK().getNewestSample() if s != None: if self.eye_used == self.right_eye and s.isRightSample(): gaze = s.getRightEye().getGaze() elif self.eye_used == self.left_eye and s.isLeftSample(): gaze = s.getLeftEye().getGaze() else: gaze = (-1, -1) self.prevsample = gaze[:] else: gaze = self.prevsample[:] return gaze def set_detection_type(self, eventdetection): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if eventdetection in ['pygaze', 'native']: self.eventdetection = eventdetection return (self.eventdetection, self.eventdetection, self.eventdetection) def _get_eyelink_clock_async(self): """ Retrieve time differenece between tracker timestamps and current clock time upheld in the pygaze environment. Note that this is not guaranteed to be a static time difference, the clocks might run at different speeds. Therefore you should consider running this function every time you utilize on this time difference. Returns: The tracker time minus the clock time """ return pylink.getEYELINK().trackerTime() - clock.get_time() def wait_for_event(self, event): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" if not self.recording: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.wait_for_event(): Recording " "was not started before collecting eyelink data!") if self.eye_used == None: self.set_eye_used() if self.eventdetection == 'native': # since the link buffer was not have been polled, old data has # accumulated in the buffer -- so ignore events that are old: t0 = clock.get_time() # time of call while True: d = pylink.getEYELINK().getNextData() if d == event: float_data = pylink.getEYELINK().getFloatData() # corresponding clock_time tc = float_data.getTime() - self._get_eyelink_clock_async() if tc > t0: return tc, float_data if event == 5: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_start() elif event == 6: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_end() elif event == 7: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_start() elif event == 8: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_end() elif event == 3: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_start() elif event == 4: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_end() else: raise Exception( ("Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.wait_for_event: eventcode %s " "is not supported") % event) return outcome def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.STARTSACC) return t, d.getStartGaze() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # get starting position (no blinks) newpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(newpos): newpos = self.sample() # get starting time, position, intersampledistance, and velocity t0 = clock.get_time() prevpos = newpos[:] s = 0 v0 = 0 # get samples saccadic = False while not saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # check if distance is larger than precision error sx = newpos[0] - prevpos[0] sy = newpos[1] - prevpos[1] # weigthed distance: (sx/tx)**2 + (sy/ty)**2 > 1 means # movement larger than RMS noise if (sx/self.pxdsttresh[0])**2 + (sy/self.pxdsttresh[1])**2 \ > self.weightdist: # calculate distance # intersampledistance = speed in pixels/ms s = ((sx)**2 + (sy)**2)**0.5 # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0 ) # acceleration in pixels/ms**2 # check if either velocity or acceleration are above # threshold values if v1 > self.pxspdtresh or a > self.pxacctresh: saccadic = True spos = prevpos[:] stime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return stime, spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.ENDSACC) return t, d.getStartGaze(), d.getEndGaze() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # get starting position (no blinks) t0, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() # get valid sample prevpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(prevpos): prevpos = self.sample() # get starting time, intersample distance, and velocity t1 = clock.get_time() # = intersample distance = speed in px/sample s = ((prevpos[0] - spos[0])**2 + (prevpos[1] - spos[1])**2)**0.5 v0 = s / (t1 - t0) # run until velocity and acceleration go below threshold saccadic = True while saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # calculate distance # = speed in pixels/sample s = ((newpos[0]-prevpos[0])**2 + \ (newpos[1]-prevpos[1])**2)**0.5 # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration # acceleration in pixels/sample**2 (actually is # v1-v0 / t1-t0; but t1-t0 = 1 sample) a = (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0) # check if velocity and acceleration are below threshold if v1 < self.pxspdtresh and (a > -1*self.pxacctresh and \ a < 0): saccadic = False epos = newpos[:] etime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return etime, spos, epos def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.STARTFIX) return t, d.getTime(), d.getStartGaze() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position # remains reasonably stable for self.fixtimetresh # get starting position spos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(spos): spos = self.sample() # get starting time t0 = clock.get_time() # wait for reasonably stable position moving = True while moving: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if new sample is too far from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > \ self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # if not, reset starting position and time spos = copy.copy(npos) t0 = clock.get_time() # if new sample is close to starting sample else: # get timestamp t1 = clock.get_time() # check if fixation time threshold has been surpassed if t1 - t0 >= self.fixtimetresh: # return time and starting position return t1, spos def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.ENDFIX) return t, d.getTime(), d.getStartGaze() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of # more than fixtresh from the initial 'fixation' position has been # detected # get starting time and position stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() # loop until fixation has ended while True: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # get newest sample # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if sample deviates to much from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > \ self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # break loop if deviation is too high break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_blink_start(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.STARTBLINK) return t, d.getTime() # # # # # # PyGaze method else: blinking = False # loop until there is a blink while not blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's a valid sample if not self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # get timestamp for possible blink start t0 = clock.get_time() # loop until a blink is determined, or a valid sample occurs while not self.is_valid_sample(self.sample()): # check if time has surpassed 150 ms if clock.get_time() - t0 >= self.blink_threshold: # return timestamp of blink start return t0 def wait_for_blink_end(self): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # # # # # # EyeLink method if self.eventdetection == 'native': t, d = self.wait_for_event(pylink.ENDBLINK) return t # # # # # # PyGaze method else: blinking = True # loop while there is a blink while blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's valid if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # if it is a valid sample, blinking has stopped blinking = False # return timestamp of blink end return clock.get_time() def set_draw_calibration_target_func(self, func): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.eyelink_graphics.draw_cal_target = func # *** # # Internal functions below # # *** def is_valid_sample(self, gazepos): """ Checks if the sample provided is valid, based on EyeLink specific criteria. arguments gazepos -- a (x,y) gaze position tuple, as returned by self.sample() returns valid -- a Boolean: True on a valid sample, False on an invalid sample """ # return False if a sample is invalid if gazepos == (-1, -1): return False # in any other case, the sample is valid return True def confirm_abort_experiment(self): """ Asks for confirmation before aborting the experiment. Displays a confirmation screen, collects the response, and acts accordingly. Exceptions: Raises a response_error upon confirmation. Returns: False if no confirmation was given. """ # Display the confirmation screen scr = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE) kb = Keyboard(timeout=5000) yc = settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2 xc = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2 ld = 40 # Line height scr.draw_text(u'Really abort experiment?', pos=(xc, yc - 3 * ld), fontsize=self.fontsize) scr.draw_text(u'Press \'Y\' to abort', pos=(xc, yc - 0.5 * ld), fontsize=self.fontsize) scr.draw_text(u'Press any other key or wait 5s to go to setup', pos=(xc, yc + 0.5 * ld), fontsize=self.fontsize) self.display.fill(scr) # process the response: try: key, time = kb.get_key() except: return False # if confirmation, close experiment if key == u'y': raise Exception(u'The experiment was aborted') self.eyelink_graphics.esc_pressed = False return False def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y): """ Draws the drift-correction target. arguments x -- The X coordinate y -- The Y coordinate """ self.scr.clear() self.scr.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=settings.FGC, pos=(x, y), pw=0, diameter=12) self.display.fill(self.scr)
class EyeLogicTracker(BaseEyeTracker): ## Initializes the EyeTracker object. def __init__(self, display, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, \ eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, \ saccade_velocity_threshold=35, \ saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, \ blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, \ **args): # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, EyeLogicTracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = self.disp.dispsize # display size in pixels self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw', freq=100, length=100) # show a message self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="Initialising the eye tracker, please wait...", fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # output file properties self.logfile = logfile # eye tracker properties self._recording = Event() self._recording.clear() self._calibrated = Event() self._calibrated.clear() self.eye_used = 2 # 0=left, 1=right, 2=binocular self.sampleLock = Lock() self.lastSample = None self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) # event detection properties self.pxfixtresh = 50; self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.blinkthresh = blink_threshold # milliseconds; blink detection threshold used in PyGaze method self.eventdetection = eventdetection self._log_vars = [ \ "timestampMicroSec", \ "index", \ "porFilteredX", \ "porFilteredY", \ "porLeftX", \ "porLeftY", \ "pupilRadiusLeft", \ "porRightX", \ "porRightY", \ "pupilRadiusRight", \ ] # Open a new log file. dir_name = os.path.dirname(logfile) file_name = os.path.basename(logfile) name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) self._data_file_path = os.path.join(dir_name, name+".eyelogic.csv") self._log_file = open(self._data_file_path, "w") # Write a header to the log. header = ["TYPE"] header.extend(self._log_vars) self._sep = ";" self._log_file.write("Sep="+self._sep+"\n") self._log_file.write(self._sep.join(map(str, header))) # Create a lock to prevent simultaneous access to the log file. self._logging_queue = Queue() self._logging_queue_empty = Event() self._logging_queue_empty.set() self._connected = Event() self._connected.set() self._log_counter = 0 self._log_consolidation_freq = 60 self._logging_thread = Thread( target=self.loggingThread, \ name='PyGaze_EyeLogic_Logging', args=[]) global g_api g_api = self # log self.log("pygaze initiation") #self.log("experiment = {}".format(self.description)) #self.log("participant = {}".format(self.participant)) self.log("display resolution = {}x{}".format(self.dispsize[0], \ self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm = {}x{}".format(self.screensize[0], \ self.screensize[1])) self.log("fixation threshold = {} degrees".format(self.fixtresh)) self.log("speed threshold = {} degrees/second".format(self.spdtresh)) self.log("acceleration threshold = {} degrees/second**2".format( \ self.accthresh)) # connect self.api = ELApi( "PyGaze" ) self.api.registerGazeSampleCallback( gazeSampleCallback ) self.api.registerEventCallback( eventCallback ) resultConnect = self.api.connect() if (resultConnect != ELApi.ReturnConnect.SUCCESS): self._connected.clear() raise Exception("Cannot connect to EyeLogic server = {}".format(errorstringConnect(resultConnect))) self._connected.set() screenConfig = self.api.getScreenConfig() self.log("eye tracker is mounted on screen {}".format( self.rawResolution = (screenConfig.resolutionX, screenConfig.resolutionY) self.log("raw screen resolution = {}x{}".format( self.rawResolution[0], self.rawResolution[1])) self.log("end pygaze initiation") deviceConfig = self.api.getDeviceConfig() if (deviceConfig.deviceSerial == 0): raise Exception("no eye tracking device connected") if (len(deviceConfig.frameRates) == 0): raise Exception("failed to read out device configuration") g_api.sampleRate = deviceConfig.frameRates[0] g_api.sampleTime = 1000.0 / g_api.sampleRate g_api.log("samplerate = {} Hz".format(g_api.sampleRate)) g_api.log("sampletime = {} ms".format(g_api.sampleTime)) self._logging_thread.start() self.screen.clear() self.disp.fill(self.screen) def loggingThread(self): while self._connected.is_set(): # Check if the sample Queue is empty. if self._logging_queue.empty(): # Signal to other Threads that the logging Queue is empty. if not self._logging_queue_empty.is_set(): self._logging_queue_empty.set() # Process data from the Queue. else: # Signal to other Threads that the Queue isn't empty. if self._logging_queue_empty.is_set(): self._logging_queue_empty.clear() # Get the next object from the Queue. sample = self._logging_queue.get() # Log the message string and/or the sample. if type(sample) in [tuple, list]: self._write_tuple(sample) elif type(sample) == ELGazeSample: self._write_sample(sample) else: print("WARNING = Unrecognised object in log queue = '{}'".format( \ sample)) # Increment the log counter. self._log_counter += 1 # Check if the log file needs to be consolidated. if self._log_counter % self._log_consolidation_freq == 0: # Internal buffer to RAM. self._log_file.flush() # RAM to disk. os.fsync(self._log_file.fileno()) # Release the log file lock. def _write_sample(self, sample): # Construct a list with the sample data. line = ["DAT"] for var in self._log_vars: line.append(sample.__getattribute__(var)) # Log the sample to the log file. self._log_file.write("\n" + self._sep.join(map(str, line))) def _write_tuple(self, tup): # Construct a list values that need to be logged. line = [] # Add the values that need to be logged. Usually this will be ("MSG", # timestamp, message). line.extend(tup) # Pad the list so that it will be of equal length to the sample # lines, which makes it easier to be read into a spreadsheet editor # and by some read_csv functions. line.extend([""] * (len(self._log_vars) - len(line) - 1)) # Log the line to the log file. self._log_file.write("\n" + self._sep.join(map(str, line))) ## Calibrates the eye tracking system. def calibrate(self): #self.screen.clear() #self.screen.draw_text( # text="Calibrate EyeTracker", # fontsize=20) #self.disp.fill(self.screen) if (not self._recording.is_set()): resultTracking = self.api.requestTracking(0) if (resultTracking != ELApi.ReturnStart.SUCCESS): raise Exception("unable to start eye tracker") resultCalibrate = self.api.calibrate(0) if (resultCalibrate != ELApi.ReturnCalibrate.SUCCESS): self.api.unrequestTracking() raise Exception("Calibration failed = {}".format(errorstringCalibrate(resultCalibrate))) self._calibrated.set() # NOISE CALIBRATION self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="Noise calibration. Please look at the dot, and press any key to start.", fontsize=20, \ pos=(int(self.dispsize[0]/2),int(self.dispsize[1]*0.3))) x = int(float(self.dispsize[0]) / 2.0) y = int(float(self.dispsize[1]) / 2.0) self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype="dot", pos=(x,y)) self.disp.fill(self.screen) self.kb.get_key(keylist=None, timeout=None, flush=True) # wait for a bit, to allow participant to fixate clock.pause(500) # get distance to screen screendist = 0 i = 0 while screendist == 0 and i < self.maxtries: i = i+1 self.sampleLock.acquire() if (self.lastSample is not None): if self.eye_used != 1 and self.lastSample.eyePositionLeftZ != ELInvalidValue: screendist = self.lastSample.eyePositionLeftZ / 10.0 # eyePositionZ is in mm; screendist is in cm elif self.eye_used != 0 and self.lastSample.eyePositionRightZ != ELInvalidValue: screendist = self.lastSample.eyePositionRightZ / 10.0 self.sampleLock.release() clock.pause(int(self.sampleTime)) if i >= self.maxtries: self.api.unrequestTracking() raise Exception("unable to receive gaze data for noise calibration") # get samples sl = [self.sample()] # samplelist, prefilled with 1 sample to prevent sl[-1] from producing an error; first sample will be ignored for RMS calculation t0 = clock.get_time() # starting time while clock.get_time() - t0 < 1000: s = self.sample() # sample if s[0] != -1 and s[1] != -1 and s[0] != ELInvalidValue and s[1] != ELInvalidValue: sl.append(s) clock.pause(int(self.sampleTime)) if (len(sl) < 2): if (not self._recording.is_set()): self.api.unrequestTracking() return False # calculate RMS noise Xvar = [] Yvar = [] Xmean = 0. Ymean = 0. for i in range(2,len(sl)): Xvar.append((sl[i][0]-sl[i-1][0])**2) Yvar.append((sl[i][1]-sl[i-1][1])**2) Xmean += sl[i][0] Ymean += sl[i][1] XRMS = (sum(Xvar) / len(Xvar))**0.5 YRMS = (sum(Yvar) / len(Yvar))**0.5 Xmean = Xmean / (len(sl)-2) Ymean = Ymean / (len(sl)-2) self.pxdsttresh = (XRMS, YRMS) # calculate pixels per cm pixpercm = (self.dispsize[0]/float(self.screensize[0]) + self.dispsize[1]/float(self.screensize[1])) / 2 # get accuracy accuracyPxX = abs( Xmean - x ) accuracyPxY = abs( Ymean - y ) self.accuracy = ( pix2deg(screendist, accuracyPxX, pixpercm), \ pix2deg(screendist, accuracyPxY, pixpercm) ) # calculate thresholds based on tracker settings self.pxfixtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.fixtresh, pixpercm) self.pxaccuracy = (accuracyPxX, accuracyPxY ) self.pxspdtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.spdtresh/1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond self.pxacctresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.accthresh/1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond**2 ## log self.log("pygaze calibration") self.log("accuracy (degrees) = X={}, Y={}".format( \ self.accuracy[0], self.accuracy[1] )) self.log("accuracy (in pixels) = X={}, Y={}".format( \ self.pxaccuracy[0], self.pxaccuracy[1])) self.log("precision (RMS noise in pixels) = X={}, Y={}".format( \ self.pxdsttresh[0], self.pxdsttresh[1])) self.log("distance between participant and display = {} cm".format(screendist)) self.log("fixation threshold = {} pixels".format(self.pxfixtresh)) self.log("speed threshold = {} pixels/ms".format(self.pxspdtresh)) self.log("acceleration threshold = {} pixels/ms**2".format(self.pxacctresh)) if (not self._recording.is_set()): self.api.unrequestTracking() return True ## Neatly closes connection to tracker. def close(self): if self._recording.is_set(): self.stop_recording() # Wait until the Queue is empty, or until 60 seconds have passed. queue_empty = self._logging_queue_empty.wait(timeout=15.0) if not queue_empty: print("WARNING = Logging Thread timeout occurred; something might have gone wrong!") # Signal to the Threads to stop. self._connected.clear() # Close the log file. self._log_file.close() # Close the connection. self.api.disconnect() self._connected = False ## Checks if the tracker is connected. def connected(self): isConnected = self.api.isConnected() if isConnected: self._connected.set() else: self._connected.clear() return isConnected ## Performs a drift check def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): return True ## Performs a fixation triggered drift correction by collecting # a number of samples and calculating the average distance from the # fixation position. def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=10, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=30): pass ## Returns the difference between tracker time and PyGaze time, # which can be used to synchronize timing def get_eyetracker_clock_async(self): return 0 ## Writes a message to the log file. def log(self, msg): # Get current timestamp. self.sampleLock.acquire() if self.lastSample is None: t = 0 else: t = self.lastSample.timestampMicroSec self.sampleLock.release() # Construct a tuple, and add it to the queue. self._logging_queue.put(("MSG", t, msg)) ## Writes a variable's name and value to the log file def log_var(self, var, val): pass ## Returns the newest pupil size sample def pupil_size(self): self.sampleLock.acquire() pupilSize = -1 if (self.lastSample is not None): if self.eye_used == 0: pupilSize = 2.*self.lastSample.pupilRadiusLeft; elif self.eye_used == 1: pupilSize = 2.*self.lastSample.pupilRadiusRight; elif self.eye_used == 2: pupilSize = self.lastSample.pupilRadiusLeft + self.lastSample.pupilRadiusRight; self.sampleLock.release() return pupilSize ## Returns newest available gaze position. def sample(self): self.sampleLock.acquire() por = (-1, -1) if (self.lastSample is not None): if self.eye_used == 0: por = (self.lastSample.porLeftX, self.lastSample.porLeftY) elif self.eye_used == 1: por = (self.lastSample.porRightX, self.lastSample.porRightY) elif self.eye_used == 2: por = (self.lastSample.porFilteredX, self.lastSample.porFilteredY) self.sampleLock.release() return por # Directly sends a command to the eye tracker. def send_command(self, cmd): pass ## Set the event detection type to either PyGaze algorithms, or # native algorithms. def set_detection_type(self, eventdetection): # detection type for saccades, fixations, blinks (pygaze or native) return ('pygaze','pygaze','pygaze') ## Specifies a custom function to draw the calibration target. def set_draw_calibration_target_func(self, func): pass ## Specifies a custom function to draw the drift-correction target. def set_draw_drift_correction_target_func(self, func): pass ## Logs the eye_used variable, based on which eye was specified # (if both eyes are being tracked, the left eye is used) def set_eye_used(self): pass ## Starts recording. def start_recording(self): resultTracking = self.api.requestTracking(0) if (resultTracking != ELApi.ReturnStart.SUCCESS): raise Exception("unable to start eye tracker") self._recording.set() ## Sends a status message to the eye tracker, which is displayed in the tracker's GUI def status_msg(self, msg): pass ## Stops recording. def stop_recording(self): self.api.unrequestTracking() self._recording.clear() ## Waits for an event. def wait_for_event(self, event): print("waitforevent", flush=True) if event == 3: # STARTBLINK return self.wait_for_blink_start() elif event == 4: # ENDBLINK return self.wait_for_blink_end() elif event == 5: # STARTSACC return self.wait_for_saccade_start() elif event == 6: # ENDSACC return self.wait_for_saccade_end() elif event == 7: # STARTFIX return self.wait_for_fixation_start() elif event == 8: # ENDFIX return self.wait_for_fixation_end() else: raise Exception("wait_for_event({}) is not supported".format(event)) ## Waits for a blink end and returns the blink ending time. def wait_for_blink_end(self): blinking = True # loop while there is a blink while blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's valid if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # if it is a valid sample, blinking has stopped blinking = False # return timestamp of blink end return clock.get_time() ## Waits for a blink start and returns the blink starting time. def wait_for_blink_start(self): blinking = False # loop until there is a blink while not blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's a valid sample if not self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # get timestamp for possible blink start t0 = clock.get_time() # loop until a blink is determined, or a valid sample occurs while not self.is_valid_sample(self.sample()): # check if time has surpassed BLINKTHRESH if clock.get_time()-t0 >= self.blinkthresh: # return timestamp of blink start return t0 ## Returns time and gaze position when a fixation has ended. def wait_for_fixation_end(self): print("wait_for_fixation_end", flush=True) # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than fixtresh # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected # get starting time and position stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() # loop until fixation has ended while True: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # get newest sample # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if sample deviates to much from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # break loop if deviation is too high break return clock.get_time(), spos ## Returns starting time and position when a fixation is started. def wait_for_fixation_start(self): print("wait_for_fixation_start", flush=True) # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position # remains reasonably stable for self.fixtimetresh # get starting position spos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(spos): spos = self.sample() # get starting time t0 = clock.get_time() # wait for reasonably stable position moving = True while moving: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if new sample is too far from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # if not, reset starting position and time spos = copy.copy(npos) t0 = clock.get_time() # if new sample is close to starting sample else: # get timestamp t1 = clock.get_time() # check if fixation time threshold has been surpassed if t1 - t0 >= self.fixtimetresh: # return time and starting position return t1, spos ## Returns ending time, starting and end position when a saccade is # ended. def wait_for_saccade_end(self): # get starting position (no blinks) t0, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() # get valid sample prevpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(prevpos): prevpos = self.sample() # get starting time, intersample distance, and velocity t1 = clock.get_time() s = ((prevpos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (prevpos[1]-spos[1])**2)**0.5 # = intersample distance = speed in px/sample v0 = s / (t1-t0) # run until velocity and acceleration go below threshold saccadic = True while saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # calculate distance s = ((newpos[0]-prevpos[0])**2 + (newpos[1]-prevpos[1])**2)**0.5 # = speed in pixels/sample # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1-t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1-v0) / (t1-t0) # acceleration in pixels/sample**2 (actually is v1-v0 / t1-t0; but t1-t0 = 1 sample) # check if velocity and acceleration are below threshold if v1 < self.pxspdtresh and (a > -1*self.pxacctresh and a < 0): saccadic = False epos = newpos[:] etime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return etime, spos, epos ## Returns starting time and starting position when a saccade is started. def wait_for_saccade_start(self): # get starting position (no blinks) newpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(newpos): newpos = self.sample() # get starting time, position, intersampledistance, and velocity t0 = clock.get_time() prevpos = newpos[:] s = 0 v0 = 0 # get samples saccadic = False while not saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # check if distance is larger than precision error sx = newpos[0]-prevpos[0]; sy = newpos[1]-prevpos[1] if (sx/self.pxdsttresh[0])**2 + (sy/self.pxdsttresh[1])**2 > self.weightdist: # weigthed distance = (sx/tx)**2 + (sy/ty)**2 > 1 means movement larger than RMS noise # calculate distance s = ((sx)**2 + (sy)**2)**0.5 # intersampledistance = speed in pixels/ms # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1-t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1-v0) / (t1-t0) # acceleration in pixels/ms**2 # check if either velocity or acceleration are above threshold values if v1 > self.pxspdtresh or a > self.pxacctresh: saccadic = True spos = prevpos[:] stime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return stime, spos
def __init__(self, display, address='', udpport=49152, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, **args): """Initializes a TobiiProGlassesTracker instance arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments address -- internal ipv4/ipv6 address for Tobii Pro Glasses 2 (default = '', for IpV6 address use square brackets [fe80::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]) udpport -- UDP port number for Tobii Pro Glasses data streaming (default = 49152) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, TobiiProGlassesTracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = settings.DISPSIZE # display size in pixels self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.screendist = settings.SCREENDIST # distance between participant and screen in cm self.pixpercm = (self.dispsize[0] / float(self.screensize[0]) + self.dispsize[1] / float(self.screensize[1])) / 2.0 self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw', freq=100, length=100) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile self.description = "experiment" # TODO: EXPERIMENT NAME self.participant = "participant" # TODO: PP NAME # eye tracker properties self.eye_used = 0 # 0=left, 1=right, 2=binocular self.left_eye = 0 self.right_eye = 1 self.binocular = 2 self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1, -1) # validation properties self.nvalsamples = 1000 # samples for one validation point # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.blinkthresh = blink_threshold # milliseconds; blink detection threshold used in PyGaze method self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) self.tobiiglasses = TobiiGlassesController(udpport, address) self.triggers_values = {} self.logging = False self.current_recording_id = None self.current_participant_id = None self.current_project_id = None
def __init__(self, display, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, **args): """Initializes a TobiiProTracker instance arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments None """ self.gaze = [] self.disp = display # initialize a screen self.screen = Screen() # initialize keyboard self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q','enter'], timeout=1) self.recording = False self.screendist = settings.SCREENDIST if hasattr(settings, 'TRACKERSERIALNUMBER'): # Search for a specific eye tracker self.eyetrackers = [t for t in tr.find_all_eyetrackers() if t.serial_number == settings.TRACKERSERIALNUMBER] else: # Search for all eye trackers (The first one found will be selected) self.eyetrackers = tr.find_all_eyetrackers() if self.eyetrackers: self.eyetracker = self.eyetrackers[0] else: print("WARNING! libtobii.TobiiProTracker.__init__: no eye trackers found!") self.LEFT_EYE = 0 self.RIGHT_EYE = 1 self.BINOCULAR = 2 self.eye_used = 0 # 0=left, 1=right, 2=binocular # calibration and validation points lb = 0.1 # left bound xc = 0.5 # horizontal center rb = 0.9 # right bound ub = 0.1 # upper bound yc = 0.5 # vertical center bb = 0.9 # bottom bound self.points_to_calibrate = [self._norm_2_px(p) for p in [(lb, ub), (xc,ub), (rb, ub), (lb,yc), (xc, yc),(rb,yc), (lb, bb),(xc,bb),(rb, bb)]] # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.blinkthresh = blink_threshold # milliseconds; blink detection threshold used in PyGaze method self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.pixpercm = (self.disp.dispsize[0] / float(self.screensize[0]) + self.disp.dispsize[1] / float(self.screensize[1])) / 2.0 self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.pxerrdist = self._deg2pix(self.screendist, self.errdist, self.pixpercm) self.event_data = [] self.t0 = None self._write_enabled = True self.datafile = open("{0}_TOBII_output.tsv".format(logfile), 'w') # initiation report self.datafile.write("pygaze initiation report start\n") self.datafile.write("display resolution: %sx%s\n" % (self.disp.dispsize[0], self.disp.dispsize[1])) self.datafile.write("display size in cm: %sx%s\n" % (self.screensize[0], self.screensize[1])) self.datafile.write("fixation threshold: %s degrees\n" % self.fixtresh) self.datafile.write("speed threshold: %s degrees/second\n" % self.spdtresh) self.datafile.write("acceleration threshold: %s degrees/second**2\n" % self.accthresh) self.datafile.write("pygaze initiation report end\n")
class TobiiProTracker(BaseEyeTracker): """A class for Tobii Pro EyeTracker objects""" def __init__(self, display, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, **args): """Initializes a TobiiProTracker instance arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments None """ self.gaze = [] self.disp = display # initialize a screen self.screen = Screen() # initialize keyboard self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q','enter'], timeout=1) self.recording = False self.screendist = settings.SCREENDIST if hasattr(settings, 'TRACKERSERIALNUMBER'): # Search for a specific eye tracker self.eyetrackers = [t for t in tr.find_all_eyetrackers() if t.serial_number == settings.TRACKERSERIALNUMBER] else: # Search for all eye trackers (The first one found will be selected) self.eyetrackers = tr.find_all_eyetrackers() if self.eyetrackers: self.eyetracker = self.eyetrackers[0] else: print("WARNING! libtobii.TobiiProTracker.__init__: no eye trackers found!") self.LEFT_EYE = 0 self.RIGHT_EYE = 1 self.BINOCULAR = 2 self.eye_used = 0 # 0=left, 1=right, 2=binocular # calibration and validation points lb = 0.1 # left bound xc = 0.5 # horizontal center rb = 0.9 # right bound ub = 0.1 # upper bound yc = 0.5 # vertical center bb = 0.9 # bottom bound self.points_to_calibrate = [self._norm_2_px(p) for p in [(lb, ub), (xc,ub), (rb, ub), (lb,yc), (xc, yc),(rb,yc), (lb, bb),(xc,bb),(rb, bb)]] # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.blinkthresh = blink_threshold # milliseconds; blink detection threshold used in PyGaze method self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.pixpercm = (self.disp.dispsize[0] / float(self.screensize[0]) + self.disp.dispsize[1] / float(self.screensize[1])) / 2.0 self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.pxerrdist = self._deg2pix(self.screendist, self.errdist, self.pixpercm) self.event_data = [] self.t0 = None self._write_enabled = True self.datafile = open("{0}_TOBII_output.tsv".format(logfile), 'w') # initiation report self.datafile.write("pygaze initiation report start\n") self.datafile.write("display resolution: %sx%s\n" % (self.disp.dispsize[0], self.disp.dispsize[1])) self.datafile.write("display size in cm: %sx%s\n" % (self.screensize[0], self.screensize[1])) self.datafile.write("fixation threshold: %s degrees\n" % self.fixtresh) self.datafile.write("speed threshold: %s degrees/second\n" % self.spdtresh) self.datafile.write("acceleration threshold: %s degrees/second**2\n" % self.accthresh) self.datafile.write("pygaze initiation report end\n") def _norm_2_px(self, normalized_point): return (round(normalized_point[0] * self.disp.dispsize[0], 0), round(normalized_point[1] * self.disp.dispsize[1], 0)) def _px_2_norm(self, pixelized_point): return (pixelized_point[0] / self.disp.dispsize[0], pixelized_point[1] / self.disp.dispsize[1]) def _mean(self, array): if array: a = [s for s in array if s is not None] return sum(a) / float(len(a)) def _deg2pix(self, cmdist, angle, pixpercm): return pixpercm * math.tan(math.radians(angle)) * float(cmdist) def log_var(self, var, val): """Writes a variable to the log file arguments var -- variable name val -- variable value returns Nothing -- uses native log function to include a line in the log file in a "var NAME VALUE" layout """ self.log("var %s %s" % (var, val)) def set_eye_used(self): """Logs the eye_used variable, based on which eye was specified. arguments None returns Nothing -- logs which eye is used by calling self.log_var, e.g. self.log_var("eye_used", "right") """ if self.eye_used == self.BINOCULAR: self.log_var("eye_used", "binocular") elif self.eye_used == self.RIGHT_EYE: self.log_var("eye_used", "right") else: self.log_var("eye_used", "left") def is_valid_sample(self, sample): """Checks if the sample provided is valid, based on Tobii specific criteria (for internal use) arguments sample -- a (x,y) gaze position tuple, as returned by self.sample() returns valid -- a Boolean: True on a valid sample, False on an invalid sample """ return sample != (-1, -1) def _on_gaze_data(self, gaze_data): self.gaze.append(gaze_data) if self._write_enabled: self._write_sample(gaze_data) def start_recording(self): """Starts recording eye position arguments None returns None -- sets self.recording to True when recording is successfully started """ if not self.t0 and self._write_enabled: self.t0 = tr.get_system_time_stamp() self._write_header() if self.recording: print("WARNING! libtobii.TobiiProTracker.start_recording: Recording already started!") self.gaze = [] else: self.gaze = [] self.eyetracker.subscribe_to(tr.EYETRACKER_GAZE_DATA, self._on_gaze_data, as_dictionary=True) time.sleep(1) self.recording = True def stop_recording(self): """Stop recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to False when recording is successfully started """ if self.recording: self.eyetracker.unsubscribe_from(tr.EYETRACKER_GAZE_DATA) self.recording = False self.event_data = [] else: print("WARNING! libtobii.TobiiProTracker.stop_recording: A recording has not been started!") def sample(self): """Returns newest available gaze position The gaze position is relative to the self.eye_used currently selected. If both eyes are selected, the gaze position is averaged from the data of both eyes. arguments None returns sample -- an (x,y) tuple or a (-1,-1) on an error """ gaze_sample = copy.copy(self.gaze[-1]) if self.eye_used == self.LEFT_EYE and gaze_sample["left_gaze_point_validity"]: return self._norm_2_px(gaze_sample["left_gaze_point_on_display_area"]) if self.eye_used == self.RIGHT_EYE and gaze_sample["right_gaze_point_validity"]: return self._norm_2_px(gaze_sample["right_gaze_point_on_display_area"]) if self.eye_used == self.BINOCULAR: if gaze_sample["left_gaze_point_validity"] and gaze_sample["right_gaze_point_validity"]: left_sample = self._norm_2_px(gaze_sample["left_gaze_point_on_display_area"]) right_sample = self._norm_2_px(gaze_sample["right_gaze_point_on_display_area"]) return (self._mean([left_sample[0], right_sample[0]]), self._mean([left_sample[1], right_sample[1]])) if gaze_sample["left_gaze_point_validity"]: return self._norm_2_px(gaze_sample["left_gaze_point_on_display_area"]) if gaze_sample["right_gaze_point_validity"]: return self._norm_2_px(gaze_sample["right_gaze_point_on_display_area"]) return (-1, -1) def pupil_size(self): """Returns newest available pupil size arguments None returns pupilsize -- a float if only eye is selected or only one eye has valid data. -- a tuple with two floats if both eyes are selected. -- -1 if there is no valid pupil data available. """ if self.gaze: gaze_sample = copy.copy(self.gaze[-1]) if self.eye_used == self.BINOCULAR: pupil_data = [-1, -1] if gaze_sample["left_pupil_validity"]: pupil_data[0] = gaze_sample["left_pupil_diameter"] if gaze_sample["right_pupil_validity"]: pupil_data[1] = gaze_sample["right_pupil_diameter"] return tuple(pupil_data) if self.eye_used == self.LEFT_EYE and gaze_sample["left_pupil_validity"]: return gaze_sample["left_pupil_diameter"] if self.eye_used == self.RIGHT_EYE and gaze_sample["right_pupil_validity"]: return gaze_sample["right_pupil_diameter"] return -1 def ReduceBall (self,point,facteur,colour): self.showPoint(point,colour,facteur) for i in range (0,200,3): self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_circle(colour=colour, pos=point, r=int(self.disp.dispsize[0] / (facteur+i)), pw=5, fill=True) self.disp.fill(self.screen) def showPoint( self,point,colour,facteur): self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_circle(colour=colour, pos=point, r=int(self.disp.dispsize[0] / facteur), pw=5, fill=True) self.disp.fill(self.screen) def calibrate(self, calibrate=True, validate=True): """Calibrates the eye tracker. arguments None keyword arguments calibrate -- Boolean indicating if calibration should be performed (default = True). validate -- Boolean indicating if validation should be performed (default = True). returns success -- returns True if calibration succeeded, or False if not; in addition a calibration log is added to the log file and some properties are updated (i.e. the thresholds for detection algorithms) """ self._write_enabled = False self.start_recording() self.screen.set_background_colour(colour=(0, 0, 0)) if calibrate: origin = (int(self.disp.dispsize[0] / 4), int(self.disp.dispsize[1] / 4)) size = (int(2 * self.disp.dispsize[0] / 4), int(2 * self.disp.dispsize[1] / 4)) while not self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space'], flush=False)[0]: gaze_sample = copy.copy(self.gaze[-1]) self.screen.clear() validity_colour = (255, 0, 0) if gaze_sample['right_gaze_origin_validity'] and gaze_sample['left_gaze_origin_validity']: left_validity = 0.15 < gaze_sample['left_gaze_origin_in_trackbox_coordinate_system'][2] < 0.85 right_validity = 0.15 < gaze_sample['right_gaze_origin_in_trackbox_coordinate_system'][2] < 0.85 if left_validity and right_validity: validity_colour = (0, 255, 0) self.screen.draw_text(text="When correctly positioned press \'space\' to start the calibration.", pos=(int(self.disp.dispsize[0] / 2), int(self.disp.dispsize[1] * 0.1)), colour=(255, 255, 255), fontsize=20) self.screen.draw_line(colour=validity_colour, spos=origin, epos=(origin[0] + size[0], origin[1]), pw=1) self.screen.draw_line(colour=validity_colour, spos=origin, epos=(origin[0], origin[1] + size[1]), pw=1) self.screen.draw_line(colour=validity_colour, spos=(origin[0], origin[1] + size[1]), epos=(origin[0] + size[0], origin[1] + size[1]), pw=1) self.screen.draw_line(colour=validity_colour, spos=(origin[0] + size[0], origin[1] + size[1]), epos=(origin[0] + size[0], origin[1]), pw=1) right_eye, left_eye, distance = None, None, [] if gaze_sample['right_gaze_origin_validity']: distance.append(round(gaze_sample['right_gaze_origin_in_user_coordinate_system'][2] / 10, 1)) right_eye = ((1 - gaze_sample['right_gaze_origin_in_trackbox_coordinate_system'][0]) * size[0] + origin[0], gaze_sample['right_gaze_origin_in_trackbox_coordinate_system'][1] * size[1] + origin[1]) self.screen.draw_circle(colour=validity_colour, pos=right_eye, r=int(self.disp.dispsize[0] / 100), pw=5, fill=True) if gaze_sample['left_gaze_origin_validity']: distance.append(round(gaze_sample['left_gaze_origin_in_user_coordinate_system'][2] / 10, 1)) left_eye = ((1 - gaze_sample['left_gaze_origin_in_trackbox_coordinate_system'][0]) * size[0] + origin[0], gaze_sample['left_gaze_origin_in_trackbox_coordinate_system'][1] * size[1] + origin[1]) self.screen.draw_circle(colour=validity_colour, pos=left_eye, r=int(self.disp.dispsize[0] / 100), pw=5, fill=True) self.screen.draw_text(text="Current distance to the eye tracker: {0} cm.".format(self._mean(distance)), pos=(int(self.disp.dispsize[0] / 2), int(self.disp.dispsize[1] * 0.9)), colour=(255, 255, 255), fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # # # # # # # # calibration if not self.eyetracker: print("WARNING! libtobii.TobiiProTracker.calibrate: no eye trackers found for the calibration!") self.stop_recording() return False calibration = tr.ScreenBasedCalibration(self.eyetracker) calibrating = True while calibrating: calibration.enter_calibration_mode() for point in self.points_to_calibrate: self.screen.clear() # CDP : Changement couleur #self.screen.draw_circle(colour='yellow', pos=point, r=int(self.disp.dispsize[0] / 100.0), pw=5, fill=True) #self.screen.draw_circle(colour=(255, 0, 0), pos=point, r=int(self.disp.dispsize[0] / 400.0), pw=5, fill=True) #self.disp.fill(self.screen) # Wait a little for user to focus. # CDP : Ajout sasie clavier #clock.pause(1000) self.ReduceBall(point,30,'yellow') pressed_key = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space', 'r'], flush=True, timeout=None) normalized_point = self._px_2_norm(point) if calibration.collect_data(normalized_point[0], normalized_point[1]) != tr.CALIBRATION_STATUS_SUCCESS: # Try again if it didn't go well the first time. # Not all eye tracker models will fail at this point, but instead fail on ComputeAndApply. calibration.collect_data(normalized_point[0], normalized_point[1]) self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text("Calculating calibration result....", colour=(255, 255, 255), fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) calibration_result = calibration.compute_and_apply() calibration.leave_calibration_mode() print "Compute and apply returned {0} and collected at {1} points.".\ format(calibration_result.status, len(calibration_result.calibration_points)) if calibration_result.status != tr.CALIBRATION_STATUS_SUCCESS: self.stop_recording() print("WARNING! libtobii.TobiiProTracker.calibrate: Calibration was unsuccessful!") return False self.screen.clear() for point in calibration_result.calibration_points: self.screen.draw_circle(colour=(255, 255, 255), pos=self._norm_2_px(point.position_on_display_area), r=self.disp.dispsize[0] / 200, pw=1, fill=False) for sample in point.calibration_samples: if sample.left_eye.validity == tr.VALIDITY_VALID_AND_USED: self.screen.draw_circle(colour=(255, 0, 0), pos=self._norm_2_px(sample.left_eye.position_on_display_area), r=self.disp.dispsize[0] / 450, pw=self.disp.dispsize[0] / 450, fill=False) self.screen.draw_line(colour=(255, 0, 0), spos=self._norm_2_px(point.position_on_display_area), epos=self._norm_2_px(sample.left_eye.position_on_display_area), pw=1) if sample.right_eye.validity == tr.VALIDITY_VALID_AND_USED: self.screen.draw_circle(colour=(0, 0, 255), pos=self._norm_2_px(sample.right_eye.position_on_display_area), r=self.disp.dispsize[0] / 450, pw=self.disp.dispsize[0] / 450, fill=False) self.screen.draw_line(colour=(0, 0, 255), spos=self._norm_2_px(point.position_on_display_area), epos=self._norm_2_px(sample.right_eye.position_on_display_area), pw=1) self.screen.draw_text("Press the \'R\' key to recalibrate or \'Space\' to continue....", pos=(0.5 * self.disp.dispsize[0], 0.95 * self.disp.dispsize[1]), colour=(255, 255, 255), fontsize=20) self.screen.draw_text("Left Eye", pos=(0.5 * self.disp.dispsize[0], 0.01 * self.disp.dispsize[1]), colour=(255, 0, 0), fontsize=20) self.screen.draw_text("Right Eye", pos=(0.5 * self.disp.dispsize[0], 0.03 * self.disp.dispsize[1]), colour=(0, 0, 255), fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) pressed_key = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space', 'r'], flush=True, timeout=None) if pressed_key[0] == 'space': calibrating = False if validate: # # # show menu self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text(text="Press space to start validation", colour=(255, 255, 255), fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # # # wait for spacepress self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space'], flush=True, timeout=None) # # # # # # # # validation # # # arrays for data storage lxacc, lyacc, rxacc, ryacc = [], [], [], [] # # loop through all calibration positions for pos in self.points_to_calibrate: # show validation point self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', pos=pos, colour=(255, 255, 255)) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # allow user some time to gaze at dot clock.pause(1000) lxsamples, lysamples, rxsamples, rysamples = [], [], [], [] for sample in self.gaze: if sample["left_gaze_point_validity"]: gaze_point = self._norm_2_px(sample["left_gaze_point_on_display_area"]) lxsamples.append(abs(gaze_point[0] - pos[0])) lysamples.append(abs(gaze_point[1] - pos[1])) if sample["right_gaze_point_validity"]: gaze_point = self._norm_2_px(sample["right_gaze_point_on_display_area"]) rxsamples.append(abs(gaze_point[0] - pos[0])) rysamples.append(abs(gaze_point[1] - pos[1])) # calculate mean deviation lxacc.append(self._mean(lxsamples)) lyacc.append(self._mean(lysamples)) rxacc.append(self._mean(rxsamples)) ryacc.append(self._mean(rysamples)) # wait for a bit to slow down validation process a bit clock.pause(1000) # calculate mean accuracy self.pxaccuracy = [(self._mean(lxacc), self._mean(lyacc)), (self._mean(rxacc), self._mean(ryacc))] # sample rate # calculate intersample times timestamps = [] gaze_samples = copy.copy(self.gaze) for i in xrange(0, len(gaze_samples) - 1): timestamps.append((gaze_samples[i + 1]['system_time_stamp'] - gaze_samples[i]['system_time_stamp']) / 1000.0) # mean intersample time self.sampletime = self._mean(timestamps) self.samplerate = int(1000.0 / self.sampletime) # # # # # # # # RMS noise # # present instructions self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text(text="Noise calibration: please look at the dot\n\n(press space to start)", pos=(self.disp.dispsize[0] / 2, int(self.disp.dispsize[1] * 0.2)), colour=(255, 255, 255), fontsize=20) self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=(255, 255, 255)) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # # wait for spacepress self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space'], flush=True, timeout=None) # # show fixation self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=(255, 255, 255)) self.disp.fill(self.screen) self.screen.clear() # # wait for a bit, to allow participant to fixate clock.pause(500) # # get samples sl = [self.sample()] # samplelist, prefilled with 1 sample to prevent sl[-1] from producing an error; first sample will be ignored for RMS calculation t0 = clock.get_time() # starting time while clock.get_time() - t0 < 1000: s = self.sample() # sample if s != sl[-1] and self.is_valid_sample(s) and s != (0, 0): sl.append(s) # # calculate RMS noise Xvar, Yvar = [], [] for i in xrange(2, len(sl)): Xvar.append((sl[i][0] - sl[i - 1][0])**2) Yvar.append((sl[i][1] - sl[i - 1][1])**2) XRMS = (self._mean(Xvar))**0.5 YRMS = (self._mean(Yvar))**0.5 self.pxdsttresh = (XRMS, YRMS) # # # # # # # # # # calibration report # # # # recalculate thresholds (degrees to pixels) self.pxfixtresh = self._deg2pix(self.screendist, self.fixtresh, self.pixpercm) self.pxspdtresh = self._deg2pix(self.screendist, self.spdtresh / 1000.0, self.pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecons self.pxacctresh = self._deg2pix(self.screendist, self.accthresh / 1000.0, self.pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond**2 data_to_write = '' data_to_write += "pygaze calibration report start\n" data_to_write += "samplerate: %s Hz\n" % self.samplerate data_to_write += "sampletime: %s ms\n" % self.sampletime data_to_write += "accuracy (in pixels): LX=%s, LY=%s, RX=%s, RY=%s\n" % (self.pxaccuracy[0][0], self.pxaccuracy[0][1], self.pxaccuracy[1][0], self.pxaccuracy[1][1]) data_to_write += "precision (RMS noise in pixels): X=%s, Y=%s\n" % (self.pxdsttresh[0], self.pxdsttresh[1]) data_to_write += "distance between participant and display: %s cm\n" % self.screendist data_to_write += "fixation threshold: %s pixels\n" % self.pxfixtresh data_to_write += "speed threshold: %s pixels/ms\n" % self.pxspdtresh data_to_write += "accuracy threshold: %s pixels/ms**2\n" % self.pxacctresh data_to_write += "pygaze calibration report end\n" # # # # write report to log #self.datafile.write(data_to_write) self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text(text=data_to_write, pos=(self.disp.dispsize[0] / 2, int(self.disp.dispsize[1] / 2)), colour=(255, 255, 255), fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space'], flush=True, timeout=None) self.stop_recording() self._write_enabled = True return True def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=10, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=30): """Performs a fixation triggered drift correction by collecting a number of samples and calculating the average distance from the fixation position arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) min_samples -- minimal amount of samples after which an average deviation is calculated (default = 10) max_dev -- maximal deviation from fixation in pixels (default = 60) reset_threshold -- if the horizontal or vertical distance in pixels between two consecutive samples is larger than this threshold, the sample collection is reset (default = 30) returns checked -- Boolean indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if pos is None: pos = self.disp.dispsize[0] / 2, self.disp.dispsize[1] / 2 # start recording if recording has not yet started if not self.recording: self.start_recording() stoprec = True else: stoprec = False # loop until we have sufficient samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # pressing escape enters the calibration screen if self.kb.get_key()[0] in ['escape', 'q']: print("libtobii.TobiiTracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed") return self.calibrate(calibrate=True, validate=True) # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or (x, y) != (lx[-1], ly[-1]): # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # collect samples else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = self._mean(lx) avg_y = self._mean(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0]) ** 2 + (avg_y - pos[1]) ** 2)**0.5 if d < max_dev: if stoprec: self.stop_recording() return True else: lx = [] ly = [] if stoprec: self.stop_recording() def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Performs a drift check arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) fix_triggered -- Boolean indicating if drift check should be performed based on gaze position (fix_triggered = True) or on spacepress (fix_triggered = False) (default = False) returns checked -- Boolean indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) if pos is None: pos = self.disp.dispsize[0] / 2, self.disp.dispsize[1] / 2 # start recording if recording has not yet started if not self.recording: self.start_recording() stoprec = True else: stoprec = False result = False pressed = False while not pressed: pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key() if pressed: if pressed == 'escape' or pressed == 'q': print("libtobii.TobiiProTracker.drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed") return self.calibrate(calibrate=True, validate=True) gazepos = self.sample() if ((gazepos[0] - pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1] - pos[1])**2)**0.5 < self.pxerrdist: result = True if stoprec: self.stop_recording() return result def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a fixation is started; function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position remains reasonably stable (i.e. when most deviant samples are within self.pxfixtresh) for five samples in a row (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # Tobii method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since Tobii does not have a fixation start # detection built into their API (only ending) print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but Tobii does not offer fixation detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position # remains reasonably stable for self.fixtimetresh # start recording if recording has not yet started if not self.recording: self.start_recording() stoprec = True else: stoprec = False # get starting position spos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(spos): spos = self.sample() # get starting time t0 = clock.get_time() # wait for reasonably stable position moving = True while moving: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if new sample is too far from starting position if (npos[0] - spos[0])**2 + (npos[1] - spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # if not, reset starting position and time spos = copy.copy(npos) t0 = clock.get_time() # if new sample is close to starting sample else: # get timestamp t1 = clock.get_time() # check if fixation time threshold has been surpassed if t1 - t0 >= self.fixtimetresh: if stoprec: self.stop_recording() # return time and starting position return t0, spos def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a fixation has ended; function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than self.pxfixtresh from the initial fixation position has been detected (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # Tobii method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since Tobii does not have a fixation detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but Tobii does not offer fixation detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than fixtresh # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected # get starting time and position stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() # start recording if recording has not yet started if not self.recording: self.start_recording() stoprec = True else: stoprec = False # loop until fixation has ended while True: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # get newest sample # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if sample deviates to much from starting position if (npos[0] - spos[0])**2 + (npos[1] - spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # break loop if deviation is too high break if stoprec: self.stop_recording() return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a saccade is started; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos is an (x,y) gaze position tuple """ # # # # # # Tobii method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since Tobii does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but Tobii does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # start recording if recording has not yet started if not self.recording: self.start_recording() stoprec = True else: stoprec = False # get starting position (no blinks) newpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(newpos): newpos = self.sample() # get starting time, position, intersampledistance, and velocity t0 = clock.get_time() prevpos = newpos[:] s = 0 v0 = 0 # get samples saccadic = False while not saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # check if distance is larger than precision error sx = newpos[0] - prevpos[0] sy = newpos[1] - prevpos[1] if (sx / self.pxdsttresh[0])**2 + (sy / self.pxdsttresh[1])**2 > self.weightdist: # weigthed distance: (sx/tx)**2 + (sy/ty)**2 > 1 means movement larger than RMS noise # calculate distance s = ((sx)**2 + (sy)**2)**0.5 # intersampledistance = speed in pixels/ms # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0) # acceleration in pixels/ms**2 # check if either velocity or acceleration are above threshold values if v1 > self.pxspdtresh or a > self.pxacctresh: saccadic = True spos = prevpos[:] stime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] if stoprec: self.stop_recording() return stime, spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a saccade is ended; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos, endpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos and endpos are (x,y) gaze position tuples """ # # # # # # Tobii method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since Tobii does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but Tobii does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) t0, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() # start recording if recording has not yet started if not self.recording: self.start_recording() stoprec = True else: stoprec = False # get valid sample prevpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(prevpos): prevpos = self.sample() # get starting time, intersample distance, and velocity t1 = clock.get_time() s = ((prevpos[0] - spos[0])**2 + (prevpos[1] - spos[1])**2)**0.5 # = intersample distance = speed in px/sample v0 = s / (t1 - t0) # run until velocity and acceleration go below threshold saccadic = True while saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # calculate distance s = ((newpos[0] - prevpos[0])**2 + (newpos[1] - prevpos[1])**2)**0.5 # = speed in pixels/sample # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0) # acceleration in pixels/sample**2 (actually is v1-v0 / t1-t0; but t1-t0 = 1 sample) # check if velocity and acceleration are below threshold if v1 < self.pxspdtresh and (a > -1 * self.pxacctresh and a < 0): saccadic = False epos = newpos[:] etime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] if stoprec: self.stop_recording() return etime, spos, epos def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Waits for a blink start and returns the blink starting time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink starting time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # Tobii method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since Tobii does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but Tobii does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # start recording if recording has not yet started if not self.recording: self.start_recording() stoprec = True else: stoprec = False blinking = False # loop until there is a blink while not blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's a valid sample if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # get timestamp for possible blink start t0 = clock.get_time() # loop until a blink is determined, or a valid sample occurs while not self.is_valid_sample(self.sample()): # check if time has surpassed BLINKTHRESH if clock.get_time() - t0 >= self.blinkthresh: if stoprec: self.stop_recording() # return timestamp of blink start return t0 def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Waits for a blink end and returns the blink ending time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink ending time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # Tobii method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since Tobii does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but Tobii does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # start recording if recording has not yet started if not self.recording: self.start_recording() stoprec = True else: stoprec = False blinking = True # loop while there is a blink while blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's valid if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # if it is a valid sample, blinking has stopped blinking = False if stoprec: self.stop_recording() # return timestamp of blink end return clock.get_time() def log(self, msg): """Writes a message to the log file arguments msg -- a string to include in the log file returns Nothing -- uses native log function to include a line in the log file """ t = tr.get_system_time_stamp() if not self.t0: self.t0 = t self._write_header() self.datafile.write('%.4f\t%s\n' % ((t - self.t0) / 1000.0, msg)) self._flush_to_file() def _flush_to_file(self): # write data to disk self.datafile.flush() # internal buffer to RAM os.fsync(self.datafile.fileno()) # RAM file cache to disk def _write_header(self): # write header self.datafile.write('\t'.join(['TimeStamp', 'Event', 'GazePointXLeft', 'GazePointYLeft', 'ValidityLeft', 'GazePointXRight', 'GazePointYRight', 'ValidityRight', 'GazePointX', 'GazePointY', 'PupilSizeLeft', 'PupilValidityLeft', 'PupilSizeRight', 'PupilValidityRight']) + '\n') self._flush_to_file() def _write_sample(self, sample): # write timestamp and gaze position for both eyes to the datafile left_gaze_point = self._norm_2_px(sample['left_gaze_point_on_display_area']) if sample['left_gaze_point_validity'] else (-1, -1) right_gaze_point = self._norm_2_px(sample['right_gaze_point_on_display_area']) if sample['right_gaze_point_validity'] else (-1, -1) self.datafile.write('%.4f\t\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d' % ( (sample['system_time_stamp'] - self.t0) / 1000.0, left_gaze_point[0], left_gaze_point[1], sample['left_gaze_point_validity'], right_gaze_point[0], right_gaze_point[1], sample['right_gaze_point_validity'])) # if no correct sample is available, data is missing if not (sample['left_gaze_point_validity'] or sample['right_gaze_point_validity']): # not detected ave = (-1.0, -1.0) # if the right sample is unavailable, use left sample elif not sample['right_gaze_point_validity']: ave = left_gaze_point # if the left sample is unavailable, use right sample elif not sample['left_gaze_point_validity']: ave = right_gaze_point # if we have both samples, use both samples else: ave = (int(round((left_gaze_point[0] + right_gaze_point[0]) / 2.0, 0)), (int(round(left_gaze_point[1] + right_gaze_point[1]) / 2.0))) # write gaze position to the datafile, based on the selected sample(s) self.datafile.write('\t%d\t%d' % ave) left_pupil = sample['left_pupil_diameter'] if sample['left_pupil_validity'] else -1 right_pupil = sample['right_pupil_diameter'] if sample['right_pupil_validity'] else -1 self.datafile.write('\t%.4f\t%d\t%.4f\t%d' % (left_pupil, sample['left_pupil_validity'], right_pupil, sample['right_pupil_validity'])) self.datafile.write('\n') self._flush_to_file() def close(self): """Closes the currently used log file. arguments None returns None -- closes the log file. """ self.datafile.close()
# PyGaze from constants import * from pygaze.display import Display from pygaze.screen import Screen from pygaze.eyetracker import EyeTracker from pygaze.keyboard import Keyboard from pygaze.libtime import clock # # # # # # SETUP # visuals disp = Display() scr = Screen() # input tracker = EyeTracker(disp) kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=None) # calibrate tracker.calibrate() # starting screen scr.clear() scr.draw_text(text="Press Space to start") disp.fill(scr) kb.get_key(keylist=['space'], timeout=None, flush=True)
def __init__(self, display, tracker): """ Constructor. Arguments: display -- A PyGaze Display object. tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay.__init__(self) # objects self.display = display self.screen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=1) if DISPTYPE == 'pygame': self.kb.set_timeout(timeout=0.001) # If we are using a DISPTYPE that cannot be used directly, we have to # save the camera image to a temporary file on each frame. #if DISPTYPE not in ('pygame', 'psychopy'): import tempfile import os self.tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), \ '__eyelink__.jpg') # drawing properties self.xc = self.display.dispsize[0]/2 self.yc = self.display.dispsize[1]/2 self.ld = 40 # line distance # menu self.menuscreen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="== Eyelink calibration menu ==", pos= \ (self.xc,self.yc-5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize= \ 12, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press C to calibrate", pos=(self.xc, \ self.yc-3*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press V to validate", pos=(self.xc, \ self.yc-2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press A to auto-threshold", pos=( \ self.xc,self.yc-1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Enter to show camera image", \ pos=(self.xc,self.yc+1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', \ fontsize=12, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text= \ "(then change between images using the arrow keys)", pos=(self.xc, \ self.yc+2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Q to exit menu", pos=(self.xc, \ self.yc+5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, \ antialias=True) # beeps self.__target_beep__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=440, length=50, attack= \ 0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=880, length=200, \ attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=220, length=200, \ attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) # further properties self.state = None self.imagebuffer = array.array('l') self.pal = None self.size = (0,0) self.set_tracker(tracker) self.last_mouse_state = -1
class AleaTracker(BaseEyeTracker): """A class for AleaTracker objects""" def __init__(self, display, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, \ alea_key=settings.ALEAKEY, \ animated_calibration=settings.ALEAANIMATEDCALIBRATION, \ eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, \ saccade_velocity_threshold=35, \ saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, \ blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, \ **args): """Initializes the AleaTracker object arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments logfile -- logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the eye data log file (default = LOGFILE) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, AleaTracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = self.disp.dispsize # display size in pixels self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw', freq=100, length=100) # show a message self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="Initialising the eye tracker, please wait...", fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile + '.tsv' # calibration properties self.animated_calibration = animated_calibration == True # eye tracker properties self.connected = False self.recording = False self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.pxerrdist = 30 # initial error in pixels self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1, -1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.blinkthresh = blink_threshold # milliseconds; blink detection threshold used in PyGaze method self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) # connect to the tracker self.alea = OGAleaTracker(alea_key, file_path=self.outputfile) # get info on the sample rate # TODO: Compute after streaming some samples? self.samplerate = 60.0 self.sampletime = 1000.0 / self.samplerate # initiation report self.log("pygaze initiation report start") self.log("display resolution: {}x{}".format( \ self.dispsize[0], self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm: {}x{}".format( \ self.screensize[0], self.screensize[1])) self.log("samplerate: {} Hz".format(self.samplerate)) self.log("sampletime: {} ms".format(self.sampletime)) self.log("fixation threshold: {} degrees".format(self.fixtresh)) self.log("speed threshold: {} degrees/second".format(self.spdtresh)) self.log("acceleration threshold: {} degrees/second**2".format( \ self.accthresh)) self.log("pygaze initiation report end") def calibrate(self, animated=None, skip_bad_points=False): """Calibrates the eye tracking system arguments None keyword arguments animated -- bool. Set to True to show a parrot animation instead of calibration dots, or False to use standard points. Set to None to use default option. skip_bad_points -- bool. Intelligaze will skip difficult points when set to True. (Default = False) returns success -- returns True if calibration succeeded, or False if not; in addition a calibration log is added to the log file and some properties are updated (i.e. the thresholds for detection algorithms) """ # Process animated keyword argument. if animated is None: animated = self.animated_calibration if animated: img = "ANIMATION:PARROT" else: img = "" # Show a message. self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text(text="Running calibration in the foreground...", fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # CALIBRATION # Re-run the calibration until it was approved by the user. quited = False calibration_approved = False while not calibration_approved: # Wait for the calibration to finish. status, improve = self.alea.calibrate(image=img, \ skip_bad_points=skip_bad_points) # Construct a message string. if status == 0: calib_str = "Calibration completed!" else: calib_str = "Calibration failed!" if improve: calib_str += "\n\nWARNING: IntelliGaze recommends repeating the calibration to improve accuracy." calib_str += "\n\n\nPress R to retry, or Space to continue." # Show calibration results. self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text(text=calib_str, fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # Wait for user input. key = None while key not in ["r", "Space", "space", "q"]: key, keytime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q', 'r', 'space'], timeout=None, flush=True) # Process key press. if key in ["q", "Space", "space"]: calibration_approved = True if key == "q": quited = True # Calibration failed if the user quited. if quited: return False # NOISE CALIBRATION # Present noise calibration instructions. self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="Noise calibration. Please look at the dot, and press any key to start.", fontsize=20, \ pos=(int(self.dispsize[0]/2),int(self.dispsize[1]*0.3))) self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype="dot") self.disp.fill(self.screen) # Wait for a keypress. key, keytime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=None, timeout=None, \ flush=True) # Start with empty lists. err = {'LX': [], 'LY': [], 'RX': [], 'RY': []} var = {'LX': [], 'LY': [], 'RX': [], 'RY': []} # Start streaming data so that samples can be obtained. self.start_recording() self.log("noise_calibration_start") # Present a central fixation. x = int(float(self.dispsize[0]) / 2.0) y = int(float(self.dispsize[1]) / 2.0) self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype="dot", pos=(x, y)) self.disp.fill(self.screen) t0 = # Collect at least 10 samples, and wait for at least 1 second. i = 0 while (i < 10) or (clock.get_time() - t0 < 1000): # Get new sample. gx, gy = self.sample() if (gx > 0) and (gy > 0): i += 1 err["LX"].append(abs(float(x) - float(gx))) err["LY"].append(abs(float(y) - float(gy))) err["RX"].append(abs(float(x) - float(gx))) err["RY"].append(abs(float(y) - float(gy))) for k in var.keys(): var[k].append(err[k][-1]**2) clock.pause(int(self.sampletime)) # Stop streaming. self.log("noise_calibration_stop") self.stop_recording() # Compute the RMS noise for the calibration points. xnoise = (math.sqrt(sum(var['LX']) / float(len(var['LX']))) + \ math.sqrt(sum(var['RX']) / float(len(var['RX'])))) / 2.0 ynoise = (math.sqrt(sum(var['LY']) / float(len(var['LY']))) + \ math.sqrt(sum(var['RY']) / float(len(var['RY'])))) / 2.0 self.pxdsttresh = (xnoise, ynoise) # AFTERMATH # store some variables pixpercm = (self.dispsize[0] / float(self.screensize[0]) + \ self.dispsize[1]/float(self.screensize[1])) / 2 screendist = settings.SCREENDIST # calculate thresholds based on tracker settings self.accuracy = ( \ (pix2deg(screendist, sum(err['LX']) / float(len(err['LX'])), pixpercm), \ pix2deg(screendist, sum(err['LY']) / float(len(err['LY'])), pixpercm)), \ (pix2deg(screendist, sum(err['RX']) / float(len(err['RX'])), pixpercm), \ pix2deg(screendist, sum(err['RY']) / float(len(err['RY'])), pixpercm))) self.pxerrdist = deg2pix(screendist, self.errdist, pixpercm) self.pxfixtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.fixtresh, pixpercm) self.pxaccuracy = ( \ (sum(err['LX']) / float(len(err['LX'])), \ sum(err['LY']) / float(len(err['LY']))), \ (sum(err['RX']) / float(len(err['RX'])), \ sum(err['RY']) / float(len(err['RY'])))) self.pxspdtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.spdtresh / 1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond self.pxacctresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.accthresh / 1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond**2 # calibration report self.log("pygaze calibration report start") self.log("accuracy (degrees): LX={}, LY={}, RX={}, RY={}".format( \ self.accuracy[0][0], self.accuracy[0][1], self.accuracy[1][0], \ self.accuracy[1][1])) self.log("accuracy (in pixels): LX={}, LY={}, RX={}, RY={}".format( \ self.pxaccuracy[0][0], self.pxaccuracy[0][1], \ self.pxaccuracy[1][0], self.pxaccuracy[1][1])) self.log("precision (RMS noise in pixels): X={}, Y={}".format( \ self.pxdsttresh[0],self.pxdsttresh[1])) self.log("distance between participant and display: {} cm".format( \ screendist)) self.log("fixation threshold: {} pixels".format(self.pxfixtresh)) self.log("speed threshold: {} pixels/ms".format(self.pxspdtresh)) self.log("acceleration threshold: {} pixels/ms**2".format( \ self.pxacctresh)) self.log("pygaze calibration report end") return True def close(self): """Neatly close connection to tracker arguments None returns Nothing -- saves data and sets self.connected to False """ # close connection self.alea.close() self.connected = False def connected(self): """Checks if the tracker is connected arguments None returns connected -- True if connection is established, False if not; sets self.connected to the same value """ return self.connected def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Performs a drift check arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) fix_triggered -- Boolean indicating if drift check should be performed based on gaze position (fix_triggered = True) or on spacepress (fix_triggered = False) (default = False) returns checked -- Boolaan indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if pos == None: pos = (int(self.dispsize[0] / 2), int(self.dispsize[1] / 2)) if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) pressed = False while not pressed: pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key() if pressed: if pressed in ["Escape", "escape", "q"]: print( "libalea.AleaTracker.drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed" ) return self.calibrate() gazepos = self.sample() if ((gazepos[0] - pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1] - pos[1])**2)**0.5 < self.pxerrdist: return True else: return False def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y): """ Draws the drift-correction target. arguments x -- The X coordinate y -- The Y coordinate """ self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=settings.FGC, pos=(x, y), pw=0, diameter=12) self.disp.fill(self.screen) def draw_calibration_target(self, x, y): self.draw_drift_correction_target(x, y) def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=4, max_dev=120, timeout=10000): """Performs a fixation triggered drift correction by collecting a number of samples and calculating the average distance from the fixation position arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) min_samples -- minimal amount of samples after which a fixation is accepted (default = 4) max_dev -- maximal deviation from fixation in pixels (default = 120) timeout -- Time in milliseconds until fixation-triggering is given up on, and calibration is started (default = 10000) returns checked -- Boolean indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if pos == None: pos = (int(self.dispsize[0] / 2), int(self.dispsize[1] / 2)) self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) t0 = clock.get_time() consecutive_count = 0 while consecutive_count < min_samples: # Get new sample. x, y = self.sample() # Ignore empty samples. if (x is None) or (y is None): continue # Measure the distance to the target position. d = ((x - pos[0])**2 + (y - pos[1])**2)**0.5 # Check whether the distance is below the allowed distance. if d <= max_dev: # Increment count. consecutive_count += 1 else: # Reset count. consecutive_count = 0 # Check for a timeout. if clock.get_time() - t0 > timeout: print( "libalea.AleaTracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction: timeout during fixation-triggered drift check" ) return self.calibrate() # Pressing escape enters the calibration screen. if self.kb.get_key()[0] in ["Escape", "escape", "q"]: print( "libalea.AleaTracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed" ) return self.calibrate() return True def get_eyetracker_clock_async(self): """Not supported for AleaTracker (yet)""" print( "get_eyetracker_clock_async function not supported for AleaTracker" ) def log(self, msg): """Writes a message to the log file arguments ms -- a string to include in the log file returns Nothing -- uses native log function of iViewX to include a line in the log file """ self.alea.log(msg) def prepare_drift_correction(self, pos): """Not supported for AleaTracker""" print( "prepare_drift_correction function not supported for AleaTracker") def pupil_size(self): """Return pupil size arguments None returns pupil size -- returns pupil diameter for the eye that is currently being tracked (as specified by self.eye_used) or -1 when no data is obtainable """ # Get the latest sample. t, x, y, ps = self.alea.sample() # Invalid data. if ps == 0: return -1 # Check if the new pupil size is the same as the previous. if ps != self.prevps: # Update the pupil size. self.prevps = copy.copy(ps) return self.prevps def sample(self): """Returns newest available gaze position arguments None returns sample -- an (x,y) tuple or a (-1,-1) on an error """ # Get the latest sample. t, x, y, ps = self.alea.sample() # Invalid data. if (x == 0) and (y == 0): return (-1, -1) # Combine the x and y coordinates. s = (int(x), int(y)) # Check if the new sample is the same as the previous. if s != self.prevsample: # Update the current sample. self.prevsample = copy.copy(s) return self.prevsample def send_command(self, cmd): """Function not supported. """ print("send_command function not supported for AleaTracker") def start_recording(self): """Starts recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to True when recording is successfully started """ self.alea.start_recording() self.recording = True def status_msg(self, msg): """Not supported for AleaTracker""" print("status_msg function not supported for AleaTracker") def stop_recording(self): """Stop recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to False when recording is successfully started """ self.alea.stop_recording() self.recording = False def set_detection_type(self, eventdetection): """Set the event detection type to either PyGaze algorithms, or native algorithms as provided by the manufacturer (only if available: detection type will default to PyGaze if no native functions are available) arguments eventdetection -- a string indicating which detection type should be employed: either 'pygaze' for PyGaze event detection algorithms or 'native' for manufacturers algorithms (only if available; will default to 'pygaze' if no native event detection is available) returns -- detection type for saccades, fixations and blinks in a tuple, e.g. ('pygaze','native','native') when 'native' was passed, but native detection was not available for saccade detection """ if eventdetection in ['pygaze', 'native']: self.eventdetection = eventdetection return ('pygaze', 'pygaze', 'pygaze') def wait_for_event(self, event): """Waits for event arguments event -- an integer event code, one of the following: 3 = STARTBLINK 4 = ENDBLINK 5 = STARTSACC 6 = ENDSACC 7 = STARTFIX 8 = ENDFIX returns outcome -- a self.wait_for_* method is called, depending on the specified event; the return values of corresponding method are returned """ if event == 5: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_start() elif event == 6: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_end() elif event == 7: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_start() elif event == 8: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_end() elif event == 3: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_start() elif event == 4: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_end() else: raise Exception( "Error in libalea.AleaTracker.wait_for_event: eventcode {} is not supported" .format(event)) return outcome def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Waits for a blink end and returns the blink ending time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink ending time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # Native method if self.eventdetection == 'native': print("WARNING! 'native' event detection not implemented") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = True # loop while there is a blink while blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's valid if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # if it is a valid sample, blinking has stopped blinking = False # return timestamp of blink end return clock.get_time() def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Waits for a blink start and returns the blink starting time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink starting time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # Native method if self.eventdetection == 'native': print("WARNING! 'native' event detection not implemented") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = False # loop until there is a blink while not blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's a valid sample if not self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # get timestamp for possible blink start t0 = clock.get_time() # loop until a blink is determined, or a valid sample occurs while not self.is_valid_sample(self.sample()): # check if time has surpassed BLINKTHRESH if clock.get_time() - t0 >= self.blinkthresh: # return timestamp of blink start return t0 def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a fixation has ended; function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than self.pxfixtresh from the initial fixation position has been detected (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # Native method if self.eventdetection == 'native': print("WARNING! 'native' event detection not implemented") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than fixtresh # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected # get starting time and position stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() # loop until fixation has ended while True: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # get newest sample # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if sample deviates to much from starting position if (npos[0] - spos[0])**2 + ( npos[1] - spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # break loop if deviation is too high break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a fixation is started; function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position remains reasonably stable (i.e. when most deviant samples are within self.pxfixtresh) for five samples in a row (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # Native method if self.eventdetection == 'native': print("WARNING! 'native' event detection not implemented") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position # remains reasonably stable for self.fixtimetresh # get starting position spos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(spos): spos = self.sample() # get starting time t0 = clock.get_time() # wait for reasonably stable position moving = True while moving: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if new sample is too far from starting position if (npos[0] - spos[0])**2 + ( npos[1] - spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # if not, reset starting position and time spos = copy.copy(npos) t0 = clock.get_time() # if new sample is close to starting sample else: # get timestamp t1 = clock.get_time() # check if fixation time threshold has been surpassed if t1 - t0 >= self.fixtimetresh: # return time and starting position return t1, spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a saccade is ended; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos, endpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos and endpos are (x,y) gaze position tuples """ # # # # # # Native method if self.eventdetection == 'native': print("WARNING! 'native' event detection not implemented") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) t0, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() # get valid sample prevpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(prevpos): prevpos = self.sample() # get starting time, intersample distance, and velocity t1 = clock.get_time() s = ((prevpos[0] - spos[0])**2 + (prevpos[1] - spos[1])** 2)**0.5 # = intersample distance = speed in px/sample v0 = s / (t1 - t0) # run until velocity and acceleration go below threshold saccadic = True while saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # calculate distance s = ((newpos[0] - prevpos[0])**2 + (newpos[1] - prevpos[1])** 2)**0.5 # = speed in pixels/sample # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / ( t1 - t0 ) # acceleration in pixels/sample**2 (actually is v1-v0 / t1-t0; but t1-t0 = 1 sample) # check if velocity and acceleration are below threshold if v1 < self.pxspdtresh and (a > -1 * self.pxacctresh and a < 0): saccadic = False epos = newpos[:] etime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return etime, spos, epos def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a saccade is started; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos is an (x,y) gaze position tuple """ # # # # # # Native method if self.eventdetection == 'native': print("WARNING! 'native' event detection not implemented") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) newpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(newpos): newpos = self.sample() # get starting time, position, intersampledistance, and velocity t0 = clock.get_time() prevpos = newpos[:] s = 0 v0 = 0 # get samples saccadic = False while not saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # check if distance is larger than precision error sx = newpos[0] - prevpos[0] sy = newpos[1] - prevpos[1] if (sx / self.pxdsttresh[0])**2 + ( sy / self.pxdsttresh[1] )**2 > self.weightdist: # weigthed distance: (sx/tx)**2 + (sy/ty)**2 > 1 means movement larger than RMS noise # calculate distance s = ((sx)**2 + (sy)** 2)**0.5 # intersampledistance = speed in pixels/ms # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0) # acceleration in pixels/ms**2 # check if either velocity or acceleration are above threshold values if v1 > self.pxspdtresh or a > self.pxacctresh: saccadic = True spos = prevpos[:] stime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return stime, spos def is_valid_sample(self, gazepos): """Checks if the sample provided is valid (for internal use) arguments gazepos -- a (x,y) gaze position tuple, as returned by self.sample() returns valid -- a Boolean: True on a valid sample, False on an invalid sample """ # return False if a sample is invalid if gazepos == (None, None) or gazepos == (-1, -1) or gazepos == (0, 0): return False # in any other case, the sample is valid return True
class EyelinkGraphics(custom_display): """ Implements the EyeLink graphics that are shown on the experimental PC, such as the camera image, and the calibration dots. This class only implements the drawing operations, and little to no of the logic behind the set-up, which is implemented in PyLink. """ def __init__(self, libeyelink, tracker): """ Constructor. Arguments: libeyelink -- A libeyelink object. tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay.__init__(self) # objects self.libeyelink = libeyelink self.display = libeyelink.display self.screen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=0) self.mouse = Mouse(timeout=0) if DISPTYPE == 'pygame': self.kb.set_timeout(timeout=0.001) # If we are using a DISPTYPE that cannot be used directly, we have to # save the camera image to a temporary file on each frame. #if DISPTYPE not in ('pygame', 'psychopy'): import tempfile import os self.tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '__eyelink__.jpg') # drawing properties self.xc = self.display.dispsize[0]/2 self.yc = self.display.dispsize[1]/2 self.extra_info = True self.ld = 40 # line distance self.fontsize = libeyelink.fontsize self.title = "" self.display_open = True # menu self.menuscreen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Eyelink calibration menu", pos=(self.xc,self.yc-6*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=int(2*self.fontsize), antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="%s (pygaze %s, pylink %s)" \ % (libeyelink.eyelink_model, pygaze.version, pylink.__version__), pos=(self.xc,self.yc-5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=int(.8*self.fontsize), antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press C to calibrate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc-3*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press V to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc-2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press A to auto-threshold", pos=(self.xc,self.yc-1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press I to toggle extra info in camera image", pos=(self.xc,self.yc-0*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Enter to show camera image", pos=(self.xc,self.yc+1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="(then change between images using the arrow keys)", pos=(self.xc, self.yc+2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Escape to abort experiment", pos=(self.xc, self.yc+4*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Q to exit menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc+5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) # beeps self.__target_beep__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=440, length=50, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=880, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=220, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) # Colors self.color = { pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color('white'), pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color('white'), pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color('green'), pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color('red'), pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: pygame.Color('red'), 'font': pygame.Color('white'), } # Font pygame.font.init() self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('Courier New', 11) # further properties self.state = None self.pal = None self.size = (0,0) self.set_tracker(tracker) self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.bit64 = '64bit' in platform.architecture() self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def close(self): """ Is called when the connection and display are shutting down. """ self.display_open = False def new_array(self): """ Creates a new array with a system-specific format. Returns: An array. """ # On 64 bit Linux, we need to use an unsigned int data format. # < # sending-eye-image-to-display-PC&highlight=ubuntu+pylink> if == 'posix' and self.bit64: return array.array('I') return array.array('L') def set_tracker(self, tracker): """ Connects the tracker to the graphics environment. Arguments: tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ self.tracker = tracker self.tracker_version = tracker.getTrackerVersion() if self.tracker_version >= 3: self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("track_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_click=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_repeat=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_camera_position_detect=YES") def setup_cal_display(self): """ Sets up the initial calibration display, which contains a menu with instructions. """ # show instructions self.display.fill(self.menuscreen) def exit_cal_display(self): """Exits calibration display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def record_abort_hide(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" pass def clear_cal_display(self): """Clears the calibration display""" self.display.fill() def erase_cal_target(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" self.clear_cal_display() def draw_cal_target(self, x, y): """ Draws calibration target. Arguments: x -- The X coordinate of the target. y -- The Y coordinate of the target. """ self.play_beep(pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP) self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', pos=(x,y)) self.display.fill(screen=self.screen) def play_beep(self, beepid): """ Plays a sound. Arguments: beepid -- A number that identifies the sound. """ if beepid == pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP: # For some reason, playing the beep here doesn't work, so we have # to play it when the calibration target is drawn. if EYELINKCALBEEP: elif beepid == pylink.CAL_ERR_BEEP or beepid == pylink.DC_ERR_BEEP: # show a picture self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="calibration lost, press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc,self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep elif beepid == pylink.CAL_GOOD_BEEP: self.screen.clear() if self.state == "calibration": self.screen.draw_text( text="Calibration succesfull, press 'v' to validate", pos=(self.xc,self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) elif self.state == "validation": self.screen.draw_text( text="Validation succesfull, press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc,self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) else: self.screen.draw_text(text="Press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc,self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) # show screen self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep else: # DC_GOOD_BEEP or DC_TARG_BEEP pass def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorindex): """ Unlike the function name suggests, this draws a single pixel. I.e. the end coordinates are always exactly one pixel away from the start coordinates. Arguments: x1 -- The starting x. y1 -- The starting y. x2 -- The end x. y2 -- The end y. colorIndex -- A color index. """ x1 = int(self.scale*x1) y1 = int(self.scale*y1) x2 = int(self.scale*x2) y2 = int(self.scale*y2) pygame.draw.line(self.cam_img, self.color[colorindex], (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) def draw_lozenge(self, x, y, w, h, colorindex): """ desc: Draws a rectangle. arguments: x: desc: X coordinate. type: int y: desc: Y coordinate. type: int w: desc: A width. type: int h: desc: A height. type: int colorindex: desc: A colorindex. type: int """ x = int(self.scale*x) y = int(self.scale*y) w = int(self.scale*w) h = int(self.scale*h) pygame.draw.rect(self.cam_img, self.color[colorindex], (x, y, w, h), 2) def draw_title(self): """ desc: Draws title info. """ y = 0 for line in self.title: surf = self.font.render(line, 0, self.color['font']) self.cam_img.blit(surf, (1, y)) y += 12 def get_mouse_state(self): """ desc: Gets the mouse position and state. returns: desc: A (pos, state) tuple. type: tuple. """ button, pos, time = self.mouse.get_clicked() if button == None: button = -1 if pos == None: pos = self.mouse.get_pos() return pos, button def get_input_key(self): """ Gets an input key. Returns: A list containing a single pylink key identifier. """ # Don't try to collect key presses when the display is no longer # available. This is necessary, because pylink polls key presses during # file transfer, which generally occurs after the display has been # closed. if not self.display_open: return None try: key, time = self.kb.get_key(keylist=None, timeout='default') except: self.esc_pressed = True key = 'q' if key == None: return None # Escape functions as a 'q' with the additional esc_pressed flag if key == 'escape': key = 'q' self.esc_pressed = True # Process regular keys if key == "return": keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY self.state = None elif key == "space": keycode = ord(" ") elif key == "q": keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY self.state = None elif key == "c": keycode = ord("c") self.state = "calibration" elif key == "v": keycode = ord("v") self.state = "validation" elif key == "a": keycode = ord("a") elif key == "i": self.extra_info = not self.extra_info keycode = 0 elif key == "up": keycode = pylink.CURS_UP elif key == "down": keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN elif key == "left": keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT elif key == "right": keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT else: keycode = 0 # Convert key to PyLink keycode and return return [pylink.KeyInput(keycode, 0)] # 0 = pygame.KMOD_NONE def exit_image_display(self): """Exits the image display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def alert_printf(self,msg): """ Prints alert message. Arguments: msg -- The message to be played. """ print "eyelink_graphics.alert_printf(): %s" % msg def setup_image_display(self, width, height): """ Initializes the buffer that will contain the camera image. Arguments: width -- The width of the image. height -- The height of the image. """ self.size = width, height self.clear_cal_display() self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def image_title(self, text): """ Sets the current image title. Arguments: text -- An image title. """ while ': ' in text: text = text.replace(': ', ':') self.title = text.split() def draw_image_line(self, width, line, totlines, buff): """ Draws a single eye video frame, line by line. Arguments: width -- Width of the video. line -- Line nr of current line. totlines -- Total lines in video. buff -- Frame buffer. imagesize -- The size of the image, which is (usually?) 192x160 px. """ # If the buffer hasn't been filled yet, add a line. for i in range(width): try: self.imagebuffer.append(self.pal[buff[i]]) except: pass # If the buffer is full, push it to the display. if line == totlines: self.scale = totlines/320. self._size = int(self.scale*self.size[0]), int( self.scale*self.size[1]) # Convert the image buffer to a pygame image, save it ... self.cam_img = pygame.image.fromstring(self.imagebuffer.tostring(), self._size, 'RGBX') if self.extra_info: self.draw_cross_hair() self.draw_title(), self.tmp_file) # ... and then show the image. self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_image(self.tmp_file, scale=1.5/self.scale) self.display.fill(self.screen) # Clear the buffer for the next round! self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def set_image_palette(self, r, g, b): """ Sets the image palette. TODO: What this function actually does is highly mysterious. Figure it out! Arguments: r -- The red channel. g -- The green channel. b -- The blue channel. """ self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() self.clear_cal_display() sz = len(r) i = 0 self.pal = [] while i < sz: rf = int(b[i]) gf = int(g[i]) bf = int(r[i]) self.pal.append((rf<<16) | (gf<<8) | (bf)) i += 1
class EyeTribeTracker(BaseEyeTracker): """A class for EyeTribeTracker objects""" def __init__(self, display, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, **args): """Initializes the EyeTribeTracker object arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments logfile -- logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the eye data log file (default = LOGFILE) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, EyeTribeTracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = settings.DISPSIZE # display size in pixels self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw', freq=100, length=100) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile # eye tracker properties self.connected = False self.recording = False self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.pxerrdist = 30 # initial error in pixels self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1, -1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.blinkthresh = blink_threshold # milliseconds; blink detection threshold used in PyGaze method self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) # connect to the tracker self.eyetribe = EyeTribe(logfilename=logfile) # get info on the sample rate self.samplerate = self.eyetribe._samplefreq self.sampletime = 1000.0 * self.eyetribe._intsampletime # initiation report self.log("pygaze initiation report start") self.log("display resolution: {}x{}".format(self.dispsize[0], self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm: {}x{}".format(self.screensize[0], self.screensize[1])) self.log("samplerate: {} Hz".format(self.samplerate)) self.log("sampletime: {} ms".format(self.sampletime)) self.log("fixation threshold: {} degrees".format(self.fixtresh)) self.log("speed threshold: {} degrees/second".format(self.spdtresh)) self.log("acceleration threshold: {} degrees/second**2".format( self.accthresh)) self.log("pygaze initiation report end") def calibrate(self): """Calibrates the eye tracking system arguments None keyword arguments None returns success -- returns True if calibration succeeded, or False if not; in addition a calibration log is added to the log file and some properties are updated (i.e. the thresholds for detection algorithms) """ # CALIBRATION # determine the calibration points calibpoints = [] for x in [0.1, 0.5, 0.9]: for y in [0.1, 0.5, 0.9]: calibpoints.append( (int(x * self.dispsize[0]), int(y * self.dispsize[1]))) random.shuffle(calibpoints) # show a message self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="Press Space to calibrate, S to skip, and Q to quit", fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # wait for keyboard input key, keytime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q', 's', 'space'], timeout=None, flush=True) if key == 's': return True if key == 'q': quited = True else: quited = False # Pause the processing of samples during the calibration. # self.eyetribe._pause_sample_processing() # run until the user is statisfied, or quits calibrated = False calibresult = None while not quited and not calibrated: # Clear the existing calibration. if self.eyetribe._tracker.get_iscalibrated(): self.eyetribe._lock.acquire(True) self.eyetribe.calibration.clear() self.eyetribe._lock.release() # Wait for a bit. clock.pause(1500) # start a new calibration if not self.eyetribe._tracker.get_iscalibrating(): self.eyetribe._lock.acquire(True) self.eyetribe.calibration.start(pointcount=len(calibpoints)) self.eyetribe._lock.release() # loop through calibration points for cpos in calibpoints: # Check whether the calibration is already done. # (Not sure how or why, but for some reason some data # can persist between calbrations, and the tracker will # simply stop allowing further pointstart requests.) if self.eyetribe._tracker.get_iscalibrated(): break # Draw a calibration target. self.draw_calibration_target(cpos[0], cpos[1]) # wait for a bit to allow participant to start looking at # the calibration point (#TODO: space press?) clock.pause(settings.EYETRIBEPRECALIBDUR) # start calibration of point self.eyetribe._lock.acquire(True) self.eyetribe.calibration.pointstart(cpos[0], cpos[1]) self.eyetribe._lock.release() # wait for a second clock.pause(settings.EYETRIBECALIBDUR) # stop calibration of this point self.eyetribe._lock.acquire(True) self.eyetribe.calibration.pointend() self.eyetribe._lock.release() # check if the Q key has been pressed if self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q'], timeout=10, flush=False)[0] == 'q': # abort calibration self.eyetribe._lock.acquire(True) self.eyetribe.calibration.abort() self.eyetribe._lock.release() # set quited variable and break this for loop quited = True break # retry option if the calibration was aborted if quited: # show retry message self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( "Calibration aborted. Press Space to restart or 'Q' to quit", fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # get input key, keytime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q', 'space'], timeout=None, flush=True) if key == 'space': # unset quited Boolean quited = False # skip further processing continue # empty display self.disp.fill() # allow for a bit of calculation time # (this is waaaaaay too much) clock.pause(1000) # get the calibration result self.eyetribe._lock.acquire(True) calibresult = self.eyetribe._tracker.get_calibresult() self.eyetribe._lock.release() # results # clear the screen self.screen.clear() # draw results for each point if type(calibresult) == dict: for p in calibresult['calibpoints']: # only draw the point if data was obtained if p['state'] > 0: # draw the mean error # self.screen.draw_circle(colour=(252,233,79), # pos=(p['cpx'],p['cpy']), r=p['mepix'], pw=0, # fill=True) self.screen.draw_line(spos=(p['cpx'], p['cpy']), epos=(p['mecpx'], p['mecpy']), pw=2) # draw the point self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=(115, 210, 22), pos=(p['cpx'], p['cpy'])) # draw the estimated point self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=(32, 74, 135), pos=(p['mecpx'], p['mecpy'])) # annotate accuracy self.screen.draw_text(text="{}".format(\ round(p['acd'], ndigits=2)), pos=(p['cpx']+10,p['cpy']+10), fontsize=20) # if no data was obtained, draw the point in red else: self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=(204, 0, 0), pos=(p['cpx'], p['cpy'])) # draw box for averages # self.screen.draw_rect(colour=(238,238,236), x=int(self.dispsize[0]*0.15), y=int(self.dispsize[1]*0.2), w=400, h=200, pw=0, fill=True) # draw result if calibresult['result']: self.screen.draw_text(text="Calibration successful", colour=(0, 255, 0), pos=(int(self.dispsize[0] * 0.5), int(self.dispsize[1] * 0.25)), fontsize=20) else: self.screen.draw_text(text="Calibration failed", colour=(255, 0, 0), pos=(int(self.dispsize[0] * 0.5), int(self.dispsize[1] * 0.25)), fontsize=20) # draw average accuracy self.screen.draw_text( text="Average error = {} degrees".format(round(\ calibresult['deg'], ndigits=2)), \ pos=(int(self.dispsize[0]*0.5),int(self.dispsize[1]*0.25+30)), fontsize=20) # draw input options self.screen.draw_text( text="Press Space to continue or 'R' to restart", pos=(int(self.dispsize[0] * 0.5), int(self.dispsize[1] * 0.25 + 60)), fontsize=20) else: self.screen.draw_text( text="Calibration failed. Press 'R' to try again.", fontsize=20) # show the results self.disp.fill(self.screen) # wait for input key, keytime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space', 'r'], timeout=None, flush=True) # process input if key == 'space': calibrated = True # Continue the processing of samples after the calibration. # self.eyetribe._unpause_sample_processing() # calibration failed if the user quited if quited: return False # NOISE CALIBRATION # get all error estimates (pixels) var = [] for p in calibresult['calibpoints']: # only draw the point if data was obtained if p['state'] > 0: var.append(p['mepix']) noise = sum(var) / float(len(var)) self.pxdsttresh = (noise, noise) # AFTERMATH # store some variables pixpercm = (self.dispsize[0] / float(self.screensize[0]) + self.dispsize[1] / float(self.screensize[1])) / 2 screendist = settings.SCREENDIST # calculate thresholds based on tracker settings self.accuracy = ((calibresult['Ldeg'], calibresult['Ldeg']), (calibresult['Rdeg'], calibresult['Rdeg'])) self.pxerrdist = deg2pix(screendist, self.errdist, pixpercm) self.pxfixtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.fixtresh, pixpercm) self.pxaccuracy = ((deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[0][0], pixpercm), deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[0][1], pixpercm)), (deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[1][0], pixpercm), deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[1][1], pixpercm))) self.pxspdtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.spdtresh / 1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond self.pxacctresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.accthresh / 1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond**2 # calibration report self.log("pygaze calibration report start") self.log("accuracy (degrees): LX={}, LY={}, RX={}, RY={}".format( self.accuracy[0][0], self.accuracy[0][1], self.accuracy[1][0], \ self.accuracy[1][1])) self.log("accuracy (in pixels): LX={}, LY={}, RX={}, RY={}".format( \ self.pxaccuracy[0][0], self.pxaccuracy[0][1], \ self.pxaccuracy[1][0], self.pxaccuracy[1][1])) self.log("precision (RMS noise in pixels): X={}, Y={}".format( \ self.pxdsttresh[0], self.pxdsttresh[1])) self.log("distance between participant and display: {} cm".format( \ screendist)) self.log("fixation threshold: {} pixels".format(self.pxfixtresh)) self.log("speed threshold: {} pixels/ms".format(self.pxspdtresh)) self.log("acceleration threshold: {} pixels/ms**2".format( \ self.pxacctresh)) self.log("pygaze calibration report end") return True def close(self): """Neatly close connection to tracker arguments None returns Nothing -- saves data and sets self.connected to False """ # close connection self.eyetribe.close() self.connected = False def connected(self): """Checks if the tracker is connected arguments None returns connected -- True if connection is established, False if not; sets self.connected to the same value """ res = self.eyetribe._tracker.get_trackerstate() if res == 0: self.connected = True else: self.connected = False return self.connected def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Performs a drift check arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) fix_triggered -- Boolean indicating if drift check should be performed based on gaze position (fix_triggered = True) or on spacepress (fix_triggered = False) (default = False) returns checked -- Boolaan indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if pos == None: pos = self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2 if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) pressed = False while not pressed: pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key() if pressed: if pressed == 'escape' or pressed == 'q': print( "libeyetribe.EyeTribeTracker.drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed" ) return self.calibrate() gazepos = self.sample() if ((gazepos[0] - pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1] - pos[1])**2)**0.5 < self.pxerrdist: return True else: return False def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y): """ Draws the drift-correction target. arguments x -- The X coordinate y -- The Y coordinate """ self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=settings.FGC, pos=(x, y), pw=0, diameter=12) self.disp.fill(self.screen) def draw_calibration_target(self, x, y): self.draw_drift_correction_target(x, y) def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=10, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=30): """Performs a fixation triggered drift correction by collecting a number of samples and calculating the average distance from the fixation position arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) min_samples -- minimal amount of samples after which an average deviation is calculated (default = 10) max_dev -- maximal deviation from fixation in pixels (default = 60) reset_threshold -- if the horizontal or vertical distance in pixels between two consecutive samples is larger than this threshold, the sample collection is reset (default = 30) returns checked -- Boolaan indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) if pos == None: pos = self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2 # loop until we have sufficient samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # pressing escape enters the calibration screen if self.kb.get_key()[0] in ['escape', 'q']: print( "libeyetribe.EyeTribeTracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed" ) return self.calibrate() # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # collect samples else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0])**2 + (avg_y - pos[1])**2)**0.5 if d < max_dev: return True else: lx = [] ly = [] def get_eyetracker_clock_async(self): """Not supported for EyeTribeTracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def log(self, msg): """Writes a message to the log file arguments ms -- a string to include in the log file returns Nothing -- uses native log function of iViewX to include a line in the log file """ self.eyetribe.log_message(msg) def prepare_drift_correction(self, pos): """Not supported for EyeTribeTracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def pupil_size(self): """Return pupil size arguments None returns pupil size -- returns pupil diameter for the eye that is currently being tracked (as specified by self.eye_used) or -1 when no data is obtainable """ # get newest pupil size ps = self.eyetribe.pupil_size() # invalid data if ps == None: return -1 # check if the new pupil size is the same as the previous if ps != self.prevps: # update the pupil size self.prevps = copy.copy(ps) return self.prevps def sample(self): """Returns newest available gaze position arguments None returns sample -- an (x,y) tuple or a (-1,-1) on an error """ # get newest sample s = self.eyetribe.sample() # invalid data if s == (None, None): return (-1, -1) # check if the new sample is the same as the previous if s != self.prevsample: # update the current sample self.prevsample = copy.copy(s) return self.prevsample def send_command(self, cmd): """Sends a command to the eye tracker arguments cmd -- the command to be sent to the EyeTribe, which should be a list with the following information: [category, request, values] returns Nothing """ self.eyetribe._connection.request(cmd) def start_recording(self): """Starts recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to True when recording is successfully started """ self.eyetribe.start_recording() self.recording = True def status_msg(self, msg): """Not supported for EyeTribeTracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def stop_recording(self): """Stop recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to False when recording is successfully started """ self.eyetribe.stop_recording() self.recording = False def set_detection_type(self, eventdetection): """Set the event detection type to either PyGaze algorithms, or native algorithms as provided by the manufacturer (only if available: detection type will default to PyGaze if no native functions are available) arguments eventdetection -- a string indicating which detection type should be employed: either 'pygaze' for PyGaze event detection algorithms or 'native' for manufacturers algorithms (only if available; will default to 'pygaze' if no native event detection is available) returns -- detection type for saccades, fixations and blinks in a tuple, e.g. ('pygaze','native','native') when 'native' was passed, but native detection was not available for saccade detection """ if eventdetection in ['pygaze', 'native']: self.eventdetection = eventdetection return ('pygaze', 'pygaze', 'pygaze') def wait_for_event(self, event): """Waits for event arguments event -- an integer event code, one of the following: 3 = STARTBLINK 4 = ENDBLINK 5 = STARTSACC 6 = ENDSACC 7 = STARTFIX 8 = ENDFIX returns outcome -- a self.wait_for_* method is called, depending on the specified event; the return values of corresponding method are returned """ if event == 5: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_start() elif event == 6: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_end() elif event == 7: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_start() elif event == 8: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_end() elif event == 3: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_start() elif event == 4: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_end() else: raise Exception( "Error in libeyetribe.EyeTribeTracker.wait_for_event: eventcode {} is not supported" .format(event)) return outcome def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Waits for a blink end and returns the blink ending time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink ending time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = True # loop while there is a blink while blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's valid if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # if it is a valid sample, blinking has stopped blinking = False # return timestamp of blink end return clock.get_time() def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Waits for a blink start and returns the blink starting time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink starting time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = False # loop until there is a blink while not blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's a valid sample if not self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # get timestamp for possible blink start t0 = clock.get_time() # loop until a blink is determined, or a valid sample occurs while not self.is_valid_sample(self.sample()): # check if time has surpassed BLINKTHRESH if clock.get_time() - t0 >= self.blinkthresh: # return timestamp of blink start return t0 def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a fixation has ended; function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than self.pxfixtresh from the initial fixation position has been detected (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer fixation detection; \ PyGaze algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than fixtresh # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected # get starting time and position stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() # loop until fixation has ended while True: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # get newest sample # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if sample deviates to much from starting position if (npos[0] - spos[0])**2 + ( npos[1] - spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # break loop if deviation is too high break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a fixation is started; function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position remains reasonably stable (i.e. when most deviant samples are within self.pxfixtresh) for five samples in a row (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a fixation start # detection built into their API (only ending) print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer fixation detection; \ PyGaze algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position # remains reasonably stable for self.fixtimetresh # get starting position spos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(spos): spos = self.sample() # get starting time t0 = clock.get_time() # wait for reasonably stable position moving = True while moving: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if new sample is too far from starting position if (npos[0] - spos[0])**2 + ( npos[1] - spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # if not, reset starting position and time spos = copy.copy(npos) t0 = clock.get_time() # if new sample is close to starting sample else: # get timestamp t1 = clock.get_time() # check if fixation time threshold has been surpassed if t1 - t0 >= self.fixtimetresh: # return time and starting position return t1, spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a saccade is ended; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos, endpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos and endpos are (x,y) gaze position tuples """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) t0, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() # get valid sample prevpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(prevpos): prevpos = self.sample() # get starting time, intersample distance, and velocity t1 = clock.get_time() s = ((prevpos[0] - spos[0])**2 + (prevpos[1] - spos[1])** 2)**0.5 # = intersample distance = speed in px/sample v0 = s / (t1 - t0) # run until velocity and acceleration go below threshold saccadic = True while saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # calculate distance s = ((newpos[0] - prevpos[0])**2 + (newpos[1] - prevpos[1])** 2)**0.5 # = speed in pixels/sample # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / ( t1 - t0 ) # acceleration in pixels/sample**2 (actually is v1-v0 / t1-t0; but t1-t0 = 1 sample) # check if velocity and acceleration are below threshold if v1 < self.pxspdtresh and (a > -1 * self.pxacctresh and a < 0): saccadic = False epos = newpos[:] etime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return etime, spos, epos def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a saccade is started; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos is an (x,y) gaze position tuple """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) newpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(newpos): newpos = self.sample() # get starting time, position, intersampledistance, and velocity t0 = clock.get_time() prevpos = newpos[:] s = 0 v0 = 0 # get samples saccadic = False while not saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # check if distance is larger than precision error sx = newpos[0] - prevpos[0] sy = newpos[1] - prevpos[1] if (sx / self.pxdsttresh[0])**2 + ( sy / self.pxdsttresh[1] )**2 > self.weightdist: # weigthed distance: (sx/tx)**2 + (sy/ty)**2 > 1 means movement larger than RMS noise # calculate distance s = ((sx)**2 + (sy)** 2)**0.5 # intersampledistance = speed in pixels/ms # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1 - t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0) # acceleration in pixels/ms**2 # check if either velocity or acceleration are above threshold values if v1 > self.pxspdtresh or a > self.pxacctresh: saccadic = True spos = prevpos[:] stime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return stime, spos def is_valid_sample(self, gazepos): """Checks if the sample provided is valid, based on EyeTribe specific criteria (for internal use) arguments gazepos -- a (x,y) gaze position tuple, as returned by self.sample() returns valid -- a Boolean: True on a valid sample, False on an invalid sample """ # return False if a sample is invalid if gazepos == (None, None) or gazepos == (-1, -1): return False # in any other case, the sample is valid return True
# # # # # # directory stuff DIR = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] soundfile = os.path.join(DIR, 'bark.ogg') imagefile = os.path.join(DIR, 'kitten.png') # # # # # # create instances # initialize the display disp = Display() # initialize a screen scr = Screen() # initialize a keyboard kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space'],timeout=None) # initialize a mouse mouse = Mouse(mousebuttonlist=None, timeout=None) # initialize a sound snd = Sound(osc='sine', freq=4400, length=3000) sounds = { 'a sine wave (slightly oscillating)':Sound(osc='sine', freq=440, length=5000, attack=1000, decay=1000), 'a saw wave':Sound(osc='saw', freq=880, length=5000, attack=0, decay=0), 'a square wave':Sound(osc='square', freq=1760, length=5000, attack=0, decay=0), 'white noise':Sound(osc='whitenoise'), 'soundfile':Sound(soundfile=soundfile)
# # # # # # directory stuff DIR = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] soundfile = os.path.join(DIR, 'bark.ogg') imagefile = os.path.join(DIR, 'kitten.png') # # # # # # create instances # initialize the display disp = Display() # initialize a screen scr = Screen() # initialize an EyeTracker tracker = EyeTracker(disp) # initialize a keyboard kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space'],timeout=None) # initialize a sound snd = Sound(soundfile=soundfile) # initialize a Timer timer = Time() # create a new logfile log = Logfile(filename="test")
def __init__(self, display, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, \ eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, \ saccade_velocity_threshold=35, \ saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, \ blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, \ **args): # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, EyeLogicTracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = self.disp.dispsize # display size in pixels self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw', freq=100, length=100) # show a message self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="Initialising the eye tracker, please wait...", fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # output file properties self.logfile = logfile # eye tracker properties self._recording = Event() self._recording.clear() self._calibrated = Event() self._calibrated.clear() self.eye_used = 2 # 0=left, 1=right, 2=binocular self.sampleLock = Lock() self.lastSample = None self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) # event detection properties self.pxfixtresh = 50; self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.blinkthresh = blink_threshold # milliseconds; blink detection threshold used in PyGaze method self.eventdetection = eventdetection self._log_vars = [ \ "timestampMicroSec", \ "index", \ "porFilteredX", \ "porFilteredY", \ "porLeftX", \ "porLeftY", \ "pupilRadiusLeft", \ "porRightX", \ "porRightY", \ "pupilRadiusRight", \ ] # Open a new log file. dir_name = os.path.dirname(logfile) file_name = os.path.basename(logfile) name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) self._data_file_path = os.path.join(dir_name, name+".eyelogic.csv") self._log_file = open(self._data_file_path, "w") # Write a header to the log. header = ["TYPE"] header.extend(self._log_vars) self._sep = ";" self._log_file.write("Sep="+self._sep+"\n") self._log_file.write(self._sep.join(map(str, header))) # Create a lock to prevent simultaneous access to the log file. self._logging_queue = Queue() self._logging_queue_empty = Event() self._logging_queue_empty.set() self._connected = Event() self._connected.set() self._log_counter = 0 self._log_consolidation_freq = 60 self._logging_thread = Thread( target=self.loggingThread, \ name='PyGaze_EyeLogic_Logging', args=[]) global g_api g_api = self # log self.log("pygaze initiation") #self.log("experiment = {}".format(self.description)) #self.log("participant = {}".format(self.participant)) self.log("display resolution = {}x{}".format(self.dispsize[0], \ self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm = {}x{}".format(self.screensize[0], \ self.screensize[1])) self.log("fixation threshold = {} degrees".format(self.fixtresh)) self.log("speed threshold = {} degrees/second".format(self.spdtresh)) self.log("acceleration threshold = {} degrees/second**2".format( \ self.accthresh)) # connect self.api = ELApi( "PyGaze" ) self.api.registerGazeSampleCallback( gazeSampleCallback ) self.api.registerEventCallback( eventCallback ) resultConnect = self.api.connect() if (resultConnect != ELApi.ReturnConnect.SUCCESS): self._connected.clear() raise Exception("Cannot connect to EyeLogic server = {}".format(errorstringConnect(resultConnect))) self._connected.set() screenConfig = self.api.getScreenConfig() self.log("eye tracker is mounted on screen {}".format( self.rawResolution = (screenConfig.resolutionX, screenConfig.resolutionY) self.log("raw screen resolution = {}x{}".format( self.rawResolution[0], self.rawResolution[1])) self.log("end pygaze initiation") deviceConfig = self.api.getDeviceConfig() if (deviceConfig.deviceSerial == 0): raise Exception("no eye tracking device connected") if (len(deviceConfig.frameRates) == 0): raise Exception("failed to read out device configuration") g_api.sampleRate = deviceConfig.frameRates[0] g_api.sampleTime = 1000.0 / g_api.sampleRate g_api.log("samplerate = {} Hz".format(g_api.sampleRate)) g_api.log("sampletime = {} ms".format(g_api.sampleTime)) self._logging_thread.start() self.screen.clear() self.disp.fill(self.screen)
def __init__(self, libeyelink, tracker): """ Constructor. Arguments: libeyelink -- A libeyelink object. tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay.__init__(self) # objects self.libeyelink = libeyelink self.display = libeyelink.display self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=0) self.mouse = Mouse(timeout=0) if settings.DISPTYPE == "pygame": self.kb.set_timeout(timeout=0.001) # If we are using a DISPTYPE that cannot be used directly, we have to # save the camera image to a temporary file on each frame. # if DISPTYPE not in ('pygame', 'psychopy'): import tempfile import os self.tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "__eyelink__.jpg") # drawing properties self.xc = self.display.dispsize[0] / 2 self.yc = self.display.dispsize[1] / 2 self.extra_info = True self.ld = 40 # line distance self.fontsize = libeyelink.fontsize self.title = "" self.display_open = True self.draw_menu_screen() # beeps self.__target_beep__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=440, length=50, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=880, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=220, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) # Colors self.color = { pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("green"), pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), "font": pygame.Color("white"), } # Font pygame.font.init() self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", 11) # further properties self.state = None self.pal = None self.size = (0, 0) self.set_tracker(tracker) self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.bit64 = "64bit" in platform.architecture() self.imagebuffer = self.new_array()
def __init__(self, libeyelink, tracker): """ Constructor. Arguments: libeyelink -- A libeyelink object. tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay.__init__(self) # objects self.libeyelink = libeyelink self.display = libeyelink.display self.screen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=0) self.mouse = Mouse(timeout=0) if DISPTYPE == 'pygame': self.kb.set_timeout(timeout=0.001) # If we are using a DISPTYPE that cannot be used directly, we have to # save the camera image to a temporary file on each frame. #if DISPTYPE not in ('pygame', 'psychopy'): import tempfile import os self.tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '__eyelink__.jpg') # drawing properties self.xc = self.display.dispsize[0]/2 self.yc = self.display.dispsize[1]/2 self.extra_info = True self.ld = 40 # line distance self.fontsize = libeyelink.fontsize self.title = "" self.display_open = True # menu self.menuscreen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Eyelink calibration menu", pos=(self.xc,self.yc-6*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=int(2*self.fontsize), antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="%s (pygaze %s, pylink %s)" \ % (libeyelink.eyelink_model, pygaze.version, pylink.__version__), pos=(self.xc,self.yc-5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=int(.8*self.fontsize), antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press C to calibrate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc-3*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press V to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc-2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press A to auto-threshold", pos=(self.xc,self.yc-1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press I to toggle extra info in camera image", pos=(self.xc,self.yc-0*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Enter to show camera image", pos=(self.xc,self.yc+1*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="(then change between images using the arrow keys)", pos=(self.xc, self.yc+2*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Escape to abort experiment", pos=(self.xc, self.yc+4*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Q to exit menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc+5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) # beeps self.__target_beep__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=440, length=50, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=880, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound(osc='sine', freq=220, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) # Colors self.color = { pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color('white'), pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color('white'), pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color('green'), pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color('red'), pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: pygame.Color('red'), 'font': pygame.Color('white'), } # Font pygame.font.init() self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('Courier New', 11) # further properties self.state = None self.pal = None self.size = (0,0) self.set_tracker(tracker) self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.bit64 = '64bit' in platform.architecture() self.imagebuffer = self.new_array()
class EyeTribeTracker(BaseEyeTracker): """A class for EyeTribeTracker objects""" def __init__(self, display, logfile=LOGFILE, eventdetection=EVENTDETECTION, \ saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, \ **args): """Initializes the EyeTribeTracker object arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments logfile -- logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the eye data log file (default = LOGFILE) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, EyeTribeTracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = DISPSIZE # display size in pixels self.screensize = SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile # eye tracker properties self.connected = False self.recording = False self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.pxerrdist = 30 # initial error in pixels self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1,-1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) # connect to the tracker self.eyetribe = EyeTribe(logfilename=logfile) # get info on the sample rate self.samplerate = self.eyetribe._samplefreq self.sampletime = 1000.0 * self.eyetribe._intsampletime # initiation report self.log("pygaze initiation report start") self.log("display resolution: %sx%s" % (self.dispsize[0],self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm: %sx%s" % (self.screensize[0],self.screensize[1])) self.log("samplerate: %.2f Hz" % self.samplerate) self.log("sampletime: %.2f ms" % self.sampletime) self.log("fixation threshold: %s degrees" % self.fixtresh) self.log("speed threshold: %s degrees/second" % self.spdtresh) self.log("acceleration threshold: %s degrees/second**2" % self.accthresh) self.log("pygaze initiation report end") def calibrate(self): """Calibrates the eye tracking system arguments None keyword arguments None returns success -- returns True if calibration succeeded, or False if not; in addition a calibration log is added to the log file and some properties are updated (i.e. the thresholds for detection algorithms) """ # CALIBRATION # determine the calibration points calibpoints = [] for x in [0.1,0.5,0.9]: for y in [0.1,0.5,0.9]: calibpoints.append((int(x*self.dispsize[0]),int(y*self.dispsize[1]))) random.shuffle(calibpoints) # show a message self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text(text="Press Space to start the calibration or Q to quit.") self.disp.fill(self.screen) # wait for keyboard input key, keytime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q','space'], timeout=None, flush=True) if key == 'q': quited = True else: quited = False # run until the user is statisfied, or quits calibrated = False calibresult = None while not quited and not calibrated: # start a new calibration self.eyetribe.calibration.start(pointcount=len(calibpoints)) # loop through calibration points for cpos in calibpoints: self.draw_calibration_target(cpos[0], cpos[1]) # wait for a bit to allow participant to start looking at # the calibration point (#TODO: space press?) clock.pause(1000) # start calibration of point self.eyetribe.calibration.pointstart(cpos[0],cpos[1]) # wait for a second clock.pause(1000) # stop calibration of this point result = self.eyetribe.calibration.pointend() # the final calibration point returns a dict (does it?) if type(result) == dict: calibresult = copy.deepcopy(result) # check if the Q key has been pressed if self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q'],timeout=10,flush=False)[0] == 'q': # abort calibration self.eyetribe.calibration.abort() # set quited variable and break this for loop quited = True break # retry option if the calibration was aborted if quited: # show retry message self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text("Calibration aborted. Press Space to restart, or 'Q' to quit.") self.disp.fill(self.screen) # get input key, keytime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q','space'], timeout=None, flush=True) if key == 'space': # unset quited Boolean quited = False # skip further processing continue # get the calibration result if it was not obtained yet if type(calibresult) != dict: # empty display self.disp.fill() # allow for a bit of calculation time clock.pause(2000) # get the result calibresult = self.eyetribe._tracker.get_calibresult() # results # clear the screen self.screen.clear() # draw results for each point if type(calibresult) == dict: for p in calibresult['calibpoints']: # only draw the point if data was obtained if p['state'] > 0: # draw the mean error self.screen.draw_circle(colour=(252,233,79), pos=(p['cpx'],p['cpy']), r=p['mepix'], pw=0, fill=True) # draw the point self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=(115,210,22), pos=(p['cpx'],p['cpy'])) # draw the estimated point self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=(32,74,135), pos=(p['mecpx'],p['mecpy'])) # annotate accuracy self.screen.draw_text(text=str(p['acd']), pos=(p['cpx']+10,p['cpy']+10), fontsize=12) # if no data was obtained, draw the point in red else: self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=(204,0,0), pos=(p['cpx'],p['cpy'])) # draw box for averages self.screen.draw_rect(colour=(238,238,236), x=int(self.dispsize[0]*0.15), y=int(self.dispsize[1]*0.2), w=400, h=200, pw=0, fill=True) # draw result if calibresult['result']: self.screen.draw_text(text="calibration is successful", colour=(115,210,22), pos=(int(self.dispsize[0]*0.25),int(self.dispsize[1]*0.25)), fontsize=12) else: self.screen.draw_text(text="calibration failed", colour=(204,0,0), pos=(int(self.dispsize[0]*0.25),int(self.dispsize[1]*0.25)), fontsize=12) # draw average accuracy self.screen.draw_text(text="average error = %.2f degrees" % (calibresult['deg']), colour=(211,215,207), pos=(int(self.dispsize[0]*0.25),int(self.dispsize[1]*0.25+20)), fontsize=12) # draw input options self.screen.draw_text(text="Press Space to continue, or 'R' to restart.", colour=(211,215,207), pos=(int(self.dispsize[0]*0.25),int(self.dispsize[1]*0.25+40)), fontsize=12) else: self.screen.draw_text(text="Calibration failed, press 'R' to try again.") # show the results self.disp.fill(self.screen) # wait for input key, keytime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space','r'], timeout=None, flush=True) # process input if key == 'space': calibrated = True # calibration failed if the user quited if quited: return False # NOISE CALIBRATION # get all error estimates (pixels) var = [] for p in calibresult['calibpoints']: # only draw the point if data was obtained if p['state'] > 0: var.append(p['mepix']) noise = sum(var) / float(len(var)) self.pxdsttresh = (noise, noise) # AFTERMATH # store some variables pixpercm = (self.dispsize[0]/float(self.screensize[0]) + self.dispsize[1]/float(self.screensize[1])) / 2 screendist = SCREENDIST # calculate thresholds based on tracker settings self.accuracy = ((calibresult['Ldeg'],calibresult['Ldeg']), (calibresult['Rdeg'],calibresult['Rdeg'])) self.pxerrdist = deg2pix(screendist, self.errdist, pixpercm) self.pxfixtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.fixtresh, pixpercm) self.pxaccuracy = ((deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[0][0], pixpercm),deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[0][1], pixpercm)), (deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[1][0], pixpercm),deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[1][1], pixpercm))) self.pxspdtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.spdtresh/1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond self.pxacctresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.accthresh/1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond**2 # calibration report self.log("pygaze calibration report start") self.log("accuracy (degrees): LX=%s, LY=%s, RX=%s, RY=%s" % (self.accuracy[0][0],self.accuracy[0][1],self.accuracy[1][0],self.accuracy[1][1])) self.log("accuracy (in pixels): LX=%s, LY=%s, RX=%s, RY=%s" % (self.pxaccuracy[0][0],self.pxaccuracy[0][1],self.pxaccuracy[1][0],self.pxaccuracy[1][1])) self.log("precision (RMS noise in pixels): X=%s, Y=%s" % (self.pxdsttresh[0],self.pxdsttresh[1])) self.log("distance between participant and display: %s cm" % screendist) self.log("fixation threshold: %s pixels" % self.pxfixtresh) self.log("speed threshold: %s pixels/ms" % self.pxspdtresh) self.log("acceleration threshold: %s pixels/ms**2" % self.pxacctresh) self.log("pygaze calibration report end") return True def close(self): """Neatly close connection to tracker arguments None returns Nothing -- saves data and sets self.connected to False """ # close connection self.eyetribe.close() self.connected = False def connected(self): """Checks if the tracker is connected arguments None returns connected -- True if connection is established, False if not; sets self.connected to the same value """ res = self.eyetribe._tracker.get_trackerstate() if res == 0: self.connected = True else: self.connected = False return self.connected def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Performs a drift check arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) fix_triggered -- Boolean indicating if drift check should be performed based on gaze position (fix_triggered = True) or on spacepress (fix_triggered = False) (default = False) returns checked -- Boolaan indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if pos == None: pos = self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2 if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) pressed = False while not pressed: pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key() if pressed: if pressed == 'escape' or pressed == 'q': print("libeyetribe.EyeTribeTracker.drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed") return self.calibrate() gazepos = self.sample() if ((gazepos[0]-pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1]-pos[1])**2)**0.5 < self.pxerrdist: return True else: return False def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y): """ Draws the drift-correction target. arguments x -- The X coordinate y -- The Y coordinate """ self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=FGC, pos=(x,y), pw=0, diameter=12) self.disp.fill(self.screen) def draw_calibration_target(self, x, y): self.draw_drift_correction_target(x, y) def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=10, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=30): """Performs a fixation triggered drift correction by collecting a number of samples and calculating the average distance from the fixation position arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) min_samples -- minimal amount of samples after which an average deviation is calculated (default = 10) max_dev -- maximal deviation from fixation in pixels (default = 60) reset_threshold -- if the horizontal or vertical distance in pixels between two consecutive samples is larger than this threshold, the sample collection is reset (default = 30) returns checked -- Boolaan indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) if pos == None: pos = self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2 # loop until we have sufficient samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # pressing escape enters the calibration screen if self.kb.get_key()[0] in ['escape','q']: print("libeyetribe.EyeTribeTracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed") return self.calibrate() # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # collect samples else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0]) ** 2 + (avg_y - pos[1]) ** 2)**0.5 if d < max_dev: return True else: lx = [] ly = [] def get_eyetracker_clock_async(self): """Not supported for EyeTribeTracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def log(self, msg): """Writes a message to the log file arguments ms -- a string to include in the log file returns Nothing -- uses native log function of iViewX to include a line in the log file """ self.eyetribe.log_message(msg) def log_var(self, var, val): """Writes a variable to the log file arguments var -- variable name val -- variable value returns Nothing -- uses native log function of iViewX to include a line in the log file in a "var NAME VALUE" layout """ msg = "var %s %s" % (var, val) self.log(msg) def prepare_drift_correction(self, pos): """Not supported for EyeTribeTracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def pupil_size(self): """Return pupil size arguments None returns pupil size -- returns pupil diameter for the eye that is currently being tracked (as specified by self.eye_used) or -1 when no data is obtainable """ # get newest pupil size ps = self.eyetribe.pupil_size() # invalid data if ps == None: return -1 # check if the new pupil size is the same as the previous if ps != self.prevps: # update the pupil size self.prevps = copy.copy(ps) return self.prevps def sample(self): """Returns newest available gaze position arguments None returns sample -- an (x,y) tuple or a (-1,-1) on an error """ # get newest sample s = self.eyetribe.sample() # invalid data if s == (None,None): return (-1,-1) # check if the new sample is the same as the previous if s != self.prevsample: # update the current sample self.prevsample = copy.copy(s) return self.prevsample def send_command(self, cmd): """Sends a command to the eye tracker arguments cmd -- the command to be sent to the EyeTribe, which should be a list with the following information: [category, request, values] returns Nothing """ self.eyetribe._connection.request(cmd) def start_recording(self): """Starts recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to True when recording is successfully started """ self.eyetribe.start_recording() self.recording = True def status_msg(self, msg): """Not supported for EyeTribeTracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def stop_recording(self): """Stop recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to False when recording is successfully started """ self.eyetribe.stop_recording() self.recording = False def set_detection_type(self, eventdetection): """Set the event detection type to either PyGaze algorithms, or native algorithms as provided by the manufacturer (only if available: detection type will default to PyGaze if no native functions are available) arguments eventdetection -- a string indicating which detection type should be employed: either 'pygaze' for PyGaze event detection algorithms or 'native' for manufacturers algorithms (only if available; will default to 'pygaze' if no native event detection is available) returns -- detection type for saccades, fixations and blinks in a tuple, e.g. ('pygaze','native','native') when 'native' was passed, but native detection was not available for saccade detection """ if eventdetection in ['pygaze','native']: self.eventdetection = eventdetection return ('pygaze','pygaze','pygaze') def wait_for_event(self, event): """Waits for event arguments event -- an integer event code, one of the following: 3 = STARTBLINK 4 = ENDBLINK 5 = STARTSACC 6 = ENDSACC 7 = STARTFIX 8 = ENDFIX returns outcome -- a self.wait_for_* method is called, depending on the specified event; the return values of corresponding method are returned """ if event == 5: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_start() elif event == 6: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_end() elif event == 7: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_start() elif event == 8: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_end() elif event == 3: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_start() elif event == 4: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_end() else: raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.wait_for_event: eventcode %s is not supported" % event) return outcome def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Waits for a blink end and returns the blink ending time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink ending time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = True # loop while there is a blink while blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's valid if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # if it is a valid sample, blinking has stopped blinking = False # return timestamp of blink end return clock.get_time() def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Waits for a blink start and returns the blink starting time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink starting time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = False # loop until there is a blink while not blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's a valid sample if not self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # get timestamp for possible blink start t0 = clock.get_time() # loop until a blink is determined, or a valid sample occurs while not self.is_valid_sample(self.sample()): # check if time has surpassed 150 ms if clock.get_time()-t0 >= 150: # return timestamp of blink start return t0 def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a fixation has ended; function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than self.pxfixtresh from the initial fixation position has been detected (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer fixation detection; \ PyGaze algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than fixtresh # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected # get starting time and position stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() # loop until fixation has ended while True: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # get newest sample # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if sample deviates to much from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # break loop if deviation is too high break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a fixation is started; function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position remains reasonably stable (i.e. when most deviant samples are within self.pxfixtresh) for five samples in a row (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a fixation start # detection built into their API (only ending) print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer fixation detection; \ PyGaze algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position # remains reasonably stable for self.fixtimetresh # get starting position spos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(spos): spos = self.sample() # get starting time t0 = clock.get_time() # wait for reasonably stable position moving = True while moving: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if new sample is too far from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # if not, reset starting position and time spos = copy.copy(npos) t0 = clock.get_time() # if new sample is close to starting sample else: # get timestamp t1 = clock.get_time() # check if fixation time threshold has been surpassed if t1 - t0 >= self.fixtimetresh: # return time and starting position return t1, spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a saccade is ended; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos, endpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos and endpos are (x,y) gaze position tuples """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) t0, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() # get valid sample prevpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(prevpos): prevpos = self.sample() # get starting time, intersample distance, and velocity t1 = clock.get_time() s = ((prevpos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (prevpos[1]-spos[1])**2)**0.5 # = intersample distance = speed in px/sample v0 = s / (t1-t0) # run until velocity and acceleration go below threshold saccadic = True while saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # calculate distance s = ((newpos[0]-prevpos[0])**2 + (newpos[1]-prevpos[1])**2)**0.5 # = speed in pixels/sample # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1-t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1-v0) / (t1-t0) # acceleration in pixels/sample**2 (actually is v1-v0 / t1-t0; but t1-t0 = 1 sample) # check if velocity and acceleration are below threshold if v1 < self.pxspdtresh and (a > -1*self.pxacctresh and a < 0): saccadic = False epos = newpos[:] etime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return etime, spos, epos def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a saccade is started; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos is an (x,y) gaze position tuple """ # # # # # # EyeTribe method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since EyeTribe does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but EyeTribe does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) newpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(newpos): newpos = self.sample() # get starting time, position, intersampledistance, and velocity t0 = clock.get_time() prevpos = newpos[:] s = 0 v0 = 0 # get samples saccadic = False while not saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # check if distance is larger than precision error sx = newpos[0]-prevpos[0]; sy = newpos[1]-prevpos[1] if (sx/self.pxdsttresh[0])**2 + (sy/self.pxdsttresh[1])**2 > self.weightdist: # weigthed distance: (sx/tx)**2 + (sy/ty)**2 > 1 means movement larger than RMS noise # calculate distance s = ((sx)**2 + (sy)**2)**0.5 # intersampledistance = speed in pixels/ms # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1-t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1-v0) / (t1-t0) # acceleration in pixels/ms**2 # check if either velocity or acceleration are above threshold values if v1 > self.pxspdtresh or a > self.pxacctresh: saccadic = True spos = prevpos[:] stime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return stime, spos def is_valid_sample(self, gazepos): """Checks if the sample provided is valid, based on EyeTribe specific criteria (for internal use) arguments gazepos -- a (x,y) gaze position tuple, as returned by self.sample() returns valid -- a Boolean: True on a valid sample, False on an invalid sample """ # return False if a sample is invalid if gazepos == (None,None) or gazepos == (-1,-1): return False # in any other case, the sample is valid return True
class Dummy(DumbDummy): """A dummy class to run experiments in dummy mode, where eye movements are simulated by the mouse""" def __init__(self, display): """Initiates an eyetracker dummy object, that simulates gaze position using the mouse arguments display -- a pygaze display.Display instance keyword arguments None """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, Dummy) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass self.recording = False self.blinking = False self.bbpos = (settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2) self.resolution = settings.DISPSIZE[:] self.simulator = Mouse(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousebuttonlist=None, timeout=2, visible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, keylist=None, timeout=None) self.angrybeep = Sound(osc='saw', freq=100, length=100, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.display = display self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) def calibrate(self): """Dummy calibration""" print("Calibration would now take place") clock.pause(1000) def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Dummy drift correction""" print("Drift correction would now take place") if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) if pos == None: pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2 # show mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) # show fixation dot self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) # perform drift check errdist = 60 # pixels (on a 1024x768px and 39.9x29.9cm monitor at 67 cm, this is about 2 degrees of visual angle) pressed = None while True: # check for keyboard input pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key( keylist=['q', 'escape', 'space'], timeout=1) # quit key if pressed in ['q', 'escape']: # hide mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return False # space bar elif pressed == 'space': # get sample gazepos = self.sample() # sample is close enough to fixation dot if ((gazepos[0] - pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1] - pos[1])**2)**0.5 < errdist: # hide mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return True # sample is NOT close enough to fixation dot else: # show discontent def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=30, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=10): """Dummy drift correction (fixation triggered)""" print("Drift correction (fixation triggered) would now take place") if pos == None: pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2 # show mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) # show fixation dot self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) while True: # loop until we have sufficient samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # pressing escape enters the calibration screen if self.kb.get_key(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=0)[0] != None: self.recording = False print( "libeyetracker.libeyetracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): 'q' pressed" ) self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return False # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # collect samples else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) # check if samples are within max. deviation if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0])**2 + (avg_y - pos[1])**2)**0.5 if d < max_dev: self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return True else: lx = [] ly = [] def start_recording(self): """Dummy for starting recording, prints what would have been the recording start""" self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) dumrectime = clock.get_time() self.recording = True print("Recording would have started at: " + str(dumrectime)) def stop_recording(self): """Dummy for stopping recording, prints what would have been the recording end""" self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) dumrectime = clock.get_time() self.recording = False print("Recording would have stopped at: " + str(dumrectime)) def close(self): """Dummy for closing connection with eyetracker, prints what would have been connection closing time""" if self.recording: self.stop_recording() closetime = clock.get_time() print("eyetracker connection would have closed at: " + str(closetime)) def pupil_size(self): """Returns dummy pupil size""" return 19 def sample(self): """Returns simulated gaze position (=mouse position)""" if self.blinking: if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown self.simulator.set_pos(pos=( self.bbpos[0], self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position elif not self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttonup self.simulator.set_pos( pos=self.bbpos) # set position to position before blinking self.blinking = False # 'blink' stopped elif not self.blinking: if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown self.blinking = True # 'blink' started self.bbpos = self.simulator.get_pos( ) # position before blinking self.simulator.set_pos(pos=( self.bbpos[0], self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position return self.simulator.get_pos() def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a simulated saccade is started""" # function assumes that a 'saccade' has been started when a deviation of more than # maxerr from the initial 'gaze' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse) spos = self.sample() # starting position maxerr = 3 # pixels while True: npos = self.sample() # get newest sample if ((spos[0] - npos[0])**2 + (spos[1] - npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a simulated saccade is ended""" # function assumes that a 'saccade' has ended when 'gaze' position remains reasonably # (i.e.: within maxerr) stable for five samples # for saccade start algorithm, see wait_for_fixation_start stime, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() maxerr = 3 # pixels # wait for reasonably stable position xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate) yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate) moving = True while moving: # check positions npos = self.sample() xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample if len(xl) == 5: # check if deviation is small enough if max(xl) - min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl) - min(yl) < maxerr: moving = False # remove oldest sample xl.pop(0) yl.pop(0) # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves) clock.pause(10) return clock.get_time(), spos, (xl[len(xl) - 1], yl[len(yl) - 1]) def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a simulated fixation is started""" # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when 'gaze' position remains reasonably # stable for five samples in a row (same as saccade end) maxerr = 3 # pixels # wait for reasonably stable position xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate) yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate) moving = True while moving: npos = self.sample() xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample if len(xl) == 5: # check if deviation is small enough if max(xl) - min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl) - min(yl) < maxerr: moving = False # remove oldest sample xl.pop(0) yl.pop(0) # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves) clock.pause(10) return clock.get_time(), (xl[len(xl) - 1], yl[len(yl) - 1]) def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a simulated fixation is ended""" # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than maxerr # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse) stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() maxerr = 3 # pixels while True: npos = self.sample() # get newest sample if ((spos[0] - npos[0])**2 + (spos[1] - npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Returns starting time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttondown)""" # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening. while not self.blinking: pos = self.sample() return clock.get_time(), pos def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Returns ending time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttonup)""" # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening. # wait for blink start while not self.blinking: spos = self.sample() # wait for blink end while self.blinking: epos = self.sample() return clock.get_time(), epos def set_draw_drift_correction_target_func(self, func): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.draw_drift_correction_target = func # *** # # Internal functions below # # *** def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y): """ Draws the drift-correction target. arguments x -- The X coordinate y -- The Y coordinate """ self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=settings.FGC, \ pos=(x,y), pw=0, diameter=12) self.display.fill(self.screen)
def __init__(self, display, logfile=LOGFILE, eventdetection=EVENTDETECTION, \ saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, \ **args): """Initializes the EyeTribeTracker object arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments logfile -- logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the eye data log file (default = LOGFILE) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, EyeTribeTracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = DISPSIZE # display size in pixels self.screensize = SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile # eye tracker properties self.connected = False self.recording = False self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.pxerrdist = 30 # initial error in pixels self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1,-1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) # connect to the tracker self.eyetribe = EyeTribe(logfilename=logfile) # get info on the sample rate self.samplerate = self.eyetribe._samplefreq self.sampletime = 1000.0 * self.eyetribe._intsampletime # initiation report self.log("pygaze initiation report start") self.log("display resolution: %sx%s" % (self.dispsize[0],self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm: %sx%s" % (self.screensize[0],self.screensize[1])) self.log("samplerate: %.2f Hz" % self.samplerate) self.log("sampletime: %.2f ms" % self.sampletime) self.log("fixation threshold: %s degrees" % self.fixtresh) self.log("speed threshold: %s degrees/second" % self.spdtresh) self.log("acceleration threshold: %s degrees/second**2" % self.accthresh) self.log("pygaze initiation report end")
kb = Keyboard() # Initialise the EyeTracker and let it know which Display instance to use by # passing it to the EyeTracker. tracker = EyeTracker(disp) # Create a Logfile instance that keeps track of when videos start. log = Logfile() # Write a header to the log file. log.write(['date', 'time', 'trialnr', 'video', 'timestamp']) # # # # # # SCREENS # Create a screen to show instructions on. textscr = Screen() textscr.draw_text("Press any key to start the next video.", fontsize=24) # Create a screen to show images on. This will be the screen that we will use # to display each video frame. stimscr = Screen() # # # # # # PLAY VIDEOS # Calibrate the eye tracker. tracker.calibrate() # Randomise the list of videos. Remove this line if you want the videos to be # displayed in alphabetical order. random.shuffle(VIDEOS)
from pygaze.display import Display from pygaze.screen import Screen from pygaze.eyetracker import EyeTracker import pygaze.libtime as timer disp = Display() scr = Screen() scr.draw_text("Preparing experiment...", fontsize=20) disp.fill(scr) tracker = EyeTracker(disp) tracker.calibrate() tracker.start_recording() t0 = timer.get_time() while timer.get_time() - t0 < 5000: gazepos = tracker.sample() scr.clear() scr.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', pos=gazepos) disp.fill(scr) tracker.stop_recording() tracker.close() disp.close()
# set up function argument types and return type XInputSetState = xinput.XInputSetState XInputSetState.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.POINTER(XINPUT_VIBRATION)] XInputSetState.restype = ctypes.c_uint # define helper function def set_vibration(controller, left_motor, right_motor): vibration = XINPUT_VIBRATION(int(left_motor * 65535), int(right_motor * 65535)) XInputSetState(controller, ctypes.byref(vibration)) # # # # # # PYGAZE INSTANCES # visual disp = Display() scr = Screen() # input js = Joystick() # # # # # # RUN # run until a minute has passed t0 = timer.get_time() t1 = timer.get_time() text = "Test the joystick!" while t1 - t0 < 60000: # get joystick input event, value, t1 = js.get_joyinput(timeout=10) # update text
# # # # # # directory stuff DIR = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] image_file = os.path.join(DIR, ' 2).png') # # # # # # create instances # initialize the display disp = Display() # initialize a screen scr = Screen() # initialize an EyeTracker tracker = EyeTracker(disp) # initialize a keyboard kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space'],timeout=None) # initialize a Timer timer = Time() # create a new logfile log = Logfile(filename="test") log.write(["x_pos","y_pos", "time"])
from pygaze.display import Display import pygaze.libtime as timer from pygaze.screen import Screen from constants import * fixscreen = Screen() fixscreen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') disp = Display() timer.pause(2000) disp.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Nov 10 13:29:48 2016 @author: adam """ from pygaze.display import Display from pygaze.screen import Screen import pygaze.libtime as timer # disp = Window(size=DISPSIZE, units='pix', fullscr=True) disp = Display() fixscreen = Screen() fixscreen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') imgscreen = Screen() imgscreen.draw_image('/home/adam/Desktop/experiment0/Example.png') disp.fill(fixscreen) timer.pause(1000) disp.fill(imgscreen) timer.pause(2000) disp.close()
def __init__(self, display, resolution=DISPSIZE, data_file=LOGFILENAME + ".edf", fg_color=FGC, bg_color=BGC, eventdetection=EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, force_drift_correct=True, pupil_size_mode=EYELINKPUPILSIZEMODE, **args): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # try to import copy docstring (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, libeyelink) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass global _eyelink # Make sure that we have a valid data file. The local_data_file may # contain a folder. The eyelink_data_file is only a basename, i.e. # without folder. The eyelink_data_file must be at most eight characters # and end with a `.edf` extension. self.local_data_file = data_file self.eyelink_data_file = os.path.basename(data_file) stem, ext = os.path.splitext(self.eyelink_data_file) if len(stem) > 8 or ext.lower() != '.edf': raise Exception( "The EyeLink cannot handle filenames longer than eight " "characters (excluding '.edf' extension).") # properties self.display = display self.fontsize = 18 self.scr = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=1) self.resolution = resolution self.recording = False self.saccade_velocity_treshold = saccade_velocity_threshold self.saccade_acceleration_treshold = saccade_acceleration_threshold self.eye_used = None self.left_eye = 0 self.right_eye = 1 self.binocular = 2 self.pupil_size_mode = pupil_size_mode self.prevsample = (-1, -1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond # this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtresh = 1.5 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh # to be marked as a fixation self.fixtimetresh = 100 # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.spdtresh = self.saccade_velocity_treshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.accthresh = self.saccade_acceleration_treshold self.set_detection_type(eventdetection) # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to # measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will # result in only larger saccades to be detected) self.weightdist = 10 # distance between participant and screen in cm self.screendist = SCREENDIST # distance between participant and screen in cm self.screensize = SCREENSIZE self.pixpercm = (self.resolution[0]/float(self.screensize[0]) + \ self.resolution[1]/float(self.screensize[1])) / 2.0 # only initialize eyelink once if _eyelink == None: try: _eyelink = pylink.EyeLink() except: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.__init__(): Failed to " "connect to the tracker!") # determine software version of tracker self.tracker_software_ver = 0 self.eyelink_ver = pylink.getEYELINK().getTrackerVersion() if self.eyelink_ver == 3: tvstr = pylink.getEYELINK().getTrackerVersionString() vindex = tvstr.find("EYELINK CL") self.tracker_software_ver = int(float(tvstr[(vindex + \ len("EYELINK CL")):].strip())) if self.eyelink_ver == 1: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink I' elif self.eyelink_ver == 2: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink II' elif self.eyelink_ver == 3: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink 1000' else: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink (model unknown)' # Open graphics self.eyelink_graphics = EyelinkGraphics(self, _eyelink) pylink.openGraphicsEx(self.eyelink_graphics) # Optionally force drift correction. For some reason this must be done # as (one of) the first things, otherwise a segmentation fault occurs. if force_drift_correct: self.send_command('driftcorrect_cr_disable = OFF') # Set pupil-size mode if self.pupil_size_mode == 'area': pylink.getEYELINK().setPupilSizeDiameter(False) elif self.pupil_size_mode == 'diameter': pylink.getEYELINK().setPupilSizeDiameter(True) else: raise Exception( "pupil_size_mode should be 'area' or 'diameter', not %s" \ % self.pupil_size_mode) pylink.getEYELINK().openDataFile(self.eyelink_data_file) pylink.flushGetkeyQueue() pylink.getEYELINK().setOfflineMode() # notify eyelink of display resolution self.send_command("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d" % \ (self.resolution[0], self.resolution[1])) # get some configuration stuff if self.eyelink_ver >= 2: self.send_command("select_parser_configuration 0") if self.eyelink_ver == 2: # turn off scenelink camera stuff self.send_command("scene_camera_gazemap = NO") # set EDF file contents (this specifies which data is written to the EDF # file) self.send_command( "file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON" ) if self.tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.send_command( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.send_command( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") # set link data (this specifies which data is sent through the link and # thus can be used in gaze contingent displays) self.send_command( "link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") if self.tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.send_command( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.send_command( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") # not quite sure what this means (according to Sebastiaan Mathot, it # might be the button that is used to end drift correction?) self.send_command("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'") if not self.connected(): raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.__init__(): Failed to connect " "to the eyetracker!")
class SMItracker(BaseEyeTracker): """A class for SMI eye tracker objects""" def __init__(self, display, ip='', sendport=4444, receiveport= \ 5555, logfile=LOGFILE, eventdetection=EVENTDETECTION, \ saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, \ **args): """Initializes the SMItracker object arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments ip -- internal ip address for iViewX (default = '') sendport -- port number for iViewX sending (default = 4444) receiveport -- port number for iViewX receiving (default = 5555) logfile -- logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the SMI logfile, NOT the .idf file (default = LOGFILE) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, SMITracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = DISPSIZE # display size in pixels self.screensize = SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile self.description = "experiment" # TODO: EXPERIMENT NAME self.participant = "participant" # TODO: PP NAME # eye tracker properties self.connected = False self.recording = False self.eye_used = 0 # 0=left, 1=right, 2=binocular self.left_eye = 0 self.right_eye = 1 self.binocular = 2 self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1,-1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) # set logger res = iViewXAPI.iV_SetLogger(c_int(1), c_char_p(logfile + '_SMILOG.txt')) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: failed to set logger; %s" % err) # first logger argument is for logging type (I'm guessing these are decimal bit codes) # LOG status bitcode # 1 = LOG_LEVEL_BUG 00001 # 2 = LOG_LEVEL_iV_FCT 00010 # 4 = LOG_LEVEL_ETCOM 00100 # 8 = LOG_LEVEL_ALL 01000 # 16 = LOG_LEVEL_IV_COMMAND 10000 # these can be used together, using a bitwise or, e.g.: 1|2|4 (bitcode 00111) # connect to iViewX res = iViewXAPI.iV_Connect(c_char_p(ip), c_int(sendport), c_char_p(ip), c_int(receiveport)) if res == 1: res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSystemInfo(byref(systemData)) self.samplerate = systemData.samplerate self.sampletime = 1000.0 / self.samplerate if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: failed to get system information; %s" % err) # handle connection errors else: self.connected = False err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: establishing connection failed; %s" % err) # initiation report self.log("pygaze initiation report start") self.log("experiment: %s" % self.description) self.log("participant: %s" % self.participant) self.log("display resolution: %sx%s" % (self.dispsize[0],self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm: %sx%s" % (self.screensize[0],self.screensize[1])) self.log("samplerate: %s Hz" % self.samplerate) self.log("sampletime: %s ms" % self.sampletime) self.log("fixation threshold: %s degrees" % self.fixtresh) self.log("speed threshold: %s degrees/second" % self.spdtresh) self.log("acceleration threshold: %s degrees/second**2" % self.accthresh) self.log("pygaze initiation report end") def calibrate(self, calibrate=True, validate=True): """Calibrates the eye tracking system arguments None keyword arguments calibrate -- Boolean indicating if calibration should be performed (default = True) validate -- Boolean indicating if validation should be performed (default = True) returns success -- returns True if calibration succeeded, or False if not; in addition a calibration log is added to the log file and some properties are updated (i.e. the thresholds for detection algorithms) """ # TODO: # add feedback for calibration (e.g. with iV_GetAccuracyImage (struct ImageStruct * imageData) for accuracy and iV_GetEyeImage for cool eye pictures) # example: res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetEyeImage(byref(imageData)) # ImageStruct has four data fields: # imageHeight -- int vertical size (px) # imageWidth -- int horizontal size (px) # imageSize -- int image data size (byte) # imageBuffer -- pointer to image data (I have NO idea what format this is in) # configure calibration (NOT starting it) calibrationData = CCalibration(9, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 127, 1, 15, b"") # (method (i.e.: number of points), visualization, display, speed, auto, fg, bg, shape, size, filename) # setup calibration res = iViewXAPI.iV_SetupCalibration(byref(calibrationData)) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: failed to setup calibration; %s" % err) # calibrate cres = iViewXAPI.iV_Calibrate() # validate if calibration returns succes if cres == 1: cerr = None vres = iViewXAPI.iV_Validate() # handle validation errors if vres != 1: verr = errorstring(vres) else: verr = None ## # TEST # ## res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetAccuracyImage(byref(imageData)) ## self.log("IMAGEBUFFERSTART") ## self.log(imageData.imageBuffer) ## self.log("IMAGEBUFFERSTOP") ## print("Image height: %s, image width: %s, image size: %s" % (imageData.imageHeight,imageData.imageWidth, imageData.imageSize)) ## print imageData.imageBuffer ## ######## # handle calibration errors else: cerr = errorstring(cres) # return succes if cerr == None: print("libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: calibration was succesful") if verr == None: print("libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: validation was succesful") # present instructions self.disp.fill() # clear display self.screen.draw_text(text="Noise calibration: please look at the dot\n\n(press space to start)", pos=(self.dispsize[0]/2, int(self.dispsize[1]*0.2)), center=True) self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') self.disp.fill(self.screen) self.screen.clear() # clear screen again # wait for spacepress self.kb.get_key(keylist=['space'], timeout=None) # show fixation self.disp.fill() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot') self.disp.fill(self.screen) self.screen.clear() # wait for a bit, to allow participant to fixate clock.pause(500) # get samples sl = [self.sample()] # samplelist, prefilled with 1 sample to prevent sl[-1] from producing an error; first sample will be ignored for RMS calculation t0 = clock.get_time() # starting time while clock.get_time() - t0 < 1000: s = self.sample() # sample if s != sl[-1] and s != (-1,-1) and s != (0,0): sl.append(s) # calculate RMS noise Xvar = [] Yvar = [] for i in range(2,len(sl)): Xvar.append((sl[i][0]-sl[i-1][0])**2) Yvar.append((sl[i][1]-sl[i-1][1])**2) XRMS = (sum(Xvar) / len(Xvar))**0.5 YRMS = (sum(Yvar) / len(Yvar))**0.5 self.pxdsttresh = (XRMS, YRMS) # calculate pixels per cm pixpercm = (self.dispsize[0]/float(self.screensize[0]) + self.dispsize[1]/float(self.screensize[1])) / 2 # get accuracy res = 0; i = 0 while res != 1 and i < self.maxtries: # multiple tries, in case no (valid) sample is available res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetAccuracy(byref(accuracyData),0) # 0 is for 'no visualization' i += 1 clock.pause(int(self.sampletime)) # wait for sampletime if res == 1: self.accuracy = ((accuracyData.deviationLX,accuracyData.deviationLY), (accuracyData.deviationLX,accuracyData.deviationLY)) # dsttresh = (left tuple, right tuple); tuple = (horizontal deviation, vertical deviation) in degrees of visual angle else: err = errorstring(res) print("WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: failed to obtain accuracy data; %s" % err) self.accuracy = ((2,2),(2,2)) print("libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: As an estimate, the intersample distance threshhold was set to it's default value of 2 degrees") # get distance from screen to eyes (information from tracker) res = 0; i = 0 while res != 1 and i < self.maxtries: # multiple tries, in case no (valid) sample is available res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSample(byref(sampleData)) i += 1 clock.pause(int(self.sampletime)) # wait for sampletime if res == 1: screendist = sampleData.leftEye.eyePositionZ / 10.0 # eyePositionZ is in mm; screendist is in cm else: err = errorstring(res) print("WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: failed to obtain screen distance; %s" % err) screendist = SCREENDIST print("libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: As an estimate, the screendistance was set to it's default value of 57 cm") # calculate thresholds based on tracker settings self.pxerrdist = deg2pix(screendist, self.errdist, pixpercm) self.pxfixtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.fixtresh, pixpercm) self.pxaccuracy = ((deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[0][0], pixpercm),deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[0][1], pixpercm)), (deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[1][0], pixpercm),deg2pix(screendist, self.accuracy[1][1], pixpercm))) self.pxspdtresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.spdtresh/1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond self.pxacctresh = deg2pix(screendist, self.accthresh/1000.0, pixpercm) # in pixels per millisecond**2 # calibration report self.log("pygaze calibration report start") self.log("accuracy (degrees): LX=%s, LY=%s, RX=%s, RY=%s" % (self.accuracy[0][0],self.accuracy[0][1],self.accuracy[1][0],self.accuracy[1][1])) self.log("accuracy (in pixels): LX=%s, LY=%s, RX=%s, RY=%s" % (self.pxaccuracy[0][0],self.pxaccuracy[0][1],self.pxaccuracy[1][0],self.pxaccuracy[1][1])) self.log("precision (RMS noise in pixels): X=%s, Y=%s" % (self.pxdsttresh[0],self.pxdsttresh[1])) self.log("distance between participant and display: %s cm" % screendist) self.log("fixation threshold: %s pixels" % self.pxfixtresh) self.log("speed threshold: %s pixels/ms" % self.pxspdtresh) self.log("acceleration threshold: %s pixels/ms**2" % self.pxacctresh) self.log("pygaze calibration report end") return True # validation error else: print("WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: validation was unsuccesful %s" % verr) return False # calibration error else: print("WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.calibrate: calibration was unsuccesful; %s" % cerr) return False def close(self): """Neatly close connection to tracker arguments None returns Nothing -- saves data and sets self.connected to False """ # save data res = iViewXAPI.iV_SaveData(str(self.outputfile), str(self.description), str(self.participant), 1) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.close: failed to save data; %s" % err) # close connection iViewXAPI.iV_Disconnect() self.connected = False def connected(self): """Checks if the tracker is connected arguments None returns connected -- True if connection is established, False if not; sets self.connected to the same value """ res = iViewXAPI.iV_IsConnected() if res == 1: self.connected = True else: self.connected = False return self.connected def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Performs a drift check arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) fix_triggered -- Boolean indicating if drift check should be performed based on gaze position (fix_triggered = True) or on spacepress (fix_triggered = False) (default = False) returns checked -- Boolaan indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) if pos == None: pos = self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2 pressed = False while not pressed: pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key() if pressed: if pressed == 'escape' or pressed == 'q': print("libsmi.SMItracker.drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed") return self.calibrate(calibrate=True, validate=True) gazepos = self.sample() if ((gazepos[0]-pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1]-pos[1])**2)**0.5 < self.pxerrdist: return True else: return False def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=10, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=30): """Performs a fixation triggered drift correction by collecting a number of samples and calculating the average distance from the fixation position arguments None keyword arguments pos -- (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) min_samples -- minimal amount of samples after which an average deviation is calculated (default = 10) max_dev -- maximal deviation from fixation in pixels (default = 60) reset_threshold -- if the horizontal or vertical distance in pixels between two consecutive samples is larger than this threshold, the sample collection is reset (default = 30) returns checked -- Boolaan indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed """ if pos == None: pos = self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2 # loop until we have sufficient samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # pressing escape enters the calibration screen if self.kb.get_key()[0] in ['escape','q']: print("libsmi.SMItracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction: 'q' or 'escape' pressed") return self.calibrate(calibrate=True, validate=True) # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # collect samples else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0]) ** 2 + (avg_y - pos[1]) ** 2)**0.5 if d < max_dev: return True else: lx = [] ly = [] def get_eyetracker_clock_async(self): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def log(self, msg): """Writes a message to the log file arguments ms -- a string to include in the log file returns Nothing -- uses native log function of iViewX to include a line in the log file """ res = iViewXAPI.iV_Log(c_char_p(msg)) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) print("WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.log: failed to log message '%s'; %s" % (msg,err)) def log_var(self, var, val): """Writes a variable to the log file arguments var -- variable name val -- variable value returns Nothing -- uses native log function of iViewX to include a line in the log file in a "var NAME VALUE" layout """ msg = "var %s %s" % (var, val) res = iViewXAPI.iV_Log(c_char_p(msg)) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) print("WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.log_var: failed to log variable '%s' with value '%s'; %s" % (var,val,err)) def prepare_backdrop(self): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def prepare_drift_correction(self, pos): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def pupil_size(self): """Return pupil size arguments None returns pupil size -- returns pupil diameter for the eye that is currently being tracked (as specified by self.eye_used) or -1 when no data is obtainable """ res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSample(byref(sampleData)) # if a new sample exists if res == 1: # left eye if self.eye_used == self.left_eye: ps = sampleData.leftEye.diam # right eye else: ps = sampleData.rightEye.diam # set prvious pupil size to newest pupil size self.prevps = ps return ps # no new sample available elif res == 2: return self.prevps # invalid data else: # print warning to interpreter err = errorstring(res) print("WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.pupil_size: failed to obtain sample; %s" % err) return -1 def sample(self): """Returns newest available gaze position arguments None returns sample -- an (x,y) tuple or a (-1,-1) on an error """ res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSample(byref(sampleData)) if self.eye_used == self.right_eye: newsample = sampleData.rightEye.gazeX, sampleData.rightEye.gazeY else: newsample = sampleData.leftEye.gazeX, sampleData.leftEye.gazeY if res == 1: self.prevsample = newsample[:] return newsample elif res == 2: return self.prevsample else: err = errorstring(res) print("WARNING libsmi.SMItracker.sample: failed to obtain sample; %s" % err) return (-1,-1) def send_command(self, cmd): """Sends a command to the eye tracker arguments cmd -- the command (a string value) to be sent to iViewX returns Nothing """ try: iViewXAPI.iV_SendCommand(c_char_p(cmd)) except: raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.send_command: failed to send remote command to iViewX (iV_SendCommand might be deprecated)") def set_backdrop(self): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def set_eye_used(self): """Logs the eye_used variable, based on which eye was specified (if both eyes are being tracked, the left eye is used) arguments None returns Nothing -- logs which eye is used by calling self.log_var, e.g. self.log_var("eye_used", "right") """ if self.eye_used == self.right_eye: self.log_var("eye_used", "right") else: self.log_var("eye_used", "left") def start_recording(self): """Starts recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to True when recording is successfully started """ res = 0; i = 0 while res != 1 and i < self.maxtries: res = iViewXAPI.iV_StartRecording() i += 1 if res == 1: self.recording = True else: self.recording = False err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.start_recording: %s" % err) def status_msg(self, msg): """Not supported for SMItracker (yet)""" print("function not supported yet") def stop_recording(self): """Stop recording eye position arguments None returns Nothing -- sets self.recording to False when recording is successfully started """ res = 0; i = 0 while res != 1 and i < self.maxtries: res = iViewXAPI.iV_StopRecording() i += 1 if res == 1: self.recording = False else: self.recording = False err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.stop_recording: %s" % err) def set_detection_type(self, eventdetection): """Set the event detection type to either PyGaze algorithms, or native algorithms as provided by the manufacturer (only if available: detection type will default to PyGaze if no native functions are available) arguments eventdetection -- a string indicating which detection type should be employed: either 'pygaze' for PyGaze event detection algorithms or 'native' for manufacturers algorithms (only if available; will default to 'pygaze' if no native event detection is available) returns -- detection type for saccades, fixations and blinks in a tuple, e.g. ('pygaze','native','native') when 'native' was passed, but native detection was not available for saccade detection """ if eventdetection in ['pygaze','native']: self.eventdetection = eventdetection return ('pygaze','native','pygaze') def wait_for_event(self, event): """Waits for event arguments event -- an integer event code, one of the following: 3 = STARTBLINK 4 = ENDBLINK 5 = STARTSACC 6 = ENDSACC 7 = STARTFIX 8 = ENDFIX returns outcome -- a self.wait_for_* method is called, depending on the specified event; the return values of corresponding method are returned """ if event == 5: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_start() elif event == 6: outcome = self.wait_for_saccade_end() elif event == 7: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_start() elif event == 8: outcome = self.wait_for_fixation_end() elif event == 3: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_start() elif event == 4: outcome = self.wait_for_blink_end() else: raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.wait_for_event: eventcode %s is not supported" % event) return outcome def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Waits for a blink end and returns the blink ending time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink ending time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = True # loop while there is a blink while blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's valid if self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # if it is a valid sample, blinking has stopped blinking = False # return timestamp of blink end return clock.get_time() def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Waits for a blink start and returns the blink starting time arguments None returns timestamp -- blink starting time in milliseconds, as measured from experiment begin time """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer blink detection; PyGaze algorithm \ will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method blinking = False # loop until there is a blink while not blinking: # get newest sample gazepos = self.sample() # check if it's a valid sample if not self.is_valid_sample(gazepos): # get timestamp for possible blink start t0 = clock.get_time() # loop until a blink is determined, or a valid sample occurs while not self.is_valid_sample(self.sample()): # check if time has surpassed 150 ms if clock.get_time()-t0 >= 150: # return timestamp of blink start return t0 def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a fixation has ended; function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than self.pxfixtresh from the initial fixation position has been detected (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': moving = True while moving: # get newest event res = 0 while res != 1: res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetEvent(byref(eventData)) stime = clock.get_time() # check if event is a fixation (SMI only supports # fixations at the moment) if eventData.eventType == 'F': # get timestamp and starting position timediff = stime - (int(eventData.startTime) / 1000.0) etime = timediff + (int(eventData.endTime) / 1000.0) # time is in microseconds fixpos = (evenData.positionX, evenData.positionY) # return starting time and position return etime, fixpos # # # # # # PyGaze method else: # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than fixtresh # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected # get starting time and position stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() # loop until fixation has ended while True: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # get newest sample # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if sample deviates to much from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # break loop if deviation is too high break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a fixation is started; function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position remains reasonably stable (i.e. when most deviant samples are within self.pxfixtresh) for five samples in a row (self.pxfixtresh is created in self.calibration, based on self.fixtresh, a property defined in self.__init__) arguments None returns time, gazepos -- time is the starting time in milliseconds (from expstart), gazepos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation was initiated """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a fixation start # detection built into their API (only ending) print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer fixation START detection (only \ fixation ENDING; PyGaze algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when gaze position # remains reasonably stable for self.fixtimetresh # get starting position spos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(spos): spos = self.sample() # get starting time t0 = clock.get_time() # wait for reasonably stable position moving = True while moving: # get new sample npos = self.sample() # check if sample is valid if self.is_valid_sample(npos): # check if new sample is too far from starting position if (npos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (npos[1]-spos[1])**2 > self.pxfixtresh**2: # Pythagoras # if not, reset starting position and time spos = copy.copy(npos) t0 = clock.get_time() # if new sample is close to starting sample else: # get timestamp t1 = clock.get_time() # check if fixation time threshold has been surpassed if t1 - t0 >= self.fixtimetresh: # return time and starting position return t1, spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a saccade is ended; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos, endpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos and endpos are (x,y) gaze position tuples """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) t0, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() # get valid sample prevpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(prevpos): prevpos = self.sample() # get starting time, intersample distance, and velocity t1 = clock.get_time() s = ((prevpos[0]-spos[0])**2 + (prevpos[1]-spos[1])**2)**0.5 # = intersample distance = speed in px/sample v0 = s / (t1-t0) # run until velocity and acceleration go below threshold saccadic = True while saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # calculate distance s = ((newpos[0]-prevpos[0])**2 + (newpos[1]-prevpos[1])**2)**0.5 # = speed in pixels/sample # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1-t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1-v0) / (t1-t0) # acceleration in pixels/sample**2 (actually is v1-v0 / t1-t0; but t1-t0 = 1 sample) # check if velocity and acceleration are below threshold if v1 < self.pxspdtresh and (a > -1*self.pxacctresh and a < 0): saccadic = False epos = newpos[:] etime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return etime, spos, epos def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a saccade is started; based on Dalmaijer et al. (2013) online saccade detection algorithm arguments None returns endtime, startpos -- endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos is an (x,y) gaze position tuple """ # # # # # # SMI method if self.eventdetection == 'native': # print warning, since SMI does not have a blink detection # built into their API print("WARNING! 'native' event detection has been selected, \ but SMI does not offer saccade detection; PyGaze \ algorithm will be used") # # # # # # PyGaze method # get starting position (no blinks) newpos = self.sample() while not self.is_valid_sample(newpos): newpos = self.sample() # get starting time, position, intersampledistance, and velocity t0 = clock.get_time() prevpos = newpos[:] s = 0 v0 = 0 # get samples saccadic = False while not saccadic: # get new sample newpos = self.sample() t1 = clock.get_time() if self.is_valid_sample(newpos) and newpos != prevpos: # check if distance is larger than precision error sx = newpos[0]-prevpos[0]; sy = newpos[1]-prevpos[1] if (sx/self.pxdsttresh[0])**2 + (sy/self.pxdsttresh[1])**2 > self.weightdist: # weigthed distance: (sx/tx)**2 + (sy/ty)**2 > 1 means movement larger than RMS noise # calculate distance s = ((sx)**2 + (sy)**2)**0.5 # intersampledistance = speed in pixels/ms # calculate velocity v1 = s / (t1-t0) # calculate acceleration a = (v1-v0) / (t1-t0) # acceleration in pixels/ms**2 # check if either velocity or acceleration are above threshold values if v1 > self.pxspdtresh or a > self.pxacctresh: saccadic = True spos = prevpos[:] stime = clock.get_time() # update previous values t0 = copy.copy(t1) v0 = copy.copy(v1) # udate previous sample prevpos = newpos[:] return stime, spos def is_valid_sample(self, gazepos): """Checks if the sample provided is valid, based on SMI specific criteria (for internal use) arguments gazepos -- a (x,y) gaze position tuple, as returned by self.sample() returns valid -- a Boolean: True on a valid sample, False on an invalid sample """ # return False if a sample is invalid if gazepos == (-1,-1): return False # sometimes, on SMI devices, invalid samples can actually contain # numbers; these do elif sum(gazepos) < 10 and 0.0 in gazepos: return False # in any other case, the sample is valid return True
def __init__(self, display, ip='', sendport=4444, receiveport=5555, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, **args): """Initializes the SMItracker object arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments ip -- internal ip address for iViewX (default = '') sendport -- port number for iViewX sending (default = 4444) receiveport -- port number for iViewX receiving (default = 5555) logfile -- logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the SMI logfile, NOT the .idf file (default = LOGFILE) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, SMITracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = settings.DISPSIZE # display size in pixels self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw', freq=100, length=100) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile self.description = "experiment" # TODO: EXPERIMENT NAME self.participant = "participant" # TODO: PP NAME # eye tracker properties self.connected = False self.recording = False self.eye_used = 0 # 0=left, 1=right, 2=binocular self.left_eye = 0 self.right_eye = 1 self.binocular = 2 self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1, -1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) # set logger res = iViewXAPI.iV_SetLogger(c_int(1), c_char_p(logfile + '_SMILOG.txt')) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: failed to set logger; %s" % err) # first logger argument is for logging type (I'm guessing these are decimal bit codes) # LOG status bitcode # 1 = LOG_LEVEL_BUG 00001 # 2 = LOG_LEVEL_iV_FCT 00010 # 4 = LOG_LEVEL_ETCOM 00100 # 8 = LOG_LEVEL_ALL 01000 # 16 = LOG_LEVEL_IV_COMMAND 10000 # these can be used together, using a bitwise or, e.g.: 1|2|4 (bitcode 00111) # connect to iViewX res = iViewXAPI.iV_Connect(c_char_p(ip), c_int(sendport), c_char_p(ip), c_int(receiveport)) if res == 1: res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSystemInfo(byref(systemData)) self.samplerate = systemData.samplerate self.sampletime = 1000.0 / self.samplerate if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: failed to get system information; %s" % err) # handle connection errors else: self.connected = False err = errorstring(res) raise Exception( "Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: establishing connection failed; %s" % err) # initiation report self.log("pygaze initiation report start") self.log("experiment: %s" % self.description) self.log("participant: %s" % self.participant) self.log("display resolution: %sx%s" % (self.dispsize[0], self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm: %sx%s" % (self.screensize[0], self.screensize[1])) self.log("samplerate: %s Hz" % self.samplerate) self.log("sampletime: %s ms" % self.sampletime) self.log("fixation threshold: %s degrees" % self.fixtresh) self.log("speed threshold: %s degrees/second" % self.spdtresh) self.log("acceleration threshold: %s degrees/second**2" % self.accthresh) self.log("pygaze initiation report end")
def __init__(self, display, ip='', sendport=4444, receiveport= \ 5555, logfile=LOGFILE, eventdetection=EVENTDETECTION, \ saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, \ **args): """Initializes the SMItracker object arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments ip -- internal ip address for iViewX (default = '') sendport -- port number for iViewX sending (default = 4444) receiveport -- port number for iViewX receiving (default = 5555) logfile -- logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the SMI logfile, NOT the .idf file (default = LOGFILE) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, SMITracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = DISPSIZE # display size in pixels self.screensize = SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile self.description = "experiment" # TODO: EXPERIMENT NAME self.participant = "participant" # TODO: PP NAME # eye tracker properties self.connected = False self.recording = False self.eye_used = 0 # 0=left, 1=right, 2=binocular self.left_eye = 0 self.right_eye = 1 self.binocular = 2 self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1,-1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) # set logger res = iViewXAPI.iV_SetLogger(c_int(1), c_char_p(logfile + '_SMILOG.txt')) if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: failed to set logger; %s" % err) # first logger argument is for logging type (I'm guessing these are decimal bit codes) # LOG status bitcode # 1 = LOG_LEVEL_BUG 00001 # 2 = LOG_LEVEL_iV_FCT 00010 # 4 = LOG_LEVEL_ETCOM 00100 # 8 = LOG_LEVEL_ALL 01000 # 16 = LOG_LEVEL_IV_COMMAND 10000 # these can be used together, using a bitwise or, e.g.: 1|2|4 (bitcode 00111) # connect to iViewX res = iViewXAPI.iV_Connect(c_char_p(ip), c_int(sendport), c_char_p(ip), c_int(receiveport)) if res == 1: res = iViewXAPI.iV_GetSystemInfo(byref(systemData)) self.samplerate = systemData.samplerate self.sampletime = 1000.0 / self.samplerate if res != 1: err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: failed to get system information; %s" % err) # handle connection errors else: self.connected = False err = errorstring(res) raise Exception("Error in libsmi.SMItracker.__init__: establishing connection failed; %s" % err) # initiation report self.log("pygaze initiation report start") self.log("experiment: %s" % self.description) self.log("participant: %s" % self.participant) self.log("display resolution: %sx%s" % (self.dispsize[0],self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm: %sx%s" % (self.screensize[0],self.screensize[1])) self.log("samplerate: %s Hz" % self.samplerate) self.log("sampletime: %s ms" % self.sampletime) self.log("fixation threshold: %s degrees" % self.fixtresh) self.log("speed threshold: %s degrees/second" % self.spdtresh) self.log("acceleration threshold: %s degrees/second**2" % self.accthresh) self.log("pygaze initiation report end")
def __init__(self, display, logfile=settings.LOGFILE, \ alea_key=settings.ALEAKEY, \ animated_calibration=settings.ALEAANIMATEDCALIBRATION, \ eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, \ saccade_velocity_threshold=35, \ saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, \ blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, \ **args): """Initializes the AleaTracker object arguments display -- a pygaze.display.Display instance keyword arguments logfile -- logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the eye data log file (default = LOGFILE) """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, AleaTracker) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass # object properties self.disp = display self.screen = Screen() self.dispsize = self.disp.dispsize # display size in pixels self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE # display size in cm self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1) self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw', freq=100, length=100) # show a message self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="Initialising the eye tracker, please wait...", fontsize=20) self.disp.fill(self.screen) # output file properties self.outputfile = logfile + '.tsv' # calibration properties self.animated_calibration = animated_calibration == True # eye tracker properties self.connected = False self.recording = False self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction self.pxerrdist = 30 # initial error in pixels self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording) self.prevsample = (-1, -1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.blinkthresh = blink_threshold # milliseconds; blink detection threshold used in PyGaze method self.eventdetection = eventdetection self.set_detection_type(self.eventdetection) self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected) # connect to the tracker self.alea = OGAleaTracker(alea_key, file_path=self.outputfile) # get info on the sample rate # TODO: Compute after streaming some samples? self.samplerate = 60.0 self.sampletime = 1000.0 / self.samplerate # initiation report self.log("pygaze initiation report start") self.log("display resolution: {}x{}".format( \ self.dispsize[0], self.dispsize[1])) self.log("display size in cm: {}x{}".format( \ self.screensize[0], self.screensize[1])) self.log("samplerate: {} Hz".format(self.samplerate)) self.log("sampletime: {} ms".format(self.sampletime)) self.log("fixation threshold: {} degrees".format(self.fixtresh)) self.log("speed threshold: {} degrees/second".format(self.spdtresh)) self.log("acceleration threshold: {} degrees/second**2".format( \ self.accthresh)) self.log("pygaze initiation report end")
class EyelinkGraphics(custom_display): """ Implements the EyeLink graphics that are shown on the experimental PC, such as the camera image, and the calibration dots. This class only implements the drawing operations, and little to no of the logic behind the set-up, which is implemented in PyLink. """ def __init__(self, libeyelink, tracker): """ Constructor. Arguments: libeyelink -- A libeyelink object. tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay.__init__(self) # objects self.libeyelink = libeyelink self.display = libeyelink.display self.screen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=0) self.mouse = Mouse(timeout=0) if DISPTYPE == "pygame": self.kb.set_timeout(timeout=0.001) # If we are using a DISPTYPE that cannot be used directly, we have to # save the camera image to a temporary file on each frame. # if DISPTYPE not in ('pygame', 'psychopy'): import tempfile import os self.tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "__eyelink__.jpg") # drawing properties self.xc = self.display.dispsize[0] / 2 self.yc = self.display.dispsize[1] / 2 self.extra_info = True self.ld = 40 # line distance self.fontsize = libeyelink.fontsize self.title = "" self.display_open = True # menu self.menuscreen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Eyelink calibration menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 6 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=int(2 * self.fontsize), antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="%s (pygaze %s, pylink %s)" % (libeyelink.eyelink_model, pygaze.version, pylink.__version__), pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 5 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=int(0.8 * self.fontsize), antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press C to calibrate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 3 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press V to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 2 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press A to auto-threshold", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 1 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press I to toggle extra info in camera image", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 0 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press Enter to show camera image", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 1 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="(then change between images using the arrow keys)", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 2 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press Escape to abort experiment", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 4 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press Q to exit menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 5 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) # beeps self.__target_beep__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=440, length=50, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=880, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=220, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) # Colors self.color = { pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("green"), pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), "font": pygame.Color("white"), } # Font pygame.font.init() self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", 11) # further properties self.state = None self.pal = None self.size = (0, 0) self.set_tracker(tracker) self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.bit64 = "64bit" in platform.architecture() self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def close(self): """ Is called when the connection and display are shutting down. """ self.display_open = False def new_array(self): """ Creates a new array with a system-specific format. Returns: An array. """ # On 64 bit Linux, we need to use an unsigned int data format. # < # sending-eye-image-to-display-PC&highlight=ubuntu+pylink> if == "posix" and self.bit64: return array.array("I") return array.array("L") def set_tracker(self, tracker): """ Connects the tracker to the graphics environment. Arguments: tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ self.tracker = tracker self.tracker_version = tracker.getTrackerVersion() if self.tracker_version >= 3: self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("track_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_click=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_repeat=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_camera_position_detect=YES") def setup_cal_display(self): """ Sets up the initial calibration display, which contains a menu with instructions. """ # show instructions self.display.fill(self.menuscreen) def exit_cal_display(self): """Exits calibration display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def record_abort_hide(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" pass def clear_cal_display(self): """Clears the calibration display""" self.display.fill() def erase_cal_target(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" self.clear_cal_display() def draw_cal_target(self, x, y): """ Draws calibration target. Arguments: x -- The X coordinate of the target. y -- The Y coordinate of the target. """ self.play_beep(pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP) self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype="dot", pos=(x, y)) self.display.fill(screen=self.screen) def play_beep(self, beepid): """ Plays a sound. Arguments: beepid -- A number that identifies the sound. """ if beepid == pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP: # For some reason, playing the beep here doesn't work, so we have # to play it when the calibration target is drawn. if EYELINKCALBEEP: elif beepid == pylink.CAL_ERR_BEEP or beepid == pylink.DC_ERR_BEEP: # show a picture self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="calibration lost, press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep elif beepid == pylink.CAL_GOOD_BEEP: self.screen.clear() if self.state == "calibration": self.screen.draw_text( text="Calibration succesfull, press 'v' to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) elif self.state == "validation": self.screen.draw_text( text="Validation succesfull, press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) else: self.screen.draw_text( text="Press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) # show screen self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep else: # DC_GOOD_BEEP or DC_TARG_BEEP pass def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorindex): """ Unlike the function name suggests, this draws a single pixel. I.e. the end coordinates are always exactly one pixel away from the start coordinates. Arguments: x1 -- The starting x. y1 -- The starting y. x2 -- The end x. y2 -- The end y. colorIndex -- A color index. """ x1 = int(self.scale * x1) y1 = int(self.scale * y1) x2 = int(self.scale * x2) y2 = int(self.scale * y2) pygame.draw.line(self.cam_img, self.color[colorindex], (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) def draw_lozenge(self, x, y, w, h, colorindex): """ desc: Draws a rectangle. arguments: x: desc: X coordinate. type: int y: desc: Y coordinate. type: int w: desc: A width. type: int h: desc: A height. type: int colorindex: desc: A colorindex. type: int """ x = int(self.scale * x) y = int(self.scale * y) w = int(self.scale * w) h = int(self.scale * h) pygame.draw.rect(self.cam_img, self.color[colorindex], (x, y, w, h), 2) def draw_title(self): """ desc: Draws title info. """ y = 0 for line in self.title: surf = self.font.render(line, 0, self.color["font"]) self.cam_img.blit(surf, (1, y)) y += 12 def get_mouse_state(self): """ desc: Gets the mouse position and state. returns: desc: A (pos, state) tuple. type: tuple. """ button, pos, time = self.mouse.get_clicked() if button == None: button = -1 if pos == None: pos = self.mouse.get_pos() return pos, button def get_input_key(self): """ Gets an input key. Returns: A list containing a single pylink key identifier. """ # Don't try to collect key presses when the display is no longer # available. This is necessary, because pylink polls key presses during # file transfer, which generally occurs after the display has been # closed. if not self.display_open: return None try: key, time = self.kb.get_key(keylist=None, timeout="default") except: self.esc_pressed = True key = "q" if key == None: return None # Escape functions as a 'q' with the additional esc_pressed flag if key == "escape": key = "q" self.esc_pressed = True # Process regular keys if key == "return": keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY self.state = None elif key == "space": keycode = ord(" ") elif key == "q": keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY self.state = None elif key == "c": keycode = ord("c") self.state = "calibration" elif key == "v": keycode = ord("v") self.state = "validation" elif key == "a": keycode = ord("a") elif key == "i": self.extra_info = not self.extra_info keycode = 0 elif key == "up": keycode = pylink.CURS_UP elif key == "down": keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN elif key == "left": keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT elif key == "right": keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT else: keycode = 0 # Convert key to PyLink keycode and return return [pylink.KeyInput(keycode, 0)] # 0 = pygame.KMOD_NONE def exit_image_display(self): """Exits the image display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def alert_printf(self, msg): """ Prints alert message. Arguments: msg -- The message to be played. """ print "eyelink_graphics.alert_printf(): %s" % msg def setup_image_display(self, width, height): """ Initializes the buffer that will contain the camera image. Arguments: width -- The width of the image. height -- The height of the image. """ self.size = width, height self.clear_cal_display() self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def image_title(self, text): """ Sets the current image title. Arguments: text -- An image title. """ while ": " in text: text = text.replace(": ", ":") self.title = text.split() def draw_image_line(self, width, line, totlines, buff): """ Draws a single eye video frame, line by line. Arguments: width -- Width of the video. line -- Line nr of current line. totlines -- Total lines in video. buff -- Frame buffer. imagesize -- The size of the image, which is (usually?) 192x160 px. """ # If the buffer hasn't been filled yet, add a line. for i in range(width): try: self.imagebuffer.append(self.pal[buff[i]]) except: pass # If the buffer is full, push it to the display. if line == totlines: self.scale = totlines / 320.0 self._size = int(self.scale * self.size[0]), int(self.scale * self.size[1]) # Convert the image buffer to a pygame image, save it ... self.cam_img = pygame.image.fromstring(self.imagebuffer.tostring(), self._size, "RGBX") if self.extra_info: self.draw_cross_hair() self.draw_title(), self.tmp_file) # ... and then show the image. self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_image(self.tmp_file, scale=1.5 / self.scale) self.display.fill(self.screen) # Clear the buffer for the next round! self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def set_image_palette(self, r, g, b): """ Sets the image palette. TODO: What this function actually does is highly mysterious. Figure it out! Arguments: r -- The red channel. g -- The green channel. b -- The blue channel. """ self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() self.clear_cal_display() sz = len(r) i = 0 self.pal = [] while i < sz: rf = int(b[i]) gf = int(g[i]) bf = int(r[i]) self.pal.append((rf << 16) | (gf << 8) | (bf)) i += 1
mouse = Mouse(mousebuttonlist=None, timeout=None) # Initialise a log. log = Logfile() header = ['trialnr', 'nstim', 'fixonset', 'stimonset', 'maintenanceonset', \ 'probeonset', 'RT', 'response'] for i in range(max(NSTIM)): header.extend(['stimx%d' % (i), 'stimy%d' % (i), 'stimori%d' % (i), \ 'stimerror%d' % (i)]) header.extend(['E', 'X', 'T']) for i in range(max(NSTIM)-1): header.append('NT%d' % i) log.write(header) # Initialise a blank Screen for ad-hoc drawing. scr = Screen() # Initialise a blank Screen. blankscr = Screen() # Initialise a fixation Screen. fixscr = Screen() fixscr.draw_fixation(fixtype=FIXTYPE, diameter=FIXSIZE, pw=FIXPW) # Initialise stimulus and probe Screens. stimscr = {} probescr = {} for nstim in NSTIM: locs = nstim * [DISPCENTRE] oris = nstim * [0] stimscr[nstim] = StimScreen(nstim, locs, oris, \
def __init__(self, libeyelink, tracker): """ Constructor. Arguments: libeyelink -- A libeyelink object. tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay.__init__(self) # objects self.libeyelink = libeyelink self.display = libeyelink.display self.screen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=0) self.mouse = Mouse(timeout=0) if DISPTYPE == "pygame": self.kb.set_timeout(timeout=0.001) # If we are using a DISPTYPE that cannot be used directly, we have to # save the camera image to a temporary file on each frame. # if DISPTYPE not in ('pygame', 'psychopy'): import tempfile import os self.tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "__eyelink__.jpg") # drawing properties self.xc = self.display.dispsize[0] / 2 self.yc = self.display.dispsize[1] / 2 self.extra_info = True self.ld = 40 # line distance self.fontsize = libeyelink.fontsize self.title = "" self.display_open = True # menu self.menuscreen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Eyelink calibration menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 6 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=int(2 * self.fontsize), antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="%s (pygaze %s, pylink %s)" % (libeyelink.eyelink_model, pygaze.version, pylink.__version__), pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 5 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=int(0.8 * self.fontsize), antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press C to calibrate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 3 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press V to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 2 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press A to auto-threshold", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 1 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press I to toggle extra info in camera image", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 0 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press Enter to show camera image", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 1 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="(then change between images using the arrow keys)", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 2 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press Escape to abort experiment", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 4 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press Q to exit menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 5 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) # beeps self.__target_beep__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=440, length=50, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=880, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=220, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) # Colors self.color = { pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("green"), pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), "font": pygame.Color("white"), } # Font pygame.font.init() self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", 11) # further properties self.state = None self.pal = None self.size = (0, 0) self.set_tracker(tracker) self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.bit64 = "64bit" in platform.architecture() self.imagebuffer = self.new_array()
def __init__(self, display, resolution=settings.DISPSIZE, data_file=settings.LOGFILENAME + ".edf", fg_color=settings.FGC, bg_color=settings.BGC, eventdetection=settings.EVENTDETECTION, saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, blink_threshold=settings.BLINKTHRESH, force_drift_correct=True, pupil_size_mode=settings.EYELINKPUPILSIZEMODE, **args): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" # try to import copy docstring (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, libeyelink) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass global _eyelink # Make sure that we have a valid data file. The local_data_file may # contain a folder. The eyelink_data_file is only a basename, i.e. # without folder. The eyelink_data_file must be at most eight characters # and end with a `.edf` extension. self.local_data_file = data_file self.eyelink_data_file = os.path.basename(data_file) stem, ext = os.path.splitext(self.eyelink_data_file) if len(stem) > 8 or ext.lower() != '.edf': raise Exception( "The EyeLink cannot handle filenames longer than eight " "characters (excluding '.edf' extension).") # properties self.display = display self.fontsize = 18 self.scr = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=1) self.resolution = resolution self.recording = False self.saccade_velocity_treshold = saccade_velocity_threshold self.saccade_acceleration_treshold = saccade_acceleration_threshold self.blink_threshold = blink_threshold self.eye_used = None self.left_eye = 0 self.right_eye = 1 self.binocular = 2 self.pupil_size_mode = pupil_size_mode self.prevsample = (-1, -1) self.prevps = -1 # event detection properties # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond # this, fixation has stopped) self.fixtresh = 1.5 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh # to be marked as a fixation self.fixtimetresh = 100 # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold self.spdtresh = self.saccade_velocity_treshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold self.accthresh = self.saccade_acceleration_treshold self.set_detection_type(eventdetection) # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to # measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will # result in only larger saccades to be detected) self.weightdist = 10 # distance between participant and screen in cm self.screendist = settings.SCREENDIST # distance between participant and screen in cm self.screensize = settings.SCREENSIZE self.pixpercm = (self.resolution[0]/float(self.screensize[0]) + \ self.resolution[1]/float(self.screensize[1])) / 2.0 # only initialize eyelink once if _eyelink == None: try: _eyelink = pylink.EyeLink() except: raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.__init__(): Failed to " "connect to the tracker!") # determine software version of tracker self.tracker_software_ver = 0 self.eyelink_ver = pylink.getEYELINK().getTrackerVersion() if self.eyelink_ver == 3: tvstr = pylink.getEYELINK().getTrackerVersionString() vindex = tvstr.find("EYELINK CL") self.tracker_software_ver = int(float(tvstr[(vindex + \ len("EYELINK CL")):].strip())) if self.eyelink_ver == 1: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink I' elif self.eyelink_ver == 2: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink II' elif self.eyelink_ver == 3: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink 1000' else: self.eyelink_model = 'EyeLink (model unknown)' # Open graphics self.eyelink_graphics = EyelinkGraphics(self, _eyelink) pylink.openGraphicsEx(self.eyelink_graphics) # Optionally force drift correction. For some reason this must be done # as (one of) the first things, otherwise a segmentation fault occurs. if force_drift_correct: try: self.send_command('driftcorrect_cr_disable = OFF') except: print('Failed to force drift correction (EyeLink 1000 only)') # Set pupil-size mode if self.pupil_size_mode == 'area': pylink.getEYELINK().setPupilSizeDiameter(False) elif self.pupil_size_mode == 'diameter': pylink.getEYELINK().setPupilSizeDiameter(True) else: raise Exception( "pupil_size_mode should be 'area' or 'diameter', not %s" \ % self.pupil_size_mode) pylink.getEYELINK().openDataFile(self.eyelink_data_file) pylink.flushGetkeyQueue() pylink.getEYELINK().setOfflineMode() # notify eyelink of display resolution self.send_command("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d" % \ (self.resolution[0], self.resolution[1])) # get some configuration stuff if self.eyelink_ver >= 2: self.send_command("select_parser_configuration 0") if self.eyelink_ver == 2: # turn off scenelink camera stuff self.send_command("scene_camera_gazemap = NO") # set EDF file contents (this specifies which data is written to the EDF # file) self.send_command( "file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON" ) if self.tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.send_command( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.send_command( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") # set link data (this specifies which data is sent through the link and # thus can be used in gaze contingent displays) self.send_command( "link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") if self.tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.send_command( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.send_command( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") # not quite sure what this means (according to Sebastiaan Mathot, it # might be the button that is used to end drift correction?) self.send_command("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'") if not self.connected(): raise Exception( "Error in libeyelink.libeyelink.__init__(): Failed to connect " "to the eyetracker!")
class Dummy(DumbDummy): """A dummy class to run experiments in dummy mode, where eye movements are simulated by the mouse""" def __init__(self, display): """Initiates an eyetracker dummy object, that simulates gaze position using the mouse arguments display -- a pygaze display.Display instance keyword arguments None """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, Dummy) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass self.recording = False self.blinking = False self.bbpos = (settings.DISPSIZE[0]/2, settings.DISPSIZE[1]/2) self.resolution = settings.DISPSIZE[:] self.simulator = Mouse(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousebuttonlist=None, timeout=2, visible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, keylist=None, timeout=None) self.angrybeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.display = display self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) def calibrate(self): """Dummy calibration""" print("Calibration would now take place") clock.pause(1000) def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Dummy drift correction""" print("Drift correction would now take place") if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) if pos == None: pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2 # show mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) # show fixation dot self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) # perform drift check errdist = 60 # pixels (on a 1024x768px and 39.9x29.9cm monitor at 67 cm, this is about 2 degrees of visual angle) pressed = None while True: # check for keyboard input pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q','escape','space'], timeout=1) # quit key if pressed in ['q','escape']: # hide mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return False # space bar elif pressed == 'space': # get sample gazepos = self.sample() # sample is close enough to fixation dot if ((gazepos[0]-pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1]-pos[1])**2)**0.5 < errdist: # hide mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return True # sample is NOT close enough to fixation dot else: # show discontent def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=30, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=10): """Dummy drift correction (fixation triggered)""" print("Drift correction (fixation triggered) would now take place") if pos == None: pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2 # show mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) # show fixation dot self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) while True: # loop until we have sufficient samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # pressing escape enters the calibration screen if self.kb.get_key(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=0)[0] != None: self.recording = False print("libeyetracker.libeyetracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): 'q' pressed") self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return False # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # collect samples else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) # check if samples are within max. deviation if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0]) ** 2 + (avg_y - pos[1]) ** 2)**0.5 if d < max_dev: self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return True else: lx = [] ly = [] def start_recording(self): """Dummy for starting recording, prints what would have been the recording start""" self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) dumrectime = clock.get_time() self.recording = True print("Recording would have started at: " + str(dumrectime)) def stop_recording(self): """Dummy for stopping recording, prints what would have been the recording end""" self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) dumrectime = clock.get_time() self.recording = False print("Recording would have stopped at: " + str(dumrectime)) def close(self): """Dummy for closing connection with eyetracker, prints what would have been connection closing time""" if self.recording: self.stop_recording() closetime = clock.get_time() print("eyetracker connection would have closed at: " + str(closetime)) def pupil_size(self): """Returns dummy pupil size""" return 19 def sample(self): """Returns simulated gaze position (=mouse position)""" if self.blinking: if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown self.simulator.set_pos(pos=(self.bbpos[0],self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position elif not self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttonup self.simulator.set_pos(pos=self.bbpos) # set position to position before blinking self.blinking = False # 'blink' stopped elif not self.blinking: if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown self.blinking = True # 'blink' started self.bbpos = self.simulator.get_pos() # position before blinking self.simulator.set_pos(pos=(self.bbpos[0],self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position return self.simulator.get_pos() def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a simulated saccade is started""" # function assumes that a 'saccade' has been started when a deviation of more than # maxerr from the initial 'gaze' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse) spos = self.sample() # starting position maxerr = 3 # pixels while True: npos = self.sample() # get newest sample if ((spos[0]-npos[0])**2 + (spos[1]-npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a simulated saccade is ended""" # function assumes that a 'saccade' has ended when 'gaze' position remains reasonably # (i.e.: within maxerr) stable for five samples # for saccade start algorithm, see wait_for_fixation_start stime, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() maxerr = 3 # pixels # wait for reasonably stable position xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate) yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate) moving = True while moving: # check positions npos = self.sample() xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample if len(xl) == 5: # check if deviation is small enough if max(xl)-min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl)-min(yl) < maxerr: moving = False # remove oldest sample xl.pop(0); yl.pop(0) # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves) clock.pause(10) return clock.get_time(), spos, (xl[len(xl)-1],yl[len(yl)-1]) def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a simulated fixation is started""" # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when 'gaze' position remains reasonably # stable for five samples in a row (same as saccade end) maxerr = 3 # pixels # wait for reasonably stable position xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate) yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate) moving = True while moving: npos = self.sample() xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample if len(xl) == 5: # check if deviation is small enough if max(xl)-min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl)-min(yl) < maxerr: moving = False # remove oldest sample xl.pop(0); yl.pop(0) # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves) clock.pause(10) return clock.get_time(), (xl[len(xl)-1],yl[len(yl)-1]) def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a simulated fixation is ended""" # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than maxerr # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse) stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() maxerr = 3 # pixels while True: npos = self.sample() # get newest sample if ((spos[0]-npos[0])**2 + (spos[1]-npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Returns starting time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttondown)""" # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening. while not self.blinking: pos = self.sample() return clock.get_time(), pos def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Returns ending time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttonup)""" # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening. # wait for blink start while not self.blinking: spos = self.sample() # wait for blink end while self.blinking: epos = self.sample() return clock.get_time(), epos def set_draw_drift_correction_target_func(self, func): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.draw_drift_correction_target = func # *** # # Internal functions below # # *** def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y): """ Draws the drift-correction target. arguments x -- The X coordinate y -- The Y coordinate """ self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=settings.FGC, \ pos=(x,y), pw=0, diameter=12) self.display.fill(self.screen)