def publisher(**kwargs): geckopy.init_node(**kwargs) rate = geckopy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz # p = geckopy.Publisher(['camera']) p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(kwargs.get('key'), kwargs.get('topic')) if p is None: raise Exception("publisher is None") # determine if we should use picamera or standard usb camera # if platform.system() == 'Linux': # picam = True # else: # picam = False # # camera = VideoStream(usePiCamera=picam) # camera.start() while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): img = # img = cv2.resize(img, (320, 240)) # img = cv2.resize(img, (640, 480)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) msg = image2msg(img) p.publish('camera', msg) rate.sleep() print('pub bye ...')
def publisher(**kwargs): geckopy.init_node() exit = kwargs['exit'] pt = kwargs["pub"] key = kwargs["key"] topic = kwargs["topic"] if pt == "bindtcp": p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(key, topic) elif pt == "connecttcp": p = geckopy.pubConnectTCP(key, topic) elif pt == "binduds": p = geckopy.pubBinderUDS(key, topic, "/tmp/pygecko_test") elif pt == "connectuds": p = geckopy.pubConnectUDS(key, topic) if p is None: assert False, "<<< Couldn't get Pub from geckocore >>>" for _ in range(100): if exit.is_set(): # print("exit") break p.publish(msg.SerializeToString()) time.sleep(0.1)
def __init__(self, port, key): geckopy.init_node() = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(key, 'create') self.sub = geckopy.subConnectTCP(key, 'cmd') # Create a Create2 = Create2(port)
def publisher(**kwargs): geckopy.init_node() rate = geckopy.Rate(10) tcp = kwargs["useTcp"] key = kwargs["key"] if tcp: p = pubBinderTCP(key, 'twist_kb') else: p = pubBinderUDS(key, 'twist_kb', fname=kwargs["udsfile"]) if p is None: return ang = [0, 0, 0] lin = [0, 0, 0] while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): # have to do some fancy stuff to avoid sending \n all the time fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(fd) key = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) if key not in ['a', 'd', 'w', 'x', 's', 'q']: continue print('>>>', key) if key == 'a': ang[2] += 0.1 ang[2] = limit_max(ang[2]) elif key == 'd': ang[2] -= 0.1 ang[2] = limit_min(ang[2]) elif key == 'w': lin[0] += 0.1 lin[0] = limit_max(lin[0]) elif key == 'x': lin[0] -= 0.1 lin[0] = limit_min(lin[0]) elif key == 's': # stop - all 0's ang = [0, 0, 0] lin = [0, 0, 0] elif key == 'q': break twist = twist_t(vec_t(*lin), vec_t(*ang)) p.publish(twist) # topic msg rate.sleep()
def main(): if True: sp = GeckoSimpleProcess() sp.start(func=core, name='geckocore', kwargs={}) print("<<< Starting Roomba >>>") port = "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT231X_USB_UART_DA01NX3Z-if00-port0" bot = Create2(port) bot.start() bot.full() geckopy.init_node() rate = geckopy.Rate(10) # loop rate # s = geckopy.subBinderUDS(key, 'cmd', "/tmp/cmd") s = geckopy.subBinderTCP(key, 'cmd') if s is None: raise Exception("subscriber is None") # p = geckopy.pubBinderUDS(key,'create2',"/tmp/create") p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(key, 'create2') if p is None: raise Exception("publisher is None") print("<<< Starting Loop >>>") try: bot.drive_direct(200, 200) while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): sensors = bot.get_sensors() # returns all data batt = 100 * sensors.battery_charge / sensors.battery_capacity # print(">> batter: {:.1f}".format(batt)) bot.digit_led_ascii("{:4}".format(int(batt))) # bot.digit_led_ascii("80") # print(">> ir:", sensors.light_bumper) # print(">> ir:", end=" ") # for i in range(6): # print("{:.1f}".format(sensors[35 + i]), end=" ") # print(" ") # msg = sensors # p.publish(msg) msg = s.recv_nb() if msg: print(msg) rate.sleep() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("bye ...") bot.drive_stop() # time.sleep(1) # bot.close() print("<<< Exiting >>>")
def imu_pub(): geckopy.init_node() rate = geckopy.Rate(2) p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(KEY, "imu") if p is None: raise Exception("publisher is None") imu = NXP_IMU() while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): msg = imu.get() p.publish(msg) # topic msg rate.sleep() print('imu pub bye ...')
def publisher(**kwargs): geckopy.init_node(**kwargs) rate = geckopy.Rate(2) topic = kwargs.get('topic') p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(kwargs.get('key'), topic) start = time.time() cnt = 0 while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): msg = cnt p.publish(msg) # topic msg geckopy.logdebug('{}[{}] published msg'.format(topic, cnt)) cnt += 1 rate.sleep() print('pub bye ...')
def pub(**kwargs): geckopy.init_node(**kwargs) rate = geckopy.Rate(2) p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP("local", "bob2") if (p == None): print("ERROR setting up publisher") return cnt = 0 v = vec_t(1, 2, 3) m = imu_st(v, v, v) while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): # m = imu_st(v,v,v) p.publish(m) print("sent") rate.sleep() cnt += 1
def camera_pub(): geckopy.init_node() rate = geckopy.Rate(2) p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(KEY, "camera") if p is None: raise Exception("publisher is None") cam = PiCamera() while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): # img = img = True if img: msg = "hi" p.publish(msg) rate.sleep() print('camera pub bye ...')
def publisher(**kwargs): geckopy.init_node(**kwargs) rate = geckopy.Rate(2) p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(kwargs.get('key'), kwargs.get('topic')) if p is None: print("** publisher is None") return start = time.time() cnt = 0 while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): msg = {'time': time.time() - start} p.publish(msg) # topic msg geckopy.logdebug('[{}] published msg'.format(cnt)) cnt += 1 rate.sleep() print('pub bye ...')
def publish(**kwargs): geckopy.init_node(**kwargs) rate = geckopy.Rate(1) key = kwargs.get('key') topic = kwargs.get('topic') p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(key, topic) datumn = time.time() while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): msg = { 'time': time.time() - datumn, 'double': 3.14, 'int': 5, 'array': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] } p.publish(msg) rate.sleep() print('pub bye ...')
def publisher(**kwargs): geckopy.init_node() rate = geckopy.Rate(2) logger = geckopy.getLogger(__name__) p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(kwargs.get('key'), kwargs.get('topic')) if p is None: logger.error("publisher is None") return cnt = 0 while geckopy.ok(): msg = Vector() msg.x = 1 msg.y = 2 msg.z = 3 p.publish(protobufPack(msg)) # topic msg logger.debug('[{}] published msg'.format(cnt)) cnt += 1 rate.sleep() print('pub bye ...')
def loop(self, **kwargs): geckopy.init_node(**kwargs) rate = geckopy.Rate(2) sr = geckopy.subConnectTCP(kwargs.get('key'), 'ryan') ss = geckopy.subConnectTCP(kwargs.get('key'), 'scott') p = geckopy.pubBinderTCP(kwargs.get('key'), 'ans') start = time.time() while not geckopy.is_shutdown(): m = sr.recv_nb() if m: self.r = m m = ss.recv_nb() if m: self.s = m msg = {'ans': self.s + self.r} p.publish(msg) # topic msg geckopy.logdebug('ans msg: {}'.format(msg)) rate.sleep() print('pub bye ...')