Example #1
    for iattr in range(1, nattr+1):
        dum    = 0        ;print ".  iattr       ->", iattr
        foo    = gem.getAttribute(myModel, "BRANCH", ibranch, iattr)
        aname  = foo[0]   ;print ".  .  aname    ->", aname
        values = foo[1]   ;print ".  .  values   ->", values

# get information about each of the BReps
for myBRep in myBReps:
    dum      = 0          ;print "myBRep         ->", myBRep
    foo      = gem.getBRepOwner(myBRep)
    model    = foo[0]     ;print ".  model       ->", model
    instance = foo[1]     ;print ".  instance    ->", instance
    branch   = foo[2]     ;print ".  branch      ->", branch

    foo    = gem.getMassProps(myBRep, "BREP", 0)
    volume = foo[ 0]      ;print ".  volume      ->", volume
    area   = foo[ 1]      ;print ".  area        ->", area
    xcg    = foo[ 2]      ;print ".  xcg         ->", xcg
    ycg    = foo[ 3]      ;print ".  ycg         ->", ycg
    zcg    = foo[ 4]      ;print ".  zcg         ->", zcg
    Ixx    = foo[ 5]      ;print ".  Ixx         ->", Ixx
    Ixy    = foo[ 6]      ;print ".  Ixy         ->", Ixy
    Ixz    = foo[ 7]      ;print ".  Ixz         ->", Ixz
    Iyx    = foo[ 8]      ;print ".  Iyx         ->", Iyx
    Iyy    = foo[ 9]      ;print ".  Iyy         ->", Iyy
    Iyz    = foo[10]      ;print ".  Iyz         ->", Iyz
    Izx    = foo[11]      ;print ".  Izx         ->", Izx
    Izy    = foo[12]      ;print ".  Izy         ->", Izy
    Izz    = foo[13]      ;print ".  Izz         ->", Izz
Example #2
volume_target = 15
dvoldymax     =  8

for iter in range(100):
    print "---------------------"
    print "iter  =", iter

    # get current design variable
    foo  = gem.getParam(myModel, 4)
    ymax = foo[3][0]
    print "ymax  =", ymax

    # get the objective function
    foo    = gem.getModel(myModel)
    myBRep = foo[4][0]
    foo    = gem.getMassProps(myBRep, "BREP", 0)
    volume = foo[0]
    print "volume=", volume

    # if we have converged, stop the iterations
    if (abs(volume-volume_target) < 0.001):

    # change the box height and regenerate the model
    ymax = ymax + (volume_target - volume) / dvoldymax
    print "ymax  =", ymax
    gem.setParam(myModel, 4, (ymax,))

# print and plot "final" configuration
print "*******************************"