Example #1
        foo    = gem.getShell(myBRep, ishell)
        type   = foo[0]      ;print ".  .  type     ->", type
        faces  = foo[1]      ;print ".  .  faces    ->", faces
        nattr  = foo[2]

        for iattr in range(1, nattr+1):
            dum    = 0       ;print ".  .  iattr    ->", iattr
            foo    = gem.getAttribute(myBRep, "SHELL", ishell, iattr)
            aname  = foo[0]  ;print ".  .  .  aname ->", aname
            values = foo[1]  ;print ".  .  .  values->", values

        foo    = gem.getMassProps(myBRep, "SHELL", ishell)
        area   = foo[ 1]     ;print ".  .  area     ->", area

# set up a DRep for myModel
myDRep = gem.newDRep(myModel)    ;print "myDRep         ->", myDRep

maxang = 0;
maxlen = 0;
maxsag = 0;
gem.tesselDRep(myDRep, 0, maxang, maxlen, maxsag);

# get tessellation associated with the first Face of each DRep
for ibrep in range(1, len(myBReps)+1):
    dum   = 0          ;print ".  ibrep       ->", ibrep
    iface = 1          ;print ".  .  iface    ->", iface

    foo  = gem.getTessel(myDRep, ibrep, iface)
    xyz  = foo[0]      ;print ".  .  xyz    --->\n", xyz
    uv   = foo[1]      ;print ".  .  uv     --->\n", uv
    conn = foo[2]      ;print ".  .  conn   --->\n", conn
Example #2
    print "volume=", volume

    # if we have converged, stop the iterations
    if (abs(volume-volume_target) < 0.001):

    # change the box height and regenerate the model
    ymax = ymax + (volume_target - volume) / dvoldymax
    print "ymax  =", ymax
    gem.setParam(myModel, 4, (ymax,))

# print and plot "final" configuration
print "*******************************"
print "final  ymax   =", ymax
print "target volume =", volume_target
print "final  volume =", volume
print "differ volume =", volume-volume_target

print "plotting final configuration..."
myDRep = gem.newDRep(myModel)
gem.tesselDRep(myDRep, 0, 0, 0, 0)

# release the Model and terminate

print "SUCCESSFUL completion of 'opt_gem.py'"