Example #1
def test_locale2str():
    assert l10n.locale2str(Locale.parse('en_US')) == 'en-US'
    assert l10n.locale2str(Locale.parse('fr')) == 'fr'

    with pytest.raises(l10n.LocaleError):
        for v in (None, 1, 42.0, 'is_BS', object()):
            l10n.locale2str(v)  # noqa
Example #2
def json_serial(obj):
    helper function to convert to JSON non-default
    types (source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22238613)
    :param obj: `object` to be evaluated
    :returns: JSON non-default type to `str`

    if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date, time)):
        return obj.isoformat()
    elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
            LOGGER.debug('Returning as UTF-8 decoded bytes')
            return obj.decode('utf-8')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            LOGGER.debug('Returning as base64 encoded JSON object')
            return base64.b64encode(obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, Decimal):
        return float(obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, l10n.Locale):
        return l10n.locale2str(obj)

    msg = '{} type {} not serializable'.format(obj, type(obj))
    raise TypeError(msg)
Example #3
def jsonldify_collection(cls, collection, locale_):
        Transforms collection into a JSON-LD representation

        :param cls: API object
        :param collection: `collection` as prepared for non-LD JSON
        :param locale_: The locale to use for translations (if supported)

        :returns: `collection` a dictionary, mapped into JSON-LD, of
                  type schema:Dataset
    temporal_extent = collection.get('extent', {}).get('temporal', {})
    interval = temporal_extent.get('interval', [[None, None]])

    spatial_extent = collection.get('extent', {}).get('spatial', {})
    bbox = spatial_extent.get('bbox', None)
    crs = spatial_extent.get('crs', None)
    hascrs84 = crs.endswith('CRS84')

    dataset = {
        "@type": "Dataset",
        "@id": "{}/collections/{}".format(
        "name": l10n.translate(collection['title'], locale_),
        "description": l10n.translate(collection['description'], locale_),
        "license": cls.fcmld['license'],
        "keywords": l10n.translate(collection.get('keywords', None), locale_),
        "spatial": None if (not hascrs84 or not bbox) else [{
            "@type": "Place",
            "geo": {
                "@type": "GeoShape",
                "box": '{},{} {},{}'.format(*_bbox[0:2], *_bbox[2:4])
        } for _bbox in bbox],
        "temporalCoverage": None if not interval else "{}/{}".format(
    dataset['url'] = dataset['@id']

    links = collection.get('links', [])
    if links:
        dataset['distribution'] = list(map(lambda link: {k: v for k, v in {
            "@type": "DataDownload",
            "contentURL": link['href'],
            "encodingFormat": link['type'],
            "description": l10n.translate(link['title'], locale_),
            "inLanguage": link.get(
                'hreflang', l10n.locale2str(cls.default_locale)
            "author": link['rel'] if link.get(
                'rel', None
            ) == 'author' else None
        }.items() if v is not None}, links))

    return dataset
Example #4
    def _to_geojson(self, json_obj, skip_geometry=False, single_feature=False):
        """ Turns a regular geoCore JSON object into GeoJSON. """
        features = []
        num_matched = None

        for item in json_obj.get('Items', []):
            feature = {'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': None}

            # Get ID and validate it
            id_ = item.pop('id', None)
            if id_ is None:
                LOGGER.warning(f'skipped record without ID')
            feature['id'] = id_
            item['externalId'] = id_

            # Pop 'total' value for numberMatched property (for paging)
            num_matched = int(item.pop('total', 0))

            # Rename and set/fix date properties
            date_created = self._asisodate(item.get('created'))
            date_updated = self._asisodate(item.pop('published', None))
            item['record-created'] = date_created
            item['record-updated'] = date_updated
            item['created'] = date_created
            item['updated'] = date_updated

            # Convert keywords to an array
            item['keywords'] = self._aslist(item.get('keywords'))

            # Get coordinates and set geometry and extent
            coords = self._getcoords(item)
            if coords:
                if skip_geometry:
                    LOGGER.debug('skipped geometry')
                    # Add Polygon geometry to feature
                    feature['geometry'] = {
                        'type': 'Polygon',
                        'coordinates': coords

                # Add extent object to feature
                item['extent'] = self._getextent(
                    coords, item.pop('temporalExtent', None))
                LOGGER.debug('record has no coordinates: '
                             'cannot set geometry and extent')

            # Remove options and convert to associations
            options = item.pop('options', [])
            for opt in options:
                opt = l10n.translate_struct(opt, self.locale)
                url = opt.get('url')
                title = opt.get('name')
                type_ = opt.get('protocol')
                rel = 'item'
                i18n = self.locale
                desc = opt.get('description')
                if desc and desc.count(';') == 2:
                    # TODO: retrieve mime type from URL or lookup
                    rel, type_, i18n = desc.split(';')
                if not (type_ and url):
                    # Do not add links without a type or URL
                lnk = {
                    if isinstance(i18n, l10n.Locale) else i18n
                item.setdefault('associations', []).append(lnk)

            # Remove graphicOverview and promote/set first thumbnailUrl
                url = item.pop('graphicOverview')[0].get('overviewfilename')
                item['thumbnailUrl'] = url
            except (KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError):
                LOGGER.warning('could not find overview thumbnail')

            # Translate contacts, credits and distributors lists
            for prop in ('contact', 'credits', 'distributor'):
                values = item.get(prop, [])
                if values:
                    item[prop] = l10n.translate_struct(values, self.locale)

            # Translate known concatenated "en; fr" values
            # TODO: add more props if needed, improve on geoCore side
            for prop in ('spatialRepresentation', 'type', 'status',
                         'maintenance', 'accessConstraints', 'characterSet'):
                values = [v.strip() for v in item.get(prop, '').split(';')]
                if len(values) != 2:
                item[prop] = values[0 if self.locale.language == 'en' else 1]

            # Set properties and add to feature list
            feature['properties'] = item

        if features and single_feature == 1:
            LOGGER.debug('returning single feature')
            return features[0]

        LOGGER.debug('returning feature collection')
        collection = {
            'type': 'FeatureCollection',
            'features': features,
            'numberReturned': len(features)
        LOGGER.debug(f'provider said there are {num_matched} matches')
        if num_matched:
            collection['numberMatched'] = num_matched
        return collection
Example #5
def get_oas_30(cfg):
    Generates an OpenAPI 3.0 Document

    :param cfg: configuration object

    :returns: OpenAPI definition YAML dict

    paths = {}

    # TODO: make openapi multilingual (default language only for now)
    server_locales = l10n.get_locales(cfg)
    locale_ = server_locales[0]

    osl = get_ogc_schemas_location(cfg['server'])
    OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'] = os.path.join(osl, 'ogcapi/features/part1/1.0/openapi/ogcapi-features-1.yaml')  # noqa

    LOGGER.debug('setting up server info')
    oas = {
        'openapi': '3.0.2',
        'tags': []
    info = {
        'title': l10n.translate(cfg['metadata']['identification']['title'], locale_),  # noqa
        'description': l10n.translate(cfg['metadata']['identification']['description'], locale_),  # noqa
        'x-keywords': l10n.translate(cfg['metadata']['identification']['keywords'], locale_),  # noqa
        'contact': {
            'name': cfg['metadata']['provider']['name'],
            'url': cfg['metadata']['provider']['url'],
            'email': cfg['metadata']['contact']['email']
        'license': {
            'name': cfg['metadata']['license']['name'],
            'url': cfg['metadata']['license']['url']
        'version': __version__
    oas['info'] = info

    oas['servers'] = [{
        'url': cfg['server']['url'],
        'description': l10n.translate(cfg['metadata']['identification']['description'], locale_)  # noqa

    paths['/'] = {
        'get': {
            'summary': 'Landing page',
            'description': 'Landing page',
            'tags': ['server'],
            'operationId': 'getLandingPage',
            'parameters': [
                {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'},
                {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/lang'}
            'responses': {
                '200': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/LandingPage'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa

    paths['/openapi'] = {
        'get': {
            'summary': 'This document',
            'description': 'This document',
            'tags': ['server'],
            'operationId': 'getOpenapi',
            'parameters': [
                {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'},
                {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/lang'},
                    'name': 'ui',
                    'in': 'query',
                    'description': 'UI to render the OpenAPI document',
                    'required': False,
                    'schema': {
                        'type': 'string',
                        'enum': ['swagger', 'redoc'],
                        'default': 'swagger'
                    'style': 'form',
                    'explode': False
            'responses': {
                '200': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/200'},
                '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                'default': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/default'}

    paths['/conformance'] = {
        'get': {
            'summary': 'API conformance definition',
            'description': 'API conformance definition',
            'tags': ['server'],
            'operationId': 'getConformanceDeclaration',
            'parameters': [
                {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'},
                {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/lang'}
            'responses': {
                '200': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ConformanceDeclaration'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa

    paths['/collections'] = {
        'get': {
            'summary': 'Collections',
            'description': 'Collections',
            'tags': ['server'],
            'operationId': 'getCollections',
            'parameters': [
                {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'},
                {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/lang'}
            'responses': {
                '200': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/Collections'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa

            'name': 'server',
            'description': l10n.translate(cfg['metadata']['identification']['description'], locale_),  # noqa
            'externalDocs': {
                'description': 'information',
                'url': cfg['metadata']['identification']['url']}
            'name': 'stac',
            'description': 'SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog'

    oas['components'] = {
        'responses': {
            '200': {
                'description': 'successful operation',
            'default': {
                'description': 'Unexpected error',
                'content': gen_media_type_object('application/json', 'oapip', 'schemas/exception.yaml')  # noqa
            'Queryables': {
                'description': 'successful queryables operation',
                'content': {
                    'application/json': {
                        'schema': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/queryables'}
        'parameters': {
            'f': {
                'name': 'f',
                'in': 'query',
                'description': 'The optional f parameter indicates the output format which the server shall provide as part of the response document.  The default format is GeoJSON.',  # noqa
                'required': False,
                'schema': {
                    'type': 'string',
                    'enum': ['json', 'html', 'jsonld'],
                    'default': 'json'
                'style': 'form',
                'explode': False
            'lang': {
                'name': 'lang',
                'in': 'query',
                'description': 'The optional lang parameter instructs the server return a response in a certain language, if supported.  If the language is not among the available values, the Accept-Language header language will be used if it is supported. If the header is missing, the default server language is used. Note that providers may only support a single language (or often no language at all), that can be different from the server language.  Language strings can be written in a complex (e.g. "fr-CA,fr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7"), simple (e.g. "de") or locale-like (e.g. "de-CH" or "fr_BE") fashion.',  # noqa
                'required': False,
                'schema': {
                    'type': 'string',
                    'enum': [l10n.locale2str(sl) for sl in server_locales],
                    'default': l10n.locale2str(locale_)
            'properties': {
                'name': 'properties',
                'in': 'query',
                'description': 'The properties that should be included for each feature. The parameter value is a comma-separated list of property names.',  # noqa
                'required': False,
                'style': 'form',
                'explode': False,
                'schema': {
                    'type': 'array',
                    'items': {
                        'type': 'string'
            'skipGeometry': {
                'name': 'skipGeometry',
                'in': 'query',
                'description': 'This option can be used to skip response geometries for each feature.',  # noqa
                'required': False,
                'style': 'form',
                'explode': False,
                'schema': {
                    'type': 'boolean',
                    'default': False
            'offset': {
                'name': 'offset',
                'in': 'query',
                'description': 'The optional offset parameter indicates the index within the result set from which the server shall begin presenting results in the response document.  The first element has an index of 0 (default).',  # noqa
                'required': False,
                'schema': {
                    'type': 'integer',
                    'minimum': 0,
                    'default': 0
                'style': 'form',
                'explode': False
            'vendorSpecificParameters': {
                'name': 'vendorSpecificParameters',
                'in': 'query',
                'description': 'Additional "free-form" parameters that are not explicitly defined',  # noqa
                'schema': {
                    'type': 'object',
                    'additionalProperties': True
                'style': 'form'
        'schemas': {
            # TODO: change this schema once OGC will definitively publish it
            'queryable': {
                'type': 'object',
                'required': [
                'properties': {
                    'queryable': {
                        'description': 'the token that may be used in a CQL predicate', # noqa
                        'type': 'string'
                    'title': {
                        'description': 'a human readable title for the queryable', # noqa
                        'type': 'string'
                    'description': {
                        'description': 'a human-readable narrative describing the queryable', # noqa
                        'type': 'string'
                    'language': {
                        'description': 'the language used for the title and description', # noqa
                        'type': 'string',
                        'default': [
                    'type': {
                        'description': 'the data type of the queryable', # noqa
                        'type': 'string'
                    'type-ref': {
                        'description': 'a reference to the formal definition of the type', # noqa
                        'type': 'string',
                        'format': 'url'
            'queryables': {
                'type': 'object',
                'required': [
                'properties': {
                    'queryables': {
                        'type': 'array',
                        'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/queryable'}

    items_f = deepcopy(oas['components']['parameters']['f'])
    items_l = deepcopy(oas['components']['parameters']['lang'])

    LOGGER.debug('setting up datasets')
    collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(cfg['resources'],
                                           'type', 'collection')

    for k, v in collections.items():
        name = l10n.translate(k, locale_)
        title = l10n.translate(v['title'], locale_)
        desc = l10n.translate(v['description'], locale_)
        collection_name_path = '/collections/{}'.format(k)
        tag = {
            'name': name,
            'description': desc,
            'externalDocs': {}
        for link in l10n.translate(v['links'], locale_):
            if link['type'] == 'information':
                tag['externalDocs']['description'] = link['type']
                tag['externalDocs']['url'] = link['url']
        if len(tag['externalDocs']) == 0:
            del tag['externalDocs']


        paths[collection_name_path] = {
            'get': {
                'summary': 'Get {} metadata'.format(title),
                'description': desc,
                'tags': [name],
                'operationId': 'describe{}Collection'.format(name.capitalize()),  # noqa
                'parameters': [
                    {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'},
                    {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/lang'}
                'responses': {
                    '200': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/Collection'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                    '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                    '404': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/NotFound'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                    '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa

        LOGGER.debug('setting up collection endpoints')
            ptype = None

            if filter_providers_by_type(
                    collections[k]['providers'], 'feature'):
                ptype = 'feature'

            if filter_providers_by_type(
                    collections[k]['providers'], 'record'):
                ptype = 'record'

            p = load_plugin('provider', get_provider_by_type(
                            collections[k]['providers'], ptype))

            items_path = '{}/items'.format(collection_name_path)

            coll_properties = deepcopy(oas['components']['parameters']['properties'])  # noqa

            coll_properties['schema']['items']['enum'] = list(p.fields.keys())

            paths[items_path] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Get {} items'.format(title),  # noqa
                    'description': desc,
                    'tags': [name],
                    'operationId': 'get{}Features'.format(name.capitalize()),
                    'parameters': [
                        {'$ref': '{}#/components/parameters/bbox'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        {'$ref': '{}#/components/parameters/limit'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/vendorSpecificParameters'},  # noqa
                        {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/skipGeometry'},
                        {'$ref': '{}/parameters/sortby.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapir'])},  # noqa
                        {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/offset'},
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/Features'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/NotFound'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa

            if ptype == 'record':
                    {'$ref': '{}/parameters/q.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapir'])})  # noqa
            if p.fields:
                queryables_path = '{}/queryables'.format(collection_name_path)

                paths[queryables_path] = {
                    'get': {
                        'summary': 'Get {} queryables'.format(title),
                        'description': desc,
                        'tags': [name],
                        'operationId': 'get{}Queryables'.format(
                        'parameters': [
                        'responses': {
                            '200': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/Queryables'},  # noqa
                            '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                            '404': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/NotFound'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                            '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa

            if p.time_field is not None:
                    {'$ref': '{}#/components/parameters/datetime'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])})  # noqa

            for field, type_ in p.fields.items():

                if p.properties and field not in p.properties:
                    LOGGER.debug('Provider specified not to advertise property')  # noqa

                if field == 'q' and ptype == 'record':
                    LOGGER.debug('q parameter already declared, skipping')

                if type_ == 'date':
                    schema = {
                        'type': 'string',
                        'format': 'date'
                elif type_ == 'float':
                    schema = {
                        'type': 'number',
                        'format': 'float'
                elif type_ == 'long':
                    schema = {
                        'type': 'integer',
                        'format': 'int64'
                    schema = type_

                path_ = '{}/items'.format(collection_name_path)
                    'name': field,
                    'in': 'query',
                    'required': False,
                    'schema': schema,
                    'style': 'form',
                    'explode': False

            paths['{}/items/{{featureId}}'.format(collection_name_path)] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Get {} item by id'.format(title),
                    'description': desc,
                    'tags': [name],
                    'operationId': 'get{}Feature'.format(name.capitalize()),
                    'parameters': [
                        {'$ref': '{}#/components/parameters/featureId'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'},
                        {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/lang'}
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/Feature'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/NotFound'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa
        except ProviderTypeError:
            LOGGER.debug('collection is not feature based')

        LOGGER.debug('setting up coverage endpoints')
            load_plugin('provider', get_provider_by_type(
                        collections[k]['providers'], 'coverage'))

            coverage_path = '{}/coverage'.format(collection_name_path)

            paths[coverage_path] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Get {} coverage'.format(title),
                    'description': desc,
                    'tags': [name],
                    'operationId': 'get{}Coverage'.format(name.capitalize()),
                    'parameters': [
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/Features'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/NotFound'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa

            coverage_domainset_path = '{}/coverage/domainset'.format(

            paths[coverage_domainset_path] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Get {} coverage domain set'.format(title),
                    'description': desc,
                    'tags': [name],
                    'operationId': 'get{}CoverageDomainSet'.format(
                    'parameters': [
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '{}/schemas/cis_1.1/domainSet.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oacov'])},  # noqa
                        '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/NotFound'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa

            coverage_rangetype_path = '{}/coverage/rangetype'.format(

            paths[coverage_rangetype_path] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Get {} coverage range type'.format(title),
                    'description': desc,
                    'tags': [name],
                    'operationId': 'get{}CoverageRangeType'.format(
                    'parameters': [
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '{}/schemas/cis_1.1/rangeType.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oacov'])},  # noqa
                        '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/NotFound'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa
        except ProviderTypeError:
            LOGGER.debug('collection is not coverage based')

        LOGGER.debug('setting up tiles endpoints')
        tile_extension = filter_providers_by_type(
            collections[k]['providers'], 'tile')

        if tile_extension:
            tp = load_plugin('provider', tile_extension)
                    'Tiles': {
                        'description': 'Retrieves the tiles description for this collection', # noqa
                        'content': {
                            'application/json': {
                                'schema': {
                                    '$ref': '#/components/schemas/tiles'

                    'tilematrixsetlink': {
                        'type': 'object',
                        'required': ['tileMatrixSet'],
                        'properties': {
                            'tileMatrixSet': {
                                'type': 'string'
                            'tileMatrixSetURI': {
                                'type': 'string'
                    'tiles': {
                        'type': 'object',
                        'required': [
                        'properties': {
                            'tileMatrixSetLinks': {
                                'type': 'array',
                                'items': {
                                    '$ref': '#/components/schemas/tilematrixsetlink' # noqa
                            'links': {
                                'type': 'array',
                                'items': {'$ref': '{}#/components/schemas/link'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapit'])},  # noqa

            tiles_path = '{}/tiles'.format(collection_name_path)

            paths[tiles_path] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Fetch a {} tiles description'.format(title), # noqa
                    'description': desc,
                    'tags': [name],
                    'operationId': 'describe{}Tiles'.format(name.capitalize()),
                    'parameters': [
                        # items_l  TODO: is this useful?
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/Tiles'},
                        '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/NotFound'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa

            tiles_data_path = '{}/tiles/{{tileMatrixSetId}}/{{tileMatrix}}/{{tileRow}}/{{tileCol}}'.format(collection_name_path)  # noqa

            paths[tiles_data_path] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Get a {} tile'.format(title),
                    'description': desc,
                    'tags': [name],
                    'operationId': 'get{}Tiles'.format(name.capitalize()),
                    'parameters': [
                        {'$ref': '{}#/components/parameters/tileMatrixSetId'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oat'])},  # noqa
                        {'$ref': '{}#/components/parameters/tileMatrix'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oat'])},  # noqa
                        {'$ref': '{}#/components/parameters/tileRow'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oat'])},  # noqa
                        {'$ref': '{}#/components/parameters/tileCol'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oat'])},  # noqa
                            'name': 'f',
                            'in': 'query',
                            'description': 'The optional f parameter indicates the output format which the server shall provide as part of the response document.',  # noqa
                            'required': False,
                            'schema': {
                                'type': 'string',
                                'enum': [tp.format_type],
                                'default': tp.format_type
                            'style': 'form',
                            'explode': False
                    'responses': {
                        '400': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/NotFound'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                        '500': {'$ref': '{}#/components/responses/ServerError'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])}  # noqa
            mimetype = tile_extension['format']['mimetype']
            paths[tiles_data_path]['get']['responses']['200'] = {
                'description': 'successful operation',
                'content': {
                    mimetype: {
                        'schema': {
                            'type': 'string',
                            'format': 'binary'

        LOGGER.debug('setting up tiles endpoints')
        edr_extension = filter_providers_by_type(
            collections[k]['providers'], 'edr')

        if edr_extension:
            ep = load_plugin('provider', edr_extension)

            edr_query_endpoints = []

            for qt in ep.get_query_types():
                    'path': '{}/{}'.format(collection_name_path, qt),
                    'qt': qt,
                    'op_id': 'query{}{}'.format(qt.capitalize(), k.capitalize())  # noqa
                if ep.instances:
                        'path': '{}/instances/{{instanceId}}/{}'.format(collection_name_path, qt),  # noqa
                        'qt': qt,
                        'op_id': 'query{}Instance{}'.format(qt.capitalize(), k.capitalize())  # noqa

            for eqe in edr_query_endpoints:
                paths[eqe['path']] = {
                    'get': {
                        'summary': 'query {} by {}'.format(v['description'], eqe['qt']),  # noqa
                        'description': v['description'],
                        'tags': [k],
                        'operationId': eqe['op_id'],
                        'parameters': [
                            {'$ref': '{}/parameters/{}Coords.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oaedr'], eqe['qt'])},  # noqa
                            {'$ref': '{}#/components/parameters/datetime'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapif'])},  # noqa
                            {'$ref': '{}/parameters/parameter-name.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oaedr'])},  # noqa
                            {'$ref': '{}/parameters/z.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oaedr'])},  # noqa
                            {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'}
                        'responses': {
                            '200': {
                                'description': 'Response',
                                'content': {
                                    'application/prs.coverage+json': {
                                        'schema': {
                                            '$ref': '{}/schemas/coverageJSON.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oaedr'])}  # noqa

    LOGGER.debug('setting up STAC')
    stac_collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(cfg['resources'],
                                                'type', 'stac-collection')
    if stac_collections:
        paths['/stac'] = {
            'get': {
                'summary': 'SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog',
                'description': 'SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog',
                'tags': ['stac'],
                'operationId': 'getStacCatalog',
                'parameters': [],
                'responses': {
                    '200': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/200'},
                    'default': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/default'}

    processes = filter_dict_by_key_value(cfg['resources'], 'type', 'process')

    has_manager = 'manager' in cfg['server']

    if processes:
        paths['/processes'] = {
            'get': {
                'summary': 'Processes',
                'description': 'Processes',
                'tags': ['server'],
                'operationId': 'getProcesses',
                'parameters': [
                    {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'}
                'responses': {
                    '200': {'$ref': '{}/responses/ProcessList.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapip'])},  # noqa
                    'default': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/default'}
        LOGGER.debug('setting up processes')

        for k, v in processes.items():
            name = l10n.translate(k, locale_)
            p = load_plugin('process', v['processor'])

            md_desc = l10n.translate(p.metadata['description'], locale_)
            process_name_path = '/processes/{}'.format(name)
            tag = {
                'name': name,
                'description': md_desc,  # noqa
                'externalDocs': {}
            for link in l10n.translate(p.metadata['links'], locale_):
                if link['type'] == 'information':
                    tag['externalDocs']['description'] = link['type']
                    tag['externalDocs']['url'] = link['url']
            if len(tag['externalDocs']) == 0:
                del tag['externalDocs']


            paths[process_name_path] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Get process metadata',
                    'description': md_desc,
                    'tags': [name],
                    'operationId': 'describe{}Process'.format(name.capitalize()),  # noqa
                    'parameters': [
                        {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'}
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/200'},
                        'default': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/default'}

            paths['{}/execution'.format(process_name_path)] = {
                'post': {
                    'summary': 'Process {} execution'.format(
                        l10n.translate(p.metadata['title'], locale_)),
                    'description': md_desc,
                    'tags': [name],
                    'operationId': 'execute{}Job'.format(name.capitalize()),
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/200'},
                        '201': {'$ref': '{}/responses/ExecuteAsync.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapip'])},  # noqa
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}/responses/NotFound.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapip'])},  # noqa
                        '500': {'$ref': '{}/responses/ServerError.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapip'])},  # noqa
                        'default': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/default'}
                    'requestBody': {
                        'description': 'Mandatory execute request JSON',
                        'required': True,
                        'content': {
                            'application/json': {
                                'schema': {
                                    '$ref': '{}/schemas/execute.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapip'])  # noqa
            if 'example' in p.metadata:
                paths['{}/execution'.format(process_name_path)]['post']['requestBody']['content']['application/json']['example'] = p.metadata['example']  # noqa

            name_in_path = {
                'name': 'jobId',
                'in': 'path',
                'description': 'job identifier',
                'required': True,
                'schema': {
                    'type': 'string'

        if has_manager:
            paths['/jobs'] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Retrieve jobs list',
                    'description': 'Retrieve a list of jobs',
                    'tags': ['server'],
                    'operationId': 'getJobs',
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/200'},
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}/responses/NotFound.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapip'])},  # noqa
                        'default': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/default'}

            paths['/jobs/{jobId}'] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Retrieve job details',
                    'description': 'Retrieve job details',
                    'tags': ['server'],
                    'parameters': [
                        {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'}
                    'operationId': 'getJob',
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/200'},
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}/responses/NotFound.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapip'])},  # noqa
                        'default': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/default'}  # noqa
                'delete': {
                    'summary': 'Cancel / delete job',
                    'description': 'Cancel / delete job',
                    'tags': ['server'],
                    'parameters': [
                    'operationId': 'deleteJob',
                    'responses': {
                        '204': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/204'},
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}/responses/NotFound.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapip'])},  # noqa
                        'default': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/default'}  # noqa

            paths['/jobs/{jobId}/results'] = {
                'get': {
                    'summary': 'Retrieve job results',
                    'description': 'Retrive job resiults',
                    'tags': ['server'],
                    'parameters': [
                        {'$ref': '#/components/parameters/f'}
                    'operationId': 'getJobResults',
                    'responses': {
                        '200': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/200'},
                        '404': {'$ref': '{}/responses/NotFound.yaml'.format(OPENAPI_YAML['oapip'])},  # noqa
                        'default': {'$ref': '#/components/responses/default'}  # noqa

    oas['paths'] = paths

    return oas