Example #1
def test_issue005():

  from pygeode.timeaxis import ModelTime365
  from pygeode.axis import TAxis
  import numpy as np
  from pygeode.var import Var
  from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc
  from pygeode import timeutils

  # Make a time axis starting at year 0
  startdate = dict(year=0,month=1,day=1)
  taxis = ModelTime365(values=10200, startdate=startdate, units='days')

  # Make some dummy variable
  values = np.random.randn(len(taxis))
  var = Var(axes=[taxis], values=values, name='x')

  # Save it
  nc.save("issue005_test.nc", var)

  # Load it
  f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc")

  # Make sure we have a regular time axis
  # (no climatologies!)
  assert f.time.__class__ == ModelTime365
  assert hasattr(f.time,'year')

  # Okay, now reload it, but override the axis coming in
  f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc", dimtypes=dict(time=TAxis(taxis.values)))

  # Make sure we dimtypes is still working properly
  assert f.x.axes[0].__class__ == TAxis

  # For good measure, test that climatologies are still produced
  taxis = timeutils.modify(taxis,exclude='year',uniquify=True)
  values = np.random.randn(len(taxis))
  var = Var(axes=[taxis], values=values, name='c')

  nc.save("issue005_test.nc", var)
  f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc")

  assert not hasattr(f.time,'year')
Example #2
def test_issue005():

    from pygeode.timeaxis import ModelTime365
    from pygeode.axis import TAxis
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.var import Var
    from pygeode.formats import netcdf as nc
    from pygeode import timeutils

    # Make a time axis starting at year 0
    startdate = dict(year=0, month=1, day=1)
    taxis = ModelTime365(values=10200, startdate=startdate, units='days')

    # Make some dummy variable
    values = np.random.randn(len(taxis))
    var = Var(axes=[taxis], values=values, name='x')

    # Save it
    nc.save("issue005_test.nc", var)

    # Load it
    f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc")

    # Make sure we have a regular time axis
    # (no climatologies!)
    assert f.time.__class__ == ModelTime365
    assert hasattr(f.time, 'year')

    # Okay, now reload it, but override the axis coming in
    f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc", dimtypes=dict(time=TAxis(taxis.values)))

    # Make sure we dimtypes is still working properly
    assert f.x.axes[0].__class__ == TAxis

    # For good measure, test that climatologies are still produced
    taxis = timeutils.modify(taxis, exclude='year', uniquify=True)
    values = np.random.randn(len(taxis))
    var = Var(axes=[taxis], values=values, name='c')

    nc.save("issue005_test.nc", var)
    f = nc.open("issue005_test.nc")

    assert not hasattr(f.time, 'year')
Example #3
    def __init__(self, taxis, coef=None, A=None, B=None):
        from pygeode.tools import merge_coefs
        from pygeode.var import Var
        from pygeode.timeaxis import Time
        from pygeode.timeutils import modify
        # Get the coefficients
        if coef is None:
            assert A is not None and B is not None
            coef = merge_coefs(B, A)
            assert A is None and B is None
        # Ignore 'year' field if it's constant?
        #   (I.e., if there's a 'year' field that's all zeros, then drop it)
        #  - This is an artifact of reading climatological data from a file which can't/doesn't specify it's a climatology
        coeft = coef.getaxis(Time)
        if hasattr(coeft, 'year'):
            import numpy as np
            from warnings import warn
            if len(np.unique(coeft.year.values)) == 1:
                warn("ignoring degenerate 'year' field", stacklevel=2)
                coeft = modify(coeft, exclude='year')
                coef = coef.replace_axes({Time: coeft})

        self.coef = coef
        self.secs = Var([taxis], values=taxis.reltime(units='seconds'))
        self.ti = ti = coef.whichaxis(Time)
        self.ci = ci = coef.whichaxis('coef')
        self.caxis = coef.axes[ci]
        axes = list(coef.axes)
        assert axes[ti].map_to(taxis) is not None, (
            "the given time axis is not compatible with the coefficients.\n" +
            "time axis: %s\n coefficient time axis: %s" %
            (repr(str(taxis)), repr(str(axes[ti]))))
        axes[ti] = taxis
        axes = axes[:ci] + axes[ci + 1:]
        #    Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=coef.dtype)
        Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype='float64')  # because secs is float64
Example #4
  def __init__ (self, taxis, coef=None, A=None, B=None):
    from pygeode.tools import merge_coefs
    from pygeode.var import Var
    from pygeode.timeaxis import Time
    from pygeode.timeutils import modify
    # Get the coefficients
    if coef is None:
      assert A is not None and B is not None
      coef = merge_coefs (B, A)
    else: assert A is None and B is None
    # Ignore 'year' field if it's constant?
    #   (I.e., if there's a 'year' field that's all zeros, then drop it)
    #  - This is an artifact of reading climatological data from a file which can't/doesn't specify it's a climatology
    coeft = coef.getaxis(Time)
    if hasattr(coeft,'year'):
      import numpy as np
      from warnings import warn
      if len(np.unique(coeft.year.values)) == 1:
        warn ("ignoring degenerate 'year' field", stacklevel=2)
        coeft = modify(coeft, exclude='year')
        coef = coef.replace_axes({Time:coeft})

    self.coef = coef
    self.secs = Var([taxis], values=taxis.reltime(units='seconds'))
    self.ti = ti = coef.whichaxis(Time)
    self.ci = ci = coef.whichaxis('coef')
    self.caxis = coef.axes[ci]
    axes = list(coef.axes)
    assert axes[ti].map_to(taxis) is not None, (
      "the given time axis is not compatible with the coefficients.\n"+
      "time axis: %s\n coefficient time axis: %s" % (repr(str(taxis)),repr(str(axes[ti])))
    axes[ti] = taxis
    axes = axes[:ci] + axes[ci+1:]
#    Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=coef.dtype)
    Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype='float64')  # because secs is float64
Example #5
 def get_outtime (intime):
   from pygeode.timeutils import modify
   outtime = modify(intime, resolution='month', uniquify=True)
   assert hasattr(outtime, 'month')  # can we even do a monthly mean?
   return outtime
Example #6
 def get_outtime (intime):
   from pygeode.timeutils import modify
   return modify(intime, exclude=['year','month','day'], uniquify=True)
Example #7
 def get_outtime(intime):
     from pygeode.timeutils import modify
     return modify(intime, exclude=['year', 'month', 'day'], uniquify=True)
Example #8
 def get_outtime(intime):
     from pygeode.timeutils import modify
     outtime = modify(intime, resolution='year', uniquify=True)
     assert hasattr(outtime, 'year')  # can we even do a yearly mean?
     return outtime
Example #9
def decode_cf (dataset, ignore=[]):
  from pygeode.dataset import asdataset, Dataset
  from pygeode.axis import Axis, NamedAxis, Lat, Lon, Pres, Hybrid, XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, TAxis, Station, DummyAxis, NonCoordinateAxis
  from pygeode.timeaxis import Time, ModelTime365, ModelTime360, StandardTime, Yearless
  from pygeode import timeutils
  from warnings import warn
  import re

#  dataset = asdataset(dataset, copy=True)
  dataset = asdataset(dataset)
  varlist = list(dataset)
  axisdict = dataset.axisdict.copy()
  global_atts = dataset.atts
  del dataset

  # Decode string variables
  for i,var in enumerate(varlist):
    if var.name.endswith("_name") and var.dtype.name in ("string8","bytes8") and var.axes[-1].name.endswith("_strlen"):
      varlist[i] = decode_string_var(var)

  # data for auxiliary arrays
  auxdict = {}
  for name in axisdict.keys(): auxdict[name] = {}

  # fill values / scale / offset (if applicable)
  fillvalues = {}
  scales = {}
  offsets = {}
  for v in varlist:
    name = v.name
    fillvalues[name] = None
    scales[name] = None
    offsets[name] = None

  for name,a in list(axisdict.items()):

    # Skip over this axis?
    if name in ignore: continue

    atts = a.atts.copy()
    plotatts = a.plotatts.copy() # just carry along and pass to new Axis instance

    # Find any auxiliary arrays
    aux = auxdict[name]
    if 'ancillary_variables' in atts:
      _anc = atts.pop('ancillary_variables')
      remove_from_dataset = []  # vars to remove from the dataset
      for auxname in _anc.split(' '):
        assert any(v.name == auxname for v in varlist), "ancillary variable '%s' not found"%auxname
        newname = auxname
        # Remove the axis name prefix, if it was used
        if newname.startswith(name+'_'): newname = newname[len(name)+1:]
        aux[newname] = [v for v in varlist if v.name == auxname].pop().get()
        # Don't need this as a var anymore

      # Remove some stuff
      varlist = [v for v in varlist if v.name not in remove_from_dataset]

    # Determine the best Axis subclass to use
#    cls = NamedAxis
    cls = type(a)

    # Generic 'axis' identifiers first
    if 'axis' in atts:
      _axis = atts.pop('axis')
      if _axis == 'X': cls = XAxis
      if _axis == 'Y': cls = YAxis
      if _axis == 'Z': cls = ZAxis
      if _axis == 'T': cls = TAxis

    # Check specific standard names, and also units?
    #TODO: don't *pop* the standard_name, units, etc. until the end of this routine - in case we didn't end up mapping them to an axis
    _ln = atts.get('long_name', a.name).lower()
    _st = atts.get('standard_name',_ln).lower()
    _units = atts.pop('units','')
    if _st == 'latitude' or _units == 'degrees_north': cls = Lat
    if _st == 'longitude' or _units == 'degrees_east': cls = Lon
    if _st == 'air_pressure' or _units in ('hPa','mbar'):
      cls = Pres
      # Don't need this in the metadata anymore (it will be put back in encode_cf)

    if _st == 'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate':
      #TODO: check formula_terms??
      #TODO: for ccc2nc files, look for long_name == "Model Level", use_AB = <formula>,
      #       A & B embedded as metadata or as data arrays not attached to ancillary_variables
      if 'A' in aux and 'B' in aux:
        cls = Hybrid
        warn ("Cannot create a proper Hybrid vertical axis, since 'A' and 'B' coefficients aren't found.")

    if _st == 'station':
      cls = Station

    if (_st == 'time' or cls == TAxis or _units.startswith('days since') or _units.startswith('hours since') or _units.startswith('minutes since') or _units.startswith('seconds since')) and ' since ' in _units:
      _calendar = atts.pop('calendar', 'standard')
      if _calendar in ('standard', 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian'): cls = StandardTime
      elif _calendar in ('365_day', 'noleap', '365day'): cls = ModelTime365
      elif _calendar in ('360_day', '360day'): cls = ModelTime360
      elif _calendar in ('none'): cls = Yearless
        warn ("unknown calendar '%s'"%_calendar)
      # Extract the time resolution (day, hour, etc), and the reference date
      res, date = re.match("([a-z]+)\s+since\s+(.*)", _units).groups()
      # Pluralize the increment (i.e. day->days)?
      if not res.endswith('s'): res += 's'
      # Extract the rest of the date
      date = date.rstrip()
      year, month, day, hour, minute, second = 0,1,1,0,0,0
      if len(date) > 0: year, date = re.match("(\d+)-?(.*)", date).groups()
      if len(date) > 0: month, date = re.match("(\d+)-?(.*)", date).groups()
      if len(date) > 0: day, date = re.match("(\d+)\s*(.*)", date).groups()
      if date.startswith('T'): date = date[1:]
      if len(date) > 0: hour, date = re.match("(\d+):?(.*)", date).groups()
      if len(date) > 0: minute, date = re.match("(\d+):?(.*)", date).groups()
      if len(date) > 0 and date[0] != ' ': second, date = re.match("(\d+)(.*)", date).groups()
      # convert from strings to integers
      #TODO: milliseconds? time zone?
      year, month, day, hour, minute, second = list(map(int, [year, month, day, hour, minute, float(second)]))
      # Create the time axis
      startdate={'year':year, 'month':month, 'day':day, 'hour':hour, 'minute':minute, 'second':second}
      axisdict[name] = cls(a.values, startdate=startdate, units=res, name=name, atts=atts)
      # Special case: start year=0 implies a climatology
      #NOTE: 'climatology' attribute not used, since we don't currently keep
      #      track of the interval that was used for the climatology.
      if year == 0:
        # Don't climatologize(?) the axis if there's more than a year
        if not all(axisdict[name].year == 0):
          warn ("cfmeta: data starts at year 0 (which usually indicates a climatology), but there's more than one year's worth of data!  Keeping it on a regular calendar.", stacklevel=3)
        axisdict[name] = timeutils.modify(axisdict[name], exclude='year')
      continue  # we've constructed the time axis, so move onto the next axis

    # Check for a match from the custom axes (from add-ons).
    if _st in custom_axes:
      cls = custom_axes[_st]

    # Find any other information that should be put inside this axis.
    # Look for anything that's identified as a coordinate or anicllary
    # variable, and that has this axis as its only dimension.
    dependencies = set()
    for var in varlist:
      if var.hasaxis(a.name):
    # Look up these dependencies.  Only consider 1D information, since we
    # don't yet have a way to associate multidimensional arrays as auxarrays
    # in an axis.
    dependencies = [v for v in varlist if v.name in dependencies and v.naxes == 1 and v.hasaxis(a.name)]

    # If we found any such information, then this is no longer a simple
    # "dummy" axis.
    if issubclass(cls, DummyAxis) and len(dependencies) > 0:
      cls = NonCoordinateAxis

    # Attach the information from these dependent variables as auxiliary arrays.
    aux.update((dep.name,dep.get()) for dep in dependencies)

    # Anything that got attached to this axis should be removed from the
    # list of variables, since it's just extra info specific to the axis.
    varlist = [v for v in varlist if v.name not in aux]

    # put the units back (if we didn't use them)?
    if cls in [Axis, NamedAxis, XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, TAxis] and _units != '': atts['units'] = _units

    # create new axis instance if need be.
    if cls != type(a):
      axisdict[name] = cls(values=a.values, name=name, atts=atts, **aux)

  # Apply these new axes to the variables
  # Check for fill values, etc.
  # Extract to a list first, then back to a dataset
  # (ensures the dataset axis list is up to date)
  for i,oldvar in enumerate(list(varlist)):
#    name = [n for n,v in six.iteritems(dataset.vardict) if v is oldvar].pop()
    name = oldvar.name
    atts = oldvar.atts.copy()
    plotatts = oldvar.atts.copy()
    fillvalue = [atts.pop(f,None) for f in ('FillValue', '_FillValue', 'missing_value')]
    fillvalue = [_f for _f in fillvalue if _f]
    fillvalue = fillvalue[0] if len(fillvalue) > 0 else None
    scale = atts.pop('scale_factor', None)
    offset = atts.pop('add_offset', None)

    varlist[i] = var_newaxes(oldvar, [axisdict[a.name] for a in oldvar.axes],
                    name=name, fillvalue=fillvalue, scale=scale, offset=offset, atts=atts, plotatts=plotatts)

  dataset = Dataset(varlist, atts=global_atts)

  return dataset
Example #10
 def modify (self, resolution=None, exclude=[], include=[], uniquify=False):
   from pygeode import timeutils
   from warnings import warn
   warn ("Deprecated.  Use timeutils module.")
   return timeutils.modify(self, resolution, exclude, include, uniquify)
Example #11
 def modify (self, resolution=None, exclude=[], include=[], uniquify=False):
   from pygeode import timeutils
   from warnings import warn
   warn ("Deprecated.  Use timeutils module.")
   return timeutils.modify(self, resolution, exclude, include, uniquify)
Example #12
def decode_cf (dataset, ignore=[]):
  from pygeode.dataset import asdataset, Dataset
  from pygeode.axis import Axis, NamedAxis, Lat, Lon, Pres, Hybrid, XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, TAxis
  from pygeode.timeaxis import Time, ModelTime365, ModelTime360, StandardTime, Yearless
  from pygeode import timeutils
  from warnings import warn
  import re

#  dataset = asdataset(dataset, copy=True)
  dataset = asdataset(dataset)
  varlist = list(dataset)
  axisdict = dataset.axisdict.copy()
  global_atts = dataset.atts
  del dataset

  # data for auxiliary arrays
  auxdict = {}
  for name in axisdict.iterkeys(): auxdict[name] = {}

  # fill values / scale / offset (if applicable)
  fillvalues = {}
  scales = {}
  offsets = {}
  for v in varlist:
    name = v.name
    fillvalues[name] = None
    scales[name] = None
    offsets[name] = None

  for name,a in axisdict.items():

    # Skip over this axis?
    if name in ignore: continue

    atts = a.atts.copy()
    plotatts = a.plotatts.copy() # just carry along and pass to new Axis instance (l.282)

    # Find any auxiliary arrays
    aux = auxdict[name]
    if 'ancillary_variables' in atts:
      _anc = atts.pop('ancillary_variables')
      remove_from_dataset = []  # vars to remove from the dataset
      for auxname in _anc.split(' '):
        assert any(v.name == auxname for v in varlist), "ancilliary variable '%s' not found"%auxname
        newname = auxname
        # Remove the axis name prefix, if it was used
        if newname.startswith(name+'_'): newname = newname[len(name)+1:]
        aux[newname] = [v for v in varlist if v.name == auxname].pop().get()
        # Don't need this as a var anymore

      # Remove some stuff
      varlist = [v for v in varlist if v.name not in remove_from_dataset]

    # Determine the best Axis subclass to use
#    cls = NamedAxis
    cls = type(a)

    # Generic 'axis' identifiers first
    if 'axis' in atts:
      _axis = atts.pop('axis')
      if _axis == 'X': cls = XAxis
      if _axis == 'Y': cls = YAxis
      if _axis == 'Z': cls = ZAxis
      if _axis == 'T': cls = TAxis

    # Check specific standard names, and also units?
    #TODO: don't *pop* the standard_name, units, etc. until the end of this routine - in case we didn't end up mapping them to an axis
    _ln = atts.get('long_name', a.name).lower()
    _st = atts.get('standard_name',_ln).lower()
    _units = atts.pop('units','')
    if _st == 'latitude' or _units == 'degrees_north': cls = Lat
    if _st == 'longitude' or _units == 'degrees_east': cls = Lon
    if _st == 'air_pressure' or _units in ('hPa','mbar'):
      cls = Pres
      # Don't need this in the metadata anymore (it will be put back in encode_cf)

    if _st == 'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate':
      #TODO: check formula_terms??
      #TODO: for ccc2nc files, look for long_name == "Model Level", use_AB = <formula>,
      #       A & B embedded as metadata or as data arrays not attached to ancillary_variables
      if 'A' in aux and 'B' in aux:
        cls = Hybrid
        warn ("Cannot create a proper Hybrid vertical axis, since 'A' and 'B' coefficients aren't found.")
    if (_st == 'time' or cls == TAxis or _units.startswith('days since') or _units.startswith('hours since') or _units.startswith('minutes since') or _units.startswith('seconds since')) and ' since ' in _units:
      _calendar = atts.pop('calendar', 'standard')
      if _calendar in ('standard', 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian'): cls = StandardTime
      elif _calendar in ('365_day', 'noleap', '365day'): cls = ModelTime365
      elif _calendar in ('360_day', '360day'): cls = ModelTime360
      elif _calendar in ('none'): cls = Yearless
        warn ("unknown calendar '%s'"%_calendar)
      # Extract the time resolution (day, hour, etc), and the reference date
      res, date = re.match("([a-z]+)\s+since\s+(.*)", _units).groups()
      # Pluralize the increment (i.e. day->days)?
      if not res.endswith('s'): res += 's'
      # Extract the rest of the date
      date = date.rstrip()
      year, month, day, hour, minute, second = 0,1,1,0,0,0
      if len(date) > 0: year, date = re.match("(\d+)-?(.*)", date).groups()
      if len(date) > 0: month, date = re.match("(\d+)-?(.*)", date).groups()
      if len(date) > 0: day, date = re.match("(\d+)\s*(.*)", date).groups()
      if len(date) > 0: hour, date = re.match("(\d+):?(.*)", date).groups()
      if len(date) > 0: minute, date = re.match("(\d+):?(.*)", date).groups()
      if len(date) > 0 and date[0] != ' ': second, date = re.match("(\d+)(.*)", date).groups()
      # convert from strings to integers
      #TODO: milliseconds? time zone?
      year, month, day, hour, minute, second = map(int, [year, month, day, hour, minute, float(second)])
      # Create the time axis
      startdate={'year':year, 'month':month, 'day':day, 'hour':hour, 'minute':minute, 'second':second}
      axisdict[name] = cls(a.values, startdate=startdate, units=res, name=name, atts=atts)
      # Special case: start year=0 implies a climatology
      #NOTE: 'climatology' attribute not used, since we don't currently keep
      #      track of the interval that was used for the climatology.
      if year == 0:
        # Don't climatologize(?) the axis if there's more than a year
        if not all(axisdict[name].year == 0):
          warn ("cfmeta: data starts at year 0 (which usually indicates a climatology), but there's more than one year's worth of data!  Keeping it on a regular calendar.", stacklevel=3)
        axisdict[name] = timeutils.modify(axisdict[name], exclude='year')
      continue  # we've constructed the time axis, so move onto the next axis

    # put the units back (if we didn't use them)?
    if cls in [Axis, NamedAxis, XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, TAxis] and _units != '': atts['units'] = _units

    # create new axis instance if need be (only if a is a generic axis, to prevent replacement of custom axes)
    # TODO: don't do this check.  This filter *should* be called before any
    # custom axis overrides, so we *should* be able to assume we only have
    # generic Axis objects at this point (at least, from the netcdf_new module)
    if (type(a) in (Axis, NamedAxis, XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, TAxis)) and (cls != type(a)): 
      axisdict[name] = cls(values=a.values, name=name, atts=atts, **aux)

  # Apply these new axes to the variables
  # Check for fill values, etc.
  # Extract to a list first, then back to a dataset
  # (ensures the dataset axis list is up to date)
  for i,oldvar in enumerate(list(varlist)):
#    name = [n for n,v in dataset.vardict.iteritems() if v is oldvar].pop()
    name = oldvar.name
    atts = oldvar.atts.copy()
    plotatts = oldvar.atts.copy()
    fillvalue = [atts.pop(f,None) for f in ('FillValue', '_FillValue', 'missing_value')]
    fillvalue = filter(None, fillvalue)
    fillvalue = fillvalue[0] if len(fillvalue) > 0 else None
    scale = atts.pop('scale_factor', None)
    offset = atts.pop('add_offset', None)

    varlist[i] = var_newaxes(oldvar, [axisdict[a.name] for a in oldvar.axes],
                    name=name, fillvalue=fillvalue, scale=scale, offset=offset, atts=atts, plotatts=plotatts)

  dataset = Dataset(varlist, atts=global_atts)

  return dataset