Example #1
    def fadd(self, iterable):
        '''Accumulate more values from an iterable.

           @arg iterable: Sequence, list, tuple, etc. (C{scalar}s).

           @raise OverflowError: Partial C{2sum} overflow.

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{iterable}} value.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid or non-finite B{C{iterable}} value.
        if isscalar(iterable):  # for backward compatibility
            iterable = tuple(iterable)

        ps = self._ps
        for a in map(float, iterable):  # _iter()
            if not isfinite(a):
                raise _ValueError(iterable=a, txt=_not_(_finite_))
            i = 0
            for p in ps:
                a, p = _2sum(a, p)
                if p:
                    ps[i] = p
                    i += 1
            ps[i:] = [a]
            self._n += 1
        # assert self._ps is ps
        self._fsum2_ = None
Example #2
def fpowers(x, n, alts=0):
    '''Return a series of powers M{[x**i for i=1..n]}.

       @arg x: Value (C{scalar}).
       @arg n: Highest exponent (C{int}).
       @kwarg alts: Only alternating powers, starting with
                    this exponent (C{int}).

       @return: Powers of B{C{x}} (C{float}[]).

       @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{x}} or B{C{n}} not C{int}.

       @raise ValueError: Non-finite B{C{x}} or non-positive B{C{n}}.
    if not isfinite(x):
        raise _ValueError(x=x, txt=_not_(_finite_))
    if not isint(n):
        raise _IsnotError(int.__name__, n=n)
    elif n < 1:
        raise _ValueError(n=n)

    xs = [x]
    for _ in range(1, n):
        xs.append(xs[-1] * x)

    if alts > 0:  # x**2, x**4, ...
        # XXX PyChecker chokes on xs[alts-1::2]
        xs = xs[slice(alts - 1, None, 2)]

    # XXX PyChecker claims result is None
    return xs
Example #3
    def __init__(self, x, *cs):
        '''New L{Fpolynomial} evaluation of the polynomial
           M{sum(cs[i] * x**i for i=0..len(cs))}.

           @arg x: Polynomial argument (C{scalar}).
           @arg cs: Polynomial coeffients (C{scalar}[]).

           @raise OverflowError: Partial C{2sum} overflow.

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{x}}.

           @raise ValueError: No B{C{cs}} coefficients or B{C{x}} is not finite.

           @see: Function L{fpolynomial} and method L{Fsum.fadd}.
        if not isfinite(x):
            raise _ValueError(x=x, txt=_not_(_finite_))
        if not cs:
            raise _ValueError(cs=cs, txt=MISSING)

        x, cs, xp = float(x), list(cs), _1_0

        Fsum.__init__(self, cs.pop(0))
        while cs:
            xp *= x
            self.fadd_(xp * cs.pop(0))
Example #4
    def __init__(self, x, *cs):
        '''New L{Fhorner} evaluation of the polynomial
           M{sum(cs[i] * x**i for i=0..len(cs))}.

           @arg x: Polynomial argument (C{scalar}).
           @arg cs: Polynomial coeffients (C{scalar}[]).

           @raise OverflowError: Partial C{2sum} overflow.

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{x}}.

           @raise ValueError: No B{C{cs}} coefficients or B{C{x}} is not finite.

           @see: Function L{fhorner} and methods L{Fsum.fadd} and L{Fsum.fmul}.
        if not isfinite(x):
            raise _ValueError(x=x, txt=_not_finite_)
        if not cs:
            raise _ValueError(cs=cs, txt=_Missing)

        x, cs = float(x), list(cs)

        Fsum.__init__(self, cs.pop())
        while cs:
Example #5
def _2sum(a, b):  # by .testFmath
    '''(INTERNAL) Precision C{2sum} of M{a + b}.
    s = a + b
    if not isfinite(s):
        raise _OverflowError(unstr(_2sum.__name__, a, b), txt=str(s))
    if abs(a) < abs(b):
        a, b = b, a
    return s, b - (s - a)
Example #6
def _2sum(a, b):
    '''(INTERNAL) Precision C{2sum} of M{a + b}.
    s = a + b
    if not isfinite(s):
        raise OverflowError('%s: %r' % (_2sum.__name__, s))
    if abs(a) < abs(b):
        a, b = b, a
    return s, b - (s - a)
Example #7
    def fmul(self, factor):
        '''Multiple the current, partial sum by a factor.

           @arg factor: The multiplier (C{scalar}).

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{factor}}.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid or non-finite B{C{factor}}.

           @see: Method L{Fsum.fadd}.
        if not isfinite(factor):
            raise _ValueError(factor=factor, txt=_not_(_finite_))

        f, ps = float(factor), self._ps
        if ps:  # multiply and adjust partial sums
            ps[:] = [p * f for p in ps]
            self._n -= 1
Example #8
    def fmul(self, factor):
        '''Multiple the current, partial sum by a factor.

           @arg factor: The multiplier (C{scalar}).

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{factor}}.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid or non-finite B{C{factor}}.

           @see: Method L{Fsum.fadd}.
        if not isfinite(factor):
            raise ValueError('%s, not %s: %r' % (self, 'finite', factor))

        ps = self._ps
        if ps:  # multiply and adjust partial sums
            ps[:] = [p * factor for p in ps]
            self._n -= 1
Example #9
    def fadd(self, iterable):
        '''Accumulate more values from an iterable.

           @arg iterable: Sequence, list, tuple, etc. (C{scalar}s).

           @raise OverflowError: Partial C{2sum} overflow.

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{iterable}} value.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid or non-finite B{C{iterable}} value.
        if isscalar(iterable):  # for backward compatibility
            iterable = tuple(iterable)

#       def _iter():
#           for a in iterable:
#               if isinstance(a, Fsum):
#                   if a is self:
#                       self.fmul(2)
#                   else:
#                       for a in a._ps:
#                           yield a
#               else:
#                   yield a

        ps = self._ps
        for a in iterable:  # _iter()
            if not isfinite(a):
                raise ValueError('%s, not %s: %r' % (self, 'finite', a))
            i = 0
            for p in ps:
                a, p = _2sum(a, p)
                if p:
                    ps[i] = p
                    i += 1
            ps[i:] = [a]
            self._n += 1
        # assert self._ps is ps
        self._fsum2_ = None