Example #1
 def _height(self, lats, lons, Error=HeightError):
     if isscalar(lats) and isscalar(lons):
         llis = LatLon_(lats, lons)
         n, lats = len2(lats)
         m, lons = len2(lons)
         if n != m:
             raise Error('non-matching %s: %s vs %s' % ('len', n, m))
         llis = [LatLon_(*ll) for ll in zip(lats, lons)]
     return self(llis)  # __call__(lli) or __call__(llis)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, knots, datum=None, beta=2, wrap=False, name=''):
        '''New L{HeightIDWhaversine} interpolator.

           @param knots: The points with known height (C{LatLon}s).
           @keyword datum: Optional datum (L{Datum} to use, overriding
                           the default C{B{knots}[0].datum}
           @keyword beta: Inverse distance power (C{int} 1, 2, or 3).
           @keyword wrap: Wrap and L{unroll180} longitudes (C{bool}).
           @keyword name: Optional height interpolator name (C{str}).

           @raise HeightError: Insufficient number of B{C{knots}} or
                               invalid B{C{knot}}, B{C{datum}} or

           @raise ImportError: Package U{GeographicLib
                  <https://PyPI.org/project/geographiclib>} missing.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{datum}}.
        n, self._lls = len2(knots)
        if n < self._kmin:
            raise HeightError('insufficient %s: %s, need %s' % ('knots', n, self._kmin))
            self._datum = self._lls[0].datum if datum is None else datum
            if not isinstance(self.datum, Datum):
                raise TypeError
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            raise TypeError('%s invalid: %r' % ('datum', self.datum or datum))
        self._geodesic = self.datum.ellipsoid.geodesic

        self.beta = beta
        if wrap:
            self._warp = True
        if name:
            self.name = name
Example #3
    def __init__(self, points, tolerance, radius, shortest,
                                          indices, **options):
        '''New C{Simplify} state.
        n, self.pts = len2(points)
        if n > 0:
            self.n = n
            self.r = {0: True, n-1: True}  # dict to avoid duplicates

        if indices:
            self.indices = True

        if radius:
            self.radius = float(radius)
        if self.radius < self.eps:
            raise ValueError('%s too small: %.6e' % ('radius', radius))

        if options:
            self.options = options

        # tolerance converted to degrees squared
        self.s2 = degrees(tolerance / self.radius)**2
        if min(self.s2, tolerance) < self.eps:
            raise ValueError('%s too small: %.6e' % ('tolerance', tolerance))
        self.s2e = self.s2 + 1  # sentinel

        # compute either the shortest or perpendicular distance
        self.d2i = self.d2iS if shortest else self.d2iP  # PYCHOK false
Example #4
def sumOf(nvectors, Vector=None, h=None, **kwds):
    '''Return the vectorial sum of two or more n-vectors.

       @param nvectors: Vectors to be added (C{Nvector}[]).
       @keyword Vector: Optional class for the vectorial sum
                        (C{Nvector}) or C{None}.
       @keyword h: Optional height, overriding the mean height (C{meter}).
       @keyword kwds: Optional, additional B{C{Vector}} keyword arguments,
                      ignored if C{B{Vector}=None}.

       @return: Vectorial sum (B{C{Vector}}) or a L{Vector4Tuple}C{(x, y,
                z, h)} if C{B{Vector}=None}.

       @raise VectorError: No B{C{nvectors}}.
    n, nvectors = len2(nvectors)
    if n < 1:
        raise VectorError('no nvectors: %r' & (n, ))

    if h is None:
        h = fsum(v.h for v in nvectors) / float(n)

    if Vector is None:
        r = _sumOf(nvectors, Vector=Vector3Tuple)._4Tuple(h)
        r = _sumOf(nvectors, Vector=Vector, h=h, **kwds)
    return r
Example #5
    def __init__(self, knots, weight=None, name=''):
        '''New L{HeightLSQBiSpline} interpolator.

           @param knots: The points with known height (C{LatLon}s).
           @keyword weight: Optional weight or weights for each B{C{knot}}
                            (C{scalar} or C{scalar}s).
           @keyword name: Optional height interpolator name (C{str}).

           @raise HeightError: Insufficient number of B{C{knots}} or
                               B{C{weight}}s or invalid B{C{knot}} or B{C{weight}}.

           @raise ImportError: Package C{numpy} or C{scipy} not found
                               or not installed.

           @raise SciPyError: A C{LSQSphereBivariateSpline} issue.

           @raise SciPyWarning: A C{LSQSphereBivariateSpline} warning
                                as exception.
        np, spi = self._NumSciPy()

        xs, ys, hs = self._xyhs3(knots)
        m = len(hs)

        if not weight:
            w = None  # default
        elif isscalar(weight):
            w = float(weight)
            if w <= 0:
                raise HeightError('invalid %s: %.6f' % ('weight', w))
            n, w = len2(weight)
            if n != m:
                raise HeightError('invalid %s: %s, not %s' %
                                  ('number of weights', n, m))
            w = np.array(map(float, w))
            for i in range(m):
                if w[i] <= 0:
                    raise HeightError('invalid %s[%s]: %.6f' %
                                      ('weight', i, w[i]))
            T = 1.0e-4  # like SciPy example
            ps = np.array(_ordedup(xs, T, PI2 - T))
            ts = np.array(_ordedup(ys, T, PI - T))
            self._ev = spi.LSQSphereBivariateSpline(ys,
        except Exception as x:
            raise _SciPyIssue(x)

        if name:
            self.name = name
Example #6
    def clip(self, points, inull, closed):  # MCCABE 19, clip points
        np, self._points = len2(points)
        if np > 0:  # initial points, opened
            p = self._points[0]
            while np > 1 and _eq(self._points[np - 1], p):
                np -= 1
        if np < 3:
            raise ValueError('too few %s: %s' % ('points', np))

        no = ni = True  # all out- or inside?
        for e in self.clips():
            # clip the points, closed
            d2, p2 = self.dot2(np - 1)
            for i in range(np):
                d1, p1 = d2, p2
                d2, p2 = self.dot2(i)
                if d1 < 0:  # p1 inside, ...
                    # self.append(p1, False, e)
                    if d2 < 0:  # ... p2 inside
                        self.append(p2, inull)
                    else:  # ... p2 outside
                        p = self.intersect(p1, p2, e)
                        self.append(p, inull)
                        if d2 > 0:
                            no = False
                elif d2 < 0:  # p1 out-, p2 inside
                    p = self.intersect(p1, p2, e)
                    self.append(p, inull)
                    self.append(p2, inull)
                    if d1 > 0:
                        no = ni = False
                elif d1 > 0:
                    ni = False
            if self._clipped:  # replace points
                self._points = self._clipped
                self._clipped = []
                np = len(self._points)

        # no is True iff all points are on or at one
        # side (left or right) of each clip edge,
        # ni is True iff all points are on or on the
        # right side (i.e. inside) of all clip edges
        if no and not ni:
            self._points = ()
            np = 0
        elif np > 1:
            p = self._points[0]
            if closed:  # close clipped polygon
                if _neq(self._points[np - 1], p):
                    np += 1
            elif not inull:  # open clipped polygon
                while np > 0 and _eq(self._points[np - 1], p):
                    np -= 1
        return np
Example #7
 def __init__(self, corners):
     n = ''
         n, cs = len2(corners)
         if n == 2:  # make a box
             b, l, t, r = boundsOf(cs, wrap=False)
             cs = LL_(b, l), LL_(t, l), LL_(t, r), LL_(b, r)
         n, cs = points2(cs, closed=True)
         self._corners = cs = cs[:n]
         self._nc = n
         self._cw = 1 if isclockwise(cs, adjust=False, wrap=False) else -1
         if self._cw != isconvex_(cs, adjust=False, wrap=False):
             raise ValueError
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError('%s[%s] invalid: %r' % ('corners', n, corners))
     self._clipped = self._points = []
Example #8
def sumOf(vectors, Vector=Vector3d, **kwds):
    '''Compute the vectorial sum of several vectors.

       @param vectors: Vectors to be added (L{Vector3d}[]).
       @keyword Vector: Optional class for the vectorial sum (L{Vector3d}).
       @keyword kwds: Optional, additional B{C{Vector}} keyword arguments.

       @return: Vectorial sum (B{C{Vector}}).

       @raise VectorError: No B{C{vectors}}.
    n, vectors = len2(vectors)
    if n < 1:
        raise VectorError('no vectors: %r' & (n, ))
    return Vector(fsum(v.x for v in vectors), fsum(v.y for v in vectors),
                  fsum(v.z for v in vectors), **kwds)
Example #9
def sumOf(nvectors, Vector=Nvector, h=None, **kwds):
    '''Return the vectorial sum of two or more n-vectors.

       @param nvectors: Vectors to be added (L{Nvector}[]).
       @keyword Vector: Optional class for the vectorial sum (L{Nvector}).
       @keyword kwds: Optional, additional B{C{Vector}} keyword arguments.
       @keyword h: Optional height, overriding the mean height (C{meter}).

       @return: Vectorial sum (B{C{Vector}}).

       @raise VectorError: No B{C{nvectors}}.
    n, nvectors = len2(nvectors)
    if n < 1:
        raise VectorError('no nvectors: %r' & (n, ))

    if h is None:
        h = fsum(v.h for v in nvectors) / float(n)
    return _sumOf(nvectors, Vector=Vector, h=h, **kwds)
Example #10
def _allis2(llis, m=1, Error=HeightError):  # imported by .geoids
    # dtermine return type and convert lli C{LatLon}s to list
    if not isinstance(llis, tuple):  # llis are *args
        raise AssertionError('type(%s): %r' % ('*llis', llis))

    n = len(llis)
    if n == 1:  # convert single lli to 1-item list
        llis = llis[0]
            n, llis = len2(llis)
            _as = _alist  # return list of interpolated heights
        except TypeError:  # single lli
            n, llis = 1, [llis]
            _as = _ascalar  # return single interpolated heights
    else:  # of 0, 2 or more llis
        _as = _atuple  # return tuple of interpolated heights

    if n < m:
        raise Error('insufficient %s: %s, need %s' % ('llis', n, m))
    return _as, llis
Example #11
def sumOf(vectors, Vector=Vector3d, **kwds):
    '''Compute the vectorial sum of several vectors.

       @param vectors: Vectors to be added (L{Vector3d}[]).
       @keyword Vector: Optional class for the vectorial sum (L{Vector3d}).
       @keyword kwds: Optional, additional B{C{Vector}} keyword arguments,
                      ignored if C{B{Vector}=None}.

       @return: Vectorial sum (B{C{Vector}}).

       @raise VectorError: No B{C{vectors}}.
    n, vectors = len2(vectors)
    if n < 1:
        raise VectorError('no vectors: %r' & (n, ))

    r = Vector3Tuple(fsum(v.x for v in vectors), fsum(v.y for v in vectors),
                     fsum(v.z for v in vectors))
    if Vector is not None:
        r = Vector(r.x, r.y, r.z, **kwds)  # PYCHOK x, y, z
    return r
Example #12
    def __init__(self, AB, x, y):
        '''(INTERNAL) New Alpha or Beta Krüger series

           @param AB: Krüger Alpha or Beta series coefficients
                      (C{4-, 6- or 8-tuple}).
           @param x: Eta angle (C{radians}).
           @param y: Ksi angle (C{radians}).
        n, j2 = len2(range(2, len(AB) * 2 + 1, 2))

        self._ab = AB
        self._pq = map2(mul, j2, self._ab)
        #       assert len(self._ab) == len(self._pq) == n

        x2 = map2(mul, j2, (x, ) * n)
        self._chx = map2(cosh, x2)
        self._shx = map2(sinh, x2)
        #       assert len(x2) == len(self._chx) == len(self._shx) == n

        y2 = map2(mul, j2, (y, ) * n)
        self._cy = map2(cos, y2)
        self._sy = map2(sin, y2)
Example #13
def points2(points, closed=True, base=None, Error=ValueError):
    '''Check a polygon represented by points.

       @param points: The polygon points (C{LatLon}[])
       @keyword closed: Optionally, consider the polygon closed,
                        ignoring any duplicate or closing final
                        B{C{points}} (C{bool}).
       @keyword base: Optionally, check the B{C{points}} against this
                      base class C{None}.
       @keyword Error: Exception for raise (C{ValueError}).

       @return: 2-Tuple (n, points) with the number (C{int}) of points
                and the points C{list} or C{tuple}.

       @raise TypeError: Some B{C{points}} are not C{LatLon}.

       @raise Error: Insufficient number of B{C{points}}.
    n, points = len2(points)

    if closed:
        # remove duplicate or closing final points
        while n > 1 and (points[n - 1] == points[0]
                         or points[n - 1] == points[n - 2]):
            n -= 1
        # XXX following line is unneeded if points
        # are always indexed as ... i in range(n)
        points = points[:n]  # XXX numpy.array slice is a view!

    if n < (3 if closed else 1):
        raise Error('too few %s: %s' % ('points', n))

    if base and not (isNumpy2(points) or isTuple2(points)):
        for i in range(n):
            base.others(points[i], name='%s[%s]' % ('points', i))

    return n, points