def elevation_byloc(coord: Tuple[float, float], crs: str = DEF_CRS): """Get elevation from USGS 3DEP service for a coordinate. Parameters ---------- coord : tuple Coordinates of the location as a tuple crs : str, optional The spatial reference of the input coord, defaults to epsg:4326 (lon, lat) Returns ------- float Elevation in meter """ if not isinstance(coord, tuple) or len(coord) != 2: raise InvalidInputType("coord", "tuple of length 2", "(x, y)") lon, lat = MatchCRS.coords(([coord[0]], [coord[1]]), crs, DEF_CRS) url = "" payload = {"output": "json", "x": lon[0], "y": lat[0], "units": "Meters"} r = RetrySession().get(url, payload) root = r.json()["USGS_Elevation_Point_Query_Service"] elevation = float(root["Elevation_Query"]["Elevation"]) if abs(elevation - (-1000000)) < 1e-3: raise ValueError( f"The elevation of the requested coordinate ({coord[0]}, {coord[1]}) cannot be found." ) return elevation
def elevation_bycoords(coords: List[Tuple[float, float]], crs: str = DEF_CRS) -> List[int]: """Get elevation from Airmap for a list of coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : list of tuples Coordinates of the location as a tuple crs : str, optional The spatial reference of the input coord, defaults to epsg:4326 (lon, lat) Returns ------- list of int Elevation in meter """ if not isinstance(coords, (list, Iterator)): raise InvalidInputType("coord", "list (or iterator) of tuples of length 2", "[(x, y), ...]") if isinstance(coords, list) and any(len(c) != 2 for c in coords): raise InvalidInputType("coord", "list of tuples of length 2", "[(x, y), ...]") coords_reproj = zip(*MatchCRS.coords(tuple(zip(*coords)), crs, DEF_CRS)) coords_reproj = tlz.partition_all(100, coords_reproj) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "charset": "utf-8"} elevations = [] for chunk in coords_reproj: payload = {"points": ",".join(f"{lat},{lon}" for lon, lat in chunk)} resp = RetrySession().get(ServiceURL().restful.airmap, payload=payload, headers=headers) elevations.append(resp.json()["data"]) return list(tlz.concat(elevations))