Example #1
def cut_line_at_points(line, cut_points, tolerance=1e-6):
    """Cut a pygeos line geometry at points.
    If there are no interior points, the original line will be returned.

    line : pygeos Linestring
    cut_points : list-like of pygeos Points
        will be projected onto the line; those interior to the line will be
        used to cut the line in to new segments.
    tolerance : float, optional (default: 1e-6)
        minimum distance from endpoints to consider the points interior
        to the line.

    MultiLineStrings (or LineString, if unchanged)
    if not pg.get_type_id(line) == 1:
        raise ValueError("line is not a single linestring")

    vertices = pg.get_point(line, range(pg.get_num_points(line)))
    offsets = pg.line_locate_point(line, vertices)
    cut_offsets = pg.line_locate_point(line, cut_points)
    # only keep those that are interior to the line and ignore those very close
    # to endpoints or beyond endpoints
    cut_offsets = cut_offsets[(cut_offsets > tolerance)
                              & (cut_offsets < offsets[-1] - tolerance)]

    if len(cut_offsets) == 0:
        # nothing to cut, return original
        return line

    # get coordinates of new vertices from the cut points (interpolated onto the line)

    # add in the last coordinate of the line
    cut_offsets = np.append(cut_offsets, offsets[-1])

    # TODO: convert this to a pygos ufunc
    coords = pg.get_coordinates(line)
    cut_coords = pg.get_coordinates(
        pg.line_interpolate_point(line, cut_offsets))
    lines = []
    orig_ix = 0
    for cut_ix in range(len(cut_offsets)):
        offset = cut_offsets[cut_ix]

        segment = []
        if cut_ix > 0:
            segment = [cut_coords[cut_ix - 1]]
        while offsets[orig_ix] < offset:
            orig_ix += 1


    return pg.multilinestrings(lines)
Example #2
def test_simplify():
    line = pygeos.linestrings([[0, 0], [0.1, 1], [0, 2]])
    actual = pygeos.simplify(line, [0, 1.0])
    assert pygeos.get_num_points(actual).tolist() == [3, 2]
Example #3
def find_dam_face_from_waterbody(waterbody, drain_pt):
    total_area = pg.area(waterbody)
    ring = pg.get_exterior_ring(pg.normalize(waterbody))
    total_length = pg.length(ring)
    num_pts = pg.get_num_points(ring) - 1  # drop closing coordinate
    vertices = pg.get_point(ring, range(num_pts))

    ### Extract line segments that are no more than 1/3 coordinates of polygon
    # starting from the vertex nearest the drain
    # note: lower numbers are to the right
    tree = pg.STRtree(vertices)
    ix = tree.nearest(drain_pt)[1][0]
    side_width = min(num_pts // 3, MAX_SIDE_PTS)
    left_ix = ix + side_width
    right_ix = ix - side_width

    # extract these as a left-to-write line;
    pts = vertices[max(right_ix, 0):min(num_pts, left_ix)][::-1]
    if left_ix >= num_pts:
        pts = np.append(vertices[0:left_ix - num_pts][::-1], pts)

    if right_ix < 0:
        pts = np.append(pts, vertices[num_pts + right_ix:num_pts][::-1])

    coords = pg.get_coordinates(pts)

    if len(coords) > 2:
        # first run a simplification process to extract the major shape and bends
        # then run the straight line algorithm
        simp_coords, simp_ix = simplify_vw(
            coords, min(MAX_SIMPLIFY_AREA, total_area / 100))

        if len(simp_coords) > 2:
            keep_coords, ix = extract_straight_segments(
                simp_coords, max_angle=MAX_STRAIGHT_ANGLE, loops=5)
            keep_ix = simp_ix.take(ix)

            keep_coords = simp_coords
            keep_ix = simp_ix

        keep_coords = coords
        keep_ix = np.arange(len(coords))

    ### Calculate the length of each run and drop any that are not sufficiently long
    lengths = segment_length(keep_coords)
    ix = (lengths >= MIN_DAM_WIDTH) & (lengths / total_length <

    pairs = np.dstack([keep_ix[:-1][ix], keep_ix[1:][ix]])[0]

    # since ranges are ragged, we have to do this in a loop instead of vectorized
    segments = []
    for start, end in pairs:
        segments.append(pg.linestrings(coords[start:end + 1]))

    segments = np.array(segments)

    # only keep the segments that are close to the drain
    segments = segments[
        pg.intersects(segments, pg.buffer(drain_pt, MAX_DRAIN_DIST)), ]

    if not len(segments):
        return segments

    # only keep those where the drain is interior to the line
    pos = pg.line_locate_point(segments, drain_pt)
    lengths = pg.length(segments)

    ix = (pos >= MIN_INTERIOR_DIST) & (pos <= (lengths - MIN_INTERIOR_DIST))

    return segments[ix]
Example #4
def test_get_point(geom):
    n = pygeos.get_num_points(geom)
    actual = pygeos.get_point(geom, [0, -n, n, -(n + 1)])
    assert pygeos.equals(actual[0], actual[1]).all()
    assert pygeos.is_missing(actual[2:4]).all()
Example #5
def test_get_num_points():
    actual = pygeos.get_num_points(all_types + (None, )).tolist()
    assert actual == [0, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Example #6
def test_get_num_points():
    assert pygeos.get_num_points(line_string) == 3