Example #1
def get_quadrant_tiles(tile):
    """Return indicies of tiles at one higher zoom (in google tiling scheme)"""
    ul = (tile.google[0] * 2, tile.google[1] * 2)

    return [
        Tile.from_google(ul[0], ul[1], tile.zoom + 1),  # UL
        Tile.from_google(ul[0], ul[1] + 1, tile.zoom + 1),  # LL
        Tile.from_google(ul[0] + 1, ul[1], tile.zoom + 1),  # UR
        Tile.from_google(ul[0] + 1, ul[1] + 1, tile.zoom + 1)
    ]  # LR
Example #2
 def test_get_quadrant_tiles(self):
     """Test ability to get tile children on level of increased zoom."""
     tile = Tile.from_google(0, 0, 0)
     child_tiles = _get_quadrant_tiles(tile)
     self.assertEqual(child_tiles, [
         Tile.from_google(0, 0, 1),
         Tile.from_google(0, 1, 1),
         Tile.from_google(1, 0, 1),
         Tile.from_google(1, 1, 1)
Example #3
    def georeference(self):

        print('Georeferencing ...')

        # tile_start = Tile.for_latitude_longitude(self.lat_start, self.lon_start, self.zoom)
        # tile_stop = Tile.for_latitude_longitude(self.lat_stop, self.lon_stop, self.zoom)

        Xs, Ys = self.tiles_in_dir()

        start_x, start_y = min(Xs), min(Ys)
        stop_x, stop_y = max(Xs), max(Ys)

        tile_start = Tile.from_google(start_x, start_y, self.zoom)
        tile_stop = Tile.from_google(stop_x, stop_y, self.zoom)

        point_start = Point.from_latitude_longitude(
            max(tile_start.bounds[0][0], tile_start.bounds[1][0]),
            min(tile_start.bounds[0][1], tile_start.bounds[1][1]))
        point_stop = Point.from_latitude_longitude(
            min(tile_stop.bounds[0][0], tile_stop.bounds[1][0]),
            max(tile_stop.bounds[0][1], tile_stop.bounds[1][1]))

        # print(point_start.meters, point_stop.meters)

        if 'bing' in self.map or 'google' in self.map:
            a_srs = 'EPSG:3857'
            a_srs = 'EPSG:4326'

        # Georeferencing
            "gdal_translate -of GTiff -co BIGTIFF=YES -co NUM_THREADS=8 -a_ullr "
            + str(point_start.meters[0]) + " " + str(point_start.meters[1]) +
            " " + str(point_stop.meters[0]) + " " + str(point_stop.meters[1]) +
            " " + "-a_srs " + a_srs + " " + self.map + "_" + self.mode +
            "_stitched.tif result.tif")
        # warping with conversion to RGBA
        # --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 32000 - wm 1500
            "gdalwarp -dstalpha -srcnodata 0 -dstnodata 0 -overwrite -wo NUM_THREADS=8 "
            + "-co COMPRESS=PACKBITS -co BIGTIFF=YES " + "-s_srs " + a_srs +
            " -t_srs EPSG:4326 result.tif  " + self.map + "_" + self.mode +


        print('Georeferencing Complete!')
def test_assert_google_y(google_y, zoom):
    google_x = 0

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as assertion_info:
        _ = Tile.from_google(google_x=google_x, google_y=google_y, zoom=zoom)

    assert 'Google Y needs to be a value between 0 and (2^zoom) -1.' in str(
Example #5
def _build_tile_url(
    url_format: UrlFormat, url_template: str, z: int, x: int, y: int
) -> str:
    if url_format == UrlFormat.QUADKEY:
        return url_template.format(
            q=Tile.from_google(google_x=x, google_y=y, zoom=z).quad_tree
    if url_format == UrlFormat.XYZ:
        return url_template.format(z=z, x=x, y=y)
Example #6
def tile_cover(geometry, z):
    import geopandas as gpd
    from supermercado import burntiles, super_utils
    from pygeotile.tile import Tile
    geo = gpd.GeoSeries([geometry]).__geo_interface__['features'][0]
    geo = [f for f in super_utils.filter_polygons([geo])]
    return [
        for geo in [f for f in burntiles.burn(geo, z)]
def png2GeoTif(src_filename, dst_filename, google_x, google_y, zoom, pixels,
    This function make image georeference adn convert to .tif format to be able to load it in qgis

    :param src_filename: '/path/to/source.tif'

    :param dst_filename: '/path/to/destination.tif'

    :param google_x:

    :param google_y:

    :param zoom: 15

    :param pixels:

    :param epsg: 4326 #Es el eps de los puntos del IDEAM y el que retorna pygeotile

    # Opens source dataset
    src_ds = gdal.Open(src_filename)
    format = "GTiff"
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format)
    # Open destination dataset
    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(dst_filename, src_ds, 0)
    #Optener los puntos de referencia
    tile = Tile.from_google(google_x, google_y, zoom)
    bounds = tile.bounds  #Retorna el punto sur occidental y el punto nororiental del tile.
    p1 = bounds[
        0]  #Point(latitude=2.6357885741666065, longitude=-72.388916015625)
    p2 = bounds[1]
    uperleftx = min([p1[1], p2[1]])
    uperlefty = max([p1[0], p2[0]])
    scalex = abs(p1[1] - p2[1]) / pixels
    scaley = abs(p1[0] - p2[0]) / pixels
    # Specify raster location through geotransform array
    # (uperleftx, scalex, skewx, uperlefty, skewy, scaley)
    # Scale = size of one pixel in units of raster projection
    # this example below assumes 100x100
    gt = [uperleftx, scalex, 0, uperlefty, 0, -scaley]
    # Set location
    # Get raster projection
    srs = osr.SpatialReference()
    dest_wkt = srs.ExportToWkt()
    # Set projection
    # Close files
    dst_ds = None
    src_ds = None
Example #8
    def test_string_output(self):
        """Test that tile details are correctly printed."""

        tile = Tile.from_google(3, 1, 2)

        self.assertEqual(format_tile(tile, 'google'), '3 1 2')
        self.assertEqual(format_tile(tile, 'tms'), '3 2 2')
        self.assertEqual(format_tile(tile, 'quad_tree'), '13')

        self.assertEqual(format_tile(tile, 'google', '{z}-{x}-{y}'), '2-3-1')
        self.assertEqual(format_tile(tile, 'tms', '{z}-{x}-{y}'), '2-3-2')
Example #9
    def process_xyztile(self):
        x, y, z = self.xyztile
        tile = Tile.from_google(x, y, zoom=z)
        point_min, point_max = tile.bounds

        min_lat, min_lon = point_min.latitude_longitude
        max_lat, max_lon = point_max.latitude_longitude

        center_lat = (min_lat + max_lat) / 2.0
        center_lon = (min_lon + max_lon) / 2.0

        self.center = (center_lon, center_lat)
        self.area = ddd.rect([min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat]).geom
Example #10
    def populate(self):
        zoom, i, j = self.tile_coords
        tile = PyGeoTile.from_google(i, j, zoom)

        sw, ne = tile.bounds
        west, south = sw.meters
        east, north = ne.meters

        rx = (east - west) / 256
        ry = (north - south) / 256

        self.south = south + ry/2
        self.north = north - ry/2
        self.west = west + rx/2
        self.east = east - rx/2
Example #11
def open_tile(filename):
    """ Open a tile image and assign projection and geotransform """
    geoimg = gippy.GeoImage(filename, True)
    z, x, y = map(int, geoimg.basename().split('-')[0:4])
    tile = Tile.from_google(google_x=x, google_y=y, zoom=z)
    minpt = tile.bounds[0].meters
    maxpt = tile.bounds[1].meters
    affine = np.array([
        minpt[0], (maxpt[0] - minpt[0]) / geoimg.xsize(), 0.0, maxpt[1], 0.0,
        -(maxpt[1] - minpt[1]) / geoimg.ysize()
    return geoimg
Example #12
def getCorners(fileNameA):
    zoom = 15
    pixels = 256
    epsg = 4326
    xA = str(fileNameA).split("_")
    google_xA, google_yA = int(xA[6]), int(xA[7].split(".")[0])
    tile = Tile.from_google(google_xA, google_yA, zoom)
    bounds = tile.bounds  # Retorna el punto sur occidental y el punto nororiental del tile.
    p1 = bounds[0]  # Point(latitude=2.6357885741666065, longitude=-72.388916015625)
    p3 = bounds[1]
    p2 = (p3[0], p1[1])
    p4 = (p1[0], p3[1])

    corners = [QgsPointXY(p1[1], p1[0]), QgsPointXY(p2[1], p2[0]), QgsPointXY(p3[1], p3[0]), QgsPointXY(p4[1], p4[0])]  # Tile Carners
    return corners
Example #13
def getTile(self):
    download tile from planet
    :param self:
    if not os.path.exists(self.outRaster):
    features = self.inVector.getFeatures()
    if self.inVector.dataProvider().fieldNameIndex("bounds") == -1:
            [QgsField("bounds", QVariant.String)])

    id_new_col_bounds = self.inVector.dataProvider().fieldNameIndex("bounds")

    for feature in features:
        x = int(feature['tile_x'])
        y = int(feature['tile_y'])
        google_x, google_y, zoom = x, y, 15
        tile = Tile.from_google(google_x, google_y, zoom)
        self.inVector.changeAttributeValue(feature.id(), id_new_col_bounds,

        fileNameB = feature['tile_B'] + ".png"
        fileNameA = feature['tile_A'] + ".png"
        if not os.path.exists(self.outRaster + '/' +
                              fileNameB):  # Si no existe la imagen se descarga
            result = requests.get(
                % (self.mosaicNameBefore, str(15), x, y),
                auth=HTTPBasicAuth(os.environ['PL_API_KEY_IDEAM'], ''))

            with open(self.outRaster + '/' + fileNameB, 'wb') as f:
                f.write(result.content)  # Guardar imagen en archivo

        if not os.path.exists(self.outRaster + '/' +
                              fileNameA):  # Si no existe la imagen se descarga
            result = requests.get(
                % (self.mosaicNameAfter, str(15), x, y),
                auth=HTTPBasicAuth(os.environ['PL_API_KEY_IDEAM'], ''))

            with open(self.outRaster + '/' + fileNameA, 'wb') as f:
                f.write(result.content)  # Guardar imagen en archivo

Example #14
def osm_init_params_xyztile(root, pipeline, logger):

    if not pipeline.data.get('ddd:osm:area:xyztile'): return

    x, y, z = pipeline.data['ddd:osm:area:xyztile']
    tile = Tile.from_google(x, y, zoom=z)
    point_min, point_max = tile.bounds

    min_lat, min_lon = point_min.latitude_longitude
    max_lat, max_lon = point_max.latitude_longitude

    center_lat = (min_lat + max_lat) / 2.0
    center_lon = (min_lon + max_lon) / 2.0

    pipeline.data['ddd:osm:area:center'] = (center_lon, center_lat)
    pipeline.data['ddd:osm:area:shape'] = ddd.rect(
        [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat]).geom
Example #15
    def getTileUrl(self):
        tile = Tile.from_google(self.x, self.y, self.zoom)

        if 'bing' in self.map:
            if self.mode == 'road':
                self.url = 'http://ecn.dynamic.t{}.tiles.virtualearth.net/comp/CompositionHandler/r{}.jpeg?mkt=ru-ru&' \
                           'it=G,VE,BX,L,LA&shading=hill&g=94'.format(randint(0, 3), tile.quad_tree)
            elif self.mode == 'satellite':
                self.url = 'http://a{}.ortho.tiles.virtualearth.net/tiles/a{}.jpeg?g=94'.format(randint(0, 3),

        elif 'yandex' in self.map:
            if self.mode == 'road':
                self.url = 'https://vec02.maps.yandex.net/tiles?l=map&v=17.08.08-0&x=' + str(self.x) + \
                           '&y=' + str(self.y) + '&z=' + str(self.zoom) + '&scale=1&lang=ru_RU'
            elif self.mode == 'satellite':
                self.url = 'https://sat01.maps.yandex.net/tiles?l=sat&v=3.339.0&x=' + str(self.x) + \
                           '&y=' + str(self.y) + '&z=' + str(self.zoom) + '&lang=ru_RU'
Example #16
def pipeline_start(pipeline, root, logger):
    Walk a tile directory and report about available tiles.

    Called from local data dir as:

        ddd ~/ddd/pipelines/osm/osm_tile_info.py

    source_dir = settings.DDD_WORKDIR + "/ddd_http/"
    #source_regex = r"output/ddd_http/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)(.*)"
    source_regex = r".*(17)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)(.*)"

    logger.info("Finding output results from: %s (%s)" % (source_dir, source_regex))

    #use_file = "/tmp/tiles.txt"
    use_file = None
    if use_file:
        listing = open(use_file, "r").read().split("\n")
        listing = glob.glob(source_dir + "**/*.glb", recursive=True)
        listing = [f[len(source_dir):] for f in listing]

    features = []
    feature_idx = {}

    for filename in listing:

        #dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
        #basename = os.path.basename(filename)

        if not filename.endswith(".glb"):
        if filename.endswith(".uncompressed.glb"):

        matches = re.match(source_regex, filename)

        if matches:

            x, y, z = int(matches.group(2)), int(matches.group(3)), matches.group(1)
            if z == '.':
                z = 17
                z = int(z)

            data = {"z": z,
                    "x": x,
                    "y": y,
                    "remainder": matches.group(4)}

            tile = Tile.from_google(x, y, zoom=z)
            point_min, point_max = tile.bounds

            min_lat, min_lon = point_min.latitude_longitude
            max_lat, max_lon = point_max.latitude_longitude

            center_lat = (min_lat + max_lat) / 2.0
            center_lon = (min_lon + max_lon) / 2.0

            center = (center_lon, center_lat)
            area = ddd.rect([min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat]).geom

            file_path = os.path.join(source_dir, filename)

            mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file_path))
            age = datetime.datetime.now() - mtime

            feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=area,
                                      properties={"available": True, #exists > 0,
                                                  "name": filename,
                                                  "z": z,
                                                  "x": x,
                                                  "y": y,
                                                  "mtime": str(mtime),
                                                  "size": os.stat(file_path).st_size if os.path.exists(file_path) else None} )
            if (z, x ,y) not in feature_idx:
                feature_idx[(z, x, y)] = feature

    feature_collection = geojson.FeatureCollection(features)
    dump = geojson.dumps(feature_collection, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    print(dump + "\n")

    logger.info("Found %d files." % len(features))
Example #17
def make_geo_feature(tile_dict,
    """Create a GeoJSON feature

    tile_dict: dict
        Dict with `x`, `y`, `z` defined
    pred: float
        Model's predicted probability for having a feature of interest.
    thresh_vals: list
        Thresholds for indicated that tile should be mapped
    thresh_cols: list
        Hex color codes for each threshold
    coord_prec: int
        Number of decimals to keep for prediction score
    cmap: function
        Maps value to color hex key

    # Convert tile to lat/lon bounds
    tile = Tile.from_google(google_x=tile_dict['x'],

    # Get lower-left (most SW) point and upper-right (most NE) point
    ll = list(tile.bounds[0])
    ur = list(tile.bounds[1])

    # Round pred score to save bytes
    for di in range(len(ll)):
        ll[di] = np.around(ll[di], decimals=coord_prec)
        ur[di] = np.around(ur[di], decimals=coord_prec)

    # GeoJSON uses long/lat
    bbox = [[[ll[1], ll[0]], [ur[1], ll[0]], [ur[1], ur[0]], [ll[1], ur[0]],
             [ll[1], ll[0]]]]

    # From pred, get fill color
    if cmap is None:
        for ii, upper_thresh in enumerate(thresh_vals):
            if pred <= upper_thresh:
                fill = thresh_cols[ii]
        fill = mpl.colors.to_hex(cmap.to_rgba(pred))

    # Create properties
    properties = {
        'X': tile_dict['x'],
        'Y': tile_dict['y'],
        'Z': tile_dict['z'],
        'pred': pred,
        'fill': fill
    #'fill-opacity': 0.5,
    #'stroke-width': 1,
    #'stroke-opacity': 0.5}

    # Generate feature dict
    feature = dict(geometry={
        'coordinates': bbox,
        'type': 'Polygon'

    return feature
Example #18
def tile_search(boundary, max_zoom, tile_format='google',
                output_format='{x} {y} {z}', print_to=None):
    """Print (or save) tiles belonging to a shape object.

    boundary: str
        JSON corresponding to a single polygon/multipolygon
    max_zoom: int
        Zoom at which to terminate file search
    tile_format: str
        Desired tile format. `google` (default), `tms`, or `quad_tree`
    output_format: str
        Format string for printing the tile indices. Only used for tile_format
        `google` and `tms`. Must contain `{x}`, `{y}`, and `{z}`.
    print_to: object with `write` functionality
        `None` (default) prints to sys.stdout. Pass a (non-binary) file object
        to print directly to an open file.

    total_tiles: int
        Number of tiles found

    Note: this function is useful if you want to directly incorporate tile
    searching into a script (i.e., not on the command line).
    # Initialize boundary and queue
    bound_shape = shape(boundary)  # Convert JSON to shape object
    stack = LifoQueue()
    total_tiles = 0

    # Put whole-world tile on stack
    start_tile = Tile.from_google(0, 0, 0)
    stack.put([start_tile, False])

    # Depth-first search on tile indices
    while not stack.empty():

        # Pop the top tile in the stack
        top_tile, comp_contained = stack.get()

        # Check if desired zoom has been reached
        if top_tile.zoom >= max_zoom:
            # If at max zoom, print tile inds or save to file (if specified)
            print(format_tile(top_tile, tile_format, output_format),
            total_tiles += 1

        # Otherwise, zoom in one increment, find children tiles, add to stack
            ret_tiles = get_overlap_child_tiles(top_tile, bound_shape,
            for rt in ret_tiles:

    return total_tiles
def test_no_assert_google_y(google_y, zoom):
    google_x = 0
    _ = Tile.from_google(google_x=google_x, google_y=google_y, zoom=zoom)
    assert "No assertion raise :)"
Example #20
            for fi, feature in enumerate(geojson['features']):
                if feature['properties']['SOVEREIGNT'] == tile_p['country']:
                    bound = feature['geometry']
    print('Computing tiles at zoom {} for {}'.format(tile_p['max_zoom'],

    # Setup boundary, initialize stack
    st_dt = dt.now()  # Start time

    boundary_shape = shape(bound)
    stack = LifoQueue()

    start_tile = Tile.from_google(0, 0, 0)
    max_stack_size = 0
    total_tiles = 0
    stack.put([start_tile, False])  # Add biggest tile to stack

    # Depth-first search on tile indices
    with open(tile_output_fpath, 'w') as tile_list_f:
        while not stack.empty():
            # Track maximum stack size
            if stack.qsize() > max_stack_size:
                max_stack_size = stack.qsize()

            # Pop the top tile in the stack
            top_tile, comp_contained = stack.get()
def test_from_google(tms, google, zoom):
    google_x, google_y = google

    tile = Tile.from_google(google_x=google_x, google_y=google_y, zoom=zoom)
    assert tile.tms == tms
def test_from_google_tasmania():
    google_x, google_y = 1853, 1289
    tms_tasmania = 1853, 758

    tile = Tile.from_google(google_x=google_x, google_y=google_y, zoom=11)
    assert tile.tms == tms_tasmania